WXKE COJN TY INDEPENDENT. ,XIVo- NO. 14. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDA Y, JANUARY 5, 1406-8 Pages $1.,50 PER YEAR IN ADV4 EPLOSION AT LAKE 0AU818 DEATH 0F WOMAN AND MAN. -01. James Red Are Victime ,#gbMf Accident; Daughtr la b, sar'.e day Coroner Taylor oi waa celied to Lake Forest âgeinquat over the remains of *e Xr. Jane. Reid of ibat plae ta tbir death au a resut of of a Maa of benzine 1w hicb Uedwae umlng in cleaning fsome toi4«erdangbter. 3dham, of the Lake Forest,i Ufttfe beore the inquet that wM eomlng froid a roonin ruthe log about 4:30 o'clock Sun- irhe be aw aflaâh of trai one of the windows of the -lom, mend believing thst soin,' se Iàbâd oetrrrd rus;hed ta the boume.1 ta. ied gaverai doors and flually W*id one to meet Mr. Reid comnngj .W» the @taire arrylng big vile in ii Victime Badly Burned. 1 Ued'a elothes vers talling froru bis mWy lu charred piece. vile the oa 1 1rjW barned in a trlgbtlul mrianer.1 ,%uor JI.sdham taok the woman's Wpp but <roflmenu body from bi@ arme ýd tartet for Ferry Hail wlth ber. t. he way ae.gaspedi, "Oh, 1 sbould ;*.e kava hetterl" and then asked If M ;hdwm wonld le entlrelv burned. 0"be ber huaband il he conld flotm the tamly haut book but boe ov..d" baIl never enter tbat1 & Senm" When the party wbeb Idbns Ineraudt by several personas 0tn *s Bail r.cded that building Reidà '4.d@Moplis,etact that he vast ibumed and. tbat i clotblng vas _ e~'buraosdti n bis body fram the f line up siad paaivesy watcbed thea oUl f hW. bamn.tu ruia. M hm etrengtbtfailed hlm be vas iop and bora, ta -a bed tronam bu mue ga ea. Ur@.ild died ae tm f the aftident, the buas- "Iigber but a lev hourg. t bMORE COUPONS FOR ZI0tNL 1 Buinese FionsNov On To Be Transetdona Cs Baa. ilnl sont Out. . LDBDNIBI) MEfDICINE. 'bea tirhae alaS nbre rýi et ut ev lw irrs eading men ufthte D Iote f1V Jà* metonncil, wbiclî 94ttlth New Years morn- Over t elianguisn rith, ~bt tDo tovu svhicb vere ru <ftire rate wbieh cortitos ina la Zia wbo ha. hi-en tii, sciW a Do snuand ils indue- SMinCes tbs i rtnre of ucu iard vho ieft -derae cluud. w as tfi li of the movement uvlieb liasn,,lii F' with vhe coupons in wliîiu'l kareu of the Zion arllp have lien ivlag tier puy. kqe New Tsars mura sav a uew eru W Zion industries and the coupons Ware nov out viii be redeemed as à$tb.envmpremented et the offices Cause af Explosion. MWs Florence Reid, daugbter ofthe two victime, testified betore the coroner@ jury that sbe was in the bouse@ at tbe sturne tbe extlosion oceurred. Sbe stated àtbat lier mother bad taken sorns o! ber garment. saying that see tould cleuria numuber o! spots tromn them. ibe went 1to a room in vblcb there vas no tire or tgus burning and opening a eau of beu- 1zlne andcomineuced to eaen îleN~otbing. cAs sb,' vas alune in the room et the f ime c,! the explosion the I'umediate iceuse wili neyer be kuown. The bus- baud who in an act of beroinm gave bis fle to> cave that ot bis %vite w as in anotber part ofthe bouse ut the tiiie but rumbed juti, the Saine filhid ron i n bis w ork ot rescue. Mr.lReid vaseringineer rat Ferry