lu OUR It, AfGE 18 1 ILLINOIS1 Phon. 8873. Per cent Mer.15.pd A TLEPIIONE Defiga the weathar avstisn Prolects the home LaeCousiti tke Telephones Conrnect %vith Chicago -Ais» your friends A few cents the daj I*e County ep .~i-Ce. OCNffes KuitM lok Liberti tle ..Itli"oi Obaimi., our A-gbrolatilung mm andiInflamei, tht rab y-o0 à" luntlly= uem becomes 80un doua tisaSyn a-e leave-dmage oued by FdWS Isy iTMs FOLETS MU TM TR doothes andi bqsithebs lnanied air pu &aes llaslbhe iserlsb conditIo etops the ough A" iprevwta mrlou sette om aCM4. b iaonly polSntcugh meddu m ti. ia emtu ticedo" at Contai %pltesor harniuldruga of eny is and4on lita acomnt lsaeutfor cbudi' Il la unexcefetitWrCçtp mati Who lng Congb anti yulqulckly -cure Il racklng cough whicb -tollova mesl Md lhaves so many cisiltren wtte vu -M mUBIMnhe paoprtly treatet. - Rememher tii. me - IFOu *omm w s ra T -anti refusmsbo tutus that cogt y« UMsunseas t] genine. Do ual ta"kecances vi @ome unknown preparallon. c: Unger. 211 mapl st,. Champlaf DIL., vrtm: 'I vau Iroubleti vlt haeklng cough for a yen sd i thOni 1 baticanamptlon. 11 àe risa sms4ies anti1I vasundea- thseam phylosi. o veral mon"is.1I w c0b~. i~i -. n oqanti Tu *csm4rnA, manti I bauacotberau t fini $LOO hW.alhMosdsa tb i0ames Lia Ti bredl ototuh Jlm Wassont ire-Boelk- Fannv Ellis tAuctîol 1 iL Iti eote<.thet tredng belle wilI Sa Sales xKîuBal a_________;U__Ji____________ hereso heEeglia1uciK bave tpusteae fthea ne caet fr the Ku ibv urbsd -hieretfrth a - _________________________________ he Mses Mnie iiee are A noed ireof untrs n<, hih.cassntlityHavlng sold my fata Iwill sel et The widersigued wil Self at publie <ksswveiller and Bflde Landmenete d homapublic auction on the lion fil rac two auction atitlus resjdeîîce oie the John the Schultz sehool one dey last week. bun Wl»atnd untl urhe noic a ani iehat mle suthe&t f*ray- Cooney ltinm, one and one-balt m'tes The youang people'enjoyed a party et ai; Wil:o n ntIfute 10âc tlutte andi nu-hi iel'ortie îof 'bilips' mnt cfHalt oay and one andi one-hallM.Hisn.Tuss vnig piatiormn, on TussdaY Feb. 20, 1906, 1miles so0uth-west DI Eterett, Cos.n Friday bsIbencu t KNOLLV FAtE, IÇlU5IE~U bi~ Fr~ eommencing et 12:30 the iillowing Feb. 16, 1906, conmencingat 12 ' C ha.Gswilrlisbe utn Pal î~,iwuiarproperty: 10 eows, 6 nîllkris. 4 comlng the folowing propettyVf Tenait brises 5 cord Wood for 1ick Stmith the paxt Paul intlu Maruh; -Yr.old hvile r. -, yearling yrs elti wt :îoOo bs, 17 choice mille cows Mr. and mu. (ieo. Frank have moved 1 helers, g.yr-old hull, viii ,ers-hoe svt 7 with caires by mille the balance heavy ou the A. Wolfltinr.Fe 1200, blach mure wt 10410. 16 ehoats sprillgerits, riiwagn. light doùtbl, Mr. and Mu.Louis Bihienbaehà and val wt 100 pouits eh, whit~e bour, halne"s, rolUer, siîrrey,'20 miiik cains, daughter have been mpénoding a kew îays E fat heg, 2 do lhenm, McC{îînir iîknower. 