Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Jan 1906, p. 4

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,itravvile bauge." = *Om Nttai , M aTMItftii àrnthAt WICÂND LIFB. Joh e tiem-s cilîiniînn. lu the mnailtoialas mitto t-bre l1n tîn. e so)t In te ,tly. poeessting a well d. tht. 10nng ruan vtnild on Car deldlarately tab-e Hae mme anti lwaysn lin workîang andi dtitul son. toi diversion and it wavu roodinig ()er tiie r"e'ultnnd rai det nhidi Inltteti ot a sute a ws tîofefl ttlers .o stent o bond. TîiR ration ilîl not Ifae satifileti ,,%W Gatbering 0f aui OurYoutng lien must ha iv îor. The l'&eab vbo "yuresIt lein bIsapaver tb ild ma mires a _grave R7 te i better for the tintpeiet. The happy M» aptto he a gond mon. auoang tariered tbm To ltielarelaxation eto àW dsre for other te it your som n d y*ow colif thair ehare ai m l0le lthnyoiii paver Tbe wM vii h hiper ~ Xhay viiife bete o bita miloVledge- Mateoiiveailaabas Srapiffir *rawlntlist.1 sepAjy, a&>r holding a Se omm eof auparlonandi ciof (bitcunly, bas re- meba. But- bha dt ud Vogt hoha 8*ls ejob ternetu >han hanceor or. Re.eld off nelong as gère taI tthe ligJtning saIS4 but rabs" hagava up e NMt. 50701 newasa kvdi mm Ocejuped, ta at. -andi vitiout@seing an [itimrI sibave dragged wrv the Bone ot o publie. [vars banna the hab F aueton the spingtield mbs retait.: lThm aeleventh1 meors giva hope tlitIsumoe viens0< lot t<lof thegrealet usln-Clego vii tte boy they S cinol bond sa Tha te l< Chicago ast a nanlai retai ofb y robnthe pubic &bd the tta"Standard 011 tO,1 hravmg -suaùt 84t tb east séky ont of ta gaow. tins .atoopkeepass tor ta be itiltrea oithne druimard, i* he alookeepars ta do down i Isterling, tiis tate, - fo 18,000 for a imes, aot WW IIberfan $3.Whll titis coutter raductian, vi. eau aeattùea fair income If 9w gea Waibuay. et*, et Higinoot iwalhat ë gul of 9keping ie byA OSaâyiy*jury lu ~*w4#md 100, amd Jatiga ag0 emphlst lersasvtriai, end Je leprvai A4eo.f Est _I-t ItAiR-4 cents per Une for sab hmeru" r i EWùtO«ostltnt4 a lice i. JàI rOfts by t1OIbt III. lTerme casata adyssof. We wml bMot Inei ber..asll 5"à anaesé padtg ggvaa.e., Ir »Uit un u m.i ah ust mc- cqU oBrGpy tgoInura tnlaBtioit. E vun. FOR SALE-Purebrd Barred Plymouth Rock (onekerelo.> Braoe COLB, 'Phone 464, Libertvville. . 12-tf RAW-FVRS WANTI>-l wlll pay tbe hrgbe@t imarket price for, all kinds.. HORACE BILKLEY, Li6èrtyville.' FOR RENT-illaeksmrth shli with or witbout fixtures, at Jiaif Day. Addrese Mas. Eanii MANN, Prairie Vief, 111. 14-4 FOR SALE OR RENT-Farin of 280 acre@ within 51 miles of a creattiery, hett)iag factory andi shipping station. lnuJ~re of owner ..'AYN$LrEV Or PAUL XFeiCi'FFIN, Liwrtyrille. 14-t! FOR SALE-7 rooinI ouse andi three lots on Newberrv avenue. Good weli anti csternr fruit t-rees aind Psunall fruit. L.. J. WEîîu, Litwrtyville. 1 6_3 LOST-Last Scitudny, a tlaek plusin robe. lia wr Igdr,-s on reverse side. Suitaînle reward wiIl be'given for returfl. FnaFoilETT. LbhertYVrille. 