-AAKE CoeNTY y INDEPENDENT. VOLa XIV. NO. 18. .' IAv OPPOSE MR OSS. WrùtbY Eavanston Mon Otten Mentioud la Posibillty Rasa About ,Drecided to Rua for Congres@.. ANTI-FOSS MEN ]KliE ARE PLEASED. Buniay'a Chicago Chroisictin lua lengthy article "epinggs' Jamn» A. Pattoni, tormemayor ut k vanwton, nu * a wealthy Board of Trale Ian as a candidatsfor cungroca7 iî thie tenîli r distrIct agiîinat congneaniî Geourge Edimntd Foe. In ait interview Mfr. Patten pexpluasnod i aeplosition asa tultous: bave made' nuolîiica- mycelf and nat the' precelt it 1 amu unall.-lnainealany persan wbo i aupportlnîg enha a boomn. Like anyotîer tian, ait emura' t iniglit beh willing tn coek I'thaauar ut reporena-t- ol lng lnthe 8l-tiditrict ittItinongint I Sonil b.hoe-ted- wthuut a great deal tof troublé. Tbis reporta-i movement hnw- oeor ha.n t xn-achpl a stage wtîere tliare la anytbIng f a da-inite nature lail.' ItlainbinIou the "frienis" blinauting Mr, letton are onîinuiagtic Deneon supporter@. and wbe are said[to rsent vinaitiney allégé Congreaisman Funse: attitude vas aI time l)eueen won a candidat. for governur. Alongie bslino Mr. Patto ai sli uithsen in hie interview: "Tino ebarge bhm heen maie Ibel (»ngreuamunFFus a aled thlina ndiilarY of M. Lovilen. If hae was active et thaI time, bis ectîvity was in tine dlr.tlcn of Mr. Lovien raîhor than loward Gev. Dousen. The feeling againt hlm on Ibis eccount wac strongeet St the convention, but ef curse tinie bas a tendeiry to ubilue sui otllty."- As l'h. Papers 8Se.Il. Commotlng on bine pcsellity cf Pattasabseomiug a candidat. the gmau Omlé illim. i - 'Mr. Pattel bas strong Influence un tostb islie polcicel cinctes. Ho supported George W. l'aulin for trustes oftheii. altlary district and theo appoint mont oi George iKely ase smacter lu chancery ie also creditoil tu hlm. Thon. eau b. ne mstaking ut M. Pattons& villisànonsta bécoteas candidate if lhorecels-es sufficiaul encouragement. Patten in giron crudit vilshelng a ive ceîmpaignaer andlwith *plouty et tonds ta meet the i'xpense h venlil canse some troubale, eoecialy la the. south sud of tbe district (lu *Chicago.) This enanessloual district bac ceen ne figit fer congreas since Mn. Fus@e sa fint nominatsi. At that time il ta vecalled that the wealthy publeher, W, D Boyfe vas e candidate and retpint badit lthateh ail pontsa"bans-oh" At the convention Lake cuunly %vas offeroil sMd coulil have bail the cungrenasman but Il gave way to1Mr. Puae,, who lac ever since shown hie apprécation ut the art. C;ongreseman Fesa bac lus troubles inn tb. soutin endl ut thinsiitrict and a Lake euatyv man le seiltehave. beeh offereil t4t léelgation theolmnt lime lbe rau. Saisie Are Plased. of course theo prohability nt a contet illigta -tino anti-Fos mon in Lake county, andil inl natural there ehoulil li a, me altinougb tine Cengreeman bac *¶dc.ao a ýgreat ileai for this endl cf bis district. il la reportoil thuse wbo -oppese Fesa are euding lttera -te Pettou urging hlm tu hocome a candI- dates sud pledgug tinir support. Tbey ses-iu the présent campalgu complica- tiens that wili reunit lu Patten'a favor ansd are net ueglectlng te tekeadairnlage etftthe condition. SUCS ýT. PAUL 'OR, S12.000DAMAGES. Diarfleld Mari Souks te Secie Fîrancial Compensation fer Wif'i Oeath and His Own Injuries. Monday suit waa Biled ln circuit court inl wh- hsWilliam Barîmua,. aeeki to recover lu al nome $12,000 frointhe CInleago MIlwanýkee & St Paul Co. for the « destin aihi vite uni ton injuriai te imsll at igDertieid at yoar. .Fur bis vîtes ulatinho asake *10,000 for bis evu injuries hoeaine *,000.