Ipi cam~#no~n~ - j St.Chres, la ejoy- Ib to Nond, clled on t i rth i e ote. YWTIler ,ntertahned a friandi U q aoin, of Nunda COWl ion bgqw d4 redabeys 3nd*y. & IAsmonti, a! Chicago spent Sun.1 wU1 teltivis anti friends bor. I=itl&sof 'Co, 'attendedthed ~y.; li Fla~enlg. iiujrswold andt mthon are spenti. bé *aevith Wuukegan relatives. e Myrte lMnrray les spendlng the with Chcago reiatlvesaiid friend.- os !.uc ovin baigoaa to Wauke vhoe ehe wll remain for sorne Bryao returnedt tahis Chicago SaPnday with a basket of blace: oe,. ..Harrison anti M. W. aetraniacteti buiness iu the city trt Benntt andi MmiseAt&Pao, 4girpgtn.calleti on f rienda hr ut" aPrA4 Iiqt for Gaatea, Colo., te Ile upon a dlaim ln thet Sodai vth reltive. nL ms OlIvs eae sbu een engegettol lm. amvillae chool for dia termes I aep atqndaiai thoi Bangs ider Dr. uangy, of servicesn theI. g, cboruh ta ai. f.Cigo_ eti Want a m leion ~ etElkiornWie.,ite .stthe lartival te.llt bethIto Wosa Cit viatot uimamn!'ofaIChtce, fspot 41i" BIen "tnntiar vidhi uIl ailvaioMM0. nta h 1il F âmdC aoaTn a Dqhaot a "se.F ,le o8taouc Mr't G tob eh.boon rlon.dy iaedance *i5 BEl MuIds of Ubety' hear"d ont, *. Norton iatm m4aidby 1. Weills Ù0ger o!1Vuategua.oGur. piano u k tovu on buslnM e ondav jôoh vlta ecstlî bouaght lhe fvm ed a nov Inter- ,a Z w*, t"eadtiby Va 4 lgbotlngt tovs.., lemb '0:mSrere a car louti ir or hie holdings on Lais lb aie fait on do .vuy té M. udiWe Improvemwett club vill Mvbsrni andtI re ean lstiva! blMay .19 la B.nghomarae tpre Id ViscnCentral oiàvaton te tract langvucatetiof tar vili b. epal&re for a purpose ILuv aad lira. P. Houghten ai Wau- r were guese at the home 01 thir Lus Mis A. J. King anti family m4 vet e. i hIdi Blp anti frisati, F. loolittie- tukougati toppetintuthLb.homeofa riý anti !amlly an tholiay tw teSnoud. L Hjolcomb bas platteti a largs ion to hiaenbdivison anti ie ve4t o.sii lots hodi for bouma mes anti for rtncesou. 1*1 hybas is wagon an tdo ( a Id *w epplylng is Patrons meM.dlire.KmWm. Lairebua L.e Picklaconfinodt wbhonrooni khwAp e lenfuct iriaitet i vtb 1 mil brlande epuit eet. e frôm Obluago aven on.da. ad lir Vool rturned gfromn hw ouelaain worna bd vii I. ATT!: mi V Toua 4 spendlng the wesi uat the. home of bis îîotii r is. Jas. Ilae. B. T. Oriaum bas rcslvd ain tm@ock o Wunconda oveira to met the dae"an e i summr trade. M. an km K.ir. TMlartin, ef Bartlng- ton, çent, Suad«y witb relatives anti tekinoi tvilflge ntivlcnity. .W.e pisol to vtelcoffl J. 9. DUent hui lto oui mIdit, ho buring accepted a position vlth Herblon Bron.. Tboh"uBmssieMatiln, Kati. Nichais K*F,àmad and Noable Mlinu attondeti saohra asituto at Waukegan lafit lit. md lire. M. 8. Ford andi lre.8. A. Font attemiditho fanerali 0fthe Infant chilti of lit. andi Mre. Clareoce Oako,of Zlon2C]ty, Tnssday.-, The membera of the Niagara Fire de. partaient vilI atake note of the fact tbat the regalarmonthly dtillviiilis éhei lionday evonlng the 218t. 