16-2 'eV'f' ~. n5S~& ro n lt, irmt floor. Inquire Of J: AI. MCATEE. STRAYEO-A bAjy borses wirhing about Ù200 poundo. Fins twon white feet, white star on forpemat. Gone @Ince 1)e. 2; tram Pike Mines' farta. Finder notif.v Joz COa.tELL. La4 Bluff. FOR SALE-My home properts on New- berry avenue and an ideal home on Cook avenue. The cbeapest proposition lai town. C. B. AVERILL. 174, FOR SALE-44 acre farin. <loot Iir provements. A. L. WrLauai, Liberty ville. 17-tf. WANTED-A hired girl, Inquire at Pitns PENDNT Office. -__'- 17-tf FARU FOR'RENi-175 acre tarai ln town of Warren, two miet" ran Gure anudone mile froin Wadsworth station ,on thé C. M. & St. P. railroad. Mmn. J. Baîas'ow, Sl H$ckory St., Wmkegaa FOR 8ALE-105 acre tarin, two rafles ceaIoflibura. Oood buildings. Euw. DOTES, Rockefeller. 17-tf 1.OST-U.t week, a collage pin, yellow onape wt blback 1." Fatter ptoese MIMteQ IXDRPENEENT offRe. 17.2 FOR SALE-Lot on corner ot Mlwau- kaavenue and * Lincolu avenue. $100 if takan at ormen. S. D. Tiler, Librtyviile. *17-2 POULTRY-Silver mepangleti bamnirgs. Roosterg anti pullets fur sale. Ortiar at ouce. F. B. MARi%, Fox Labe,Ililinoie., 17.4- FOR SALE-Runer restit property. Tan choie lt.. Ciep. F. hB. Mmtîvix, Fox Loa,Illitnois. - . 174 FOR SALE-A ti.efeod mili in excellet runuing antan in à toym of 900 Ilaitt- aotstoaC.M.&ittP.ratlnoani. Surrouat logonentrygooti. Nawpugiueaew busi- uas. Wtli seli cheop owiug ta poor hith. Atidrese Box 46 GRntYo"Aaa ilt.ElEDET. Graysake, Ili.. FOR SALE-Lot oucorner of Mlwauke sud Liricoin ayeutue. $850 if take ata oc.A bargain. S. L turpp. FOR SALE-A 65 acre tarra wet a Ubenlyville. $70 per acre. PAut. Màc OveUbertyville. 17-tf & Travçilng MaWs B1peaicmëeý M. Abert Eltrage, representlng the Ego'Pnlntiug C., Paris, NI., soys: !n 1 usaHrt' Hoaey anti Horehounti turingltthe iter of 1901 anti 1902 for a bati colt ont lagripp1 I ounti itoau exellent madicine, vblcb effettat a cure lu a short lIme." Oui readere ors ln- vtedto tacation the drngglst namat ha- iwa so rsa large sample bottie of Iis excellet madiina free. 25c, 50e and 'a $1.00 bottles. Solti by F. . RELBARGAINS IN IR!At ESTATE -SOME TOWN LOTS W. are oiarlng trai ans t ira acre lota aun te Dymonfti aotadîotnlng tav on Ithe electrie roat. ati:oon the pro. frby. Do you vaut alot large enougb ar a 11111 farnu? WIII itulit. for you t de tred. investigate at once. OMCHICE VILLAGE LOTS W. bave sonna 'amy choie lots la the C. F. Wnlil n. iionlor $8510, $800 1260 at $200- Wiiimoka yau o bulld- ltf loa I it., Tiis làa agood op- 'ortuallyt o omie. Seo uslo-day. Hf yôa% raatub boybouose, lot.&aor fatras, aie ut. We hava anme gooti bar. ga- MORTGAGES We bave for sale evera irt nmort- gages toferususoaaufoilownj: $500, $750, F01RS ALE-Business loton Milwaukee Ave. M%.U.q in-si 101 nus 'SA"0i'42000 us nooto ous- SDtL-P40' svan rooîn i w'v, oiabbned M. Dilingar, of Madson, Wli, i tas dWIse caliiag on oId frIands; bore Tuesduiy. ~ '. Javias». CI GUY 1100k, -of Long Lake a. nsA ts&DI transactiug busiiesm lbore Taesday- ..