Btu11 t12 .m. to abd 7 t.~ Sp .ni IlieVBIlleIllinois DI . J.L.TAYLOR. oricuovma naiecas àvÂi-LO'. soumi-? ta 10 a. or. 2 ta 4 and 0 ta 8 P. 'n. Bemdeaca dl Broadwray, oppostie Park. UAbefyvllle.Illinois. DR. c.1R. QALLQVAY. &21E tRLOVELL'a DoraO @TORE. aua-from 1 to 8 and 6 ta 8 P. n. 7 Libertyvino, Illinois. PAUL NMAC GUMFI ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lbertyvilbo, Ilinois. ruons 88. DR. E IL SMITFL )ENTIST. OFFICE OVER LAgE COVNTY BAN- aooss-8 ta 12 a.nm. and 1 to 5 P. 'M. DAILY. . Lîbertyvitle, Illinois. K&W.# bick Liberty ille, I linor DR. 0, P. BU'ITERFELD VETERINARY SURGEON'. L*SITAIq? T4tE VETZIEEEAN. Ltbertyviile, Illinois. Phono 881 LIhertyville. lit. A.KX STEANS LAWYBR 218 Waahlngton Street 'Phone 2761 NEWOPAPERS l. . lme PERIOMIALS -UmtvIII CIGARS and TOBSACO. jprotini Siock. t take oRDER$ for ZUT FLOWERS MANfUP'AGTU RIKII0O Marbit and Granite menumenl s Cemetery Work of Ever Descriptioli Correspondefoe boliclted 126 Genese St. Waukegan Things for the Ladies in Profusion Code end iMats.%Silk Walste Reedy made Skirts end oeGooe '~mes. F. Protine UbertgviUe * hm How isYour'Blood?. t is good if gou have takenCompoumd Celerg Nervuoe. Thot id sure. Ask aniionelwho basitakenUit:Zamd i tel wifl teli go that it makes them feeIl"IIe ew." Puts lite iatoegou, makes oUm leel stroog. Pnoce 75c, per boie. IOVIEIi.S DRIG STOR[ KIN~G or' THE SNOW, PATII And winner of damond medAotfor trottera. SOLON -GRATTAN $lut or 111188,8OLO0 2:2. RACE aUEoRONC orEh 1 INFA Troftbng Race Record 2:1Il1Il .& m' n«.m, lv Goa. Knox tu Boe bL w ln twa o LMI no anaupei SpeuhnivlS-b the e n front * SIEASN 19", $;a5 JOHN R. STOCFARM Addraua J. W. MURRAY, Supt. .-WHERU You CAS FAY., 8omupiaces wbrx*u eau pay foerthe LAKCOU]0 ara givas, balow. ,I*"is are osas'authorzai agatucl ngey to the c:èealaioffce whare a racelpt witi be pre< ISITY INDEPÇNDENT QW&d ail ifes'uwmsdtw wn4MouàI«dvou Daiyuun MN ... ..........%..................... OMsalake Phermacy ................................. Cêtl ltw vasnatrnfy paludinef fc .,knew ail t. e naPal 50555 by th* suplessant revelation, but lie oflicers 0fti. tr.. esurvoyud ové aa .d.te'.ui tet took exactl> the. saine vew au that eg.the 1nunu .lawt orwfl otw*stit i f. preueib>' thefirat lieutenant ln Bob- tetrest.chratidotels erra premonce. "The Srdar wau the crack ahlp ef Orient tno4 lier biod Noveithoes lie ponderod the 'natter 'ny fleet and Captain POces ry mest pore-. Au @ho teadil'psuo and seized an cari>' opportunit>' of men.- trusted commander," lho À ld. j" oer the odeeeIgtzr h ' ~ ttoutag It ta Lord Vetnar. That dis- May' well Imagine, Mr. unstrt oer wthdtetmla tJlied nablernan vas vasti>' sur'- wbat a cruel blow lt won ta lose sui a Ilalubow Islanid growtng ditS a- i.sed t learu how Anstruther bad cut voseel, wttb ait the"e people« eventng Ilslt. Par a long Mh s., OUISthte arQund froin heueatl istafeet. and my ont>' daugliter among îhe'n. 14Touid ms.Miir Jan'a tati. tbla oMY*Ts," ho satd, lu repi>' ta the sallors a drnotattdinaklie. mationtese on a rock at the .10l IAI8 ~ t *d m.1, rb.t irequest'for Information, 'I knaw aI l'15hewas a splendid soea boat, air. Of Europe paint. Theïr blte thé - (lds ~ s abouiti. It ficould nat wel liec other- Altbougb dlsabied, she fouglit grilant-'1 the. ledge carne tntevie*W'es the * ~c~ ~- ~g~'~yig wls s etnug tînt uext ta Mms. Costobll ly agnat the typhoan. Nothlng short or swung round ite a MMo e o 1 athtle prIncipal wltness against of a reef wouid break ber np."1 course. . '.ct .