Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Mar 1906, p. 1

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~t *5* tee t- EP~N»EN and. -WAUKEGANEEL SUN VOL XIV. No. . LIBRTYVILL1B, L&KJE,-£OUfliY, 'RÉflEtO-,FRItDY, MARCH2,19- 8 Pages $1. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCI LAKE CM Boy GETS NOTORIETYS William ]King, Waukegaa Youtil saumti a. CeRespoudent lu Semtioual Divorce Suit. )RBSULT OP MEETING AT DRUCES LAKB. The. folloving la taken from the Obicago Chronicle of Bonday andi »seema te Indicte that ense ofWsgu- bffasn ck 'atbl.tés la the prIa- elpe figure lu a dvrea.mnatlou:, WallaS.lAncten, mseiait a divorce S fremin hl If, Mira W. LéaCton, cf- feroti ln evideuce yoseM&a4âlute MceEven'a court.jov letton vthicji. wmmm Wakg neTi.roduction cf the hetera foliov e ledeclarattihy Lawnlà" hmis ifs' b"l been seau kismiaptà" o ieg bist saa. W" MW vrs11.1vft ters ofeètbfecet 9t" "deesiet ea.." *%veetiiearu V*#U nd md«rlestart" vers culted 90 àWbpM. One et tiien vas as toicYs:ý 1 "Dearosft Uvetb«t:-lt bhm onuY beau a ey boffl ince 1i mv yeu. dean, but traly. hoeey. t seema daym. Wil If yen enly coulti r«»» sthe, ver that la raaSug lu rny bart, Et does't nomu that 1 ceulti have yen for a scondl. 1 bave te play a fais. Part snd il grates on me. Oh. If It vere hot e. Mi lits bas been one aveet drea.mInce 1 met ion. Corne early tocight. as I long te ee. ion again andt te isà you andi have the.satis- faction et knoving that for the. lime helug ion are mine andi mine alone. Dean beart. my feelinga bas the. bot- ter oe, .Bliove me, îour ovn true sud devoteil Wife Nicknumed "Stives." -'Olve.' vas mi ifefY ulck- zmrn a," eientet Lancten as the. lutter wvas sd. "W. are gelug te seletihis quie. r." la pat ut antier loeren vittou after Leattà teclereti le vas ing tà obla a divoree. 'Waliaoa vil »t a dirs..o4M es t*IL. Esus. If y7« versermme V- voqit&Ive yen a bit lias. I1cov -W «" i ais iEw odt lare te Dira , o m *.rborna," 'begflu an- 0Wlotuer. "I' vas me lsppî laut ýBJP ýèq idiL v to edo vas te ma noiyuan Ws y wrd.- I 1mev Il va nufe ute eep yen Up a0 lats, but k seernat liaI1I mat couldu"t lot yen go. Yen cau't imagine bey happy 1 vas viien yen teit me tiat yen lad oniî arnketi eight cigarettes ail day. I ceuiti bar, giro en an-Z otuer bg b5ss. Write me, aveeohearl, fer Geda mo, as 1amn neslî Insane 1 amrnomelonesome.", Alter reatiing the lttere Jutige Me- Even grantedth te decree. King le sald te have met the Lancton voman at Drues Lake lait aummer t vbich tîtue shebecamegreatly infatuatsil vitb hi,,. WAEJKEGAN CIND TAXES PART IN PLAY. six Yaar Old Girl Becemes Impromptu, Adroe-Child Gen.i.liy Taking Part Had Ben InJured at HoteL Wankegs n aàachîltiacmeas, six years olti, anti Wankegau la pronti of ber. - are ber parents ont on tic vat t i.. Wbern lvarmti antcid and Belle Hat sIti aa Saurdt-y nigiit vtt thie 0emdi of iii lita, TIbbKerry Pair, hhsy vera, ta ýuse a piras.or th. stre.lm, stnlctiy np against 11. 'ite 1111 cul4 vbem ticy bari caidet vith tliea for a oUd' pat lu 00 IS pis ib urt tilt wvilsd- o*inltr 0f Cotel la vas no e 4. t t lien. nlgbt net theugb àd.onet- t RUSti CANO BusinessPlieu'. Chritian Union of Waukegan, Statb Lipnor ia oolti To minora. PUTS NATTEIR UP TO ADN I ISTRATION. Do chiltiren of-Market atreet. Wau- kegan, "rush the. can?" Are the, saloons of Waukegan open Bnnday vitb lhe knovledge ot the police? In tiiere gambIIung In progres In nomle etftth. aloont, or -ttalrs over Meule.Christin ervoif revivais, na$thât iffi *thinga are truc, sud viabes te mevw viii lhe-lavea nd thi.etî erdinances are net entorced te tieletter, lis tbeî diaim 1he7 are net. 1 tTlrn et ailon. At lthe econd imeeting ot the lesgue. vhicb la for the. purpese et getting anotiier revival or tve te tuis City, tulnsa.iisgaate lirea up. One of the memiieraot np lu bis chair anti made speech tbat started the. viele tiiing. 