Hall, fwhieh' post be lied held for a nuilbfer (if yeaseand waseconsidecedea an oftruist. Hie daugliter wa.x a graduate oftlb,' Hall and loince lier graduation bas ieeu erup1uyed atCliarl.'stuîi, Ill. as a teaulier ini ebe ligb sehuol there, She liad been ispending tbe Christmnas vacation at borne and vas that nigbt intendiug 'tu leave to restiua ber sebuol duties. France. L. Hughes, pîrincipal ut Ferry Hall was also a wituese utf the explucuori and turneý' in the tire alarin Thîe build- ing wbieli was burned was tbe prîiperty ot tlhe sebool, va veued at about $1,500> and wias well cuvered by insuraric,. Daughter Receis'ed Injuries. MissetReid tbougb flot near enongb the aceus oft tbexploiieln lu be injured at that turne vas also fferiously bnarned atter sue ruubed iuteide wbile ettempt- lng t*) siother the flamnes wbicb vere burning the clotbing ot ber parents and vas later tal,"ni to .Alice Horne boopital. It le flot believed ber inhuries vil! be tatal tbougb ber bands and fece wîli be somewbat disflgured. She im twenty- Ove yeare ot age. The coroner'. jury returned verdicts stating that James and Catherine Reid erne ta their deatbs froin an accidentai explosion of benzine vbieb esed tire at tbeir homne in Lake Forest.1 Japupees, bave been acsrgaed vu J"pn wbîle iv,' and probfailt mure. w-utlu sent tw China. The latter part, nil li eacded by lIe. i-orge L.%lamon. urersier fuir Chinaa ho us ut lui-i-ent stavjuuculil, Ni-w' York, arîd ut i l uende ilearcoi George lHong. w-l i nelh knou n auuog Chicago Cinrnuen. A large editiori ut thé siieial number o! Leaves ut Healîng prirîveil vbn Kung Yu Wei, furruet prime mnitmr ut thbe ('bu-ese empire we entert-aiued et Zion Cty a fewv nonîbe ag i e sion to lue pulilied in ('hinese. 'eiraI aurkers inclîîding vu î dleu,'nesseesment out a fortuigbt ugo, wilil ie set ýt ui rufue tuulabor un Sa tzcrland, llennuark and (ierrruany. Se'nuur Rouer(,. a Slaiard %%bu bas hi-e a nember ufthie ruulege fau-uiy for e yeae gui- to Chili, Southb .Inieriu'e The liarvet uitcouverts troinutIi- fe els t lu elfi*eteil. n ilI liilp to coluai-e tii, pruilio-d îplantationu ini lei-o. Refuses Medicine for Chiid. Cicuuago papeex bold Sturder îf rfi, dealb ut a six-year-ulil chili il) tuaI it y unuluecircumetauces thuit %tîre athcec anud iîougbt abîout by ts iiutfer affiliation witlu Johfn iiender boa e and hie Ziunu Cily clurrb. Mec Margaret F'rueierg ut 114-1 North l iark street atter buving retueed nu-di-aI nid for ber dyiug cbild mat bemîde the' iet hi-J confident in jua*ûncia depurtiment. 1It is h-i-ber faitb un ber chucen cburcb. -'Let ne *iat tiers la nov the large suin ut sing e bymn togi-Ibse Eshter, and your onat on these coupons as yet un- bilasse viii go avey," seid ths motirer. Betore the sung bac!i-adi-J vhsebiid bed Kiffot to ReducesCost, died. newrmnaement is mekiag evi-ry Dr. A. C. Swaat-. 