Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Apr 1906, p. 1

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-e 4l ýI2EKY SUN FYVULX, LAK~ F1UDÂY, APRIL 6,ý 1906- 12 P"ge $1. 50 PER YEAR IN AM sM oflla. oCnt, s Dy ma*Eu BA*teMMr yletton *RND lO U DAUGRYDE OP WU. E. MABON. Proutratei by an alleged btrayai of confidence on tue pagt cf a ia vitu vhom ah. vas *formery on terme of lntlmacy. emattug nter amus aand liniesira4le publiclhr causetessîr gtron bon,, "Fif a- tesonon oua laie train UMisa Rth Murnucamo ta, Wbukegaa ta escepe Interviewons and reporter. lu regard to ho, llegei couneclion vitu Iie fair. vfohn Wlme alu e-alee aillas WUarreslei upon e charge *igrand laisser. preerei by hIilpmat- ployer la New Tub, adni vhen b rooni veretouacbed by the pouQ ltter. trou pront»tMtmena ni 1,000 love ltter. s S clty voues vU' fboui. Amoag tbisev*» one ho ."mai ta bave hem vnitten by Ums Statemot uasmé eby Martin@ abot b«andmii cli.' ocetr voue have eass a acanial le sociely ail oves' th.counlr.O laie mi"esManoua es an olh avoethut. Win. Masos, ltonnforerenater. vitn Iaoevei le Chîcago, ulmitel lisaI Marune bai been aavwetheat 09 hu asisuguer. bat sali tstaIh. bacl ion iluinIsseS vheaobjectlonable report# about hil eron iard. later h. bai lrlied1tebecome a muier for beurhai le Chicago. but vien b It vue hm i"en il, Mr. lMa- us s4slitea gentleman. Whuo Mr. iMon sav lie loUter, ho d«leaolIl buS beou composi by asme persesanS"vrthbtuly de- "'lie nias vo gave publicty ho aluat gerporte to eoneof myiaah térs love lettoesla a cowauuiuna eur md 1 M vil ie hlm à public boise. vhlppg evs IfI bae Oml i M te ta qia the i~ uVos.a fr504,pro amidlipi 1I ebmg lm le tuWagainton,"ho sai, -eni liaUgt ihm a 90ai te&- w«. nHo ba Prob&ablrbom leIing & fueats and b»huaens. 1 tbimbikoh lttes lea afra"ue lindmii smple1 di ag.tihut bovouli tlk babo« bhi ecquaiutmuaas ho bai." M. Mmon &lmo sai ut ho be nev ,Motb & bout isisstsi belngeon- gagei 10 Maibie, miaI iwuv ce nova aMS ho di nel anthroir crMM1 t. slibI duirfaront anhWsbusbonis Sic also mm uatinae lu Wauingloe -nie lvmy iraprorsed me," sliMiam ,ason, -a#smw onvivouli hrg about ecqlnces- Hlisla doubtlse cjimiug chanoe acquaitanc.rn a& a tiacles. lie vos a gei frisai of itutu's. but 1 never thougt Utat»li tenue, bad gono go ataias 1topos. ho her. Sho vaui nover write liaI tler 10 hlm 1 kài." .Umin aea Preetalsi isa Maon laetaIher brothers houme 10o eeap tue notorietr theai Iloisebaveo uoei. eh* le pro*- traIeS eu vas nuable o 10mcbea mamem la regard 10 tue malter. S m estue emroo! the s sdai deMi eutinate connections vti aI- uIMM aillie soclolr belles Of tue "e mSecoiing 10 ,imselt caviiole ealerl mashelaisnov rremes forlaieny. WHO $111lE le MliésaRb* maeen. Iémesi eaber Cf foieUnume * atomü ieWtigu lI oc Làva Mgbml f b. naltm e W oeme v&o oe hoibc t» ie lSe o tbeamanmemlai aircag f iodaI euS physicolmaie' Sma bu tiol lroucionl Europe la abUia euonoiaeIt Ruth u Ms "I l ea àoutrage," ho sali, "for ie aur.Il te ppfsctly trueliaI £1buS theb r et bnovng mi.m asnu=sMd i eoobteauly psotoei ber Untliltue aoUs leltter. von pubab"shed li iu Soyï agonu la a "ielod Friane. -1 buov etor Miion Mdi h. ha bom a gond freni b meIfUho ver hhoh voul bail me out. I am giai! b oul est 1 la Iaincapable af ailov- Ing the letteofa!ble-daugiter In ho pubiaimi" Magon Foues No Resentmenl. Former Senator William 0l. Magon declarei yesteniay tuai he tot no re- ueniment ageînst John William Mar- tQue, the former "human corkscrev." vho tormerîr wua asultan o! Miss )lut Maeon, is daugbter. and vho maie public a. letton îlgnei '"Ruth," purportuiig ta o moin>Miss Maon. Mr. Masou sai ho did not contem- plate toiua ta Nov York for thd pur- pose of iiansovblpplng. Martine. Ho! tacts a letton signai Ruti o ecan«rlîrmen tuat tue itter vas frouai ir augblor. 