- For lin.. tp6rtmue, then uit in bruugbt lu tbp.nanne of Leslie l.1anna ac public admnistrater faor ber etaté. -Il le r«ethelbaItinhe man uni bis 'lis verà .tluck hy a tralin hle drlviMlng ta ureS and, tlb. wlfe dhed sbortly ter lhe accidet. Mr. Bartamus rre - 4 bdly burt and ail rtainat »7#7ê ý' , tbeami.a LIBiMITYVILLE, LAK.E COUNTY, ILLNOIS, FRIDAY, FEBIZUARY 2, 1()ü6- 8 Pages - I Descon Oranger7, Meniber, of Triumvirate, Shows Auger et Dowle. MONEY STILL SCARCE RRTRENCHMENTS FOLLOW. Orýerceer Speicher baas heen enrmly re- liayod of ai authority ln Zioni, ut thia thiero ceeus tui hono doulit. 'The laalsied baud aotf I owle liafouinai aniuigl mtra-nthto luwava- dismiisaal ta hinia îil bats hen bis matinchemt frieiaand edeiser. Speicher. clie'trusteat ientananat of Elijali la now nuulenad a uong Zionaw fallen leaders. tjeIi.'rd a.Ifitlia'sa. lutha- trut'laced Ùujali ilniie is ffice Ivas da'clareai vacant. The runiar wxvlijfor n a ek Nea %vbiapored l inZioik hnasa~~ Ziracornera s le ôw cîatantmiial. Speiclier the. leader ruinis now 1w ~Sîaaipar thea- l'a or niit du-art out ait ZiiaU. lie gays ie ii tay. it in eaid thie reason thie preeniptory dii§miichal waa kept quiet wao tliat it was bl-ievei Dauieuiglit rela-nt and reintate hlm. But Ijoule did nat ru- lent. AppoaIs wero mande to iîii to con- tinua Dr. Spetuhier in iii Ipositioni in tlîe tnaumvinate whî'h entrola ZMoniaffaire ),ut in vain. Spaiclia-r had na-tused to ok'y bim uand llowie ivihI fot lie dia. obeyed. . Sonda Irrevenent Massage. Itik laid that wb.-nî a ew dayo ago Dowie telegnapheil tu Ziuju for $30< Deacon Oranger, (laucial manager ot Zkon, wired bock the followiug: "You bave tour nien with you, @et theiniaI work. Tbey shoulilLe able 10 liing yin lu ail the mouey you nevil for youreell and tbem. 'l'ere la no auper- fluons money in Zion' Thoe impertinent words con lhe con- etrueil hy Dowi. baraly othenwise than sedîtions andi I la probable tbey were due tu, the IrrItation of the ileacon caused by tb. demanil at a time wbeu Zion le in onanclai raIté. Idon." la Searce. Tb@ need cf luouey in Zion la rery prmeing. Reports tromn that city eay that furîber retrenebniente are teing made lu every dopartiment. This metbod of.cutting expeneesil even being put intopractice luntthe city8cehools andi thein bac beeu talk of abulisbing the Zion collego. Owing lu teck of fuuda theo businessi de- pertinent of the o scool bas already beeu cut off sud titteen intruetora leken frum the payroll. Thie higli sehool will have- bu ho continueil wbether the college le kept goiîîg or nula a @tale law re- quires citie thie sizp of Zion tu main- tain a htèb Chouf. To Doep Mexican Project. Dowie'a great Mexican plantatioun scineme, wlîicb bas cost hlm so imucli býoilpromiceelto liepraatically abandoued under the plane of the treumnirrte now rnling the fitancial affaire ut Zon City. It wac delared Maonday by a uember of the îiuînrirae ttat nu outaide ventures w>ill receive dorelopment at present and tIsaI ail efforta