~JNTT INDEPENIIE,,.NT. VOL XIV. 'NO, 20i LIBERTV LLH aAKE COUNTY, ILWIOIS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY l6, D06-8 Pages 1 $1. 50PER YEAR IN ADYAI RIECOVERIMG B!u1II teD .UNôaOCmI BY MANY. VMSTED BY MEMBERS 0F PRE - Trust..,ý Await Devlopments. VIOUS CHARGE AT ilOSPITAL Trustes. nf the Flrst Cpgegatlonal AM0 EMIPMATIC FAITH IN cburch of whleb 1ev. Wade in, pastor MIS INNOCENCE ASSER.- have tabou -no action a@ a remit of tbe TED DY THEM. charges aalut the minleter. nor willl - - tbeZ until anars convlncing proof of bis Mis Wfe Arrive& amd S8se il is Ail a guit in pr ut. Not one of the jiz Terrible Mistaki, WhFe Truste"$ beleve, but he will at the he4rinx be of, the Church arm Convnced thile tute 0xplain awr»y osatîeactoriiy fian, VfoIi8BeVlndicated When Hie every charge agalilut hian. Froîn Haarlng is Held. Milwaukee, Amboy and othî'r places - there corne almost daily acquaintanceal * Predoainafing sentimuent amoîtg ment- berw o' tbe Coiîgregaticuual clirci aut -v "Waufnkesimle fat tbe aca-usa-d pastor. 1ev..>. Wale, who"was arresteai b. th. erai autiiolitierslant ss'aýk <iiitue e harge <f m iuabuug -obmcune riait er lhrough the iiitilm is abselufehy innocent. fi# wtle Who had beon wth ber .db Do 'l'liaadaarriva-4 *at file hedmiîtj hat Saturday. bavlitg*etarteal îiioedl- r' tely for WVaikeain opon ree.iving a telegram Iliaf lieliit îi-tn-li t acl- *dent aud wne lit danger of deatb. sta- maliftaîiluit ber Ijublanai la - inocent <if fthescharges niuli-againef -hlmana i lke ltfv. Wad- balieve«. ho e-a etruck by fis train wbi.ie u inea-p mnidl tafioi rallier thaintibat ha-deliiîerately atbemptt.- suicida-. lniastateiia-t lesaitj tbaf ho rmeunitersui fuhi eaIl guiug bai the depot totfken a train to Cli-'go ldier bisl trial e-as to takr- plae lutI û%oSulis lime lie re-uaotua- station bis aund i*se a alaaik unfil lhofound imunîss at the. bospita. -Tii. igneer ol thctraili shicti struck bi'stated that 1ev. Wsde sas e-alklng $OUM iteenth railand autbe train drilw -msa muiuIto ebis kua-es as ÎÏ& prayer sud tisn e.aIl fiat upon the tise. Tii.e enle sud eversi MM meai over hlm lefre the train ttaald bestoppeai. Heveedrasa fhum MM lti. ansd btoWd cedet bsn tebsalu su ambulace b U*s -X ffllutloa abowed tIhabjiles irs 4i w.daipotua~aalyprov f&a n sd où a a tiosa couversatea but says bhW - .S*tbas boom flaan apylum sud that is * binioU tasperodie spollI wten hi@ mmd Ikpssa Ho states t ht licesccmne ou at ttes e-bsn is as overe-orkeai sud Worrled sud thaf hoha a ditfllcufy ini shaing f hem off. 0f1lta- crime hicr e-bit-b h aese mresee ho inioselu- i@ innoca-ut. R. admit» bsviiig stitten tins of f lia letterg but the, la-t far sife-lufaine ne offsmelve matter. TIc otiier leffer n-as ot'maile publie and Ibis le, deuielio Stuc comiug tu Wanka-gan hie conduîct appoan tbhave ha-en bove ri-proacti an mdthoae e-ho halia-s'a-iluhlm féeclthat soute se-fol itake lis es lia-an dîîe, The Federal authorifies ticsevqr are firmin i thier tateinent fIat there las@tisan no Mlstke e-hala-ver. They laina thaut they are dealug witI catch cases