Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Jun 1906, p. 5

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't, - 4 4 s -1 k 'i Wbea tie Appetite mut bi vietteit by flic green iteicacietif tha gandin. To properly enjoy natures lîoicet ofwiimgi you muet get flictu vien t bey are freeli. Tliai is vby flic particular lîcopi buY uMt hile tore. Bers our stock change. mu fnef fliaf ualing gels et sic. "Tue Belt in lowl" in MÉATS. AND GROCERIES J. ELI TRIGOS ; PROPRIETOR LIBI3RTYVI LLE -MARKET .nd OROCERY' JÙNE m s the Monthlor W car"y ua ie.stock oS*Vci t. froo »d " "ec vi o«derby ceiseguefw oW y. deore buling e prouentsSe us s i AHUSS LM s YVLLB X X X BRMN1 w~.u; w ~ yN1W1FW1PWUUVt"'~ WoU _ILL 5EP USW wlth Our line of*,ummer wearable' The appearance audIup-to-datelOs5 of the gooda inarestheir sale-once the articles upon Tour shelves are shown. We especlally wish to caUl your attention to Our Ladies' Summer Corsets and the American Beauty_ Corset of which we are justly proud both on account Of the low pries for whieh they ;re offered. and for the quality which lis in- corporated, in their make-up., Below -we quote a few prices to give you an inkling of :what we have in warm weather underwear. Ladies' Undewear Children's tJnderwear Mimses' Underwear Boys' Underwear - Men'a Underwear Yotbs' Underwear- *5 to 50cents 5 - to25 cents 2 5 to250oents. 25 to 50cenlts 2!5te ocents Smih &Davis, TEA ýAND LEADBRS Ls 1~cI k~is . l Ioeàutêo Readers Mit.. Etbel Sinley arriveit Wedaelday Qite&anombwr f Lîlrtyi illians are Ma CIalmlng l'o se Contbr- lot a visit viftii.T. E. Wells tamlly. ,-lntendlng ta tuid l t e vital to lie tfit Note. 'irhat Cannot De William, elmnha been somewbat . 1e1 tiuiebahrJne2,a indev tht 11.1 eatliathle pit Couple- 0[ iteinway b0i, Ciig . te1hla Dtected Wrtes Loca mmsle at wlih l C tî. .N. Uurazid UlmStbl Trne ba ben sendngtakes part. AÀea" las l».eit arrangeit tihe pet lew dalNS in Chcago vietîng for ta uîeet theLibertN.iii.. party at SUQGBSTS AN EASY Lake Bluffi thos attendinrg rtnrning to WVAY TO WEALTH. Catpentere Union, No. IÎ7, i ber-,that place hby Ol tii. Ncrthwetern. tyvilie, ha. !fg charter neatlyfranied and Ail are invited to loith, party. lire.' rewaiy to bang. i)urand ha. tickeftan( t l Y cau lie Pro-' A Libertyville meerîhant receired a Wells hau bee11 uudpr the cureil of lier. îetter Weduesday morniîîg in vlhich vestier tuiepat couple oi dBys and ha.s Mir.. Scott iicCoy or, ru.eday joined a a 1oiio hîiiftknu lissa off duty t Colby's. '1lier htteland, the. well knoqwn traîner .prostn heifak u Bev. Charle ClaY, Of KingAtOn. called wiîo lias healà town for s-verai daye. 'aLuinvetlient of 500 dlollars, would, nUa Bey. ClaY te the enumOcer ci Re%*.il r.iCoy ham deide.l t. remain in give o niediatv (returit that Seans 1) r ionmeriy of tht. Pl--e.LtbertvvilTe andt open t "ai iuîig quarters 0f toil inhis prfeut bit lilss woald net tir. and tire. ('irle Croker and et the big tract. Re s'j..akes highly of du..,Tht. nian ,ner of reaehing weilth daugliter, of Austin, visited t the boues the Trotting Auxsocttîo, grounds and wsi eyfl.antri ncoqse of flic Croker familite over 8unday. wjrhuut reéeMq. ey ..s . believe thieI aifveypintreadoîît Rose Trigge Who la worfting for track ftoi e ih. veriiuî.