Popidr Lake Cou'tjSocletti Yo ,u .ha*'e heau'd off cap races. aTIui* h5iàdicap conteste W. want .eiy socetin I Lake Co uty ta taire au Intereet in ti content, ar. have Vd. thée foiiowlug conditions, whlch we belle,. wll maire 1h an even chance for ail contetante. Ait societies bavlnpr a ,nerbershlp of lem. lban ove hundred will bé- Sgured on a one hnndred baole wblch wili b. tbe emMlet flmber. Tii. vote.willi b.countuem- cording ta uv.nhber.bip. For Illustration it the largnsolep a mnimberubi p ut lire. hwidred, one ton cent coupon of the uinalier eoclty-bViik -bxebundred or les. will lie counted as hre. votes. For *@cel" Iaetdover thrweemile. from Waukegan an adqitlonal handicap of one vote willi b. giveti for .mch ten cent pur- cha... As eacb aociety onters the eotst, the memberahlp viii b. talien and handi- cap glien. Fer ail 8odq boaht Inl our More botween JanuarY leli and AprIl lot w. wlli.glve on. vote for every ten cent purchame. Tb@. votes wili b. deposited lu a aealed box and opened and,-oucted emeli wfek by a committee uelected by thInlu teret.d sceie. -The monoy wiil ho dlvided lunto two parte. Seventy-flva dollars to the soclety casting the largest number oif voteeandtwenty-ftve dollars ho tue. so- ciety castilng the fuxt largeât number. Content lose. April fIrst. Beelde. donating the. one hundred dollar.wme wili make very low prices.In ail de- parmente as w. wlesh to reduce our stock. The manufacturera pre. are golng up, whii. unr prices are golng down. Su yuu kili, two bird. wiltb on. atone by boying now. OVERCOATS AND SUliS .411 et w down primea, yo know tht size I our ock. It la the leader of Lake Coun- y, bot1ý Iii quality and size.. You are sure to $leaioed Il, You wlIl only corne and look. YrNuffIUNG GOODS Bargains in Underýwear Bargalus In Dresa Shirts. S1.(M values g0 for 75c Bargains in Býoys Shirts. 50e quality Z5C Spalding-Sweaters *8.00 qua11t1et 5.2 Bargains in Umbrellas Baricains in Rubbers, Shoe, and Rubber Oiothlng Yon wiIl ftnd làts of bargins that you ean make 900.4 use of. COME. SamgMoney lit cats yon car ft and lomsottlmêto go to a b*k. B>- usng aur new sa-,n.gs nysteru you do'i h. e go te your bank te put money in and >au cen gt yoir money without going ta thu e nk THIS SAVES YOU TROUBLE AND EF We are the o-ily bauk la Chicago aitýbrisad to C. F. Craig's Savinge Account System, and ,f Yo d us a post card we wil senti you a bookl.t wltb (i explanatiofla. DO IT NOW tt doeen't malter whether yon live lu Chcago or not, thie system le good anywhere. iTneMetropoktan. Trut and S$àngsBa& Cmptsi.Surplus aMd L'nl ddPftii! lich.gestc Ia" g .5ldgBut W. ce. .La Sae8 ad r 1"J 'L'L.EtOATE0 Tu Cxls luTalk ICheap IRD, IPIE I1,T.ST.0I Ùcecrspýbrwnlook mdd pvoery aoit xewýyý 'lot beencooed n a Royi'Plm S«l wV* - on ho benefit àmdmdovu y« the te" why thls e ib end icov wah. toxo ~iiye! t ag oosd I4N"g Win cure ledigei*Uotttil dte4l- fgset the. food, ltee; i, aîîl gIr thee*>tmiobvi Yau can't espëet that Buel. rtas. §wcper day ai i tomacb will regain Its inreugtba Wuil wbeu 16 lI. coppelledta do teeidence rate. 15e par dey ani dO o.'n wuldn t oxitmA eitk tb get We» i Who11eleompelledto uIje.aat ej u ~.i.'Jt contrat epartm' Ia*.~slfve.Iîîd4ig#tDUklhtng, P 0oab athe C oaed~rq QVjAWH4 Du_$tort *- .4, - ne at a n IC6 ind np li up 14nt -5 K~ill; Gco. 6aî~ Opposîle St, LlbutywlM. utIM, Code, WI&tl)plltà ve, ne terrom r# Qcidw ____________________ veat 00 ibow,l* IèÎth osiv lloe. 4d 'fur. jpineelve 19 tbp bqei Salve fur .ore,4Any eue si Ml old roui the :,. I , bmA4cbsAJ gte lv. thrwtt, b'..,balete , eceema sk. deeegeeeItientwb, ,bfil tu b T 4 O isan~ a ad Vp ieS.. b e W mLL eÀ c , l -o o el dealrs.5IMXE Pùàxsu&cr. ubwuw-âUt "Le~