wvlmm hA Trilac*. àMi% la tbu CPaon, P. af Wsole opital, be firelof th wet " ma 1 ,eb luS BnaSohool b ceowd bdm 4I a si pou n. snoy la ite for Kd4gUêna SEluw Wh eUuQ hadoslot iatm .h It ruPi4 saur wM Mutuel: John Badge, oi Me»lliâ, ai Aurora, was a r«UIn ber. laut Priday. R, axumoud, aifUhcakgo, 1' th tlag's Danghtere' bazaar '7554 aturday. Wom an sd UmeVers Geary ûr.alr. C. A. Hapke aud 5. eorge Block, of Chicago, and psaaZ0f Wukegsii, performed rail.poz ecmat thue home of 1#aaoeba. realved itaelf into onslpâe, and tbe qu*rantine ~911, ofWaultesau. uW« callng ë *M slatv» here 8uuday sud wua wolcooed at the e, CdonvApl cw« ok a trip to tI etl e yw .at Ubsr*y. *on D«rw 45Mdn g' miiayj hwi, p ~W. popte;us -mu su io aL Pr**" flor Desdwad8. Doit. lme, w4odm 0 f À o.W (48i modern WqOUi5 cfAipte miwllbold "b jeu. 9. *n um Idwleg offleet-elSo wfllý b. istslled: Vaunse, J. M. nUeih Woti A4dv, A. 8e Powers Ubsrk. Escot.sonier coake;Waeîn,' . Tombe Seaty, GergeDates,;hn tsrs, J. B. TnrubuUi, J. B. ljnch,9sa. oaIse; Camp Pîllw , Dr. M. E&Pulser. AB1 nieber. ame reqnested ta h. presnat giibsternd Karieoldlng, who are ttendiugs oboal at tiie Bloil Collsgs sud Acdmy. respoctvely, are qSpeu- lot& a lu'weks' holiday vacation-ii home. Umise liiga ldmarsh, of Diasnond Lake. speut uday.with her sMater, Mies Molse Jante. Mus. Bd. Thomas and Ed. Heci.. luger, of Chiego. u'ere tbe gueste of thie' Mieee Emma and- Loretta Weleh Su- day. -' jJ. Id. Fuller aunomnces a Christxnac Biail la h. given lu the.-Oakland Hall, Monday evenlug. »ec. 25. Good mu"d, a good floor, a good supper, and nereraI other fienils will greet pou. Corne out aud enjoy yonrself. The Klng's Daagbter' Ba-zaar, whlch wae held ln the M. W.A. h ail Friday and satnrday oi lest week %M8a a complet mucees luevery way. Thegrosé reel pte amounted to about I150, and placed a neat sum la tb. treasury hesldea lear. log a'Ay 1the deNt où tb. Baptiet church organ. The. ladies wleh 10 tbank ail W'ho aastetd le maklng the venture 80 uceetul. _________ I I ic pleuting.. dgb,' Evangehat, wl Smting. aM Prairie ember 26. 1i 4b liýsÏâ4io ea si peaker of ýwer and viiietirutp the 1Il"1 r .evies t b" Dotsual een Wons. Great enocs. ba aI mistloo ilbuerebeld, sud luW tmracrowded houss *dmI .siq. Q&Pp" Su" wi-c4. Pettle Srnred haine )m ber vii to Arluglon y C.k viited at home ao- 1viotigat bc hsou thie 1 - nainpeog q,. À eau" Krls glagb -, Des. 9" Md ào itpdon diZioe OYIO t 'HOROVE. eAmdAterauM, 4i5 OM At hw le is.j. M*tbqwd to fa ;: I bool wW APTAKISIC. Mise Dora &lever bam beeu quit.litin l Cicago and ls t the pres'ent time ln a hoslpitel there. 8he le su&lrlng frmm inflamation of the bowels. Albert 510111 epent unuday with hi@ sieter, Mre. Mike Wagner, of Fremnt centre. MinssClara Weiaud epent Sunday wlth lier mother here. J. Stabi and Ed Nutter eurchaaed a number of cows of 1Mr. Rox.epbacb lest Mouday. Fred Kohl, oi Chcago, speut Suuday on hi@fartahem.