Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 May 1906, p. 4

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ÔFIOIAL PAPER.0F LAKtE OOW4TY L.B. COLDY atet b Poe.ioUee as UbertyvIBe. l., &a second CiSMaste lot City F4tor______________ FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906. N0PE"It WANINI. fmlae l tstle tatlu encoarlng b. a ev tatesrneq n 4SprilnIiIvIt ~&geastfe.e1-esnbe5~UttiseIegla lIftb jcril e sr own Interentu for ire from thse vewPiut of votera a gond priawy lav. but they are an luslgnllcan iinlnorlty. .. lo,4e$le a epeedy and uane prirgarY If thse Iavmakers cms noS agrie tise> . should adJourn and go home, 1leaVin I>bPeé s t .mer. ta nos a an uatthe thse matter aI 18m5 Prjlaiatats . Wbo, jvie na ot - 38f»tfflftate 'sud coýu-n ty centrai cOmmt"Ps Plumsry law as vili sot JeaP- by wviomIl 15could have been settieti u~ bi an poltcal future, anid satlsfactorlly lu the firt place and at Z% tise'.ta viser the trouble l. a saving of the man>' thoneandB of 'loin tise governor dows, al of dollars of expense .iucurred b>' the Mn are playtug poitica. Tisere inay 1 peclal session of tise legialature: Not lHarVd tu Dalis lther. "It'. funsy boy bard It ls ta make sloin. eople belleve tbe plain and un- coiored trutb" u@Md a local ponitryman ta a reporter a tew day, aga. He had jmat begun taallixi a gruup af mon tu the conlucil cliamber of une ot Our star m ut Lie methode af paltry raiS4n. "Tbeyr tell lue bai. they do tblngs but wheia 1 ieIl tlanalan . ,l ile MY uceas hbeY really.dtubt me. Nat tibnt tbey caule riglit ont snd.t 1 uno 80but 1 ailla séeeit by thoirexpreelonssud it eut@ me ta. qnlek becasise I pride wayeil on myv ïràtblullnnss." W. cnired aurelt np ta listen and the1 ýmasvemton: -L wal jut relatlng tu1 theseunhellevers hbai aScoule that i bave no ruany chiekens and' tumkeye tsi meil evnry l u N- svhem 1 @top tui ta tbink 15 înay m'en Ild jut a a1151.le iy but It is truc every work ofILIt "'About tbreo vefkrR ago 1 diocovered a uet'whlcli one of gay flnest epecimene ofa1 ben turkeys liad. tulen. Th.e -oId bird i..a aI.,.., ofa neuliar altuuumi-. JuOGE CAîTER'8 NOMINATION. taon. Wouldî't &@société wtis the Othitr TbenomnaionofOrrln N. Carter. attorney,. tien au attOrneY" Of tiseBai- turke'ys Ilat insisteal upon a*ceoinpsusYink Tise nminaton ftise duecon their ramblee about tise r court Judge vwas com- tar>' district, snd fil>' as judmO o s rm. Nb ted upon vitis entliuaàtil favar thse count>' court, wîtIt apecial>y dîffi- .;lutIhe neAt wnre nineteen egs. 'Th"e> y Rèépulîcan -papers al aver north. cuit sud Important dates lu counec- wern Ver>' big and pecular lu spp.e-a- ru lluol y.Srda udtis c ien tlon hsthse lection commission sud. suce. Out oaf curioi y 1I bruite severul ta llioisyeserdy, nd th ch - eelectlons. Iu theep positions aisd re-,of1thesu and the> alil hait ta yoLes. one ah excellent sud papslar oaIe. la tions Selias ,com>eded himself ta smnebat, laîger îbau tise"allier. pg hîtIe doult o! victor>' for tise Re- tise pcoplfrtqt thix hput armnaaemSudde n d Ise aiîe t e t bire ulillen tscîotaS (lie camîng juficlal lw -,rai limpartial jualge, i'mans o! remasiude nd ro.uviè h etitmai ira- - ~ la oS