will ho concentrated upon brinîgiug order into affaire et Zion City iwcof. The came man eaid thet the laud acîîuined tay Dowio in Mîexico had turneil ouItu liec largèly of poo uaily and the litigation neceaaary to nauqire it will probable occupy a number of years. for these renions the trinmrate "' Il check theo operations lu Mexico, a]ithougin a tew hundreil acres will behlclit uiorder to fumniai a nucleus for taking up thie project ag&in, -if il ovor lieconnes poceible te do @0. Chitteuden s Candidate. Ralpin Chitteuden, et Warren townchip la a candidate for the republican nom- ination. for eherifi, which tact the -I.Nox- PENDlENT bac heretotore everlooked Inn it mention of candidates. Mfr Chitten- don i% eut for theo office in eanest and the support le hobing promised encour- agea hlm ho hlieve bis chaumea are ex- cellent. Candidate Yte, J3uay. Richard Yatoa, candidate for thie Unitedl Statea Sonate, tu aucceoil Sbelby M. Colom i f that gentleman don't sue- ced oi îeolf, fireil hie irat gun in hie capaign Woieday nigit t ardin. Ho spolie at Carbondalo Thurailay ight and front now on will addresc lromn two toa n ait dozen meetin6 ovory daY. Whon lho la to inrade Lake county bac not been ninounci. Medul contente. Thore, ulli be a iclIver modal conloal lu tins furnee Chritian cinurcîn, eatnînay e's-nng, Pain. 8, On Satun<lay osening. Foin. 10 Ibere will ho a grand gelai moedal conteat uit tins Mîiburis Congrega. tlenel cinurcin. Es-rybody Invitd ta atbtel in. X. iLwvu gazpàsu, Cuuty Cou- Undar- the above .glarlng hpadc.ng spMàai&d i the Waukegan Sun of Thursday, January 25. several coiWtnecf the mÏiÏt Lraz e taggadocio and celf Isudition by its editor it has ever been thse misfortune of Lake county people to see published in any paper pr periedical. 1 Fowler, the iditor, asks hmself **Who Io 3h1 Mii Fowler," and thon in murdered Engllsh answers his own query. Hi. asumpton of decency is bosed on his own inflated opinion of himsolfand unparalleled self esteem. Unblushingly this bigoted, arrogant ox-ward heeler points out the virtues ho assumes ho possossea. Yquu i'ad ît and must gaso ln amazement at ita very p!esumptuousness. else in pittylng wonderment ask yourself ia the mani sane. This-Fowler who sayi the Lake County Bo ard of Supervisera ws cerrupt almost te a man, who promises te retire the directors and officers cf the Lae Courîty Fair Association because ef their failure.te5 treat him seriously, Whio proclims'ovory.' candidate for office net poaseasini ~¶4a" stsmp of approval as dishonest and a graotr, th editors of the Indeperidient, Waukogan Gazette, Anter-h f'4kews and Grayslake Times are al wrong, in their political opiniont while ho alone a right, who tried te "hbld uu?' President Frost cf the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric line for $6,000, and whc» is right now threatoning te start a paper in'Kenotha where ho sees a chance of again getting in "front" cf the electrie people, thi 's great 1 AM. proydly peints his own finger te the virtuos ho would have Lake county peop le believe are his, in his own papler and by his own pan. Ye gods what an odlfying spectacle ofjeurnalism. Hinky ink and Bathhouse Jehn, of whom Chanty Mowler is an ex- colleague. must lift their hats te him. 