1 am ,sure ir dauagter nover vraIe the letton. Tic girl Ia al broaqu up aven 1h. affaîr. Se hue gono up 10 Wmibegcu for a day or go t0 the. reideace a! ber brother. "il le ruie tuaI nir aughter vas et- tachei t0 the Young ian ville vo Vers in Wslhlagbou. lHe va i mIro- iuced to me by fionde, mii ho aais vas velcome ct îy bame. Tien-. vas nohing about hlm Ita uilcate tuaI be vas vroug. ",While tuer. nover vas a formei engagegment belveen my daugiter and Martine, 1I mev that Ruth lovei hlm. He vas a quiet. goenmanl fellov vbomam migond girl ivouli have talion lu 9w0 vlih. . "Reitu finlly tbld me tliaIelle bai Siven bu up because ahe thugiat he lackai tr.ngh of charactef. Thal la noarytour rears go. 1 bave son Marttne aury once since. That vus lai Ctilcagomono than ture. yèari mrc, viien ho vistdai a my home." Sejeft Mon fInis 'ifs Ohld la Lako "Just let meieie hon, bu nr hon, cerese her. le mie not my ovu leb aid blood, nir elns iauebter!" Thuai sobbei John Kline, a! Dolait. befon Juage WWlht lu lb$ cii-cuil curt Thaursdas a' b beggci tue juarilst t accord him eqUel rnEufs la bis cld i utu îebiteif, vhau b. charges vttispinitina a&-y lie beau- bIlini 1H10tirl go athat he cen noIse ber. 1 wifs T.ok the ChIld, Klnea.ndii is vite Sepfacl&bout a rearmgo, lbe Wonsan, cacomei am Intelligent niatran,,taklng ir dangi- ter vith be o Cilcga Tic huashami ergos liaIthora- tem, &lthouagh lien vwu no divorce, bis wit. iealidilm lie slgit Of!tho IlIlla girl vhom ho loves viti tue foninesOf unr iOting purentanc liaI the vite ptdd te lb. 111e girl frai achool 1tasobool and tramineuti- tuotina Institutiona taIho uigi nover - ionbergma. Fincie Daughter et Lest. But recSnlir heounai the girl na a holic Institution soutu Oi Labo Florest. 'lie cuhitilltheno eformed hlm liaI oriers ver. let hlmm s is icuglater and clhhoug in ie aveCI and bçSgguialmoat ou his hais ati baes, tuey von atemnd . ituunsi cets Out jrabe aCorpus- ,Tihefaihr aI once vent 10 waube- gi eU rqgielnoAttorneys Benjamnin panualee undILE.V. orvu ta lemo e watt t gbabeo pp for tue persan et bis cbli. 'l'h. c sr cie uap boforeJuaigO Wrwlgbl îrmder. Tii. Ittle girl li nlutheil pffice. 'lbomotuet va ela M eeago Me .di mot appeau uthle mfternomn TU bebbged tue m&M sof a aronaitus couvent anl algt, 50 liaI hlmdauglater vooli fbotagia buý teOff am viese e ho ouiMge 4 býh*%omrl làienlmudaui ma ader Ihat tue Ibou anS acteér abouiba 0iu1orlgtai teecaxo ul l lui: oor liemsosil - mf lieý pretly i m gilWho la tlie use of theu piset iirnmln. About Ibnam m eo aew w osepetI t n lO to , reumelo en liera . tlmbbbbo4bmkýý'b ela a jury Os Toouqo f CANNOTORJT BOND, EMAINS IN JAIL. The hearing o! Heu . J.0. Wude fon thie lleged sending o! lmproper letters through the. United States miail took place ait elevea Thunsday ho- fore 'United BIdet Conimisloner àfark Foote, lu Chicago. At the conclusion of theue ianlOg whlch coaupisei the teO#ltuony o! but a singlè- vituess, thie Wukegmi pastan, who enjoyed a paitonateof0 shr evoe. vsp houai pla à ivaved examlnatiln. 