continu- ally sud noyer maka- ariate unt il tua-y aaaisolely cetait and édata- fIay are certain of the iporl 'cf tbc lat tr a fron bbcperson of young Ka-Io e-li was arrestea(lintuChicago n-hia- on hie. wBY 10 s e ic nlefer. CRAB TRE DAIRY YEAPUR! or SHOW. lMord Io Mld up as Modol at National e- Dsry and, Food Show now in "Prograss In Chicago. At t National dairy aud tood show e-bletopeasd t th Ie CohIenin, Chicago, ?Tauredy of h Ibiswocb andai e-b lel .e. »F4f. 24, lira. Scol Darand'a VraI Tiedatrylahedupasa medl. Several baud of xmv.DoraniPa tialeose silI ho ebowm Ou the tari -b tis octedusaur Lakes Ylovet léeekespe a boe f lty-fIree bloodea caill. Stattstie 5111 b. shosu and t ho purlty sud camnneetcfthe producé of-hetsidairy -explaineai. Ssertaty of Agriculture Wilson in boolusé- tu Ipar ft the show before île losae. - lie. aaud', lamons lierai las causa-a rapet slièapapr Ceinmeutsaid bas tevq«'al Ures coins under tie bin oethfe "ak Foet councl. The Crab Trac dalry e-litbu moveai IroinLaIte Ftirenîte hbéi acply purchaseil ama north cf Lab* Bluff lu the opriliâR. -Tb* Yelov Foyer Gu=a bais reetiy teendiecoverea.i. Il earo a close raemblmuce to the malarla germ. 'roftee a ystoifre i ta>gme, tib »Ce* isOct1vo remedy la Dr. IKingO'. la~ s.U uazkan«tooihuram#à .dà&4 g -Amr-ela~~satae cf; lis mnister sud meitîlers cfchurches shere hoe ba lubbthast preacheai. Ha- le beaiegeai sitit offersoet iluancial aud other aid according tii eueo e t-trus- tees lu a posItion t10kbuos, li>'- ople Irom aay who bave iruphi « t fait h in the in. Deapife alU thim fIera- are persistent ruinera of, pasI iisiede uand her a-xb-nnatiflg, ircumatances fIat fu tis worlai de nof look riglit, fthe ccn- equsuce' being a e-id. di vergence cof opinion ia Waukegsu, althougî aîueng bis ce-n chureh oaa-tba-m. tlip greaf pi4onieraucc of opinîionî, l as stateai, tIni Ro,. Wade'u favor. MTise Kankake- Republicaa speakiiig «f lIav. Wade says fliat li-e-wa sf e <inaine Fcennecte& it il St. l'anlmIs pleopÉl ehbiarh af fIat llce fuir a penei cf a couple of mentIs anal ifn'es vMr duflcult ta-iat-o<nplisl lus reinovtal eitb. cutis srandal lia-ing connect-ai nitli the Mchureti. Lafer hiankoe-e sent tb tis pester, Bei'. P>Illipe, siaict iIl tilla-a ouf soulai recommena tiseminu. Tua-sa-Dr. Philipe refusa-oai 'gu. W. quot- lu part, Rev. Dr. Phillipa' 1stafiement to a reporte-r for thle aboya- 19meatloned paper. Dr. Phillipe aïla: 1"essas of little use ini lhe cburcht. 1Hi@ meadiug mnd sfudy esm uelected for ilutter wrlttng. lHe fe an tel meutat bis letters sere seitten tb boys e-ho bail cous tauder hle influence lunbtepatinl order tb help thom nnuiluthse riallanE lMt. Te-o or tiare ftisse boys ylated hm. ansd bis conduc itlh thon oea-s. *Wkautd by ruinera about hm Iroins Chiengo as selas by observatimonfuthis l ie h, but ne real proof coulai ho hd and lest mn injustice sboulai ho doue bina 1 e-a Mlent. Finalh se-was toli dte go. tHa- i»to bepitied as U wcked menand Serruptoreoe fors, are toeopifleai. Il hoe-aa insane, as ho da-ulaces, if is tu lue 1fasea tbat the inssuity n'as iargely fIa- prcduct of iiifanîeti living. Chsrity 4would loîic flat hi@ fatlier'e unsanlty man ima hait irÀwa-spoiila-ulaganetste fcoin tIc lsgfiuîai*j. sud neyer bis lit,' of liypocxrisy if nuit witiî a <natif l ta-t hlina- al iiîaittiulhe cf aine Sat laet iy a nmande of cblivion." 