Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 23 Feb 1906, p. 6

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____-"~North-Shore I bon are v4ff tl~fct tth ~ ,'kaunrouneed and l'y the $ide of le.moky la4Iisie-MI 'à& cadldaey for the'oti.' i cietaýW4r utited. Tient ',oe eed mm" story. FMI 4a ïbs townsbip of Wattk.'gati. 1r.slî'i rfully in Densky' mind iWho Re WwMîsr l',vii litsnoei et. blî gat i)..ebeci-.. Re.didn'. lite Lfainotski speu ,*r*koteu anta he uzetry and Ipe. îerýy well and lbe iniinediately tbougbit f riet 'ïlp» boss promuinlin r 1t hu t thtotei h huI a îdstolen it Iront bie. M, >*lltlcsHe bas uer.'r betare n-ted for [le çualIed mit liis bouse ta telIl li'so but fora bi. Ofic., - h%%nlis avay ýAs lie coua dnat tellibluem u f .(,>kkWit Saves Life-Alv'ttliier letht'tnilthi eigbosand Maade dark M az fo'îîana %rkn u d dire titrent* agulint bis persanfo X«oith Cbirago. sas-esthielle nid..a kw Mliiîîîfslti ri.tnriied hliio.' ter and va ss ,'*go Ngo hy i rare pr.'senc.. of mnetu. told ot the .(x-curreiice solereupan bo hud ig lieweedrewig tetresin hejapiiiigthe other arrested oie tihe charge. ofPa vasdrwin ie tre laii.' apiîiîgdimord.'rty .aiduct. I-is fine and caste voum et dth oumndry ust tient place w hbeu aîîouiîted tua $2,15'5 whilîlllie pald. He 'I bleeotbe hie i wer.' siiear"d sith ail:le nao laoking for anottier une eyed man Dr ýcangbi lire, lna a econd hits boîdy n'aas unie arei astitMlnfk envolhtIed lanfdames adsudn ie sas noer, he orei aéta aio iRe tu, fîd hlm aid. Re rumhîed froni tihe' jeîlot thie'touate soo gave Iiiiiî the cfieek. lai builiblg and threw *hblit-ef jta a alnow Lose in Bank Failure-A Wankegau Cli bak toijug lu the snaw tîntil tlhe ir' idumtlry as yet la its embrya riceived a C W»iqxtinguished. Ili@ lands and armes ierjous set hack as a reutt of the filure cetv woves serouly burned but it le tbought of the. Bank af Aiierica in Chicago îat . wM ii ecvr Tburday nîght. Funîls b.longing taye tb.'conçer wlilehhbad not ast y.t eon- ai Pr4fers Jail To Army-Miéb8el'Kicll, ineuced hisineses were initrio haut and Mi IL léort Sheridan poldier. bas tin inukng proîîîîîîy about torty per cent wilil b. G ~?vgi endeavors ta ge t himself a terni ian"reoverýed. TIi. promai..rd, David Q. h.n J*,1ke. ia.wiîcr n ajHart aîîd rd_«,r-ton u ad for med a M -aomet U M . c 1* oWtcre' have dmpaiis fur of e~eact ruensrF ben making efforts to keep lmuelinthe peses m L.tudeo sîe el'Fn ho arMhy sud out ut the jail. It appeari iebee piaeed lii the 'haîîk. Il is .not thet as &&n as Kochi hoard rhat the thuught the los ta tlhe liilpient ý qesgiimeitof wbiebho .le a unt W"asta e) oîndaelry svlll loepermanent. at ýdsral d ii hePhilLplmea-trong love TnMls fCAn-Tect ,4wthés Uni"edStates ropped out ad i o ela oet-h lyM ibathe mghtha ltt ebîu becouncil o North Chicago ls planning t Bu b,ý%tt Waukegan and on a charge of u uta cgtt e llso l»n mmddiordri codut alk this coming summer. Théetcit E '*çpedydl jil A teengineer, IR. H. Smith, ot WWakegae, jets 1 I*o etio the tern ieh repeated' the aklng drawings, eetimate and rubing Atte ot Mssldta - h levels amie s soon as is plans are ail La ,y*jue. wf ieortimain la dti. co1n drafted tjuey vîll be iabmitted to the f wi"d te, r adon the mtheNortb Cicago concil mnd au ordînanèete Re is now t tas fort under sel be pasoed for the construction of the q. caley f a-ua a rwak. Atthe poe iethere'le fi. o l4biHýkston Diss-.Lait w55k vhsatuhe propomsd limprovements are ln *nvenibg Làorezo inks- Norhi Chicago yl be second ta 'no ou of Laitsecouty's plowler tawn li is part oatheb.'country ln 0 pes.ed ai way. et hie bonis ln this respect. The vaîke ýwiII -'he Rit deth va due t0O ld palt for on the ton year plan of speclal w le a. a h. lghy-eveah iar aiesment Sentiment lu North Chicago 440 vth 1Leo»id Spanldlmg. la in tavar of the vaîku and itlai thoughit e sony résident etf ibs localty h. thonse îlioob e h inluthe pattfng o! P ý lutW , N. Y. VIRtu. 10Dit ot h. ordlnmmcs mmad Lb. carly conipletion 1 Wbh plans ihY contumed tIbr of th vork. J SWsut t iglou ceton foot. H. Iowa Man Wins lion tMad-Charles op a cWammsu Watertovu. Wis. Champion, chblef of the tire departmen of sp legli aliat in ~ sa.1,a, met bis evsstbeart. Mis' a hs, t0W for , %, . Tvo yeràDaesy Mai, a Mion City girlina Wau- o Mhvig Newv'Yor hlaide IM lu eganon Teday )lanmd the Ivo vie wà i iteshi bu5 sfiin bem Marlby th . . B.W. Chldeter tor bis home ibongb hi bas hilare vhom they appearid Immedltsly t mué tinte ralnd. Ho .101,atir obteiing thoir license. The Mv..Wiad sd Me. A t>màrnfage wan the outeome o a rotmancej > OfWaukfgam, MrtGges. lo f everal Yeari standing. .Chamulon Pi et St Paâul. Mmmn., Me. Georgeand Ulm Maden vlshed ta marry. The of Chicagao, and Loremzc> girl's parents wvb on@eremniers of Zion objecteit. The parents nioved f rom îtbÎ ab". by Graet-Lon Waters, a lova tu, Zion vitb tb. girl but. letteri i jlgm yngmgna, attend4a d-andi Unle San'a mail foand a way tue Chineguet Snday altenon tss h.Younmg people lu touelh and the. -i n a tsrcation vith a toreigner rmaavay vedding was psannad. The i1 ta In esa Greet wus tabbed ln groonm .rrlved in Waukegam, set vordW - 15la a daxrone imauser. Thi 101th. bride and the weddlng lloved. i.ldme dlrk vhleh 1h. man ud The youug coupleaet once ventaZion I -a b dellectimg and CULiig S alter Lbe ceremony taesit 1h. parentalA vwhieh eceseta"th1e taklmg of hlesing. '*eeUtlmiitclos e . ond. Bad iue kant trnck s nb sncb was the 5Cddai& m ia wI e ~ rm~ ~Iess i l. hov hat a fatality vould GldL aUý4ouidoubt have renulted. ln coin- Grt vltb a l by the. mne of Jerry [e theîtite otan'exliile saniple 7m w atreof Water huagoueta the dameS letter presn art, lut <off the proes. The ýývwbU wu$ coimposed largely of Chcago, àMilwaukee & St. Paami railway8 Thilmu e.Ti préeeence outheb. yong. bas autdane ail privions efforts lu' hi :»Im vas olîjetei tu bv soute aud Cole