20 tops gond hay, about 15 tons oat -with relatives at Kaukakeë. Ah MuCrmick he are, kn t, cook stove heating stove unld a Chas. Haine transacted buisiness in ,q j . ?plow, cultivator, drag. vi 'heller, lot of other articlesto nuanerons te Palattue Monday. l'e, wagon. cornj planter. bl . b.ssorr,'y. imentIon. litgular terretmsehe utprvadag' ~I~E 1' ~tIOMB CPSLE ~1 Calron kettItgrindatoiîî. tý iî-ullarroew, E,. n.Ici.rl. iie%%îpiano> for his uiiîl i' w0k harpnsa, ay fwk.roIý and îîl J. Sie NilAuctioneer. L '-iY.nt aîht* jin Iuuli) pullevs, >tOO poitri seau-, .1ehiiiîg ans,ofdybitwe ~4q Cres il knda o heaacheand euralia. ne cps ~lîng tank and cante, îhirn ndIîîiîhUttërr, ling about tu iuîcre ente a -sîîaller u aslît wee wthîrelatives at Ti, l ee a ufficient ta relieve the most obstmnate case ef okr, lîog rac-k, huy r k, 10 ton,& ain Iwil dfeseet the Fcî~,iglremeiit Cuter. th o nervous and alck headache. These capsules do tfote-oain- hy in bau. tai-k tiif.jluy. i property, on utlhe Peter Lirltfeloi ftal,, vMti Uîiih.àdenstock i hîeakig a voit daea 5posonor opiatas, Guarante4to aatiaftyon'. 18O ar corn @telles. 400 h,îi oeu w%-lie one anuit ne-iahiii ie-o 1roo t t tck^- wii licpu h Si- oille tinie age. tainses25pOISon paion rc.""o - iot$i00bucrt,1.erîi. leller and three uile-s west of LibertY- Tlhe Sle-r taniiijhe..are il tertaiîliiîg iOl las Early Ohie oti g ~iavei-Ibo x. ville. oie Tueeilay Felruinry 2o, 191o;" pcelipanly frontiî Minnesti it? e set w, tengs. sîiovele. . ý. 4"Ù4 111celiie ng at 10 a. lii. eiarli: -14 Augusr Meyecr and 'tarr ~~~~~ ~~dete farrow in Alîuil. Se.Bernard liche Yelngews, 11ltîve, iiîhker-i, 4 lortekatpoPatneM ls lUNrI ug urgemi. a114 t~iIiU<r 1 due nd îinany otlerit ti ýtooeniaîi- niote itil l ialvî-s byi)' il- nllîîlaii,-,.. croittes îiientioun. llugiilir il ns. epringers ail raisê-d titiis florin iandî Miss linia lar. of Chicago4, spetit aa SWaukega4- n. Fo.G.1.see -a-.soni-el have raisedti iHland lourtelif ieat le '1h olels sý Abru h,îîlordbal comiig :l yrs eid, lieuviy %werkI fée , ,.& 4à 4& duii ng. 1 will tenu )an id 10)7r s oiii at 2,,O.(tiuiiStartting But Truce, to 1 1lain (lq-det4qiii ii nil iglt, sonnet eit 3 v ns eld Ne iitroie. t'iople the wiiltire-r, were lionriie1tel mile ii-iirth of tifrairie 'T,îîi. iit- ii- 1. pý but theirlce-i.%et lmiore ttanaia DiT et lIaIt l)ay, Ni 1,1 ~> fBig Fent- ivjite seed ents, AI>pletitenj' tîuitl uuhre vr. fatitfl(1Vi'Iig roerty 2 If -g ' gdrunnninjiorder, 2-seetion drîîge dame , îEthe- maulle yean, witlîcrcl C h s c id ly Sailigs Barcierty. sulky iulti, ater. I)iaîîiîîîIil teîtî Puasilig înotice. Eueny oee-fetthese cases ~JUI1I80 ntitig oftIA, CoîvS ;,wl e4 y,îrliuigs. coutfprieu iiii)ia rsilti- freon a ccld andi IHU ~e uii~y4wi tlî -îives -2s(1e2,,,Itivator. shiovel uîiew. ivaiking jlow, î-uuîîîhave lice,, preýenttii ly the tirliely _____________________________________m_____________________sI e t n-, 2 e îîîîi n t he rse- rake. 4-il, tiri tnui-k wagon. twîî useetf Chaleitierlni s Icugli Renedy. F CAPITAL $50OOO.OO - SURPLUS- ifo,ooo.OO 1000 irsiu eci-iviiNirl.Seateul buggy. liai jerk carritr andl1;,)() A great îîîay wlaliedilevery remen te i ChalesWhtne, eo.R.Lyo, heo H Duit graîy hure12 yrs uldl, i 14004, lîîy tf, etofrupe, double workiiarneius, I etaroeunienia hare-t] warded it off I;yc Charles(;Whltne1,1Geo.1R.0.yon, TorW.5 .uulien, tue- prhomptueietfthis renedy. The r> ProsrsVcelProt as50. lrs l wt i ai. 4 ynmIdii te-r tanîk 14 teet iln.iiiilk ceuler tend îiiîicuîing le can instance ettiîesert: c wt 10o.2 brod ois.p. î arroin ~other earticles tac îîuuue-ruus to enîetion -Teeîîîîiiiîîîiutaitube saut in laveor of ÈSS Marh, heser'%v iit 1 v ob ov 1suoai tere. Fres- ili at neon. Cianue[rains l2eiglî leindy, andt TW SÀM À RNRK .Ni SiINSBANKAîwt.Nespeialiy for i olis and influenza, 1 225, 12 sbuîatp wt 75 Il1- Chanpioîn i illLtYAe.ku etatit cureut daugliter, Leauta, etf The Bank ha,. Safety Osposit Vault as Good aa the Best in gr i ider iin goou it iniiiig Qidfr, Viii. (,i>sLEi, lrop. al sevpre coli, anti I lelieve saved iher il the nite Staes.Larg Enogh I Acomodte grainthewlip else wu@ tbreatýeewith pn!eu. teopledofStakes. arge nouCha A ,Ccometenailndhe MiCirinick cern harv"t.lî-î. NiCrui As 1 bave rentediyl îatn tîr a terani onin.' W%. 1). %Wilcoz, 1, £% es Peopi of ake ount. UnCharg of CamaIen and iuiower, 1'rairîe Ctysiîl-.hay rake-. et years 1 wiii sel at puiblie-auctien ou York. Sold by P. B. IvE ' beTg vll Rliable Attendant. Box Rentai very Reasonable. Heavy EL tFyvi Maïonmy Coristructionî Lned Top. Bottom and ides.with Set 2-lurme steel lever iîiu hleg-tlue premisea twe utiles seuti-enst etftand OiiAy8LAKe PeAiiAcv. Railroad Steel rail; Filied with Cocroe. then Lined again check row corn plante.r N%-li 1144 rods ot Gilînerandt ov anti eue-liait uiletscuth- .ith Heavy Plate Stee. CALL and1NSPEOT T. Ap27d wire. 2 sulky cutivato rs. Fi-hi Brothers west of Diamond Lake on the Gilmer CÇIJA WALJKEGAN : : : itUNOuS truc-k wagon, Welter - l9liezo, 11aY rond, ou Me6nday, Feb. 26, 19106, coin- ElerMratGneWl.spt rve odrack, ti ,ggitdenalup e 1:10p.. thSuluoin Elebisray îof îuotherW, optenD.i boardé. set gravel plaîuk. I-i-iuiu cooiig property: 34 ik ea-s 8 witb calve@sima ihbi nteMs .t tank, wateriug trouglu. 2 a-ti doublle by aide, 8 new milliers, balance apringers Murray. 3 harneas. 