Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Mar 1906, p. 3

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~flpp ppflg p*- --------- ------------------*S** iSfl MAR(H 7 _____At 9 0'clock a.-M. 1? I *1 4. Waukegan's Greatest and Best Clothiog- Merchants. A Eforced right now ta place their $25,000.00 stock of Iligli grade cloth- ino a8d furdnisig goods, ail new and np-to-date merchandise for men, boys and childron, on. sale at less than actual cost to the manufacturer. Owing to special inducements we bouglit our entire Yual afid Winter stock'[or cash and becatmiseof a baekward season we failed ta, ralse the necessary amonut ta make the payment on sanie after the shipments had arrlved, consequently, we are forced ta place thie Immense Purdiase, which includes our enrbre [a# and i witlr st"ck o sale for 10 deys oalg in order ta realize a large amount quickly ta satisfy the above obligations. 5h 1906 eoe Soe. 116 Wasin'g ton Street 7 HRS will give the people of this community the greatest opportunity to buy their Fail and Winter clothing and furnishing (ioods that bas ever been off ered or wiIl again be offered lu this state. This is a bona Ode saie and la backed up by our reptutation off hooesty and fair dealing whicb #e have enjoyed for the past 18 Ume and every item herein stated will poâ'tively be on sale. We are now re-marking and re-arranging the stock. Out store opened Wedi.esdag, March 7, ai 9 a. m., when onr entire stock of clothlug and fur- nishing goods for men, boys and children, wae placed on sale ta be sold at leus than cot to manufacture, lu our large store, corner 116 Wash. St., Waukegan. Opens Wednesday, Ilarch 7th, at 9 a. m, For Ten Days Only COLIJMA Clothing Store&s $25,000.00 stock a placed on sale for ten daje ouly, boelning 'Woeday, MMrh th, Êt 9'a. m. BverybodyÎ'ku~av1~i& selve@ of "hlopportunlty. A fine stock of taioer made Clotbing, Rata, etc., at lesathan coot. If you value money don't miss it, as we muet raIsé a lurge amount of monoy lnt ton days, to pay for our heavy feUl purchases we now have on hand.. This wili be a moïd stupendoua undertaklig to close out this mammoth $26, 000' stock at retail tu ton day. but the prices we have put on the goode wifl move them ont raply. This sa1w ilU be held lu our large store. World's Greatest-Clothing Saie Begau at Waukegan, Ili., Wedesdag,M.Iarch 7th, at 10 a. m. at Columbia Cloth- ing and Shoe Store. Mring theimfldre, there wil be barguin evaeyda. t wilil P go ocon miles to visit M md The Wonder o91 the Meur Mars. wil b. thé mighty avalanche of mjestlc bargains n Mens and Young Men'm High Grade Ultra Fathlanable Suts and Overcoats ever brought tagether'by any firm ln Ilinois, squaling n quality and vriêty thé combined stocks0f l thé retail clothing housesan Waukagan. W. hereby mgre ta oeil pré- clmly as we advertise, and evéry quotatia n Asolutely correct. t May bd hard ta believ. that a big con- cern would sacrifice such an immense stock ta b. sold at les$ than CasIta manufacture, but the facts re- main and we merely ask you ta corme and test Our statements. Splendid Overcoats in Medium or Hleavog Weight Menle nce gonds durable <ivercoati in black sud 9 browa, for Sunday wéar positively worth $10'for $3.98 lien'e fine overcoata ilu sik and atin liningo, Oxford blwk, bue and dark bIne iahades worth $1800.:$69 Meule Fine Royal Standard Kersey Overcoate in blac~k 79 adbine, poitlvely worth $20.00 for ......... 