mmbu D 0 -molwmseAvane. to M: il to 2a. m. 1 081Md 7 to LlberjVyllleIllinois ML J. L.TAYLOZ boum:-7 10 10 a. mi 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. nM. guildemc on Broadway, oppoite Park. Libertyvilllo, Illinois. DL C.IL GALLOWAY, nouno-Ironi i10 8 aud 6 to 8 p. mi. Libertrevlle, Illilnois. * PAUL MAC GIJFR.. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Uibertyville, Illinois. ROE88. DR. F. H. SM[TH. 1ENTIST. OFFICE, OVES LAKE COVwrv BANK. socn-8 10 12 a. m. ana i1 t 5 P. in. DAILY. UAbertyvrille Illinois. Dit'GO)LDliNG DEIITIST Libertyville, Illinois DL 0. F. BU1TERFIED, VETEEINABT SURGEON. 'aIUTANT ITATZ TneBEINABIAI<. Libortyville, UMinois. CI ie" 19, Comaectlon i Libertyville. Mi.' I..LSTEAMN LAWTEB 218 Washlngton street Waultegan 'Phone 2761 NEWPAER Ms.H.J.lius MAGAZINES I Libertyville, Ili. PERIOOICALS- CARS mand -in TOBSACO. Protine Block. I tak* QRDERS for ZUT FLOWERS F. BMIRSTOW MANUFACTURER or Marbie and Granite Monumenu s Cemetery Wôrk of Evgry Correspondence bolicited 126 Genesee St., Waukegan Vb l mýme - - -------011O l 1 1aO House Cleariers Ca. we help gVS? Have gou ali the amn9ni,Crude Oil.Spot Renmoer, ruitu.'e Polsh, Cedar Moth Camphor, Moth Balis, !fresh ami New Lave.- der' FlakesChlonides, and Disinltnts tatmourequire? We can supplg Vo.. Seod the miaid, or lephooe. We'iI hurry" up and die price Wi be bo pleose1qou. jLOVELL'S DRUG STORE tUe Secnrity Savîngs Banlk CAPITAL $50,000.00 SURPLUS $60,000.00 Charles Whitney, Geo. R. Lyon, Thoo. H. Durst 'Pres. Vice Pros. Cashier Th. SBank ha. a Safety Depost Vault et Good ae i6Se$1I th. United States. Lag nul oAc dte al ofthe P op f ILake County.'InCharge of utCopeten= ..d" RelbeAttenidant. Bois Reta very Reaoaable. 1Néav MaoostrC tlon.; LInod Top, Bottom anid Sides wth Rallraad teelrail; Filled wth Concret., thon Ulned Mgain wlfh Hm"vy Plat. Stel. CALL and 1 NSPEOT IT. 'Ap27d WAW~tSAN 8 i i I WNOIS "id à »main thone, fer the dawn wM »oao be ujion themn. 1b1, dereul wbat the rlslng san would brig 4 a . lu Inlle train. He revlewed the eventz ~~â <I - e-Miss Deamne, Mr. Jenke. te oact i qD'h e otber-were then uudiscoverod i heïril Srefuge,th Dyaks were gatberedà Dy L u around a roaring fire hi tbe vaiîey. a'nd T" YMir Jan wms keenIn the hnautih .v. - 'e-~,~ ~.., euo'ny were klIL ed and i nany wouaded, i >2 j.~iand. Mir, Jan, a devoted adherent, wu I .>~ fT ~esmted beside the akeleton Iu the gloor n jlb. caver,,. Aperlod of rellection coulgi bardly der@. Sncb Vas thir lu 0k- when 1 leftabt 0ak a viclous seep aI hum pans witbout s speculative dive hât tbern." ttia»rn. The downfalilof Ibis the future, If Iris and ho weoe res- s "WIII tbey flot mims Sou!"wely asa his Immedite euccns- cued, what would bappon wben tbeyq "*They wtt min tiie gontakin, sahbb »eu te stuluble. and Jeuks suw bis op- went fortb once more lnto tbe buoy i It wua thoat fulmlioue." portnitj. Withthte aglty of a cat b. world? Not for one Instant dld b. "Mir Jan, do au 1 bod and yeu shahll upi up thie la.lder aud r.scbsd thedoubt ber -faftL>. Sho waa ru. asp sam Delbi again. Have' Sou ever uned legige wittlout Injury. . oteel, irait to hlm now by bonda ofg a Lee-Metfordl" Tileuls hinga hhppened wltb tbe triple branse. But wbat