'ré jIREW HuIsS CLOCKS'I R 13 P A I R I N G LIBErTYVILL X X X nILIOIS For Ten Days Ory MARCII 10 TO MARCH 20. We wiII seil at theesrprisiog prices in order to reduoe our stock. Al $1.504)Undervear $1.24 1.00 .84 75C .89 50ce ".43 40e .32 30e '.23 25e ".21 Al 2.00 flue ShIrto $1.79 1.50 1.24 1. 2 il.99 1.00 .84 75C shirt. .69 50 "Oc.44 .00 Cardrtgau jsckt. 2.49 1225 ' 1.88 "8kc Overalla .74 (il), .49. "50, ".4 1.00 " .84 50ecI. .4z Ladies'at@d Gffats ItOov Al1.50 Goe 1.29 1.00 ".84 70Oe *".54 Nckties Ail 50c 'Pes .4z 35)c .28 2.-e .21 Ladies' and Gants' Umbrellas Att 2.50 Umbreltas $.09 2.25 1.8' 1.75 1.39 1.50 19 "1.00 .4 Gants' Raincots Alit$10geute' rarenette cfflte 8.00 mlittah. .Sê 4.0. alucat. L 2.50ô " 2:1w 1.75 ' 1.09 Lds!RmCoats f Ailà.t,00Cota "8.75 BAlucote 3.50 "3tj 8M2 ' 2.74 Sweaters Ail 8.75 Sweaters .50 3.09 "2.50 1 .«,*1 2.25 "1.89 1.75 " 139 "1.50 110 t 1.00 ".84 75e .39 We have on bond aammwnoth assortmnemt off wnter gonds. shoe4 underwearand odis aed euds wbich we will dose. out regardtess off coST Snitb .& Davis EAAND1 COFPEE LEADERS "bII ioclItem 9.ofltest Lu> UbertuvkleRosiems fCfVE Tii. girls o! Lihertyvilte lait Frlday1 niglt gave s Nusiika dance viti the intention of eiiovmg the. boys s gaod trne sud succ.eded far hoyoud ail masculine expetatiaiti. Fron> early evening until 2 o'cloek lu the mornlng tii. muit vas kept buay and the1 daner, on lthe fluor. Tie iuglit vas s moet enjoyabte one tiirougiiout, the. attendsuce l ansd ithe offair a most déelded msuce.. The. eatertalument given tait Monday slgt by Pu iséEgh ai tb. Union ourdi under the. auspices sud for tihe mfeuî tlhe local itair acool was a shiow, et oleimoriteand Ut. 94b épbii o à ý ortu*, mt orImW r d severecold sud found l19ecssrto Vostpome i.dllve-yrh!ilsleture. A. a 'slmshmtansd vît ho iW@ iery gaod and bus cousderable Povm as' a ventrlloquiet. Profeasor l1e, -Of o! Chicago, s baritone ololt, vws .ugaged by the. tecturer ta' reuder (à vocalelction sud poved s treat. The entertalfment cleaned $2855 for the aciool. Dr. B. L. liotehklu, medical dinctarý af the. Edison Park sutarlum n sd spectalint lu moribund gravibi, chromie sud difficult cases, vas lu Lbertyville Suuday sud tated that iie vas anxlousa to s@mure s location her. for the erection ai a asnitarlui. h lias been bis Intention for some ttmue ta louaid a bospital somevhen lun the.couutry for the ireatment of tho dtmamssinlu vicih a aupeclalist. Heacsaeen attrscted to lhoertyvtlltebecAuai of It. waters wvict an becorn ng far fsmed sud muci favori ti tovu as the futur. site for hie Institution.flie viiireturnia iii ouru of fw ee sud mak ur in ýgo Itlu probabe"MWar 91 wb" wtbouMldmothotbo LHcktey Tulesday or $4sui .70 wJuicle Hacms e duesh a forge4970Attor e lamacdue . for e audeu t aike Mcafnortnunena.t a vl a 119fl hofonJutie andster om wloda maxt. A eJust icI e Widenecase vhieh vI. ho juord wl Aé"otme cm Gufiu's oS... Attmdn A B. W. Curcil, o orayasse hmi the.cma for the. plaitlf. tlscWthe i.propoeltton ofthle Liberty- ville