54rNT.O VOL XIV O.:1 USERMtYVLL, !DITOR MD mis IMMEDIATE !AMILY ACQUIRE AU. O1'TtI STOCK or vie SUN IPUBLI$tIING AMD PRINT- ING. COMPANY BY PURCIIAS! rROM fRANK T. IYOWLER. WeddsjSua n d ldepeuident to be Merged end 11,blished at Llbertgville Plant. Two- Circulations Aggegste 3,700. Mr. !owler Retires end for the Progent. is, to Devote Hi1e lime to Il11e Twyo Large_ Lae LIBEBYVLL 1 AEcoUNTY A ~RDAY,r FEBRUARY 2u, 190-8 Pags PUIBLIC SWýATMEN-Toi On June 16, 1906 thera appeared lni the Independent under the htad of "Fowler's Duplicity4' interviews, and eta -entas eriously reflecting upon the charaçter a .d ,ntegrity of Frank IT. Fowi r, editor of the Waukegan Sun and formerly an alderman in the city of chic4go. For the reason these interviews were furnlshed u by a man whomn -we fi 0lieved t0 b. responaible, they, with comment* thereon, and criticisme In colnection therewlth, were publiehed in gond faith. Since their publication. hoiý#ver, four of the six interviews have besu ashown by tîstimony under oath b4fore a commisioner in Chicago, 10 have boa 'a both falsely reported and wikbut foundaton. if h. tour parties with whons hluts. lews wero ao faisely reported %vere Oeorçe W. Hinman, editor of lb.Cl cago Inter Ocean;. F. W. Blocki, city trsurer of the city of Cbtago.lHoat n W. Owsley, brcîher-în-tl*a of the formver Mayor Carter H.. Haria. the cille -f Chicago and Abert W. Sproehnle, and ne theae mon will hot ncýe be called into court it a onIl> fair that their denial before the commlsiTonr be pubilised, and for the furtber reason that the gentlemen have roquastoci us 10 do so. B>' a Iurcbame eonoumm'taled eltîin county [tiw5s ueii ni wouldiU îîîo4ele lln te malter of 1h. reported interviii theae e w daye Frank H. Jfflt sud tu> a@Pmemble lu any therWi' assures us of their untuthftlnos ansd u suambers o! i lîîmediste feuîily have The prisent circulation o! thei l'oiE- the proven inaccuracies of the other fou Seure lio tesoc f l,.SnPE'.I)EX<T is 2,100 and of the Weekly Sun Ibereto in gond faith.1i 1,600. The ,EtEtE4' large ttew Desiring that no wrong b. dous air. Publilhiug sud Prlnting- Coinpany, of ttew,#paper press *ntalled ouI>' lsst of the ludependant. and finding that w.' Wmeffg..asd lr. Juat takes im. ItobE rasud for wbiclî a foldiug attucit- t the public. moIste pommeselon o! theibusouece. imeut la hiiug builî. l114 ! oflficlent capacit>' ta haudle tlhe lucreane lu Witt Marge Weeklies. circulationî sud becaume of!tal central wheîî mauîpulated by e ekillild opirator, Editor Joint vili It la the Plan tuo merge thie WeeLlY lotion anîd the mjodenuand well of doiug su iquivalmîtl of six or eeven to botlî plante, the:t Su. sud theiNDI nl'eEN,Tr lu the nean equilxpî,dllant tieëre It in thouglît best mensà wonk, makes the office lu every 1 h a malter aoui>« future, and to pubisldi tihi largemt sud to issue tihi wiekl>' troin Ltintyvlle. Is vwa>' nplncdate. Tien. in a large job rnWukgnt bot weekly paper Lake coul>' lias ever advautageoue lo.eaion makes LihirI>'- delartmut in conucclion tith-cyllndr ir akem ille the bliit pointt iu the count>' for a and emalt prismes and such other modem Wauk teait a U bai. Tb. veikly witl l be punIiehed aetithe great viekîr, while ii Waukesten sud equipmeut ns le ta hi faundnd l iibig ý cut',cla Llbert>'vllle office wblch le b>' the recet along the North Shore theri t. little or ciîy offiea. capcîutj, wvlms additon of uemaebiuen>' and equip- no demand for the wivekteo, 1h. daille i mioe Dal>'To. -crge othc mms perfacti>'adapted for tba work.