-t in thiecountry of f dieposlfig of"countePrfoit one,,ive andt Butuî..r &U. a Chicago linn lieu»es nuni Iewov&-sonl n s, oiething for teu] dollar notes wliicli the wrter Was le enjoyiiig a twa weeke vacation. liet. lis een aaàociBt,.,i withi the bemtl uînnuftiiritig ini the east and wlîieh tire., E W. Dusenberry lft Tueeday trotting lioreseMin theI,~ land for fli cou , oî rint fo S. ou.çMo, hee he~î ~paettwenfy-dliit., Diiing the riud no e tol rnteoriginals. lie dugherLauaborea fe will week o lie. préfiailoo fnir (rattAneolts Çiaimrs LongEceine 'sfoa e ek. wlîieh lie viii adil to bisi, tring and piace 'l writtr wariîu lciîenlî itn ire. Euiri H. Corîcif and tir. and tIre. in traininig. tg)le'wure of evuîî, whoae albe te C. P'. Wright aftended the state Sanuiay sîlîool convention at fKank8kee lujt Tht. Libertyvie to%, ihall viIIhé hie ,iîaii nîif.rior artie l t eîiggestl weck. ilsiii he r i eurfuîîîî, for repaire if tliatlit. buy of liiianîd geltountoricit tire. Waight, fbrîîierly o(ilibertyli ebilait thtl. intention of the toîwnship i vr* ",offiters te repalat andu-l ulorate tlie, thut it puw er 'îdîly tireugît il e.enta few day. liere re.etly vmitng the entire entertor of th lbuilding and: banke. Theseueiatr of ti, letter titt.s Miss el el Towusend and otlier acîquain- inake - itany neeeear., imiproveients. that lie iW ait exp*enigraver" liîviug any.Tht. wallé i ii h5 calciauri-d anîd treated wqenelydfiteit-w âlsn flin Wiunifred Young le acting a@ with a et orsandfe guarlgaiust tht.eeîmloydfrtit,-W .ieii eashuî.r for William Walî'oiîd in the. place hanîivent of tiewaîl ýi-i, I,I.rwho lias tht. Buireiu ( i Eigriivitg, Washigtoni, of Mise Lida Lee whî, in taking a i,îthe pesttdone mnt t,, ,I.Nttht. tie- 1). C. audîirs seîî1rinteiideiit vaation. tare wltlî hi@ ever n&r.eaà kad 4ýci. Tht. çf ou, o f the largeet tankiuitt. cnnaîani.e The. evening services next Suuday at crt i*t.4câlrul flie Prebytériun church wil l béo- ~I~l~iuni4.l'Pe a eifte liIlecutry. ' dueteî.y t le. Dr. Pfitneuefeil of Iligli- tht.towaiii. iortht. r,.nt atinî l îij Thtter aliiece îîi'îîvir Y teli'graui liud Patrk . - - wvrk i@je ijujeeithe. ball %%i l lt lie let te S. E. Rueît, tcîîug.buîrg. Ne.w York, C. Gottfi & Co., hart. branehed eut info for da»cset or pubic ev5î,î.. of any kiud. 'tîtmeate~s inîlicitly that ne lettere ivili flic, wholemalt. truit aînd ive reani A inan hy the name of f a.ny lid jte b.. receivî.d if coiiiiiaiitiit3arte ttilit blsnPee and iow run a wagonî deliver- fown Wedneday evennz nîtti a supr in tliiia niîîîîtr and msuiv: To conuiicet ing their gouds anuated folo seo iqîrIiiý ater. a Fi 1 Ed Combe, of ichkligan City, litnd,,n uignn liih lie descrilwsîllis luadait, yUitta fe e h.lîsn.10" vlI Wallle Combe. of Chiago. spe". Sui'de, chîclen coop panlyi tlY l l i fafléier tuo îc.p ft.erani-a8 i rin(es. visting relative« liere teluping aif tlietand B collection .ai unltell fluie andI note--eiit yeu fn sampleo01uMY work J. W. Butler bomne, chaînt e tif isalit Ilil- njittîcit eut of and wtll aIse appoint a&lPlacie te ineet Tom Pester vlio formcnly workeit t "ei;,whlseveiiir ' a th.reen hall yeai i 0 a e nl the lBcsmih tadela ihctvvilehassentence la the Michiganu tare peniten- 0,0th en îa prdn rhetaekitht ladeuio wri for tunry for bigamy." BRe rnlily admiftcd examine iny entire stockr." The rtrerandIa noPester. fori t ha hn the ~jail lhe ras 1mercliant i. requested f0 itetroy thé brobpleuty maerter. liaiutlotit