1000 bu cteai,%% iliii t tsi, 00 ant i mukers, fine 3-yr-old Durhamn bull. Mrs. 0. Conway, et Chicago, who bas bu yellow ear corn In vii. 10 stai-ka tyag ngl tro4f-t ol t120 been spendilug the winter with ber -&oMr iderr trl, 15 tosehf 'od rigbt 3-yr-old colt wt 1300, 2-yr-old colt wt prnshmrtreihm rdy cI over lîay. 5 tons oii .tridd@deteme, 1100, yearling colt, 6 Pelanti China Tboinia Wrlgbt will soeumeve opta, staîks hialu-d. hiuy tort: î.ulleys andi 120 brooti sows I due te tarrow lu April, 10 the Anderson latin, Mr. Sick having Il Your liens W on't Lay test et relie, 30 shippîiiig carte,raillk sheats wt 150 Ibo, 28eated surrey pearly emteti the one vacateti by hlmn. cout er, 10 lbu gondil e-icorn,-tîeating newî. bey leader Bearty uew, tack cern MisatsMvelaufengmo Try Ourstore anti mtait3 otluî-r articles teon.otider,'12 acres corn ln staek, 2 saeke lnlnmmatory rhenmatismat present1 pnunel-oua tomnultiuui. Rguarteris. lover bay. Regular ternes. w iting.1 1TT~IT -~ItIT fl~I1TFiEi IlAtiEl, I'rohi. I-EHIIAN BrELII,l'l-olu- Irienda et Mre, James Weleh are glati1 III 4 IJ~tl PL(11 1 . A.. Aiiuiiiieer. W. H. APPILEY, Auctieneer. to eu lelae on the gain. H W IBEA PIUJIL tT Y F OD la gdoeided toquit arnig tha e Havfl decitie to quit faranig 1will .Ibert Zuelsodort ani litetpubieaucticu <n the Jamues Fridîuy wltb trieîuds et Frement. A uewinuer and EGG PRODUCER.A elblcd ihu eevoteMr.RKap 2e rtoand juat whaî a hen likea. We also have SUN tarmi 1% muies southi et Grayelake anti"'% day Fe-b. 14, 190)6 ccmmnencing at w-al atteudeti by the yeung people of FLOWER SEED, KAFUR CORN, WHEAT. BARLEY miles north ot Ivaihice, ou Weduesdlay Oiclock Sharpu. tle fliewing property: this vieiits. CHARCOAL, GRITS. BHELLS, BEEF SCRAPS, COVN Feb. 21? 190)6, ciluiençing et 12:30 1). 44 lit et ofeticice ews îîostly grade Te uwoîe ttiOaa&Kle ALFALFA and al other supplies. m. the tolioewing rpiîerty: 2gooeowL~V s tn ceensiating cf o0 eleO'more &-itb - 1 new milkier 1 eluinger, blaek mane 1) enivuls by @ide-, balance henry apringuirs cottalges il greveling bis roatîs anti yrs cîti wt 12001, tay borne 4 yra aId anti milkers, bll 3 year cidl, bey herse maklinîg tberituprvementpmoparater.y OURD COAL IS wt 1200, 3 choie shoats 125 Ibo each, m yr@ olti weigbt 1550), black herse 12 te, openlneg a autuner resort udzt sprtng. 6 cickens, bout 4 iitha aId, bey rac-k, yrs olti wt 1450, bleck mare 8 yms olti Mm. Mary Siavin, who bas beeu an JUST LIKE THlE WINTER Doisy check rcw -ru planter îearly wt 1400, bey hborne 12y Id i t 1250, Invaliti fu o ei tieshangautîlly snew, sullky cutivator, eue-herse black mare Il yrsolti w-t 1100, Sotrmi tailing. A WN' A IARTICLIE clîvtr lierstiat tubble herse il yrs wt 10.-0, gray mare -,yrs Mme. Sennott andti taugbter Frances. walking plow, set harmows uew, deuble obl& wt 14(00, bey herse 4 yma eolt wt otf Wauconula, caileti ou triends hems buggy, single bugzy, Insuber wagon, 1200, brewu hume S ym re lt wt -150-, Wdsdy AND ENJOYED BY ALI truck wagon, wut waigen *pringa 3)(() brown borne 4 yrs aId wt 1000h, lblack _______________ Ibo cepaelty, - cutte-r, grinol Stone, set clt 8 ym olti a-t 1200, gray colt 2 yra doube holti wt 1200. rîîan colt 3 yrs elt iwt * dube arneuus, Single barness, 2 loîg 950~, mortel teit 4 yr dsti wt1t40. Woînan Oves Street ce arniie. chaires, 2 iikory huasket», gwlvaniized beavy doubille hnarliîssesl. liglt doiuble- Onir one women lu the worîti owne EMMONS-MFD R L BRCO.