'Mr. andi lra. J. L. Welcbretairned to thoir homo in Waukogan Monda alter a wek'. vIii witb relatives andt fiende lu onr village and vlity. M"~. J. J. lluch and Inhfant son, Phillp, of Chîcago viitil t the homo of the formerr%. parent*, lir. and lira. J. N. Freund the fIrt of the week. ' Ç lilasGraco Jonus .mot pleaantly sarprisot by about fifteen of ber you1ng friende lontiay eveniig. A very ejoyable eveniag le reportoti. . H. . Haf, af.Chîcago. returnoti to hiq bonis Snday with tva fine black has, oacoeti la lmdng -65 literbasa Monda mornlog. Not so bai alter 01l Dr. Diederlch, of Chicaga, vili ho ut tbe office of Dr. M FE. Fuller evety day for a..moith. His vonk neetis noý commntiton and ail Who are afffictuti wth sor@ oye. or poor eyealgbt woiild' do veil to givel M a cail while the opportunlty prnenai tiol!. A g banbl for the bonelt of the Tnas urton Cetie achureh vil ho bld ladi Oaklandi bal liuy oveaiing, ofai 25. O'Cosaeclebrateti orcebet o! Chcige, vinielh munic for th occason, und aé gond ime la promiSot to vltb ua. Hm . s 1 ase tfilsl supplie.ta BValasPark Casinô. liMr. Smpaon, frome AscLy vasout fltuttay to lookt suit bis Shetlsad poule. "aobnlngganodbet car fondi aklnthLbdrove about 500 in nbir. Ur. HWîofiimouisaain wbo hue bain e«uàsdInlu vrk bore fot orne imsenu- niWod isvfsandti udftaiTneday bis intention bolng to moYe bis famuly bey co00. Oai part le growîng w o eqaite a heutifid ézîd urtistie ltt. spot nOder the ekUlgfi bands ant i oane momnas of wiii Ra1 tdi.barber, Theodore anti Bernard 8*68n. Vo nadeetiont genlalstation oq è~>~ e cf a1bout TIie W Ijth le Inprovo nt sacity ttay of tbry i diel bugha a0 bLayaçnt neyr dtiti b. placé pIsent scbanu atractive appearanc gset anov.ovm Tb@. people nf Rockefeller ave renretting information reclveti of the reelgnatiotî o! ou principal santipnmar toucher. 'lTe influence anti disipline exercied rover the chuireu bora viii ho des iy felt but a fat upprerit..d hi .the ntie aposition wbLcb thoy haro acceptai. Wii n lgge làa ading eonidrtir t thé. appoaranceut bie stordi,î.î 'ille bamonint undlr t. Wll lm ting a lot 6f bustifiâg b,; ugitiem.aiian msm@ ta ho getag i. lieatalnouncaà tiat trade la more prosporous thbaun ori beotoe. Thio&. McBrldo las brancluetiout luto [j eontructlag painting andthei effect of j hi brtau boemona on&aisde. J.H. eCroathito la paintng is buildings i gte olot vbicb gIr.. a toue ta the gonerai sartaundîna. ien ho ha@ transformodtheti. stire appearance of the eWmn. Btghoia store. ô le le A largo gang af mon vwu lacod tiu vont latwvok itldaning ud:m oln the rondid WaiftheChifugo & Milwaukee electrfe i prparution for b. laîing 0f anothmr trarkt iua matin gvboelUna roni b. race tract to Roctékîler a double tract sytem anti so breadî ta ca frsa the. crowde vbkh viii "b. bàuletidia eimuer a ut . îofo thebrace. Meh vont IS piansti au vlfor Lb. compan'6 landarape gurnnr about tho tiepot grounds IL h.lng b. plan ai the. rondt w y a drive wuy and plant ahrabbRry mueh a the beterment