Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 May 1906, p. 7

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ý-P*uiper W,& .. ......... a.... il, ... ............... Lias' l*it................v. fer poaW 50... . C~ub abe o......... Meus Vi.. Sh.........e.e..... ~1.= M ..........- *** - - * by 4 AT * Strang's Furniture Store* f. mfldsermmamg à Spedaltg. - + fGrayslake -Ililnols4 We bave everything to make thej Fisherman happy. H(ookâ, Linosl, Polos, bobbers, sinkors, etc. Corne i - in and look over our spply. When You Setvesdy. SPECIAI PIUICES !« 30 dsys on 3oin. P. S. Going to tapair an* rome 1Ve bave ail ki"daof roo! covermngs, paper and oinglms Specil on gravel top&. Corne Msm EMMONS.MERCER LUMBER GO. EDWIN LBI ramoe 47 67 A. BISHOP, M'g'r RTnyvnLzL~ L e- ______________________________________________________ DO) YOriPVANT A M3A? We have aeoua Factory at Libatyvlîsa few amal lots of Oodde CdEnds of our MDEL FENCE: Thesae ofte sae higla Carb n Sprleg 1811wei as our reviaar stock, th. eely diffroe 'bingln the uneven langhe. .wwdi. Iheg les goauagtek or pick et ab lifteat I'ator end take fencemomne with gots .MW .Win. nBalein la q9ite ick. Las Mddendorf vas in Chicago Mon- 7 ied Muson and wile spent Sunda>' le lemo. O. Waldman iaIaing a Ivo veoits T. A. Reynolds @peut Tbursda>' le Mrs. Somervîlls suent Wednesday lu m1&go. -Mss. janies lruse in visiiig at ~Loul ie icitofin l sici t a bis hom. oni Center Ave. ~OIe Boesu avent Sonda>' In Chicago0 vitb bisl uncle.a Miss Hazel Edwardo, of Waukegae,1 apeut Sunda>' boe. lira. utla apent oeseral days il -Chicago the pasi vesit.@ Oliver Biok make a b)usineos trip to Milwauke. Wsednesday. Gi. E. Straug and sfon llee are boa>' on a c<ntract et Twiu Like@. P.'; . Robinsou vas ini Chicago on business MuInday and TIheada>'. Dr. E. A. crace inexpetosd.,In Chicago ti'4an>d llwat trylie 11111w. lemater of Cbtagu la ae gueeti at the John Book home, ' F. D. Batterabaîl and vifs wore affiocg1 th.. Chicago riuitora Wednssdmy. Ilisq (lIa Wilsonhlas acýepted aposition as telephone girl at Ingleaide. .Ur@. ,ludge Fitscb bad th~e risfurtumîe to aî,nqiu ber vrist lit Saturda'. i [bu't forget the Bachelor Club dances at the opera hounes Frida>' esenicg. Uir@'.W. B. tiigley @pent Monda>' and Tue»da>' le Wauiiagan and Chicago. 1kvw about that Fourth of Jul>' cele. bration? la there acytlîicg doing. lir. and Mr%. Kirticger visted tbeir daugliter at East Fox Laite Sunda>'.-) B. Chard, of Chcago, vialted is mother and lister at Gages Laite Sanda>'. Chai. Dykes vho bas spent the vinter- at Acadorko. Oki.. returneil Monda>'. The back property viii be improved lu the near future witb a fine uev cerent valk. lira. Ed Dru%-slie in a ver>' critical condition at ber hume of town. Mt Sullivau aniettained is naphev iir. Frank limydon frona Chcago over sinday. Allan Murrie and famil>' of, Laite Forst vsited friendsanmd relatives ble Sunda>'. miss Kitty RielI>' relu rned Sanda>' eveang alter spemdicg severai days ins Chicago. Attorney' Edwrds of Waukegan vas out vibh soine friends In is fine n.v auto Saturda>'. Barryv liar>' and IMisse uh>' Smith and imez Edwards drove to Fort Sheridan Sonda>'. Rer. Shatz former panter