-e "hotniust bave been awkward for "tlie felliubers you have sbown me, fatbee'shobuiders. Ththro-u 1 anS ls4 t. bae agreedl witii jeu" - you." vas the unexpected comment. bore are t ho remalutng assets out f:fmatoe mat thon, aui«t'Oy1 C1PTR lI ie sali.1"Indeed! Why?" £30.00." for niany mium~tt-t T ~ RD VNTNOR IS DO oaL I AdrntraWiy. Lite bere hlainesdraw- i"IBocauso rumaer Ituked yaug"%nýame: "Was ili etlotni3ured?" lnqulri 110 lIS t oluVP~ WhItle Iris wo's transformtug baclis. but w. fought aur eneniies ln vwth that of the lady lu a ge.iWhat Robert. OW lagoon wtth the faîtage 0 horsif froni a semsavage con- the. open. »idn't sve, Iris?" otnpoken way." "No-that ln, I have recenti>' adopted Tiie wli cleft eft1Prospect p U dtton Intoa sernbiance of an "lYe& d518. The poor Dynka voe *eu"Tnoatoutsh me. Anstruther cer- a seherne af 'utuat self tusuranee. radl1s distinct. Mr Ian'.'*Wlta .0 ultra chic Parisienne, Sir - Arthur uotsio4MOc inl oderntzed ta attack os taini>' Made some stupti allegattons the. tou faits pro rata an ni> other ves- figure was let ln tlie dark bato , Doane toid thle seartso'nehlng cf the wtîbfat.. teotlmulii.' durlng the tril, but I.lad no idea hoe ses."» The island was becombtg state of affaira on the. Isand. Hit. Iori»sbiosallow face wrlnkied wan ale ta apread tt. i aliclous re The barollet ganced norent>' at Iris. dreaniuîke. à iturred memroy. Rits iordahtp. a handsame. saturnine sornewiat. Sa Iris knew af the court Port sulisqently." The word. conveyed tilte nieanlng te I'Robert," sai the. girl d" man, cool, Insolently petille.counsetled 'martial. n« wia., sue afratd ta pro- 'I amrneDt talktng af Hongkong, ni>'lier. Indeed, aie broke In iitls a *God lan beencouver>' gocilte là patienco, toîcration, ovon stient recag- cli tef ailtflie worid f tht ian lord, but of Singapore, 'nanthselofti." iaugb: you- ronionier ntst heur ys nition of Anstruther'.udoulited was lier lover. As for Captain Flt- Captain Fttzroy's toue was exceed- "1 amn afrati 1 have heard you Pay. aheniurnnred. *How w ~t clais for services rendered. ra>'. bis bush>' eb traws disappearedIlng dry. Indeed, sonie people 'nigit fatiier dear. tuat Ronie slips lu lhe tblrof;liolta. Dyaks bema h " nthnstasntlc, 11gb sptrttedmIa b is iloakoi cap %wben lie beard the deen Iit offensive.SOet patd yeu beat irben the>' rau and ottack frai ta. rigQ h girl" lhe urged upan his sdrprised lier- manner of 1thoîr oîe-. . 1lits lordobtp permittfed himmeif the abre." cellmhed dawn tho laidr, "Éj or wlio expected a very-difforeci-x. Nevertbelens Vetuoür smiled again. 1I-rare luxury of an angry scowi. "Yes, Iris. Th ai'ten bhappe.l ulowed you? Oh. father. dirlia pression of apinion. -TItIs felaw Au- "Even teWisrpeedmt" a Rumor ta a Iilg jade af the hest." the o14 days. laiifrîtuw VetO Ipsve>.tgt* struther ta a plausible sort of rascal. a Dean.." lie sald. lie satd curtt>'. ",anuniust remenilIlr. Mor1over, InInve ut tuld yuu r r': cood Mian in a tigit place. tao-Jnust the But Anstrutbef. sorry for lbhenmant- Captata Eittro>'. tbat I have utteroi 1tant of nry nalaputie4. The uir:ir " e was; Oir eniunilng; heur lie sort _of lire eaf:ing hlackguard wma feat tiiune»5 of tihe ipoiruer. r.1no word aof scandai about Mr. An-, ]est'oun>iarch 18. thongb (iir ' ait for me ad cheed nm et th* ironienu tnue rmc oui mnere a ugni re 4the.retort on lits ilpe an' struther. and -anyub'dlts .concering ' knolw It for certthu, ttttlI i-1 1 an lo.bgtnn . ta ccerui Iag i».le llts m rtbutta r.9gesîri îthathey should bis conducf çan LW misefat reft b>' pe-,4 But on Marcdi 25 il-t :stand noir," U w..i tirtcct" ., walk ta île norir 1.'