atia WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VUJ. 4V.£'~J.00 mu-~~R e i»ERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILtINOIS, FRID.&Y, JUNE 8, 10- 8 Pages SMMI, P L JJANM (SS ECTDFINE O! $500. CIY UILDS PES1 MOUS! ON wttba revoirsai? aLtew pustules mamle C R ER .fDG !o PA S Snt mPrP LAKCE SHORE ro MOUSE PA. Out. H18wtte came there two weel<s jaco TIENT ANDSPRIEAD 0F ago and Saturday site ton, was Lake Conty OlvuenSiacceaful Ellier E. DIe Voltif Waukegau. DIES 8TAN - setzed or the fever and "braire out" Candidate a .MaJority of mai order andi absiract man. was sen- r ISAS 1 MT N- with the mark<s of the complatuat. 900 Votès. tenceti Tuesday lîy Federal Jutige TICIPATED. This was eteven days after site came - soomon il. Bethea to six mouilla' -fra th~e tty. ýFUT"FJ DCILIpionetl hýbieelad"P Indspecîion Cornes- frôm Zion City aunday thte daugitter, ageti 14. was ESIT PJDCA mrsnitti h rdwi n Wher SeeralWees th Dad aenaiseandi the fater was ,te ELISCT1O1% IN DETAIL. ine iued»O itC hehad itîended guily Wolse aeraEi te esth Board t- ta>te citarge'of iisi!iiiithe mais to tait HsEise.HelhBor ono acnae.circulate tmprotier Iirature. Active.NnWeectad. At the. judutîti etection hetti !oîîd,î lie etereti a p.1-1 if guity and L.ake Betng Dowettes. none of the Monts oeyhri aeCur it oesnec ri Ucl, t2ocokltsr were vaccinateti or helleve ln the .~rwir i ueCut ievt etnewleleiIa 'tc nsc Waukegan was etectrifieti andiprces s hreae thtctirn iiiderftiity ight bbeig tes titan teafterra<on. West prhcesk A ttee ar arnt werere 7t e et. 0 hri ib dIe1 Ju stin i0. Wallo. :iWaîîigan min humn( ohce I.lanthat tiiere sur adli thq famniy, the s1readl of the dts- 2 lir eowîti îtuî a el)e. Ister. nias arresteil -taie ttuîc ago ait plia are four weii develoiei cases of the case IolilkelY. lren \. Carterte Repubuîcant fomifle4 a charge of lmiel> I the mais. and tite. dread pî,ague. uait at ox, ln the Cit, HouOsein nQuarantine. réeived a ia îjîrity of seme nine itundred Die N'Volta saililii o ta~lion %Vadie g<,t andi that hundreds hait tîen exposei Tbe bonnecet 315 County streelt a votes in this reunty atone-. Ittoflhine , ea te te diseuse thretagh te Ignorance now lunte strictest quaranitne antd Vote of County. W'aite te noi it t'h insante asyiumn. nt and postc esssfless ai.aZttiflnole butle atnittih:istctal, 1Dr, r-nN. Carier, e.. _-,5 - t Ciy éaon woinliit o tefat elow, apenattlit The arrest of EKit et E. De Vol a <ltl ('iydecrnnu l ett e te ac Btlws j 1erîtte tenter Or W. 1,, OOor, ..Oit............. 21;l fini nicekaago Ou l,(- charcie ofthe noe that hec nas broltie ot nith ithe amai l es e a ve.........;: nî Si f hemt .s ortile i ttithe îîx li tl tles hi itî t is work unti l Sinali pox sIgits havet - -littesîcîl latar dVeîstay ointhe dersantithe îueiîtters cf îtte. lagi t ..................lit snsatioîts of the Itut The cases are aI!i u hi s faniry. nitti sit y are hting n atetîl iîttt.-ly le o Attoertney F&, Proe..... ........... 