11ev. W. E. Tolu, et Christ Episcopal dhurcît, Waukegau, madtie lc ateanent t thftBey. Wade tiail alfempt- t 1enter bish Episcopal e-crk at nusf ina. B ey. Toil said that Mr. Wasls suetereai the Western TIa-olegîcal Seminary 1i. Chicago and remaineai there a short 3 tme atudyiug the Epiacopsu sorb. Élir. Toîl salid fIat is icarneai of fIa- me6n*epmst ceeu alier bis arrivalinuWsu- kegan aud e-as bld fo wafchbim lely a but feeling tInt 'if bhe mn estryiug 1te lesdai s ht-r litee toniaid doucfhiug Ito harm liai le kepf bis 0e-n counsel and did net breatti s word of bis ItuowIa-age te su3-one at tfeliea. SupervIsors Whoae .Terme Expire Candidates toc conuty ellîcca ara- net lis ouly oees e-rrying flae aisys. Te-elve ot the f weufy mnia-iiirs of fIe LaIte County Board et Supervi@ors sl have ecopeted air trferme uoxt spring uain lumany townshipsf haeeiseiséng "I1usd upa- strong opposition te present lucumbonle. WhiIe lîffle or ne flghî le attelpatiainlu lInee or four townships a conlesb la proild ia muet Inetance andthe lb caty las nakera are mightly lutereseetinl politlce rlght nos in tisir varions tee-us. Tho"s e-oseérme expire are: David Adamns------------.1ý..WutogS W. F. Clos .................. Warren T. E. Graham .................orant M. J. Gibbs .................. Deerfieli D. Huufingbou .................. Ela M. licreulerger....We-st Derfielti M. T. Lauuey .. - « ;........ Parringteu W. E..Milsr...............luertyvile Geo. Quentinu................Vernon A. J. Baymond-----------...Wanconds S. Ç. WOnIley.............. Wukegah F. U. Wilie......... ........tofn Pinfers Wlil Dance. Tyvpograplical Union No. 294, of Wanukegan, boldoîle sesconda suas hallu et Mecannsly's tatliaI&t iy, Satnr<jay nWgut. T1. pints auaslly loW said proiéie aOU e-to attenditiiMbnohfteIr lue. andi you are uvItso. ICE ,Mfln STRKEFOR. Nearly Thrê. flmndred lMen Worklng nt ]Round Lake Wa1k Ont; Rom. Reblred et Advanced BOL» UP JOHN IIALVORB$ IN BROAD DAYLIOHT. Iat Thurt3diy from 250 to 300 men working for Arnîour aet oni*l Le 'Pittlng ini the season'sl supply ofIL e eat the big i- houseat that place went on strike for ligher wages. A raime wuaa deîîîanded- and upon refumiai on the part oif the epployera ftle meni quit In.&bod«el, -- it was figured that owing to0 tue latenesa of the seneion thae Arnaoîrs would puy ficat any price té keep tha e en5f work and the men were night tu a certain extent iu their deductions as alter equiderable delay a part of the force waa rebired at the advaneed scale 0f wages. The coiiîpany bcweverdecided to take its chance n itti the weatber aud so cnly put ou about 175 men cntting onf the nigbt gang entirely. It i.tbought ilthe weatlier coutinuee favorable these men will bave the bouse 11used in gond saun. Other ie bouse thronghout the <'bain of lake.inýtbe