'l troppcd imb a Markiet street ma- loon on. dey lately on businesa. Wble 1 vas there I aaked the saloon .a if hc aold beer te chiltiren. asi baye oten accn the chldren troop into hlma and other places vlth puls for boer. H. saiti that of corse ho vouit not soulî quor te 'muinora for anything. 'W tle va a tiero a kld camse In vthb a pull and a nickel. loon keeper turnet i bl dovn iiecauao 1 vas thiere, but kt vas a bard slrug- glo. *'Why asy, ton te fourteen kits are lrooptin oote s.alioon* on Market street a Il day loig. There la ne pre- teue ef-ohserving the, la that fur- b1ds lhe aale of lihtuor tu minons." Put Up t. Sianbrough. The mesubers of tti, Union. auch a ve rnedeW. versmah effcitot -tu molter et esn*ing 'te Java W 4caw oulm 5 tt 1ee - th e alWmwtIt ?ieseu r asmcmbévas liSI st V» s9wIuwer i0 AM eAi as-4u pree 19ABOÉr long us be dil sW a4a th. las «voe boyeti A Wanbegsn. SWben seen tha uomlma& oeofthei officers voniti ny but itte. eu th. malter. altiougb iesaldt hatSIt vas the sens.eofthle meeting te put tho allegeil lavleaaneaa np tte liepolice departrnont heati. He. hevever. tatati that mombers1 ot the union voilti taeo no stepe te cempel ie chi oe police te enfonce1 tho lavaad tuat the. opinions of the Union members ver. tabou meroti te telt the offiiala knov tiat the cti- sens expecleil the lava te be on-e forceil. Chut Make& Statement. Whon seen IbIs afternoon anti ln- forued tei rap tiat tho Union bai taken at hlm, Chief Svaubrougb i shovet siight coutuêrn. He saiti: 1 '*My offIce la au appointtve one. Ir haro te folov arders.- "There are ne violations o! lhe ai- boon lavi as far as 1 know, anti If any came toý my attention 1 ahoniti cetainli aIt et once, as 1 have ln the past. We have matie seroral raids en lair breaklng saoena. One vai âneil onlyJ~ast veek for selilng te minore 4it keeplng open. on unudai. 'Peopie abeuit remeuber liaI tiers ae. cmi tvc day o. casfor the. viile tlovarcticalli, andt laI tw»es e fcrsarc on' daly frqrn ve làth ticrnnnng untll»aen at'nlgt"1 Triai Seing P Wetk by AIles, III Reltas q h1l.~n~ lIeds 5h~ en. n --, la &M tbe MOM ~ *â toýbb am> b joveme *MI hm, 07- Awlim »Magar at the :iýý w "&tg* imum, PRtACHER ENT!ERS POUITICS. Mîey. Quayle, of Libertyville, Becone ecrotary of North Aber. Voter* League. TO Piton£ RECORDS OF CANDIDATES. Saturday Rev. T. R. Quayle of Libertyville. vho fias resigned Mba pastorate of the, Preabyterian church ln that village, vas ln Waukegan' lntervlewIng the. varions eunty candidates and gleaning gucbIi nformnation as he can relative te their qflhlfications andi attittide oi thé Viubpo.dr«oton. inovenets oft tc ek. " outy v ers' lnfl Leage fbh. ere senti, bav- lng comeU<cd' te ttes up the vorn for six m"thu t lctatlon eto promizusut radidents otateeFrest. HMgband Park and nmornfe the lu- tenolo iltIOa. The ILeagne Ila teget out 10000 cdr- culars ln a veek or me eontaining a resu.etf it Invetgation and recome nuilng or eudorslng such candidates as It bellev"a vontby. N~AR TOSUICIDE TO' IuESDAY AT DEATII. II.IGIIWOOD Only A muaàO rot«-.Bave 4iimeau!John1 Flood Shoots