LÂEE COOTNTY XDMNDNI~DP-Y - ii tlu j3$upplied by J. B. Trlggg outoineseo ail othors tmas Nuts and Candies TurkeUS9 GeeSe, Ducks and Chickens uig'Grocery and Market off ors many holiday linner suggestions. ~l'alr«e9t and best live and canned goode, staple and .8pocial Christmas groceri es in Libertyvile. Order by phone, we do ths res-No. 25. Je' ELUTRIGOS ,LIBERTY VILLE MARKET and OROCERY Christmas Is Nearly Rere Before declding what -present to make, yon should call at our store. Here there are many things that w111 make beautif ni gift§. We will b. giad to give you new ideas as to what wili pleas your friends on Christmas day.... In Stock wm keep DIAMONOS. BROOCHES, RINGS, THIMBLES, STICK< PINS, LOOKETS, CUFF BUT- TONS, SPOONS. TABLE WARE, AND A PROFUSION OF NOVELTIES THAT CANNOT MELP BUT ýPLEASE AND AT ALL PRICES Sec joj6y' Watcbcs at $2.25 te $5.25 ANDREW IIUSS, S.scoemm o eDrby Bros. LIBERTVILLE X X X ILLINOIS t %3I~rUsIinas Our special stock of hol- iday noveities, nec'esi ties and toys will be complete and include deiirable presenta for every member of the familv. Dont rail to CaOi aI Siniith &Davts Santa Claus' Iieadquarters When maklng your seletlon of Chrstmas (lifte s Libertyville, 111. . oa ttm of Inturet to ...ewgv * Picked Up liste aund Tim Georgtie m .utertalned a nephev trom inKm"s m eeuy.1 A oeil Christuas prenet. One of Beevlche famed plctures. Mise Grass Appley la elerklng at1 Clby'e dunlng lb. rush 01 holiday trade.1 Mie Ch&d givee a pupil' rectal et the ilcCorurlck home tues evenlng,1 Thurmay.1 . C. Wllard le qulte ick at hie home, beiag confined to hie b.d at th e ent1 tiare.1 Warren Elle wlll be home tbf, week atter attending echool at Jacksonville1 for tii tal tetin.1 Mre. Fred Helfer bas returued frori1 the hoipital vhere she ba@ been for the1 paet sevenal veelce. Ted Fîneutter bas jui§t moved into1 tho bouse on Stewart Ave. reüently pur. chaued by hlm of Mrs. Kern.E Wendell Lovellinl expected home Dec- 18 for lhe Chrstmnas vacation fronif ochool. He ln attending echool in Virginia. Heury Numesen returned this week1 tram Noth Dakota where h. lias heeni for the pat summer ernployed in theé plumnà gbuies.. Juljue 'treptow returned Monday1 Commenc ing to4degt the stores wIl flot be dosdit jhuesdaIght ountil star Chritmase.,1 SU. L. Youag. of Vamblglan.la., la vistlng at the boune of hls brother I. C. Young. Born, Tuesday Dec.- 12, toalMr. and Mir@. John Shults, who reide' north. of Libortyville, a boy. AI Naftt& la now nlgbt agent at lb. new station at Western avenue. havlag beeu transferrsd trou bore to that plate. Robert Grumllt, Jr. vaa houe trou mllwaukee to attend tii. WeU:Porlett nupital% and has not as jet returnsd ta hIe vork thore. Hew vl ave the laIot the. week. Mlise Winnie Gray of the duster fatory toree wa pleeeantly Surprimed by Young friends wbo gathered ailier borne one evenîng laet week. liuoie and gaines entertained until luncheoi was served alter whieh the guese departed. Fred Mordthorst bal purchaeed the old grummitt tarin of N. T. Shate v.ba lias for the:pastt Iree or tour jeans besa ln poumeon ni tihe place. The tarin con- 8 i f about forty.ulgbt acres and