nortbweatern part of the comity are nonal illed or nearly 8oa9"d the ýworry over anie famine bas been entlrely done away wiiib. Strikers Turu Hold-up.. Two men glving their namnes as Albert Scbienk and Otto Herman are now in the. countY jailiat Waukregan cbarged wlth robbinx John HalvorSen, 0f HakmeIle. Halvonrw uhed mb tiith village of Halasaville lest Thmara alternoon 4ud reported tlmt two mou b.d beld hlm up aud rubhsed hlm of '4 d a&feu parsMalarties wbllh0, wss2etuei.g Ihem GMadslýw uo'tb The. eraylare police were at once uotified by telephone and met tihe men- Just west of that tOwn placing them under arrest. Tey admitted their guilt and Justice Fritsch bound them over to the grand jury under bonds of 85M0. unabis to funnuoli bail tbey weut to laUl. There were f wo eye witnes3ees to the. robliery and these will appear at the trial and it le evideut the mnsewill have to sufer for their deed. The men saw thernabold Halvçrsen up and rob hlm but thougbf if better not to luterfere at the time. BANK-. CHANGES IIANDS. Merchanta and Fermer* Bank of 0rayalake Sold to manon. City Men. L.Y IKES PUIRCHABSS OFFICEIRS TO REMAIN. A deal of considerable. lhmportance to central Laker couuty was conutummateai last Mouday wbeu the Merchauteaud1 Fariner@ Bank cf Orayelake paseed int, the bande of L. Y. Slikes, cf Maxonà City. Thie building and èntire stock of tbe, bank was purchased iy MSlicfues but et1 the present tîme at leaat the active management of tb. baiik will not change. P. A. Rtobinson, leunder ef tbe insti- tution will retain hi@ cenuection ad il le underetooti the worklng board cf dîrectors and officera will remalu as formerly. The deal timides transarrlng1 the stock of the institution took in the. building and lot upon which it was locatsd, the conideration for tb.eichele being 83i,500.» Mi. Sikes, wbo ha. been for sanme ,years on Active lawyer ad ral esàte bruIter of Mason City, han purcbased tb. Frank Lawsou ceaidéane in the illage of Grayslake aud will makiehbhomne there. The Grayslake Marchants and Farmners bank was starteilun1002 by P. A. Robinson and lbas been in a prosperous condit ion ever since belug located ln the centre of a bustling dRd tbnlvlng farmilng communit, aettled by an aergtieclcosesof farinera. The ]ast stateiment of the 'bank ehows over $128,000 lu deposita. ~Thi reseonDr. Dad<aLIttI ier epill ra(veUsmft sat le sdu t 0<, T T To nt 4IDATMs Thmt 7zesziay a,l a ut themn pprsyonal hbtrtoy <(et nl..,midiltca w.5piring to thie vari0us i.ounty offit,*,. the IabxraNi(t % ýilI fýoîIn wcek te) weekpret cbats nbhrn. together witb a pitcti i.)t hpcî,ndîlat4c. The order in whlch tiii3-- ilqar i.i ne indication 0of-tht. rie politidcal prfeencebut ratkîer Fi . <aire able to oltajn tim iufornistbîîî. Canîididate Perry L. l'a'ioîîs. lhving defiitelv decided to'rtitlire coftet foi, jiauge ,and bi@ belng TI, laet enitre,. irito the poli"ic m arnmret wIII terhap iiitempet ouirTea"dermt j arn of timi ýa 4piiiqg Young maml Perry Le Perulet 'Sas li.rui ounsain naar Wadse-oetb, in Newport toe-nship, atere-ards re-oa* bu Wanbegau. HResas