village board furulsh the county fam wittb ater foire protection sand tom.sticcoasiupties - usimd.ced taii buigsaprivate àinm at the. tarin. ~1~ier~Illho ilW*~iàa takcon- tslnng 2,00 w afo he cbddtWnan Iba.ammi2t0,0u00 he illae fatusr .outd uage.a taemevci co ot foretheai;taJltion of a paetsysorte at i faim. ofvas dsemed bsysemer ô! Ibe camitte. chat tabycmempe-6vtith omvillae vhauld hCo a peWmatehoe.vithae deccllon to erett su udîvidual plant. lue prerton aseforsu@ oftk ebas' Cnpeprtwioli tor anbers sd youug pople t hithe etbdltehrciandlll g peome oftheMedantoi.lt of re illor iid noetirt aI May thek las t the r hre lit Tofay eoeniplace Thentersi mat en il cni ofTahesIcalrarm mt parieiat o usicl dr a thepricipaygntîe..ln Reitato solos sud byhoous voreyul . o eture.ns soo thantebrinieuit. The eartaln ofItheuner te irectoTheo! Prof ti Ws-nkegsuth ieonoleadrf. tt Coa Unonai hot latae ofthimeitCoral mnittee atace. T bi hre si o t enttertaumu the utire scaretsfith part For te .rld'aaour gt Tihe DalI for bo* part of the show lias heeu perticted, in Maot amuelng sud ls sguarsuteed taugli provokar. Tho "Ciild Elocuttonmte"' wlio vill ho remeuber.d fromust jear are along tie i.ue lun rvlmd.xutioi o! their ovu. ilealdee theae&PO"l testurea thernan th e tIng quarttte, the vocalsud instrumental aololate, neadors, double quartetts sd lasttY the Glei Club itesti btcbropraststi08 tomblu.d efforts of &IL Dount ami the opportuulty o.1lmsutmg tu the lak Farni boys againmextTmeihy ,ventgp tbsy slvays p"m . sd aboutd pe th e church. ,w&rrsnMJa vsm os ta statu th& for fitusn dege ooômmnlmen pri1 vIlI baveu onl e Unlsrgmust ch rose, lm acecrteinçsU sio*td in tuLae' sone ty guasud tu bc ai 10v as thoe of dp'mntstreilu Chicago. This Inclde.ru in utape.try, "ve*t Azimter, royal Wltom sud Wlttou i stses: 5x12; :8x1:3 and rsrloussmaller A fuît lin. o! roomu mouldinge ta match ay styleofo! ood finimh or auy color watt apewylolu einstock ai BeMWick'i lu sfew da.. LibertyvIllO Maumerchore* Ahndunterlisltnng de. Libertyvîlle Mannercliare indet Oster moutag dn 16 ton April AhondeS 8Ulir in der Town Balle ststt. Dem Verein versuatattet elue grobai Ahodutenialtung mt BaO, Festrede, Prolog. Tableaux, komia, Vortrage us. v. und evsr liat atch dem Venein vorgeomme'W daiFest -su cluert glaussudeli Erolg su brtngea,blhW'-ubal desmabe eMa tuab«lMs mcbertau6dl Kýomîte ervahttdon de aon m es ver" na 0l dIse G lbatHr Machen twê - DO~fiU~ ~fl0ODflOUN <~ wulutlmgs, umsroev~ c*ns b~iIL.~Dàdài~ k:. dress~,nghm have J.t arrh ,erg lateSi pettenls amd oeloru :mplete fine of factory sud lou Picked Up hem endThrme fiJ lda Aie Mu.cbLover Th»S _______ Dorn,.Wedu..day March 14, tu, Mr.. Winter mai.. to bave net inl in rosi Thune ]Rejectd For l'rec- and Unra. F. A. Gtinstein. a son.ret îcîyMet ok o w u Bon. Wedueaay moraing, Mardi 14 Unrs. William Yxer iiiM st the borne ---- --u ta Mfr. and Mns. Rob. Lyon, a daughter. à~ ber wou, George.Yger m % PP lire. J. W. Rare, of Milwaukee, vtalted La0, that Pour tBrut robin unlese li bas SOUTIX BIDE OF TOWN tr1.u&qs u _Libertyville eeveral davehy. ileed uhdrvear lu hi@erj. ALI. UNDER lS'ISTE. l recontly. Pv. ia wler nu an il telephoue and -G AM Roy Ellie aud Jullus Treptow lft i, et honm, tulit@ pariâhoîwermeatnunbner Lait Frlday night the cty couneil n GMoGaAM Tliesday for Calitoria where they hope 721. Gîve hima6ceagi. to recive bids on the aeptlc tank sMdOu tu lcate. . 