'Thoir innovations of course and rediculeus fame fade into insignillcance ln the light of Chestys latest staînt. 'The Sathhouse and Hinky Dipk have horetofore been in a class by themnselveï5lbut Chesty new shares theli' laurals. Andi ta think Lake county "drew Chesty'l WHY HE GLOATS. Boanniet Park Connsevoai-rs. Fewler Bec.k in 1901 Fosiler wac n candidate l oys tine Governer a shont lime before for eection se alderuman in Cbtaego's hie destin apeltgiei for hic action. 141h wand. 'Oîposing bu awna ex-*Thne Governon boing adm Fouler la Alderman Thon. J. Litle, cf vnomitino 'cae" lubis asesaion. Chicago l>aily Newe ut Mancin 30, 1901 WAS OFFERED BOOOLE? laid: "Little va. nominabeil tour jeanslre 1î aerabbssefwte agoby u uecnpulue ardmacine îiogre"uiy reeites hb. iiinet take theo Ha votai for tine Powers' gang. cota- ","dl'offemd on cecarali craiens ta mille. els lintheirat day ho was in tine bet ray tins pnbllc, sud that the reason counceil, voted for theo noterIons ho bas ieen su e Soesa"led la becanse Commonwealth Electric orilinanes ou ho tougint grats, bib.rc, 1sisp s"ea it. pasiage, andl egain ta pasa Il ever tiisyeand f46itump-jublie '/0§198In tb. Mayor'@sveo; votod iluthe inlorestO Cicago for tour yeam'm.Wda&e bannI ut the dIs-est ratlway compani-eail businesa pretty regniarly ourselvec ever iluring line big traction figlin and cou- lu Chincagos 141h wnd tinsse dais sud alataenly Irnineil vilinthe 'GraY Vaolf' vo fini tnat ooer, Ihore lainay cunsider pack iuriug is entiro terni' PFrom that part outhtinoarticle tine greateal jeke thia Il will ho seen Littole a egardiloi tilh. Twîu partie. bava issues 0uthîe as a tbunouginly bai aldermen iuring 1 palper n lutîeir plaies utfibusiness andthue his terni. fHe va initeniY coudemned j derisive laughten tint grees thebia-e- by thie tunicipmal Volons, Longue. lu ipotai reaaîng ai tins paragraphe in va, tiia earacler outa anuthe' quastionun lipas a 'grae AdoutIinounr Muniipal-Voler' Leaeo Preforredi minI ase luFoulera ros-esity. Fans er to, and iehovas flnally endOrseil.krFO LR %ANS Aler une u1thIle haricot campaîgns es-or wagei in a Ciicago vend Fusion Lot lheinaNiKiL\,iaEiNtol yuu wbat succedel in deeetig Iis nturo 1athisani Fouler is trying to acconîplisl, Tuaia Little, ah n-bat inancial COUl we 1luntinhae sntcmag mr i do net prelendtoestimae,bya nnajorty I snyting elsa-: le bac representeal bu ut 1800 vules. Tinare %n-or@us-or 60C00tins Deneen -"pe.lle" in Chicago anal peupla- in the waetaIliat time. ehieeviere that lu Lake cuunty hola h. Tinis la tue whole circumatance in a l1e1cns-es t)lie the recogisei Deaien nutKiaendila Fowler'is reason ton! repiresentalire ont 'lors- Ha-uns buncîrd "sic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h elig 0ln uaigpits onviaintenils putting Ah, Hoendee, gluats lu bis panier ut bis "reord.."' Iho lending Lowdeai minhetI lact . MORE BOUQUETS. canupaigni, on thea- ina-f," ta ideînuanernlo Fouler ii ail "puffeil up" liocause lie ho really Jae " iadin iebispipe il're am waneshown a couple ut uitIle counbesioa hoe acea finmsalf prsanlîng tino eiience ta, wbilo aldera-niîi, f winicin lie teile bis theo govornmuî'«s politîcal adiscoe. Wta rendors in lis 'ecsaey ut deiglît vitin reward ine iolace lu demtaul liealune iimcehf. He says: knows, and ltme resIt fns gnose. lay -Wac chucen