~ LonFaion,1 of Gurnea, wao the guesit f nldur of is daugliter, Mrs. Cia.7%yghtraan, lest Tueaday. "W dtbnnibe 8fi Last Saturday wuo the warmoa*t day 16r*Uk January bas seen édace 1876, »0 Prof. hoiraor Cox tells us. 65 la the shade t noon. deMuos cf Fay' Brandaitttar atteadr-d the wesn=ent- eliii-lshow attlupeoenniii nCiicao lB"jain a ekvtriealnd.uduail -at week. .veed necor thte M. F. tchutait Friday evenirtg andi dasiledeat report a Mite tita. l lu ijance lire. D. 6. White ,,ntortaiiîed the laqiUry, ou Woiilai's Club lIntl lay erçiàing,. oemw. Several neiglbors 'Ivere inviteti in 10 . Bov and enjoy th e Progitul wbicbvas a rIlusgicl ,,euoro VIe 1tsýABDolti v ,etuandi rO.duan, furuishn.d thne Iadie -ltlk monie fine -Coknoten imie. A lurwlneoin wns srved i ut lic h tir lns- twbR'eo is. Geo. Èrednrn.ks and Mlrm. 1). (1 IlliInî la Whîite, poured. Tint. ladies ail cajoyeti a Heriis. de delighthil eveniung. hersoir bire of k Mrs. Znînzle ije visitiug Iber soin, . (Ganrge,*'U Deitînorîit tîis tteek. eàric Frank Ingrisîn la ret.overilig troui a (boniy. 1I Pag, ei5" ad severe attack of ptieUllloili. -Coult .Inke Deitlàcru returii-tiFriday fter a 11 mn&"o meeks risit %witln bisbrother fit St. Paul. o maof aim Noti- 14t The installattioîn of thte Iystit- Workerstt i"n took plane i1"t Friday evenng. -A o bitngies-t %vacs ervent d nainiver pleusànt 1,Stt eveliitg wils speul . deo.assd.' The edone ,-gien ast Friday even- ,lsviseeorU 3. W. Bot iag by the Iichelor girls was n decideti and boite sut-cees. Flfty yug IeOl oeDeotoatiti ursent anti trippedtheIn liglt fanta8tieSuBot Unknown orchetra froni 8:30 to 1:M0.Ait ex . Olrka.d relient luneîneon iras servedt i l(erlac'o *"tinorai restaurant uit midnigbt and eieryone voteti tt.e Bochelor girls royal entertatittrs. onr F. H. Kîebker vont at Labe Zurich onbilOCo business .lait Tburoday aund Frid(. ant4tiat J. L. Swayer, candidate for cotnty elark, caliati ontfriands bore 1atfldaiy. Bro. Waltoa, of Southern Illinois, bas beau angagedt taMI1the pulpit at tine Cengregationai church for the ansulng year. Cleaniag andi repaling bas bagua on the parsouaga to prepare It for tbe naw pastor ond bis tamlly. Mms,0. Kaiser, vito bas bean tha guct of ber danglîler, Mm. Claude Root, thé pat niontin returned to ber home at Kaiamazoo, i l., lest Wedueeday. Mmr. Root nceompaniet bera s far as Cicago. miss Myrtie Cide, of Wiiraette, sipant Friday bore. - Ils bar intention ta stant a.cdams iu Chinia painting. Miss Louise Wigtîuan panisedt rtagi bare anroîtet bChiago Friday. JonnepinTurner vino netently soit bis faim ntIAntiocin vili move ta Grayelake lu tins neal fuiùre anti erect a dune reidenca ana hi@ lot on tihe corner of, Park avenue andi Lake Shore Drive. Mfiss Ati Doolittîs spant 1a Friday in Chicago. Mis a Mud Wilkeîîsoîn of, Round Lake, visiteti frieuts bers Satnrday. Miss Emao fuson vas the guest ot Mis. Chas. Wlgbbman severai day. Ibis von-k. Frank Winble in attending tbe Valentinue school of Teiegrapl.y nt Janemiîlie. Miss Mande Etivarda leaveafflorida Saturday where obe will @pend i