'r.. William Kelsey, ot Fou du Lw, in outet oewer nielh the vilge o Mies Della Bsammond, of Wauconds, tht. week rti"nug et the (ieorge Ysger Libertyvilte propoeés to put in ht »pont the paut week at the borne of Dr. home on >N.wberry avenue.~ comlug estmmer. The sopeeliattone and 1frm. L. & olin.cslled for s thou.and lut leu. tie th"a (Iodig.Arville Yager hsad a e<ouple of day'à did the contracte advertlied laiet fIt M. A. Hauton. of Ussell, has pur- off this weeh tram bis dutdos with the. and the bide proyed mcli beloW chaued the Oscar Wood home. lHe wilC. M. & st. P. whtcb lic nient in Liberty- those submtted at tlîst titue saddfud move heme ta live scoOn. ville, -ta bc exorbitant lu thée yes o1 tihe MUSLINS Mfr. an&lmri. M. E. Corucîl viited a mie Plummer, of ihirago. wlio bao councîl. couple of day. the trot of the week at been spendiug s tew days with lier etter, Lset October wbeu the blde wer. A Co the William Sikinner borne. 1fr.. Bort Ausîla, rturned ta the city hauded the Woard the lowest one va* doth. Worden Wells wss in town thie week. Suudsy evening. 1 ove $6,000. The. preésent loweat bld Re left Wednesday for au extended Chi. abock htii. week sold hie home 1vwo giron by E. A. Bscber & Soit 91 Westeru trip lu the internetof ahi$ houani, ut Keubke? subdivisiou ta Henry 1MlroseePark, sud vai tor $292560. The Mystie Warker. play card it Dymond. The tiBlieer bai not as yet John J. ('Heron & Co., 01aI Cicagal, alo Moud"y itgt at their hall ov.ir Smth & beu made but it auudergtood the. des] made s rery claie bld offering to do the Davis stare. Admission filteen cente.. Witt go througià vithin a day or en. wgrk for $3069.00. As hotii of theas SUITUNGS The latet uovelty for St. Patrlck'e .Ioseph Wiason Who got ilarlous on lirme are,.aid ta ho wortby sud camu- day. Grosl camfltliiu8 e r l.doses>. Llhertyvtlli rye Saturday julght sud Vtent ilte Probable the. cautract Wtttý fl Le@"oers at H.uer's mev. stsnd. @pnt thie Sebbstb day lu the cage dowu ho given one or the. other. JsmesiWWllll, vi the pont vaek tisaait the. pump houm. vas take. ta Wau- Thts cotract simply calli for tet el bain voflhlgfol'SmftBrother, Waukeý. kegan hy Chie! Heutàtee Mouday ctrc~tyittoni f the. eptie tank sud the gn flèbrmen, returned t LiertYville mornlng ta serve olkt a. two da>ý's sew leadtig ftam hta the river or WeduaidaY. seitencie l ii ouuty jail. * stM"r tu degravel heds neer liie.,rive ~ Ifyo ts mvroom mouldtng 'Ibis it vas rported thie inîriug Ibat whr. the. sevage wyUl ho tursed tb sprsgismehsrBes l ii have a P..,. Quayle had banded hie nalgustion tihe open-. Tho ewerÇ sadlg to -omPiselIlusoc