là abo'tt' a mile and a hait north oif Liber- tyville1 evna ram a veeke trip to Texas and Abert Lyonà appeareil on the. streot ete Oklahoma. He expete wa leavi, neit for theiilret time Ibis veek inte he vas vesk for Calitornia where be will remain hurt fron faliug f ront a ladder about soin. lime, tan weeks ago. He in BUll la bad shape ,,.t It is said Ibat the. youag neople of the and waîko vlth cratebse. Be wa u- as Prebyterisu churcii take v« kindly ta iured while panting Kuks Burke's boume. ovt the stereoiptican picture. and that on About two buadreil dollars vs rW o the nigiite Ber. Quayle giveg hie illuB- imetI tron' thie Mehiodist hazaar beld lait grt trated lecture the attendauce is lange. Thunsday niglit at the town hall, We Pictur. la pastel, water cîlor, car- Forty-riiiie dî.llare vas taken lu fronvs bon ete,, ail alc.ly franed at BiEswicK'e. the. sale of nupper ticket. alone vhile by B. B. Peglow write. tram Las Angeles, on. of1 the tancy work hoothe mails A Cal., that hie lae ej,yiiig the wiater sales anrounling ta tortj dollars. vu among the orange. anrdfliowers that are Next Monday eveing the third lecture Rit aow in bloom lu that place. Hei lfin- of "ourses toaIre giren this winten at thb.AAi provilrg lu healtli aud will rernain until Union lanrch wilI b. preiîented. Henry Be eprillg. Clark wliooe lectures§ la the paut bave Ro The Vountere f iieri-a havefiplaced beeiî go emiîientlY succselful will b. the an' Chritmnas boxèm iii naiîy of thre bumlucos entertainer of the evenlng. fie bas beaah llaces about toiWiin lire ejiare quarter. on the lecturo plattorar for the. Pat Gi and diluies eau rcaiiilv be dîroiwd. The twentyfilve years andI la wvll known la He money is for thiepurciaue of liri@tmta the field1. lie le an oratar and a man 1 dirîners for tire nffldy. o!a keeu wit anîd pleasiag aplwiarance. an Saine o! th, thirîgm you cautai fn at S. L. Tripp fll1 froin a step ladden aI av Ileath'ri ,tor' tare : chairs, at ail lînlees; tihe Metiiodist hazaar laet Tlîureday e couches, faircy parlurr andI lihrary tables', niglît antI for a time il was feareà liaI hel jardinielr stands, ladie' 1uiurarlesk",lire bail sitairied serons injuriee. At TI musccabinets, dreec.eoriulinatiarlosea u arieclîhdu optoIa liitrary cse, cule boards, bufft. lteedclsofteaile lnbdutaptntn rocker. in al mizes, and piliaws at $i.;5 a light wlien thie ladder upon wbich he tIi ta 4-5.25 per pair. was., taudiîig suipped tron under hlm a1 A nuniuer of e<ntibuted articles, anrd lie feiltte lie loor. le wasu flcon- among iueur tire priz. Tirankogiviug scins for soine tim.' antI heides iiaviig c stor.v ai the local igh scirool, vere of Ith.e kin tara acrosbis, iareiie@d receiveil W necesrity oiiitted thi, weekowing totie severe bruines npaî is iai, tiiigh sud Si demaiid apon us for sîrace by aur legs. Be bas heen confiined to the boune. ai Cirristmas adlvertisers. At a meeting fieldI Tu.eiaay evening the. ffiil Warren in planning on leavîng loc-al lodge, Mystiv workens of the A saine turne next week for tire neighbon- World elected uuticers for the ensuing bonod of Shermuan, Texas, wiiere be wyul jear, the, tollowiîig beiug