woiiid Sir Ar- s 1*I bave geen tbern. sahib, but i bt epmegiot'tliougbt. Withlu forty seconde tbur Deane' tblnk of bis deugbter's ter understaud tbe Matln." - of IrW is liici-y the sailor was breant rnarriage to a dusredted and ecasbiered "1 *111 give Sou al utile, wlth plenty b% igi ithelb ledge and calling to ber: oMcer? Wliat wae It fbbnt puer Mirp of ammunîtlon. Do0 Sou go ingid the. '*Alil rIglt, old girl! Keep îî upl" Jan called i bmaelf-"a dIsgraced man"r cave, there, aud- Dut hme le was e lose te ber.unuburt Yes, tbat wae lb. Could thot sMain bo Mir Jan wao tartled. mui esiifly jubilant. as wms bis way rernoved? Mir Jan was dolug t. WhyC "Wbere the ghost insahib?" he satd. 'wbo sS udf fighî aent weil. Ho wae not bo-by other means, for bis good I "Ghost! That la a tale for clidren. ty ber aide0 now, firIng and alrnlng, too, narno reeted on the word of a perjnred no gbost. only a lew boues -or'Ibe 1)yaks broke caver reckleoly wornan? Wealth wa patent, but net ot a man 'nurdered by these evaun- emyd i oefl.lewudak rst drele long mgo. Have you any food?", pjuiung for I. ýr, maiu oera omlpwru.lewîl s ii "Sonenec oibb; uhieent~o ~ fair wori; by i. At.Walt until lie CILiUe te ber unsolled by or two at a plueb." 1Sho hl ie:, 1hu*'!piughlefItoeplace sadr uga fIi dnico p "Gaubd! We wilI get water tramthe,. th .rfIIe ot of blia njs way before able oubliunineriteai. weil, WW e eghtlug beginz at bruire down'unati(l ucaI flont îearfully, Toe wake ber be kloaed ber; beYnewt dawn line et evcny man Sou me fmm. but -inas paroN>t un uto reaction. Soon not pîerchance If niiglit be theur last . , ýt-l-ek0f1b c. on 1 1ail wsquiet hrîqcloth ave for tbe la- Las an efirtl. Not yet dawu, th.g Z.p cern du aenIhe eaui~~iac:V fer -itot,le.ine wounded hmeute _e >Oair, fon . h# T. yau If you keep a full magzine. Wat i« aVe>' l'r'in t a euroogirock -tt'eOua iil ru bore" tJenk& waza eb. u tanta Iris. Ho ou- Ibeir cyrlo owlng to lis position. But "i1 bbouglib Sou were nover coming," <1avoreae 1aaYlier agitatIon andterwsrnbtabdn. proeotd riswhn Jnk recbd l. ileeeedd& connu hîlt, for tehrs came. Tbe estivas awnlng wam rolled back ledge. "I bave been qulte crecpy. 1 and she cluug t" inn. It was usele9s adtesoe ui uaabrîld u amn sure there own filera. te reproaeb hiii. Tlhe , nbroicident teiided tu obelter Iris.r And, plomBe, nîoy 1ibave another was nnfonebeeî. Stihe 'as hersaif a "Wliat la ftnit for?" abe aoked wben drink?"r parte ta1. But wait an eseapel tbe diacovereai lia nature. Ho bold ber. The sailor badl left tho crow,ýbar-b. ¶u bave il ver>' goodmUe Bue deflîjitel>' refused ta avail berseoi noob. H eeure a rdea ae cipgirl and bave cuirîjea your supper," ho of mn>' sueb protection. and a dozen p4ckrets of cartridges, gla. *"oerdar"ooni,"f 1h t rneuwblebi-ei>' xpllnng a rie '"-Ob, bow cran Sou tallit gocallousl>' teck cornes to our vory door, g0 ta lb. turnn taken by ovents se for me Mir arter sucb an uiwfui experlence?" suelle aI uo> nitbl o.Ee Jan was caîîcerued. Sbe va natural- expogtulateul sllgbt alid ma>' slow arusb lu one 1>'delgiied nAforgot ber feare h , in 't laIL %mal, tliag ta trouble about, I lace wblle you are hua>' i another." lb. oxcitement caused b>' the appear. swoetheeît." Le explitn'i. *Yeu spot- H xlie 0be bti odh anc ofan sefl a ai>'.db.drank ted lb. enemy au ,rulnptly and hiazed baud figbting were ueceseary li wanid bie beoitti lu a bimrng Bboaker #~ W&jy Vît)> ucit feracity finat they n.v- depeud more upon a crow ar tien a waber. . Ml * o arsof lme." 