~ SMîrriy Chrltrne 10 aul. MaLDUMN William Chope, for yeare aur faithfi aud accomodating stage driver lin. retired from 1th business. Hrecently sold out tu Dr. Jamison andi n tihe future Winl Iogretly mlesed by the traveling publie aniong wnom hi was a favorite. John Thain attended the Fat Stock Show in Cicago Tiuesday. Mr. Horue, the. newý tenant ou the. jess Strang )itLhell fartn ha. talien pogsàeon of th l". place Nfr. and lfrs. William White were Waukqsu vilors Mouday. Carrie Ester le apendhug a few day. lu Evanato6iwit Iile. leg heprajd-oth.r, lire Spafford. Mr. aaad, ire.John M. 8trang are located in iPasdena, CaliL., for the. wluter. Vitor Slvsug, oai habit Colk1ge, wMl hae home Worthe holidayo. Ed. Maitinwas in the. cily Tuesdey ou buWaffl. ' au10 FrGAffl LNMfl a, îli h. M. A. Rosai elWly rmooirlug irom Mid ahie h romeulMane. ,W-in b. Gea. Ja"uad Wmn. Tueýer areat- byr tbe teoding the Fat Stock ebow lu lamg& i bu ated fhs tader in-remodtltng bIs houe.. )tnoOf red VSaundt je a Clilcugo> i'tst6r )r, Satnr. thlsiaek ibr< JPdis Joue. hl. preseted the ehurch1, witb, ie.înt#r&uply ai wood ffoig hit fartm»06eex i humbl. of thw. wiu. Suyder han moved hie faiuikl m zm . , hb as oum mpw by Chas. Atyto0.1 bad Ihei' r fl e a Chrltuin, tre nd en-. tertalnmentut ai o rhumb unext Estur-. meuh and day sele.Mse.Ireer, Thommes lay Bli» sd Olaiulam are the co*mittee ou tiie as. sud, otueOf a ea«cher-, - , The ntury oflhe torture of 1ev. . D, ldiià u'tii Maous,,paitOr Of <the Bapîit churcli, ai thinday. H"rrville, N , vIFIX làrqm on. taferB eyu e sffred agonies becma'e Of le.y ~ ~ ébgb evn rait.I ltiasf uplt d t W. ~imumu umoima . ttinut rei Tii. Mo. "die j*w*' and lo penSe Uauan ah UtzIgbt o market.. Aok morneoi irbo aue noir uslug lthe LL North' Shore as Co. Ub@rtyvIie ofec .KiserUlo k Telephum .44. BIe yTes Broesi Vl. lMD . 1 DaM Feai 114y a sJo.Vo.5 -STANDS T- The TIIOMPSON, STOCK FA RM one mile eoiith of LtbrlyilIe Jlm Wasso wae broet! owned by Y. ]P. Harper, listera Stnd, Mdway, Kentneky le dari: bay wltb b"ac pointe, stand. 14.1 end welghe 9O0 poundeansd le of tii. blem# blood, beilb.meapoaiTee baman sd tiigreal grand son of Lezngonboh u ii.Ea sd frelu.lu addition ta"tt ho bas beu for yeure favorabljr known ln C&*a neasperispe tii. eqea ual mot $W auertor au1 sIre of buntage a"dcotai na"ionboute. gu bavehp, aud that la e yieg aood demi.. Bur waa tii. iré o, Snrpop who look tb i 1gb -lump in Ct->. cugloa feu o Bi Mol the sire of DmytWn.-.wbo look lb.evsrweït bine aI ib@m"ao ii,.show lu 190844* the. cire of FIUI.,y Earrefls oKid, who oo bo lbie as th Lake Forest Horsp show la 1905, and tbe red as tte Chies. nors show la 1905.« Brle T.nn.$iS to Insure Hesl noppcrrtinhly for Lit. Cannty fumier@ ta rd their mur«s ta a higli grade fl perpou tlioroughbrsd horse. as a way.dowai priée. For Inrther particulare s.. *J. W. MURRAY ,q Oums. al indi of b h e acsand neuraigis. On. capoul is generdilIyvsufficlent to r.tleve tiie moit obstinst t se .of S n.rv@ili and sck beadlacli.. Tii...COpsule. do cOt con- S tain anypoison or opât«, Gutranteed to satisit ou. 80 doses 25c. Sont pastpald en rocelpt of pence. ,,Waukegsý. Co .,Guss&MdssS 46 ~"'+i~4 ýYou sar nacdcs, u e1oi Dwi liw OM cms.uPs up Wde tbIs.A rys gm .bseltioatg gsm a11y mdtiibenuuaa Lue JM1JA5. 134. IVtam'n ir Thel Da.vyti