307 Division ste-et, ie rduoe the pussent igb cost ut vas sumnioned lu the home vbe Tuesday igtbe industrie.and tbe ity and preceiJig the ebildes deahh. W'be hi- imelaborla beiag-eded ont. A îîre8cribed soins medicine fthIe lutile Aga @been made bu the working girl thi- muther je mid lu bave retnsed k ail tb fatorise wtb the single t. The Joctar lett. Tlieebihid enfiereul don ofthel]ace va-ke and in botb until Saturduy afli-rnoon, wben se, ipetries aiid tire city guvernmenvla cumpfauned ot scuent-peu u. IV was thu n twenty per cent. bas hien niadeinlu the niuther propused ho iag. Wbi-n ebe kdmeaf officiais sarniug norethun jribeduftheeluild 'vas dcud the mot ber y-'es dollars pi-r w'eck. 1celrnly laid t-be littie figure beet ou tlie Sretof Deecon rang-rs oa--J, eaYing: jye policy this '"horizontal" eut- "The Lord bas giren aund [le hba .cte probably every ufflcer tut ny laten awey. It e is ieilu1 >eaeei-mploy"d in the varions (le- Sport in Zian muats. The peuple o! Zion are -Tlueauntlori ies have loodeul tbui' chut- pkeaesd luy the muvetent andinîg puond aud t-lisyoutbs andtimiduuîe ut the cty net nrghtly lupon tiie'feoneiu DIt viii do miore to r-tii-i-ethei- crfnci- ut thl jter where tu-y are f a#Mrslu Zion than any'otluer alluw'ed tu mingle 1111 nias 'ocue. At *anb bas bei-a grant-i thenu. thie hour tihe polie aive and notiî Oprad es aof Z 'n thein that it is bcd ine. Lait Satur- Sprea Mesage ian. day niglut an effbrt vas madue lu, extenif -lý'auors of missionaries arete, tire tins but vtue offiiais ver- ohinratu.1 *,e«t fra Zion City vithia tire ad announeci tirt they eould not tosrdthe teahimngsof mleutan exception on Satueday ofai o! ffot. ir a in early that tbey mighv arise for !r et special efotsb Ix o'clock worsbip o! Snnday 0Aimioluding a a moqrneang. T AF' - 1 ui.'i 01IV' McDERàMOTT IS URGE[ TO R )ý tUN.' Waukegan Gazette Fialls ta Realiz. Gibbons Han Another TeriComlag. CAPABLE MAN AND SHOULD BE RETURNED. 1906 FAIR DATES. New Dîrector. ibId Firet Meet. ing atLîbertyvifle IMPROVEMENTS CON- TEMPLATED. i'iliiiîl Si ot lV 'liisfi it Fi il. 'îttî 'r4. , fi nul7 imo' tii liw us. -l'ffi 'r hie Fair. dirîxtui, iiiil utWberiuit.re f ii- 17. t,,uif 'c o - ilei. li uit 1, r,, mt iît i Iil,îl r tii ft r i i "i.g t hii.' l'air g iiuîf x iiiîi tîîînlgl 'if tI.' riiîîî FARM ERS WIN A POINT. Railroad Paye for Blocking Croming and Deisylag M 11k Teame rTER SETTLEMENT Bovîna Dairy Comrpany Seeks CASE 15 DROPPED. Site For Bottlinng _____work. A. Blradley and M. H.('arroll, out lî,u, liai-e ioi îril'u crassions bei-n The Bovinan Dair-*rvcumpaur. o! ced f, v the E. J. & E. trains ut Chicago, bas been making efforts ru Aley' i'rosuiug vbile e'rrute xxitb locale a mli bottling tacîory ut Pala- nu ik for ebîpint. Tluey proteeted tine and et present tins il appeurs 1 but dui andl flnally siingbt relief in the tbe tactory illii be built early in the rte A muramn-ujumas iucuued against epring. The conupany bas bei-a ast-iug E.J. & E. railroad und] the cas eSt Iariners in the vlcftrity of Palatine ta bearing betore Justice Orvie lnAsigu coatrects and bas ennoîrnced ifs kegan Tueeula -v.intention ut building if it cen get the tii,' lînt rmornt the rail-onu roui reqnired anount of milt deily and eer a -iigiIt ii i uaiaieandîl ast-ctain coaceess8ions fronu ifie village it to , li-iit,'. ugreuig lupuy As 300 cens e day i@ ailltbe u'oneerù Icif- "r i-,'uciiiullu- lriige tiiîy lied aes tu meure ivs c oiîiviig, iti e ut be' n. linl. ai-il Carrol %%ner"more lieved thet the proîci t yuli feu thruugb i' iii ,'-t a ir,','i-lentt riat %w'uld for leetotfru o-peratiiin on tbe part ut t- lutuire p 'n1,-t thfeîii fi-oi althe tarueru as t bic iiuýi'rbuîiofutdigposing -ttil ()iff i,' ulioii'uanueie îîîuanu' utofmiltis ever.