Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Feb 1906, p. 7

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LD~5Ml'. ANgesw OI i oMANOCIS 1i r Cent las Gurau. bme.15.pd The undersîgned will adi at puiblic &tion at îbis remidence on the. John ýoney farai, one and, one-iafils iast cf Hail Day and one and ons-haill lis-matl-welitof1eetn rdy Feh. 16, 1906, commsncing abi12 o'clock ie foliowiogpraperty: Teainhorse, Fm old wt 3000 ]béi, 17 choice mik cowd witb caives by aide the balance hesav oringers, it-opring wagon. Jigbt doutii aases, 1roUer, snrrey, 20 mlk os 2 tons good bay, about 15 tons oftl :raw, cook store he.tiag stove andi ti of other article too mimerons t( entlon. Regular terme& E. Kol-li, Prop. J. SCHWINGEL, Auc-tionIeer. ileing abuut tuamore aatii a saiaile farai, 1 will despqge af the tailoWnini property, on the Peter Licbtfeld terni one and one-hai! mile nortb of Rockt feller and three mils west of Lihert3 vie, on Tuemday February 20, 190 ommnacing et 10 a. M.. Mharp: 2 liaice young eowso, Il nep.w muiklers, 4 oi mors with caîces by side aud balaya pringers ail "raised on this faruiaian ais raissd third and fourth caaU. Hën frd bull eonîiag 3 Yrs aild, heavY wor eai Il and 10 yrs wt 28(10 i-ouu oj -tarht, morrel colt 3 > acj'7J"'m brok .tofo gaod b, ght tîmdthy ha:é eteck ot corn.tal>. . bb ugood cil Big Pour wbite @eed oats, Appletc mise Roléey aofWee ientlainu t a Io" tathaé. Who gtou plemsat cailer tierslast ahday. Chiagoed torer U t ~m h0- John Deinlien, Jr., bas besit spOmding the open umater bas int«.ivqe ,the week with relatives in Chicago. lns ge ogt a #be* Frant 'Iebt w as a Round Laitecaller dnring the sarly bail moathe 01Mi Tnsday. at tram 1 î tu 20 cents per dom OM Mie Kate Nicha was a Waucoade lest week tfon Il cents. The tg visitor lest Satrnrday and Suaday, speak ut put lu a mllion ces,1 , i Mr-. and Me.. Joîhn Hertel are bath On containiwAthlttY -dli?-tbè the eikL iet.et1 present. . antaunt on record. An avea? 4 -or 5 c us o~ t u bu ýk John Ahart gr.. wae a Chicago visitaiaen!eeydte gspt1n5 laat eek.unlesa the veather changea I The dredge miea ou tle " seg" have On a mdIlion cases, the lm W ' yheea torcedl to idienes ad are naw la betaneen 41,000,OOOad 3,0 le inter qua-tee owing ta the ice._______ Qaite a number f romi thie vieuity axé Pirfletioa eau oaly li tiane+ wiiurkig for Araiaur, et Round Laite. phYsie.c al ailwing bamew to1aU aprieteann oc d.ispets e W . t<NG bE oursces.Cathartict gip. dîssîpato, .wbile DeWittý'o là Itiers sim lis expel ai tîd Mir: ani Mes. Angust Hansan etttnded aid bile. thas, ailowing CUher the tunerai ot Mr. Hansea' ant, tirs, ins menormai activity. Uoo4 C r Esty, et Grange Hlal on Manday lest. cutplxtiOu-'Sold l>y ail druggatcui'i eIWork tilling tlhe Knickerbocker ive. bottes eît, thu place continues nigbt and LONG GRQXVE rf day and tue bouse is practically illed. __ :y'Mr. and lins. Tyler Oiibert ancre Gray&- lii~U<ctailnie [6 lako cealiers Maaday' -rs. M.Meyer, of lPalatine, le wVIO 24 GuyHt ae tbevi to saéur- wjtlltives leadtricakhesoet or 'prie part! lait w'cck. tirs. Landau. Sr-. lias been keept ce Chas. Critteaden oi 6 rayslake was on 1I1laines for lIre. Fred Mleyer tlîc peaM d *iur streeti îîon<iay. wlile the latter lias Onaeelg re- sister . iré. (C a s L fr ntz. 