u OSmatch tieboard of, the.Prembyterisu chrcli aptic tank ill be ulit by spacial zm odfne rclro .wgl.psper. The lçuPENgOs a se uable a.4B'ii.lit aiorigialtyplansd, -ii. 20, Per Ulm. Ethel Smaflei, 0t ChtcsgP, visited ascertain the trutii of the rurnar but was main aivers cotingahout $12000 &Mé ber cdslu. Mise Olive Well, WS vaik told that ther on sai, nudertandiug the lateralé vhich an optional wlth d and att.uded the Nushka d"uqpFiday that sucl is I Intentions. praperty ovuers ca.tlng su addltlori ulgt.$15,000 if ail an coustnat.d. une h Tber wil ho noter nrd Prty C. W. Staut, s MilwN-ukee grocer, bai The work vili place the. tovu from Un Tiin il hoanthr crdpstypurchaied aienteen lots in' thé busines section gouth entirety vithbe next Monday nigit at tbe My.ttc Woolrtdge subdivision eat oftowtahe sewaier syitem but si the pnaiut time Worker', hall over Smith & Dq4vie' etore. htwoVeu the main* lin.. of the C. M. & St. th« uoth @Idi of tavu end Newberry Admission fiteen cents. Paul rafiroad and thi.e sviteh to the otd aveniue vili holetut tiplang. This The Chritian Scietiste hsvR arrsuged deot sud vill tart a poultry tam action le due ta the tact the north Paut ta hold meetings every guu4*y evenilug tuereon thii coming suminber. Hec in- of tow u s a temporsry eaiemeut e. over Smthi & Davis' store. will 11cozîtu$,000 uO nd mîore Inter. The ho put in a riglit of way would of Henry Lawrence bai been engaged s place ilil ho devoted tothett raiiing of ueceeity bave ta ho purchased over lot. foremain by R. B. Swift Whio recet7y booded towts. The. c.c.t ofthe pluoperty owned by R. W. Grummitt aud land - -Libertyi purchàsed tîhe Fitzttandolpii farm veet n udertood ta lie $2.200>. beongiug tu Harry (ellaway at a of tavu aud liase moved bis. tamitytoi L. J. Webb sud Itob- Grummitt conidemable cout. the place. ebîppeil out of Libertyvilie on the îîoon Cherubino Goti lia@ taken a partuer! friglit Wedueeay with tlîeir lire stock LAKE FOREST GI!! lu lie fruit and candy business sud lu 1ud hold effects for Tyvan, Saikat. th(- future thé lrm wilI ho Gotti & cenProvince, (anada, wbere tliey CLUB BOYS AGAIN. (Jagliardi. The latter is s brother-mn- viiimekLe their banmes ou the ranches law of 1Mr. Gtti. purcbsoed by thein last taîl. Their COllegians WiIl Make Annual Appear- P. P. Dymoiî», Pe. Considrable Iron pipe for water main. familles wl tollow lu the course of ton ance In Libertyville on Tuesday ,.AWoric ha. bien riceivod the paset tw day.s ad days orsa couple o! weeke .ria oo Mardi 20.u Always Pleas. and L K dtetrlbuted about tow frth cu as tiiey get mettkl Md . Gumt Deserves FllHouse. L K venience o! the contracture Whteli i estaylng vitlî the Wells tamily until begin work ai aoon ase priug o90n«. sellehoars tram 1Mr. Grummitt whlle Mrs. The Lake Forest CollopGe 1 Club c E. W. Colby aud Will Follett liave Websud .'hildreu sre, at the Staples whieh gave sucli s rouslug concert at tarmed s 1ev psrtnersliip lu Chicago home. the Union chureli lait'sprlng le ichednlad vith offices@ lu