ebhairînaniofuthbieIllinole Goui are Lake county thus iuîility. Mnnutnaturerc§ Association, wiicl DO YOU BELIEVE IT? aapoaIdteiol tie satle huard ut Fowlar lu Tlursdys weekhy Sun equatizetion fur tain trotiienl:*' snys: "Te ina nu.t vigoron naid exciîing WIJNDERFI;L! campsign i lu - îaiity's iitoy laeuîaw Again:' Wasauppoinhel by IMayor startiug. Tite ging" policins are Htarrisonniscîirman ut the caimmittea-i arrayed against tino citizen-lnxpayers lu recels-o Admirai Winfieîi S. &-hlnlen !anal tinotigh nulli e tierce, but uilani procentea hlm vihhe lna ngros in 0victary for lino peupla if îiney siilwake rosulutiasns aud aler lu lins absence utfiup" Do you laieeeil? tine Mayor acted for tino ciIy.' Winet rut! .hiit yelow sensation hy And 50 line vainglonicus article resis a yetlow papa-n. It vili ho mua-h on, pruclaiinlu tine unappreclated bine camne caînmpaign as lu pacît merile oft ibis cunceitai poliliral cutcet. ysara. If tinsciti7en-taxpayor anrray Il juat barely mentions tinal Gos-errinemsels-eè egainal any gang lb neilIlie Tanner virluslly kicteil Fowier off tino lie one Povier seeks te ieai. MEN ARE FINED FOR US1146 PERRET. Evanston Mon Bump UpAgainit Lalt' County Law; KilO Rabbits i Illégal Mariner and are Assessed $18.50 Eacin. Twu mena givirag tineir nemi-sac George Brown sud Jamss Palmier, both ut Evaîmtan, wor6 placeil unIon as-et by Deputy Sinorîff Martin - Lui, ut Walawurtln, tlut Tinrsilay andi ter in Waukegan sos-o tiuîci $14150> ana-, 'bey sera caLuit in tino act o ut nug reatitavul a ferret wiicila an oltens' agalînst tino staeogamo lava. Titeno mou 5ma hentl.day huntiîtg in, tins fleldi anal aloug tinofonces in the neiginieoci etf N&dwoivrti ndnibai killid more than a aloisurabihte by Ibut metollof utbundng. - Tisa nebblhe bail besun nifl.tiy abippoiltu (Obicago hofore Ibeîr as-ruaI. PLE A 15 FUTILE; MOTIIS 5DEAD. Fqtifui Message "raY Fer Mamma" Sent Dowie in Far Southn Proves ef No Avail. Tine mesage l'nnmy for imanila,' sent iy -tne cildren anal lusliani ut e lying ,Zion CJity ioani ta Dovie iu Jainira pros-el futile. Tli- moîber là nos ieàý despite tine pIo nat lhe genoralairer- sean inn bis sonitlerai ratreat' She ws an Mra. Fuît>'nui lean e a large laInily bu mouru ber losc. Bine vas wvatai'nul abieen cereral yeai-M a belles-on in fiovie tinough nul until recentl>' a ni-ident of Zion. Tino message aakinig Dowle' aid iu pnayr m as cent froon Waukegan lisonasui of' milles lq. l9legrýapb audl si.but vilin- Out avai1. NAVAL .a . 50100L1 PLANS. A Few Intemetieg Façtu £on. cering The Propo.ed Scbeol Ap 0k-ven By Captaîn Rose Who la lu Charge cf - Work. TO BE GREATBST SCHOOL 0F K fN D IN THE WOULD. Capaînin Rases nstinswilh havi- alargeofu tine îreliînîinary woirk et the Nortin ChiaagiNaval traininîg Sa.hoi.-Dl w aet 'tw- tiun andl taw laya agan gare n etatonnienît o ai t n m hîp ork isiailal ca i-i sisu ot, -ifa tatp'niu a ï ns-ny m ter_ eting and coma- faite wbinhn lu thîgje inie bai nultibeciameîpubtlie- shoiw onner tnn a-c-r tino lianfuthtii' upantîneal in esbab- limdannent ,of tino eiaol. Il i la hanaîcitînethIe- vaiaucl-suiII bu lit fer tîle lest îînîd tost extansiveofait ls kirmi in tue ncorld. The citiro most le lia bei X2,250.000l. T la- planie wticlî Capt. Rose preaene contenuiphate liiiera-ctionoutan adinilule tratuon