beaititully colored baok. IL le a depar e 'jpt loto a beated arguaient wîtb the tari frotte thîe vaeit multitude of ralway $miB v. ho dladtLb. stabbing. Waters literature. Oly a limited number vilii 'bhiatlg that i friend wuvainla dnger ha fiseued, tuaoecasad ta juteront teavel ta "' ,s 10 bIols aid oniy to ha the victlieautCaifrala via "The Overfanda Lîmîteit" Ib shealair.1 The Greckvmu frotte the hall on the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paut "a escped. Railwair. SaBy Officers Beat Prisoner-Two, -Official ailteai Guide, Cicago. J W.mksgmmoftilere are charged withBouet ta an3' 5ddress for six cent'@ pont- bàl luîlu lbid Matta, the man who joint agi. F. A. MILLE.R, (leneral Pamsengia ve* vwas reporteid ta have gone insatte Agent, C.-iM. & St. . ltY., Chicago. 40 to 10bave eatea his bead agaînet the *" kis a vich h. vas placsd etthlb.Wan- Watcb the yellow label on ycur palier. e~m lty tatI mtil IL vas a puîp. Il yull tell yan if your suberlptloa lu r Assura Flans, coutrymea of Mata, due.. .Ales ihat la renioviug lu te .la lAser Ereltuon setkhlmn repea'eIyon *1s ead it wihs club mmd IhatîW ves Il Sai Dt l is actions in Lth e elvhIoh smted lu bis condiin belng sncb that W, bad tta h.taken taî he hogpital tfS Usinant. Sevenal vitmeeses 10tle bg«W ehitlg hi'the olicer hava come levesit md ofieréd thein testlioay but *Oir étatanients differ conslderably s W 4Itls. Chief <f Police ltwansbrlt 19PtOblng the Mcaseat Ibis lime ta deter- M40 whetltqvor ual th. offier is- kget te prison. .Policeman Brick-' »R Amtte that lasstracl thlbemmnvhe va. aitlmptinu tu escape but smys hb it Wqwi1h bis nlgt lm haihch could uoi, W* seloasti damageil hlm. The other le policeman Brian vbo èeisted enret Roh clama Lb.the man hWovu vomada. B a,, ýzPm EY.d MaW-Trroubl.-BÎeve bmrILNorthu Chiago laborer bout bis 21 fikààt*di@ugo bqt t t'u ý =rMta hlmhy ,Cliluof Poli 01ieeo ia jstul s yo in ybt0,0 vR hair? "Csa'îdeo Ie' i tou do nt Iknov Ayev's Imi Vigor au Unri agdom t My te, quw-e Itlciâttmglsybiirt Aàd, eïb9w yoU'l uverbftvsy, Z7io . h icitlY iOld hie Grandma Wdéb'tlf. I Iat ber home. in lAi rentud Cliaton Washburn's mev w~ im ~ ~ ~~~~~W been1mo.t irylk. .î~ vieitng ai the Luveli hume. Wém to e o 1r aon md bis Mms. . E.Waftasrreturned Tuesday * 10oar own.fromta Io wooke stai lu lowa. rthur Rich boa comnisnced work on MadM. meBa pntu- new éns.onLais SoreJ)rve. day at the GI A. Wright home. 4.i Kmu Qrlaa -Richardson and..Mmu nae ?lcl aIe eeet Renk T.Ravi seof aray , liagro.tain.'d at cards ecently at the home of ev.T. . Seves, f Fanklu mv Mr. aud Mne. W. C. ebhrotlla Chicago eut Friday of last weeëk calliag on aid ls boue. Mr. Fosinad, aof Chêmung,. Wis, a niter nierchant ai Raund lake, calleil frîeuds bîri ].qat Friday. Mies Florence Feadeesan jet t Mondav r tbhe cost vbere sbe witi vieit ber, ser aI Lue Angeles and take in the bhts o! the weet. Sbe wns secam- anîed by Mrm. Baldwsin, of Chicago. The ciacb clati