He lI.a ie Iatir ofraJ. o. . 210. Wgon reori 2:11% th u1k *Ile or. Rohor, Oli Min * . :0; 9.2a~8:4t ýoe*"Menwm(8> 2,A4; Pipet t 1:14; tLady Mo, ta. 2:uw R Mille Bonlorf. .8, anid n'ny.Owsegod iSIed by Woferi lofl. da NasSS 2:5.by (mi. W~digon. Agauu'çsUawole browa b«»a.16% #mode hîgli. Walhlàg 110 UM», Agiwouaon 21S8% waa ered by W«Od i10299, lhe by CslskdW i Ob*e f WhrleY 2:149. MCli.. 220mand dama of J. .D. 2:10%, igthel S :18% and papi. Cafferay 2»1t% ho by lMa. Cçbb, 1826, record 2:18%. eh,* of Maisie ocli, dr., 2:28% a4z sZreof dam of liluf oliday 2-10%. * Terms S$ to Insure. $END FOR' TABULATED PEDIGREE L. J. SLOCUM RUSSELL. - - ILUNO#S. $04' store *~~OWi Nowls T4 uuYu *Dudes di.e Uwokoe SaIs'et * Strang'sfurniture Store * * Grayslak. -Minois4 -- - ta ---."Vire".- charges A. Tkc.manager Ilowaird "Stock Co. Promet. a srin cof lirt cime.pisys Monday-A iaos Ranger Tueeday-Son of Monte. Criato Wedneeay-Saint M iir Tbursdiay-Whon the Bell Telle Frlday-In Louliana stusday-<matine) Rip V&nWInkla àatmrday-(night) The. Mais Of Mystery Sund&y-The Iron Maak EVENING PRICES loc, 15c, 20c »Md 30c MATINEE PRICES anud oral SÙÎýeon. 'u ourae 0" uw- e yStoila.. .WY NEW SPM AMS s.ametSm.pkam Dn exon élilon THE -GREAZMÇ" lme çvu dIepld - i GRMMEL _WN. JAtINS. THE TMILOR: Graglake Bakerl amd Restaurant Meule mi Lusiches Sed et ail hoors CIGARS and CANDIES Phone No. 19. miss EMMA GERLACH, Prop. S.O.tIste wsuher. s"" m i Paoieot L chome Alew cents tbeUgâ LeCo For faie Iy Ci>elake Phamatl,J.. D)rue., Prop. A 6PUCIALTY. WILLIAM PESTERI Craialke. Ilihnois. NOV l e 0 9mto guard the. beat &Mi kuateu tlo. lange. Tt* ieu rew* i couglieaMdOcolde leloVe J.*aMwugoury m»d Tar. Tbe*oely OMb jO p " I t doge ot ouatpat., lie bo#els, but wMbhon t>s othor baud **et aIM lOfromethe ojeton lii mt lomaS U5ioa.aa*laxatve. Dut fo u~1Sufol, wopu .ub t.. am m bd»00&thm-bamn raamad'ouftr - TE a"o nmm hAis be lnftsmod a&r pau.è cage, alapal fveulsb condâiti;ý icp lb .ogh mipeevete sro hsi.fou a gl. m th mulbot BMUdose ne COMIMu - or hotMulul ddrug Of me Und Il le uwnws.-huCrao-m Wboop ég Coqgb es4, llqulcMy c he ~~q - bwtu m d -emin. o a«t tain cbse vu som uom prpuath.. - nn.ixàiot - = - "ee I vas trubl*d u id .-adoutaeapdoa.tLe4re*ms> medlosa" 1Ivasu ndor thse cams0 msloesr m ui . 1u»4S smlicWte cf lcleY's Hanc'Sud Ter 1u dme, an" 1Ibavelmotberaias Tbfao s.-4 5>4 Oc$LMO Tii. 50 Cosise canta tWOta a eue-haml m a mach as teali dm aM *8n 1.00 boul .u dm ame Osoisax Qum 30 e ra. d &0. r~ nbelore, m Aara e Avàzoe. Jumtlo f the il Lfont of publie lande on baud ai conimendaf n uthe erMti day of Ans. siBc i dee i t.Ds......... ... o. Trýss. Tel. and Tel tax ..................... lmi lier,. Io Beed 0. Ikotor toiex. fie Beeod tovua Coliscir thieti es bdd. txfeitatsi met......1.................. Total..........................1 me. B 5Pt J. R. Rttzentha.r asepesôr..I ô F . iM. Juget pub ballot reFp ri. o J.COB il cirrk ofeletnton 4 à rani macQuffi l m. tov al] Ii . .Qbeo town lrk ... si. v. Grbrtth« oinm... 1 E L i b r p c t t u b o s ePetor Bolet blbabetcu. irauk aaben ibwar coin.. LflI ýpleor muoke. black. 5 Oo. Quentin &Idiots. jude e fims au .mel 511.«...........i .. 