40 1De Vol nias art 'i nias ulite nietl eh~ xcitci fa tfth whtch de, prev'eit auIy exitlto ttîhe -streets. of Tihe itli'iai ttglires ioflite vote.fronitt C lliîtli>y ora Math ,i tt-i-.t coaiualîy IJa *>o-ipetdteurlng te day. the Cit. vtrioum pats of thd colliît% Ur-as ttckhas s wiietîtilice , otati a itut Cases of Plauge Thus Far. These are te rdîlrs eti 1-eaitithîîttii ceysre tt rs ae i th ite h tIki sas o- runsin r rer ad te iythe cataunttîtthpias li,'talleuIî itis- bIe Thwe laiut ie trpoliasi iCce.ttt<ierC aWiht el Lîtik.-guii, :14. 72, 14. 29, t1i. btad t dfailher. telt DECO- flASINOO, f 15 ha Haih ffce Sys euttui 1-6, 5, Il, 0, 31 De Vol has al,'i luicbore a geod hts1 DEACON Sire . S llOc 1' htHaltOfcrSy. Benton 2-1:1,' 3, 1, 4, 2. rejîîtatton among ii. utss ant îîtgh- tt, Citîtul Y s A re lil INi]AI l Health Coin lit sstiucer Carter said Mantoti 3-2, 4, 1. 4, 0. hors andi as for ai i: n'un tthere !S of et NIRS.RiED ltlRiNGiANI. he n I nteri enieti ala lite suîîjecî: Newpor-19, 2, i0, 3,. i. tetatnt of persoliai tillaui tî orliit- 'TI daughti. "Ye.4, he Mios itave tllitcases iti Aulioch î-:ll,15, c. 2, 0. tccency. jplant MISS NIGOT. sotier daîîghter. the e îlî aatlil:aîliattither îpeople Altitch 2-911. 6., ,I, (. le He Martyr to Pîculiar Ideas? (oit ageti 14.haebe xoci.Gatf,1ltD MOI i1, P. 1lRINIA.hîmeiandti i ae<ee xtst. rît6 1.5,1. Théueglaneral tiî'..ttis thatD iO th'trn' ag .l hiao iti netlireari-!oite toarder site %vn-3it, 5, (),4, '. Vltf mryau l ne dau Dhe tiaclu ie aglcrw. l Chtasudescaluetiat nooli tîtay, bt ttc l ic Warreiî-5li, 2. 0, 0, 4. nih constat tfi t!iI' ,.isef that tî tethe DreRatciife Kaensti. e eudtraceti sud laiaItîtder guard aise. Ctia.tIj;, 5, 1, 2. 2. ltus nmistion l ta î' booksî c ou-. tits Beitîtes nere the irt ltduseve lie hee aie forrcases. att uitd. Ela-19, 6. <, 14, i, crntîîc lie precis ,;iî. . irai nature oeta1r: lireue of<t he disease ii W5hIuega -The Chicago board of huaitt a bai West Deerfiett-it, 7, i, 0,i0n the marriage relt? ici t'îii Dowiette Deacon ftrtcken. , tîcen nioitteti of the tirtait Bîrîîtighalit, Waucotda-16, 6, tl, :', -1 Whcîi Dr. Aice il. itocithaul wasfer' The tIi s I~ întation of the lrellce anI 1 nilti aise ittyi>the state board Deterfieid 1-11,1". 1,. 21. i.ilieti$.00anad foIs irthe writttîtOr N% of the 1îague Carnîc nu\e Wittesday au heaitit ' Deerfietti 2-1t, 26. , , 2. andtisaie ut her bho,- Is on arttal ret1a- cfM Dreacoin Silas Mot s et tii Dr. Rat- o clîfe e t iieovente ieantîtg ef cer- Burntngham ta Caught. Dccrfieid 3-39, lit. 1. 28, 1. ttocs De Vol ta i-utol have tahken cliti tatn spost(intuhis haîtts santi nerti, Xhni.t.Bîîîîgaî 31 is Verî, .5, til. user lier business .' t %st sitts tiat w . wtit a few n ihs Ixtr. avelinîe, cailet at ite Chicago heatîiSl171 :<.2.t. gel t nî Itb îiotii" ra Motistateait cmitliteetif te Merti deîîarttnentliater te luprolesi Shields 2-28,.8,.