(f bse- naueanlbyfort, 3 îrîl ene-secs, brinet collar driving barn-3ti, a street car lins, andiallie tais Ulm 1)-2 shoats wt 100 to 125 Ibo, 7 tuooti Bogue. of Denver, ber Ue hetng a 's ~cans, pullîs anti struinera, < staukecoru sea-s, Single toip luggy tumber wagonî,1mlle andiaeliait la length at the ter-- l*EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r staîkes 2 loats ientiet, 5 shacks 8e-Id iiilk', -agon, neiik cart. (i-shovel sulky î-1mnso h ouhBoda rm cern 2 lcoîls in mtacl. 3 tons% upland bey îulivatcr, l-etovel Sulky cutivatorm , !tIaSuh rawa rm :UBRTY IU lu inbarre, M baskets sv-ti corn, 3 bli pop 4-shoivpl sulky eultivatîur. Keystîîne wai. - 'Phone47 67 orn ad cetter arieIt-ýton nineroue puverizer, Higli Flying Duthuniat sulkyCuefroM .y menton.Reglarteres. lt-' J l'Citt. ixtieîi inchi wnlk I If rau are bine, get buir. It, la the menton.ileularte-us.plea-. twecire tt self (otumhe rake,' JeeiiSPoEaL, Proie. Dcyiring Ideal nicwver. Deering curn»1 ureat c~ue. tel, -g, W luANEiu. Autioneer. binder, Deeriîîg grain bintiem, Budtgert seder, 2scîi lever dirag, bes, carrier, TE M RES As I bave selt i ny îîilk route anti bave 2elîle ciuaileu-a oling tank, T E -AKES - tecdedt t quit fanîîiiig, 1 wiII sel et 40 or nmore shipping cana, _ouautity of New York, Feb, B. publice uutien, oie Fe-b. 22, 1906,ci,'- bey lunbarn, stock of liny. Fartn rcete IESOCK-4Bteer- - - $4 5 5 gmenclng et 10 o*uicvk Sharp the toîîew- reScheel by Wisconîsinu entratl trais anti H09, Bots ..... Il4 05 Ing ropety:12itb mChio & Milwaukee eletric cars,. PLt)tt-Minn. Patents .....4 60 46 54in moety 2 iw ik caws,8 ie- I H . WELLUS, P'il. WliZAT-MaY-... sn ~~~~calvea by oide. a 2-yr-olti heifer, 9 W. H. APpCLEy, Aile. jiily......... apringers, 5 giviaigrnîihk; ball, hba- herne COI-au ZWerii......... - wt 1150, bey herse 9 yrs nid wt 1400, BUTTE ( ER ........ 2 gry 9ae )yrs olti wt 1400, 2-yr-old * .................. al, 25 colt !tle110, sorrel drivlng horse.' )ym Mm. Deltlel anti sou George 'pent CATTLE-?3îeie eteers ....- $5 76*06M vt 100, McCoriuick cornulier, Suinday with ber daugbter M rs. Boocket Commun tii tunis teers..- 4 40 ib0 yre Lae.Butn, Coamun ti Ch)ies.22& 16 5 1 have a few stoves left that I bey mare 10 yrs ild wt 1200 pountis, IeCil atisnGene Wine Slve ..... ...... - 10 0 a W ltcGormlck grain bluter, MeCôrmiek-,Seta wdyso h uitd*ekwt eavy )'ee-klng-..... 0 6 spent a Champaon at the îast werelietb Havy Mxed ............ i bol i6>5 r ~will close, out at a bargain.: Nowmwehanoit-nfubyrke Mrs. Haines anti faiilîy. BUTTEIt-CrorarmSry-...... 18 27%6 set 3-section. lever draga, -Blaekhiawk t>ieiry----------------..... 1 uIf2 - - ~carin planter anti 1204 roe wire, balance The silvei iii contet wfoS w-cil eL. Et_:::::e5-------- is a chance to get a first-ela8ss trame 8 shovel cliuatcr, spmtng tooth tendeut Siturday evening. Miss@Lola L1lPOTATEL(61. .... 5 06 cultivater, 2 16-me-h wnhking plows, 600 Austin a-on tte medl. IJuîy i-May----86% Ilbcaejanning mill, cern libeller. 4-mu(-b Blanchbe Chittenden entertaiieu a gil44----ae - stove at FIRST COST . .- truck 'wagon, 3-itruck wagon, aingle frierai fieo>, Waukegaii Sunuy. RYe. May lui 4f 7M _________________________________buggy, bobte siet,'i, e- box38ftet smoindre The Junmior C. E. aoeýiety wil gire a" AiWma, 1 D eemr.SiO anti igl tfet bigli, liay rack, 2 Sit@ bard tume Social- et tlîe baIl Wetiueeday May---------------------... %4 5 dbl be-se, lîglit double ev-eung Feb-b . i %diiieeleu 1.Cuirant.ay--------- .. 44Qf~4 heevy douita:bai ***à:,----------: M 0 &X 1bernes@, Sngle liartiîee., 6 hoeseu-llai-, AIl are ecndially iii et-d. -Rye. No. .............. <P(068%6 e ~~200 sbocks cornu i field-, etack cornî, OtA - aOAt. ITY- . 7 stack straw, 800 bîu,, 'rula crit>, S. W. Kerr, a jromiasut business nan JulY--------.7676:::: I X 400 bu white lents, about 50 tons ot Hurricane, %Vis., says, ',Your ccugb Corn, l iay .. ....... t timutby bex, 16 foot Staââktank, forks eieitnteffeats'H and"mto iveorebenl, -.tue - antishovets, 12 foot extensIon tm -, Ila a gocisle niseat iv xe-Bea~ . e a l"'lent satistaction.," Marte' Holley antid CA~~~T 'n'- ...... 9 kîtchen chairs, trop test table, am l oeint otisn pu rcirIHTt-ex-kel...... M cupboarti, Acoru cook 511v. No. 9, i3 tupefying duoanti la thehest medilcineiB atives............5S S he bdteedeanti springs i1h»W.Reglar lu existence today for Croup and iWhoap- SHoxÂaiv .... 51 fag Cough anti the oniy oue sae t uo aivives...515 tome11. -l echiltiren 25c., 50ce&"nt$.00 Sts es ad ee244.,1 i - - i ~. 1eÂîeHEal~x Pi'p. oills. 64tiby . B.L4>ULL ,tbftyi~>gwiaIlletfO429. atnrtay nîght. Peter Meyer; Mike RHayes>A4 sebker aud Emil Ficke werelaw% wM an on busIness Monday. Erneat Sheuning waas e *nU mt Tuesday- Herman B9îfer la down witb tbe*i The Knickeorbecker Ire@conapff j e8y tilling its bouses bers. A par-ty was belti aI the. bornéet 1A ud Mm-s. Henry Buseching lual Aufl being their thirti aunivergary., 21 William -Steffen i1woklgai -tthing plant et L 7,tvll. - Valentines day is ncxt WednesîYloi nil Frank.ha. a flne assrtmeetmj alentinee. Hermnan Helfer, Entst llbnuIn ilgrim & Ce. bat telepup1oe heir places lest week. A handtconcert anti basket ocàu ê.giveui lîy the Lakte Zn"eh iî,,ul et the villagehan l le 'raceeds wihllgo 1the ~ePlib i)k