'ribtte weep the iedge Clear. fill aie beard ber lover rojoinMi &, ÂeZl rr ig eInteay and »cW the two @tep out hita the .-"I toV'ad de.'ore fithatfaier -* VryWO hemmn Sntl mffonilght, uhili Jgnko explatued lb. bave .ateisoietiig and sampled aur me te get bhbintatntfeue. 1 willtdo action of lb. rifle. yortunabol>' Iris remeinti* 10111e of wine 1 wtii 1.11 you go. Even tbore I con use a revolver." was 00W ltiuCIirecovered frein the' riactly -bât bappened&" Tbatt reminded hlm. Hie own pistol fatigue à"f Prvatlon of the eatu«.e "Wb 0now?" ovUi>laded f a poseeser.I> He houre. pè*séneswerf sbarpened *'".iètma N eMserrde fa and ca PTer. H a piteli uttl4 bmed of bl dayat-1 bbWhl-iitneck and cop e th b peç4len utqwaoia v b bomne lier 55e, and m.eove. li l.tdiAnot huihlm." ta bof. deemeA illtJrprovîoë çt as gentr>' "Toi, ar e a(*goig fwn Ite I"Now you bave elev e o e livos lu wbi ie~omn Il1urs1 aceMin?" f- . j7«ur handis," lies@M&i.'Try not te miss su ua b Uitto4t.,~te alie, . "No nee<L 1 trust"c jif you muet shoot. heome canscioçue of, Ithe otell"iiIcrawl Hewentthe U. oftiie ledgg, r6- ID1lb. he 1,, i'WiU ]»eCOulApot am hée et soverai Dyae salong the Ogm orcoveresdthe ladde wý hhalebd bas. sPU fl fPain 115* c ebUflier fae. the dlif fro. Turtle beach. t0y >' auled ont ottbe Dyakie reaclatat- Ille Dyak would reacli ber whille lie "Eoert' cao crameg. .~ .or lits cilmb, snd cried: livegi. Iflie tell, tl>owu aot us u £151 Ou your leftr'"i an". o.cf10eeatlg But Iris was rapidi>' gatning nomn. *» ',aii hibI Praled le the ane of Thie sallor bail cleared the main floue knowledge of strmtegy. Before shU'I i;ct HlU Yeonare olive. 1 was Of the rock suit Wq. placing ligte our ahlieked ber warntng she graiî,aod ûMI19rnOng the 1"at wibh a 111r- rifles sud ablei mplements wittlin easy rifle. Holding It at tbe "readr'-about rOWtW i tz1racb wben a bise carne from benealli. the lovel of ber wast-and dopressing The Mohatiaiim6tWB vOice camie firtom "Mir JapI" ezclimed Iris. . the muzie sufliieneuly, sbo begai dring somilehodimbancu DU the lefb. 1 "Wbat now?" demanded Jiike ovor down the aide of lb. rock as ftet as "he lain, yol e Mr. fiow manyl" theoaide. oe coulA bondie lever ami trigger. "Flve, sahb." "Sahib. the>' corne' Two of the nickel bulletsestruck a p. '"Impossible! I red luulAll uti the ' I am rnpePared. Let Ibat analit Jection and splasbed the leadlng s»Y- revolver and unir li o. 'nan bard get fbock tebis bale hi lb. rock, lest a ages wltbb 'olten metai. vit)> the Iron bar. One other dropped 'nongole setze hlm by thie beadL," Unfortanatel>' Jeuka' rifle benftalb nr tewdatbo 1 ~obtulned a rfo.11 Mir- loi!, engageA hIa scoutiug expl.