of the M. E. church inlaspecding a ew dayi vith lMr.. and Mrs.L. A. Burge. John Jeffera and famil>' have moved Into the liacbacklan cottage at Giages Laite for the sunier. lira. Mac Cuig of Chicago spet sevenal daysaof lait veek wiih ber lbrother Atturney' Churchiull. Mira. Claude Crippen bai returned to ber bonis at Waukealia and Mmr. Forvor la stopplng vith Mmr. Ricte>'. W. P. Mac Lacilan and vile af Chicago apent Sunda>' at the Mac Lacklau tarin at Gages Labo. Frankt Winitle hascoipleted hie course ln telegrapby at Jaceeville acd in spend- ing a ev daya witb bis parents. isera W. B. Rigis>' and E. B. 8bermmn atts.uded thse meeting of thse Rloyal Arch blasons Tuesda>' ight. Fred l)aiy, Mliss Ware and Misa Suant of liovuera [rocs vesg tsasat the Chai. Waebburnihome Or4S.'iunday. L. V. Sikes, premidpnt of the Merbacte and Fermera Iank wiai called to a an cil>' Saturda>.b>' thse deatb ut un unce. Ilr. and lir. Claude Root rturned. Tlîurgday ltercoon alter iqerpral dave viit witiî Mr. loot's parents at tiardner. Mir. and Mes. & E. Kelth formenl>' of Grayalake nov ut Binkle>', I., are the uroid parents of a baby girl bort Mir. and lim. L3imn Lewis and aglter, lir. Buvard Bigle>', of Librtyviile, vers guesia at E. J. Bigle>"e Sanda>'. P. A. Rahîn@on old bis fine home on the laite shore lait Salarda>' te Joe Turner, of Atiocli. Cousidermiioi private. Mmr. Geo. Tuciter vho bas been 9pend- ing the winter lu Sac Anonin, Tex., fo ber beaith returned Tueda>' ver>' muet The Soroals chapter E. 0. S. wiul bol a eelebrtion ai lite Opera bouge Junm ost18 and lire other lodgeoi vili b. Invite te loin theu. lira.,Cha. Kueber @pent seral dayi snith ber aoc Charlie at the Preabirtoniai bompitali eectly. Cliarlie il; gettinI ilong nieely. 'l'hMay, fe.tival at the Congrece Été eceC eue" i soeali>' and linanially and ail report a ice utie. Ie spite bf th dieagreeable wetber about 200 Chicago guese viited tbe Ibotelsanad aunsmer resonis aI our nuinerons laites Sanda>'. *fo Thomnson wbo pscae b it a4isl nnerte dega É aa @d ~wiI1aeuwtaeboue s wmit la Tha ]Farnas. mi l in-hanta fBanktof Grayslake solktjoîîr lepuits vbetber large or 00101111,TSM' .-Ppr cent le Paid onapSo it W sisx miont a. 29 Il On gatnrda>' evennug iay'26 Aman Bron. of baund' Lak' 'il hold tbeir OPafij da»ceurtoithoeason. iood mnsiceu baapoCrse andl a fine time la aasured toi aUboattend. Tbe Grant eeoetery aoiety vili neet witb Mmr. Jnatin Baldw~in at Grayalabe Friday aflsrnon May 2;-. 'Ail Inter- estod are requeaWd t i- lresent es there la important business ti tranîaated. The Odd F.llowm -~lebrated faut Thursdai oesdeg. Sixne%%-membera vers Put throuab ibe ra-k anîd the boys .had a banqeqt ast shei.ýrlaciî res lsiat té windrt ut> WhII. f'od iiie, 1ill gues-and themn oi' Mira Wm. lidwaris sîîîertained the Wonîan's lub Monili>' vning and a littie surprise for the li, ladies and-ber buiihand. The bnshanîîiofut te ladip several of Mir. Edwar's oitîer frleuda were invited and an siaix,îate lunch vas qerved. Thomson Brot. 5an- .