FO"** aethe essenfil festives ~oneclrO aiiotç te'different mary 0eectiOn. And neô erson sal lie of the ShSile«. prtmnry bilîlus it Parties h11>' dn>'t befOre priVMares. lloWed te vote a-beashait bave eignD@ lOS roffi Mths e mtra'îcc enmsniee Sc 4 lvsfr fpia> fithe nomination petitiou of au Idepen-l wtiau t ~««« ~ <mr« c ~ IIIlots. lieginnng witli pgrty eptain, end dent cadidate for an>' office for wbicb andmetPase hOItll)If'« O tle'lt-thon feiiowing, ln alphabetical eider, cndiates are te b. votedl for et lqltlitt . thé iîmt Important dtsfrofcsfreimsfid Peltion, or If lie sabafve votEd Mltimifbpisg girco vrbatim, the oth nttates senstor te ceunt>' offices. nt the priniar>' election et another Poil- I m rte:Sec. e2 27, 28. Male raies for tciîit'wti h eidc n fl~ tb î~w ~delbvor> of primai? ballot,% te election veolr next preeedin; such primar>' eec. fi Jb .'R nt U cappte omaijudges b>' electioll officiels. Mue. voerlrqiea futer e 11pt!l 1.ThA lire-fte noilit. Sec. 20. CGivet forM Of ffet ni Tevoe,1 qird ute t ~tlois of nlariadiintci for i l ci-dive ballot.. 1tate is anie. realddencee and part>' est@ And ,alntv 0neqa.eleciiesof <- Sec. 8o. Primanr> judges «laI! e- affiliation saM, if lie le cbaliengod, te *wiiltp c rt-rereeýpnttlves 111e-n- ceve fram an>' permon and permit te subscribe te an oath, the for-n Of Yiafaqo.memiiers of the «itp board f lie frely and equair exposed. Insea- .-wlhbi; outied ln section 85, end lu '~1Isst!en nae of ile jzth e eîral ia nd orderi>' piles ovthiln the poil adton-iwe h inaueo 4Wtab.veariti- rv alltrlc-t trt'.tpeee Ing place. 1inar ftle ballot box. n- boaî(ljr10<l- aiep Wcn hoab *»il tarif. nnit-ml ioffirerxa s are te wt4in reacb cf fthe votera, a suffIcient ,a-rn testît.v forlm. he ~t'M ntd t flic Novemiacr l-tion ter<-,,,pply.oftue varions delegate ballots1 ailpeitca prte«a-e-Illi mil' o'f encb political part>'.i Coittiflg Pe'iOiiSy Vote. au 191terdp-itieý gillliemad bý Sec. al, 32t <lire detalis of open- Secs. 37 te 40. Thesea prescribfl man- evtn o tlgliin 1l ie iPtel jlng andd dosina primary , Polis. nec aOf recceli-iug, ophi. m ~ -4 mîaes,ns . a ,*IrIlnusM.>' ieect- ýïznî -, - 'rninr vte,-hejo ,sufierprni-lng o thk fet.n1q sec. . 3 te 36. No person sol oéturis are to i *enivismed lt the saine ttcohi nto fl o h nfli. bloemariner and b>'-the Rame La ici eamia tfo ontr <'Ofiilqninr u t an>' îrlmflr>'elpctlon unîie." Pshalah ¶geral ellectioui, both et vote for Tis uial; t'i-aa«lîîaorgaî, be n legai quaified voter nd u,:tes lie cuaililatee for office andl for deeft ermtlnef iI' tne mil-I ltddnth ly er e tu pecl tte conventionis. Cerfihlcates of ele. zatin ml tonllp n"rq lent tirtyday prir t thedat oftien shll bc issed t conventinlcfl Tetitle "î.)ititl ,irl.ty" «ha11 itbe primai>' eleition, und unleRs e ~gates b>' the lertioin authoritics. Cer- usean n îrty a-lIehblit thîe hst ire - dormies part>' afiliation as reuired Uililctes sbcowlîîg the vote cast for eci redIiaaq>redpInttlnl etlen efet for Ifs b>' t)ls net, and ln ail cases wlaere cniaW fe.l nhdlgt candidaate fer prc«lalntliI l ertor m- reglstratloii ls eqlreti as a condit ion cniai a iie aidlgt eelvtag tis lii'tîiaîa' fv 1tsa preceaet te votlng nt regular elec- disâtrict aslai te seut b>' the eloetion -ast'i p rhc't cf lierolvote c i t ions oni>'egistereti voters aithah atiorle--.OmIity cierk or election let "MiWelrten. o îtoa oe ntlermltie<i te -ote t sncb pilrmaTv cc-- boe-d, as flipcae ey ie>' .