L. B. COLUI Ir OilEdil r tat* laS 50mtCiams litier lu WUILY. .'.VVcwrMfNG 'RAMS A *»gXOnAPPLICATi(ON. .'ý9AT1 MARCE 4. 1006. 39PAJON 1IN 111ECOUgTY. àç ec0mpoJgiithoughout the varions rIele 01 Ibeeconnty i waxîag Warin. tet emders lu thse punty clerk seýtausiJamnce .. wayeria reeiîng t cordIa support. Wtbin îwa k» therebolie ecaa wouderful emofZ.eentiment everywhere. The rl now betyem tic îwo candidates mr lia. a ueweaper campalgi mm M. Rendes. Emmiatlon af lhe bugmonwhlcli a.. becominng sa br uns grsatly enchan 4 W, FWrg.bam nind robe Mr. Hensie niaetonget appeal-hîs desire for bas lbe proent iacumbeit canngt W M& Lae coanty repableanefor benMd amost perpetual suppOArinl WaVor ta lin - bme OSMM vitia cgita Lt or votera,'a concedesita- ini.bi, a ho hae. a e ompstsalofficia. rSwafer la by experlenne, aptitude loyal epqblleeWu, entitled 10 lie moagmppon hoh.I. sssivlng. Ris bUewms ha heen exempllary, and kb ffl the achrewid pliticlan hi. oit Je ermed eith lib.ing hie we, sivalgt-orvard appeal ta the mi@ wiang n.v support for hlm 01 the me. whoesnommna- os mpper eau conaietioualy méi aniM b th ie tams>ENri. ima fiavldlonMr. Uvayer vill delat moent "a the primaries. Hie 10 ac" ogisl isheintelIgebce bmuimwbt ci Replwa voer* ic~ paltieni salfisms. MMT OIP-SlOWS Hlq0CE. 0kgÉ'bebcoim e. adIdates for *OMM May b. a a btar aicon- bb Sugon-bu t il Ulomi tva nomebas ibo a mnetal of ~ngfe "blae.o! gow la rIr , bsaasuaof lbe. belle[ île M tala aM a untt a gmat msny have coma la sement thse èful cf- ue pnthi emcontinel ne surprisse. bhiwo v itIwa teag no al vssaldhommue of lb.Brilis *riI t e esnul Meltoressi nový Off wl¶lsAmbiuse .mouey and ko- Imaty tram lthsstage. Iéva praessrortumiag ra, tb. Vi es latistheb. tives have Dnlw &version ta vomi. Wiy Dut'! 17Un14& l eaIs. senatore out oi W ui be an awful mean ta, *or Who vonisiappear, aitiheNi ci MM«b boinevliti prlnted liel oD ftlets recevesi at the weddiag. s 0er. aiUlsaRueili are mmiuwlo prembil er viti a magaili- amond boocli* Wbethem it la lt r of a »eV blrth<ay or a neW # resat*l ev* !Kebl ,«. of mboro, me., la the .ub- ofsc ltes b lb.taithe aw 09 ai'a i. trt it~s wun. y alun cdia m tw 4titoun ole*sr for She. 'a abmise1ai od hW*Il GalW UeALaN&ts'c Housy mm temup lIab sn 'Oyobm tb, acun e g1w bo*ob* 'A 4aii.ts mp lVhoepsg Qougblzaj -oi" aumt#oL Nu flr4v; laeyfl Evangielist Biederwalf wlia wscurry- iug on a suries ai revivals lu Waakegan res'ently prearlied a serînoa an "Shahl 'We Know Un - r'Pieads la Heavea?" We sugget thànt it'depends tuiy mach onutiiekiadoaifriende we have. Wanted To Sec It ririt. There lm a yageg attorney ln Liberty- ville Who denas exteasively - a real ectate îdaing qulté a brakerage business8. Be bas nmtIeheqks and un Infecilouesfele Bis finds caîl hini "Mac" and corne- tîieâ*,the Malror" tiionglue will not mention his namn es-t van diecaver Wha he le. Now tbis eaid attorney had a farua ta oel a short tase agt> Hei. l more versed é i. the diepueitian oi larme tiai, be lm la the wlnniug of maS e e ougbt reuiuts, quli and immedilate, and showing hi& goosi senfie, pisced a, want adi in the It DpzxnEs-m and êat back la his chair ta w..lt. H1e received a repky In a very short, lime