NOTJl I amn prepared to'l or others ,WUll open Blue Pois ldeuir just the thinlg for1 day din opte mih owant lIebatrs can1 .W LLUS:: We have a fl stoves that we1 very low pritte out. Here isa Bave mouey 01n SCHANC 1QMCSAV. DfC. 26,'05. SPOCIAI Engagement 0f Those joli>' Entertiners. TUE !LINTS on a joli 'enjoyable Program fri HTPNOTIC NOVELTIES Priée, 15p, 25C. 85ceand 60 cents. SONDAY, DEC. 31st '95 Rturu Engagement by Special Beqest 1" bet DiSRomaNd' Milit*ty Drames 4r. Piay thata» Waukegan la till tait- log about *$na, 26e. Sac, 50. Ilit and 61.00 D.A OUNG9 Bccoratilg 'l"m ve a fSm O f giv e mnq l lrvloeand uWlaittes mixed, te sit. stoe MMi Shop at E~.L~I8'OLD STANýI) WÂUUI ANE. SOUTR OF ROTE1 LheIg!b .II Jeila nov. srvIes, Orsi lu t Smaiket re"ortemdS§rstinb> .5110 eooe,-Tbo Bell>'inter Oean, WmctoouI>'02.00 for onM year if te ot&uk .InPNtt'! tunlSh familles êS>q swith REPoiNTS Mo rnng 9490 inte and Clams if Y .-U yo 1ùn.ýail sad gowi, cftr d auspiMg140 powdq Wfl5 ed. ae r a i ia amI igj7 pat udhu that w"ma bcImprI30nedhere for te £ pnffli-the plat.ho BmeeS'19M pat ldhl-we0ka. perbapS monthe?" th wh em IpmîOi ut idde,. teulé mers. "~~~~~~.If yon cjet your -mid baecita few I uiesiweeI m to hourg rOn wil perbaps admt that we gteda*mubnd,0wt- gettheby rderngsar>' are ver>' fortunat o ehrea iL efd opine frousthe Palmeaend veI$. ______________________ Sie wblaked round upon hlm. "DO 4taditodntpcoelgs MILWIJKE AENU, 3 * fot teficewith MoY question, tir. Jenks. place for bie boXIfiro Jueft <ltin *s MILWAUKErE.of AEUE, 3 nC rme!nsade. Thon Inerting the. toucIL Is Doors North f BakeHe owe M!"There was a perceptible per arnong the sPlne.ho b. cëe i n eur c e suihrl bcsr oe ne of the. lelonf thte liOCUI ______ofW_________________w enconverted It loto a burnlng 919»sm ud; "The facte are obvions. %iss Deane had a inesbleue roeleri P la" Tbe loesofte Bud' willl not be festinutbce. Witom t esdf an% derinitel>' known for rnany days.. ItIutk he bi lasd moulemUceh hMbU. wl be assumed that ahe ha. brolcen cart wlth hie casp kl te wbicb. 1ThflI, h down. The agente l luSigaPOre -w11 biceuis wceaed the earYtb. Tli. 1 twait cabe: tidinga of her where- Ibist wee ftu ariet and lto abers.e tht tyhuonve irtel>' y-anced a few b>' atones. uesr thIre on t~ wher lntha tY11001. Ultmtiely Iris forgot ber annoyanco ln hWm tu- tiey w<lii eend ont Ia vessel to senTe terA Âmont appetizlag 101911 Si d ixnpeied o tht course a lttle Prdieri implle tothePnron e the air. They were having a Pit1gIO b>' your father'g anxiet>'. Pro mdt elhfi uronllL Y 1 did not lntend te Pain You. I arn terday at titis time.