--rlaiiily going oins outebuu'qieo.i. iîr moi-e wers taketso*f'b'IîatSaturda.v and aold to lMr. Bortn i liv,-ry mac nt Antiow-b and a'flne r'iaisîut lu Allie Kapple of rylake. The ,Wqlun'slub h.]d its ainual electjou o 6 lIdât Illînav eecig, leet ' glufOi g <ufi~-a Ms'.B.i Sorhln,. Praiet; Lint. Somervilie, Vice Prosident; lin. Frank Fritai-li, Cor. 1Sec; lra. J. M. Pàlnier. l -Sc.; lira J. W. Bulard, Treasurer. NEWPORT ANO BENTON. Mr. Led Stafford who bas been nigbt vateliman at ibe factory et Wintbrop Harbor for several years, aud la 51111le Inthai position, la 84 yesis old and active. Mien Ruby> Kirk la >pending a tev1 days at home. .1 Mr. and lira. Alex. Morris bave ioved to Russell. Mr. Elmer Morris is gainiug but le Vet qulte sicit. . Mr. and Mmr. C. E. Howe spent Sue- la le Russell. Mir. and Mmr. C. W. Arliug are re- ulciug over a littie dautîer Who rame to their home Thursday. Motu. rt acd chlld are doiîig veli. The village board of Wlnthrop Har- bor met recenti>' and had au aIl- ligbt session. The>' voted to retain Mr. Leslie P. Needham ai their coun- pellor at 1mw. alse passed an ordicacce robiblig rlding on the sidewaîka. The>' are te, have a dlealer le vood end a hlscksmith, sbop ut Wintbrop Harbor May' 2151. Leonard Laken. Sherman on the sîcit liat rilli pneumouia. Mns. William Ferry o! Wauitegac visited Mir. mcd lin. William ScatI lunda>'. M. 0. Peterson lias retureed trou bis visilteo Milwaukte. J. H. Van Vlisaingec vas up trom Chicago maiting arrangements for the building o! the sehool bouse at Wiitbrop Harbor. Mir. William Kli-k vai a Wadswortb 'isitor Ibis ssci. Mise Maud Hoilard of Wauitegan is at ber mnother's.lirs. G. Mollardas. RU.SSELL. lira. Sarali Crawford. Oliver vasi born le Oounty Derry. Irelsofi. sigli- ty-tbree years ago andi died at her hones, ln Newport township, Laits count>'. Illinois, May' 8. 1906. She married Jams Oliver Match 20, 1849. mnd that stînîmer the>' came to Aînerica, settlng irst ln Massacho- setts aftSrvard moving ta> Salems towu- ahlp. Wisconsin, snd trou there ta Newport townsbhip, vhere the>' bave Rince reslde. lira. Oliver earl>, gave her heart t0 God. beng reared b>' a GodI>' ùiothsr, nu thse Scotch Preshyterime taitb. La- ter she joined the Baptint church o! alsiclichurcli asewas asievoted ment- ber at the time o!flier demth. Her bouse vas a bomne tor the preacher no matter %,hat bis creed. and shte tmught lu the Sunday sehool for years. She bad nul iî,en welI for years. but vas always patient and uncore- plalniug. Shottisafter 'celebrating the Ifity-seventiî auniversar> o!flier marriage Mîrcb 21). she vas taken wltli the Illness !rom vliicl itebs as t00 veai tu 0ral'. During al ber suffetlng site re- pemted passages o! acripture and hymnsanmd vas utucl lu prayer. Macy tUme@ abs -repeated ".Jasus Savior, PI- lot Me" and --ssus Cmn Maite the Dylea Bed." She vas the niother ,o! eight chîl- drec, tbree o! wbom. idrs. Elizabeth HunIer o! Richmîond, Ill., W. J. Oli- ver and lira. Ida Murray' o! Newport township, survive ber. Beside theas eslfelsves tu moîru lier loss lier mged husbapd. tw7o granddanghters, Blanche and, Ida Oliver and one brother, Alex. Crawford of Pav Paw. Michigan, besides mac>' more dIstant relmtives. Mer tuueral tvas conucted by Rev, Shieriondy,' assisted b>' 1ev. D. T, Stephenson, pastor of Ilie Adain sîreet M. E. ebîrcli, Chiicmgo, wbc #poke feellngly