1 Came Iq Whssl.Chair. Waio appeaed lu court villa cravi o! Wauaegan rmebrso! is ohd churci, vho ar-e sincere le lI befllot tb le iInnocent. Res in a a heel chir-amii va unable te vlk excep vitu the. graBt est pel andmii Ifcaty. Itin le pli bat tue episodo in vbicb ho jumpeo-l fore a train le a temporar lt 09la- alty has maie hlm a cripple for Hia attorney wvs R. C. Broya. 0f Chicago, viilo District Attaraey Rob- et Chili. app.arei ion tie tUnited States. lu h. court room, but net CallOi upon, wyen lspecter Lavi anmiiChit Postal Inspecter Stewart. th.e801115fryWtnesà Keho.. The one vitueus cll.d vas Ani-ov C. Keoo, lb. boy thraugh viorne ak- lama confessIonWmde vas arreated on th. charge aboya mentloned. Ko- ho. le seventeen yoars nid. Hie OrsImt Wodo len Amboy, Ill.. at a dance sivec by a priost Wade bai hlm aI bis ions. sevoral ies. se mot tvo lettons fru ai i. bh »moW btoum- Waobegan. He fluali 158 UloIomngton. viien he thon re- *dio% for Chifgo, glppng a trigit. Beva cagt hy tho police a'lie Obla e cogablO bitter. von. lm-1 c. trmi. eine -meniona tue nue orfnoo ter boys. Ho idéntifid tva leltera offrei lu eviience. His teslmaur Coonlued th. h.arng. Tie Wanb.gaapaty consisti of Mn.. Waie, M. De Val, tva om z ani a me" unkovu. Honi-y Kumebber mii P.F. Mooiy, o! tue churci board be, Wty Clerk Thacicer said a no- porter rou aci Waukqganpaper. Leeves Uy Night. On lait week, Tueaiay, he r.-a moved hia place at resiience witu lb. Fbote tamlly on Clcyton street ta 'tue De Val resiience, ou Hickorya street, .Resiionle la tue aelghllarhoi ver. iuch mystifiai viien Weinerniay atI ten liny at night a ciaaed carage i-ove up 10 tue De Val reriience andi the minuster, vie laeta prenant union a clouai, came ont ai tue bouse mii gaI loto tue carniage.j Hie vas iiven rapidly 10 the Narth-i western deo andmicsiigt the lait1 train out o! Waubegaa ta ho chie ho1 attend tue iearlng tue tolloving1 moraine 1 Peopleofo!tue Coagregational church vero mime o! toi nnlinfornm.i o! tuec omirlyhearlng and thauaght that it vas to labo place Fnday, aithougi tuer knev tuaI tho pastar leftthatl niglt ionrChicago. Tier tuougt tuaI the hearnagwvositaplace Frîday a, MOTt4~C .mmoug ther tit h"liI8.M0.00 eacatlo bt hai been auhacibed tan tu* laco fac- ithu> tory, but tuaI aJy Mur*0,000b" imi eenl put lu tue plant.ReBsusal 85005 te ici bea raiaei for lthe candy faoý tory a"i *17,000 bai besoeVOW ita dIainthelibuni of puer dllart Il bai cOmlaaq. -Tieh vn% éhher ddlianS 1Iwvontle 10,«0 iaabitsntevill heat Ipret W»b tiere aie ýbut 5,316 pensonsr@Wdeim d h P bore. Be mcli liat Subi temiple M metei 7,217 poile, but I fmou Md bol 1 tuatIt Il sld ODlr ,44" - Rsosfbr im.rpea'atie. oh Re eWiaMu lalnv*g04m1Irafton itber meny long conbfem - tu"uel in l- meft w coint ion ou! houai u H ho broubt wuni e b.ogea"mia01 the li*and ufviu tuelu'opeetinup abOM outih. Oesee. nt te O= boxe~~s e le Siadvproprtr &M 10"Jobs mierDvpluiVhv u nimbeu hafur etr ' . J un lac «Rul>«Wf ri 1 lPý 1 pethap ~ ~. um ofrZMot City. He alto announced. auarqaè&1>e PMpe psicthe. M in- VY Inuthe telegrarn that a letter Iwould follow, ln which other officiais vwers -ýM*te f Ueband." r I. namod for depositiolh «U#la y bmbO; why shouid 1 i I 