îcb luthe frat ruslng ta. recards of bis camei te lttý;r~ .- ......a*la,ýJ p ~ ~ ~ t .à.diên r the slIlOWD- Instance. that being the scVù. Of thie aijriM nt eraillm office at IHong- V ¶. ii eaal uii "Yoe 't»- itq,, trre. 1,interfered Dùrlng tae.nexi bon lie beomme audf- '-iimri"ai the salors. turnhng,,on the.Hooglyll>'. ! -eenifi, ta.>' - I withIdaUtil gales , ad b gav meF .ta tond tuen iagalu thuqgi Us irit bi Utie gies an liegav metar rather tien narrator. It iras Iris lits leeltet enter the chant roani. ires teat lu e!cr' fiia' tVsaterru thie nouai remord of the devil'a apothe- wîo tati or lits vibîi liglit againat wuni The girl sud lier father iront back to Iris w%%-na 11fi aI vsa"mbw cary. Leave Iris alane. At present and iraves; Iris showed theinith.e IslandS utt Robert. After taklug ailles. yet s . that la>' befot'.làtIMIi a tenir trom ý alle teastruug up to au Intense phdel of irlere lie fought witli tle devilsh; thought the latter decled fa soir Min seriorns b is saut revolted. fie rafouu gratitude.,liavlug bare>' scaPed a ter,- Iris Who expatiarI on île long 4ays Jan tl ffmain ~pseaounuti l Ie of cu.rrattempt IL. rible fate. Let lier came liack te the of'tat iiiwnlsscur eurenehr '- t rntîrisk precar i ,, The explanattan of the olIp normal. Anstrutheer' saad record age lu the face ai' ever>' iificoîthe i.of anather Dyak invasion. Thi. fate of ctalîy lu vi. ',PoiIo-ra 4lluh -1upf. Must gradualy lcak out. That itn Idil. iran uwbl le .rs..ued ber fram the, Taung S'AlI's expeditton irauli net ou- mark atm Cdartnj yet sîreiri fnancIem, bi guet lier. H[l aliard up-ceut off b>' b1s luteh of flie savs-ith îe sulit of liscourage a fresh set of marauders. and Arthu r casedl et ,bagalfcwfiI1@W> peope oui that sort of thlng. Thon. preparattous agarust île auticipated fie Molanimedan monldlie hon sli rme bIMn. lb- forseutiae. ra iiag yau probabjy have the measure af Ida attack and the lait greot achtevenient ta meet unforeseen contingeieswitIe tuer wn .:., cns. tUihetrdng--fl schenItng. Hle knýv a quit.e weli flot of ai],. irlen tine after time lio fotled on lis (Ansfruther's) reprosentatlons ter's saLe Campany>. fie negoatai<amfU la ait a matter of prke.." ;- ther. off. cripplerl sud disheartened. of stores. In an>' event If Vas botter oeek ta !i':; docks and rautwae la tho 4 Si5r Arthur willingI>' alloweS hlmself durtag tue mon>' phases of the tblrf>' for flic native te ltt'e lu freedoini on boking n'::' -tilDe province of 1C héU ta lie persuadeS. Aftue bock of bils oura' battis. RalnheV Island flan fe be handed it ctatru(q î i r«nimorepublic oarct wt~ head tuer. iras an uneasycýonactoris- TIen. vers tears ili er eyos irlic over ta the authorities as an escaped 'tieijoint mîri v ,* 1 m nuf 0fJapon. AUlbis 8-09 ness tlot If vas netl'ail a 'natter of @she onded, but tire>' er. tous a' ofenvint.wllch nint bche i iuediate hoewilla'd t, 1- : '-1, togetuer itii thuor is price1' If tI mer. lie montS noever tlauil happineas. and Lord Ventiler, fate uo niaffer irlaf nagnanirnous tuerefore, iLe;e -. :. 