* baviug aupplanted thîm. Wiecausa o Dal tue Lhbrhvv ge of thei TW addtional fsrlitism affonded forflmeo augteLbrvie:Lbeyil. gat.1*eIng news vltîch coins tbnough The Dail>' Sutn, officeslu conneton tie dyanljv ll as viii' owambssp o! the Weukegan Dall>' Sue The Wankegan 1aily Sus bas nuder b. greati>' improvid, asuiachds>' ili hi cUl »)Me the wsekly lu very va>' Mr. Fowlir'a manageaient becomi the furnlsiad front thsfi e e hotever nes Thete cil -saopuior. Eecb dey'm fImportaul neya mont widely' reed paper lu ite field, and bas benuglesuei0" ail about tii. viti tahpapsiS I appmrl.g lu thi dely w il after Its circulation la almont 2100. A kvw couty'aud thet tsipbdbetftie atour ment, other ua ascessaqrevlaîug, ho set to Liberty'- yearsego a 1a«W Coi Duplex premes vas conmani enabieselus atai tinmteta ef é sonméP I& ~Spmsd Smdffta ta 1h51 tInstalla, chIaitPrlntéansd foîde the lu losetou" cltb n9611ari>' . estimton iww*e .i a UbtertJvIieoffice salira sfiltion la iveut>' minute. This et tbecout>'ontte i diseShore locateild ud ns a v i p .i1>o4ats â mint u th th»Sstaug umchlup, capbla Isarlor>'.th o ipd 1 --H-------------- The SUNS$ linotype wbich sets ail of the type for the paper. dioing an equivalant of seven mens work. ZIONITESsu detertteha.En "'à IVE cmldn coutribnted- their cheisieed ude Faces New Leader. SACRIFICE In th>~e abotimetat OemrVtv -as boeau t ZMon City bhoam on the 1 Vtilva, The New Overaert confidence of most! ti îpopleansd bas Existai. udU«.e. o bouds giton iudlcWtioso!fbelug uable.leader.1 01 ffli Daàl la gu F60l10 Wbhon ho wouto spsmk eer>' face vas «ITU P 11 dW turnesi laon hlm lu bmMhilamîutereet ne begen quietS>'. tollng of -tue mari- - floe. lu the daya o! the apoalileuansd »REETING LLS? SUN DAY dwelllug upon Paitia exhortation to -S <UTO TRAIR HARKTS. them, 10 complte slf-ainegatlou. Tien - drlvlng hie pointa borne dogme b>' dagree, Tb@. Sut public adiremo of Diputy <eu. bo made the. application. Thie dutia. o! Ovarser Wibur-Glaun Voive to the 0od'8 chlllren, ho sali are the sarne people o!fiMou City', made last -Sunda>' todaY-aatboa>' ce lu the lIme o! PAul. Uààiuibg, cas a iramatic appeas for a Zion la in ue.d. Ite people muet rali>'ta %Ou"ara mt o! seif.aacifice to rstorie e uPPOrt. And gît te muet not bc 01t>' sud le Institutions ta àseound made wltb a grud«lbg baud. miandisi beis. Exceli Secondes the Appsal. For an 'bourt1h. new leader preacbed, As hi set dtovu theri vas dead tlling as is text Paul'@ lettar te the silence. ThenOveraeer J.E. Excellarom. Pitlpplans, sud urglng the stern dut>' of "Tibe overe.r m b-t, iisaId. aeotuplaesrenuncîatlon o! tbla vori'. "filou useda jour iulp. Andi OvirMir garnis. Vliva 'bas beon a abnlug:exemple. Il~ Tha ivo table. cari plcSi ai thte.ogavea alho lbai t to ilon, even the tait o!ftaeplatloriulla thebbg lbe. $MilY bAIloGM o tr ateaured. He bas »Obb Msd ttergtlo06M UM, eumIag Su. O> chedlttcompeseation bayoni w* in memoa, plibemnulglifféb h fe ~deîloblg. Rewsu.to M fr010 of vlpbi thoir 1eiooepo»& a 9Ç S5UL" 11M_ n wb 4 .iipum agi 6" v o lo "0folicesi agi OMM sseVa OMM Sý "aui The SUN'S large Coi 1f want uotbing doue on impuis.," hi îaid, "Whatsver yon are about ta do.1 thiuk l over cariful>' iraI. Tuet muetq