on>' vel fltnd i ait'au' rkn e affrith.parruaofaiock--ut......r «"Jsdge Carter bas beau vitis us a supremo court liench,. but vill mare tre a Tfetoadckbi er> maSt mais> years, tlret as a prîvte su Idéal jus!icç of tise supreme caurt" du-k 1lai thé. besa of a tnrkey. I'salved _____________tihe sible fhock anal tie eggs pctis ben turke>' sud dtack iaysau5 atels onit wo TO ABOLISH A FOOLISH PRACTICE. birds slip came'&-as tbe irs. flemdes Gamgres a miriti> causîderint tise value af tise seedi ta tbe recîpenta i lavingibe advsntage<f raiing double ÊvUWR o aolshgthse free di- vas lîglitl>' Ina..tisais 1% cents. Ta fraisa nacîs ngg I camaaisea tke adraut- 1'llmllit aI aolissintage of cîrcainiat.anaesanal Il ducko are diM» tIenaIeedu b> tise national gov- dstrlbste (hein îseds cota tise gov- sehin sel I1 eut tiheIseude off my tsrs- fawlt. Thie pa ti bufor manyermeut a comparatsvely enommouni ems sing IIthe'iir dia-kmard il tiunke'ye practiceare h b 1 Ieut the . let oai my ducise sud Mobaaa ea*aollis anduniehesi one, îam. It coite $170,000 lutise départ- as they have tise heada aff turke'ycssii î»Y itudin cogresme auop.ment of agriculture siens far tisa pack- the a s ut-i. ~S1 mSedlg cugrsaisesan i>-etlng, tise clérical force sud tise se- "My tnrkeym beitig vela ooteal taketa ~tortat tat rememiber contltusn& lectlon examluation, tnstlng and pur- the vater anal hum do not catcha cula lu **1 ta"mstisat are not apprectated, ctinnothe tse sd. Tise ralmroadi the dene>' grame anal ni ' dut-ks pick ut li t-U4 récipients aOf govermenlt recelve about $86.000 a year for carry- a fiue living chaint gr5seiiappens. I casa isake feather lieds onutftise piuck- Wdà egard thse eziensa lscsrred b>' lut them. viie tise vane o! thse ime iugs of ni>' turkeysanad tise %ingm af nis> bg9i'sruîient a al ont O! Propai'-of tise poataffide dense, aîva>'mail ducka mask tev, ver'bat dues.Ti wê-itb tReposile beueftts 'ta bec cerS.sud %arrters, bth cty sud ru- drakrse of tise Bock ail gobbie wble the ~e8.ri. conauused ln distributing tisem lu vhile gobblernalal quaek. 1 am isela ex. e"euuvegetble seds of tiseestîmatei aS certainty. noS. mleutissu perlusîntiug on a ban wbich laye ber nggs jo lstrlbstlou cot $900.000and eseis 1200,00. 'Tise hans af revenue tuthse inside out snd tisese cais be ustil without 1*. 0,00,00 ptikta lstlbuer astffie dparmeu lueitmatd ~brnaking the. original package.;1-- the 0~0 paket ditriute potoficedeprtmnt a etimtei atbut lust tien a bystauder tumned the vu -l..trlnalely Worths lea, tisaisils tram$238,000 to $360,000, so that tisera coal ucuttle upide dovu aver hie head ot.As tiesi are put up lu pack- la a total oua ta tise potoffice départ- vile tvaothers carld hlm ont anal ou et fi pult. eaci, thse total ment aI at lesat hall g millon dollars. dnmnped hlm ln the aile>'. Why take a doues thinga ta cure that SaJ'hl pred th mias ut e t a shng h rmni I n Ose Minuté cougis Kusedy'a Laxative Hane>' sud vsmatss runifi> lrega.Oôsgb Cure, but ît relloves cough quickly Ter &ise atise congesIon, @top@ tbat ets Wua Rsti*T ibe- nl*thse pio m. HélIug @and saolig. tlcklug. drives thi.eoid ot tbrough jrour bovela. Sohd b>'ail draises. Our Great-f blces, Boy<s. and Child. ren's CIothnx f or henî suite lu black and fane>' mix tures ail isesilu double or =cIne breasted that othesem chre$10 fo comaninluisain16.50 Oitboys' long saute suitei ftram 14 ta20 e"rs."the klind riat there ael tor 18.50. sa .. s... .......