(y. 3:î. ~Watîkegau menc rti, i hcwiliî dati pallait Ufe insurance <'enîpan>'. anti agaluet te qnaranttntig cf bts wîfiâ Sils34,2,6 2 .h i otalig olcino h a hie nork il[lîut im tub centact i l atik'egau ttc iel a surrirse. i.berl)'vtlle 1-224, 4, 0. 1, :. scene tîtetures 'hîî'lîi wcarrteti about Pcl w itti hundredspeplîite siice the dis- -My nome e oBîît'ntngham, andtheii' Ltbertyvllle 2-?lit 9,L 1, 1 1. with htmi. This is iIt ,t ail pesttively Coi, o.ense toti itod of hlm Sunday for the . WVsukegau officiais have quarautineti Freîtîoît-19. 2, il, 1. 1. knonin. tte tirt lme.w>"wfe, tt beitu Bfor hacoutiJust as Prophesîcti. Hta privale lie .a.b iove tepYocr witlar Dr Rdcife oke oèrMotant I mlbelissentence Inie ieatîti ite wonbhy of note tat Judge Car- ui)te the tinte oîi hi-arresl. Dr. Rticlffe ploiei olritsol ers vote reactues-withîi 100 aiftea 4 rerd ae wil l ai once pronounedth ie tilsease varie-, physictans hati grahbed itaniliItosat tcoythepeteiT In hecargHe b tie fha e na au tuti, or Bmaîl pox of a -mîttivarlty. ,;itelh office was itaredta te public.tosn itr rpetdfrhm Tecag anaI htlewsaa' Or. Canter Ate. 'You're te man we have been looki- hy is eauncit aditerenta nihen ttc !rlend anti ass&CIitliof Rev. Justin G. i îsitletiNakgca IeWaibttdae iebaa;at igud chi He at once repotedt he case tta; g. for" they exttiatne<t. *'Y6t*have yeve a kes gn. -thlot uf lide.the C -ean acedtas- ha Ht'slh Comnttsiorier Carter antiealit pox yoursî!lf, aits i a basyour sHe ajoreys nias 1o-ttehtf t hke s Reetad. th a caiteti Drs. Fotey anti Betlov,'e to.nife.' i aoiywssmtin leI eesd i conulîtationî. Burmingitant îrîîesteîibtalthe lti)DeVoti nis î'.'ieas.IA upon Jîeynt.iîit c They agreeti wih is titagnosta oL health officiais inatit convtucet ila]i htmdii wy nngdtoý. S te case asti senl %iaol la ies home, taIlite ertuît ion fron which ttc ha s "0F istnnt i 'iîi'nyiautgttiC-U nuitstrict orders îti le l'avelit tan- becu sîtfferiîig la the samaItpax. t Ai*~t A T E H a.iîprisoîrt,ýI"ît. H', je agait iniVau- tien penalt ni Ie lanis ef the staie, ambuîlantce nias calledtat take hitu te k ~~J I~ gan. ___________ti for fear cf the ejreati cf thte disease. te Isolationi beatitîi. IILI APPELOONOUMEN Tbere nias euorte ticulty cf re- A PL-H U H elatlîgltetiaîttastt iaitei Sîiittay Wlaikegan's sixcass o AGAIN. TO OIE INSANIE. go ost gctng ulioîthlie sîreeis. aniall pox, or vtrtotîîd, wr rmv r Other Cases eveioped Tien. l h e îa uts u ce v a n re egi tlUtaheYugMnCagd w The tii sî.liiuenttf the otîler cases cuithue renterai taktng tplace lac- States Attorney Renfla and Atiempitid Murder of Faîher and an ithlie farts conetred thithéni te h iîcvsoio îrelîsCu IîiRqaa iaca BohrBiec oaeUbInc clanite ttonce. ucrs, custcuitan otfte lest htue. Wl eus iaca rte eivdt aeUblne itiniue azo Nult"iiaugliler, Those reitioveti autti telaleti are: AId of Coflety Mind. fui Rcita. n'as utitîctiit i arriage SILAS lllOT, Zten lily tieacon. IBoard. tii to ae ,Mr. Bitrtîîiilnitani ofCichago., R EEA IOT iMNS-____h, itîîMitRtg.antn'as ite trat e hav' H'xî laE. E '-tInEaîte? at Bitniiighniwasthetirt ri aWHM.SUPER VISORS OPPOSE II)EA. That lii-t- 'c>,eis tii lie the blit Illa the tita-ase. ih th-ottraclei ear MISS CHARILOTTE MDOT. WILL TUEN IT I>OWN of uetghboi>t,,t ithe titla ehargeti nîl tio~ 4?321 Etlit aventue, Chtu'ait. Wht'n MISS 'MARY MOOT. natri I nrdrlt rte a ait attenîn tetanurder hai lirs thrr ' laI îtî î icntî stl Iiî~ oti IRS. 