'kNow i the ,time to guerd the bealth Mre. C. C. Meyer anti c'btildom, id and str4gtbeu te -tutig . The het rP,81--% . i t Stuturdar wlth 1 cý reuei iLoi,J.cuip , de l 8-01 mtier Me.M.flbeand lamlly. ~~.Th I axtie c'a n lî sr u ç o e s l o c o s t î p te th bout-l, blut ahicli on the uther 'had lilsrtyVille Onseîley lest a-e..s au exîtelm aIl l vl ot heus s tetu by at, tr. C usvlir vst~ ll t-hues r.-d pane an fad ctte <nI ta ase peesmirlaxrtv-. na...q Nitr. C. GLseiker el %amoa4 1 Dotes th. wetlisr Saesime Proteelýs.thehome> lake Couatg Telephones A noted gire of hunters and hlgh-clasa utility 1algei 07tit will oeillst1 horsespublic ptuetiols ou *5 Mason ft- mtwo a andi mne-han it 15siiutli4 st ot <iys- ci Wfl1 tand until fuLi4hsr notice at laeadashI ml atîo Phiie'sa@ > d, *ko-F«uteommstei at 2;80thîe oliowlung Fe -------ty 10 coWs, 6 millkers, 4 canîlng the in in i Mh; 2.yr.old heier, . yearlinig YN belers, 2-yr-old boll, work borse wt 7y 1200, blach'U mm wt 101)1, 16a eboots spi wt 100 PO-ndae mc,Clkecter Nàlte hoar, bal _____________________________________________________fat bot. 2 dozshaous, Mt4oriiiii-niotrer. 20 a.. .. .à...MCrl$k bai cke, a.. .1er, walking ai ~ f?4? ?*4 4?plaw, cultivatpy, dragr. iorn ..bslsèr, loi wago,pcanpater, ibol. ils. surxey. ILtu Cqdr e kttie, gi-ldatonie. %%heebarrow. wrk harnemis, beY fui-k. 1rOpeîand J g ureseail kinds of headache and rneuralgia. One captatsultnkad .» e lliu 1 .e la generally sufficient ta relieve the atosmtocs .hg iakîîîy ri. k. 10 tous l jiervous and slck hoadache.. These capsules dg flot caonban-sek a, S tain any poison or opiates, Guaranteed ta satssfy you. laotatkm cora taîke, 400 t'l goal white on doses 25c. Sent postpaid on receipt of pries. 4 tsa 200 butellbskt .~ ua à 1 ii) buEariy Ohio p rae'.avel box. vi ie sw, tongs, sbovelit , oi1-.4 si;en Oilibtri t be DruoIst ad Perfummer 4 naidture.tWto u t, farrow ina .prl. St., B3ernard ec 4? Wau1iegan. 111. Cor. Genesee, & Madison Sts. 4E.1.'1--ilos. P op se pulI ActanE. t p it k oni as tle Jas-u. l -ifitin, une 'i îî,pjirtl, of Prairie i. iî' ilone-mille ai tofliait t)ay, on1Il ,îr li Ueti..11), 2 lI)'IflhZ >0 eouruncing ýutit .Inrlu, the The' Sedlrity Savillgs Ba k cniting <ut16 <au s iml l4Jyefflingt 4 t calce b sie, 2n. r î.ilk-rs anil CAITAL FK5O,0OO.OO SURPLUS $5,0,.00OO 10 csritgers dise to couin, ii ari Charles Whtney, Cea. R. Lyon, Thou. H. Durst ,grhorse 1 2 yrs aid rt1300 41<4>, iîay1 Pros. Vice Pros. Cashier ys lau-ce 1350,aid w limi, l4lylrs old __________________________________________________________ wt 1200, 2 brood sowm -Ju,.'t-,. arrîîw ii' TDASÂ~ A ENCAI MB AVIuI~DAN nîciu~« Maretb, (chester %viite 1Iru r i yr aifi W SÀM À fENEM ÀNDSÀYIQS ÀNK USIESS 25,12 shoatë wt 75 l-. ('bauspion The Bank ha*se Safety Deposit Veu as Good as the Bet in igraill lîlader in gaod rîiîîiig arder, the UnteLStates. Large Enaugh ta AccomaodateaIaiof the 11c,4hret... lComc Peop&..6f).sk C n aCharge of a Competent and > ricre avitya-ir, Iey raik Reiiabies IOdal. Box Rental vsry Reasonabe. Heavy 'iiwr rii iy la ae Maio sCoitructiofl. Linod Top, Battoco and Sides wth met 2-bi-se steel lever dIrrîgs. CIalenget Railroaa Steel rail; Filled with Concrets. then Lined agaîn chlek row corna pltr% itlî 110 rade of witli Hsavy Plate Steel. CALL and INSPECT ST. Ap27d wire, 2 sulky cutirators. Fîcli Brothlrç triack wagon, Weber weigou lbus, beyr WAUK!GAN t s s ILUNOIS rock. wood rack, toi) buggcy, met titillap boarils, et gravai plauks. 