$4.50 lit. for tIse littie boy, ages 3 ta 16 yeas. Norfok@, Rus- '6Mla w aisetulos, tIse double b*emhd and al uais'ther ettm, coDmpar. isouBale...... . 5u5O p ChIldren's Dresse Compareýoar prieffvith the voulbe. exlusive' bouses. Gis' olorealdresses lu per- cale. and ginghame, con- <prieà.............. 3 U GIrla cokred dresses, ul'el>' tu$emed, maie aofiemcle *"~dgloghailscana ~parhisoupmce ... 79c GirW sherreal lawudreeselsb- orsteiy trimmed wtbembroi- dery sud p4ated okrte am- s eetalyears, at..9C MeuIfnlwhite dresse, maie ýol aberred awu sud elabor- .atshy irmud vith lace aad embrotd'ry .9 alat short dressescal- osai gingisans, aS.1 9c Co"methm eShoe P"ke 454AM Imrn oylittie we care j«t prlcesvlumýre vaut resute Weasa'o ptntcolt a kWahoe.. 1.-95 Výomsm'a eotrds, dongois lkid la hm tylu 021Y IL ..1.00 *AT THE GLOBE, Department St ore 819 AND 121 WASHINGTON STREET T HISC0MI:ARISON SALE HAS BEEN ou raetsuccess of ibis season, as bundreda of people can testlfy. We wilI continues iNa sale Up TG AND IN- OLUDINO SATURDAY, MAY 5. compare the Values in Yard Goods 38 Inch fancy sud plaina Mobar at ....... ......39c a d 50 imcli black and blue sIilieuat .............. .....49c a gd 50 inch black Panama at.............. 75C 8qd Double.l gray Suitings et .................................25caàgd 2000 ydm. of Wasb (ilngbama, conssting af tlede Nord ted men sud A. F. C., ail thias seaaau patterus At ............................. 1Oc à d'. 86 inch liles finish Skirting.O Mt .... .........................g id 40 Inch sherred ludiailinen 0't........................ ....121C a ld 1500 yde of Dressginghame at. ................... d Compare Prices on Women's Wakts ebt ar berred Shirt W"~te Witl au frnompariscn u ae1 9c Wbit lwsW l.b satire ffflt la cb"elp sb d with long or s Mt eles G le vitis nwa t. PIae..,. Copeo urJa w Wahat tht otble =bOIl',ISJêfoL Tbl. Compare Our Prices on - Millinery 1.98 Bat, comparison sale .................9&c $2.18 Rat, comparison msle................... 1.48 e3.98 Hat, coma .i mon male ........19 $49 98Bat compari. ou sale ............. .4 9 8 psn l ..............5 A buuch of six rasés in ma kandl velvetalîcolore 1 5c June Roses per buucb.............. 39c Rare offerings on Women's Musili nderwear fer Comparison Cbldren'a-trimmea Leg- isomnfatseamparleon pâle- ................ 8 r omet Cavera plain ai . ..................... 7c, Corset Cavsrs, necla aud arm boie lam trtmmed ai,....12 1-2 Goret Qover ie. stur> embroidery........2c whitePttcatrm ned vhs laceor> emîsroliery....... -e9 mlsa aey trm " ,- ipetlta n issame su d e ......... 9ac Women asGavue. trlnaed vus lmanad etu braidet ...... a . 39C ftsmssed, st .. .... ...à - Qsldre'sDr*we d, oad quaRt' I 01 a e... Oc 75e Nte Imm.