-to file t ins.Andui"pe~Ion.h w aloedcialmIlan of the aeatralcommttee cf ii '0tOtlUiBleSUit JNft'ita. te ote hAd n«hall healiie,ftle »<jthe reeîectlre politletal parties. .The n e»'ote .eeastl c--ý te otetWho simldae an' pat>'e Piaremit et tic vote.f or lniteal States oitéiprtilmldesla- whieh lie dàota net affihiite 'shen sie-la no É â-'" - U1y'-e sec- ami esalillh disrictsb ennlI~aa~a 1? lie roteal for àtftle onl- vote po c uatî ciS'fesc mae n i it l elegte ligt'.tFe-a'OU.r«tai->'Of s+alte to lic sec-ear>' ot the "ier respective aolpites OU> r betore Sec. .10. The connt>' clerk Or lec- next follea-ilig tate eonvillition of the the 3<1 day eof.l<ly. A. r). ifid. and ten comission shall prepare and de respecti'ae parties. ou or tiefr te t 11da>'(fitMire-h. A.lilver te the judgta of ench proiact or SetcfisVo. 198.aalevr' oar>'ss i ee eetieu ditrict the neclessar ' ballot, Eft othVte *Str. odadelgase dstrct bul <-n-boxes, tati>' sheets, poil books, affidia- Sec. -"0. If onteomltaif «W af etnt more tlîan neveuntomî uafas vits, etc. the canvuss of «ici returils If appears Sec, Ilan12 The ferrm cf reals-1 thereaipon that an>' canidate et an>' "-iebnpreints Or electIOn dhatrlî4ft>' poil bock and tnliy alicet are here- partv, for nomninnatui for an>'&elt 1*a«compact fo a; bwl seife.coîareflonal or senatoriai office bas 'aotl>liise1. oimmreceived ia pliimaikt> cf aIl the votes esiblsbdorthat nia>' lereatter lie Cnddaesfor Senatoi. eftfrcrIdtsfrnmnto e ,,ýstb#hdfor thc purpose cf a Ken e- 3 n eme faPlt ca st for clanda e ornoat ionrfor -igoldectbon, anal >bali centaîn. an ne-r Sc 3 n'neiir< eiia nbofc i n'dlgt itit part>' deslring te beorine a cndidate, saic endîdate sallait-t for him the. e. p£ m b>c,é andl net Pepcedinga (K)for tUited States senator sallathave* votes or ail the delegates froin cb votea o fn>' oee poilfcl part>', fo bis naneprînteal on the primar>' bai- delegate district to tie convention ble Çw spuarpose of electina delegatea-'te los br filing witi the secretar>' of fore a-llhdih e a andidate, for ai Ob", onr séln a otorial, connt - utle, thilt>'days betoreliand. a oequm fest th e bal.Nontos erttlar>' district conventions ýandalnluwrittng. The vote on candidates latli b e firs l ballot ote Ofi «ftamtions ta nomnale saci munîci- for TUnited Stateas e-citor sahllielielal ail thîe delegates elected -tte-eh con- pal iMe as are te tie lectea et the for thesoie purpose of ascertatoiing vention. Xor.mVe'r elertion. the sentiment of tlie votera ln tlb.-re- Erpensea cf Prtimirices. MmseorfDlegate Dsricts. Sotv te. Se. 51. Expenme of holding Pri- Se.3No dlegte district for lise Nontten b>' Petition. marte-@ te lie pold l n the came mainer 4tibOS f deleates te cont>' clnven-. Sec. 14. An>' candidate for un ecisc. and b>' the mmre Officiais as the ex- tlç ail ortaist t a larger ores than tive stale office, except trute-es of tii. pense erthle genemal eletions. -M politicel town. as 00w organiseai univers"t, «hall have bis name prInteai Sec. 52. AI count>' conventions