o! tinsgmeasippeanse 0f ibat part af 1nonm Tutelle. b. m to at -homn o t ffirfriende la Patine alter Mai 17. Piepd, a bor home la Palatine, May 9, 190, ci brouchltle, lire. Linnemnoyer. Fanerai va. froat t. Ptdu scburcb Suiiday afbluon. ititernent i Gennisu cmehy. SMr. antilire. Fred Haloea ers sarprW yt bir mn frties ay 6, At helag b. bamth nanniverari of tis vetiBRf gdey. 1%s tinwddlag Party, bada )ll jodlime vblch vw long1 sehb $se i l $ lé at$$ -'ai CNIIcIO!I Ordr Llhertgvlle * lsl Troa MOELS ANO RETAILER8SSPPLIEO. Telephone Central Voerlnary Surgon ilO alat Re@aidence, Raif Day P. 0. Prairie View Illinois 'Phono Uàbertyvillo 186 amsBjsr waa Chica slito lima.Battis 4mos of Chicago waa the guest of her auate, Misa Mary and Agiles Paynte lIs week. 1lMr. Sfmpion. bhs heen vary 111 a 10w days but under cure of tDr. Gulloway ia gettluig bottai. lit. aadlrs. Otis Smith ofWadsworth were Ivaaboo visitors lImt Fridair. MisPoarl Smith vi*ited witb relatives iu Waukegan lait Saturday. Choir. meeting at the ehurcli next Satu[day ovenlng. 1 Miss Edith Bock and Mr. Richard Duddlea favored the congrogution, with a fine duet at the mornlng service list Sunday. The many friands of Mr@. Fred Grabbe Who la taklng treatment at e ('hicago hoispital will ho pleaseti to loara that 4h., it doing as Wel as .tbey could hope for. enn a loiait ' Ôo!ifple sgr romý VermonÈ If you want aay &Poak quick ut tbe supply la iited. . The ivanhoe Cemetery association held ie- annual meeting lait Tbarsduy at the homo of Miss Emma Badke. The following ogkiena were oloctod: Presi- dont, lire. Dehfoe Âmes; Secrotury, lire. Henry VauPlela; Treasurmr, Miss Mary' Payne. A good deal of Intorest la being takon ia th work.' The soploty hma onjta.od lir. HenryvaPlew to camefor tbjeinsteY anotejor ur 5evoknow It wilb eltakon tare of. Tbo amail enambor of regulur memboro find it bdifficult to koep Dp fouse. Any belp from outoide oirtieswoold ho groutly appreclatod andi vety aScqtable. A gooti complexion la impossible with atomach out of orde.- If p.aty sallose bpeople would puy tmore attention to [ -hoir oomacho andi lais tothe. sieoon itheir faces, tboî volt bave botter com- plexions. Kodol for -DYmOPolu wll dlgés&ý wbut Von est MgdPut yoUr atoxoach bock luight ibapo to do its own wonl. Kçdol relIera palpitation of thé beart,flatulence, sont ustomucb, heurt bain etc. Solti by aIl drugglat. r o m~ Chicago vielLons lait St"day. MiMissinale Hollandsti vIlaInChicago ail of ast vpt. Willamo Topne andi Géje 0. Pmua" natie atelp te, Wutaanonduy. WillIm Blciemcommoncetibuilding us dancingpavillon on the laite front ,th!s vekt Fred oolittle anti Mies Etith S.Ip, of Wontegaa, ver, .vkdfl1te bore nda' sud Mondai. tLLaFranii It,g MI nle fRotea nd l ias JeanvW Boip took a. ride w,,r Rock' elliuîmday night. Fre Ha nAtiraeeLtiy reeti lisi "I im lîh th- ereaaiorT And nla wt,rha'ig au thp hl.ttfing pliaitntut Cnystal L.ke. Q.uite a fov Chicago people are cauuing ont erery tlattîrdtty andi a numbair of c..