edunai e4i -istrItnecbonis or the eoutàtri àh0bards taking courses in ts eWahagl.Iloehol, Hyde Park 81bk Sba d i n ts he ueC o Univor.luy. lie ca terca the ls ofe of nd E (lmkD os te-o ,y.aaat alw o"to*0k a te-o y~g etiibuthe lasw depurlmt outbîle Lke Foreqt tlnîverîtY. lu tféa-iepriug 0f 1901 lh. obtaineai lIc republiecn nomination lu Wanksgan fer police maglefrate aud s&e slectPdaltafer a lspiritcd conta-tlby fis largest niajority ef any candildate- oui tle ticket,.lunflac sprimg et 1903, lie dafeateai E. J. lleyateckec for, tIe Rapublcan nominîation for ita' attorha-y sud %caeala-cfa-a, iilaiuing fIe iîiajority ever Je . K lrvia. dîlnaocraf le canidiaita-, et 214 vota-s, e-lau-lam -a lamarkblainh via-w cf thélelat fUlititheisda-ix-atic candidate. for Mayui nas-a-iecfa- a tflic maille lima- by a iniliîjrily of 311. lu flac mpring cf lOi;. lie iigain e-as ncîîîiuafeu tiy thie repoblie-nan ndsuai ealacfa-ai ity aterna-y fer a seeional teinu by a majority cf 640, aud lme iî e rviig bises-conai terni. bssiog filleil t is office aurîng lusm lncumnuy. witb ixeptienal ahlihy. lI WaoItagan Ili s m mde a recordi as a cean, ablean sdftaaileofficiai. STATE CONVENTION MAY 14. The IhiuOclerePublican @tâte couva-n. thon îwll behol-d iii Spriugflcld af 10 a. an. May 14. This e-as decideai Wa-ansday by fthei-repulican seate central commit fa-a-wnhictimet lu Spring- fia-Id. The coniiiiitt,'a- sien toek autifou askingeuuty coiiitfeee net te pesa resolutiens regardii ng bIsUnitedi State-s seuatoet[iip conta-at or indorse uny aspirante for parfy noionations ba-laie the spriug primarica lu April. . This mesus that any county cciii- milees iudorsing sa enafortsl csndidate, or auy ether candidate, for thal matter, duosa ao againsti thea-express IletflIa- msuagflng body of f ne parly linbe state, It maY Mot Preva-t ufech ludoraenients enlireiY, bf tlb eh eaioff rnany cf If Pobtshlispsrty ergailzation (un record as hiug in fat-or of oensisbcucy iu using tIe na-w prinaary las, giviiig the voter a' tise epportuntif te express opinion sitbout the inftemee cf l-te - machine. Pefîtion for F. C. Di Lmn&, Primary peilions are boluog cît-clateai lI h fisltitcongreaeiunit>district lu théa Intereet tf Frcaieriî'k C. Do Lange, of filenece, e-be is seeking tii. repobhacan nomination lu opposition teongresamnan George E. Fose. Mr. -'Do Langr le preeldent aud imange'r (i lIase- Keai&I DeLang compauy, Chiaago# Wsu a elitAis, known lu Lakte coontywebre If e-cula @sein le ha@ stual chance of eceefully OPPetaiug 1r. Fue. El-Mayor P;atten of Evansten, alec saId to bo a candidate for the dame office isle hiflis ard ofth.i laut ieok or se aud, lb Je ithegeneral oopInion of pollflclans ho e-tiInet b. a candidts. t i,"O g ondr PLAN TO 0fDUTCII1. Viiiffe of rayelàke mmd Fermer* of vlclmhty Plan t Unt. For Extendîug Big lDrainage sicheune. 'WILL E3PTY INTO CHITTENDEN LAKE. Least Mondaîy niglît at the Élrayelake town liall citizen- of ( ray.siiak,-.andi the resideuts cf flae adjoinnug art cof the towniship met l i n tasse <i-etnK 'Witt) the vi llage broard W0 tralk over a plan for tlie extenîsonî uitthe- big dita-e-lah iii èourse Mcf - hIitctio% ,tliîuigluthl .sag.