9. Peupls kabboud nd lut.. 27 be5al A n'ior electonsep... .7 ko" babwa Dos... 27 à1HAtc1bt w eoo.. ut Oe o r i .......... ...... St«tPunt. ci fdoa:atea da the bd Sasseviser. lori lieresucOf 1UN4................ For tsheer les............. .... aceoi QtîllN. Isuper SherliSale. Htatf i lnois. Ocauty 0of Laie, a Public notice li, boreby adieu virtue or, a certain viS ofalims I lnd otint theCircuit Courtc th ~ fr.dey of Februaisi. A. D. fOie.1 o Pir"m ros. snd ialuot B. J. j ait, aturdathe, 11;tdary01f D.h9M, nt the ur of.ine euoe a v1ern5 U1. 4v et thae A-t court Bon" elu teGi tyi of r.1 COnt cf i..-nd 1Utatenof lUno publie veane ti the blabeet blutrir1 Ail th. rtsbt titi-. sud rinucreat cf the J. Barber, la lthe fellOwlue 40.00 '-srt'. levlr-d ou it nameb. srtue of as the proort Y Of Fas Il. J. Barber The. eet half (Si ni fAo fS-1 ..uacter(%d) 0ot lt eu nnie- (0l T al<e.) PrNoiir u1isu.li cf ~ D wse.A .î'. Ceont, lUI,» ta 'Adjudication Notice. Publio notue 19 herby glven1 y uboer'emAdminilCtrat-O f tfie0 john 11.-esy de,. aaed viii attend III Court of Laie county. aia t nIr t e boiden Atthne court Bouise lu Wu alu PatdCocuntr. ou tbe tst M'nD4a nu-zt. f5.4 wbHil sucvh-realltpers( AInnaims sisl<n.t g0514 -state am andtx&u0etI te p rosenathicsetý W euk-ogsoa1M, marob i2.1. O fiuzs .toc. Pabli À A..iiul >1 tiie of f liluol5. (bu.'aoLake. ,r uinthe CeuntCourt of Lake 0011111 - luothe a*t.-of tAiepitniSaillnte id Fatte of Thoisa- 1110àiesee To 0-ormeplis 11,8a1Mile. Okrs MNorriP. able Ellea, theslJi in E., W.rr.n, Sis. Le Allife,C £ie.Eleat.11 Oh.r aA. si Bt"'.John M. Me..,ide wialm noe.ud Bo&: Onuna .' law of Thoas Eills .leoesoc Bt is-i. muardu o f Waei-iv amtrii.ll.. fit bert A. Bilts ain aud to Emily Elle. .ow of eThon vidnw ' f Thymnm Ellie, deôea.ed. TÂAENovicE. Thut on t> co April. A. D.fID*. lit ton 0'cou'kA. ioon thoreft- r asthe natt.ýrmcné Ndthe uiiderlgnnd vils Pr-euut In a ettt,on'.tî Court Bo'om nàl Hou'.. j» the i Cty of, Waukrgi1 u)Ouîty.t le Inlei,'ii?'l ýex, ut1'u a tt d eutset thaethe cern,, e0 thut gu-ul.rii"i ehsrg.-,ltred lied et wllortno eut flec 11in 1e19e at wr,-eit 1! ou aedhIne. LIiriov,,thIrfilon g l4. bur *Th,,ici.E1118.ii.esuî,t.- 9rtioro! lIote. COuor o!Lak the.Ct-,tît t' uu-t i ftate <Jojntu 4! ar' Itte,,. 8,lilon'ler vas bier i.Trust.- Js-01b Olce Edlward 8 Lu~ut i reyer an. F lmtu iJ tooreýhii5e Cu. Np. 1515 Public notilate ts b-mOt l.ýn virtile f n uorer su nd d4ere o <f c lun1the aboî,' entltle.t clu'a Un ii" 'f Itsrub A. D. 1900oet tiie Haronm" au Oen edCnt.tiluuocg Sirong Planta fromt N.w 131da on liiin p;li 1000 $2.25 .,1&N Lovait, em early, Pmt 100 soc, per be., lIavarland, extra imu, par 100 MO, par Iwo0 $3.00. l '3*4ev Wood, gooti kat.rliser, par 100 Ülu -4oSe, peu100()0 -ý Gleh Mary. ver> 'mla e m100 60e Spe~yWI.. ain oRail, per 100 Lat»~ Tranabpianîod OL&hheOauliflower. I Oslery, Swsc P0t Tousto ami Prompt se faction . .OUCU. £Editk - ' meCent"a--- Thinge 8 en and.,H.ard Portainlng tb Gr~Ik 81 '"r Euter pffltalgards anid novellles at Catebrato MInhd* e.l rem thie Graysiake i'harmacy. On Mardi 22 at th. eu f 191 lme&o Lynian Lewis writes froni Mississippi D. Battermbali two brtdffl *b'that hoie l still winning prises at carde, elebrted, tiiat of Mmre. F. D. 1 ,ubasttat thse flowers are in blofseani ue and ber mothor lMre.P. C. Dooifb* .d sud' and oranges plentiful. 