and st*rted at once rlu se hlm who lad answered the asivertisement. -ge fonnd hie an a short amd stoeky German of coaservativs. meinandi manDer. Tieu begaa a moat fluent in -tu.l..neandi lm landseapearound, the bluence.oaithe .iy overbead, the ichue.. af the eartb 6eneath and th. purenese of thec watere ander ice ertb ai tiespeclal place. The man liatened tta hlm long and Woul. He was.iaipree.d. Th.n ehaking hmîaielf as though tocSed irons a reverle h. backed up a @top or _two aud saiS,. ",Welt, l'i nat going Io buy that faim until I1set it.- And Tisey Ail Wenl Horne. Thmee esailEvanaton boys anglug la agle ira. iveive ta foniteen years de.ided lait Fmlday moauing that tlhef' wisbeS ta ectb. vide, vide vorîd and sa renoancing aiiml iy ies and break- ion lb.bonds of klnsp thuy nmade caredaS preparation for tbeir battle vilh lte. Spriagfield vai their objective point. Wliy, tbey did narq knotv, but pSvily becans h va. a long vny off. Mlaing their vay ta Chicago tiey cangit a f reigit outward bouad and la" tbat evealug lait the train aI Gaye laluhope. tint tisy had reachesi ibeir dehlntion. Ta iheir aorrov lhsy vers la tb. vrosg plae and su begaa t. eonnoilre. Prous iaquLwy thsy dedelds laIt tey baS niaS, saie elIgit minais ansialler an uai ,declded that If hhsy wahked bnci ta Llbertyrille tiej could catch lb. clectrie raBvay we.t f ram tial place and tlis get; mach nearer ta Springfield. 0 llb.thecatime tic Evenstaon police lied cooMu d ab gmarci for tleb. ba,, ansi liad caiaiuacted viii lhe local offleers &an alroasi mo ellfffl tbeasta b. on tb. vatci for tisin. On tbir arrivai ina Ubertyville Cile Healge a , notifieS by Agent "llman and placesi lb.. mq.Ssr arrut lackiug theu n thle etation for "mie epinis. A sarc a boftefr dccli ebowed tint tb.y carneS lIn a grlp tvo a acdawn rifles ore"Il calibre, ans chnge aof anderwear, tva *111? bason s abrts, tires 1collare, a loai of bread, mone bologna, seuaes ansi n cake oi soap. Saturdgy momaing ail tires deeîded that lbey vished la go lame. Th.y gave tbeIr names ai Lau Prie, laum.Wright and 5 Eobert Heiner. Young Prie, voec faîber i.aen englacer vas,iaien home by, a-train crer. Beiwer iwboosintber i. a >auhksaessfma aSt&cWrighst boy Wha exnouncesi thal hi. paral 'dIS cvery- body" wien aked whnt the eIder Wright dId fur a living, borroved a dollar leavlng aiftle for eeeurity ndStota ciiy bound train. à% Chicago MdermaoOve Hi. Electiom 10 Qîamâerlal *IcgeTwo yaIr Mo durlag a' cm 1 *WIsaigit olS aller "Ieâ=wwci Irrellated My8 Mgoaad 1w amaloar lles ta OiPP,u e oaual sepea sioa.linmy Lgmxy arenta ienS advmesd me la ne. a Cougi Reimly~. 1 t00k Iwo d9m s. liaiiternoon "d copiS uat belav m y mom cea 1is a tSîe nexi tpia b. lamaon baS large slded.1I ooi csverai Sase unib dey. kept rlghlon talklag iliogi lb. ansam.i I 1tiani ibis medlebc &Zt'T'Woa My mat lnu lb. Couneli." Tïis rmmy la for sale by P. B. LovvLL mil GaAvsLA.eauPnÂsUisgc. ESlgd, bleedlg. Iublug and producng piles ars ln.lanll releved by Ma.u Zan '"Le wcmeSy la pal Up la callpsible appbussi haldedirect- Si e vrel.trouble 0 ghte.mon- Uhehlyvis cGStAy*LSI CIesp Ra"gte C.e.e Tbh OQ . & St. P. la aï4r quatiag 04 ofiluS 1 PacIfie popli nen ~ssv*pus1lagy l-yrata. tulut«,- Ï**"*iV mw lflt, 'r fl i te io ÀAM*, Mti STOCKIIOLDtRS on aecouaI oi duty caling me ta and an account of the mean dutîca of t4i compaay and aleu of aur beiag unable ta Ret Onr Bulletin of Progres priuted promptly lu Chiaga, aur February lisse of the Bulletin wlll not be ready for delivery hefore March 14 or 15. February -!as a choit moutlî and ane of our bualet mauthe. Our papular secretary, Mr. Wopoer. took a couple oi days off, atteisdiag a part of the conistary program at Freeport, 111. Mr. Waneaa triei la meet the "boya'" an these aunuAloeMan8. Oui Bulletini a? Progrees will pIeuse and internet you aud will h larger thman befare.1 Th. mauy evidencea aof apprechâtlan irom aur st&ck bade, ,a6d the publie regardiîîg oui Bulletin of Progreas and now prospectus in very gratlfylng ta the manageaient of th. Square Dccl tompany. Wcelmply add liat yen vîli neyer ha dlaappointed wth aur propo.i- lion. Work la progree.ig very satlactorik7 at the mIne, aud lhe savon cent stock la movriri off very aieely. Dualt delay. la prdering your *taN Oryoounaff h. we. ceu prie. At lhe lait maathly board meeting Il was unauimously decided that aller tbis @maili allotient of 50,000 ahare. o?1 seveu cent-stock n-ai gong tic price would nal h. leua th"an acents. Ail the drectore ihoughl we auld not self aay stock at caeeu ceaebut in aider ta appear very caus.rvatlve and not advance the prie@ abitrarily or nantif fuliy justiied and warranted by phycleal and oth.r conditions, it wai voteS ta oei oaly 50,000 @harosataInaveu, ceats per ahare. Nov il i. .up ta Jan. Use your bhet îdgsment. &dreea ail communications ta aur main e@"toer office, suite 20bý202 Maonie Temple,. Roekfard,Ille.. Very acerely ybure, FRNKsLE.Wmz, Pre.. P. S. Rere la Supernteudeal Hlutcr's lait seml-weekly report. Itacconipanled hie "pay oU," weekly" aud 1"monthly"l balance obeta and vas nat intended for prblk.atian. ReaS il. F. E. W. Frleeoa, Colo., Feb. 28, 1906. Mr. Frank E. Wl-e, Pies., Libertyville, lus., Dear Sir- 1 meainred ap In thse tunnel juil belore 1 camne Soya hi.ele1ag audi fl-de ar, la 292 l.t *We have gone lanahty test tbla inanti. Th. rock in bard but It breaks pretty gaad, w*.lcr i.a.s« comiag loin mmthébreuatahebbotta.. The lips ane ail ptchiig la th. hill or ta, thc norti and ve mgit not gel Il for soa distance ysl but the nearet 1 coalsitel! tram meaiurlag viti a tape andsi vîl thc sappoeltâua tnttie voia i tp. ta the soulli, î tblak the 300 mark wviScoa near getliug fh. 1 soId soa stock tn, I. W. Roue. wha live. ber# la Frisco and if. s haib"thle.money ha wo.M have boaght livq assai nuch, however lio le Rolag 1uplrday if the veatber vill permit aus taie a look over tbe groand. If ~ la1ook ne oad un bé,expsesbho i. golsnqlp lsoiov soimmes 8 pet lniosiock. HeludanumsstbeproperfW bat la very favorabiy lhpîm.sed aftier We hbave .uppflwecno'btalimt nantif srno Pnsu. with t h. exception of tus oTne .a baud thirteen saceks af coa, 900 pouni. of powder, lwealy- Ielgt boxe. caps, lite boxe. af canise and 700 fe of fume. f ami Ve rolay yours, .1 CAR LQAD 0F FANCY POTATOES WIN b. on tise Oleago Milwskee i St. PNul Railway iracke ln 10 pound acis aI ON F