oft he Influence bli elite had on ha 0e-n l!. as Wel as ot lb.h Ilces'o! th,îsc lu the coninsuniti vbere sie lit-ed. Sue vilI be long remembered foi vhat she lias Sotie. Cord ef Tisenke. W, viali ta thank tibm people wbg alded ln the beiiit rendorid us. l ia. GuST CinLeoIÇ *ND FAMuLv. r MILLOURik. Fil A mes vlite« 1851 Tuesda>' I aAntiocli mnd Miss LagerOAmnsri turelihomse wltli ber. etireme Donner of Claleagewa boine over-Oanday. Mr. -#Ater Kenper -of bochetO nge on and Heard Pertalnlng le> Gr&yslake and -------- "e Viclnity 60awmmene ]FOX LAKE.- lira Magr.'-0'oyl laabe to x moaud again. It la reportIat MiàseEffie Daîzel and Mir. Chris Larinie wre marrlod wedneeday.J lira. Eari Wilkinson of Eibere @peut a tew daysi with ber parents hors. Floyd Culver loi ucflced to the houa. willi an attack 0f Inflamator>' rlenina- tiata. The Fox Lake Cemetor>' socipt>' wili meet with lira. James Barnastable Satarday aflennoon, lietY 19. L A. Russeil basa now piano. Mir$. H. 1). Knox in on the sick lt. Everyone tu Ibis nelghborhood ii'buiy planting corn. d- e r p A TELIEPONÊ Defs the wéathet Saves time Protects the home A Iew cents the dao lira. J. Lynch, et Libertyvifle, opent~ Lake Cou t Monday bers. lira. Ed Kelly, of Chicago, le vimitng e b es witb M lir. .Sheridans. I Conneat %wth ObleagO Mmra E. J. Carrol @peut Friday lu Aise you friands .. Saveral trou liera attended a dances at LaeC.1Teehs . (iurnee Friday mght. O1c okh lç lias Lilliau Bacz entertained berI clasîiates on Sanda>'. Libertuville - Io~ r' -Jhmaplatea uIMg sèmesà NU F o r . s.. LFereY,*r 1__ N %wo * AW- 'i FIJD o . FURNITURE COMPANY, Wsh to anueunce that Isey have ebtined the Agency fur Waukigan sud Vieinity of, the Fe G. SmltJi Fine Line IBRADBURY SMITH &, 8ARNEB WILLAR 01. KIUNSINGTON WE SITALL IN F F.09 ou F'UTURE THIS GRE~ATF MANI~UFi .. aa.~- -1-- .&M.. r s.Tarote s da,*bter LM >rof ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' Uvaneon aam visitingMie. A. K. Bain P M aid John Troter. - .M Mr.*A. H. Stewart et* tended the funeral of!lira. Oliver .;!2 P0 6 iii ,,Th. Hatere Star accepted an ln-1, Jfo vitation last Wedneaday night to the 210 No. Geneéee St., Eiastern -Star of Atloeb.- Tho..sme s - iz p.e Mr. and lira. H. ,B. Tower and Mr. Waukegan - - 11 and lira. James Jamieson attended 5 W bt th EstrnStrtuWakeantet The stock of Wmi. Smith, deceased. , S Ol theda asn tarlkea atbankrupt. wll b, aold at a sacrifie. i5rldaestaurat. tables, center tables, eaus .Arthur Spafford and tamily vlated estauranet. Grassamakc Pbmnuu.cgt test TIturaday villi bis uncîs ln Pîke- üesai .brsa ooe olo vill. kwicker chairs, 1 heater, cigar Graguloh Wm. Niel dlsd taat Wedneadayicase. stouts and chairs, 1 steam table_________________ uorning o! heart disase; buried:coniplets. rugs aud mlacellaneous ar- Saturday at Mllburu cernetery. Iticles algu 1 Chicitering piano thla la fb ----- i oi Sheriff Powell and Deput>' Alvinagodoptut>tobycsa. NWSNGM Griffon passed through Mlîburn wlth B rîct Court eUie tts l. M eS ANe Wm. Young, who, kllled bis son James tri' ordrt the nitd SttesDia lait Monda>'. Walter S. Taintor, Word was received Monday of the Trustes or 1%,m. Smith, decease<i. B Uow on exltibtlo