'pecullar colncde m 01 thie u02 Owlng ta the bigh rentais or land there lieing that the. Mothes e g i iele quit. a oarcitY 01 rentera dhiis pring. twic e &P. giOf lb. iiaubtOr«M 'ce. Frani 12 to 15 larmie urronnding ns nover bappuoed belot or ne»i are flot reoted yet. happen agalu. Thse motbe lto George Frazier hua received an order lier oevtlo. le sUAi a vatl*v r ta maire twenty boats for M.Vnadabiiatcneaoé~ dot', Hemen wiio wiIl bnild a large îummner T heday waeepetlumeand eort at Sand Lake tuis seasion. Noue but tihe Mnmod610 las George pute up a nie boat and ie kept preet. ManY nies Preoete - rty nyduring tho seasan. nited and a boutiful dismir 1649 Lest Saturda3rthe Waukegan omiTa nw am ia bote« oih inirea. aU played a picked-up Grayolake teani, deknwaa otsCi.lmezli d7ePting theni at basket ball wîtii a score the clase of the day the. ganta ze< ofa 57 ta 26. The saine Waukegau team ta tere repective homes Wlbblu0 75 hobndred one nanyhap eunc deféated our regulars 84 ta 14. Thebayrtru .*nos es Waukegan girle4' teani deteated Girass- day. lake *giris 11 ta 1. The G rayslakes are * '~ "dainu well in. the face of their sottoei ROUM D M ai 1250 te aie Miss Liilo Hucker wasa lJ l-,8 lie. ltartlett, of Autioch, is the guet yioitor Mouday. aIo fMe. A. Smith. lilas Barai Fax IW vlting b.i 16 se Editar Savery bas rented the Wm. Mise Aice iager of Chleago, 7 5 Parker hanse-on Lake Siiore Drive and Mr. and Unr: A. ML Wbite aMI Mir. Young will occiipy the. Waehburn Mrs. Chas D- raillard weo< S bousm. wiciiMr. Severyanid feiniw% w 1fr. b0 ave occuplod tii. peet y ar. <Elsoaid $0 1 Mme.Ballard'@ ntmoter wba baisubnnugton Tneeday viiense itu I. iles go epeîîding the. violer bors bas, rotnrnod ta taks their future bornes. jeee se ber borne lu Wisconsin. Mr@.O. A. Hook kit Tuede7 w 38 "& Be thie fine dieplayaof.Raster mnlllluery for a twva v nittbrgo gbe., se ou at Hîglcy & Carfield. 272 . ise Berthba Ro9k Whbu l qqa, se se The Rochester Clotblug store, la vinter lu Nebruauamioloiâ 410n roceivlug a fine coat of paint. A. A. r-turwtbbroti. à e lillian la doing the. wark. O. A, Hock vw"a COblgouth sou Fred Flary wlllope up aNo. 1barber day. .' 6hbvu k -asebop lu the. Dehm buildiiig nazi woek. pitd asds ", The syndicate beld thielr regulair eset- Dau't forpttbaEaster iaiat#j * ~lg Thursday evenlng. Tb.ey yull bulid April 16. "eMs fattory.for th% Douuy'e Tool Co.. at Mis. *.te Walt vau a Pl""eb on .Other ndustres art lv oetlgating lhem. Wduday. i~lo.tus point and will doflbtklocat lbtre -Mise Tiflis HachertlàI. kId I lu the near future,.oea .O uhro oN Tiiee iiili e a lakery sale et tiheF me iuM. E. chnrcb parlerasa$turday April 14 F- ,f t.k m ln the aiternoon. Prograin lu thie Edgar Pau.ker, of Voicloffl Ï0 As, federveniig. Combe SOmday. - F Barber. Herma Ralblnear wbo rnldeeon te lra. C. L. Thomson 'pt1 à9tb.s Chittenden place iiear Dru.. ae ra n Wtb e ue r.O . 1. hs h branbtunp atiet be r Fred Couverse eblpped a oe, in Zni5 noaly oaf. Dr. Palmier wës caie "dcattie aturday. 'Otr broug tt the ~John Hook sud Job WMUd b &dýýtle dreeed the. voiid. Au attenipt la Grayslake veto calers la tl Ir ot .,.