ahl laor et a largS resc than a con- on th. ballots, provided nttloat tirti lha elal on tie Tharado! immediMel>' . .,roWiiStowi55ila lu orties net an- dlabetore tie primare iehiall ile 1tohowing tie prmarles. Ail ';ena- ýdWorgansatio n. SePaiNtO " àpétition i wtii te soretar>' et state tornal conventions on the second Tues- 4iate1alsicts me-y le sotablielioguealb>'eaI lamIj1,00qusm dpri- da7y; ancongresuienal conventions OU, tWths pwuraof t elertlng deegates Mar elecors ef bis parti. the second Thurada>, andl ai lle frn nsulng s'ch Se. 15. An>' candidate for congresi convestions on tise tairai We&tnoWWl ýX4éb h'it&d t se eari equai Bas eor'fer inenbe et tIhe- tite béerd orf star tise po<mrie& . WbM a ceout! PVàe ba tng luInview lbe nuna- equslitation #hal bave hia naine li.aaostsaoriai dimEret ihecoane 'de-* >lr t party voer@usai h istrietg.' printeai on thse primer>' balht provideai gales am e- .ofo dalegates -te ts ~g y ~,Priusacu. tisaI t 1aI thire 0a betr hacaaaoiiconvection, wich i 0b ec. 4. iLTs oiiae tisat primai'>'primarles b. files wltth fe secrelur' t bhdontbi e nms dey' m, thse- cunI>' titu W m ureaa s1e atate a poition iguafi tb>'aiisi2 convention. Vous aýl'pountpia" -thefiretpar ean, et lbe qnaliied prnîsr>' elc- rvdaf.BolC j,~~~~~~ lm etthiet potltIn bis congreedolesl Pcdsfi BhC tors et bis peanfdistictisbc- 5. <Cisamen et ceoint>'conven- hma ine- a il mici? lions suil ie le - eE b>'ou i aii or open gî-ng the Mmie (Candidae t ficAs.embî. delegatoe disit& ChaiWn ofa éDu@, 'i Or i *aro obseerveai for regulir eIec, sec. à -Ans> candidate for tise geD- forint, cogresgio<iclead eate couve- toim& AuMW pcom entitheai te vote tre-h a.ssoînil>' shagel bis naie ou liensaiall te elecee b>' regulr ctli MU tabset istuseit rom -wort for iii. ballt providetea aet toast Uthicticl. Other offcon s »lthé,convention6 twe -mlacerponvidnlig gvea bis uni- <hayabetore thse primerie. hc filma ape-- ebooses. ~Ip cr r ole bel-reprimary dey>. tition signal b>' 2par cent of tise quai- Secm 54 and M5. No proxles e-tde- (le-Si bCnuttoise. liheai primai? eletora of bis part>' lis gales permytted. Delegatlons ea119U Se. 5. t hat thirt-hreeye>bils SUsteial district vacancies. - 1ese tise primerie. colis shail le isai 1Sc. 17. An>' candidate for couaili sec. 56. Givestfernai of nomination ta ic tte, cong-esloii, seccatoral, office salli ge bils name- on the pr-eStiiéetes. * onet. hanitar>' district and municipal mai> ballot b>' fiil; wtb 00001>' lark Sec. 57. *Delegatea le conventions counq Saventionse. The cait for tie tirt>' dais before tie prima">'aipeti. must be legaîl>' qnalified votera in tise * ýt convetion shlai te filed ut itout lion signef b>' 2 per cent. of tie- qai- dlegate district troini wbIch luey ae Ur~dais lefere thse painaates. în laed votera et bis parti ln the conti. cecteal. of exigtsg conteste wbere moreou e eito.sec. 5S. conventions nia>'authe'ice oseeeennettePotitm ten. thÈ. art>' commnittees te fil veancles on , gnlsr centrai comnittee et a cont>' àe&.18. Ail peitions shail lie et nul- 1ticist 4w congressionai etfafftorlaal aeicI, terni aise. anal t thé betteni of ech Setticio adiae Uie eonmltee a-home candidate« aer. she-t alli ean afidavit rartIfyto pcilEetioCnddtS pl$aeed on the eifllai iballot lmauetier- thaltie nainesc'aoiilue eabeet a-are Sec.