îvsgos are noie cupi.fuIrnb. annmaer. Fred Andpro.naun.orineriv ai this pince tIiel on Suna uinaa Chimn hospital thée rsuit of dropèv. Buriiva Truepday Henry Brauding anti Ernest Stîennjig attendetheLb. ma. doeeeela the saie ratio that the ai of Dri King'* Noiv Ut PillaeiSeais. They sun. jon fInm danger anti bring quict o ni inreleuis tram tnaigi pto nithefIla anohg ont a!fit téethand i for always foilow ti. use. Guaranteeti by , . B. LoZLL Llbertyville andti iuYaugs EPitARvACI. 25c. Try thoat. 1 ARMIGTON.. Mis.C. J. Frsî ai Chicago vifsitedibhi esiera lira. J. C. anti F. H. Plagge, and lire. W. Thios htast Veot. lin. Chas. Laplianio! Fart Shenidam vas bore Suntiay. 1Thoe ntortalamoat anti solai giron by the blgb sebool Sot batnrdai vae noi i anecugufau asconft b.ehoois ovin@ tu the bed veathor. Thusa prase hovever hâat a very onjoyable tinteaai quit@ a ltûi cer vas aold. T1n4h.b.ll WIgarni bolveenLths T. M < A. of Bartilmn andtihie Elgit Acatiomy trami vus b te oformé ozpet to'play agalo 1.2ii. sar future Bora, tel, anti " ire., Frak'Éam, alitti. tiaugiato, May si1906I . Eo~Watfn exotertaintied rn lir%. W. A. Sbearer l6 enbtManing be elotor Miss Fet of Wiscoun bb lit, anti lre. Juba SIs»r of Cbflc visitoti 4t tb. Bison boni. unday. Tb@ Portia clubomt vridain uOlli >13aette liet omet Thnrst. à vri Interotlg rgmnWstaenreiandà tory imian b.My ail. Mr. Joachià ElHarts am olti iseot dial ut hie home on liaaday, Miayi Dolaearvivstiby tbree son-ant ix daugiitet. A Mwuatulatg id aid net binL a@ 1ondi - o bhed 1"; *bu lom W OEUVUB TO AD..APVÊT T*Wfto, niUh b amns i Ossollas Wi,s siet* C Ued A tu ~haut ouinc or~ atms«wgu .Im.*dooddqer20 ig Li Lt. er id n ad M. . a . W 8WdAuteu11 a.a7 u la Ir, u 0 ý jene fom te ro!01Elja au John di ipitLuke 1:141.1 King 18: 803. mTuireieTopic) 'W. P. The C. 9. Wlllgive a rbomp- UV.atiM Eil. Alare lnvitod to corne. The Ladies Mlaelonur.v aociety met with lire. F.&E.Mayer thunuday a'il or- 'rim fle Amsred Miss Jula Zan apeft $pduy ut -.. eFLModlnîocud the death a veooufodto MMs cbpp *ttbo homeuf honsonlnWls. _____________ cousnl. h. vas rougbt to Deerlielti lionday ihomng vo the home of bar daughterlire. anus. Services- r bliVOLO Monay uflernn, 1Rr. '2cd' e 1 an1 Roc. Engé, ofllatîng. She beaves Lirso liMa Frances Roihig of Round Lake daughtare eami tht.. aon@. -lIra. Antes,'epent Thntatiay ut hopus. o Deonfild, lira, bollard of Chcago, Miss Anas Compton of Elgin vlslted lir@., Kreffoof Eaveaswood. A ~t bot ulaver Ml. a**KrinSnayat Scbopp of (leacce, Will &.hep& ai w C Modai. KrwnSdaad eduian, John Scbepp absoo a! iaconslna Tbe remalia vÏe placed la the tinily Dr. F~uller andi Mes. H. T. Fulerof lt la the Deertelti cmetery. Wuuconda von Vlo callers Sunday. vao ADigEt uaaaPo<uav. Win. McCormlck 'ilChicageoopeut b .Mr& .henser n[w~g~~ d aS%ý wit vlslted a naZ das witb lire.ery Lodnge. lra. Wm. 194_ ianti son Arthui and Henry Koeyt vho forery -eai liblMe.WloO veto Mdllen". cllera