4-can caoliag tank., watering trougli. 2 ets double bu M In car c rcol r..10 stocks at fodder corn, 15 tons of good brlgbtk laver bey, 5 tons of cbredded coco istalikès baild.iîiy fbih. îieles and 1201 If Your liens W-on't Lay test .of rope. 80 *imilngkc i cooler, 10 bu'od eoàeed cora, beating1 T Our stove and uîany otiier articles, too1 ry naumerone tomention. Regnarterîn. i ~1~U T UA IhT '1TbTFREo àD i, rD) a 111E *WiEliIiW I'IUW.EH. APPt-CI, A.utiancsi-. NEW ILi EAlJL Ofl IVUTIJOI I VI) Having deided to quit tarming te I. uadersigaed wiii sil at publiecîtion 114 A sure wi,\~e and EGG PRODUCER. A well balancod wthont reserve, on tis Mrs. R. Kappie t ration. and juat what a hon likes. We alsa hava SUN taron 1%4îmileesmoudsî of Graysiakc. and SY4 FLOWER SEED, KAFIR CORN, WHEAT, BARLEY miles aarth Iîa ireo, ou Wednesday CHARCOAL. GRITS, SHELLS, BEEF SCRAPS, CORN Feit. 21, 1906, eoîurueatoing at 12:30 p RtALFALFA and'al other supplies. ai.te talowing proî.erty: 2good cows 1 aew mnlîker 1 eçriager, black mare!) yre aid wt 1200, bay bores 8 yrs aid OUR COAL ISwt 1200,' 3 cbu ice shocats 125 Iboecacb, 6 chieas, boar 4 inouthe aid, bay rac-k, 'dJUST LIICE THE WINTER Doisy check raw coco planter nearly uew, sulky cultivatoP one-barise g cutivator. Oliver aod and stutible A W AR ARTIC LE walking plow, ses: hariowas w, double bugg, sngl bugy, umbr wagon, buAND ENJOYED BY ALL truck wagon, qet wagon mpringe 300<1 lbo capacity, cutter, grlad atone, met j double harness ingle harams, 2 log4 chaisis, 2 hickory basketés, galrenizcd kEMMONS-MERCER LIJMBER CO. basket,mouure and bay okt3nil -EDWINA. BISHOP, M'g'r staiko 2 loadi; ia stack, 5 steeks delà 3h, corn aialesinii teek. 3 tons upland hay t orUBERYVRL iLLin baen, M baskets sced cirn, 3 bu pal) sold hom 7 67cornanad other art icles ton motteraus to Ma mention. Itegular ternie. i-de J,,uîPii Eamut, Prop. aW .c NREW WAGNERu. .uction<4er; 0 of As 1 bave oald iîy milk route and hae me 1. decided ta quit fariiing, 1 wil esil at eoi public auctian, on Fois. 22, 1906, coni 115meacag at 10 ilotk sharp the foliow- 1.54 lng'properts: 1211rew milkeowo,Stbt 187 caines by aide. 3,2-yi--od * biters,9 500 aprîngerv, 5 gining siiik; buil, bey baris wtu 1150, hay hors 9 Ires id wt 1400, gray mars 9 yrs oId wt 1400, 2.yr-old colt wt 1300, mortsl drlviag honte 5 y>s ý slwt DM0, McCoraick coru. biader mubay borte 9Ilyrs aid iut 2150 lbts Ihave a few stoves left that I bey mare 10 yrs oid st 1200 ponadm f Mecormick grain biader, McCîrnici will close out at a bargain. Now tioV5T, (Chamtpionti tn-l0t bey rake 'set asectian lever drageli, Blackhawl ( coi-n planter and 120 rade seIre, balanc is a. chance to get a flrst-class fi-oismebsonsil ultivaitar, spriug tout] cultlvatar, 2 16-incli w.olking plowo,60( thbssis, fanniag smiii, corst shelier, 4-nl stove at FIRST COST - .. 