1SThe. telegrain, which. cost 196, was 0 i I~B ÈDhPIE rocoiied by Overseer VolIva gaturday mxplauatie» that COMvurP u..u emorun * anddli. at once calledaA I -the WU»9&nmeeting of the Zlon Couneil of TweIve b ýr o *bn t zonUitd spo to deormlne whether the yoke of .Lymi b ~a ber dvotion u BZCOMMUIC&tOd ý&YYw- Dovieism ehould longer fio endurei. Pont .iV"n Wo 3 -* vas bound over Ail Authorty, Tho Eleh Ail Zion rallied to the banner of Workted ut Tint Place OuiP4 10 the iag P ursday ýiiiChi-* Nov rPowIOOO Ia Voliva, and the. threats against Dowie oralEonthShootOeL AIl0 4fté rblainsBanda or People. that bad been whisperod for months Zîo tétribions lof -ere put loto effect.- to ~ ~ d t.lIs 4aater !riteMA E Elu- T METThree telegrains vere receivea UNSETTLBU IN HABITS 11H0 vmagmad hi vie GAIIITRISCHA ACTR.fron> Dowie lent flday. Thoe tirt 0F DIMPONDENT NAIMUR Mdl pt f-»tact that senti- two lu mme way preceded the one and leaIl~bto whlch they were related. Ono vas Ment laeau$" mi the pators old conreaton y"ý%I as culpable, John Alexander Dowie's star han to V. V. Barnes, bie legal adviser. tell- Paul H. Layman, night opevalo l m l4 out a ainst the vufe. set. Self-tyled divine apostie and lug- hlm b osen that the orders ta' Vo- -the leightou station, the ppihe. W> Ui ron 5 fude Iva were carried out. and the etber the E. J. & E. raigroad cronsse. Th.o icOe b or a tudro! perhaps the most remark- to, Doaconi A. W. Newcomb, ordering W~<i etacmitd5 a . remarimblo ~able religiaus movement of modern the priting of 15,000 copies of bi iscosnCnrl omte af Mr.4) e o l timen, ho vas shorn of his leadership telegram to Voliva for distribution. early last Friday auoruing With of Wa lte eationthat unday afterùioon tu a wldly dra-'Te longer telegram came at revolver wbiecbeh placedtota Mul ho use Iot ~ b*' N«resentatIves mettc mpeting held lu Zidfii ty. o'clock Baturda.y morpng. Its effect and ired. Wrae. but oi. lu at rmally and. emphatically repudi- was to humry Overseer Voliva and the. B e vas inu bed et the ti n t t Wharp unedthin ated by the chiots vho have stood by couneil of twelve loolà conforence obeourt LI home ý et Diasonil Lo 'teyunedthrate bt vi$ until midai gh.. him ô»Toaý , je. o jiULs - Th!t Mr.Waee the lettons branded as a fraud and jeered et au pie. should. be sa'bmitted to them for who raisod .-thé yungm» bons tm tint hm, pweo*big à d la siloge Insane, the aged leader of Zion' vas a 'vote% the following dsay. - h oyidoitand vho ,.aooal 1 to have d*ittt >UU# lCob. .MIpulied dowu from the hlgh 'place ho Followers Câlled ti Meeting. , romains to bis former boni. et nSqmdo la fuab~*u »di plook et thiem.bas Made tor himseif ai chf-and a At the Carymornnng service e a d. t sa. lat k e ai î bar vh& " Vo"ISber face wltiiyugmo.t iimh uta1v6:30 o'clock Voeuve Intlmatod t1 thie 1e hai" muU4 ; weekes go delegatod au power as hie poople that mattere of Importmnce W"i no canusevbtever lo tI diel «If bu woé bçà»j dii lviien lieutenant, assumed the purpie of. au- vouuit arise at the afternoon meeting. Relile£ftwhinbtet he va s a otbibetmiuid." to t.Ho bld tugi that the time bai nom. I.arman hai vorikeiet LS This impuiea "té,,i she believes Dowie's Hemth Broken. viien they "mst- choose belveen sites 'SiilaS th.t ho le stboostla vent galîr. ai while tiius the structure hoe bai Dovie aid ZIn." 1jIl faiDll. To Mi IIh thongh aeh. atw » b is innocence. bouît for imutai vith a lite of toîl 4t the close pi the service the go dogre tu, boomn uara *tM~ pO ! lins.MmWads vas crumbling, tbe hoary-heded Zionites held their places. When the and UUilli et tisss W liaI a? ooob* bis bonisunen, tounidor of Zion vas ignorant of tbe ros meeting of the day opened Vo- deonérier oUhîY 01W' ie iIiUW' ami le het ahebuth-l cimau o! bis lut.,Hle isin Mexico, liva appoared intm is office l is b. U1>y of i'ilU&Whi tom ocf t« isI lieL broken lu health. For monthe ho ban r«Sr of!thotabernacle vithoutis SUnuiiMiy OyMgsh e f"dàé1% Il b that tei.People beon lu Jamaica, and a fortnight ago robeso! offie. The. greunt chair lua i.LII iri ZA oi uISS« ot Wei d 0*w00piOa n ttah. lofttI eisland to go tu, the south- wbich hlie edboon sittîng ho uule me nisla a.S eObsaebone a t ho vwu coing = Focity Wodnes- eru republic and taks up again bis ta the edge ofthtei.platforniand sat He reo.mty iOiigi.êI hWt day «vsg a "UW4 ho was not work there for a nev ZMon colony, down, resting bis beai on hin hand - oporatci &ad Snturiey thlie ý spilniteaa. m rth eotlong dreamned of ai a stop furtuor lu Back of hmlmitrs. Davis bai taltou rivai vho vas 10 tak ie T huntSs'bisg~arnptionr As to lhe future of ZMon tiol!, iLU offIcers of lb. cburcb. 1 hOih5halin 0fl lite vonL Wh:nh ae'ê~ cutro affaire are to ho reorgauizei. The. Great Audlen" alent . TOP et Hnom i9wn on. It ia Nalsthtpas rtho propoty, held la Dovies name, may The great bell, holding 5,000 people Tii. revlverW»vlth b tb trip vers pei by atMon outolde the ho cleared as to titie, aud 1his may wlio are to sttl, oneo0ftih. grOatest voss0@nuittei leadossIbe ud y- church. involve placlng the depoued leader in questions of theîr lvea.ivos uent os nor Taylor as4 fr th eio Rov. J. 0. Wai* la SMI1 confined lu e custady of a guardian. These ho ai-os. and vithont pnlumaoto eh al er s"an e*=o the. Cook coantir je% as rot unabietl te to iibugiicso alhdlb oeran rm oi.Au s s'. ýbeaosdwucoMpl*ly 1sflàt cet any ont tu1gobléiobond. o'clock Monday mornung by the ho, linlsbo roadilag a tev scellerai by Una ileuargo. Sal oraI..'Fooo attr-communitrs chiots, portont vho vers ImuDcrant orti» The eeua ailia.trmgeiy S day, -No on. bée b@os toas50 meiOCant Off by Ail, question coufronting thoram "0;ai boes aL The pôwe ince the. trW Aj Uht cge on the Deputy Oveer WUbui- Glenn Vo- eligit applause. -fw-4 islam boni and be l il *Wlaithe10liva, cent off Dovie and Dovieism lu Voilva sali, vith a eslioh amue- 0"t «i tp01hs *' Je&i Sundar'. meeting and recelvi lbhe Ilam ied laitivs a wmVuli eo. ' l a menu lo Ol 0M5$w, -me ase viii etom boliaf. the unanimnous support of ail tbe former aidhhe ndclauil g propi 5n.g Md05 Tb l a vwwe irTu 'gwos . 4FALjr abs *m"adfollower -f the ftzsI apuetw »MDcvi.out11therotin * Il la, leorauoithat a a vatirpeople sud having -m .unesly ase moîberof hi* former congregation tboir moner ilu extravagnoe Whn ie veree la vlliag tu, go on the, bond, but ls Mm. Jane Dvi. repudiated bar patnnboia ewhm 0la but wée -uist unable 10 get any local meuheèr ta hushand, aid ln passignate termi er. anSttilisplaus loin hlmn tc moiteoup the tvo murtios. told boy ithe hait been vrongei sad Tears wvo n lu peiciien' nmg bone» the people are umvilling abused by hlm. By.John G. Spelcier, brother overseeru maie rom lo- or ob ml ibbe to aid Wa4e, but because jbey are the former overseer and once second hinm te ait dova. Shaking bis àmat tu tbouub "es" u*me averse to going on aur bond. lu commnit!au Dovie. wo vas re- VoUvma agan spoke:. __________centlr iepoe. peremptorily, Dovle *'My broblaers and saters la Christ. ProidntCograulit F«. vas dbclared Insane, maidlirs. Dovie 1 refuse tu renioveAlexaner Gt' A, A Presdmn Cograilata Fe. lun eraddrens uphli that declara-ger. Wasington, D. C.. Marai 29.