building, an inabnrucîhonî lbuihd- ing, four dormnîtunlos, mes hall, guari- bouses, Powe-r hbuues,Sofflcers* quartera, gi-mral toreýliue, dotfntion benracks, marine harreeka andl bospital. lu addi- tiôn tinere are rine other buildings, con- sitiag of reeeiring buildnig, niec aifl ani detontion lurmitor, goueral'store- keepra astusebouse, 'cummauîdant's quartersansuaix Set f otlcere' quartera; ent ttoragebouse. general stables and winat ii tlîe navy ia calleil a brig, or prison. Tino station yl accommoilato one theusanil mon îtin oesanil the grounie vili allow an expanaion tu fully twice tbat capacity. Tieno hitit will Le arrangeil witb aixty ordinary hbesendl îwonty infectioua he». Tin oeh-ool vili mucin resembleaa colla ni hors boya viii recels-e edue- tiens viicin ilI fit ttorm ton livea usetul lu tins governm.nt's naval deparîmnt. The mental, meral ad physialwis@du cf the Young men yull b. careinlly watebeil over liy mon Iralned in tbý wurk sud line futures of tino young mou vilI Le momt caretulhy ebapeil. Tino final actuel vuîrk howanda tino building etftins station wilt comnîuc early in tino priug vinan lheoronds wih1 lie liuiht utfnîncadant andl bridgea cou- sînuctel accusa ibte ravines nrhicb eut up theo siloeuaking tine grounds vers- piclur- esque anul iuviting. A lieniquncters bas alreaiy heen eetablialiei. A barbor will Le ilrigel out anmh suitale docks erected. Tino Nrhwesteru railruai la tl uhlli e brancinbto hheartutfthe grounis âani ba aubuitteil to, hbe governinunt ils plana ut otrance. PARMERS MOVE TO DAKOTA'. Fifty Familles Geing lu a Bedy Frem Logan Ceunty in a Few Weeks. of tifty familles in e body is etnînsing conaideretle camneut lu thne preoaou 1$1..50 PER YBAR IN ADV& HOLDeUPS MAKE A BIG IIAUL. Wsukegss aio1000Kièeper end Culètemers R1elleved cof Over Three Hundred Dollars. ]ROBBERS OVERLOOK 1 700 IN SAFE. Waukegan uns tii,- cena- ot a natb,-n exeiting saluion lhold-up lata- ast Salai rday îîigbt the, rotuli e ttilir aivay %vitia miore lIaithîre buudaled loliarm. The robbery occîird itfiflîmrlua Va-nilaar salotnat the cornier of Waer atreet andl Shieridan RIondl. &t KhtritRan nît to elev.in ool, ktheo prularietor îînd hic brot1wr. Wr, --inber the bartejîder, begaîî lu pra-lare to iliasethie aniniai. Serai a'ustùuauarm wei-'stanuliîagaro-unuaseitinagý for i last adrinîk nvlîan thie aide duair mudda-nly oîs-n,-aIaînd tua man-n 41îlthIa louer l)artasaol tlîir fia-es cova-eai itt hlaeck nuantlerm eîîbared. irst iîua+F-peivn-t#d e revuls-or lit thpa lia-ailou the lrpatietor anad arda-red lie banda op. WVa-nîuer at Irst tinosglît the. mnater n joke uliinanie tria-ad wee playing upul inumandldid îotaolliîply fiîmediaba-l v. The- mana abuta-iltlhe gm cluser lu bis face anî witb au oeth tulil lain lu get hie bianda up in e hurry. Wemhoer aw the glint in flta cyesa nd railtedi@ labanda. The otbon man cova-reil thoilu nfront ufthlIa bar lintng îhtun up aaros one aide of tine ron. The tir@t roliber thon wont tireugb tinecashb drawor taklng $280.90 froni the tilt. T'ae pocketa of the vrin ucstomors were thon searcheil and onough cash waa aecured ta makoe tine entire ameunt takon reach theo Ban ot about *315. Thse noblira hacked eut et tho front door atter telliîîg the victime tisat If they mails auy noiesethey. voutlho minot and ied Oeloulinalong Sheridan Rosil tumng down toward tino Nortbwsrear tracte. Tins police departimeul was st unes n>94Woilby clspo lîo &g M& abval patroimen wsrs sMt ont la bope. etfappreboniling the, meu but tineugin thov soarcineiltheo nalîrnail yards for several hours andl watched aIt out- golng traînsaendu electrlc cars, coutil get ne trace ufthlinomon wbntever. lu tbh eto irbwicinstouil hocido the bar thero was at theo lime utbine rubbery nearly.