hourtihig vltb lrn. Henry Lange bai Friday aliernon. muved dowa. on the chînkea furai. Bs Mr. andi lin. OGus Tovnut of latentis golag la partnersbip wit B ari Round Lake voeeil Volu Fridity. Lhiticam li. and Mr@t. Pote Frost of Chicago lins. Agat Winters la sick with amv vlltlag the formner'@ parents Mn. broachitia. and lire. John Frost. M )isa Emma Actes la homo on theo bet Misses Mande WalLon andi Hallen Rai. als. moudi vera Giayalakoe calions Thursday Mis Edma Atis vieite the iacîy osalteinon. day lait week. Wm. Hironimus andi Mies. Lucy Mie.Marie Delonis sDent Sund"y at be Oa. I)nall aot oun 'fiondso la.Wancnda homnetu She au, Ilîle. lioatay. Mis. EBd Thenben vho has been alet for Misses Kittie Dowell anti Katie Frost somotini aslowîey împnormg. voie Round Luke viitais Saurday. Misura. Aifreti anti John Krooatle, of The V olo Id. E. Bandai achool v as e hrmrorville anti Adolpb Schmidt, of! rOrq.lid faut S"Udmy andt thonezi tElaihuret, visiatiut the ornomo o!evmeeting vii o b tI BanFday p. m.Ma Geo. Decinger fSunday. 20 ut 1.15 8euvicos t 2:15. Every- oae cordlally invitoti. Anguet Kiostil, of Chicago, visitoi vith bis aliter, lira. Eti Therlea ven AÀ torpiti Inactive ivor eau pradue sonda.y. more boilî ile th»a lot aajtliln _____________ aime. IL la good to eaLb.th systemn oui Marriedsti e onot lire 1longer thon ocaalaally.Sti tho llw rup, and &gel singl0ieo, It ouly aaoiilelonger, andijInoes eiro b be elt elthsr aie tronhied i Wtb Dyspop". elu Eu 1 nue o!DeWlt' Bgblo»umni ?Oatluia .on LIWOeB*iLrbtei&U. lellable, effetive, "f a"direasoem hding Lo do lato plaoat wwliu rritation. Neii boy a hotU. ieci RéGo, TonleLaxative pipe. Solti by ail rgglste. Ryfra the cr"aincors for Conotigu. 11în, and ive todle an oldage, Sold in BVDETT. 25c. eand $1,00 bosils hy Y. IL . FatTl iia uCai Loru. Librty,lIe. fsFrn uyiit uChcg ut UighlsntiPark fer two doya. Bey. Weet'.erwax of Nuporvîle -precbed ut vhs HallUé Lngt udy. lira. thon. Ia,.h e t r ipresani. Mr. anti Mr@. IM. W. Kuedier fawilymeont SundtyaiHgluati dPi Sue liaison t«pent Satanday andti day witil lir. an.d Mr». BShaffer lu t1tict Mrn. andi Mr@n. F. 0i. Mitthell ettrtif tuait sain Saîden Mitchell amati fat Suzrday. lira. Auna, Mason anti ebiltiren spodingâoine veeks rab Mn. anti E..Manon. lins. S.E. Knetiber anti@oa @peut 1 noaday withbonie pareuta Mnl. anti Mr jFray ut Nuritielti. IThere ria si tbiay surprise p n at the hon t of nr.andi iMm IEtivards Saturtiay ab lg;h hing Edwarda bi rthîduî. Carde anti dat woeInduiged ln alten oblchrefreahui were serrai. *Tho gatb.ning tit break un until thoes em raîllbol hippy returus of tLeday. n tNothing yul relier. Indigestion tii InuL au thoougli digeant. ol poeaCure digeste vbat yeu eut, awllve ihi tomah a btrset-necup, -grow astrong agaiti. A few don 1Kodol alter ineuai il eoon oituE etomacb ant i dgouive organe vo performnance of thei fainctions natal SbId by ail drugglats. DLAMOt4D IA= Oeorge, Ray te rplLhug hIe gettinag readî ion (hi ehg ush". Bartiot & AlUbrwbt b6ive-bouli o14 cmping grounade andi ae hupni tithai, vth vaove loUaIm.'L'», golng Lu rebtbeb.