hi a gi!t o! the hiad'as welI ast of tii,1 Then two enormoum table. yere brougt forward and plaeed lu front of ~the platiortu. TIraIltte officiala o!fiMon C ity', chot Oversat Voliva bad toli o! viat he was about to do at a meeting Frlda>' ulght, brougt gifla o! ilver. ware, cut glass, sud jewelry,* sud laid th.m on the tablées, Ovetaier VoeIa bimiel! gave hie vatci, a glft frniei mothir chou a boy'. Aflerward the con- gregation vas divldd ilt. sectIons, »ud oui b>' one the groupe ver. led forvard. Heaps of Gifla Recalved. It vus imposaîble te niake, au> e.timate of the ceaitb coutributed. Tweuty-five catches, o! materlaia rang. ing trom inexpeusîve gun' matai 10 aolid goli. wvan countie. Tien. vs. dit>' rings, man>' o! hem smet vîti dîsuionda. Earringm, bracelets, broociesud jeveir>' of ever>' de.cription cere Ibrowu upon plIi clîbout au Inst'aeeiation. 1 Fron thte mon came «Mte of houmaissd Iota, pledgea of moue>' gÙtm aud cbeeka. ht. J. Simmons, a! Konoebb, Wls., gave 0200. Tberp vaou onechekfor 88,M00 sud suotb.r. feror 8. One »Te en *"Wo fr 9pest 00 QOW4 lb , Silti'aswt* bs & imuakc the 1.5s with Ryan and Etenz, Mr- IFow;iir u6ar lack of foundation, and in view of uwe accepi his afatementa in, regard F owler or anyone aie in the columna epr. in error, we maeeIbis stetement FRANK H. JUST. Ediior. rotvce hl@ attention daily sud weekly readers will alike flud trLra aiug the papers more. complètein cousequeuce. tlîirty uminutes ride B). slîariug expeume Of obtaining uews betweeu two papers thîre will heinl- > bertyx ille. #md et ? Unierabue instauces whliu desirable 1r Smith, Coticeded *ffcture" sud other stories" eau hi d "nîwa ati' baudled in a mutiner eitiier papir would tx)o Bot in that, Bot fiel warr.autsd lnunderlaklng. At Editor Colby lu Waukgau will b. gatbered ail the "Lake nial servIce li re.uews,Ait Libertyville thi news of the *"couutry" district., lor botb papars. Many. li.1. T,. Fo,er tar&Ur from theb pan>' adrantagesnwPeper bsns é lldevote bie der oue mage- I ttentio n ta bi@ two - ies1abso at>' ol e o! a merel>'frn.B ne4 aîga u i Tem.btlning 0f fanl;'anpto mmet, th promlbeni Bah ~ ~ . mdaasul eorte in tht unsr fttr.. -aferwarda Anu e a isn a enun ta Leheeeuuyuw* bmsb. h pnvta~Msd wlImake ie perMauiboss. fliê -lo mae " F 77t ~ Uj Duplex press whicli prints front a roll and folds- 7000 coin- plete papers an hour. A consderable portion 01 tue contri- bution was m4de in the. coupon booka wîtb 'vbidh the eployes o!ZIon Uit>' formiri>' yen palîl. Up taulthe final 01 Januar>' ail employem lu the factorisa or s"itls spire paid not lu cash but in books '0f coupons, viilhconstltutedý claims for mînchandime orocas. Tlh.nuse o! ties.. as discoutîuUsdas*s Part of tbaelsuta place thei cofhluiiiyou a aouud tlnaucial bas, sud-ai t ta sMme tilue tb. atore niesd bashe retsd to honor thini furtiier. Coupons to the valu, o! 020,000 or $80,000 are still outatandlug aud It la chIeS> for lhe purpome 01 rsdeemlng ltes. * S uuday'd appeal Wei maie. 1 brie!t able meemege frotu Dowle vai .Marrîage LIcous.. Frauk Martens, Bernlngton, 281; Marie L. Re, same,ý22. Fred Sclllcker, Wiîukeasu 26; Myrtle Wells, saine 19. Simon \Roppilt, Volo. 29; Liari sertlug, same, 28. Nureer>' Sto*k. 1 amn nov raady 10 reeva orders for Stan DBrotb.ra famoit Jr'aot «U &DIg tn. u"4..n semlbs . WOMANAN IBLACK. Mysterious Streiser Clothed in Femnale Apparai