a couipl ivew ,note ilie iteelities vo accept tht. prapo. l, etuember aur nces for opticai vorE hoeaiia ELee i huh P 0uiytoe opnra"aonau.ohonorrbliemahouglit are very reasonable and thte grade we thereeva. no nod of losing lhope na lie sfoan asnhn or e n ie garantî'e la second teunle. WP can sal "more weref dot bardtoi get.". His the protection vlîich the wor cni 1 fit yau riglt et Bewike. viit in Ltyitlt1 vasW 1 itef for lit waB dential" enouree'ali communications.3 John Ilumnuen ha gene Into tht. pint- Ilecoration dayadtetw o nîeyNw tog businsse n hie ovuhook Barrentelât af." lie loft iinmciiatejy for Frooriio job heng Dr. Taylor's risidence. He i Atklnoon visathb.hare rotite saying lie The letter vas turnei over toi the &W opainting the Frienit home. hait relatives there. INDEPEXDENT thai the mecheme miglt Thie ular businss meeting o1 the The noul ai e et t.ith.Bine receive the praper ptbiify. A swinitle LadiesTAd ocety offlic M.E. churcli Box und thteiCoonter Jullillerm whiciî ha. ai exactiy sime atr n poaî wti lie heli at the. home 0f1tire. B. C of late yarsbiorne lan annual event carricit on by the sa-iepartIe s a Gardner on Tueedqyaiernoon, Jaune 5. vspeyi ettoni llay t the fair mmr. Loyd L Haeklsy, of Chcago, bau groutis iii fi, diteoi the tavn l xfiei inh IDtEtF.Tui u hae visitlng W. L. Hekley sai famiiy atuloudance. Titis vas the. tiret tume e1ri1InÀriil aIsnov lu the bande the peitfoe dea.. Mr. Enckiey hiniel eltber tiBahait liaua ogether vbi&syer, o! tr. Zput 'al oiIsvlo are seeklng to sý pet Dscoration day bemsvatng hie la lot fie boys arc suri gondt balll arrst the. partiescoacernei. k fatîher. Plyeethait nei8leentlvely aseles. i y E 1.1ia l ni spectacles coity»dni nedd. The ganme vaeis elod x sMM Mjû~iUlNT fttedly Seevck, graituate optician, if ait intrimrelg throughcoui and Outilito- you visb rslerewm sfroni parties wliom the «fnWlianhîg flic onteoiDO van un- Motion pctiiress Ofthe -itca>ai- P. P. vi have ftteit vs manfurnisb tileul ta ieid tthe fore part oif tsecontest trophe of moitIra tie tue itei Gaio. you y te dpen.sel gbilfavo otiefloz. Vîry by eairtbqtale sdAit ofinailinFrancisco yi>aby ii.itpe.leu ie ver. nmade ad ibe fIedna ai0 are li e exhibitedin laWaukegan ai ithe Ntion aia he lîrish te n re vW i teimuvas gooit. P uas Scbvat tbeater on, Banday Jane 8. muetof ofie prpo.. ea digrsein- amis iieiiytalkeit about foi D»eit yeeir's l'u.. eallntic and ave-ltinr vieve, ment efi..thei. scoe aiftii. ea aite geaulie portiiayais oifie terrible dis- ~ enisc aicallnga psto ta......a h uaibi laag toitut 5 la lavor of aster vih avertook the beautiful for the, comlag roir.the CounieJumplers. Box Wells sunitCaiforia citY, ver. taksa' fDmOndaisly Wildear Biterielit las blnInsa a owîîî llDeàar unqlre. elter the eartiquake and darlag thie thepai thie eek. e ~lBt5 t <~i-Dr. W. W. Dtieeick, opticien, vba basProErsof01 tiela. blca poieoff bs properfy boire andi remov.jtu for fis pust year Élbhit a large grOv. Aberta "alltin, vho vtl appear ati tie ooauntdtiriby tuesapet lnjg practice t Waconita&nnueethe Scwartz theaire Waukegi on rleumattum aoti s vtciity. that b viii immediatiely openauanoffice FrldaY Jane18 liemssdaitOf one of in he fi e ujef tlscraEes t ie ietho utL .ier' Ivilie re he viiibeI repaneit most charfning peroionallieeta e faand ce hercbect dSuit a hen. e oint tif.lcally' fit giuaseely