'AND MR. H-OWARD NYE, o CaleetpI with the itetaase. MAister avenue. The lien Lake Ceunt' Lawi sud CatsAtt Iad *Dr. Carter li II(Iý cointi Houses are Fumtgited. Orter Leagtue, represenlet bt Rev. Peeople tt' near c.c Appl's-aver ai mnictated ilnitilie Chictago bouardît uit niedialei on te renovai of te Tout Quayte. and soeteof ita otticers taI te imi (a ittiteiiacuat itri teaitt coninîteioiers aiudt lIe-> n'itîpatents 10 the pet al iîse,te bougses torilstepa Tuesday te tusttîte legal pîuin t t1 w tiifrontltawnnof thte sel. that îhey hait ocrtîptedi nere furni- actien agaitet somne of te Iigitnood residetîce si;th a hcavy t-'ai Ofcart Gives Piague te Wtfe. Igale,! n-tItvinis matertals bytorp- saloon uten. A consultation e! sev- nerses. tutî,ru îîîg fionire tuttpi taîls Burtingitall> as t11 for a few dtaya rcsenîatves of lhe board of heaitti. orai heurs' tîtration n'as belli that ruth]essb tinti îteslroytng a seite tiiau utorutug ai Satea Attorntey i-anna's great ntalri hirty ini a rage. lui _____________________________________________________office. thce eact nature of nhtct a l Would Not Give Htm -roche. Tl ,BSEI (E tg uîîîrnîîg, cccli Iefere te girl nias cf course niththelti. bubt Ita sconjec- iltievîttîl i it the quand hcbtn-eeî sh AB E C land alîcutlen'as naitice ai e lîred wt a consideraiîîe degnee li te hree ltîiics andatihe' father th bouse for a word front her. A t'îîr- accuracy Itt ierîtueti ta thc receut lasIn-eeh ttc" oven the fart tat E. su le(! consultatioîtn'as helti antiic suicitie of the Ben-ers girl, et Lake E. Appeti, tht Itteleduan of the farîi. II Of GIRL rasnt wt ol ok trace anay. Forest, aften visitît suine tif te naw e iîii.t nli osttnti F Afte r his ueîarîîîrc îtae gt-t Highnocti salons, as previousty ne- lte place'. tl.- tiet ta ceîîvinreilite *.N eentit on asat She hati statedtol countlt u i palier. cîhers thuit hiii'ie4et more etiiit- lire Rtnear tatse h laitieenantWant Ccunty Aid. nient anti «wlui fter acterai ssestitnsanr lunte esentigas sitenas accu to lit ibts cocucction tt utta earnedt liey refutîI l it avisea ia tîi". ts Pectltar Chain ofCircumantances leave thec biuse asît Jolt to nomenfor taIat itasmeeting next nicektice Istesadt lavbuelîgtun la eai cicry-o Btrrounde Disappeatrance of a icw mnuites. Later site confesseti Boarti of Snpenvteera ta te be îietitluîu- thlîtg rarr>itii" ui tIhe place fuir hat 1 Carrte Sivera. that ahe baitlitedtat the famîîy aut et b> Ithe League for an appropeîratuio tliltutblitiu litaIth e n site utet niere ntîtcî iailtat $500t) te îrosce Thisa t aisut] iohas'e ctiagedthIe rt 'Baite suthie brother," as sitelat crimte tuthe ceunt>' anti