Walks Sivesis ai Nlght;, Mer Actions Goi on Nerves of Citizen%. Barrington bac recently been bavlng a nid senstion a&l Ils own sud ail bees.. a wommanllu hlak or irb*t appears tu ho a woman, bai. boutau meu prowllns about the' atteste la tbS amalleut bourg of the morulag. Tbe littie village bas iena wrought tu a blgb pitcb of excîtement and amy oft tii leadlng eltizens1 report bavlng smou tha xuysterlous utrauger gArb.d Ilu worian'a apparel cil the darkeat dye. Who ahi la or wbere te cornas froin le not kuown. No one bas sueeded in apprýoaehug close enougb to ber ta, speak wltb ber sud ber studled manuer selabe gildes froin slgbt lu tbe darknas bae lad Mauy to tsr that abs 1. Insane. Obe 1 eyeer msen lu abs dayllglet sud only Flipseeo!ofher bave. bien cangbt durlng the tnldalgbt boume. iri luanewservie.ira inlustock Md» " d la n~ 4i aedIlorwa 51.50 PER-YEARIN AD VOE TO Prlmaay BNeants Are Th»atto be I>termined. Central Coin. usttee Decldes. ePKER NEW MEMBER 4 TO BOLD CONVENTION. A înopt illîurtant Meetinîg ot the republitsu count>' eoinnltee lias beld laât Tue@da>'norning et 1il ocloek et the court bouse in Waukegan. The. ratio o!f representetioîî was dtcvldPd ulen îind aIt tie cotning count>' convent*o ilice, will hi oui delegate for eaicb tweuty-oeveu repuliian, Tolem cat at the lait pre@idetial election tebirl will îiîkî.~e puvutiiuthse largeet lu the himtltry, o! the 09~tA two lîudred sud forèy-miiàelegates§. At the fast convention there were but one huudred and nînety-tlîree deligalis. Tbe date of the conventitOn la tlxed hi' liiw aithe tiret ltaturday iluXfay nbich this year coins@ on thethird of the mnouth. The place for holding the convention wa8 decided on ansLiberty- ville ns bas bien the cu.toni in the paet. Rudolpi Epker was chosen Lihirtyvllle member of the cotumitte froitu the second preeinet o! Ibat towu lu place o! Paul Maciunflin who resigneel on a/ccouut o! baving changed bis reoiditice t,> the tiret preeinct. John A. Thain wae chosen memibir froui thi second preeluet of Autîocb, towuship. Risa home la at Milîbura.' liceM the decislon of the îîîeetlug chat the candidates recalviug the muet votes in isch precluet at the. primarleahonld hava the. delegates. tramnt tat precluet luatrucetl for tiern St the convention. la ceeatiers are tiree or fourcandidatas for thé mm office .the candidate chus rscevlug tb.mont votes. tio oug .May çot ,reoeve a majorit:, Wli get titi doeagatea. Tweatw-ons ieara 0f ithecount>' coé.lttee versprosent chasthe-uSet- bg vas <allai kto order b>' IbarsW oposu d siter ltsé tu tiie Waabburn botal wher'a g*q use served a luncheun am theguta o ôhM. Whitney, afterward sipmudiug a social hour. ATTEMPF-T MD ROBBERY ATGIJRNEE.. Home of Norman Brown Entereud Early Lame Ilonday Moro- lu g But Roua. Breakieras are Prlghtened Away. THIBVES MAKE NOISE AND WAKE BLEEPEIfS. Mir. snd %m. Norman Brown, o! Oumnee. weri swakeued tar>'îly Le on- da>' ntrnitig b>' a great ciatten iii oui of the downmlaine routme o! hein home and Mr. tBrown hnmtil>' rosle ouI>' to heur liurriid fhîolstepo leeving lhe housi aud ta aie two forma mnaking sway witlî ail spied m t te darkuism. fHe had picked up its revolver u earing the diaturbauiceaud tlred alter the leiig foruisbut withoul lilttlug îithen of theuut. Investigation ebowed that thp men wbo vere ividentl>' bouse breakera mad worked the ke>' ebîci iad been left lu tue lock of th. don? fl'om le plae sud wlii a akreleson key bad opaed titi Abc*r.,Tht nois lticli cas beard vas e<àad b>' tbe robb.rs kuocklng 'over a pot o! plants It la nos tbongbt that the attamptei "Job" vais tbe cork a ocal" partie. but ratiier chat Il vMs - byfilstrauge "eta 4mai mov drMfu gbutk 10lte cil>' train Il le SmAli.of I Ibalals la ttisý viciait>'. 