$700 but the mon luntineir hecto dii nut cee theo sale andl se urerlouked the suni. The night uns well cinocen tur a hold-up. It wsepay nigbî et tino wlre mille and aIl tine saluon keepera uft tiat district îek-e it a point tb have on band eougin money ta cacinthe cheeks et tineir cuctoniera. Many ufthten saluons il'ew as higb se a thouennilQlars ou pay niginta in enior that tisai' msy not di'usppoiut the werkmen wbo wtsh bt got thne money on ti elrcecke that erening. LAKE CO. BIRDS CAPTURE PRIZES At Pouttry Show Held In Chicago Last W eek. Local Chickens Carry ofr Henore. stae. 'es --%e a. couiinmiee of the U1tine-poultryeshow heole st week in malîsista usat insuny represenhatis-es ot Chicago aI siiinbirla fruninl os-or tiné r-aitroa.et Btuoinngunm lu îegoiatt colnmtry neora entoreui ses-oral Lakne terma fontranspmortationî..11tl"l go cmt bceeto rss rdA tugetlien and -cetie innheemanieneiglilor- Uuniîyo ciniekea 0a0laprieraifA.s bîîui. Tiney comprise a conciles-eLle canuub Le.ghurns, weon first prise on bene comnuunity in the viinity ef tatal, anal thiri sud fourtin un rouabera. Logan couity. Win$ Silver Cu P. A year ego tine airante guand outIhe , colunits loftIte spy eut bine land, as i 'flia-ient & Jrite, ut tine Brilgensator poulbny tarni soubin ut Lihortyville were, sud o report alter caer'g pturai more prisse lian any otiner renideuce shat henoconditihons vere and bt Waietsety tlnaanw vinetiner tiney vere - as favorable as Tins lenty-fls-e dollar ails-en cup, the ropreentei. Tino report muat bave groatoat prise offeredat ahen show vont boa-n favorable, for ifty fa'uitiea nsitb ate n- total numhor of 250 t10800 peuple vîli to Mr.PFike as a reware for sincving the leave lu Feirusny or MarcinforthenblIme on. vicinils- of Botblhaoau, N. 1). Tino mos-Mr Fiko carnleil away tins folloning mueî at tnl paty uu romnnrotinnîy lonun: 18t, fth sud 7th prises for bou@ men o tis ary il reuie hity'an 2 nul t oncocterehe. No otiner tilse frelinl carn fis-e to six coachtes, tancier won mure tinan ope prise au clouo makiug a ig train lu itseai. As tin, sas tbe comnpetition. pacieugen and treigint tanifse nnll nmotinî IDavid Ileidler, oaiLhume., aio bei 01, lu îmisailly41.0,06)0, Ilt a WLece enaulnes andlsou -oral prisesonu thti t la a great serraîibte amouig tine Wyanîoîttea. Mn,, Bouler bias a tory va-inus ruade for the business. 'Tue extensive ponltry fnrm et Giueo and -ultun cul Vanlalin nare aller tine banni hoties rnlsing blooded ehclckens bac at lu tlsolseandîl al tîne niotiwe étern bhînea 8se-oalthousanilof pigeonseu inci ronds tianent rate Northn Dakota are ujys 'rinese ara mmosty homiers, sud ii!t-r lIme lausainiaam fortai hle retstfathIle pe - avr batflsgt wy.The carions passnger imonprinaveyhnIasgnt assemleale theb.