nrerai Little Cecil 1100k in somne baller andtIo1 miowly recovring front ig fn-ver. Miss Mande T*ner viialted friands at 'Downers Grove this week:ý ý lira. 01. Iook was tbe-gueut of Jëhn Rook andi family Saturday àad Sunday. Mrm.Autan I,1grsh, rmonoly spoken g an Grandama Ingrishn1liedllast SandaY at the borne of ber daingbter, Mn.. Johin Dryer, at tM<4 anivaneedl age of -eigbtv. two years. About a year 49o sha salfreti a serions attacki of pueumonia frora whir-b she neyer faiiy reovered awing to ber age. The fanerai was Bhelti Wednesday from the Freinont ehunch. Cléartig Sagle P« ls, t thlat ridants, Otr Break.,spnaaCod tafflte are named right- Wheu we coanponllded the. formula fort hese tablets we bad not declded upon name for them.. No single ngxne we coild thtnk of seemed to exprems *bat they were- aa simple; effective remedy for coldii. rinaïJ.,Wé dedd dt6 maff1ktqrttA' a afl for them. So we simply.jolued the wordfi togetber.tbat toI4 1what the tallets wouhà do. anid Ïinu'1y ,càed them Brcik.oea CoId Tablets. That Is Just wha t they do-' and-most easily-too. Price 25c. LOVELL'S DRUG STORE £lberIy9IIlt, Illnois , that prtO."-B l.a t ho C ornIle o T h ýet ndo ihi; 2Oth ÇCenturY --C- hStore B. W. HIt 1 it Sun a iÀ'rni 1 Unknonu wnerr le dascrlboni lu a recordait lu the ce cbannty. litluote,1 @as ont 11) ti. deviséesut Jha anl t. Sri.n neait n rae0 tihe orISla lia Trust au flame0.Bio leilîim74ti L 1.n tha . eeliCat 0 nseoant.l o the mor llabt 5P~. 1rtsbt Amontiweh.Okmtowit hoire on fJobs ni"William I pl:elUry.nho. Ir Wî~~ne dolondanteMarN Elieth mn,..1lzbl IV, or g"in Jon.So, a=d. t, V ailesSobvaa liw , Jalm e 1. ni, MaryS Ntan. t R. laBo, J, abby.inovaran ari lia-s t= stt sec t â a lte DTII of inuauny,.eaaub tedte laitte mPlr aabt ho Subera. tien, Ellnrint beu relet a th-ae. Aoe d n WilamG Saat. Jeot B Ssmît 0 tret Gog Sebb rot. e a. <itae Sctes orata r-ai~ remedsrleil it 11c onte A1t cn aihan a -suht pecaa "ai cannI hasereS uion onon alto t ebi, uasSartt M~ioEO.arye Wghbob Ba .vbn. Eilaa Weitb tin Alt ohsftu, noaad. m àtus * Gan A.lia M0.c ost e an at eaitte n hooBed inoi u Te Cl artsl 'nie i te Faitboe ey via 1 lhe o auhrti. ary sebb, ota. brs or t eusI v2.n Atanait. tt, 11-A -Lr To- hrpsO a IMM tTatI. Otan. Ilde H orbb Qulnr l .. lemno. 0-àaEjt Ma., arasd Bo, D sel . ty, ovne A. enickan Selet r l Flatoy naieS acapatans1 et t 0( 11 a Ooailai <brt n ti où ncar nanSStans teantti o 0Ba ta re " lte Teandf it Crcit m t Rtas. in a le eld t lt Court«ns ~ mien -- iF.2. Pauo ACS , H. 41aué b@ià itS. FUS, OUT pntlog TO iEoucE STOCK. For... RIUER ICoTS OElIAN SKS, FRT BOOTSasd )llr Stock Ago. SiZeS AR[ GOMflI1et E. W PARKHURST SCHANCK mLOCK zobli Ceutr uiy s teme A Bargainý In Laundry Tubs Wby use your old wash tubs and be. starting a dae ahead tq get ready for wash day wheu you eau buy a 2-part, 4-ft laundry tub for $8,75, and will gu.arantee it for ten years against cracks or defeets,- This price is only or a short time. ui Dhtteilt L Kàiser Block -Meiroi at -vox!r 't, Ubertgvlile. hibou. Il 201b lbGranulàted 8S wa,, 10 lbo. Pur ekvgwlétFlu GalioonnauTaI lêtirup .... i Que;rt raiTable 8.1rup ............. o Oriolu Paucake Flour pr pkg...... 1 lb. eake Pute Mapi ugr 1 N. Y Ful ream Clu-ega per lbs......... Tha tkgMviîg eléaned!. 