14 Io& ait thas Laito 004 *1W boumseare malm fflr"4ujsct la rI*malou s c" bleditastthe lss o!the Y#" w ii.. vrtma a ,Imvlug tb4 Wlabe nd t4nb«horubb.nles aie thousl ixul>. A a*u gg Ç"4l Tb$t. J, L0. Wbrte, pastor o! sharon Bapilat Ciiurci, Belair, es., sa" of Blectris Bittera:"IV@ a Godsend ta makn.It cured nme ci laine back,- stiff Joints. sud complots physialcol- laps. Iwee Uikltokinmeh s bourto t. lk a mile. Tvo bouls of acerbtslBtmahave tuade m. go strong I bave mest valked titre ilesla 50 min- tus aud 1te Ilisvlklng tht.. M0î., Itiiiïusd. a nec inu o! me." OMM"*s taZIw be csaka-a un = ~ Eev. Wad., gaPàiUIy1 Vindicate.I Who as ëèý; MASONSOFIiF" S1JV Rer. Wade, the Wsîuk,,an m is changed b>' govemmeunth~ witlî seîdiug obmee iumattir the "Iel, is'rapidl>' recoverisefs injuiries lie âuetaiued b>' thrqwink, self undec a Northweetern trate iq lie ivas to go t0uChicago to a1h"P' beanlng. The irijuncd man 4hmn& hi,% ilinoence and itht a I 1-itt "nove couchxively the.Ib chargea againet bima. -Hie wif coinie tolini froîu Canada lesîàd' up<)t rec'erpt oà a elagraniu tom iuîelligînce of bis injuriés, ina a'i li-ut to the press dediarnbar fàM huîni. She eaid: "I would stalle My tifsW hua:band's innocence.blé le the. u osllah, Most efacrih kindesi man In the wov "He bas dévoted11=t fea of boys. Hea ielb, ihom to a botter I f.. "i have bàerI hi& helpse' uti4 dent in ibis as Iu ail thp",ih1 ofbhi* lifé. 1I believe là lMe lu1 1 wîll figit tg provea il."1 ý Mlr@. Wade la eart7log on correspoundance ber bubpadme wlth boys. ail over thu s tue e beaides replying 10 ecsies 0-B sympatby and protatooo friands sud aqlhiam auci were recalvthe se auorte . sambowed 10 Ilsed haitrî la aught diseryIq cnltlciam, aud thae bae et c ret'iived ba»s ervad to izstrsahn nîiud. o!thome wbo.readithora l.l Mn. Wade la a ver>' muebiwronpil Attorney' Browu,' wbo llled Wnde'a bond sud in reprematog M film i hie conviction hb. *LI US trouble wltatevîr lu dleelpatig,* vestige o! proof weisItle 11 aulhoritien eau prienpt l la st ticin of tbeir contqntions. A. J. RAYMONtD tIÉ mi-s POCKÉE i P Wauconda Superviser VitCllm ef pocket in Chicagoj Lot" 4 Monoy. beaidea Çh*ck sud V&9 Papers. Supervimor JeARa>'mo" nio' couda township was Mouds>'thé Yb of a pickpocket lu Chicago enud muai qutesa bei us a rimait. 01 t. la. a Chieugo papir of let Tou moyuiug aa -Wbilî standing lu a crowd ai corner-o! Northi snd Mlwaniie< a lust uigbt at 6 o'clock A. J. a"m pIkoket of a poket book sb $105 lu Mouley', .i cttol 0 l Waucouida Natlona5 boac ni~ 111-. two deeds for faims kad purchaeisl sndi aber veh.lshý9 Lc TRU-c e*-* Report Prevaieut That ni thiug dolug lunLieu Worid Wliich WII Resorta. The report la curreut bq 1 tiee villbu ansisctrieli iar>' date weset front»stai Lake riglon o! aouthtra 1 .ortiaru Illinoi& .hIl-t vil! lu tin, b. pqed el Lake Geneva te l i pppulsrvimcmuer aiertoeS titroub vbîcb t viiipm, A Kemosisa paperswý ton" bi»otmmIlobým - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ........ ------