Mimseif ln iHead 8ay» Voli e t a Riceut With Sheigun, Dying Zien tb ering lInstantly. DREAD OISEAU 16s TROUBLE AND POOR EAIGAWAY FLESH' HEALTH THE CAUSE. --unless the 'A»xlghty performs a In the corner of the buntlng paru-r miracle, Dr. M".uig v iiie 00à..,ion at the Exmoor goto grounds,onear Thes. are the,,irrds creditedti t Highwood, the fruzen and , ilfeles Genorai Ovesu Yliva at a rodent rnetini cf th.eLée ead forces ln- body of John Flood vas bond by Chicagoe. Grant Shergur, who bati been sent The. factef the lfatter la that nova ln search of hlm by bis vire. A it ef Dcvi..a deati la exçected, ý"Tl gun vas lylng betveen iits kneea, the at.Zicn <City. ý1bt etn pntegon.Boi ln the ,lauit tieg»n receiveil tiers etn pnti.goui iot r»~ é ~ ourchi w«sa doVs?d , Wet.i --onfo request that Di.. Irancke bc sent tu lever l -wryireio. the. bedolde ofthéb first apostie. Dr. 4The man's cap vas iying ,aeie dis- Blhancke loft e*t ~.tance te eue. qlde andi a portion cf bie Orere# Vd#t* a frther quoted akuli vas feuntlnInLit.A gaplng by tihe Indepmadslt'a informant as vonnd in hi, heati told of bis bor- aaYing: "Dr. DoWlé la tn snch conidi-rbemd o~dab tion tiiat thif Ok e rottIng trou bis rbe oe dah bones, 1 undertg&' 'fiere l n ps-1Prom appearance. lie badtheldtheii sie Chance Ofht Ilétcovery. ile bas veapon te hle hosd andi fred the. smre *Wiauses the. ne.uh t<>fatal shot. Braina anti.hiecti ver. putrtf ntitro ~,y."eve~vwere. Hia body vas itubalf- MtoiaeW4 IIToc. itUing posture, his eautibelng caughti Up et Sbùeb oU"se, Mrs. Dowvi.tes betveen tbe bai of the. bench andti Withtl, ii edition of the. INDE16ENDENY eut hbrêêeklies. the Lake C*unt1y Independent. the. Orayolake lndepuident an ii.Waukegan Weekly Sun are .nerged and from thia lime wil ii . oud an e »pmpr. The. sascrlption lst cf the. Sun has béen car"iuy gSno over ancuail "doubles" that la ail wiio teks bcth papers, have beui@hold from the lis. SAil subacribers to the Weekly Sun who are ln arrsera ewe us for the. ainount delinquent at the rate of Si par year te Apri j. $M0. From that'date th.7 wUl b. charged 81.50, the. rogular price of thé. INDEPIUNDENT. Ai paid in advnce subscribers tote Sun wîll receive this papes. until expiration cf thoir subscription ah 01 par year but from that trne *M lb. charged on our book* et th. usgular rats. 51.60 in advance. 89iouId anyone receive -two papr the. matter lea *right on aur part an d the. subacriber wiii confer a favor upon us by notifyn« promptly by lttier or postal. Address ail communications and r.mitt*ncea te LAKE COUNTV un hN PINpT t*lu g s e i Orem te einvesti- tatuon Mr. Que». t5e em"yng on. To the lu"deeeiatMn.. Quayle de-. elaro: "I1am uct going te b. preludiet la -Y iavostigsllon aà" aimply vaut touts, nor n 1 oige te tale lie candidates' staternm laea asa hests on vbich to arrive ai eom- closions. 1 au gCoing lioreughly lnm recordsaofe very uamepiing for et- fice anti enr endoraments vill b. rugit anti lest, thongi, neturalty. net ln accord vlit everf'one's opinion. For bloaling, boit-ing, Indigestion etc. eut a Rng's Dyspepsia Tahiet after Meula. WILL RàCELEY Libortyvîlte; GRÂvSLÂEE PIatMÂcY. Sf you nfedilany evmotdi ng.ta. Urt in the Wall@ of yaurram rom Beowick bas acompieto Une lu ertock ait ready ta nail on.- OOA.of t 15.4k%#& anbti yrii o DeIs viirat=yi **etheir beadeansd may "Penbagi perr." Diss.hlpfueti le 45 vldot. Tse.duacenWnt cf t15e' peape la eri- dent. EiCder Kilnuey, nearly mityret la auna reeentiy. la qutsê ieautqiug the 1.100 isar ieas«.