'truck wagon, 3-la truck wagon, singe __________________________buggy, bo ssed, ice box 8 test equar and sjgblrt fest igh, heg rack, 2 met heavy double barnese, ,igbt donil haraessea ingle barnesa, 6 bonrescuoila i 200 eSboka corn la .AMOeldtack ecar stack straw, 800 bitcoi-n la crit 400 bu wbite ont», about 50 tot Afew cents the day. Lmk. Cowaitt eIeooe CO. OiVfe: Knltht'BIoc Cannect wiih Chicago Aiea your friands gond running order, 2-section drag, ceuglîs, Coldfe. Nabonpimtg cougb. etc. h S a l b y W tt-t- H A r E t- E , L ib e r t y v ille a n d l n t h c i y .- ieuder, sulky ,'ultivator, llia toud ftaOt j I.VLîKE PIA IAC. stelîben Keier, ls' engaged 11 cttivatar, sho rci PlOw , v el ta " F, 'i .3 t e a ewcist fimanti a i ee s. e lres reits, 4-la tire tract wagon, twa VOLO iunowr. te e t e d b u g g y , l îa y lo r k ec r r e r a nd 1 2 0< 1 1 u n d y M s p r . - r e e h s b e i i rsCtt ofrape, double n-rt lhures, aca J it Sabel. ai <'lii.aaK. tîpet Sua ey Mo .He -x rngr la esa at r ta nik 14 teet lang , Ilili. cuaier nd at bo re. * i t it )tllcn articiep tira aumerautetamention blimsifie Granîiter iit'cîsting relatives Alua Ntoley hmbas een dtaitodfi ms.-liooionavt*ett a ebad cold s.u 1usual teraie. Fre ltunch at noan. lunflils-aga. a IturKiNulimit.v AUCt. Claode prtt. tif Vnu-oda. iras a d rwHrys..fffilo«" W I. (iaSS Et, P rap. V ola î1illcr S ittir d y. eA a dc u, H anc he a! i u Of »sv As 1 have rentceli y terni for a terzi J. Wtttan,'- aiChicaigo, sîstut soee raiuithi the ab*,,,,, ci Mi-. Bols" ai years 1 i lta- i ssi t publie anction on days recently et fte lîouîî ai H. Niehols. m " Oi e R t t e m b ths pr m s stw o ailles aoutb-e ast a! M ies Lulu Sitîlpeots. o f M i-H e rY. esa t h e s livâ t P t u kr ba. h s (imer and two ad oas-bal! miesaontb- sunay with lier graud-iio)ther, Mes. S. wsest of Diamoad Lake ou the (iner (lardinere . The. regular mo1:t;blY metiég Of road, on Meaday, Feb. 26, 1'06, corn- Frak owell bas rcturaed ta Vola,'Laese Aid aoclety of theis LA" 'teaing at 12:30 P.'ni. the tollowlag aiter a teir uceks' riait îîîth laaiv@i church met anullest Tbnmsdsy ahef praperty: 34 mut contre 8 wltb calvea with H. Blets. The asit niselg by ide, 8 nes milere, balance apriagers Waukegan. lie beld et'the home or MIÇ. H qCi and mlkers, fine 8.yr-old Durhami bail, Mis Elsie Siith Metnt Airga i bert and Gleorge Meyer, 1 cdAr 1)IM yeerling bietter. 4-yr-old colt vt 1200, Keaaqbha. Heighte, speat lust week lt isbI 3-yr-oid colt wt 1800, 2-yr.old colt, wt Mrs. Sarak Hownard wa8a a revest Sai 1100, yearinilg colt, 6 Poland China Waukegatî visitor. Win Reimees, ni Chicago, Vwàa brood soans I due ta ýfarrow lu April, fO Mr@. John Richardson @pont Wednee- tIiove visitai- avsi-SUnDaY. shoata îit 150 b, 2eated aurrey nearly day la Chicago. ' .(iattiug ad baullng, wood~i nean, bey lader nearly aew, tack corn - MissesElie waltaa nd flèllea principal biasiese ai thq e !m fodder, 12 acres coco la stack, 2 stacka Raymiond . vers Round Lake calies preset, laver bey. Regniar tennis. burday. mi@ isUlne. Krugsi- Vlmtw 1IIiAMâN SttLana, lrop. -,>Ir. Albert ltengbt est seelml < t»Scultk subool laut aeel btik W. H. APPt-Ev, Anctianeer. te pamf; wek witlî trietîda ia Waukegmin. Mes. H. Corde snad an, Vbeats Heving rented iy ftarai 1 will eil at Mes. Wi. Dunail speat