îartlcuîlantyithers nbcI.,,,,Piied uto ianinîatp STRA-NGE MEN WORK sattioIe nee aulhtnn ~Hlghwuod. Menthere oftIhe couny tth e c tiofI"-. assauîlt u itttered ti INTO THE STORY. lu bbc evenaite foîîoning ber carIs' board are kuonin te opptose grautug bina la sîtpir - uonulg conÊulattoun wtlh Soulea ana surit a requet ant it ii wt! lcubtess Then te ti'it began asud Chartes fi A aketu of mystery ' temniven nihltier evenlug meetng nuItthIe mtw e "tuie tiown.n,'One pîmantlAputîct sucrestaI wtth hutte andtlita- tt love anti pathos suratnude the tilsap- mnen she tieaptpeareti as nias tasI niectimeuiblernias toIt the League lu au>'tl E. E. Aîuîîîil camne alern hlm, rit) peareuce o 15-year-otti Carnie stevers, ciaonicteti. escut iraposedta1 put te Superv* raptng open lits haut nittithebbc onicli of Autocit, as tutti a neetiago ln tbitte Boules ts attegeti ta have receiceti eutrecord, anti replieti, 'Iniant tî3'*o andt trealetiitt itt su ad te others st pape; a tle tramrontier. statmng tuat site ne et record igitb non as abeoltbet>' nttathe Colits. Her lover, Wiitam Mrlou, ai Grass langer toveti bia ant i egued -ire. agaunel IL, The Suptervsesra bave nô E.F.E. AtuteIli te a glant tuait, niho i Lake, btele tnown n meng bits tissu- Edwartis." A îosîcrrtpt nias atiteti lu aîîtaorty or rtghb ta lake $500 of te came euttof te niel. He has the e ciabes as "Bbo Sautes," etaîme to anoîher baud, itI tesalit,. narnltg it poilots toue>'anti baud lt talua tewrepulattan f t furtos etemper nhicr kuni ver>' 1111e coucerntngliter ta "keep away front t>' utc" aundisetf-cuuttuted reformera 10 epeuti as lite tesai te havelilveti up ta. f nihere aboute ant intces nuouesre eîîggestng pereanal violence tif tue the>' lîease lntunutng 'Up crime."]I ta tel nihat be ducs kuoni. pensstîct. Wbere 'Mrs. Etinarda" This te sati1 tac lte vteni o! a ta Many Mries Sick. For a long tInte be lait "kept cunt- creepsta ub te slory lte anotiter jonîl> o!fte boardi ,-enbers.- Farnuers lhtsîugiought tbc centralt pany" with te girl. This mucit he phase ofthemBey ato the tystearn>'.worid canfessedtal a reporter nibo Inter- A reporîtid caîteut on Boultes nito CLAM BAKE PI.ANNlfI because if sîrlîtge sictinese nibichIt ta vinitiitm po te subject. Thenias aithbbete laltitng bu an Anti- 'HO TISMO TI ablartilu eir herses. A nuiîer of I viewd hm uon h FO THS M NT lte aniils lîtue been talien ateti lie ' girl nias suppasedta burelurute if- octa tan aven bche tetîthone ctgt iectous nîitnicteteman nias mies anis>. Soutes thoen refusectite peel fen ta' e tuttinome bav-e diet. v eredibeti, lbit as stppoacti te>' nre malle auîy statentent nihateven anti The Latke Cuunly Associtibon for Henry Taylor. a farter fonut-uiles ta marry moon, nihen te gtrlnias con- tnicnty-tive minutes luter tbe tan Protection of Flhaitnut Game, an or- nortb tof Lt.tiîc tvtle, ltit a vattialli' eiereti o praper age. . 