- If n la îaîucl fite)MIftiisbigc ditch flirougli ta- Third air Clittenden's IaIe. If fIis je doue a mucb Isrgt-r sectionl cf lanad thâîn at firef llannea i e-h lie.drineai. lilîcî tî hefacproject lac found' feapible te dita- lnl undouata-diy lia-bult sud e-heu Ibis is doue Grayelake e-lhob given a fia-t clase oplportunity te in& -tal a drainage plant. At the presa-ut fume the villa"e, csvng te thie fart fIat il le built upon low land, cannot place lu operation aen'ers as are uecessary f0 the vary beef systena. If i le a-plan to bave ftle village of Grayslake work in conjunction nitb fthe farmers sho sili be benefibte an sd psyý a porticn of fIe expense. The proposai ditch will he bef een twd sudd Ibree miles long andaiti le. fbought thal poumly if ili be made sider thaf the- difcb uow e- ehg dug througb the marel t e N o att of Halucaville. The. same Company thal Io now aI worIt on tbe amg e-lll heaske4 efigure ou lb. dite to'Tuilaite and ualkss the coatlel entirely bo greabit la probable the. work wlll ho ordersai dome. A couimibtes was appointeaiilto mesfgg tempossai of Jobn Wlcks, Erumat]doom, Carlyle brus. snd ohhers b îlook labo Ib la siso propoaed aithe sane tume bo dlg eut lb. chaunel botwees Drue sud Chittenden laItes sud thus make lM possible be rua gond sizei boats bet weeu tas te-e 0Me. ,The Channel bua a-ys beeumo nasaiby plsuro seekere and summer people duning high a aer bat low water made if rery dillcuit te pana from ne nslaIete te tic-oer. LEfforts bave been miais at othor times te open ftle cliaunel but heore bliare lias neyer ba-en anvone on baud vifitha-hepropsi macblnery for fthe sorIt. P114dD INJURWD MAN ON RAILROAD TRAC K Laborer la Picked up Mmving i th. Appearancas of Being Mit by Train; le Unable To Explain Mow Accident Mppenad. Luat Saford-ay thle crea' of the iuI fraon ou tha- C. M. & St. P. lîlckeai up a mîan f roin letweeu fIa-railq cf the trie-k btuabween Liberfyyville sud (irayelake lu s scnîi-eonmeious etata-. Bisieaod e-us cut aud bleadiîg anualone of*'Il s aloulîers swe a nj-isd fuan, Ha- %ves taka-uite) tiraysiake snd furfiea ocer te)lDr. Palmear aud .'larsball Fritschi. His e-ounide wfvo,dresaîcîlana lilac n'a cara-d for îîîtlSuday nigbt n-len lie e-es sent bat-k f0 the City. He e-as poorly dressa-d aud -v.as ou bis e-ay tu thle lakea wliere le untended'gsftiig a job i-ut tung le. The mnucoulai net tel cxastly lies bo nes hurt but itis bougît hb elfeIroin s frelgbt white intoxicafeai thougbs as unallste explain bow ha- caine te ho ou the traek. No Convention ln DeKalb. The DeKal couuty conamittes ha@ decideai that nominlations for couutyj olffcers e@halho <amade- under ftha-direct plurality provisions of the new prianary -law, wbicl meaas thitt the republican Candidates we-ihious Sai wifbout the intmrention cf a Coonfy Convention. Sf ste Clirain Roy 0. West and Speaker Edn. liàilrtîcif aidresseaithe republicans cf flic county at Sycaniote ou Friday, aîxplaoiiig fthe las sud lafer thle vouuiify c<uunite itfaa la-chI-i