*0 Ulis esa oc tii Ci. ~ebue been po mm:r bule iewua a native aim cme to Ohicao lm >:jextcma va,,la whîeb b, 1 0 A to r n e y p3ui e t i l "d r O.*bet ou-W <d les-b M~be u n las& b. h I *4lOed tt tii. he ivre , t bte Wlestnhuolslewsa. ld aitsl te JULy119, W~mWtte ]Lavvntt jio eryvti n b MM ortyea *'*ul such divore tisorue * ta refthelute 11nIssueisf. id rioûevrais a deandbythet 04at reiruI tco u , 190h5,r ft OUhins te la scba ense.tc ca» ,raled. tecaln Ou-tatY atol resn edi by he ei UReet cof Nev Divorce Law. winlfà.-Becauae a bill passed &0 ou le I tstne.glving probate Sirdetlon ever trust estates flot slaaed hy JLieut. Goy, Shern as presideut oet'the senate, the IIupertlve and probate courts bavo, aiejurladiction ever tht. 9f Ôt tatei. The. mt passed botm « et the legllature sud vas Ïd br Speaker Shurtef sund Goy 5 aî autMbY Lient. Gev. Sher- kO* Pý«desdiacet etftthe senateý tpaired br. the constitution. MDeb.tY Gats rey«o'aJob. t--l*toa C. Dongherty, the. la tefalter. bus bea giveai the bscaea1y beld hi Ndw"d IL5 ey Ul !é. eord rom at the peuiten. Mo dtteà vili b. te belp ken , ceo e 0records fa U coniet hapIes DoMfgbertY served au $Uttteeii-tn lb. broem faetory rÈ5e1d,4-riitf«rate i lIîlois MI vl bé ee Sts on the g100 rlag te a statemeut mde h eÀàdtter NcCllog, the figures 90t Imen ompiled frore the re- ,of O. stato boArd of eqtw~ltztia la lis *ents lmsithaà for 190. XtkvU]r Jiaed. WOsG-M C . Prmniag. pret. *** MACU e rlck cMSipsan sd r *b eat--Uaeturffm vho vere W, f- bmw* in laretraat ef ý pad gulit>' sud vereited $2.000 Sp1ld in1w Tv Zee.- OO& t ovment taon foot for qWMof a po.000monumeut te ryoI~ f O.tbaIU .é G.AEt;R, iadl IWO&g*ho of.éred thea. tb thelT q u the Ume cit ýý4O M M exOucOaty atates Mr -e, te acoupaithe smats R* equalttIsatlo emsie tire as "t on tii Altoi bridge 876000 82 u80,00. ~,uI~rr, Eosu a e, 'l trw. Bau bead tIb'o O. lis motier ltglai su e -bJêthe. everlsud lia.1 ',,o tireO drivlug rode brobe 'dý dthe. cab. lllr.mas N Wmbg reklled, but the. en. dû aU *,W5diet 58a151t t» ~v iwMklug for the die.ad. Ulsmors hma çu t. Wil I seder sei t** at emta eit wi t tà oi eovwh w ibthe -A -J - -mww 4.7W AL. 64a% Co)al To Be. Given Awaly ON APRIL -ust Wlth tvery e5c purchase of Whte Pins* Tar Coagh Syrup we wilI give one guos as to the number of pieces of ceai in the scuttie. The seutile %vll b. where you cen ose. h. The persen guessing the right number or nearest te Itgets 1000 pounds of ceai at our expense White Pins Tar Cough Syrup la put up In 25 and 50c bolttes and cures coughs. LOVELL'S DRUG STORIE £bei%çWIle, 'aitas For Fett Boots, German Socks and the Old Reliable Mishawaka Artics. double sole corne to 2Oth Century Cash Store W. have also a fine lino of gents ailk acarfs muffiers, sweaters, auspenders, neckties, pocket handlkerchiefs and mens* suppert for the holidays. Your patronage solicited E W, PARKHURST SCHANCK BLOCK zotb Century Cebsb toee Libertgvile, Illinois x~ss ~sz~x~ Thias pace bas been engaged for 1906 by LIBERTYVILLE PLIJBINQ & BEATINI COEIPÀNY WATC1 ilh To our patrons and friende we extend New Years Greetinga A. L.LICKTFELD. Pronn..