- tion. "I have sai ever en anl have Prealdeat Boogoveit bat ti hUelec- Gladstone Dovie cat bis lot vith Iushlce," contnaneiVoliva,-"mdi 1 aily luiormed tbe action of Represent- bis motion and YpUva, and not one le restor. John 0. Speicher ta clive Fbof Chicago, leainduouug the tue vast cougro*ation taillai 1 rise bis office."1Ln od euac o bouse n&Vsl committe o i10 mcmi an and plaig bimutait on the asde of the Tele of Hi* Slrugîes, Appoerau»ansd Taket Ouet appropriation ton a monitor battie- nov leader viion Voliva colid for a lHe thon gave a reenua. of u bisi- shlp la the naval appropriation bill. ising vote as ta, vbicb shouli ho tory lu connection vitta mon il a - EasY Dla lHe "ent tu Mn. Posa to-doy lb. fol- chlef-hîmselt or Dovie. trilla anS o! hie comins 10 labo ioving letton: 'Vliva defiued is position lu ring- Doi.'. place. ÀWi rsd M "Tie White House, Mec 29, 1906. iug terme,,cani poereptonilyrerfuse! "I came" beosaii. "entinir iglao- looking individuel tfaif -My doar.Mn. Fos: 1am delightod ta aober mandates by Dovie. Then ho rant af tue avfulconditions hom and& cuple of vehao u. aM te, sée roua have decidot 10 provldo !Qr cahot lJohn G. Speichon 10 the. plat- o! bis uharnetujneeeocl. vbcb now rocyti! 10 EnalsgetOV ibe baldg big batUtilp. As fonm. ani vhile touns lovai iovn honest ian coual defa for on.t 1r h.cssoe* e Spatam" long, ai e are ta have but ou. battis- the cheelci o! tue recetir ieposed minute. 1 sent tue cabic nmessage: 'Ilomi thoa n*boti n tbé ihip anthoried tus reer, Il ihouli overseer. Voliva tormalir reinmtte iai ln godi bande and yoaye. Tour bh , v a M l " bo o! the ver bestpousIble type. hlm m is eformer office, Instructions chaitlie ccarrisi ouI' t sanie e-m rw wï Evenla show tuet the uMMt eficient Storm Follows Demand. Rai 1 buovu the cSiliosshmigjetie,0l'ae battleehlp Ila .helangest ngs, carrying The, starin vbici resultei luln bouli hoehave vnltten il, anS ovw probablr eigii verr hecly sMns and Dovie's undolng broke lu ous8e- 1 repuailate it befare lie vouS." 11 penbape more. For the. higheet type quence of an 800-van tlegrai frai Ho criticisd tue genoral pollq Sj-o o! modern flghting shiD a vor large Dovle. lu wbich ho PeromPtailr or, lovai by Davis, ieolarlng that It WUe anoth@r' 0dmit dilplccemenl evidetir le necesscrr- dorai tue Immdilate icharge 0f on. af vanking Ini iarbnou AMgamotm "go t.~ V5for i 1ý i am congralulcting rau from tue Deacon Alexander ranger, financialin ligbt , Bo ld hg expooi pVUr«M 511;11. ilaitipoint ai tue nevy upon vbat rau manager o!fZMon, vboehau been one emptory action vouaiSlio takb iHie iantame Wsa.eis bave accomplisbed. o! tus mail eggresalve leopiera lt t rsIaopuntia viien ho iaoeo navstue a». il Xm "Theodoro e »eot." efforlta orestoro the ficanclai eqnhib it vas hein$ doue lu bis a a l ler am. "Wben 1. cae t, it,.., 1 tmi fh.,,,-te aMt b*W , m

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