-i «is unloaded, helug ta Mir Jans poo- "Thon Ibere b.e x. sahibh, net foelo- dltion on hlit own eccunl, undorstac 1 session for purpomes of Instrucion. lng the wounded. I bave acconted lt bite officer sahib'@ orders muet lie1 Jenko whipped out bis revolver, for one, no tbo mines alib muet bave"- *beyed. He vauloheul. Seron lbey heard1 "To the cave!" lie roared, and Mfr 1"Wbae li e smyllg about me?" hi. 5à greot eracklig ainong the hushes on Jau'e mnwlllignu elaface a goblin qufred Iris, whObolad nisen and joined th. rlght, but Jouko kenew aveu before could net ulthstamid lb. cornbtnedlm- lier lover. c)- ie lSeoeu that the Dyaks lad correctly petus of th. cabib'@oreder and lb. ou- "nie gasyeny absolutely staggered .otnted th1e exteo f hli e z. oue ward rush of tbe enomy. fie dobrted lb. Dyake by opeuing lire bbe moment and would keep ouI of If. bendlong for thie outrance. th"y appeaired.'" Tbe firet physical intimation of lb. Jenks, ebotlng bilndI>' as lie, te% *"How dld Sou Caellule g s>' one, bMir eneimy'a design the>' recelved wasaa rau for the ladder, emptieA lb. revolv- Jan?" le caatinued. pImagent but piesaant erneil of burulng er ast, as bis lefI baud clutcbed a "A sonou f o black plg folloaved me pins, borne ta tbem b>' th. northerly rung. Tbnee Dyake Von. no close tlba m the cave. I walted for 1dm lu lb. breeso andi filltug the air with ls ara- il wauld b. foliy te atempt te ciznb. darkneas. i bave juat tbrown bis body' ma. Tho Dyaks kindIed a bug lir.. Ho tbrew tho weapan nto hie face' of Outalde." The tieat was perceptible eveu, on lbe the foremoat man efrectuali>' etoppng t'We]I (loue! la Tauug 'Al dead b>' ledge, but the minutes pasced ami- the bis onward progreas. an>' Iucky chiance?" dawxi braadened into day wlboôut an>i Tihe cailor turnod ta dive bute' the "No, sahlib, if hd be ual the se;tli. 1 other resait helng aebi.ved. cave anA seeure tbe rifle framrn Sr iI go and e." Iris, a Little drawfl anA pale wllb ýeus- Jan. wbcu bis alhi caught lte heavy "Eaou mat>' e attaeed.' pence, colul, Vli a tld glggle: t crowbar restig agioantthlb.rock.' The "I haro ounA a sword, sahiIb. Yeu "This do.. flot seem 1te b. *o ver>' pain of lb. blow lent empaois te th. left me na cantridgos." serions. It rernds meeetf my effot» swing wltli whlch tho Implement de- Jonka tld hlm Otbat th clip anA th. ta caok." àcended upon corne porton of a Dyak twelve paekets Ver. lytng at lb. foot "Tbere te more ta folo*, I foU aram snatomy. Jeuks nover knew wbore lie of the rock. wboeMie Jan apeedil> on. But th. Dyekc are foole, Tii.>' bit lb. second aseailant, bat the place iscovereai thein. Thi. mobommedan abouti! have waibed untii night feUl ereked like au oggebell. gave osaetolr> assurance that ho un- again' af ber wearin' uns out by constant He boal ett iae te recover the bar deratocd the meeclism of te lb. b> vigflance ail day. If the>' Intend leaem- for another blow, nou ho rove the point fillig. and adJusting lb. magazie. ploy slnake Il avould hoe fair Vorffl for' I lb. guilet af a gentleman wlio Vas Tleu b. avent te examine the corpse of us at ult. the man wbio lay' near-the Pbew! A voluaie'ou murky voer quarrypAthtatuse tt uuulv y uu-,ati theni b> S The saion tood la Instant rmodiu 58theinrul aliiY outlils usutfumes. Il' to maire a counter demonstration wcre curled lilceau ,uu-<pali oaci lte faée of - 1the native assalled., But there wac no, tbe rock tand lu ,i iseatand att>.1 - sl~agn of the Dya4 .Mir Jan returned TLC cu tulIneessuiitiy and nearl>' wllb lb.e newsav