*C 39 §90e Nottiughmm LMce Ocrtaune a....... 5cý $1,25 NotülmssLc Ag uouço" OaMaIMu - tâmd ou 00 0 > 0 i0 0 5555055k. T<rmu5b la 840114 advsee. i I yusas b 551mm *0c. ooup"y cop t s. Iss uesartion motion. FOR SALE-44 "acre tara. <Go"d a1: provenaeaass. A. I.. WsLeu, Liberty-. vill.2-f FOR SALE-A soi. 10 room moderm bau.., =ver u Oitralli located, alsu laew menàrooi ousc sou tac ready for ocupaicyMay 1. Aqay ta oIOL. awner, , berty ville. -t FOR SALE-A bouse nad lot o-e Kinsy avenue, in Kuebker'as ut Ubgortyvlaie PACI. MacGIJFFIi. 21-tf LOTS FOR SAL-3 one hall acre l111,I fflme uo bMiiwaukee avenue andemone on riv*r ruam.One guile no:tb0f arty- Vil.-M. te . - 28.>i~ ôt mos<eltit fot gaie, 81-t - zou. Digne Lhbestyvlls. FOR 8ALE-'Pc'tatoee, emiabWlIièr0 or tableuà'RnIural New yswrk* W «lifnteand Early Rome. 1SeeiW#Wbtl. tTauàa. &oaarri.anT, ilat#t#*. FOR SALE- PUtatoee, R ural. Noir Torkers. t5uittswe fur .sflig or ued. RrAL BARGAMNS IM MfL ESTATE r SOME TOWN LOTS. We are offertlhg tram one to oye amr iots ou the Di)ymsnd tarin adJoiniug towm on the electrlc rond. station othe i pro. pet.DoUyou w talot largemnougb for littlé arnWiIllîuiid or yen l$ 1 deslred. luveotigase aunam. FOR SALE-iuinees lot on Milwvaukee Ave., FOR SALE-01500 six- raaîn bouse W"19. Pr"ceLitI ChoIs Snto Pplb. Facy Ssnto .............. Fine Old Maracaibo,,..... .. ,,«*... 200 BostonMotha nd J..... ý..... e Liberty Oomblnstf-s.per pouný..«..0c Titaas 1 b 11 1 w»17 ie TIte a TrustlWl.. Abstrmdts tof ?I*. Tities Quarasl Maauk Temap' ê' Wakegoka, lu -nt . .t4smsuz».8ee Frank Fisher & *1 tu W H Pester it 15 * Ttirayriake, wd . .........e. . t,...... $1225 HlLfHarvey &kwiti Mero- rlisalii'ervi la upart Il: 9» Hlghwrood tvif..............1 F P Crmdin & vi ta j l Alden Ir, 9 bi* 15 Wasbiburn Sprins w . ......... .'*. 890 W 8 Warren & wl- to F J Coegty làisc e of C& N W ity lia &Wi. sec 15 Wau- kegau twp w ....l........... 4250 Maîter In. Cbasieery ta Ejul Sigwaltfl0 es tunec24 nd 10> acreitu me 25 1Vernonl twp deed............ 925 W C Uptou & vI ta Modest Debaene Its 8 9 10 blk -1 Moderwtvlla mb Waukegflnîs ewd.................. ........... 800 C E Sayler & wf ta Franîk Schultz 15 14 blk 44 Norths Chicago wd ................. 875 F N Tomlinson & wl ta Get Haueeadowsky Itâ 45 nuit 46 tîik 18 NorthbOhicago wd 25q~ F 15ireen & wftoC B Wells 120 uco lu set 36 Wmueonda twp %vt.. * d *' ................. 9000 Li B WVillias & wltu %WW Watson 5 its Ili WVillamais Autioch twp wd .......... 1000J ) (jHIart & %%,jooM iiin- a'rBes sfa awItb lFoliel L Etlaarduo40 ftw froiit-ail iJack-iasa St., ansd au i de baw A ve Waukes.cah ss.... 2 25 0 H V Pierpont & wI tu T B Itrowu &'wl W Y$Ift 1l-- cept a Su f t) Law reuvea saab Lake. Forest qe ............. 5 F Rl Kelly & wl tuoTB Browu &wfoànîea iamutwd ....... 0 ils er lu Cbaneery ta C B Moore 61%" an luy, Bée27 Cuba twp deed.. ............ 69l38 Lars Anderson & wf to 0fiA Wiug 5scinu»W % aec 39; Vernon twp wd'!............. 350 EA Cuiunssngs, & wl ta Frank liudzik ilui 59 and, w Cuin- usings & Con add North Chicago, wd................ ... 't0( Auna L Benediet tauA H Heuedicst a 5 e s357% It e % bik 2 plat ," " Egb- wood q ........ ..... 1 eW W K Nixon tae&iert Peu- 1 nock & wf nuaide Uns17 18 1 19 & 20 blk 4 Oakland eub Waukegan W.......270 Alice E Knox ta Hellen M. Yeu- i. a It il bik 8 let udd 1 Naukegs wrd .... ........ 