<rouds. TIi.dinlng rout aflamond vw» open Satartial.la veadinme t sMmner vsain. siLat Fniai igit alter dort some banhstia la ud0fog l tgei ~ ndMrubbleh ibo therond beiosethhaiotiéiLais 9r m fimer dumping lt oPaOie hýlah- le va>'. Th. guiityoa-ou ph tt Le h atresteti ana ,um-n----te ID lanier o0 tub. euet pida lakteplag.tiie roati Waler Lematet la Lb.enma n ala ryDiarnont Lutta, on teIII Li e li orit a fo thet mtter, tbat a e»aid goé11 >Piratugh. A*t W JUDy t>TMI y There viii bea sp ielmiedlngt d *DIamonitiLeto Cer ni osuclial blti wieb Lit. P. Tovner Fnday @ven Ma léi t utSP. M. Aimeniera Mi.George Krapi l ll .Jela no bot tbrt b. poett oot, Bo0«aîaib., le.. " flots, o! ihmre, liaabien tm.ing cars oif be. iTii.tesonDr. Pao'eL#tJélo I Wl gre pefert uttalaathula »i a A numbeiaf onryonngpeople uttenedt M»i hla gab utbge loSoday. (M. LnIÂ a ti f Grinfth, &.Co. lias painbased a lard» nov delivory wagon sied vii hiauguate anu p.Lo.ato service vlth Anttur Frost haadlng the It ta not dhfllcvlt tu relleve bllnd, bdinaU, ltelduir or protrudiiucpîh.o with MsZas,.vleg it apua neî,,-ly. If, la .0 U 1 Olalld21 tut..» m with hiuizi. ant )na le ànt 0ncti sud spplied ut the met of tetoh,.stop%. poif 1 N4OW (1LASS àNudaml andWALL a fuIl PAPJ3R bas SWsr and md p et 030. TajEIoGWOLP STAND. iMIL. tth VAUKIE AM . OUTU Or àOTEL. ohiviNIU i4omp boIp ring lianes and gpavine but vo cure thoni. The trentelt olit ie le a tbarougb anti iueit g curs. yon tiomet haro to lai by tb. horpe. A trialill covince YOa that vo bave got irbat joi bave been fooking fair. W.O eau seoul you a Stavee or Studebaker Biguor SWM ag t &bout the. prie. vou lng about. Wo-dl It pal to take the ohance!Yoii ane sueoawbatieuunder the peipt oautheme multe Corn.e I n and TaIk i.t. -Over 411 INDS ME- Jap-a-Lic, Paitît, (>11, Tarpeatine, Patty, Wiadov Glass4, Painit lrushai. Wllte, Wagb Buhbe,Wire Clottb,Scree.n Doore, Ad jumitubla nf, 0et Baa ianilen Rkaat ptes Corne and Tell Us Your Troubles Boyer Brose 1 venhoe Illiutois The StedtPaysMore for top 1 bave on band a full Une of Buggies, Surreys, Spring Wa-cons. THE RACINE"'UNE Krcwn Everywhere For Quality Hl. B. EGIER Libertyvville - - Illinois Miss China Lee Was wont to be A lady of Supremacy.. lier bouse se dlean Tasplaînly seen CHI-NA MEL 'there did reign suprenie. W. are net Spnlng Poetp, but va e n- siot bdep bat oins tbe prdlmeofcf Cii limel; avarmaii.adete vaiR upotavil vlhalatàudbaig val., saithuiinIg anti Scîp<n int 1cmmu ils bealUl gices suifaS. tel ns onvince yen. *01 lntonnotlmon oUrquseL. 'Peon or dtop ne a lin. ant i tn meeilal jain Iba tIà l*-b.Maiy hàa"fS Wt:toü I invalu for yo opomaI 1:Mhia a bema. u vm igourant dotubW9 uni pmwU Montithe MM'tuti 'FOR SALE ONLY BY WILL KNIGGIE Deatçr> ii Paints, Olsand Varnishes Rairoa TIitoforthe NortIwestern, St. Petid. '-'-f 1 . à 1 Týkftl 9 It It er 9 e 1