suite 4i155 140 Dearboru The Libertycille Manuervlloi,ý witb ta appesr again utat Tnesdsy eveulng St. The name of the tlrm le Foley, tiventy-Sive memllers lian lwen t<rmed Mardi 20 et the s.. pluse. The club C4 Colhy & Follett. suad will gire a series of etertaiuîneîti bad s very suceastuitrip duriug ite E C Collectar J. J. Porteone wishes ta lu German sud Eîîglisli. lu Englielu the Easter tour aset yosrvisitiug msny good The inten anneonuce ta the tes payer. who have title ofte lb nt. asinging eociet. en ialed tatisd ning quire an jo et psid their taxes that lie viii ho H. C. lipreuicer. toremafl ot the manu- enppoertutun!u ln the office st the Firet NatioaliBsuk tacturiug départinent of tbe macaroniOfteodcu hcha.wny-nrd ou Frtdsy sud Bat urdsly of thue week fatury ix u lit iesed. A . R. member.there ane at liait tweuty bach d ialit1 book@ cloetug Saturday niglt Mar. 17. Mscknteiu le nevr.tary sud AI. Kilctinuauî thie year. To thus umîner fit. ne.' me An tIv. plant ie holng instsljed atthis~treasurpr. More wjll ho beard of the have been addid sud the pragrsm in _________ botliu voks t ti ~meryrlleMannerchore i the future, lu another nov more elaborate than ever. New Lrystal springs by Manager Choinholin. part olthtîte aper le theéeociety'n an- ognwfsuessdnwIoshv Mr. hamlerln ismqàkng is fctoy a ounemen of u Poterenteta lint ouSnworked up sd wil hopreented in 1fr.Ch~beriu s mo~in bi fnto~~ nonceeutut u Eeterentrtanruut.the characterltie aud intereotuug manuor crédit ta the town sud le gettlug lu Orliorue iding vho for ioms time wbicli lai won so mucli appisusle for readineai for the iandliug a big business liai been workiug for Chartes Johnson 1the. boy's. 25 n sucl aislie ie sune tauflt. wlio mue the Bush fari nonilivest of Ou, of the ipecial teatures of this yesr f Cent Reduction dlutwalsts. Wehbava d eii, a coorsbt Id" muMt g vile Phone 29 Illinois- Co* TA 5000.40 SURPLUS 10.000.00 eI3FULLY SAFBGLk4 Sue of our custorners. Morsover, Êntly do it unknown to, tlem, as dUtes often corne to lu in ecouli- raya. 135C. K iut, Corset"> I ~-i .tÀ *~ ~ l 15es iJ ad Ton doxen of knt Corset Cov*ers, od' .very fine guage, superlor yarn; si1k taped. fine. peset buttons. Nlce1r shaped germent. wtth omwerro s.."i. We have thsm wlth long *lé4 , s oot stelvesand sle. Thev rsgmatarty uW a" mWe a 88%but-ýwhile " INa Mhaa.omwam E jp"tygiit ne ln ~corsai gavers fer sprlnM wal, s d bel It; nov beâ.éae m 0 ol" rg .b W 140W PROPLS LOOOt*1 si MOUY By camnclt lbout th.lr PeO"Wu xj' jug sd jrs byqetnit 119 iu oshit UD u rthe ce mi a e"t, ta opboar& Tii... an lm ortii. waFy ywicli p*aobe l iblUni sometium. horir Be. 110w P.OP*Save Tiseir l1Ion.y Confient tbat tlü. bank fuflY MeetO lJa needà, we teu&îifite uervleté.all Who keeplug on th*uuie aide. Both. Staple and Fancy, and 'at right priefflcan be found at ...... J.,F3LI TRIGG8S I PRoPRIETOR LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and GROCE2.Ry ikSfi 4 dli J 13 w 13 L R Y a MW roic" jusithm ri* tfdmg le g ahd ai flglutPries tous il