'rectors and sbar.hoktoe%, W trust a mau'@ face agatn. But Vent- a mulent -itteuer wia mtssei netter Vlew the gevernnent ' tudta mlglit partunit>' cf i:-. ., . te thon obi*jecta.Cstk nora'woVti alance arguments swai'ed word n«olr Io tla deeper clhit ln hbs oerwrn aire of hle services. fiience, and t -ei -Ilie.i.;, -t h etoiminadIotMéIop IlleU litn. The course indicatei was tae cold heait as lie rcatize<t that tts vo- Mir Jan's ansirer VOs eniphattc. H. promise of s:,-:xu urance preione . i amI>' decent one If irashumaullm- 1f nan's love could neuter bc hl&. The took off hilsturban and pisced If oun The girls '.q-j ýuîtî meter SMke lif men! auppoetU85 8* possible for a man ta chude lis daugli- kinoirteige exctted, bis passion the Anstrutaer's feet. and tront bit r we e :ie r;p-iced kitoVi utUlprlalowIS,~ ter and diattlber rescuor u'ithhn an heur more,.flae batred ai' Anstrutheil nov, "Salihb" le sali, "I amn your dog. aira>' on boar.Si :e ISow re.uui cdtihe glWmm enais vu v-X " tu mortally stl Ibis meudler who ai-: 'onr faitfifl servant, tien chan I volver anrd the rifle wibln bai "arei" Pffeoven an MamUaam a Seeper doign. He bwdt h n y to abspt.%o htAlhbsproe yteDai hute erycuh M RWs e s -it o b le . I i s M i d $li e p il k o p r d n a i i> f e y k s mnlit s ri v a lc u. e i m e c i .i u b i a * . Ve>' von. To attfonpfta dissuade RoerthopM t lt is proetordeal tmsr Ao- ntrther oui Mir Jan napping. Rob- 7«M , ivent INsihli7 lier var te tirow bbu more clceel>'binte ia. over. it bad onlybegun. fHe van, Iln spi t fSr rhrDneart 0al» gathered for her an ussort- *muet have dotiba e * that riveaaarma. The igtcoe e allie an fa answer questions mithout couS nbot ielP lllngAnstnuter. The meut of D>'Ok bots, boit@anami rma . - No anouer Ver. mi t ira te pper reigned,. aaiî.nOi, c- dùunber. Why lai the tunnel been lmsT isW * angndà - et tuth Ofb . polled aatuIde hlmIita raeli e made1? Whof iras the inystr> of fte ehnln Thèeg m erut a i .mit i flan titrs iteseing trnta. Furfiierhg ommna ta c fdetu? Hwdd iaaag h mMit or théo a u troph, la a ven te ou. et iuri a il> t1Pli ha »g tedieninso teso"?M muu m a a u toute ne!m* ona 4»nstacs qulck tmpper aofI @gta t ienIn fte uualth e mpt ou5un, "'iate Val- tV 5B1A01 il aadetmiuut activa agent Sncb a tian 'seulS le Hou camne hle toacquire "eh iian ans- £ftupt'aUswkaiteyj.eai.Afolr4I.fé th. flrt ta rebol against Zi nump ica ng stock aof ont of the Myvo>irnueigO " Mnbti lmps of aurtlfum quarts he nguenfil. restgnetl ieý cf plt>'ing tatergnce. , eVoud orf Uta edible pnapertiee of rmots and --coui fmind i.,lie asit!the ruhhisibordai»anboudd a a.q bitter charges of conagse>'. ofnun- tr's lair? Wtt>? Where? Wlrea? & hu tacve bm*afli1"tha t osa n Ponat t sfokoliç.M lieltevablo compact te securo bis rnu Tire>' neyer mauli b. satlini. ,for nDot-top 0f tno e ho pisa&nue antIuM «Y'i'heca -COLaest Anl tais muet recoul on lis ow ndeaveu tae Britis alins>, paimuzIfs nom SeandMir Jw an, owbg vby'te air Arthur D deam a wrlen tue tacts Ver, laid lare.Net juta tue recesses of tue 'sarIS, off on sahb vantai Ue ts ff aX eai àti.eau. cie kM l nibt ? hev beror f