tuse the direct ucminatiiîg iietliods provideai for fuy the Ian', but laff optional. It je semin to suifer wltli barache sud pains over the' kiduers, * - eu a single dose of Plue-ules 5h11tgOve relief ini oue. ulgîf Sufaring womnu eoulai besd1 these sSruiuge ere it lq te Iate. Feniale1 troubles niay resait. Pine-ulée. e-tI atreugli e b kidueya sud blafder,1 cleams thlood sud relie.lbthes anM pelaiotNumlia isd Rhemuthmn. B*O» b wttEf 4t*Ta-LirvII7TI1!aU4 ZION GIRL DMES 0f BUJRNS* No Meëdîcal Aid la Olven Temcher la MIon Sehoole Who Re- celved Burns Prom Leak- tua 011 Stove. BELIEVE» )THAT PRAYER ALONE COUL» S'AVE. Mise StellaMimitii,a feiülîir in thé- Ziou City selîcois waas t trily blînoca early asat Sunday niornuug wlila att.-înîting to ligbt an ail stove that destlî resulteai T'uesday. The Youfig wouîao id risen in bier îiiglit dreeis and the liglit ganzy nîsu-nis cf bier wrap caîiglit lire owbng to s "ek in the stuve. Her meresis brolîglîf aid frona ofler ma-nblars o c fa m fily but tl It lsmez could ont lie exlunguisili.d in tiîîîe t0 save lier froinbnue n hie-h overed ahujost ber eotire body. »As ile lc cutcw in Zion no drugs or opiates sa-ce admiuistèesa to lier fliongbbier body waq wrapped ini a sheot soabed ith vu aseline which le octconsidecedasdrug inZion.' The deaaous cf fhe cify were a@keaita pray for lier and shile fbey offered -rayer the woman wrltbed lu pain grcwing coutunually weaker outil deatti maine to ber relief. Accordiag ftaa resideuf of Ziuu Whic was at oelime a practicing. physiclan ber lis could have been savsd bad @lie received prompt miedical assistance. The instance bas eau"e4 ouslderable comment 0winjtf the close remiemblance of thises1o Lat of Esthier Dowle, the apostie's daughter, Who 6 Cataber of Yeare 890 dHd froiburas tésved la ber room. lu both case vaseline treatinent Was ivea Wibh If ils ucesss, Noel m elows de oufMth#ino edîcngailtrstouetoAnl ut ouF. cf i11 anembers of ftbe jury were Doicieltes. MEURS CONVEST Preecott Clark Auke Thât WiiI* of Father De But Amide; Sie.. ter andBrmothe.tu.law Cbarged WIth naalng Unda. Ini- finance. SENSATIONAL SUIT FILE») IN CIRCUIT COURT. Lest Friday in the circuit court et1 Wauka-gau a sensaticual con testcf a will was fila-ai li i nvolves some of the baa JKiowu People tof central Lakes county, people sIc vere raiged lu the vieinity of Gages Lake and i re persona]lly known ta ail flic eider residentz of tbe viinity. T le suit was fileai by Prescott Clark, uow residuut aDIixon, th!a stabe, and asks that Ithe ill cf Robert H. Clark bie set a@îde. The papers show that serions charges egaînst tishe irs are mîade, tfes daim belug that Ioee named lu the wîlI used aidue Influence over the decedeut prior ta bis death audihbat heoeas mot cf sound mind eheu ho made fias wlIl supposedte bie hie last. The hers nained In the w111 are ahowu ta b.e rank Z. Clark,bhi ion, Menerira rilliot, iaule Glbert mand Adalîne Hawthoru, hie daughteresud (Irace and Warren Odeti, grandcblldren. Hawfhcrîi sîti e-hem Clark'liveai eas namoaias exlcutorcf the w il. 1The claini le tIat wbeu tbhen'ill