for, the public Iibr.r1W Mie flarrington ladies band winJ~ ep nlusic. Admission 25 cents, 0. MLINOIS STATE nE'W# Death Ends, Fortune Flgb* Kankakee-Mary Jennings, a apl te-r, wbu lived alane, was foufa4 6m at en couintry hume user Chehamq It ls thugbt she -1Mti een 6504 tek. The woffiau was ae cîa1t. so an cuttate- of $41).000 left by . i ucue. James Duffy. The other bdi l] live iD Ire-tend, lu ber blîl XI enIings clelmed e helpedtier uIt amass his fortune by ting the va of au ordluary farm leborer, I»tlt Ing plowtug anti feedlug the plUs. DivMdenti Païd. Bloeringten-Tlie recelver af t First National hane at Toînca la pi ng a ilividenti of 25 per cent te credltais. emotintlng ta 170,Mik.6 naktng vnu amount af 50 par ëMV nredîters bave recelveti upt> tÀ1 'Nune oft the mener coitectati hi tW'l ceiyer wes realîzeti from ur -Ot 1 Devlîn cnrporatteu'a notes, and e* the igencral belle bere now 1115* 21 depositors vîlI ha patti la fWnL Four Drowsed La Salle.-Fa-tber Gilbert 851«ý St. Bete college, andtihreaS gU wers drowaeti wblle skating On I Illinois river. Bevéeiboys standiing together te tbave& taeen. wben the le broke 'Md,. sank. »Failer Simon plageIOÉM t8_ýJ savet i ve boy, but on reentS104 lcr wstsr for the sithetiamiM.M mane exhaustei,antd h. vI* boys drovueti. To mibol"ub mking 0Os- Galssburg. - GelabursoW' Christian Tempeme nuIosb", et a rnsolution urztng Abat a protest ha trameti "aufor t tIon of Smoking carsandi Mpi mente on peasenger trains lat, ed state. it vas urged l t a source of uhscomfort Md *MW" ta passtugers, heaidw es heing Strtke Raturai, OM8 Calro.-WbIle tirtîint ifor Ob"' miles nurt> of Marrishtirg gS- struck et a depth of 411 IWL . » cuumu or water vas tiirowaM feet lu tae air, prôda" a si roar. whlch etill contfli. A, sitouter was struck 1-4 Mile Harrisburg. Efforts *111 11 once ta control the. low et tfl* non Freeti of Muidw; bago Litchllelti.-ouisHaMp ts. 1MM years, Who was ebergai IrUb XË bis father. George W. IlÏMsêS1- was tnaxnd deati at b s oM 1ne0 3lànuaîy 26, vas treeti.%.Hà3lPý iabot an top of ti.heat*i a O andtie ihotiy as fouetneiîr, W îThe atate ettemptedti tÔ sow tà8*. abat was fireti fromi the bars 1,0. Fermer Plghla e Oa-m. Blontlngton. - fleeiiI &Mh principle o > oliePO t« la WV Amuse Wintier. a veli-to-do *X fermer ç! Tonwantia t@WpfbIip ferreil 1b enter the coitaty rether tean par IL.Hé Me O fer detelangta pay the. tu0 1er and. refusing ta, psffly tha placet in ujail. e trustees.' employas b"tI that ther îmust nok" portation >4it ordetus* fla meceived O'A48 tu10 sarat -Gildy yoiing t#111jifl5t aMT' *Shoulti MYrsol mWIiir l lo beioanve wtle S TmrMbIeOtin. The. Frencb vs, dqpmoat l cperîtnenting witbi a machlae9»' la to &ae 300 buallta la IM l llécoad. Algeran Olve OMt The exporta a!oli*ve .QUOM gsrta turing 1904 vere 2,10 against M80tons lanm1903.Ts