*l5t0 Nominations of candidBla -Iel te Issue tic rail lu 111Mo. - aigued'l n the îr ofeaî-cathflacffiant te te voteal for et speclal election le politions of foaallaea erati,-a te I il vece-ne>'@hall be mode b>'tise manl- Raguiatbons for Pollin-. te Iled lit fli 'l'ai)'aiaa't N'viwiaiicr egngommtte eofthe polea parti- Se-c. 6. Fire da>'s ietome thé prima- tuat arc ili*l- altailIraauy li Illeal Sec. 60. Act doeal net aPPI>' 10 spec t4ige i osant>'clark or election coin- before thae' i tuî,a--a r t -are-uIt- electiona uuesioum sallitprepame notices, ta-e fattai. fitaaaaia -aidw-li thefac Se-c. 61. ProvIdes for cotent as te a of wicb shahli e postedlnluever>'leec- sanie offl-eri-r vaaal'il;,. iai~ aaiaes ofprImar> b>' an>' candidate for oMie Or ties iprecint ai leat tbree days betore ta-o or la" - a.,!' thaa' sainîe dale-h be ir anvefhte ocont>'court thse primarlea. poliltuctil î ai . a . --uýý ineaorai- Yettr- a-bicS s i4, Sec. 7. Jafiges sudd erts of genermil ont cille--termne ailc aa; a ~lctouns shahte Judatea and clerks etu -.u..Scec.('2. I'I«9Vî, - ai:11: a I ,- i si) polmary>'eectiona ho thelr re.%pec- tienof et -. t'e pt-Odt& Tie>' saht e deelncal Sec. i<< i, da-'la a-ata'a--. lii Sec-a il. oi -t(1 -:,1ia :îîaaauota amonS or tise ct4uticourt .andallshaitpriniarl,tf- i i ,fi .l .-haultelruns sacala '-t. paIlbl eenhhmeut b>' çahd 401t certify e-> See. 4;1. h. t' aI l g tanwaa te eoûtemspI roeedlngs for au>' mis- -:!ýIvi-o eiiiofý;3Ufleiturrte -*sviçs-, ~~dldates e Cii t a -aa aa -lebt kcclhag wta aa : ua itil dîiniug the Sm Be.8 achbMdirent ticket of dé,*- for 11i'aî-t - - - .«heaira Ile t-iliaul;lre-attoi ote. *halli he entitheai te h. i'epre- ogr." ---: --a-a ,.i.Y' - îh. h attoe o d b' iebalslge, wae lisl ave aese-a nbt-ai -ta- Wa*lii t1w lenoaiaialls:a hli'iiia i-eefiora unuer tie tbie sme podrer as cbaienfere isS- ' ' - i f litit gwt1111 q. ( lli;-ia iailI acte ami Parts li :C - . i a the o fets Ina ti ta ilaIlle icnia-avaw. Bac. . A oumdmet nombar o< pria-a-It----I - thl-a a- ie liaulaeir ex- bhfl >WÊ1 s lieb ptoidei nt le.use-a p1 ,~a - a!- atcb-- no letr lime e lungamdThle bot Me te .ver>' mvent>-ive votera aho lot.* a-wl.ll'ao.aai--'alit iivte e adx-ele bee- Set'.~. -1-.- hect±fl ateiiedy for cotigis and colaf aB-' baEeh tset Immiret 0<1000 koawîau'il- -Ii ia iaaal na ceuse eougb sya-ap tuat dose ootconstipae; - Wý M Tbe oMêllai primy allot tle îîrlîteil il m.iaOi'ti lrmar>' bal. theisbowes, bt wileion lb. other band isUiicalPart Bie-ilis.pfi~ oisexpelsaalîcolal iromi thesîyste-nib>' ect, en paper saine quM o4e-'d Sec.22. 1< latmaade' tie du ot> fe ig usa peuane-t laxative. De-t fou 6 ce t ffwtsrastnain-tor aeh gO*t ierse -ln anî Doilmir0tballots sal l be IIM 1tle Pis- on clp-lalt- ballots et-s1 ou is. oldse . ioping ùougis, e-le lie-due o10" ev ia*m l à@l'imenasue-f ail candi4e-ta o tb'Wî.L K&Am Li berlîville e-od mie. Oceni>'clark saff 1au- u sv ald cllji.Gsux uzua 1- Et y te )r FOR'THIS. DISSOLUTION SALE Jmse, Rd 1* IêLa*t 0f this Dissolu~ton Sale audilthle few remainiÎng dayi should witness a reguIau stam pede of buy ers te sed ureth .uparttlleled. b&rgaii has wllmaàke tbese last days notable ones cMust Rediice Th - tock$OO.O W( WANT TOUR HELP SACRiFICeES SACRIFICE IN NEN'S SUI NE ACIF 1C - iglt ait the tume yen need iseta.Môo-Ur ea' wa saive yenoven s d.