-a Oovuright tran.i. k an not b. etifictiandtul mlmply tlie talIc of thd'osuetn. Hirevrer, t lsalleget that viion Zlie people lalk et tsrting suit agaihle churci foth ecove»ry 'o! the uouey thet they bar, isa ilu, liey am. coolly asketi. '11ev ill yen gel mwervIce on Dovie?" »Thile is ay a afacer, For lioadact-b o li*pation et. Daile', iÀtte Liver Pille are best. Thoyr cleasme andi tonie the livr. W14L HACKLEY Libertyviiie; GRAVSLARE a post vblcb beld tbe roo! of theii pavillon. Coroner Taylor, of Lbertyrllle, vas at once notifiei anti a jury impanielet. At th iilfqueat il vas brouigbt eut1 thbt lthe man, vas a trinker anti hati bean for several montlu-in luli iealib. Hia vife tated that tiiere hati neyer been any trouble betveen the tvo- not at least until tic day priar te tthe siooting. 8h. vwas a vonking voman, em- ployed inl a lauutiry. Sie' lesaail te bave matie a statouent that mast ho- fore iier inuabanti lefI ber home for the let Urne. proof bld cere te her tilt ho baildoue acuie t4p~e vblci brougit ber irat Pai, tuit 4ue bait Stýbeen te ber au bé. aicld 'ba * taar "u 't h vlilutc an't» meae vas purciaset hj'loo oef#sl en bp agcLton -~nsu ba Oi,.bo beept lu bis roofulie lob k Mondai and tiated lovard >the ABekie aayiag as lot tef laule vas going on a buutlmio ppetitn This the last Urne h. wqw eeetn by bis vif, alire. Flood bld heen alck anti idonso bai diagnoaed bis case as consuup-à tton. This hati been on bism ulutianal, bIs vite confeaseti that heh. bat limes eted strengely of lite, Impiî- lng that bis minti mighl have been sameviiet derangeil on aceount-et ils malady. *Tie verdict o! the coroner'.' jury vas that the muan cammitteti suicide hy sbooting vhile deapondent due ta 111 health. £O*L~ ~BLE 9lee t- t. -. m LAWYER CHARGES North Chicago Atto ruey Maie. Stirring StatemIenta Regard. ing Omfciais et Town. IM PLIES ORAFT RING, è IMPLICATES OFFICER. SEN. Italien@ Coavicted o Contrymusa at Wlin Harbosr are Senteae CRIME MOBT WANTOII IN COU NTy'S BIbl North Chicaugo ha@ been tniucl stirre-tiup As this painer goes te prose * 01 late Owing to alleged revelationa of a inforrned by telopthens frein Ws" grat ring wbiclî in saidtu taktue in the that the jury sitting upon lb.*ct chiot of police, a justice of the peut-i andtheii two ltallsn'-murd*s m ~uhe une or tvo others. The pnbiicity vas verdict cf guhfty. sentencting 0» aW due te i.efforts of a youug iavyer fife lmprisonn.nt. The Jury %V vbo'.neesutly Incaute inluthe. town and ever night and il se undocteot vbo defendeti foreigners who were sorne difficulty in reachlng ai dm* arresteti for vexions musons. lie charge. tht W Yojodc bhep ltlafrI laborers of ti. tavun upon li'ttle or ne 5.11ev wcontrymen lest U il 1%~ 'retoxt antithat vien tbeyvere brougiit lnu iiWh gey ver. almsp»O g " belore Justice Walker fine, ail ouint f ii its proportion te thoir oonsssvere (counry, .sspsdiy all3' a~tgtb Impoed upon them. 1Itlaissaid lb.efà"es erionscases.,MuldlUmlV wm*c ver . usu&ali somethng lite $5 sud inuecrting a j uk# e* oe cS ta but that the. cents vwouiti bnigth w ymmoW uu ela% bill np te 20 or more. p tnd ua bMeluna.s im Incindeti lu this $2000 vas a #.00 Tii. jury vu meselTWM01111 ivyer fée, su absolute sttortieii, it laandth tW «"tril e u fl saiu. alieed, as foîther the lav of tbecouutry QOrleesand g dm. -ie-u'gr uer the ordinaces of North Chicago 4@<Mi, wagit a.a pàrta varnant l, saye tir. Chase. smu the. me" fcithe sIve9s Tii.mnnot knovlug tusà, vWerw