ta. Isand coutioppro- s acroosaSmach an amazing stor>'aigu-tuma thiewaltiag boat. Ltutap- vetaurtala «WUnepeh valu againtt te'terrible indltrnnt au itufe adventur.m cfftls couple on ant Pbia>S nontacommudi or telut Mt for lte* RPU eat on the court martial FinolI', ai lunga- lanboirIsland. piaf>' Or flr,to quit tii. IsamS, ut- daugltu utthe Us c pore, tfine s >'distant. Coonel Gom- fie rendily expianei tue creatlan of Senti>' oxpactai Mb Ian ta accompén>' limn& Balit frms WMla s tabehl andmieMsvite ver. staylng. Lord qua n d uicave b>' felllmng ieni of tue .tRIBu, but Aumtrli epineai ta! bhlémlé te k W S. U M Ventler, atone of' taon on board, knew vi0fatoymbde aterck -tue mairauli avait bis raturn nonm d hs affaire te 0o9 1* tuis. Indeed, lie acconipanioi Mr Ar- nr ta. vault. Atmon.>la t.o0f the time la lune or lt>',fusion mu, hivt thur Deane large»' a inordertobreak sustances fliatnova amultitudeaeti 8fr Arthur De»an oui hlnielfpo-tth eUsuarcii M ma"iu off a sameuliat trylng enfangiemeat. Souta. No one, net exceprtiug the ioc- 'ilazy ta o e ta. use f t eto I eons ttll i lia %musli coniptacentl> as lie thoUglt tara iha use h. kuairs nnch about If, l5'rBvabt.iafm taM VaaosaabueoS of ta. effect an Iris aof Mra. Cosaheli'. anS lu Chlneani mediine It mgît ho a '!. $l, r o tboing. . fe 'onde mt. lfuM ami qf l ai Inignanit reonntrancem vien fie bar- <iliof factor aof ezneiug nutiaess. trml;ntig o od etu n onet asired fiat injureS lai>'ttell11thie InsiSe fliccavera the existence cofi.ww MPouudnnaiaa oresixt rabi>' Us ifiâp amt* ~ girl ail that bail.happened at Hang- tha parttait>' compltai shafitatetuee mnts teait, ami irb o r stien ue e f giàa U korig. Iod. accaurte fonrrcet Ststrirb- , behg itnitout and quet iasre MM oferIai Us the!lt Homever. Lord Ventuiraso mnct ancea ou the facne cf fie rock, an4 ni -habit le t hespaqfuestion as. fe e ore th ilsi « Us1 profaundi>' ounoyed, nd lho nurseScomera eouid net, aof course, ilstinguishhow bottniani r heD a onsultotue rUs hostfl tbea~ Anstrutuer froni tue Septus ai' hW fie boues aof paon "J. 0." as being fie' conveulenna of hMa guëata. ta uh «rM heart But le couli sec a ira>'ot romiains of a Eurnpean."IMgoaUUonofw yadftmthfrou Hie came asbone wuta Iris ami lier AnsafrutbLr wams atIsSieS that noue 0f "Il 'sergnoitu ofc o i i a>' ni* fror a .pblefia oie 801 fatuer. Tlîe captatn ai' th. Orient aiso hem homo nne.l the rarntest gneo asn s wl hobn tBoraao," o sai, tue a ubi;lic munie -BWM laIneS fie part>'. The tire. 'nuta tue value of tue gaunt rock tub> mliI l tangSire thut tIoubunaou e betuoa ettai iratched Robet anS fhe girl malklug Ver. starti t andoichauce lelpeSDniferuo'.M lie iathni fa Slingap o ama nolgpe towari tui fnonithe group ai' cul- ta baffle funnîren taquin>'. He laok4cd i heq..L5ILtWto safflgty ti an tue> tii tenlrivit o ur ovelaceituebs' fme cers. A trunipeter on board the Orient iras fabrcTeBee.t Sd «Anstrutuer lasaasnmrt lbout fol- biowlug his. tungs out tu sunimon tueni mmuniras 'naguetin, a liera, aunte l flwas Iris.Who' r loir2' commenteS Captain îttzroy., ta luncheori mien Captaln Fltzro>' put gentleman. >No monder hie daugliter "i catfbear to, emore liv. For bltostlflg, beh.line dfi "Who Io be?" a final quer>'. vos Infatuafed mitahlm. T e feu- ho« ein arliei. .pa-Sf ltn' _ Truta ta fell, the. gliîant commander "I eau <irite understanLd," me adt t r as dark oui tovm tommeS, fuli of hope If tiree iantMmmor7g aof the.Orient iras secreti>' anae 'Rbet titynbaaa afcio osinlter fireaÇs anS comnplicaon& sIris tn»' ami sent to 'ose tw the metamanphoels effectin.