met witb 1Mr. aud Mes r. Bomerville Iast Friday nigbt aud eut a veyy pleasant eveffing. Those ky enough ta wnaprize ver. Me. lade Root, flrst iadieii prize; Sidney artield, iret geut'B; 1Mr. Lawson ce- Aved the gent's consolation prise mmd A. Reynolds vbo played as a lady als-ed one. ,Tbe nexi meetingg ull h. Lb.h home of Mr. and Mure. S. Carll.'ld, lnday evenlng, Feb. 2f). Gea. Clevelaad, af Fart Bill, w à r. on business Tuesday. Miss Alice Smitb, of Wasnkegua, @peut iday evealug sund Sturaûà' at ber îmnehere.1 Mes. Wm. Jabue k eîiendiîtg the we..k ,tBlringtoii. August Hînts, ut waukegau, speut fnaday Ibere-, tht guest aIf1Mr. and Mes. eldwin. Bd. Brawa, of Round Lake, was in on Manday. Mfr. and Me. Gea. Barbam, of Round stke, calied on friende heri Suuday. Win. Bey, oi Waakiga, calied on qid 'ieuds e beratnrday. Miss Cama Geyer riturned Tharsday rom a four viele' vlsit vith ber eîîter i Chicago. " Mes. Arthur Adamoreturned Thursday rom an extemded visit lh Congre»s Park. The niany friénds of Mcc. A. W. Harvey wdll ha grestly pleas.d ta, leara that aie ie recovernmg rapily tram the rcent operation vhlch she bad at the 'reshyterlan hospîtal. 1fr. Melban, a! Chicago, vas at tb. alun Wlcks home suaday. MIsse.Ruth mmd Roberta Harvey speut Several dayu af the put vuit W. the gueesuof Mne. Otto Waidmmm, 09 ChIcaffo. Mfr. Omechliler, 0f Chicago, vislted aI the home oi Wm. Smith and tamtly Sunday. Mr. Carpenter, *of Solon Milis. vas a pleasant caller heri Baturdai'. Frank Dufour, of Chicago, speat San- iay vi lb bis faîher here. Wm. Wedge, of Waukegau, epent ueudsy be. John Deithoru,. of St. Paul, ii Lhe gust of bis niother, Mes. Zangli this iset. Mes. eo. Tucter mmd danght.r are the gumuesoftChai. Kapple aI Ban Antonio, Tex., th.y conteniplate stayimg util Jane 1. 1fr., Young, of Antfocb, speal Banday vltb C. O. Blcb mmd fanihiy. Tate Alian, of Kenosha, epent Sunday ai home. - Misse Myrtle and lues Tanies speal Sunday at Long Lakte. Mrt. Horace Nelson, oi Luke Villa, called on frlepds heri Monday., Misa Barel Edvards, of Wauk.gan, spent Suday at home. Mies Jmise Thayer, of Libertyvilie, ecalled on old frleads heri Momday. X SKORTS Mmd AMSEMENTS X Bemne mout excellent aitractons are1 anauncid tla appear aitlb.he Bvartu Ibsaîn., Waaltegau, durlmg the nextlfev veeku. Patrons of tb. shows vîli do1 veil la clip the. floing amuonneementq aud ksep Il for reèrence. Pcb. 25-MeRHm sud . Match 4-Dnle of Duh. ' M arcb 5-Bush« Brovn. MIatch 8-Tii. Ofgerbread lMm. March lO-The Rivals, th. Janmes Bh.ri- dan Kuovles play, villa the two sous of Joeph Jefferson la 1h. leaits. Marcb il-For Rer Bate, the lliam lortimer drama. "Me, lm mmd 1" the Rnrtig landt Sauuan spectacular mu"Ia coniidy wblch apeu@ataIth. elhats Theatre Smiay, Fsbnuary 25 promisese ta h as asrry an alfairl aislth e bwarts stage ffer preseli. Onecan Imagine tlans et*Irinpg comudians as, James Fracis Uellva, «Bffly" 'Watson sud Arthaur Ibitaat' oning lotao