-She alrnost>'ilOWLe H few heating speakîng rnY mid." te a rush of sentimet, but fercet S _____________ "o on,",said Iris in'avelY. back Wlth Instant determInatiofi. Teerueoc will make a -The relief shlp muet search the en- wr orrsucumntlOMs tire China emm. The gale rnlght have ivere a oor ef ource. unrandfer et driven afdisahled steamer norih, sont Gdsgodeet brefao oul- on W close eaef or west. A tYPhuOn travels b anwolon. aveîtho -O f t e sar, e nw OItua wblrllng spiral, yen cer. and the dlrec- ,cwoul a be hle f ber, ivnge I fi a chanc(e tW ilon of a drlftlng ship depeude wholly ehe thrownoneafshorexPhientSSIIbliving? oponte lecaity whlere she austained Siemkew o eot ie epedet w . m damnage. The coa8ssu f China. Java. eeeotdo ob t hie c ornmandOh*. - Ie " go0d8t"Cen I do nothdthg thileppinee are -o a godaoveBorco od ue hIlppIe. re otclairned Bo contrite was ber tons that i ___ equipped wlthl lghthouses on everY ek a '3Oib&T headland and cordoned vîit telegrapit «es,"e v s aldtoni. th fl vire. There are river pirates and sav- "e, eslpitn oto dlii cover. "-Ir you pclleb thte top of tbit age race to be reckoned 'wth. 'Castng wt orsev t-1 lfl ma il azide ail ter possiblities and agsum- ptla cr ev te. LlI uer10ve me ""am iug thet a prompt search la made tote Heplate. Lnciel d t.' IU' t so uti t cf 'c burse, thie part of the H mO U ae cot le ofd i c u t so lic t e - i ocesn le f011 of reefs and arnalIslandse hem o cuer o isuithe a - aome iuhebited permaneotly, otitere cd-jemu tponbe Myi t i claepb*lte vLIiteS occasionally b>'flhermen." Hoe "I aind *pend on my thfinet" oa 11 R S B ï l5out te add sometiting, bt chteck- p -ie."E iine etkWfrtbe~ i .5blhef."Have you lad an advenf0l'mlIt?1M edTo iem upI" he contuued hurriedly, sb* seked, b>' va> Of Polite 011«m-' t~ IIIUISIw, e ayhave hi rernsln'here for inanY "No," he r'led deys, even montits. There la always qei buh $ ee O s ________________________chaeof speeif help. We muet ect. u> hub eela>0l~ DR. RDDRICC ~M>,rpJ( - towever, on the hasis of detentin frg ako i mrec oa e FM ZRFLan Indefttite perlod . i arndiscusslngProumgbg exltcuce-titnge I1nevet Offee 2nd Floor eporue stt>'ae b> eerd cf. Kaim B"loc, iMilweuke. Aveue. thIsleand me> citange ail titese viev." stanel?" 'a-el icit-O m Boume: il te 12 a. M. 1 to 3 and 7 te ."lu what va>'" nte M-TroWu ae4 8 P. M. He turneS and pointeS to the'ul- teno t te r he rna u o 0» Uhberilie, Milnos mt of the tree covered bill beind humby re etM fur tee tboreott.U4*le titem. hoi>' erettiti ffor ber k oly ' et ______________________ "Irom that point," he said, "vo e>' baY h.a 1;d ehi' se. otiter anS langer fOlaads. If go, "Y. >tismne'Moonlâ DR. J. L. TAYLOR, tbey yl certainl>' bo inhablted. :I am 1 Munf. But tiiere i nasse orw'iz OVxa vxeos a&av.o's mrprioel titis oeete not." metiiode ôf ltIgfrelld *4 aopu:-7te 1 a.m. te su 8 e Hoended abrupti>'. The Vrr os-knowlng whet tfuit1l'euS d i 8 P. rM. lug tlme. Before rie COuid JOb h amseplahotoisund o «dMet Iea"U& fl Reedence on Broadway, opposite park. be was aread>' hauing a large un-sorteofplnti-te aSccaniaaS mi Lltryve lbI. damaged caeAot of the. -ter. .sorte e of birds." le I __________""Dois' _ Be logited utn irtifful>'. "Cham- - n gbuy o bs tendUtMZhà" DR.CR.GALOVY. TitIe man vas certall> an enigme.lo DR, . 