-requeah t obine coin- If Yen Want to Know. imitleeofu caloniste lo unit rateW analIf.auttole ep potd on REAL the rnda offernîg thue beat inducementa meteh niiing or if yen vent to knov gi-Bthie business. lb la underaloul Ibalt bins1dsualetegenulue A 1 proposition,i tino bighin sis.(if central lliîîis lInnior If yon vant tlem e iofate echetue nd tne tact linatlannd l inoheDakotaz exposealý coud for the Square Deali rau ho bougint very low, is lins resen Bulletin ot Ptogreas publiseil 1h finalt ton lb. change la resiience. The moe- cf es-ron tcl. znsWt-l"e oeeoe the most -romartable '- Yh.tr. that hataken place lit central Ilîlois çiwasWX. W. Wours*erft*qqr lu maun years. ,JclraI l Oueste of Presideut Fla0ê M. Electric. AsU 0O OVER THE ETIRE SYSTEN SATIfi T1îrty-eiglît ot Milwankee'$ 100 ipdernipan, the city attorney, OIW ,i a'ty trëaeurer, board of publie -t anal mIi rpreentatives oftb tho g. tha 'tteity, eumpueing of a partrofi4 vi.itaal Lake county in a body lSs;j tast. They liere ber@ on a trtppi tm uin 0t the Chicago & Milwalutol un.Arriing at e~ - & N. W. tha-y toarded special oMis e-ketrie file mud'weat over-t1 McVst~, înieludillg> tho Uh.stI division. At Ravinie Park a lunebom sera-ed andl the trip continue&. Greatly Pleaisd. The C. &.M. electrie la asklng 01 %anakeoe afranchise to enter t"a and ta intorui city olficltlgftbsi acter'ut bis aystpm Premideit 1~ arranged for the trip gatUrda. à men and newspaper men expre6R4ý satisfaction wltb the subtaudW etruction of whlch* the eleete peuplle.are justly prend. It W*4 goueral sentimnent- thât MIIwg sbould encourage the extsnuIO41 fine connecting the tw 9eitmçO wbihnbwilll b. of sncb matsulsj hum the Wisconsin metropis.-If tiu O acta lu accordanceWit lwluti Sentim>ent Qi its membeastiwus14 nothiug nnreaonable h&$bd t i pauy and every possibl is .Uo00 bnrry pouding clty legiksIate* thse electrie people M mou .stb*fi c1 enterlg Ibal eltyr wIIhIkb Munthe. Fbate r, t .omwep L. ;It 'Vibl p 10 Tb." to s bt e ty Over for 01.00 t4e rocn" tlpanàd li pointe at a proportionats rate. BOON~ An Bemocrata Womdeqwta Relative te a*et ]Repre*satv*ivflPa GIBBONS MA* lot- thns ilysa le 'bat lag deoctate are tbluking a &DZ8~I reprosetatîvechlp ste.Uj the antneuncoenîiut. ) Gasotte Ibal Peton)McDr.oW Qi cltjy miginl b"emo s oeiip oppositote 0Represnaive0I»a Mettenry couny papor's lu at *0 MeDernott's annonusmtine0 unies- pe'uliar cirtnmetaiios km tact ho in credited ithvi bving im ileai vuin Repue coeunty ivo y.s whoreby tinheupnle ti Gibbons vas ad nu area dcaillock In lb. convention. Tino quesltion Ibat nov n"W arIses la, "le MeDermott aho cauiata?" If lhe la bis plcdge te Boeueunet mcnut te mci.L "iped mo 1g mrBienrr candidats beu ma e he' Oa deicrllen aud tien tIbrot rumorsil lae% MeposuJq vlîeeta r..eusnm n O~ dates ams lityta1m go astif figitis opromi" uirm et tin. diatrlcl. Des-rytbing la Dnsuarst assona sere"n e olar . nmanChats. F. - of' ineen matlnu e quiet 00OevSOa C. Doe IY, cf wodou, W the a1ert a" wM. m eei» toI vert je playod by.Laes coaw. Union lb.hev wpam'r ilelogatea tuathte umuatici m wili-b. selacleilet th. eaat anilmust support, fo aTlfeO tb. canuiliale roeving the Vwý lu the. oounty' for thé r4idabr8t Plodged tla00»m~5., John C. Donpelly bh euppurl ta IýM nmGbionies McOonmott. Ln. lbu III nomiuat laneltq finis lbthenti fvor second torun, ashb thus t voul& on ceataS