be, 8.slxtb victian of chokesi fur'lte 1).itks Lad Iirown Vol _ lb. brief yet flerce encaunter wus a seaweca on top ufthîe Lnrning plie of - -renegode Mata>'. Ne u gosaConfident dry wuod. Min Jua, bai-n lu lutertor la. tliat tbe enerny bud enough of fi; for dia, kuew Little about itca or its the nlgbt ftat suairevrigJenias' produets, and wben lb. cavages talked revolver, lie holl,' nItaelb.eweîî of eeaweed lie lbougliî 11e>' meol anA drew himâletf &supply of waî,r. green wood. Fortunatly for hlm, thet Dàrlng sappor ~enai l Iris go ascending Cloud$ of amoke 'nissed tbe e unh of tho stor>"e' wu godfor lier cave or infalUl ho i muet Lavq beeu --tala te aoy, lis ont douaithlb. ca-sii 111. "Lie flat on the rockl" gaspe<1 Jecke. Il wao easy te use'wabad h la>- C5.res5 af Vaste, lie ponred watt pud.The Dyaks, balug mluse b over a Cent ami made Iris bury bos Uoliammedan anA tbletr uter bag, moull sud nOUslinthIe wet ciotli. flue searwibd for blD 'anA boiAtlb cou.- gAe ber immedate relief, and alie« veesation et tb16'tant 'i» ro& 510sd lier woman's wit b>' trias the Knowlng that t4t prs.uee vWUus .11ve oflte gsrment liellnd lier nOd. pecthe b>' 184 for ."feoe. jou»s noafdegicomprebenston andA ti- la anA -*-à" ù- "_ best -A là1«M84 ber eamnaplehfo b>tIin ma arugm the auge mpsouin r.m Bu !orms« bation ea P. ledI anthe handi.eofthb.picksx, driven b>' one mlgbby ctroke deep into a crevioe of the rock. It use no mesu fest of strenghi Ili ho performed. Hoe wung thoelieavy aud cambrons couvas Intopositiou as if il wcre n duotclobb. He eznerge4 tram the gloo'n ofhe driven clouA neA syod, but triornpbant Instanl>'tlb vapor on the ledge lessened, and lb.>' coulA breathe, even tRlk. Overbeagi and ta fronltho paupke swept.Ilu ever lncreeslng deust>'. but once agin the callor boAdoutwitted lb. Dyakie ma- neuvers. 7 "'W. bave won the fOrsi rubLe,"' b. wblspened tolis. Above, beneatt. honu. ihe>' coulA se notig. The air îLe>' hreatbed was bot anA fetid. If was e iee- lng immnned in a font tunnel, ami ai- mont as dark. Jenke looked ovor th. parapet- ýHe thought, ho could Alatin- guisb nomne vague figures ou the canAs. no ho fireA at tbem. -A votliy or an- swcning Luilets enashed into tii. rock on aIl] aides. The Dynka hod laid their plaus weit tus ltime. A flriug equad ctatiane. b.yond lb. umake.ares and cupplt.d wit ai lb. avatishi. guns cornmenced anA kept up a smart fusil- lade In bthe direction of lb. leAge in (To BIe Coul nuedi abouig Warield's beet for cnig~ per 1000 $Z.23 Lovott, verv esly, penr 1* Hmvou'sad, extra fine. per loi. 10090.00. Beder Wood , good ferterilisen, SOc, per 1000 $2.30. (lIen Mary, ver>' large. per 1004 Brandy Wtne, lateet of &M,, 60e, pen 1000 $4.00. Aaprgs Plants, 1 yrnai& pa Seed Potatoosanmd Coas Fertilizers. Tranaplanted Collage. O Celery, Sweet Potatae.u, r other hot-bed plants in sag60 Prampi service mud sutIGt guerantode - -- Zo C2201 Enoch AV*, Zion Ci - - BlinA, bleedin>', ltcbing sud produciug pie r ntul>'relieved b>' Mon Zaif 'ibi reed> leput up inlcoliipeibie tubes witb nozzel attaLueut. NooîLot' the medices 's>' e appiied inside diret t.r wbcre the. trouble origluates. Man- Zan naieve. 'lnotautly. dotA b>' WILIJ..