1 ALLO AY, rie wrlnkled her pnett>'forebed luh4 eusIca ovan iOTELL'@ nano 'BZ* the effort 10 place hlm lu a flitting este- é aRaeM-from 1to a8and 6to 8 . in. gor>'. Hie wprdsansd accent were Libertl'vffil. Illinois. tiom.of au cancated gentlemnan. Yet bie actions and maupiers ver. tu4lout 1>' oncooth viehe cthiUgit ite vau PAlM.MAC GFFIN. obgervlng hlmu. 'The veneer cf rougit- PAULMAC UF - nusa pumted ber. That-be vae net- ATTORlNEY AT LAW. ural cf, reflned temPeratmett se LibertyvIie, inois. knev qulte Weil,noct alone b>' percep- pacea 33.timnbut b>' the plain evideue cf bisà earllcr Seailugs. vitit ber. To the bet of ber sitility site ilentl>' DR. H. M['IH. ielped in tte vork Of salvage. They DR, M MIMmad a quecn collection. A cameOf DENTIST. champagne and another cf branSdy, e oFicE ovxaLAKE COUNTY BANK. box of bocks, a pair cf nlght glasees, a uoru&s8ta, 12 a. m. aud 1 te r, P. um. COMPae, several boxes cf shilu bis-il DAIL!. cute, coated vlth sait, butma»"Sdlu> LihertyrlIle, Diuais. their herduege, havlng heem Immeried __________________________but e few seconds; two large cames cf ams in equally good condition, smrn DR. GOLDING huge disit coyoe, s bit of t"ited trcn- DENTIST vcrk and e great quantity cf cordage Kotrm 8 to 12 a.m.-1 te5 p.m1. aeuS Subet'. Kaiser Block* There wae one ver>' hear>' package.! Liertyvflbe,llnois vhich titeir united strengtIt could not lft. The sailor eearched around outil be found an tron bar that could be,. T DR.vii.p, SCIRDIG. vencited f rom ite socke!> Witit thie D P ctic- limitedbeh.prieS cpente strongOuter cover ., Pratic liite toand reveeled te contentes-regulaticfl SETE, EAR,jNOSE AND THBOAT. bofo ammunidion, each cont-Inifg Hoors 2to 4 p. m. 506 roua".i ho t~ edcne&. Nov vo vent nmre l bm tm o 4»aw110oi OpFicE: Boom 804 STEWART Bum.niNO, ri'i&' 'fS baS reetored hie WlW h 92StteStee, hiag Whtt god wold te> bb?"'bInquir- girl titcught dreainily, a4 w - - 2 tae tre, hla5. dIris. nuSdbiilfa> b> ee nhie rougi t agie, tht'OWl4. lae oftly dnocdhim eaneyer seen aLfluner ma". R. i*». $6 nt DR . . F. UTTHRFIBID. foci, but he anserend et once: "Te elnewy and Weil form& a roIii ~b 01 VEdBiINÂ&BY SURGEON. shcot blets of courut,.Um&e Deane. face vas pleosant, If Moaupfh. iSt aes5TNTemTE UTUNBIN. Titan are pleut>' ber.. danS ueO> f onewhta ulen, met f ejilauê e«- LbertyvlIIe, Illinole. The>' worked in slence for anotiter prSen wade ecw eidtmel - _________________heur. The saa as uearlng te»Üe ie wondered oW y IL IcoW&1é*eW Titey -oiedistreesed vIth thSe bicreaS- vîit sîepînese. LYNCH EROTHMR ing heat cf the day. Jenke ecured a , e produced a revolver. UUgefbainhemand smfe biscuite, maule piece. of .Do you mrnd Iii rs.aa skq* latest - rftvccd anSdte buoeiars and Init-! tie.. cartridges' hg inqure1 ' ied MisesDaue to accOompan>' b ý ut ipcder n, lm lrigbt, but the, Lsvrrvla Conacedea te grove.,Bite obeyed vitiouit e word, 1,te cape May' hodtae" toogh, %he woudered