t minat amoiig fte women of fhe Aniericen expctlCng t Sayav ai rn Wclaircs upto-date and appnoved mthaia.Dr. stage. Ber pereonal euy eàt expetig t hài or nw cumbDidrlkle litdoreed by ilng pbyslc- but it lislber greai Iheartand leIabk hymnal for nusela al fOfie service. Ians viere b Is knowtt unitforînorly eveet nature conîhlned ithiiniate soit Saaitay. b" a Imhttve practioe In Cblcsgo viere cleveîaïua nâ abillty as aunactres, that The trotting track liegins ta brlgbten he le spolien fhgbb ie(e la sl the er ffuameytayat tb np andt a fev ai the familiar faces o! ocuiste. Fur the. preast eat oiii make higli rnng o i aie ilm hts __ horeemen sudi traineri are *galu sein on is hsadqnarfars %iifl Dr. Golding antd nov occaples. And again, Mâles Gallain "e grounnds. The plant iurnishes au inter- vili imakte hfie leadfjarirg vitli Dr. l in lvaye fOrtunate la picking ont a &L esting siglt for anyonc via viii take Golding ait vjll mcci hie patients on iitable play for a dieplay of ber talents. flic trouble ta vander ouf thaf vay. Fiitasuanitaturdays but alter Jnly 1 Thies eason if is 'Cousin Kate,"Ilanvhlch The veteran tramner "Doac" Moore, of vUii pen au H e 01 b ie ovn in thaelie is starriug. The pione le viuliaut PM Elmira, N. Y., arrivdait thfli Trotting nana. tirer ethe, furntare store doulif one of the clcvartet soclety association tnack flus eak vifli twclve viere he viii lie everv evealag tlîough n commedieiaven put on and scareit beait o!finle younugbharses froni fli Fox pai of lise Unie viii lie $peut st Grays- unliniteit sucies at the Huitain t liarte, Lake Stock fanm. Ont. borses falf iaki saud nigliboring tovns. New York. attractiag nîncliattention te Bernard__________________ Buckncr, a yearling stailion. Invitations are ouf for thaeanariage 0fi ~ ru A L1 nles of tilieulitheut previtiusly pulliug Mies WhilmaMao Gray, daughter cf1UE /'p FR hi'riMn 3 a- itch vhich would iuakc hmtai 3ames VB. (Gray, te M. Clarence Leauder -IAAI Tliee wines it vas tounit, lad hecu Fiagg, vhicli occurs next Motutay, V.ASTU MN araitped vîfi htiufoil by flie victin o!flice June 4. Bth young are weil kuown,.dn nd'se otehl h ald very popular in Libertyville whlere HI I F aiietada tn ielatfi they have a lange ircle o!f fiendm a-lueHI$U u IZM-eitiuchiaery been teîipe<l lie.mut have irlelitilieul veil. _ _due flic vork witifltfliccurrent on. i Presidehi licDeI. of the Mion Ifail- Chares Baoseeti, Operator ai, Foot Pints Burned in Cernent. reaul andtone of flic principal en-ners of Lbryv- Hu t te f 1 tlait criidently just compiefeit F flic Whiaton trac- li;e hippeit hie ietyil Su-tcti 0 mpîujg tflixa iribl .lat baud whicli horses mcom Alabauma te Libertyv ille Eiectric îneîantly Kille-d iras umatof0a ciep came iii contact s irliene ,le mil place the n u training..t This week wil sec more flian a laumuireit Lst Moiiday. witi a joCite perfectly insulateit. He huomdeaf the tnack. - mas standinig at flhc rear of ithe trans- Word naliec liet hat Kathenine. RCEIVES 13,200 VOLTS tonneîr, andi faclug if t flic tiiaîe. His Fjtzhtazdtlpli, forîaîeriy of Liherf>'ille W IEE 'RMN 1G ctl. a ocjga o adeo dieit ouSaturday lasf in Chicago. Ber H B XE ?4Z IN . etlgwsouhnaubn nd fa u paret irlie otaok lier seth seme meekg .tor andithefelic ficela tbi injt vas ago in hope. of trolonging han liteliail Cha.rles î1,erator afflue. î,iter- i hoérnily