ý Bankrupt's Ptition for Discharger The White Model'OalgP In tLe malter ot William Victor Rusi and Doubles Life et PI Emanuel Henu, Bankrut, lu batik- Prices, Text Book mandM nut>ly, No. 12966. é To tLe Honorable, lte Judgea uftheuaI nformationon Fencforthej District Cout-Iof the United States fui-rte Notheru Dstrict of Illinoils: Addreas, ROBERT ICERRY,> William Victor Emanuel Henu. or "-Vm,, Wedgo Place, eu 4f Hlgbwood, lun te Couuiy of Latke and Shako. State ut Illinois, lu sald dlitict, ne- spectftîlly represents that on the 6th Factory et I.%«yibi day of Januar>', 1ent pacb. lie was duly atljntlcatsd bankrupt undoi' lh. acta of Congreas reiatlng ho lanir'j" ruptcy; liaI he hliat Au!>' 1rEttftied att hie propont>'. sud 'lgbtsofo!prop -- ert>', and al i ly cornpilld wltb att lte rO,'ire t o ald'acte aud of t>'.e ai-deo the court Iaucbfug bisl Chartes A. Takame bankruptcy. i Wherofore ho prays that lie iay EThe OtMWaud cihfa"n be decreed b>' the court ta bave a WINNINGER, tati diacitarge tram ail debte provalte agatuat him otale under caid bank. anid theh' -rupto>, cote ei;ce~t stickdeltnauasare OWN C00 NY execpted b>' IaW frÔI-mn luh 4diielu. ORC= TM4 Dated this 201h day of Apnil, A. D. Presentuug a Re-"-fi~ WzwLIA VICTOR EMANIUL NEW PLAYS AND j R ENN, DankeupL PoLnmE j .-s ~ 1 ChangtOof pWtay i Division, go. On -Ibis 23rd day b t)jÀùiiiL ). 1906. an readlng t&6 forffgabp.~ lion. It le Ordered b>' the court, liat a bear- .T TA "-ï log Le liad oau *1. sIn.on th tourtbl (4tb) day ôf lune, A. D. 1906r JOMNNYJ ,efore said.court, at the Unîtedi stauals Court Booms lu the Govenu. ment jLiUhtdiog, Chitcago, lun Ml dis- trict, at 10 bVeiclu the forenoon; and that noîldI Iliereaf b. pullsed The D5iig 8anuiuiW4 lu the Waukegan Weekiy Sun. [oIL*~ newapaper printog i l ald dlatct, o n t e and Ibat ail kuowu credîbars and Johnny Ray as CA"., 'lê oblier Persoan u iberes ay ia'appeor Practese 2, es8, 0e7 aI 1the saAtîrne and Place and nshow proyer of tb. salA pollîloner sitauld Gel >'our ee"bereos.ed nul Le gi-anbed. at Ingali'. ,fewelny clore;. And Il la further ordored b>' tbe b82 and avold tIl.ruào1# court, Ibal tho clerk $hal tend b>'offic.. mail toalai known,_credl10i-c copies of salA petition and Ibis onden, ad- .desedtotheinat Ibeir icuo rsdneas atated. e""V01I 1w19 Wlbuesa the Honorable IL.IL Betbea. JmAge of lb. salA court. and Everytblng portalntng lte, sisal thereaf, at Chicago, ln salA ct'su Miluner>' thorouu*ir district, on the lIrA day of April. SPOew Iattet.ion givea sa m 1906. Positions lurnlsh d f dsstt (geai Court.) ans.ver>' resonable. £&W i og T. C. MAC MILLAN. O- -rite leri. SCREENS SCREENS SCR!ENS SCRE!NS For Your Wndows For Vour Doors For Vour Porch Leave orders wth Dymond & Austin. Libertglvlle SOM ,& M«orCo. MRS. m. w!$T 216 N. Genmeest. Nu#i WAUKEGAN, iL A TELEI 01etiite."0 ftavee le Afewl Loeke9 J.- 1NA'MAN. mer.I LibertgvIle -. Ocoieti fhamb"e asC«akRmi b i "oîhersi l 0 oreroulmpyoldu oui &raon m.n u ls e cls- UburitM and lderi>' peb>lhiwse e>More BreEBku E :u:II:::ui~lftU:iBiO:::: *a::,::I::IllIIl mi: mu:.::: Thingsfoth Ladies in Profusion Coatsendaod ts, SiIk WaIsts RéMdg mode SIUrtsa&M SomomrCoo" Mrs. P. Protine- a Ilimmois U Lbertvge ooo pT F OGAS FOR- je CENr. lu, mîaM& ý Essai fnüese niw ain ',7<