boy Dhe propeed utagreed prompt -S O4 l]Phtone 837 Lîberlcyilile, Ill. talght à Ire. To coot1'lbute nome- the weapon eta e teS 0i _______________________tiing leverS te expected fcstuaB, 1amid ter. vas a î4u&rete A0. K. STEARNS picked up adlgh oerend abottlt1offelito the grou , Rdthe LAWERchampagne. a ii brl ce ndu 21 Wmhngousl~Tite sqIlor eyed te concioding tem ' f erabie vinge h 213Wasingon tret vith diefavor. "Net vitilete sun làtmentarul>'dwma"& bul«= ~ Waukegau op," ho RaiS. "In lte eveang,-Ye.." cnruledhe tc aIloeCuq~~ [IePhone 2761 *"t wae for yen," explaied iis colS- t hIsS." ly -11 do net drink wilne." "l .Can bu onu a>'sv? ed. "Test mut breai te tPledge witle --My>'faterleugltmq YW" Ur. ma Di. l mùotBor* em "arsu atly MM rb tbw Tme-r.@S-. smuet. SoS » begt tW W , PaIW bu UFau. a. poileS Ils a<vmhtto bave gwno * u Sqeei ýt bie t e nit' b « u . w tii thébe d e Qt, 4 * ,.U i &is e n E x e m i t fo r 4 1 11 * '~ wt jý -wu tresu olu N- bo brtng He r it usemm t ftb rvs tite Itbecsg4b "Ul ith uollaot t ,o, it ta an i" twa eSOeu a" a a bo lUx t t il t? . -la eneet it and 1aýb ho va>' tewhiSt lta b*la t# e lb. giww% b«eth le aê pat b pointe s *10 'maSs. qaqlpub% PoMulSt cbe* an UmI ib aS.l5 B ~se ttm4 bey he,, e- &t the.Cop tci e el t tis qi ettbe Mis ltesP*f IW 8 W M Z o te ply ta a c n bl - l ge - M q e nt < 01 t '«t lb r200 test . l M i 0e0ma, "W bat in tht m tter iegeppe & . IvAWâce. a i 0 tdegmt M buwiSte ui« d 'Olu, dommt r site ailel abrpui>' to a m Ïl e otitvte bluiemly. -1 lbaS a deqate, esoita br-Mi.Jp . uitheut seeIl vas coUnect' tMtW r.n. yToi ve. *uggilng <ii ele. itsv.k 0,k rok>Ïew lms»oti b'aSriageSmus w tiublo n tiiere .a Bit bMm.and lire, AIbgg mua«.Th lo tureS teleâtp e eS tu lte rochi. C i otz* m a cuaner ul'h Wa u forut ph serIve>'. lkitro sV. t c oM in mî c ffet t10 Mr. N nsoxi a d laugi .w ' w enatS a i O t 'sava .f S he M e mdiimcitM r e.5 g em, Au w ati nt orne de it mci t o -auS it ol p ooe m S "Tes, yee. I - unSeatnd. Dut I Citiago. w r u li vait et« verdure e oke n a a wm e 7oM w iten 1I Mese r aîk ZIm m " ug 'l. rm indler et tht r i. =atb = amv srstun & atiing NIcOlla.r.M fei g lb.. StagPeO de amiS Mq tOd I elgam. siIe tvn à t, t p 0for ~sw bot t *«> a eal tta>e a .. _ _ _ _ _ t abtov theo am-levai lu tagb" Te eaile irukm lov>'taui t a m Sob e ro i* b wM eut m - o e.-0»i i> u M S e stere M . . I tU l b q0mete a of jtames.bblakSd iv chOed S vbee gI ~ubw si1. tam, a mS tx M la.e arn e e a p u i t u g a w k S w4u Ire W- tUIf ale r ie S »' t à,t e c l S ort Ngmh l ïs- b leu id bl b&Fe t RO b a m an wu s mgarsl'fl e auoti>' inte the Vtw'.ot a la O ow* eeuteuo ü e ga r hUUI, gnou e0 S" u i0 0 a w u t e ,i mc- n q u it b M a & bu b ro t a eï ne kww, MMU ai " WaU*U0gylagup fm9ft be ta b ~W qê4t0tom, - bS1N4Mn,'ko" aIe de h. e* ep .~la~ ~ ti~- WS leSIfkO.tISOb i!Iô wg« gt I o x d bM e a Su nerbousdbn omb m 1*e'Atmmw. lwg e . »L To tâ& wu mesuftg b-eý" L . . M."mtl ce Eý ali ' t