fnidayj # I I5 or MIS 5WIEK ftMU- 6 enu.er funefor «eobIsUeta Six wesoi~Oeumto a Iune. Speeialros but the .0*05. Ttr1p ts1à tuadmacne.. e 11FIO nos taud itbUf ealmm d ai uel. Psole aivance. U ment by Mml auCb anse.. M t.U 0WW lE umriO. knu FOR SALE 6OI ENt-Fartu 09 280 acres withla Stumile, of a creamery, bottling< factory and shppiag station, Inquire of owiiet J. IAY-ikLtFY or PAuL MdGt7rvFtt, Ub.rtyv-ille. 14-tf FOR SALE-44 acre farîi. (*od im proveîaeatei. -A. 1,. lVLnt;q Lib4rty. ville. 4 17-tf. FOR SALE-A fine i. ilin iiexcellet runug aiderila atown <f 8900 nhabit. ata an C." M. & st. P. rilroad. Sutý- rouadlnt country good. New englns, new busines Win o seceap owlag to poorhealth. Addrecc Box 411 rayslake 1<usrzIiEsvEN, (ryllake 1ils. tf. FOR RENT-That part of the Norton, tarin at Roc"Iaeler no called. lymng nortlt ai the hlghWaY. PAUL MACOUFFIN. *ý«r keulü .CqoIW tableaare narned $ght. Wh=i we componded the formula fort hese tbeswntdcs~uo name for tbem. No singleixamel we could thlnk of seemed to express what they were- a simple, effective remedy for colds.- riFdgt we decsded to manufacture a ùame for them. So ws imlyjoiued the words together'that told what the tablets would do and eimnply called them Bma.u.e CoId Tablets. That ia Just what thiey do- and most easilly too. Price 25c. LOVELL'S DRJG -STORE FOR RENT-Aiter Marci 1 a modern KuebierounlaivIalanROY EILS. lt JU r 8R~-J FOR SALE-LaIe la Grim e,'nw eui> dlvi iao»ý il a klee aveque euth o aie T H N FOR SALE-Farmsin.laiese tram 40 ta 640 acres, la priasf rau $8 ta $120 per acre. For fuit particulare addiee. C. F. Fuiton, Greuville, Wayne Co., Mo.' 20-6 sÈÉED POTATroEs-iI wll se Harvesl King and White Glant potataes lu any- qûtites for 80 cents per bu. H. Dei£- LEY, Lihertyville. . 21.tf UEED BARLEY-1 bave corne gaad harle, ta sel, lib far seed. lear af al foui oeead. H. BULKLEY, Libertyville., 21-tf MORSE QLIPPING-1 an à pae tu clip bore.. Stisfaction gtkranteci. Will break culte both single aad double. Sm EAER Lîbertyville. 21.3 FOR SALE-A ncw 10 routa modern boums, vary centraîly located, aiea new oaee room houm@, ta bu reaaiy for oeaacy 1Ma7 1. Apply ta MUDONÂLD., owaer, Libertyville. 22-U-f FOR SALE-A hane and lut au M- Kînley avenue, lu Kuebier'. subdrlilar ai Libertyvide PAIYL MACOUFIX. 21-g FOR SALE-Six pare bufarphiagtoa cocierels. WoldalsoexclangeTouloas. gainer for g"5.. x* MEBu, rays laie, I111& 22-2 GIRL WANTED-GoMadglffr geaural honaework. Four fa fc.mlly. Best af wage.. Jos iTs 0 xr, Waukegau. 22-2 îEED'POTATOES-Early Six WeekiA and Peaicb Blow. Very cholc estck. 01 ver bu. i taken at once. C. C. CADI'- iNTv. Libertyville. 22.-3 FOR SALE OR RENT-A aew tbx rani houpe la Rockcfeller. Inilulre of J. E. Ro.eva oekefcllev. 22- F038 8ALE-Eggs for ssttlng fa» btisnebalWyandotlpe. 50 conae pr ssttiug of 15 egg. A. W. DEaxv. Rock. e.».,. 28-5 r Ofi RENT-155 acre. af good tari land anc aile north of -Lake Forest on IGreen Bay ram. Inquire of Mr@. A. Mlaee 122 Genemee St. Waukegau. 23-tf. 6FOR SALE-1 fine turkey tome. Two bro»e,' ane Wliltet W. W. C4911oî.L, .Brookflald Farm. Lîbertvlle. 28-tf FOR SALE--Seven room cattage wlth ail modlem improvenaents, bora and hall acre lot. inquire at, aId depot. 