chosen: Pre- M locate if hie Suds tie limat. antI pros. ted, C. H. Kaiser; Monitor,, lre. E. m, pecte congenial. Sherman la la the Lusk; Secretary. NBr,. L. Locke; Banken, FI allalfa country and i. promised as a W. C. TriWsg; Marelial, Frank Dyer, coming land within the net tew years. Warder, Esther Bock; Sentinel, Fredla Warren Beath bas thii, eek been hav- Iyr uev.rFaî ohthree iag a cement fleur plaeed In the. nortlr jeans; Physicians, Dr.. Taylor and halfltth aemn0ine iesoe u alloway. Installation and banquet P winalve the ruent rembîdeil andti mal iib edtr Ie uealjaaj lalo a vork ebop BHi@ increaseil busl-at which tiurne tire ksiag elle lin te ne.. bau neesmtatei the. stop and will memb.nhip content wlll fumlabeh je greatly lurprove tire appearance oftheii banquet. ti store Il - As announced last week Ifat auj lime bd 1 il bas ireen peri.tently runrored thii, wenty-llve persanescmir b. assureil thé weektha Mr Roert pelmanand electric roari lieple for the. ater-theate .vges Morisatwlr ob. pllar an d ise car from Waukega a a pecial viù b. rua a young people of Libertyville were ohauiree iri iten ul Abteiofgolaz reeently married. lnterviewed lMr. Saturdan ige h a nt entionb moens. Spelîman empiiatically declared ,ucb was prat ýo tiin i en hat' offe a nt lhe case and that soute of hi, trieuds meatime the car ll eNI ammuffie in Leave vere instrumental l irculating tii fe Leve cirelatn he jour. naine a.eary -possibleilf ycu wish8 etory la a spirit of fun. "Bob" says it laehitt ail gosotint.tie car cau b. arrangleil alla jomh. for.Tii. show "' InOlilKentucky" in Beevlch cau fit jour ejes wltb glamees. we l i tb attenîdiug John Bojehn sud Berman Kuehi an- togtr cra0eeîl eevi nive la OvnMondy siar sta af v M. iel Price train ber son, Arthur, about titre menthe aI Kallepeil, Mont. wiro i. now in the. Asiatic waters lanlthe They report the snov ta b. about lwo l'nited States naval servie., le a leal sudhal fet lep Ierean bae ecledpieked froi tire campiior lree la Ovwaa tlrat Libertyville alten ailleisnt 50 b d. park, Naga.ki, .apan, whieh vas plant. John am re tIhe . L. Trlpp bouse ed by Gen. U. S. Grant wvile on his tour sudJviii1me-tad is tamily Ihere at oince. of the. warld. Mrs. Grant aise plarteil Kueh, vul retura te hie former position a tre. but tii!@ has long @Ince diel. Borne aite vires "ls. of tb. campior trecs la thenelgiibôrhooil The Knlghte of Pythias entartained at are aine feet la diametar. lire. Pries. s emoher Tueelay aight ia the. lodg. tellso alra strnhat Arthun vas la oit hall, about tbinty knigbta sud guesta the Chines. coast vbea the. wlad bey b.lng present Carda vere indulged la on. bhundred and toen miles an haut sud apleasant social tîme had by ail. carryiag away tie fife boats sund everj- 1Ojetetsansd otber refreghinenta vere thing baose upan the. ,hip. Be write envei. Dr. Martin andl C. A. Be.wick that the. expereue as tniig i furainbei the music for the. Cevening andl visit ta Japan wiierc tb. Wisconsin, .eceiveil heartj enciiores. open whicii ho ie serviag, repremlenteil .lire. John Lovalski, of North Chicago, tiis goveraiment at a great naval vas broughltaelthé couty tarin Inut