79 Menle ail wool Fsucy Scotch Cheviot@, 'r unes and Meltons full fasbloned 52 niche long, nmre wth beit or wthoutbelt, feshions latent crations fromn America's foremost manufacturer@. Ilend tailored thtoughout, squat ho auy $2500 c ustoni made garmént for ................................... ..;.... Thé finet quality of customu taiior.made Overcoats uIpr Royal Standard Kerseys, ail éhade sud lined wth heavy serge or I[allezcloth,positively worth $W.00 for ...... M .8a d$48 A flue Suit off MM$ cloIhing ai te matca for This suit in positlvel worth $10.00 or your money refunded any time dnring this salé. Mle' plendid suite lu Velour Flninhed Cassiibres, ail sises. This suit Io posltlvély worthdeL *1. ............................................. I ûF9. Hundreds of pairs of trouse nworth M6 $5 and $3 at $L95 - $1.98- 98C. This big sal poqitivelg begiiis Wed.esdag. Mardi 7th at 9 a. rn. and doses in 10 Deus. L Do t ~wth othikr m-called sales, titis sa the fOnt sale of its kind aver occurring in Wakegan, ma>nia occur fgaIn, and In order ta prove to you what tremendouasacrfie, wIll b. mmd. .Î d m aof the extraordiflfiW.bInIgBf that wlit lb. offoed, and bemr n mmnd theré are 1000 diffe mains wWcannot mention hore. mive you to mv this and bring It wlth you. mo thêre can b and'>jou get exactly thé geodï mentioned in titis document. Remember at mny tirne during sale' Veietian llned Dres Suite lu plain checks and stripeg This suit lé poBitively WQ;t 816-50 .............$ . At $c)98 each you are ffMé' ho choose a Suit or* Overcoat wortl, $23.50 to $25.00 fyom. 20 lots of ns fiuely rmade and eegantly finished Suite ot Overcoate an the moat fastidioue dresser could désire; fine home and foreign sulting sud overcoatu of style and toue aud in a great varletiee of effect-Tailored Into garmentm of faulties famhion-Kereel, lielton sud Whipeord Ovrcoate, black, blue, brown, tan and drab diagonal, chévtet, vienna, homespun, tweed and cufimere suite, single or 0 8 double breasted ........................... $9 8 At $12.98 and $14.85 these repréent the product ' ofthé world's celebratéd orne and thé world'e um** ekiljed tailior. They equal sud are guarsuteed ho eeikM W$40 tallor made up-to- date garments in thé world. le' extra fiue dramessute i the latet style and ebade, heavy sllk and satin linél, equal ho tlue Ounet 840.00 tailor made-to-order suite (don't feu howse this suit for ...... $14.8 5 and $1 .4 Shoés and rnbber footwear at legs than actual coêifit raw materill Sale po.itively begfils 7th, at 9 a. ni. sud closes in tan daye. Men's Fine Pailta, worth 82.50 to $300................98c Men's Fine Troers or 2.5 do83.0 ...............or ..téd .........98 nd Fny trors, forltvely Wer 5, l w o ..' anltydistnc triesOn oé l otshiènab0eK$6 e0 . nte$S.i9 -lu i sncteaet finRoy'@eltrand eaphble tylés. $3 t.8 -iorthl88,810esudof 812, a ndergo syls 1000 pairs of Boys' Kmée auta, Worth up to 50tc............... ac Good heavy Work ShIrts, Worth 75e.................................. 39 Fine Dres S hirts, Worth 81.00...... ..............................89 Fine Dres Shirts, Worth 75e .... ...................................... 39C Men'@ (iood Heavy Undrwear for lien, Worth $100 ...........39 Boy' Underwear ............. ......... ........................ c lien's jOne B01k Enrbroldered Suape uderm,, worth 50c 75e 81.00 sud $1.75 ................................................. 8<to 75c (lood Heavy Bocks, Worth 15e........................................... ôe Ovér 5000 Necktles lu al shades, Worth from 50t ho 75P ... 39C Men'@ Handkerchiefs, Woith 15e......................................... a lien'. Shoem for fine wear .. 