09 Nonarhmince .- os FanyClifornis Prunes, per lbs,....104 ghrâeded (Jcmtanut, per îîoild-..... e Plosturu Cern-ai, large pkg .............230 Grape Nuto. 2 pigés ................. île Pettijobst'. Breakfast Fod i..ekg. .13e Sbddced Wbeat iouit per pak ac3 Raliston Breakfast iFood per în1kg.... l4e BAKERS8 CHOcIOLATE, cake .. lic BAKER'S COCOA 1-2 Ils. carsn . 20o Farter Head niée Per lb... ... ....... se New Navy Disait, paer lbs. ...............le ('alifornia Migna llisonslier lbs.......8Ie glnelle<i op Cornlierilsb---....-----e, Bulk Uolketi fat. par lb.. .......... 4 (irannlinted Yello w Cern Mwepa t ...3c; .Jdii & Hiaranrier Sodas, Pound pkg. . Sc Sarîlines lun('i par eau-------------.......8SI ...ntrd...... to 1 IL brick iltFinis ..s...d....... 13e lFiat 110tti CAts»up ..............1...eO Mazanilla Olive;par bottle....0...eo PreinaretiiMfattred .......Je nirh oae auesi1111k er cao ý...10 iachC. ssred iopprcn.O 2»e-lsýa moErlyJnteas.....pert...IO 2 lbcaea antCoun. e;............ ...SOC 2 lb ean (Dvean llriag................. 90 2 c l aenSriBeau............tog B* ]b ean umkë pa................. oc 8lis auEg Puaisn...... .............. 109 8 lb eau Applesuné.ý...................Oc 3 ib cmna xtapp*To...........o........ 0c 4 Ilb conuSIEtr 1'inaples.. .........I3 2 lbeaun lin-Ies..l............. je Palbcm Be n rkTa ..l.e . ..............10 10 ars einal Mit ........ .....O 10 Dam Jmrarn Landry oap.......40 10 MUralatndry O p......Se 10 Idalf ty ol8op ..... . .... - 10 sih4wofoa..... ...3 n10oB........IOn Grandpa's Wonder Tar goals, per barAc4 Bet Lumnp etareh (in bulk>perIlb, ...# 4 Pound packageGlaça Buits.........7 Perfoecton Ly. Vpauo..................ef Extra strong Afinan par bottkLa....te Perfetion Biuliag per boutle.........10e 5 doisan Wood Clotbsi Pins ........k...f 8 bsi Washtng goda ................. Sonunine, per coke ................... S a p o ll o p er c o k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Bon Anniper cke .................... PaSor Sitches <500 box> 8 boise...100 "sIon 011 Cons (tîn>..................... 9e Long hotdla Fira iborel .............eO Rlstng Sun Store Poilis ..............e' Asbato. >lata, each ..................-Se IE. E. ELLSWORTHI Ubertviile hi. F. BAU RSTOW Mà%NUFAdCTuftERor Mau'ble and, Granite Monumeous Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondenoe 5olfcltod 126 Genesee st. Wankegaii FERS IANED Higheet market price pafd for ail kinds of RAW PURS -BY- chas Stempel LONG GROVE, ILL. Mi ho ttasis r. 1D4.sUtteAiea 1111 i.beas' Wd hlasI$s l effet on tbelilver. q b T b$ aT a gt 01f i«amf i ,e. kMb ýe lâwu~IAmII ntolng Injuions a aete tasiGusMnOO Pih.UNOT. tlisoe adseru bti i.ia. vhil be1.122LI*Iig.3~ - 1 11 l'mil illi i l ti

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