Tbnrsday; witlt vlstig la tis city a e. dey. publie ancti )n on the promisese at (lilmer, relatives ii Roud lters., on Baturday, Feb. 24, 1906, comniihncing Ï. end lIns. Joiti Roalng net ~ <u on et.12:30 P. ni. the toiîowiig praperty:ThrdyndFialaeoba 15 coans, one aitît calt by ide, reet ail TMrmd 1'Ianrtiy Eingerob. dube epetewrdoe ee giing'miik; 2 beilere 2 yre aid, r. Hebey -r aghe ePI h OrdOo wr a mar an 100,blct olt3 es ldbay (eneriv, au .Henry Mainian, Jr., o! an leuruing oi the burnl8g o& 04 mar wt110, bac cot 3yrsold .Waia-inda, ane Vole caileres unday. theetre taWlcb nsmiy l iu colt 2 yrs nid, l)iaaiond tooth cutivator,peleIt brliesytM" co pan ercana sheler, sliovel plo w , Mt-tNrS. Delim r Townaend. ai Round isaie tin» this br es ry ai 16-inch stnhbls piow, 14-iacb etubtile Lake, anti tee.. flaon, ai Libertyville, pole died b-aapnsiimnuta Cl plaw, brsating plow, Fanaing miii, ancre Vole cullers Saturdey. duran the sema eaomwtbM milt cane. e4tack carn, stact sbrsdded -________________pasing notice. Evsry on. oti corn todder, qnantity ai loner and NEWPORT o1 inumanIa esulteil fraontmie timothv h&y, about ton baskets sedn Wli ebiiufrn rmtuiltsc d v enpeetdb é carn, 500 lîu eorn la car, 2 rdez Plymountbh ili sb anierngtan oeîll oC habenlain% ted b lb Rock heu@. 1Icgular ternie. George Herberger le escovetlag a Age a Cbamberload n'S Ou MM AMter the sais the maabinery of the 011- right tram bis accident ot lest w* Asareat mnoa wb aied &et t erCrsaînery association -onsieting a! wbet i hoabat lilmsela inthe b sd wltrh thea r mptunola b ieE w d Sesperatare, churus, etc wil be sold. a revolver. The ballet wblcic-odlad.-nt îoffolw-ulg 1 an intance ci61 " à . ~~W. F. HALL, Prap. tbe haseaiofeeo! bie fingersanwas i- Toomach canana ie b.WsIn la k W. H . AiiLi-EY, Auctioneer. mtovd. - .Chamberlan'@ Coagli Remaemy, Hevng eel.-dto uitîariin î iîî Sadit ltning ia lu the hospital Mespeclally for c(aide and-: fl*u sdin pulic it-ton quie.. enth1-willtChicago anîere she bas been oîîperated knowethat it cnred daugblt, LA y ei t ubi aeto 3inls O ihwoton bar elipediitit. a severe cold,ad ihbele gaII o!f Libertyvilie enîl 1 milie aortb-enet oa i mt n ieesAtoh hnoewstraed1Wt Dieniand Les otn Wedttedày, Febrnary cleO is at nd wie acr talc abn abs W . D.tbret e m --), 1906, eunilieticing et 12:30 sharp caie1rdy ine. .P Ilcx o the falowbtig proltert.v: 7 coans ail George Casbmore and Mis isnie York, Sald hy F. B. LOVE4ls f lieavy sjîring,.rm, yearling heiher, (l boreies Galiger ancre uniteà in manrifge et and OIuÂVLAKE PnimWit eand colts, Morgan miare 12 yeara aid Atiacb on Wedne8dey Feh. 7 by Rev. ,tut 1250, suai braira mare coming 5 Father Joyce . Botb Young People are rycar8 aId wt t1100 by Roy Robin broke fo dwrhan aethU- r. and Ni-s.W. Boutadi *0 - sngle attd double, eal browm a ria i-s w es of t eir r md. - an v irtng w lth relativ e@ la C W M h. oning 4 yeaes aid tnt 1050 by Boy O. A. Nelson wbo boas beea qutte sickM.-. and Mes.. John aherhdUitb SRobin full sieter ai ahane, o,'reilt Jel someanhat laîpraved. turned h ome alter $"-n# Scomlng 2 yeare old by, Prince 4lbort. Renideate of northern aes ounty wssks lanOChicago. 