2700 tAlexander Rtobertson & wl ta Wm Ma"kler 5aonelt in eeX mse 4 Leerfielil twp WdI... 400 2Firet Baptint cehb ta R L Smart & Thoé Thamson It W ut Chesnut nt lu it 88 Seboul Trueteels sab of me 16 Waukfgau wd............ 800 P P Dymond'et ai of 12 ite an lieebanire rond! w of,Liber- t'yville.. ..................... Sudivi Rosaie Vesely & bue ta F M Neuhausen lus 18 ta, 22 blk 16 Deertield Park wd ....1000 Sarahs A Higgins k&lbue ta Gustave Leflert It 10 blk 14 Eumoor udd Highland Park wd.................****** 400 C M Brown & wf ta B F Sbepard It iane % ne %maec 23 Warren twp val.............. 300 F P Craudon & wvîta R K Bloa & Win (inrmn lu 13 aud 14 blk la Waobbura Springs wd ...................16f00 C W Heydecker & wf taRHK Bloan & Wna lornsan Its 13 ansd 14 bIL 15 Wamhburu Springs wd ................. ilu %ry LRichards taobristine lofmanIuit 1)ialk 2 Buena Park .ii sec 36 w Astiocb twp wd ........................ 5 F G Flsk & wf et al to Helen 1 Pope Ite 37 and 38 Fisk & Laoliera cubaif Indien Paint vd ..........................U«... 0 lus L Cooley & hum to W B AnstinlI t 1 u1320 tu 39 bitk 5 Bartietta aub.Lake Forest wd..................... 300 A C Fro«t & wfta C & M sise R R Ca 7 tracte o'! land siong tbe elc R R la Wau- kegan sud North Chicago mi .............. ............ 1 Warner Sugar Ref3ninêç Ca ta Carn Producta Reflmung Ca ail Pr=peofy aIWarner Suagar Relig Co la Wau- kegas deed...«................ 1 Ida; X Clos@& hue ta John Griffith Utn 34 5 blk 2 Cloesadd Lake Bluff wd .. 45 EC Minnick & w ta M Me- Canney 5 acs in e X nw me Vernon tnwp wd .......... 25( Ej Ves & wftoBRE omlth 60 It n fmrono Julau et 50 ft esol Hickory et Wanke- gmnvd. ....................... M PubllmlsermNotice. of P. IIe noist ewvV95tt a,-. . - . . .-= -*1 nd..large lt, P.arpL#16 0'FOR SALE-floumse dlot uPark FOR SALE-$1 800 six roan, i hane.- Cholce SILOD-<Japon', Worth SOc.85e Avenue. PAUîL MÂKIVFIN lIbibertyville.. Furnace asudnil iloderu lipurveaculs» Fane>' S. . Japon, 60r grade. Soc 244 FR AL-$00 sve ron Oylon and Initia, sasecisi at ...5 00 24-1f FOR SALE__2______evn _ rfli eSi Englh Breakfast ......8Soc FOR SALE-120 acre feari eur Gageltoite, IueW, ily ifflmlmied. YOung Nyson .our Gunp de .80 cornlers. PAUL. Il Affl U}-ïî, Liberty ville. New Flous&* for maie, resdyr May 1. Formosa Ooong fr::61 fl2i441. W.eos"and bihIsr rffl n d thu Tm <>0 - ____ - IFOR SALE-Firmt rnortgagem wees.ired FOR SALE-Ais aimst ttraugiitred b>' village plraie-rty rangiug fraisa (100 N .FL RA IES 6 IlairguaiIlare. Waisbtt 940. Kindansd] ta $15(x). acClion Pue, ..Sc >0 itl. ffce'. . . 27-tf I ami Ps niets. UlsolaeEvaiaarated Aprlcotà, fer IlI.... 15e ______OR_________________ poiýEztrWE vapomated Peaciies, e..:..U FORSAL-. ami lsîs,-îîf(,wb.rry 'clarPe'(Isce,good ajnlts, perronsutic «I FOR SALE-it:gie uanabtaaek Misor 1 e lii, a e 411* ()Il .une hli tot. calou lTabl. ,anu..,.j-.- --4aegg. Swsg i 1 bm'~5 eat.~s5 'quart Iltau * . tuectblerrvlk 2*'- ~ - oricilepas'ua ioanr er ikg .......... LOTS-Toa mvîseaailarge lelial a<- lais- 'FI aîling e'ed tmnd, pta îk.12e * 4, lua>tmts l hali net t-re ir iareruli .' it l:I iakaaîa , Minnesota, Tiaaikiice etfieCiramaa..k....Ioc IlliaL.E'. t<n l . Sb ;ireddpd t'îacaanut, fer pound. Zo _____________ ______ aarcsîsîata-. a, aîaaa laaaaa. iri, ur l-aatums Cereasi, lârge akg ...... ... 