lattue ou a laudear. lb remnant. of a bnntedi ladian medîcni shot'. Thiy get la bowver vf lb a weultb.y isterner jut *bout toavelinblé yachttfor atrip ta. Oas Kiodyte. The memy cnvw,,uome Mxty odi people maliceIbis a rare tripi W"ss. mm le.uns mcdsnmw 1h. iéh )iacarnof0< ibl nasIon of lb. KIondyke, Ai ,poga isue.. "me, HlMýme mj'Il dioolé play to, ovenlovlmg boum oro spendiug a pieasaat afttrnoon. Mfr. suidMes. Phil. Pleiffei are viiititig friend@ lu the cty for atew daym. Mr. andî Mrs. pftzltndltiî exiiect ta leuse for Texas sooi; witl htir diuglit.'r M1lii i iiiii altlî. Mfr. and iud rs. Rulii liie(tuttiî ilr.' visitiiig their parents îles. saif îrs. Mac- Oufflut ut aprisent. .htltîli Mitutlf tarinerly ivel be. .ll ii.' beeni-ltllt Iet brecentiy and lW lerm.touri'î-îperate. .Mr@. James Tri ggs retitrnî'il WVdies- das- froîîîWaakegan îvlieî'e l she 'ae sue&lstuîiy aperated on at the MMAiter boopitai. Rend the ad describing the entertain- ment ta h. glveii on Mar. 1. by tb. l'risbyteriaai Ladie' Aid Boiety ut the Union cburcb.. liess Florene.tileasî)tî t ertaitii.d a peiýrty tif girl 'freids ntIni sîiilsr Int Tlitirsd" ' e-eng ut Lîr luiiiii. Sith & ADarisî are preparing fîor a ',Ceiring<SaW" mmd-weil "auuce it a feso days a list of barguins whiehî wiu inter et. every economlcal hu3%er. A. L. 1-lae bad bis fore tiliger cut off [:y a saso at th. Woolridge milI Thars- day moraing. Hie iîiddle tiager waa also) badly injurid. Dr. Taylor dreed the vaundu. About tbirty attend,'d a parti' gis-eul at the John Caler boîî]".' hirt Saturday night and ail report a pleuisant time. Mie. Gram BIuruett af Esaustoi w-s. îîr's.'nt A breakfast food so'iul ssaR gi-eu at nt thei.' l.E. chais-hi arloi-s 'Pu.sduy eveuing. The price of uilnittaue vas a tIactage ai breakfast foiod anti about egt dolari s ortl. of cereais vas collected wbfch wiii b.' sent tathie Lakte lulff orphanage. Tharsday altennoon F.'b. 22 at fourj a'clock L-Miss Oynelli Coltîy, eldeet daugbter of 1Mr. mmd Mrs. Byron Cclby, vas anitsd la mayriage ta Mr. Reaben E. Thomam a51the home of Mr. and Mes. T. A. Sipson, ln Waukegan, 1ev. 6. B. Bawman performlmg the cerimony. Thi bride and groom ieft immedlatsiy for a short viddfng trip. lioth are veil kuova beri ba4ag' liesa raleed in tis vcinity. - Donldecelve yomut. If yoa have la. digestion talte Kodol Dypepla Cnte. hi vil s.iieve yon. Bey, W. E. Baocall, Bouth Mille, S. o., W@y: Ivas troubled it ichomie indigestion for several yeares;wbaverlI te seemed 10 cause heartbaru, somr etoiniac, flatter-, ing ot1nMy biaanmd gmral deprisalon of mind aud body. My druggst riconi- meaded Kodol, and Tt bais.llevid me. h cainov eat anytblng aud sleep sonudly st ight. )RôoaIDigst. vhal yoa eat. Soid byll drmggft. Ouir vant adcann coluuevers a multi- toide of vante. Ou next Tbmesday Marb1 the ladies of ai the Preshyterlatn Aid eoclety viliigive an entertalament ai th. Union cbarcb far in advanc. of mythimg In dia enter- taimment