%.N bei-e liiiud upon us a ,g ' - lx. iiI th iii, i i n igi ' ugr-'l i rveey eatilactor v llai lIi- tue d airvtinen. if' i ieio ' thfiir îeaîîî, lnoiit f IfMlthevillage, the e i-o.pnuast-s a setser luert liii îî is 1,' vliî a h livn xl ruîu e botîling workseaiiu acuneit ot rond i îuiifuuii'x tii iuiiiu i ars froi a a large pcreutageuîl tfe propertyouvrere iîig. fueiefler, ithin tbe ecurpuratu i.. eýequired it re poussible that Ibis rua,ý haittbe plans. fES MILLION-S TfOCHARITY. An option onuthrfi,'Hu-nening properhy adjacent te, the village of Pl'atine bus WiUl of Late Chalse T. Terrkes Pro- vides for Building of a Girat Huepital. Ni-v York. Jan. 3-lhe viii uf Charle'T. Yerkes. made pubfle Tues- lay atternuon. disposes ut an st-at-c rstlmated et $1t0,000.f. The wldow ut hi- late traction magnats le tu bave 'be fncome trom hait the estate durfug ter lfetîme and the use uf the Ni-v York residence. The sou. Charles E. Yirki-s, and thbe daugbier, Mes. Rondi- ni-lia. are to bave ea.ch the income rom a quarter ut tbe etati- far lite. &'bslute bi-quests et he vldow, son, langhter aud other benetfiarles total The reeldue of the etati- upon the leatb ut Mes. Yerkes and the other principal heurs. shahl go vo ths est-ah- Ilshinent ot a bospîtal ln Ni-w York, whlcb ulllmately vîli bave An endow- mntavof nearly $9,000,000. The Yerkes Inansion and lis art treasurea viilbs Jonated vo the public as an art gai- ey. 'It value le estlmated at $6,000.- )00. Follovtag are the ahelute gîft ioder thre viii: %Irs. Yerkes ................ i200.00 'harles E. Yerkes .......,... 200,000 Mirs. ituadînella .......... 200.000 rvbi-I Yerkes .....,...... 100,000 t'erkes obaervatory ....... 100.000f Louis Ovslsy ........>... &0,0000 3ervante ............ 15000 'harles E Yerkes (trust tund) 30.000 tira. Roadinsila (trust- fundi. 300,000 Total ..................... $1,485,000 This hiave. as lie reslduary istaee 'or public purposes $13.515.000, Of vhfs i-sit sui tmamy hi-e elmted that the b'itt-h Avenue- honne i-th Its art cullec- uon aud tii- $750.000 endovinent vili Lbsorb about $5.000.000. This would i-ave, on a basts o! a $15.000.000 estate, .eenormous endovinent of $8.545.00» ,or he Teukes irospt al. The Publie Ddt, Washuinrton Jan. S.