death of Chas. Âmes' tather o! At-barut- kinson, Nebraskta. t Mrs. Wiceckie and dauignter Frie da have the mesiges. Mrs. Wlueck- O GLKETEGE te la clulte ick. Tbe C. E. toplc: Lessous !rom the Mrs. Kate Waite visited relatives tierse blin. cmu lives o! Elîjali and John the Baptist. lest week, i.. n GA Luke 1: 14-17. Jesse Denmani leader.' hRAîleî aivaeoccig~W . AIS H The C. E. solety will give a paper their vottage at idl,.wild. JHSTE m social rlday venlcg Ma>' It-b t lra. fler <.ilert is helping cars for'!________________ the home of A. H. Stewart. Each! r peron must wear sorne article ofira. A. T. Giilbert at Wauo:dla :ho dressmade f papr orfines ilb 1hu eàsc fr81etm. impused. Everybody welcome. llHarry Daîziel baèi heen loing sn e, G ayslake a e 1 Everybody coule. Ladies bring cake.1 paper hanging for IL-s. Walter Whitb.t1 The Hoçkadayschool wilI close' Miss Louise'Huouu baw returned to1 ibis Thurada>'. ier home after a tew dnys at E. Cipcs- Nirs. Herbert liathews and Mrs.'liindk. aoanso ils.olaefr Restaurant Nettie Mathews returned 7uesday' Mrs.Vlrnsowilýnlae4! troi Kenosha. , Nur%'aY aPd.,*I, bricg ,tgek brlt 'daugliter. -aI . L u-~4U A.-large' crnbwd f soin Graplake * i ANTIQÇH. attended the bal gaine Sunda>'. George Paddock bad a colored macn!G RSm AN I~ out froin Chcago Sunday tu overbaul hie automobile. G hn o 9 Misa Mary Blair Sundayed at CharlejPoeN.1 , Smii ls home Cbannel Lake. M lr. and Nira, C. S. Meyer attended the MISS EMMA GERLACH, Prop. Mdisa Ruth Sevinour, oiflMilwaukee, funeral otflir. Fred Lindemeyer of viitea her mother over Sunday. Palatine iîunday.. -Mr. Fail rode out froin Chicago st lirta. Lewis Fischer of Des Plaines and ! W Saturday onbis biey*.lire. 0. H. Lavraniz of Highland Park f .F M SaIn ray on is biccas. d viited at Berinan Fiscller'a a coupla of TooilAt* Mir. and lira. Walter Chine mnd child,t days fcut week. olS innadlcate, iay.5.r istn r. lra. -Han@ Bats of Laite@s.cornera Chien aiîd taeiîly. -calleel on lira. Wm Smîith Monda>.. Cîda' li utn pe 86me twent..tbree Odd Fellows utilrna orCutn à$" No. 723 Lodge at 4ntioch vers lu A troop soldiera troin Fort Sheridan- Graygaae tant *Tburadsy nlght and marcl>e thronoel here Tueada>' forenoon lnitiated live nov members and gave the Tboy ictend tu camîp bers@s@ine night Iocasd ln firet and second degra. tu several. The>' "est wesit.BfM BAL I4 were royali>' eetertaiued by the Gfrays- Isker@. Opposite Driag Store lira. Grmmn vas çalled té Est Troy, RSLAE rnysinke Wise. onda> b y tbW.serioue- Iliuma o____________________ lier littie grand.daughtsr, baby Swarts. T"eages Lake Aid socleS>'viliimuat À ngrochiueyswep ookin ntiehaI the bous of Mis. Frank Clark, No. A egroy Hîe as iepa to e tion i248 Popiar Street, Wuiegan Thur&. wtnesfay e as uteab atacInforen<mn, May'24. Viitors velcome. with is iucy gali. lra. Niebolau, S. Oce oi the largeat binerais ever field ln Aniiocli vas that of James Young, who DE___________________ ws tabbed b>' bis tather on May' 7. I and Oral g"» The fanerai vas the loth. and UGÂTUCIC -IF -% -VI ff -/ , , 1- 1 - 1 = ii N-Ir N -% - lk- y , , r ', ý 'L à.-% ýà-l%- .é- JL,4,Â&A - ýil »-M* . -l

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