isnor,àtteir»y Eda d b tbreeteneil Jto puying tIi.fine asut le wawtie ehafg fl ibem . offiiais profiteti thenoby,. soe tutr7 Th,.cours romm vs brooWs gos.people Intoe indtle i. and cui Hov long Ibis t-utom, habeau aîtonn.y@. practicoi il la not kuovu,, but rocent Iu front sud on the. igbt cf lme0 devaiopments have uneartlei. ansd mat Pilo snd gravaao. Thqr *, prool bas beon establîshel, ause ti bov the effecle af tIir, :seom . W persens connecteil vith it say, that vOil Ja", but are sîlU embrcvuedarid absolutlî establihthe. guili noftthe of eeusnviien the.ented MMr afficets of the village. emerge fron custody. Falas Back on Ordlnance. Grava,,o le Un*A*W. Mir. Walker mont empbaticsily deuleti Orayaine appeanot uue. joelq the. exiâtance of a ring, tir.,Chas. ha on the. ulanil gve duag s tio aal<fha balbeoau noyiug lii.ever.sineo liaI implicatet Oraamo l henez the Camesbh ail deiedod badilbeuvaser on the , peoneofttihe 4.1 decideil egainsi il. lu Walker's court. Cuti ceoni" aigu pi Ubeob*cil i. Wear déail, uclaiqg tate. Grt"..aao ud bOý lImutt T*dad t à5 VA1ia t li" 1lcLhbbe , .g leh s at"3floyadme avenmines WlmnX»e b h proie bie siarpe, Coutinuiug, Mn. W&hUmr,,gitt% aie u» "*» isehlmIVpte, hieolia. Md lad prmcae lty sm ihie tai geg sut bail esk.ilfor Walkere toebet1 M bg viched tta meke au exanati ofoSit. He vsas nuisei, but why, tir. Watker dit Det utate. .Mr. Walker dil net statseîtber vhya sommons vus serveti on hlm helre b. rotunneil the fânes. Wby b.vas onot iniormeil hithe aîlOkue viereceivoti tie Secte lis net expleineil ither, though the attorney mnet bave kuovu t vus uuiaw!ul, cîtisens almpg. Chief Yourjevic Angry.- Chief af Police Yourjoet, vien inter- vieweil by an lNuLEi)lDE rreporter, vas exlremety angry ut beiug aceumeti Ho delared ho vs al ntcaunected i vii the malter lu anyvuy. ,l &aeli tabe proceedinguegeinst tMr. Chas inuedli ateti," mnid ho. Thc chiot vaulil ai uoting bar publilcation b.yand tua&. Be inslt hat bis innocence wouid be proveu. TO IKICP MIN OIls 'Amantcan Steel &Wh,@ C0utPau Otjacla-t.As. Hanta Passlag Thmough Wmsui<agaaa Lavoe, né W&Y te Work. Urge ibr tkealleged. nedeuit o keplatgthe Imnuoit Ma*s-atreet anti hi on enter te tduce lie tuss k.eping foreé., l thed-dt là* Wsu: ]COgan jilt Oeýthle 4»ekaâ Bat115 andtin Ceompany lit u oe *rt turnelu lene t1 lian aet. tbsir emplioes. "0 «eter 't" .varba throngbthe West am%, hiçi . jlem) Yen4 Teti sbtn à la su orth icm.i cats. At theaMne lime, ki la repos-lo tuat thc force cf1valtinseWin ib. re- duzeetanti a pepslcelrpboe 60t nenli gale ote *Yards., Itekk wM tien bo umot ecl for teuM tliaI ar obliçeS tô enter. A4 mc l 0fthée two ,be suu S even Ma boie mafd t Ls.ra* ei ,wagi. Tlée 0 a"t ls bock bis à* * tuai b. vue M*g ' , , m Inrave WUit psy i. Whoile bm e b*I~ wus @Pmouton tb lilt.lAse."i Wh%,e ii lveprimpouese lueu' Ivo fci-r vfrinq ilt I1 shlnk liaI lb. ive o ent =10 on that tiey rouit rema A vMmi the. eventesofihib oMble is ltt, uarrovly uscpati tiati. HRem lb. sifect aofii. Es testimenî. Pila la thecalnle-ofibe twcnmot The. Jury Tiie jury heaiing Ithe case » ,~.J. Barier, Waucua. Jo am ssr,,Vernon, ,gumnaey P. Manser, Aroni. *omâm a muc, tlsotB.d , James bSeras.. Waueda. W. B. Rarris, Wauon& CÇ 4erae. Lionyvlla W,.718 priugner.Laoril., A. J. 804114 -DOanSehtBd 0044 âeIt; J. J1. V~aqbausIt,5AeM Sayi imw i Elewmlc wua Wbmu th dei M À4 rq_ erer êmmsr t'Md eommonSr"t Ob" tmenr, pave*s- vIil 'Im r&"la m .ïl AU

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