lne that bia ever Lien glven l Lbe-rtville la the pasl. The artiste vho yull partiipale lu the concert are 0f unasuai menit and the enlertilauent deserveu the lpatronage of asl lovees ai muise. Ladies ofthtIe literary clubi vhii-Ii lias gaiued wî'll deei'rved iceal tame' for the iicemseofut lisocial fuctians b.ld amothen of tliîir, parties Wedueeday eveîiag ut the home otf1fr. sud NMns Geo. Bond, lIre. Bond heing preildent of tihe club. h n'as lu lhe nature a l'colonial" gatbsningmsanie of the menibers heing ganhed lu tseplng vith the accesion, lhe aaalvensary o! the birlb - ottIie couintry'@ father. Dainly lancheon nuis eerved followiîig the eveimgsq diversion, l"progressive trix.", IL vas a delightfut oceassioand td t he conîmittoe.lacharje thase gatherid expressed their plemised apttroecatian. rANNOUNCEMWNTS x The. nusl service vilIl bc feld et the Preebytenian cburch next Buday bIth mnimlg mmd evenicg. Ail are .yefcane. The Christiafetise. vll melat tuhe Edwin Austin home nexi Sanday aflernoon at 8 o'cloct. The Ladies' Iniprovemnt u 'lub yl meet Ibis veek Fidoy at 2:80 vith Mni Lathrop. All are lavilui te,0 leprisent. "lu Chritianty Rostile 10 Net' Science mmd Criiispr'tat b. sabjeet of th. mormon Bundmg niornimg Pb. 25. ai tb. Methodistcl4mumh. lu lbthe xng Mes. Belle C. Gegg fl., usI oraiser oi te Woman's HoI[Me Mimionary soclely, vOl ntfdres tlb.oongamam.o Set Wednesiday evsnlng, Feh. 28 jeltd & Ca, of Chicago vil give a movlug peturienlinutalÙtinea Thi@ onipany caruies ail iailalsit&ui&Md fllmtes tue e natpoltula9=0 ong i colore carrying IbeIrova mube. The Chilen 16-canseA maine vii. be Oflu la lthfe aOn fU45b forood Ladies of ftoclnfeîr Uniet b SeUtIfy Strefft and PublicPlacesof VIbesg; Plan Active Cumpalan In Spring. The ladies of Rockefeller have formed a club for the laîprovenient of tbat village iL la elieved yl roesaitln heamtifyim. that lttie city taua great siteat. 1rbe movement ba@ beea brongçht about largely by the advînt of the elétrie hune and the ladies hupe to malte the own attractive ta thas, seeking a lace to tocat. It ie the ptau ta mfalte tlitreets &àd publie placei4ofi locketelleriodl f neatuess. Everyone yl h ugddi, tear up the old board walkis and layi 'cernent oae@. The titreet@ will aIlbel regraveled and grades and drains iaetallcdl. Resolutions have been papsed againot aliowlng sweetjdover ta grow iuoide the city amd absolutely everythiag; poîstble ta make the village a model lna every respect will be doue. A luove-1 meut te aIea on foot ta Interet capital i the erection of a hall wberi entertain- met. can be held wbich it in felt the tawn needs very badly. I'ractlcully every woinan la Roekefeller basn jolned the moveikieîît and those, beblnd the prajeet bchive that evrone without exception wlll get la lins by, eamrlytsprpg,,,4 ,entprtainint, -the flrst ta * - .,et vek at the on~ f the treasurer, Mr". Weil.@ and about $11 vas netted. LAKE COUNTY'S lEST IAIRY Public Auction Watch.Ont lo« Date. WIien? 