-Tire monthly staternt of Itse public debt shows Vial at tire close otflbusliess Deceruber 30, 1005, -tire total debt, les auh ln tiretre8itoy, aSrnited to 1994,889,718, wnicb la a decreas. as conrpred vitir Dacember 1 1905, of k,8,113. bei-n under iegiuiatiiîaud alireadjy sur- veyorc bave heen uîuuuting figures and Ji-at iag plane. iveius uif the î-ompuny fiave hi-en untli-griund luokîng imb> thi-, a e A Correction. Wit tIirrnci- toIillei-article in wv',k s issii,' ufthti,' i Nu, uEE,Co iiug iather of tii,' 'eiid Cent vuir 'îumtuaIit's '011111Y tati, a' wst uic l iuuf n the,'fuuutîuulaco evaîcîîueuut exslui 'uad, bridgead taxes. The-,' -n îîiiiihlai-e fiy ailupeuu1n- estut, il. T -T hax w a- eau cd blu,8iof o staturts whuî-b n'as pa-sA'dby turc ah ivel,;hxt session aund w tu eounity taxesc only amd mwuy apply tu or ifi-c' ro ,.c'ool taxes.- fOR 240 ACRES. Old Judge Blodirett Farta At Lake Bluff Purchaaed liy Mir. Scott Durand. GIFT TO MIS WIFE FOR HEM DAIRI. Mre. S~ctt l)îrund, the Lake Forpet eoci,'tv aidr' v anddair 'v turni envbuiust anl w ho ou% ns and manages thie Crut, Tree îlairy ut l.alue Fîir., as pre- senteil last n'it h, a deed u thbold Judge Blîîigu'tv farni. lî,cted lustiiîorvb o! the liuit5 iii 1ut-e Blff. iii-lier 1.Lulialld. lv n'a in ithie ntur, ut a V'b netrlilasgi fi aiid i-it Mi-.i itruni jilsi $1 7îit 111<) Thi-fari, consisesof 2401 ai -s and tir fîîrty yecrs bas luei'î kq -as8.Ash ileaclow -s"1---"* yeasr coiiilii-rd hi- Fiman uile(r for tbhe lut,' Judze Henry fliiilgevv utf Wau- t-,gee. Lowing Kine Make Trouble. NIre i )iraiinls uritcret,' Lut-e Foirest neîrluliii>rs iid luit ft'e kiudly tii lieu luwing cattle. undin iifaut t aneDnt long cîne pruîieciilu) cseeure-relief by tbe enachient utfcrîlînerces hi- the village board wv bslould prohibit ber peize jerseys trîîîu unuo.ing tbe aristocrate and remuru' tbe offense ho their. delicate uostrilm. Besides Sirep. lnrunî vante ta The %Vaukegan Gazette c "lit witb advancee information rritlie demno- cratie roulis and declares Aldrman Peter MNcfernott ufthtbt city je being urged tu an(luri'e tlis caudidacy for mntrihy represelntative fruin thiu district. Tbe Gazettie seemm us t int thie a in,' t- nemt tbe tlîing in tact. X.i Twoimud bu' "fine and dalndy'- for %Ir. -Ni- lerîut bad flot lteliiutariite iiîlbulnnciuupressed demucrats geurali»- even enrpriic'd soine, by bis vepacity, giiid îiidgeiient and the 'xtuei witb nhc ls ieis regarded by bic iii bagues lu thi, flouise. It lias couie iii f" cuîîceîlcd "lnîbas anuther terni iiiiing- and the M autezan bunicbwill fa- tolushbw tlW~ir demouravie hretlîreii i Irougbout tIi, ounftevb v this isnuit a right andl [iroper conclusion. At least tis s the setimentex pressed vberenu'r ion bappen tu lîer the Gazelte eael'Wr" *nnder, discussion. BOTTILING3 !ACTORY AT PALATINE ,"DMEETS DEATI WHIUIE ,IltEMPTING TO SAVIE WIFE. Annuel linaurene Tlîe unuual uietlng:f Mutuîu1lrîeiranu'i- (-riay' in theIii-luter rooinu. %Shuot Milliiirn I. llinois, un Sautur (;, 1906îl, et 10:301 a. ru,..t uffiiial reporuit of tbheîuanii fui ic., any ~change iun the thfi. elheu huofuloilcrs. aund mili utier blinp.sx ta 1fiu,'i the b,'umeeing. -1 il ulu"i JOHN A. T)ii un, 'uliliurn. Dec. 2f 1 9qlhlii Keep in mind the date, Fi January 12. Thal is the Libertyville Town Halil t Camp. M. W, A. gives its que bal. 5ou wiiI miss il See bills for pa Tbeuc cildren's jiuleoi tllove the use utBef andl Ter, thse ungb syrnu cold troin the 1systern b cathertie on the bove rernedy for croup, Wo