82700 Y. J.ALLEItNl, Llbertyvýile, 111. 284 W. areoS.lng frna ou. ta lve acie lots on the. l)mondftnor Joinlngtown on I5e electrie rond, demlioa ce tb. pro- desrs. favetigate ai OU... FO1bSALE,-Bulnee lot on Mhilwauke Ave. FOI5l E-100mxrooni bouse FOR~AE-I200 ehroom bouse- FOR SALE.-42400 even ro houe, new, nlcey ftruahesi. FOR 11ALE-10.0w0 acre. or Dukota a iq U Weosnlande froin 12,00 id M.00 pe acr. FOR 5AL-Flrst mortge emm by village property ragle from O60 t10$1500. FOR ~E0o alg bit Mos rairant wild bow* ~i5 £mg Mom, mua e Atre.lafe prowlag Northi shore loaim Lst Your RKas Il you liavo& any làmanto rwaI lia *m itai lnhe.. Peope ame watifIg SOT t0Ym. N UTNAEJT bloc .0k, -Î90 Wi nMs 0e 1e Men's fine siîoes, Mayers anmd Florshelm make. Men'is work oesff, $2.00 to S3.00. Men's and boys' Negl igee and work shirts, overalis and jackets. Men's spring hats and caps are 110W arriviîig dally. W«hen li wauit of angj qoods in our lne cali oni E. W. PARKIIUR8T SRIN«K ZX Centus i torei4Mni (ialvanized Tanks and Cisterns Widtlî Helght 'Leugf 2 ft.i............... 2 fi...............4i 2 ,..............2.. ,.................. 5 2 "..:.............. "2 ................6 .............. .. ....................... 7 . .................................. 2 .................. 2................. 10 2............ ...%......................8 2% .................. 2.................. 8 2% .................. 2 .................. 10 2Y,................ 2% .................S ......... ......... 2.................8 ............... 8............... i.... 1 a.............. 2y................ 8 «"........... 2%................. 10 ............. .. a ..................... 10 Capacity Piic fIt............ 3% bbl ..........$3 50 ..........% .......... 485 ..... ...... ......... . 52. .... 6 ...... .......... 52 i- ........... .......... 625 ........... .......... 750 ........... .......... 700 ......... .. ............ .. 650 .I .........12 .......... 840 ..........12............... 7 M ........ .11%3 .. ....... 700 ......... 14 . .............. 875 .......1...14 .......... 800 ........... A ........... 1000 ' ......... 21 ... .....11l75 Weeklu. Price "List 1 Coflees Pmr:Lb. Choice Santos ......................15e Fency Santos ............................lc Fln. Old Maracaibo,............. ... 20e Maxican Java, ......................... 22e Boston Mocha and Java ............. 25e Bgt 280 (coff..e on Harth Lberty Comblnation, pur pound... Soc It'àa go 'e&HIlbeat Per Lb. Choice S. D. Japan, Worth 50e... SUc Fancy a. D. Japan, 60e grade.... Soc Gllon and India, a april at _..» BotEn osh seakfat ..........O5C 18011 0f OrGunpowder....àS Formosa Oolong of raroqe qwa .... bc WeUMe &"blEui remmeid IIsTéa N. Y. FULL OREAM dEIiuSE .lo [bd lbOrsauloted Sugar ...8....1.00- 10 Î)I. Pure Bnckwheat Flour .... 1lec ,flon caît T»eSvrup.... Qu-on eauN - .o. ïMol... ..... Orlole Pancakre Flor er pkg......0f 1 Ili. cake Pure Raple Sugar.......ic Oriale Seeded Baini ILk2. Thank -vin'=leanedta.gpkg lOi0d &ioarchmiuce Met per pkg...... soc Yellbw Crawford Paclue-per lb.lie FancCallfurna sPrune%, per lb ...M ghreded C)comat, per pound .... Oc.t Ptu"m Crsai, large pkg............ ac GraaoNuta. 