1-t came taetinove Itbte yard, bts therse covencti ganîzation fatheret b>'Ateorne>' A. K. horse last weni'i anti anoîber ta sîctif soec ber atten anti al seemeti n ict e- nithtalaîhen, anti as lie tinewni)uîsaiti: Stearnesant wic htca bais itegin at nihhoteliait î'fused $200 foi-. E twecn te tua. "Yeu lsec Vve camte, Dont Ici! this te last gante tituter aI Fox Lake, te The disatîsi ta itagnaseti b>' vel- Mer tatiter. bowever, seio wusetwite tan a nord, Wbeu te mtler gels ta itoitia riant iatie soute day tbiterenianes as l,îide>'trouble anti crie marriedte 1hier motter andtice dit- Inbo court ItI ill te tInte enuîugi tatu ntnh out e lake tfront aI M. uîou t e r,savea utieni>' ýSec- vonceti, nitaelteiber 1tan;>' yanoîhen. eeal." Stearn' Lake Bluff!tuone. Cammitt- eral base beentilon sic aplt thet Tite tatiter ant i bs chosen husitanti A sster o! Soutes.,tR te aise relpant- tees bave lu charge arrangiements for nîat anti neî" founti îp ou examina-t ton ber bthtitvcln Kenosita. cd, nient ta, Renosa belteviuîg the the event anti It te exiiecteti severalt hon ta he alielta1 go nu tunîher andt Mse Sivers itas been niorktng at ginl ta tie titeneand tihIe bote cf ituntret nitti beprescrit. Invitations liaite he tcft at te sp1ot hre1 te home o! William Rtncar, of Anti- ben faîber eau a etatrbnaistl nitr are ta te lasuet iuttit a feni days. strictuei. lits? to itetarses taliout acit. Thte day previous ta iter tisap- ebe forment>' nore., Tite>' teniet, Plane are for au ciatorabe "tatwou t," sicti bave beeii fart animale.1 pearance asite la sali ta have uritten bonieven, tat sitenias tbcrc on bat anti as ttec cunI>' campaîgu uit itave By sente Il ta thougit tat te1 Sautes la le sure lu mcctliber tat teen tere. Sautes admibe Ihat hettcbonugitît eollefletib>'tat ite teichiese la dtue 10a verniontwIeniteuît igit± as site feared somethlng nias bas laken steps ta fitin lber antIlhas candidtaes anti politi<tIauis a>'lte cx- In goati physicat condition rathen than going 10 appen la ber. IL. fattedt a even hitreti a delecttve ta locale ber. pectedte 10hlp 'reatize the antIctîta- thal il la au epldemitc uitict te sneep- conte, that nlght but esnl te toiloni- butwnul sa>' nothil u rtiten. ions of officers af te association. ' Ing the tacalil>'. EOME Or SECT -GROWS. co Ble'Ilhart and Fita Unique Folowlnc Have Haven Alenout Compieted. PIRIT TEMPLE'-' NOW I t>' on te casterît bore cf We'osler c., near Leng l.ake. the otiteal lb-tak cicr satneta raton>' ln the st ta busi>' cugag etintuterctug a id fon, laî'lf. itetitici. fren ailapta- -sunces, tii standtit îîtilthecuof i.SIown bit îîî re>' the cort Ist i Onî. Ai>'ar agît shenî rtatet t repotrter- fer buis pliier,tteliase- ilt itati tîcc ing fuor ttc fuature- te cf 1h'e oalit utFrtuit it y. A fen' uat s ilgot nheu acdî re the -rsstje-'%-si aa tlattt rt-tti) reccive ils net f ift tices fin<tu irt ilîiti t tit ' ruiirise r lu>' tukew.,tuk- sciaiBeulittrt - 'lt ter , la kiionli.tîtutuiti titi.bretircît, tu titîr nmi asare ailt te mnit rs tif the stiet. Ile Ituit icitf- lthe ielfaru- OftIhe ijierti r ein(- iîîcîîîî'r vsit atnd î'adit> asseletil showîIniithttclwts-I liîîg Iii duiis cons trticon. 