< tRoberls thir etiriplace, but I am curions ta dii uat kuo'w tue vretched clrnum- appeaanue since lie -scnutlzd hlm knaowwhmi'y yu la>' <iaini ta the Ilasdi. stancs mmhad'h corne ta pas. aince tirougli bis glasses. Tou con bannit>' mIenS ta refurnubors." ta.>' portedas ndic b itaichaugai Po«or l'Arthur saiS net a Wod, ut ie pointent to Robert'o placard stock the vbols aspect aofil.hie fa. l < ch rnr Mis londhlp irasqutaaet ease. on the rock. coul ieb.tf011ber? Wh>' aband li e h*bis.-d m h n t «Fromn ltsnome anS trn m hat Antrufier pausei befane ie an- nilserabie lot ta nafch fie cup aof hap- Dean frts le Ii~ iei ietc werei. lie tdf that XLord Ventnor'a plues»freini ler lips? Iu that moment officer aof thI lîîlanarnar>.' nz " oeswn ie!onMn vr' f ment aon> le vtahei li.evue baody ias more or lIM deatrous t0 bave demi, for Seat aMoue couli renia,. the. Reglstere No. (246 *'Ai! liceIras ici't tie service?" fhis point lnend p lipHe 1boir e iaburdez laid on fi'n. Welt, surel>'lie "Tes. I met hitmeItant luHongkong.0 quemflouer aquarel>' la tue face. nilgiif basir lu tue mnabta. aof ber VELO la coolb1hck. u'ith "TIe >'a kuov hl?',lu soie parts aifiahe'sariS" le saiS. langhton for anather Saey. Na nemi ta. large star, la thW dfoot wlsîmo "Qulte relIt. t! lta tue mnitIMI'n"Mère .are sunlien i'O0fa nukuomu. oun- enbitter lien joyana beart until lie ias agtaJ harteS, on wi mun laj>' a vessel bas Avioneu t fb>'dire. necessit>'. vtghing 1925 *Ib o @ oaa l'Thot la realy ver>' nie.o! Vonte." lbeauntest iithant a»y coutrnutory $oahole rolnfel>' brushei a«Ide ta.1e169b'd ~Mn fiiogit tue shipamuor. "' t hl tuaitt ou te part oa!blu ofics." voebegone phanfoni ef cars anS en- Ma 0,89iW bMm 1 sbauld credif hlm iritb iroli le aO "-Uniaubtedl>'"tered ttatue abandon aof thee bus' LUC4a, depatmet Of Svt"> corgtvlng disposition." "Weil, Captain Fifaro>'. iren I won rtt a azest tuat deflltei ber. The' Pt'upc e .wu a*Ctby ose IMenihUieAntrtuer irsw u dlnA 13 staioned i mt>reStaient lunliong- dean. girl lmgiei fia!Robertr ber.e.t iest Iris a liffle lecture. "S'so e. ho boita I encouterd, snabta reef ami' Robent, lai maie anothet' speedi>' con-, 1tetee àpa" Mxluai ta ber --do naS 51151e te v regki ni>'if o on lit Aftoast tbf quamt. and Anstruft M isitMa 1111w@ue (1"61. bY ErIUui bte 'I flome a pen nd GO& a.!t l* aie tou' Ime sem iftstlongPotua n ucb elated. 1>' thc suiden change M U 16 (2919)1' by EWtes XIo i&Àtel. s.d>,pes Gi1- MW 4 i tto51er n slioero en. Tn acou a S~ in Arthur Deane'.s emesuon. -2682 <38) by ODdflt t189; roeri eme A roan o- te slie g eheira. Tnyn rdw»', Tley bebavei lIre scloel chihetS eo (7,) plas tVlIst~am. t e W<LJ m 'snie'oII Iflefln>' 9ýa a ~pieute. The>' roarei over Iris' & 1 imla i o ai fat gave 'me Msvàoum" hlu inatUsmattor a! diviSa alre ta, Cue*(713). by abu o a&»"o diutiedth. «Won fHe kaau i i Svidai fa ho a! ail bleasant. 7S.b "Oh vu' ot? -tbe u vacometafqq ersliuthUse*al- p , .,= Ms ae e b - *~t apmona v~.2! %çaqa tantue taf bei ut If bmUS.amS. s'wéél ifvs wu h OU it ieu Y-k-obutj-ýM&w«ww, eàâmm m ïwt a T usd t haaart>' t o st a!