e-as executed, tbb orator n-as alcIt, very olco sud Wbol' ly Incapable of making a wil or undertaudiug e-bat e-ma houa doue; bliat the daugbter anod ber buab8nd (Hawthorn) exercimeai unie intluence ovophiui; that lie eas led ta belleve Mrm. Hawthorne wsas the oîîly living cbld; thaf if e-as 'cepra-sa--te4 a i ln fat @sîe sud lia-r lusbaui i loue' careai for hlm sud eliowed coucero for hlm ishi nd aea; tIat Ibis falee attitude camasaiijasoli mn ta make bise-wlu out la thelr favar; that al theut ber lboire consmttyasked after the ageai man'#s"hean sd provldad food, stc., for hlm. làve adipertlseas dvrt»In ia l$vs rS(LI Furtber "ieeam u Up Sheridanansd'Tou I* Arrested. ALIc FACE six MONTIe PRISON SENr. capt. NI. E. Saville. Who haé the ulovement te d-cean up" Eé with sui-h notable succee1 5ud% after- gaiulling and gamibli fort, and lad teom men. Piso guard, bonne. liedeelares, continueutil h e cecks g%&M 'iaoot-legrînig' Sat Fort Sher"da . The uhen wbo were kvmeute trieai hy court wartiai ild prol lie .eitenced tu, ai%- moutw îîilitary Prison and 11usd $104) 1Catit. Saville hba is-Igretaa workiug for a blghac atibn soldiery, ad lie ie ggtt!IWeg praiee froni the war deprm Not long ago be .detected mai two pawnbrokers atibletu were turing up thouea" di Worth 0f goverumeat géomoI enliétaid men..*Roth we M"s terme nthe penltsatlmr. ' W1jý tiens inatbtbd bl hmin l14b and'convictions scured xasdî IlInErzaD"wi!aue famultar; aI les" tolapo t cfatt~ t4ousaund 1teMIss.b agaýd tanutaudienceby tii olve *. net miacemalterailatholseAt.,7- Lest Ruade1 EUV. B1lq adaireast a monus ýOttu WiIlams spoke et a WOMWR; At a meeting devo tebaua business me. 0f1bthecity Willams ounle"lFrl"a ao~ kegan as ioraia, typlesicd 6 cities stort e tee catItbh«M u a fse-' sora ont ciyinta~ tho surface of tIc polItisai ou"ic, a tas more comtresl ib.wowW th lb. v oui, lug lli.y couler qq commulg la d lg- i woIîM peinted.'tou touched I be p4V 1 vices and byprocrisy. Ou Mouday nlgh BrEangallet Wu adaireidbtheoqagpeople of sbo lous Chriatlan ocktietiosofLahce abs aspeewalmeeting bte-tIia Vu-« alinvifeai. A fe«,ure ft bluta art ths sunhosan choir nndor t.e eip et Mr. Sotherjanai composotiet a ons hundreai and i lIy boys and a"e ail tIe meetings tefte Wl la, sl part-of the servicesuamd t " do ment cf the sork ia des uw& cf cellent atteudance wtlch le mew the revivals. it bas la-ou the C14oe01 etvffa Stadersoîftafoholdai amwdegt Po on homo certain' eveiug dorifuq moriles etmeetings lu eac t be-a &M weoku Tbureday niglut Ilbiaa decldeaitb heldt hparad tu Wg This la a mout novaI aMd ==~ aud l turcttlag publie attIqu ARE STItt New Lin. For Southvielqrs P« County Retaîna ils W% 9 Throughaait Winle. Premident Bryson, cf lthe Degli and Fox River Eléectic ralro" lit thle otaféentnthaf bondo e tea* ot $1,M00u00 bave tissa floated )00 vies of construcling the ruad. Q loe inferemted lu the proJecb Ieý tis enlire rigIt of way lust Ie4 i. planneai te begfili UOMpoa ta the sprtug. The couspsnly la negotiattb« fosot slrIp and 'At 'i couanuation poetlg lu the Immodiato f4tq!* proporty 0euSe.