2 bey geidiga caaiiag 1 yer aid hy are samemitat agitatd ansi- reports Mr and Mi. John Lryph ae't Id Pilce Albert, luniber wagon witb whichBaay that an electrlc lins wlll b9 nk pet sandai wltli M.&bdIl ri, doube box and prlng seat, lumber bull et a uerin date weet f rom n e m JCa roll. r, wagon witb double box end bog ract lake shoe point ta Aatiacb. It la )8 attacbmnt, thres-seted sprlng. wagon pobbe illnaw-i b.ietoucbed il eeri NaSeUs"iieaud Kt* R1YW lwltb tangue and waatc, open buggy, ancb e lice is put tbrougb. Chi""t viellai-eBatfrd".- .breaklng cart and harassa witb taugue Mlehea Ceno i Cago , Land ebaltt, Deriag moaner, ta-o-bai-se Wfl ar ethas a apEclal lava itatlàyu day witb frisiasebem.. vkMcCorntlct bey rate, 2 stnbble plos, coprhoelttIEtiN Uit t ceRoto dlgger, 2-bors cutivtor, cOaiPetttors awhuever tbeopportnalty 8. W.' Krrat>mieub~ lbe 1-borgescultivata-, liai-es be, nest lever presents sef.a01Rurieas," ,t drao, coi-n 1ebîller, etk.dump boardsUGAT CK'e is asis S h eel barrose, lsad <pank, gidtulenteîsasos" la~ le 2 double barneese, 2 singla harneese, Borai, Monda ite. il, taeIi-. an Rorehoutt caans no .espar latierfi nta, single ly net, 4' Mes. Fred VanZant a daugliter. etupefflu r sall tons bey, 150 bu crn ba n ud d D .a d r B ntte màlld, ofttibert yil *i " st e t I b e Pta t e ap a y 2 2 fo o t l a d d r b u rc e d M s.- n g (J aw ehsu lI S eu 5 N rie r potata SEItais, oucî via~~jited E. E. -Matnit and tattliiy Ot~ mj biynSi, i sase, vire tretcher, 50 grain hae, 2 T dy bottIe Old byFB Xrolla barb wlre, cornIra Ive, toi-t, Tunea ie tru i WI Pratine bas nioned ta the __________ lb aoveis, axse, 20 gai meet jai-, 10 ge1 ,ina mroat jar, 2 dazen chcteai, hougebold1 Nadeihofer tartai weat o! bers. The cidme' tbliue Of :)ne furaltare, 7 sbipplag cansaqed althsr T. A. Slimpson aud.famlly. ot Wauke, taoUôge l.m o!fs.e riarticles tee numeroii tO mention. ga, woes vioitingi-elatv o» rsSandm. sud Tur, the eflugymt Pl 8 Regnlar n e.Most E Ftast, Pop.Inlathia viollti woi5 cold tram the eiM - ailGEomicFaiaim Prp. o.runaeenughta gsItheli 10eouss a tbwîmron < thé,-be W. H. tippLlcy" A"iOD»Tt5. filled lest weeit., twy ru. Wetcb the yslilw label on your pasper. "bi-e le tai b. a ubadOWIs al hsbà*.141 n*u P. it wlDteln yau tiroar subscptioflih social et lb. '8UgM1uC kooo afflq *MLPA due. "mdq of I7M"al b. 161h f»s dlmeu b. bbbsmdm taiesgi 4« the bang. ai tpevects serionsr cut fron a cold. Thors le ae danger a9 Pneuxnock -Consomption or othetarions luta trouble I FIWsM M.S aiTM b takn u t e l icumethée i t a -bora Scoi-tlte dengeou kmtini setles on the lange and may derelq inoa puasmoaleovr algt. Uf yoflbare aa gltor old de B MdTr uWi cmur aqulcly Sm sli-s.gtheu, youi- lange. Bammmbo t le uM* fIB *sasm a" I tumý-aad fusea substtuteo oEa-d. Do natlabo chance coite on te mmubsu7" oU cv Pub,. Usya" I TUmo, th"t ns y" » n ssa"mu hla &M ad crai iiiesnis. CoatainaDon optI.. wÈf xi 19M . cu cos. ,Md.. arites: **About seras oiglmlyma*u&go 1 baS a vr mserer ou f wbhPhysiciens sid wu * riy a PasUMiguaand wbec b 1h07 mta-va prououUcod consauploa. Thi-ugi griend 1lWuslnudulti-yaàafflPie Voêeys Rouosudmate. wblch gaea eu mm*chreiai Ihal 1 houibf 50.1 liMe mquedms. Two or thausboW emed lme edwhet bUle ais ti tbé, - r 2- gi

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