aIl lung and branicblal by WiLL HMtCKLEY, GRÂISLAIS PEÂEMÂIY. PRUMARY LAW US COMP0wj PUZZLES CENTRALCOW MEETING TO ISCUSS PRO- ý andidate te bave 0*4 VISIONS HELO SATURDAY IN any Or svey PredeInt- WAUKEGAN, AND 100 RE- discussion as taedl PUBLICANS ARE cation that Wou]deUu PRESENT. seomany delegte tJe«dý and lue burdenseane. Senator Tiffanys "Bite for the Boys" decided bunt noaob. a Veritable Feast. Fass, Shurlieff selves wil] agroeen on and Covey Present. Everyane ,, restrict the aumber ai Ooubt. two and poseibly tim ______Selectiaoo outy lu response to an invitation by the 'men was anotber q coonty central inmite 100 -1nt icu.. t lublicans, conîprisîng candidates, ,opinions expI'5885d. iiembers ioi the colîunittee and the preses idered as county, and distinguielueil gi-sts, met Saturdey under the law vas ini the circuit court ruoor te diseuse aud Tiffany E eiîggest relative to iuetbods of pro. At 1 o'claek the ceciJure u'(ntemplatedi iniljer tiii-new and toluthe methodist, rallier dubjous priiary 1ev. served a enmptuau. * è : " 'ney ofthte central N. Tiffany has t*ortuiiittee presitiec and otated thut ianuged a "bite wlîîle Attorniey Ueneral Steade ceon- Tiffany introduesd striîitiîîn o! the new la- upon ie being - tuasînaster, andi uppealed te by tbe county cdents uto the capacity et-utc, made cii-ar their dutie@, ît îett îln iacitiug gond doubt the Province ot couuty central al Congromsaar cuuîuiitees on @Umfle points. tast Houle ai Piuralily or Majorily Vole. and Repre.ente&tiv The tiret stumbling block vas whetber county vers it wus the ih thet the central coin- ipandi-d ith r biai- mittee decee a muîoeity or a pluralivy upon bDY the vote to delermine results at lb. county Cleek - primarie-vwhetber tbey s4ay that Tiffany ver. candidates receivirmg the majoity vote $tolfl la a precinct ehal be entitled teodelegates vsiu. tram tbat precincv, or wliet.ler by AIL- plurallty vote. Attorneysm Banna, C. T. Heydeckee, Coon, E. J. Heydeeber Cooke, o! Wattkega;pa Williamss, u Aof c;Coi Hendee, Attorney Jack.ou, Miller, ot Libertyvill.',' of Waukegaa and spolie ta 'the Pola difference ai definits conJud1 contusion o0( greetly iucru'ase ber bord, an itupossilbi. itY On the sinaltarin stue non' corducte, aud for' some tiune she bus bei-n ention@ lu sicure a lairer tract. particularly the ttiodgeptt ta rin There were many Clicaguans who vouid bave bei-n gled tu bave i-en $1-W.000 tor the tarin among f hem J. Ogden Arunour. Legal intricaries trlloving Juilge Blodget's deattu were ut such a nature it vas flot kaown by otbers tb>a 1Mr. Durand, the Place could be sold for a considereble time. and hi- took adventage of bis advance kuowledrze by proniptly clos- lng the deel. Originalfy Pald S2400 For Farm. Maay years ega Judge Blodgett pald $10 an acre for the tarin and as il ire. carneinore vauable vas repealedly ap- prosceei by wealvby Chiragoans vr wishei t-o piiechase il. He mv refuse!. It ivas bis hobby au greut pleamure in its po elwayc been a proSi propert.y.The blujff to be tbe bigbest between Chi eovsred with place je vel acres outIo The ta luo Du-