tounnament he describes as the mnt wesk ton letention havlag hecome tie lnteresting of i expeniences since'loin- victiar o acute melancholia, the. re.nlt iag the aavy. He will rcornplete.Il o! Ibm deatb of ber mother several daya four years oi service net Juli'. previens. Fromt lb. moment the. mother .dled site conlnet b. comfortad and ScIloal Entertalni*ft. finaaly bar case became ta erans that it va. leured ie. oulil commit suicide. Major lendenubott, lb. tanroue As ber huband va. very pour It vas drummer andil son, amsfteil by local founil nocomearj te remove ber ta the talent give an entertalitient aI lthe counlj Institution. Union cburcb Tbundaj nlght, Dec 21. Warren Heath basilut adde d t hi. Tiie prograi, Ie aun uumuay gond one stock oaseaf lb. finee: gelajy a t ramed and worty a crovdei hounes. Basides pictzlnaeveshovu la, Libertyvîlle. itleisfor b.eeft of lb.e chool &ad shoild Thors are mauy different styles sud Yeu b. largelj attendeil by aHi nlseseed lu 0 . aristh avfetae sd thpe i ta alir e t 1 h ur lducational I usttution. Union of.nlng. Themrahe finesud appropn- cac iThuradaj nlght, Dec. 21. Oue &te gifle for Chielimas. bille for dqtalleil prognaini lWbd lbe pSu a ail. b. lbe ahi hm am boa! Toi lui hal Dot thi bot the the sa"I eýrmýee*s4 Ey Peter Moverà WIao Novew aus The. drit ofthe ves a dém aws duld orelW Ibe Ileveaudo botel wbleh for pool ooiqplo o!fjustebau bsm unâ iimagearsal0f Mes Olive COls. Wa$ dd 10 Petr Moveis wo iuuedaioli >on the coegol 01nsglltatioas looh @Omo lniprovemomta are, Plsaned lling lath be hatl ooniodatlafli qpng tbem * mev kfUen whlcb wm. obulit u an ie hb Ml reatly «taltte jolerallon of lb. botel. Undur tbe cimanaieenuof aiM over., vha- M hsd aruch expenlu thlalb.business ,lbe pool and la regarded aua Cooh coud to non@, the botel should b. the ntin laheb lad. -r. and lMme.Novets looh Chamg csday, lb. building belug forpalY ird over ta thora aethbat tdue. Tboy âvs Dot jet -declded vbecber lbey vill il their houe on Mivauhes avenue or t. It la possible that tb.y Iaay ep bplace open as au sulny -roornlng ne in conneclion wvl tb otel. WeU.s-c@nlOtt. L'uesday alterapon aI four o'cluck -at boeihome t t> bnldels parente occurred 9 niarriage of Mir. Ean BHoward Corlett dk Mie Linna Wells, 1ev. Quayle per- inming lhe ceremony la the preseuce or latives and a fev of thiniemediate ie dof lihe young couple. T'ho boume wae beautffly deconateil ith mmlm,holly, and plnan sd white, )f. Tbe.bride vae dresed la eoleon er silk and vas attendeil by Mies nril. Layecc, anemaid of honor. The iomr vas acconrpanied by Mr. WIII elle, who acted. as beet mani. The reIding march by.Lohengrin wee played ymise Alico Sodain. tinong the out ot town guefite preseut ere Misses Ella Mlanich andl Mabel adqui«t, Mesrs. Walter Brean and ,vin Baldin and lMre. Thomras W. [rringehaw, of Chicago; Mn. and MYre oy Corloît, Mn. and lire. John Berry il Mir. and lire. Chas. Tniggs, 0f Elgin; Io Mir. and Mes. Gkeorge Fredencks, of ,aysleke andl Mv. and Mire. Wilbur ledee, of Waukegaa. Thre bride in the eldeet daugbter of Mr. id Mns. Edgar Wells, of NewbernY Lenue and le an estimable youngladY la ery respect and