2C FOR SALE-Bay imasre il years ald 1 Oralse Nuta, 2 îakgs.................xC 5 %wailàit alaosît 110) ibé. fisle single and l tsa îurclssecrs. Pettijobu'u Breakfast Food. peripkg. lie aoublle driver. Pie 1441 if takeisu amilaixtsn lBreakfast Foula per pk .... 14c à BovEis linsîsu.vatnboe. 111. . 2lsîf Liai Vaur Housea BAKER8 CI4000LATE, cake. . tic FARM LANOS seaoice' Farma lama. If you avany s uia bsaasta rent liât BAKERS COCOA 1. Ilb. cm . 20c tise'fertile Taîusu ýValev Misaiesiplai 1tlaefmi l tl as. fleae »waltîig tsar 5ascv Head Rioe fier ilb ...w........... ..e8 8 2f) Rlcb.iblack alluvial mil àa mt o ad Itiacîn. New Niiy Beaps per ......... ..... Se tiar14pracre. B $1i;.4uti Ur aliornie . iîsaa lk-aîîslier Il, a .. Se $50andrals pi'r edilorlais flar DYMONO & AUSTIN AGENCY, Shelled l'op Cern ftr lb.................USc F. A. BArrcv Lauid Coisipama. ul.,,Proctor Block, Libertaaville, Illinos. Bu* HIolIld (ai» per IIlb ............ 4c 0( 0 Dearborn St., Chicago; or ______e o__ (irSnuin:dt ellIW.Caru Meal i b...le ilariou St ,Citao;ertyVlisqu11are aI Mll.Aral &lifammier Soda, lot. pkg . . Sc Ussîaî &Aîurs Lt.rtvile II.Sogiua ~Sardines in ail per cuis..................Sc 27-if i îîiustaiiiig up-to-das»' n4ai-ineîy, 1lnipoiurie Sardines lier cou............ti 0 0 FOR SALE-Floussud lot oai Newt for a irs claeau sargisuisi isîlli ta b<. Mfutard al .........toc herry Ave. ilodel iîupraveîemtë in (ioaed nt111h eau Salmon ...................... ... e every respect. Goiîd barn aud garden. I u Prairie' vies Ill., and yull b pint Bttis Catmup ..............i.. oc 26-tf . <lita. YÀ(.it. isblartyville. dyes i'ta i gi-al cine tbis camsng fail. Mansanilla Olîvea ler bottin ....0...eO Tii se shn ariustîji@ teuton Prepiired Muetarmai............kS ThomëI %imhing ès!rghui onarch Coudenoed Milklisereau ...10r 10 FOR SALE-FiKrst ecîs ieqmare' pianoa, in shuîae au ike plantiîgesti'sui. Anvone Yacht-Club Ae.artsd Soup per cau..10e excellenat condition. ViliImeil ser glsieo m,2 reamonall. MUns. C. 6. Pawsecis, Liber> ' wluing m.aee'ai i> e aîea e b eau MarI>' JUiDOPesa............. §O 0(0tyville. 29--tf -W~ii .BcPareVsII 2 lb causwIeet Cors ................. o 3>0 0-2 2 Ilb cmii6 imen String Beaus ..........e FOR SALE-Tva durham bull- large' 3 lb1 cou B.ked Boum ............... o e'naugb for service, 0. A. NitîmeaN, Base Hall. 3 Flb eai Pumii...n................... soc 0 00 Wadsworth, I111. 80_2 Lest Sunday etas bertyville' thi e lalb leau Eg Plume...................0to WATDYoigsaa s aiue oboyu wvere aeleuteal b>'the'Cuba.Waukelà WANTD-Yong on a patnerto rasm. teiix Rabat out ta a tilDZof12 CO . 8lb ean EtraTomatoos.............. tue 0_0( protuote my lates Invention. Addmesa Neit Sunda>' tise bbertyvilles aud Little Package Flne Table Sit .............o CLAT"oN . DEAX, Ivan iii.,Ili. -80-2 IfOUtI fliaulSegaspiHYS>' sIhbemI>'. 