'Te. hotîte <if lthe Soety 'ts tîteti. tlanimasstice lhes. L.arge neree locks have Itecuaformîti utes andti Ibseare raiset h>' mens an elerator rnuititby horsepte cl tat toiUioftr ait. Onc tca tînîr se are tput li acaresd laid lunijuor- r.Tugît arîattuthlie bilinug tnt ahei cempltieut i tiI dtiti ty recuis, lillsercîî huniite t irait tas te lie latid. As mnîsutiers n'allsansuitcross n'alla ceapose ttc dire strucdture soeuîaItes of th#- chk lthe-idquiet artisasimnust dtic ýse 'Sptirit Tenilute" from ils fctîîî' ioniandu make Il a bouise of ahotie n lie gauteti. Pracialit ail lthe nortiase fisac iI ircrete. Tue baseentttuonrs, th( -plane. eventhe retiîîngs crossed ta mtassive trou beants are ai cd centent. Autdlit ntamesîtu 11 the building lbe aShiiiote to lbol eu. Thte design teiseasortginal an( nique as the soctet>' tseif. lu an tecttaatbeaul>' il s leiu tlno itout refinemntnlanti Jacob tBel] nIrt teoke i stta 1tsfactiona upoi ta autiiuntias tue toit ot lie itpet --itlat just a quiet luttle bote fo, s"ha sati, -andti uoigh wne tav o killeti nortintauîoîg uhie e sil certitelesa matie It a credtlt cc of niont." 'There ai-e titî oftus tuera non, ýsaltit en askeut, 'secen mniaitn lx n'omnaeîanti -- he patuiet, -n re mninîg tîtr un nbusiness an arkiiig stcadttl o0 ur oneut ait 0 uit pileeOur luisitamtilouas." 'Yoîr own ctid nt a abitiotns?' I*%l , 'Ial Icat Bin Itase ts tg isîc,-at isua quetran 1.have netl uswed flyn-oeuet at n-bat ui tu ea nti liesatiti> ne rstwatl iin ii aeradit. b euun on stie îîuî. i '<e ve.turîy.we sares tuttI>' e ldc nut aeti ge e rit'rlscniveuadoltîlte rnqih ic ti 10tiseetu trtîea ciîfletns uc t areinaurgwtl t iscebof t tic lie ami ne tha\t l one on nose lia ci m'tite bouseter 'Te ltegoit th lucre- etl uTh tret uts 'eu olarelnaîuttng iaedfreat'ith aur affairattelit ig 'hte rit> lîctlu arettc n the ones ' Thîr it pepasreîteltly soniettw: show "t"c) t tra eu'lite snirds' uuîîîîîicti hit "in:-'that wcresw i", satid 'Broiber larob.' Speicter WiiI Wed. Pritîteti invitations are o<nt for I utarriage of Ocerseen Johna Gatîr iîîeirber te 'Margaret Denalîse>,, bc if Zteî Cilt'. ttecrereîîîcny lu la Speinuer ta non Voittas torunern -Ight haut casuansut te feremoal ex- potuent(if se ralteltuivîte taealtug tui( the n'unit. He bas beau Dow>iPe right tsaît man, tuitil ttI tie ibbc mart atuosîle n'as tettoset ahadiplut ou tue sheit.- 1 The anuotaureteut ofthUtc narntage sa creatue a sensaltion ai Ziîa Cbty, says a crrespondent. it tsailegedt titlniitt s amnîth of lte tiatit o! hie chut itfe, S1ieirb-1 s; mate a lisI of lte ettgthlc soten1 ln ttc cil>' niitlte tntention ot tii-- <ioeiug tannage la te anc uta acel1 miet bis tasttiOus tasîe. Haîcvre, Donie te allegedti lehave clattuedthet lit dos-n on Ibis ectce anti ltelisI nias séaltenedti tethe sîntis. Tteîîreîtsratiuu of lthe tiat leatietiout lhnougb Spclchen'e atiniog- rapter. a gtrltn-tua toher relatives, niuo