'Wednesday, March 14, 1906. WMA' Fini Ayeshîridalry o!55. head WIIAT ELSE? Eleven Gaod Bore. ANYTHING ELSE? Yes, a nev edile, cutter, grinder, blaver, farming tools, hey, oats and coco Where? Lake Bliuff, Illinois WHOSE"? Reuben Miler's. If yon don't ses a dlupl&y poiler vrlle for oueitua H. W. Wilmot, Auctiomeer, Wsukegan, Mi.' or caUI phone 3582. 1Mail1 CONCER T WILL BE GIVEN hy the PRESBYTERIAN Aid Soci.ty et the THUR8DAY MAR11 I by members of the Excelior Lyceuin Bureau of Chicago Mies Red Io one of the leading sop- rama. ot America. Mr. Keller, orgen- lot of St. Vineent. Cathedral <hcago. Mr. Lmfry leader of troupe, le a vio- Unist of knowm. Gan. Admission 25c. Reserved Seats 35C. Ampricas Gnetet Comady Trio. Sulivan, Watson and Whitelaw SuccesulMusical tIE Comedy1 tIIM ral miusical Show frou start Au finish. PriCes 25, 35, SOC, 75c, 41 --Sat nsals at lugali'. FUS FuruisMm CUT PRICES TO REDUCE STOCK, Selrg is b.lleving. Corne and b. Convinced Mrs. F. Protine Libertyvîlle. 111 D. A. YOUNG,. flouse Pîtn 8 have a tomce or conptent wodune orlo thw daCms Of .work eamiconui giv« ouq iCk ~, ~, ~ service adi gmatet sali." on> Rassise Ste du ag lm. M (2)>w M te i btgies <v. 43' D. OteBSD e e~ "~ o a6)Sir o u s. mth S us m.metiuss (9) fteIsstbs ivmmsbcd e eme u mm t1 muase. isei swsBe ts Ofeat sla - le~large amidmmmliquoatitis byE.O, 0 A 0. UUStoed amit Ask for the 1908 Kodol Almanec and OEO. TRIGOS' OLD STAND. MIL 200 year Calondar. WAUKEE AVE. 8OIJTH OS R OTEL. Opini of o!ms inote man6 As thes "proof of th. pudding le tbe maimg sud mot the chewlng the sting," 86~ the Matte of a iMedicine are niait cleaely demonstrated atter fihau bien uwed. Mr. John T. TeWn, Tabor, Il- msy, "I have bien h andllng Hart. Èoney and Horebound for the pait yew and have foand it very niertorlona. Have used it in xny own famuly wlth ex- cellent reusansd Iit i my beet seller in the store." When our readers haie occassion tu need a eough inedicine vs wouldý recommend theju to try Hart.' Honey and Horebound. 25c, 50e and $1.00. Sold by F.B. LOVELL Llhsrty- ville. UbertiillllM. phooe Laycock 661 We are equipped to_ do all klndi; of repair work promptly. New parta snpplied. NI11 [cI il 9 19 Ib19 ui Opposite, St. Paul Froight Depot ht pays t, psy là advanoe for the IN «EPENEp'aNT eltiier the Chicago 1411Y Chronlele or DallyInter Oie»m. The INDItPENDENT and isîther of the, dailies for ont y708. 50 on thoee terme. ~---LIDRfILLME t10 KENOSIA, Cars Every Porty minutes Far.--50c. Round Trip 85c. At KenoShk connection le; made with the T. M. E.- & L Co. le cars. for Racine and Milwaukee Fare Kenosha to Racine 15c, Round trip 95é. Fare' Kenosha to Milwaukee 50c., Round trip C5. LUMKB4R, -ALL KINS- Good Grades at Pair Pnice., DOORS, WINDOWS. IIOULO. INGS, BRICK, LUME, ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, ETC. Hi I. SCIIANCK, LIbenlVIL l

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