îlbr" ou Sprine Suit%. are ceut 10 priates «o' bolw>thia i huartma e-evere- î-air youmay s' ici, tand -ohig loa to e-yen lhink ofiLt.W'e liandie the, oul aok at long timne 1efome beui esuly-toe a'r Cloting int heci-ty.An ex- v i in I a Ipetterlune. aminationwill proe it. ..Ou V-aines &0aè; NT H .CUT IN .PICE for.. $.3.. 95O .0 ,$226.Osuits fer $1895 ..$2-saines $L.00 valuail $15O()suts or$11 5 for... $1.-65 $15.0 suit'sfor 4.45 Tronsers tI ai 'are bargulie. for $18600, suits for -$14.45 ie dr $12 $125( sutsfor $95 $10.00O suits for -$e.95 Odd Coasfroni uit4 tisaI sobd for $Si$10 to$15 00 aiDDisselution sale. . (Sites only 34 te 87) %ACRIMR 0F TOUTUYS'SUITS Long pntkînd, ass12 tii18, ln 611 style.&Bd the bI&saI Jffets; a flac usortîtient to solect ft'om. Tolo saorifioad wbile they at. $1.0 sd $12.00 Sumits at $5.00 sis Stitt.:511-45' 312..50 Suis$ 45 %ACMWCF.T0PCOATS-ANu No leus appealing wîll ho tixeme sacrifice pries on our new apring Top Coits and Cravtnette@. Just 'uhat yeunonrd for cool evenings. These prices shonld prove Înteresting. $*6.50 Comtea t $1375 $1 2 Coa'. t49.95' FU1tNSIIINGS Thînk of it' 15c inen Collars, batest styles, 5c per colar ........... Large reduand bue . 2 Meîî's fine he-nstitch w-hite 3 handkerchijets . . . 3 Hosiemy, blalck and tai, 8 150 quality...... c Fancy 50ec hosiery for------------ ...- 35 Baibriggan Undewatr ....17 50c lialli iggap. celors b7e 3'jc pink and white ...... Flue silk Merceizeal, 79c .wcrth $1i, now .........-- Me-'s working shirts, 39 50ec quabit>' -........ 9 Fe-cdress hirts, SU.50oqoilhl'. .99e 81 anal Stc qualit>' to dissolve aM - »C Boys' shirts-----------------.. lé ,,Boys' Epc anal 65c sirts-.... TOUTUS' PANTS, Un ou f Pente that give lbth scbool boy that up te date lo.>k. Waist bande 28 te 32 Sale pre- $L50, 29 2.50, 3 SACwIICE CHILDIENsSSUITS Thie " i U -tp-ve of iisterese toparenta wlth ou*e or more grovlng boys. T Uerai isaving of one-third te oaa-hait ofe" vr item offored hera. $.5.00 SaIts et.................. ....................... o -"O 3.0suits, - for..-.-............-..- ..... Boes double bretaed ead N oîfoiha, ages S te 16, 0&.00 vil-ue-------------------------------. Tise- otaed *ereisuite, for------------------- 03.50- Suise, for ... .. ........ O S' A TS Ages 3 to 15, W. ogtteetr tc BOYS PAN S e'a large mae-r ad 00w sacrifice theis as 35C Chibdron's e-alirash Suite, sizes 5 te 10, 7C9e .$L6$. Sacrifice OF FINE S1¶OES Walk-over anal Dr.lie-calCuahion Shoce, thet ta- ais Suces, on the marketa, arlI- ciaided Inu hls Dis- solution Sale. Theyiaveastand- e-ra value but -e- - ued mone>, aot Shots. We- sire yen ea mc ai- s 81.50 per pair. $3.50 te $3.00 Patents, cquably us *ofte $ Shirts 79e 32.50 Shhis $1.69 fine bargains---------------.....-- AJ16e $2.50 Siosa$ 5 $20for-------------------Thne are only a few of the Thouma&d of for0 Sioes $L65 bi mid thmt ALL Tai,1NW OXPORDS-Tous. patant ead3PRXG UDdet hseu ni&, ic.regubar $3 % *4 values 2,65, 2M9 PIGGOSg ttaeetpie. JUNElIst LAS1îT DAY 0FP DISSOLU«y ION SALP-, F. U. LOVSLL Lit - 1 1 mm-