2 pkgm ... .............. aie Pettijahna Breakfast Food. perpkg. .13e Ilalaton Breafn Food par pkg ...84e BAKERS OMOCOLATE, cake .. lSc BAKEWS COCO^ 1-2 lb. can . . 20* Faacy Head Rie. per Ilib..............Sc New Navy Beau, ver lb ...............S California Lima Beau* per Ilb....... ac Shellcd Pop Corn per lb ................ oc BlW Rlled ()at fier Ilib............. 4c (jranlulated lrellow Coin huaI per Ili... 3c Arm & iammer Soda, 10e pkg .si c Sardines in ail le.er ...a1............... oc lmported SBardin.pr ea ........ltoc bluitard IlIl... ......toc 1lbean Salmon .. .................... s2e 1 lb briek Boue"ce Cod Fish....... lic Plat Bottle Cataîp ..............1....kt ManzaillaOlives par battle .... s MIonareh Conden.ed 1MINk uer can...to Yacht-Club Aasnrted Soup permua..1Oe 2 lb eau Early Jane Pea............foc 2 Ilb cmu Sweet Corn.............N..».Os 2 lb cau Green String Beaus....»0.....eo 3 lb eau Baked Basen..............4.10c a lb cmau Pipkln ... .................. soc 8 Ilb cau F« Plume.... ............ . . o 8 lb ena Apples................1....ko 3 lb cm Extra Tomat .............. lc Package Flue Table Salt ..........U... c 10 Boi. Aforlean Panîily soap......40c 10 ". r(um Laundry oap .....k 10 " Maple City Bsaap. ..........-.J9c 10 " wltta OOISoap.smaJlslrn.î9c 10 Bars L"0o1 )a p......9 a II Toletoap la box..'-.-.-...-...1 Grondpa'. Wooader i oap, ver ber..4c Set Lwnp iaei (in bah>), ver lb......4c Poand package Glosa Staechý».. .....lc POrfantion Lys ver c"..u..........k...g Perfecton Bluing per boutle..........so à domon Wood loum it ....... ....U.c 3 Ibo Waablng Soda.............k...s Scoarine, per cake ..................k.....-.S Bapollo per cake .................. 7 Bon Ami ver cake................-8 Parlor Méatch.. (fif0box) 3 boxeo. .ÀOC Gallon 011 Oaa. (tin) ... .......k...ý9 Long bande Vire libovel ............S Rlelng Sun Slave Polleh ...............s Asetoa. Mata, eadch................ E. E. ELLSWORTHI MA.rblqd-itMud Grmite iCemetery Worjc of Every DesCrlptlon Corrcspond.nc. 5olilcid Diamer EeigIsI Capacity Price 8 ft..................2 ft................... % bblii..............$......... 400 4 .................. 2"«............... ... 6 '. ..... ... 475 4 .............. 23......... ...... ...... ......7 ..575( 4 ...................A...................... 9 6 75 4 «« ............4........" ..........................2 .... ...... 0 4 ................. 6 ... 5 ...................14, "......1...... 5vo '4"'..... ............. 24 "......1800.... .... 8 ...... ........ 45 ................. 2"... ......................9. . ... 6 o S "....... . . .......................... .75 . ............. .. ...........8. . . . .. . .e.. " .. . . 76 50 5 ...................4 ....................... 19 ............... 1050 .5 "............5 .......... ............ 24 ".......... ...... 1175 6.................28-"1400 5"............ ................81 . ... .... 0 Tb. above aîzis s esipped uti up rsady for use anSdmaofNo. 2Gm GalvaulW.i SesmI t - Ki 1 - v 1 -- Jim,,Wasson Ten groeck - Fanny Elîis A noted airs of hunters and high-class utility, homes WýIl stand until further notice at -eý,îïldi5 lit z, Manager