bunned and it tsoloreit. On the but a day onre arriveit in Chicago wif h ci.melif fluor of thc building lus fot- lier. The hunjal va. lu Bloomingten on tytille suli-etation ofethfe Chicago & 1. Monilay. Milwautkee electri,. rallroad iras 1prints vers distiuctiy lturned inte flic Tht. lance gveu feit fFriday niglif t linfly killeit in the englue voulua Af etoueabwinmlg veny îlainly hie exact thet tei hal by the Ladis'1Altsr tfli Lilierfyville depot of thalt road tien-1 position atf the society oiflice Cafliolin churcli wae a da oace b eiglaacnat WLen founit lie iras iterfectly itesa ut I: fnccess about ciglt couples afteudîng. t . - ____ilu it cntc Supper vas servedithe flicbsemenf andaith taite vire eurryiui13,2W0 volte oflbs3ulothing âsniilitcning. Thiés mas _ a mnit eujoyable avcning @peut b h iise eleeticty. The exaucftime of bis deaf h about 10:2-'. Physicians venu suni- preecnt. Hapk's orchestra furnimeatje nef kuowu ls t le thoagbf holahitdaioneit onflche oment lanliepes that tlic mugie.. inie ieuuautso elaea esibis lue tuigit lie reviveit but exanat Thc Ladies o!fie Preshyterlau churci baur befere beinig fîîumud by Traimniater nation shomeal flat iteafli must have gave'au enfirtaluiment in fhelie hurcli buen iusfantaneoîis. Coroner Taylor t.'ndey evenax afterw'trit senving ie Taylor wvliiies iin flic iepot. wsntfe u ldraelot le cealu, the rout ielow. The jro. Diath Due to Exporiments. ia oili utuitraelct ie vals au excellent one, M ise 1e The accident js e ilivit ta have bien oritere tu remove flic body te bis undif- nton a Young rende,', o! force anu due ta flic man's desire ta experimeef taking rotsmebre flic inquest vas paver 6eng tbe epeclalfeture o te > t hee ins ad -eo In jrylter lcî. programt. Ail thc numbere on fhe vi i nie ntiicre a Prorni Ivers liltivise good uni tlb.eblit, ixoneratiug the company frout Was Corisidered Capable Oprsior. epe int a mef injoyahle one. h tappeareiti slaqulsîtton Basecti vhle lie liaitlissa lanflic Et ie Io islaoklag exceeiiny U sM 1Wr elrmine the cause the meule emploi' of îhe company buttre veeks .priilin oLibertyq e &ii h tlb mib. liad hua epeinuiting wvas weoired a capable man. Hi hai -klkTi . p eehui vrbd'lejo ie ni'oi 4 i iua omri okdfrti aivssf 11EATS StapIe and Fancy Orocerles FRUITS V1E3ETABLE3S This is thetdîne of the Vear when gou are particular about gouar inet order. You 'want it put up right and Vou want it in time for thme noon mwal., We pride ourselves on. our meat department. Our ôrder 'and del' ~ ~ gteu orks like a charm.> 0uMý- sr tuij wilI1 calf for gour A order and deliver. il: in plentg-tim for dinner. Give themt a trial, theg will sureIg suit gea. 'Phone 'orders given prompt and careful attention! Pros. LAKE CO. NATIl". M CAPIAL $5OOO) We ca!mot butt take an earne4 lnlot"iû the proeperity of Our patrOns. Reuly, Our succeasdependa IargelY upon thefre. 7.5C Embr-O WAIST FRONTS 35C A ûlosing o ut lot ni a few dozen Embroidered Fronts for white Lawn Shirt IVaist, 27 luheB square, iu beautiful design, monte pleatei, momle wltb lace insertion. The. wholeemale price vas $6.00 a dozeîî; our priee lpes th'hai' li te 3 5 usual rtail Lrce. onl THE~ FAIR A ILLII« Wo ln youthnm Provision fbr 014> Moun yosehave 0 oçou<4 Ju tsI a whlch yudeplit, an to.dsy: the halut>, = 91r lm M M~n.ii TIE, -a .1

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