ban a host of friend* re. The groom in the youngest son O! Phoman Coriett, a well hnôwn carpentet id coatrector hene; le lainith employ of àe M. B. Cohby Mercantile Coinpany and pronuinent Young mani o thre Village. After a briet houejinoon Mir. and Mmre uiltt will reluira to Libertyville andl xiii take up their residence latb.elire. ïa.muel Trlggs' boume on Milwaukee avenue. Tii . RN. A. vili nive s shower la [n. BenI Corlett saitlie nsl ulr meeting vw"ch iii bbeld on Dem.21. 'or pecWfflmlnquln of lie Oracl. The <ibxnlst intaII iotsWMueet uxt Snday utenoaos t 8 o'cloekh aI ie bomeof C. F.Acm n on hilvmhssvmv&Us The R«v. Alliet Fluber B. D. vilà presaca et lb. melisl chu" ce"oi Buuday moraine The subje l la lb Epworl [Legue vil!b. "-Wbu1l Mthod. emaflandu For." AI lb.eveWug ms b. pator viiipr»scb.Blrangmns il! ae velcoms Thé Lakslemle" 9ORj assocltios Win masoS vil Mes. Allie Devis, esir set, Fnlday Dec.15. Theré vlll b. mev. iag sud a tan ent lunch vili b. aid .The tapie at lie Presbjtenlaan chuhe next Bunday mornlag viiibe."If Christ Camue tl lertyrllle Whal vold He by"udmy ulaht lie peolo vii mneach upon I"» sb. agof' lb. Ange, 01 Peace and Gooil WM Tovard Iton,.in Betl la thrIe Teat Ou. snd lb. B.Ig qf Terror la Rumela 1905." Mies Emurertexpert oplin saI houe of Mmre.B. W. Dussshern, LIbertyrle Touea, Dscomberl9. Ees iexeinli lme. Pnices remanble. No onie ipi ta buy. À pair of glsses fitteil by Mim Emmert vilIgive jon pIsseufr tn jan. Unciimed Loellam. The 1UA of unîrlamed el$eu t LbentiihI itI. pomtffice tor tue wveendtaegP@16.I& Whoe colnafor the»meu" 11c m"mIrder- AllenMr Jhn, b Bol a ie »emie lMn. John Oves1. y. Stewart Elpb C.lemalans for Patvone. We have tonrmal 0f aur patrane mmd vbicbh hey may have bY e" ngat aur haak, soin.-souvenIr 190 d6 mdae C. W. TAncE, <imehier. The resan DL DaMa'Little tier 111 give puetcl eal ta *ile du. la Ib*i Ioulce efeelon lb.Um. Vhq mener gnipe. SlId by WiSr. hAoLU bnl- 1ville and O"UÂYL* PuA..aor. 2 Ail hinde o bla oeir îChrilsla gifle, at Bmevlc'a tW@dto et llm à ~Gus.4 L CAPIAL1 SURPWLUS OIT NOW liod ad hap jor ffaire so tat yocaudpcm vrTl, b= ien ice-P rmse m llg i, t mayh b.lag eoubtab have lboed m sels but ioit sais nough? Tb"- Tbr ac.nlY one slsand la ta put rotiýc MOWer a good rellable bank hiebaake. thrss pt a. OUND I;TERgaMon avinge depomite, a daterestutolai seed o! the vsar. Botter open gw accouat TO-DAT. Tben jour uooi viiimot only b. made, but vill b. sarnlag jon imors noneY. jmmGIRSIÂ PEEI GANSS IWARE 0LLS ANDTOY CLLULAND OXS TELOITOSETS OOET ETS( BOX PAPBORS LO AIES SADES MIRISWETR FANOY TOWELS STAND COVERS FASCINATORS GOLF GLOVES ORESSING SACÇ LACE I.ANDKERCHIEFS SILI< MUFFLE.IèS FINE SUSPENDERO NECKTIES MENS AND BOYS' SWEATER CUFF BUTTC BOOKS8 RISBONS TABLE CLOTI4S 1 DRESS 00008 MES KNIT LE< Big Assotma w Lowest Prices ýWEFPAIR unnmyvmýu io , aL - RL CROeR for eit oots, Grmas' Socke nd thé OId Relbable Mîshawaka Artics. double Sole corne tu 2Othi Century Cash Store W. have ais. a fine lino of gente slik carf; maffer, swater, supender, nchtle. pocket handkserOhlefs and minm alippers for the holidays. Your patronage olictsd En Wu PAR- bl W. e