- - Vbertgville. III. Ji lut, JlssotMet 0't IasbotabIeSo6" Ùbert0lue, 11".i Themnmns 1. Dett', Littie Aver Pille RiSS~ve pne"a te" a - le dm te Uier ' sCams, I C miUW kle .t on tii. User. Tbey neyerMillions rush in nmad ohas.&Nt eaitl v trIms bi, gdpN Soid by Waàt HACKulm, Libertylf rom on.ex«treme of laddlam te aous W. rolme qw d eu tnmuc. wbeu, il tiiev would offly est goodfoo( ~~ sed keSp their bowale regelai wltbI£W Tou 37M 1' & W i ue à1mPll, . buir troubla ,F 45 1 hwiaa1.practesoptie-lso, Winl woeldaulpam aay rmpt re»W #4I vw bêé la Ubss*Tlb.ieeslSabords7, aunttfor Ove. aod astomch troube 5ad à" a tier BOUMesAt Eu..'j.welry *tom n. I .L vsWL1bj là sud G"Y4 .4-te Là" ~sPR&Mtàor r ilgikarat. Weeklg Price 20 Ib.oGrawulated Sugir ... 10 lb.. Iest Bwuewh.t Flour .... Gallon Cam Table. Srup ....... Quart eau Table 8vup ..... Ortol. Pane"@e loiir porp f 1 tb. cake Pure Uisp.Sa.. N. y Full 0remnbe.spurfth. Ortole Beaded fRaïqi.siluu Thanksgsvlng clpaued O Il onarchMinS Meat fier pk... Large Faney Prune% par l Fate., Yllow Pesehe., per Sbredded Cocoanut, per pouu.., PoutuinCosi, large pkg . Grape Nute. 2 pkgf . .......... Pettl John'. Breakfast Food. prj Shredded Whiest BeiscIla Blaton Breakfast Foo prb4 .. BAKERS CHOCOLATE, c«k': BAKERS COCOA 8-2 lb. ean . Fancy Had Rlce per t ............. New iNavy Beau, lier lb......... Californla Lima le"$a perthlb... Scotch l'es, per thlb........... Shel ~Pop Corp per tl,...... ttnlk Rolled Oasiper lb ..---- <irannlated Yello'w Corn àMes)lier th Arm & Hamnier Soda, pound pkig. Sardines ln oit per eu........... 'Inp ted Sardine» per eu.. yllbcn"a mo ................. 1 lb brick BoneleusCdiýý*ish:::.*** Pint Bottie Cat.up ............. ...-. Manzanilla Olives per tbottle.... Prepar,.d Muatared"" .....1 Monareh Condensed Mllk Der em.... Ywalub AseorWe Soup pur c»., 2 lb enu Early June Pesa....... 2 lb eau Sweet Cornu........ .... 2l lb eau Green String Bens.... 3 th eau Bakd Beane ..............e 3 lb eau Pum kln ..... ............ 3 thbcan Eg ePluma ............... 8 th CaliAppt-........................ 3 l b eau Extra Tomatoee ......... 2 lb eam Slieed PlneaapIe ......... 2 thbeau Blue Berrim Package Fiue Table ait ::..... 10 Bars A mem'ean Family Soep...... . 10 Creatu Latiodry Sos.> ......À, 10 maple Cltv Soap..........À 10 swiftâ%toolsoap.s.tl 10 Bars Lenox Soa..... 3 Tollet BSoap ub . Orandpa'a Wonider Tar Soap, ler b« Dent Lump lltarob (lihb ) pur lb.. P'ound package GkmB..arck... Perfection Lye lier eau.......... Extra strong Ammoula pur hoMte.... Perfection Bluiug ver bottle........ 5 dozai wood Clothee Plies....... 8 lbo Waahtug goda.......... i4 Seourisie, pr cake,.. ......... .. .ý Sapollo per cake ... ............ Son Ami per cake ........... Parlor Matches (500 box> 8 bozeq... Gllon OUl cass (tin) ... ........... . Long baudS, Pire Shov9L...-.......,. Nickel plateil Sad Irons, @et a E. E. ELLSWORIr F. BAIRSTOW Marbie and GruI Cemetery Worlk of Eve DescrIption Correspondence boI1cM 126,>GeneseeSt Hlghest market priS pi for aUilkinda of RAW, FURS Cha sStepl LONG OROVE, lU.. The Most plesiant, "leut Pu, remedy ten w orcongha, celdat) Wbooptng cougb, et..,le a Laxative Houey and Tai. 'TU1*t expels a&U clde lirom tii. s0ts1 loug au seathrtie ou the bo*k. Qud T" thie foqudi w rnwkàw neuUd Sagsfctlo.or your moi noyer Btos. mai Kalm Block