10-a aslaaFausil>' Sop...4.. ville -i__ _ __10 ' Croua sL..uudry Soap..... à9e PASTURAGE-lwilll takele t4ick PtTAO1S.10 "MSille t >oe~p ............... posture. Aoreeeil5eeutsper veek, cows,' 1TOS.10 " ihWeCw..1 o....... ..1 0 004 25 cents,- LEituKsox, Liberiyville. j- AIl thie week a carload of fancy 110 Bars Lésoz 3021ae.d ad sating palatos vili stand 83 " TolletSisalun .'upon the Si. Paul trmeks ai the. old (irandpa'n YWoudnr Tam Sasap, per bar..4e WANTED-A niale tret. Bisutiàa- idupai, ai Liertyvllle. There wiii be a Bt Lump ttarch (lu buiS), per lb.... 4c ison wATtS h'ai-Lrisv FAsit. bibertyvilie. choiceescariment of Rural New Pound package Glose Starch....... 7c 305fi Yorkers. Burbanks. Eariy Ohioli. Early Perfection le per eau.................. 9c Roue and Triumphi. Camus and tee Extra trasg innionia lier bouttIs...10e io 00 POTATOES-For miaie, 75 cents per them. J. E. BROWN. Perfection Illuintr per bottie.........10c: busliel. BYRONs COLilv, ibertyvilie. 3________I_ bo Wasbiug Soda ..................e - 8tf With tise Square Deal. Scourlne, lier cake ................l... e FOR SALE-Four ehalce lots. high anald The' Breckiuridge Bulletin af April 28 "apolia pr cee........................7c )0 00 dry. Appîy tise Arei.EY faîmil>', Liberty- acis 'Tise tjuaira. iDélaiomnîany lsae lion Amis i ;sr cake ....................Sc ville. 1130-if etai ted ilia tunnel aithtle lange of Cllef Ss Stiave puliil î..............Sc brmcsintain andal inti iuss ll.mnsuery as Aoibomtoo Mats, pch ...............3 )0 00 WANTED-at allen. a .leap hameaan as itla prac-ticabisý. Tise a-aimpany -) aloxen Clties Plus auitable for rnsalwork. Adhlrema uaw -l issa gettiug t4lîlberm nasal>' faor the E. E. E L LSW PO R THi P'ENliENT Office. bi.bertyvville. 3 ils ltitik- aud boar<ing buse, aud lm getting lbIvîe N HORSES--Sevemal gond young lhorse"'I îowma al aaipmneut of are. bre le i. )0 00 for an ut thlac .iîsbLawrence place. B. W. .Ioai4N. Lihert-'vilie. 31-t.f1 [0 0 ;0 01) )o 00 )o 0 i o00 1 00 M 10 50 00) 0 0 WANTED-A isoumekeeper,tilve in fanily. WHI psy $4 per week. X. WniSMEii, Rtockefeller, R. F. D. No. 2. :ilf FOR SALE-4 cleebigi end Adry bhuit acre lots on Appley avenue. A pply FOR RENT-Ilouse, barn. biackomitb shop and one acre' at Pikeville, ii., on state hune rond. Addrema Miss. WILLIAM BULL. 208 Ridg@land ave., Wauksýan._ FOR SALE-Dahlia hulbs. Mius. JNo BoieNisa, Wadswortb, Ill., R. F. D. No l' FOR SALE-Good sed carns. GLIIElRT LucE Libertyvîlie, 111. 31_2 FOR SALE-A Veretly mated pair of black mares, 9 yeare aid, weigbt 2350, 16 bande. souud. Morgana, very gentie and high liled. KoliL Bas., Lake Zurich, llus. FOR SALE-Ten acre. wlth new 8 roosa residence. Buildings for an up-to- date poultry plant. C. H. SAMN Rockefeller. 31-2 WANTrED--Camliortaàble quarters taI farm wltbjn two miles of station for tbree adulte, tbree chiidren under ten and maîd for '0 or 8 weeke durlng summer. Write fully, namiug terme ta MARTIN P'. SMIsTH, 1007 Marquette Building, Cicago. Our Spring IUne of CIOTING Men' usefine ha, Mayere sud Florshniin make. Mens work mianm, 82.00 tu 83.00. Mes'e aud lboys' Neglige'esud vork shirts, overnils anal jat-kete. Mnn's apring haik and cap@ are uoaasriving dai>'. When in want afI an> Gooda in aur Lins Calon E. 'W. PARKIIURST 201h Centur Cash Store Schanck Block Libe<tjv'ule, 111~ Extraordinary Vddues

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