81.9 liens fine Work Shoes. 9C (Womien'à and Children'a Shoéa at les than cost of léather.) WednesduY, Mareh Theli Columfbia Clothllg & Sbo Stor 116 WASHINGTON STREET Lookforthe bMCavas Sien We hereby agree to excha.nge or ref mmd money on ail goode prlced above il not ontlrely satiefactory. aIroad fae rrfunded ta purbobaers of $25 or over for a radius of 25 miles. IL #- COMM ENCI NG WEDNESDAY, -- 1' - M~SglZuItgI UESZSUfl -codaadc!m 0 0. m g mg CI Dcddcpl am et -et A splendid suit of men 's clothlng worth $10, 00 at, $3.98- The Colimnbia' The Columbia Boys' suits that were bought to seli at $3.00 go at 98C The Columbia' ~1.' 5 The Seuiton orf die Dey. I i worth of ultra hl grade dothimg; Iurnishing gonds for men, bogs ami chldren, te be oMd at less thon cosi off auçjç.SAVE -ITIS -AND wAlI1 U1jTIL WEDNMAUY, MARCI 7tb. C1o tI0h. ad- li hi i W. A. Eoslng *eut Io WédueédaY. poe é owérm sud fMuiiY Oklahoms Thuréim WK«* maké thele future àmT fiendé in thiepart 0ai*8lce thei a émm >Jurney tbfl~ *tintb téChangé wlà misa A . BCombe wau la Odlm> ooo. Ribadon vawmlIM séeral due wth baleoWl Ira gimons of Âtaugo* isq Tuwsiynght. Fred Convemé and w0f eumIe lira.L A. Devis la la oekmgp going medlmm treet met lire.WIilRomng lée pmlug s i at ber fathere omnearVola.p Thé Armour ice homéo wur 40,000 tonm o, le lr.Atony Uoyle éuUmql a félon onnberug. C. cariméfl Win somo John Barrieplacé tuaiu~ col@"tiaYoung ba* N at ber homoeaurwt celèbrate bs'thn z déveral of air. Schlteie'u helpél hlm mare toa bDi laet Tueday. lite Pearl Ruméll wumwe saturday evmelng. by a ewOMl frends wbo enWveyd a P"sé plarlnK gamne. at Llbertyrvllele lé Wltgev": with héc.pareflte he. lir and n lob Ln lafuté of lir, u ia.NJ lieesm. J. Rysan dTb cmfldonfrlénde in WédfQ John lioOann ves a Wa*nb On âoudàBy vngth wumtoul écool O'UMouy a vmr imgl Doi't fro shSs John Williams moed tu Libet" Uonday. William Wil..on im regalning. trength alter his long illflena John Sheperd lost one of hmoé Lpeuliar manner last WéeK. 4 norning iu going inta the bara lq s êbores.hp toujef the horme i i waut tfl o.U w t égr1m ff. niglit. Mr. and Mrs. I)unlap iiere Wàtàq isitars lust Saturday, (). B. Whiturore weut to LibertIl at Mondeay. Jolui Beek flé moiTg to (iraylie» .Nuié FranceH Chapmunwho hWe là ykfor éeveral week8 wae, reoently tu o a 11ospital imithicago to un.dqg peration. Heriuotheraceomp*h41 <Our selool closes Friday for 9" acation. Horald Kraft lef t for Pennsyival reek where hé will maké hlm tuyéhi ROSE4ZRANS M. Hoffinau of Wiseoein hbm i 'lsltig hi. brother John ZItofMaa. lu thé abnence of Rer. MaO l b. Po wam filed by Mir. Thureton of Ermit Hé was entertaned at theé4hoM Weleh. Mir. Murry laiOn Waxik gntweIé attendlng thé meeting .7%théom Supervisors. Mir. Faulkner wam a; Waniegmii a lamtwqek. wà iNléa atthé home aofhte now hi@ hotu. iin Wléét George Duncan and f4miIy WUlIt for Fargo, N. D, on Wednéeday -W they expet to make twer home lu the future. CGeoreWinl work Mo brother who in luthe ce bumioeoé, :mms.Jeanette Tnoyer, fouimé résident of this pince but no U. Antloch, fell aféw déye mgo&d ber log. -Sh leléuOna metiom 'et tAon m aremnît of thé accideat. Mms. Padgétt and Mim Juéele Jal of Charlmmlon, recntly vimitéu1 sister, Min. Duncan. who frayes$00 North Dakota. Thé Ladieé' AId éocaétY Wll wlth Mr». W. B. Stewart TbIM mitérnooti. My. and Mmr. Bélph Wetoa Y at the pamoume ritarning la lbe Monday. GeorgeDodgead Carené.»,0l

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