-..g made tc ave the luger but the uuday. Ïwbvushi cisues for dolug »o ar e vry s@mail . ûou'g@e tsuioid rq#eed I Witie deliverlng oùl as Thomson Brut. o e <lJwh Youg e.ie lezî Toedaiithe ho" dteesi oifibhéBSadard Heury a17o01W«eau 10M orLk ail wagon bruitelunese frani the shed vimnity lioay. .-- wbere tliey were tlcd and tare dawn lr.perel Dlaüno f SndI maïI treet and around the. block ta the. and Mms.Auns.'X£"~ bon all wiieie they ran lato asfeues. 14Da re m ute Of,,* tea CotonMmeQiILncoaeo. 1 0ref caf 1a fe ecrape ntebrtns ekego. Joseph Winkle bas excepteti a Position 5v.at Katz@oan the Wiscansin Central rail- lir. and kirs. Frank Joaseibavé e niettllà me te «Ild naad and vil eventually marehie ta Appleton, wIW.. iamiy there. Mmr. J. G. Ewllag 'Ils i strat'.. u. UîaoAtcb~ ne*d«y. U-3 Cérlyle Duewaî lna am n bfia- AtS netseFriday. MeN. inle Haw5kins, mi" pue~ Mis . M Jobu Zangle @pont Batunlay ad a turdC. MOno went ta W Om ~Buday at Lhbera ville. Chas. Palnmer vlit.d bis paag nBke. Joepb Piloneu epett unday ue, iiday. Claherne lionday lu Chicago., Florence Watean vas la, E J I o t h B a t u r d a y . au &*r' Mesre Oscar Williamn@ of Savanaii and Mis, . L *@on vieited ber al. i audo Carlillélnbart of Chicago, Mie. Mande E. siiepardeoon part of the. ieu4 £i t'ou onie@ota Waukexan aud Ipet Tanlee R.,A oga wsbre of Chicago voie gute at the Tout"e venlug. mas Xhits and D)esJardin wvedding Suaday. Eiugene Hawklpe s i.atc*dl )ni dii i meHoîsesat Nalpsieii, mIl. A IL.c Nim oliesand &sn, of Miton Wl.., -MmC. Dix a on so b % 6 h=,id are the gueoseoa Dr. Palier and wile. Wutsa aid Court aks. ttc0 Court Irs, lE. Adams and daughter Lillian S. Wallis en aml Ru asi tor of eo spett Nonday and Tuesday at wauke. F. Joaes' bns. sioprovod: grontnie.C lln su te h. v - otand baby risltedfieuidi i s al- ~' L. Y. Sîkeso lias purcbiased fie5 oane day tbe pasat w v. nIi. titi e este»' < f auîd will erect a fine resédence u Monday lu tbe clty. 273 sotie in thp near future. mise Gertrude Miler lae cil te. s: luweeks vacation. n reî.Au Anewer to 0"The Wholo L. W. Rowling wasinu tb.oli The Grayalake INuEr'EIiENT noter CoN8gERVAt'ows SAL Pa. eutrr.-d cllinieu] tapa anything but au editio u inte a lîloie.t<Cout çtcf à r.e2ud d Ybas novLAEr COUSTY IbDEPENDIINT. 1$ ty: cd ms-týrr snvclalmedota ho pnblishod any- Iu the matter of htâte eata %o iioo -hre but in Libertyville. It le ail ri4k Fgm i laaie.. ' sai dai nt publlaiied there. Fram elgbt ta twelve Publie natice leIo nit, of lek pages îach twlce tise sise oi tiiose of tise the Cout>' cout of a ie u»I r cash th- Grayolake Tmes flled wltb local noesthred lu t» bevq réal etae and local ads. Tii. latter papor la ithe 4tbi day <OC AlPS toWf,0<publlsbd o ne bal lunChcgo ami otcu e aOilv4td. heS~b.t all lu Grayalake. W.e till malotin we e",*%ý C asete b)bve na1to ur ldoatty wtbtre raye. o uip. L 10 RR ib--i lke -If you tblnk su rend or local Oit. 0clack Ilu. joklng, If net. ne aminre bls nerve. cout l« « - nday Aprl at hbe heof t" 1tt ske.seM Blubides patents, lit. aMd Mms.Toulnse 0 .1- ~ iocurred b. uarbp o f )MId.*1 a fflfl '1gboas aimi rdgelWoi*Mmd tm*, b> puts rituoisla ie prosmu t vesldiau Party sukathti i e- foi o! lb.wo N0f in