toIt cItera. Itit tateti. Speîriter ta Iben altegedto tavae setîtieti uuîîîn ies DempIsey, , îh4 fermer principal o!tifte ZiautColtege anti an ent>' ystigle lady. Overacer John G. Sîîetrcr. tf ZIMtu Cilty,nias ttsuatsscti Ilunts>' ta> Prohale Juuîge Cîalîiug as atiiil- Iralar o! bbc calate ai Freteri kSut- tiu, niha (lted lnt1902. bîut nitace nuIt. ieaving ttce hilk a! bts ecatle la Dpee nas caittesteti, tUtien ttc dis- itsal Sîtetcher scill tic reutuiredti t itrîtuce $18.000 placet lit li charge suitd deposîteti the ZintCity Bank., iThis moue>' is luvotret lu tbe Zion complitcationts anut cennotulate Pro- duceti. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. POLITICS TO LIV EN UP SOON. Coti Wil Be esuued la Noa' Fggp~re for Meetingr of County Centrai Comniltee. CALL FORI CONVBNTIO0N - Rit E 1"UB-D'I-N -JULYw A ral il nl ttc tasuet fon a nmeting otf the Replîlir ait Cauhut>' Central 'Canmtnitee t liec taciti son. _At Ibis mecetite le uquireieuls cf btie ue' îrmtîry la it'n-ii îdc uasacti. Perbapîiste crîtiittttee nit niait ontlte ien' uniar>' tt'egate dtue tricts. nittrîtmuticoîîttîtîîas uear as poîîstible cit stilers î's-i . A fourmi ral for ttiecneita 'uîteu uat uatlie tsîiict utill after .hua' v1, as tere ts sutte isitîtît au ther a îrevitia rall 'îîîlile val<itI. a",theI' 1t'tttîtiy" tait it-s itot luicoi iie ffetivie lîctore thit ilit t'. 'b'talrtiiiil ti>'oy . N'cl, otflte Ie- piih ii tvain t ile Cenitrai Couiaittee. luiiani yeai-tsie ctiaral fer sanmeting <if Ithut cI î-îîîtîttee iiiîL thl' chantuces arei libtIlit,'î-îuiîî-rswitlutotlite ralleîi tozit'he'i tnti afler Jlita1. The neAilîar s n'oî benît- effeclti i îutti 1 tilt , n tîtrî falls un Sutda'. It îrovites tîtt aIe audti rîluty comniltêe îîîîîab nîct on or tefere tale u3,lat- sitecraits for state andti cuuty convenu- tonsandutlrîmanies. inasuîhuas te *lav tues uît liec-aine effective untit Juil> 1, therc is a serionts questionî legal, te cali foîr n-tînt nas iseliet bi'fuire thaIdate. FanrIte emaison lte mîetigs cf stauc andt coîuil>' commuit- tees fer actioutn il! prohaîtît iave le lie telti ona llîîuay andtiTuestia>, Jîîly 2 anid 3. Couîîîy contnitteee eau liot vert nicîl art in ativaure of te fstati' rontuitîec umeeting, for te>' niui nuit tnctit-offialli>' n'the Ibehste of irciiccseiitationi i lit e tale convention , sta lite or lien meu t>'eabetielegates sa cutuntyat> 5entitlict l. SLJRVEYING rOR BRAN CHI Kenosha Citizen. Petition Prea. ident IFrost to Bualtd Branch Frono Winthrop Harbor 10 Eueli. PROPOSITION 18 BEINO INVESTIOATED. A pttîtion egncd h? hîuudretis of :euiosaa tcete ashuiag titat the Chi- cago & lwmaukee Raitiay Conmpan>' butitd a brandit IUne of the ra t tax- cuit frcîuî W'inhro Harbtou10Rile- cel, Ilt.,lias iîî'cîîfornari t taPreat- dent A. C. Fi-cal cf lte cranuanti aduitute isilaessnîia io! Kenueta have receicati Icîtens front Preelient Frost stacîuîg Ihat the cuntîtan>'liait reccivedthhe 1tbitiou aatnd iuîtraîne- itiattl>' tîivettgatuithe propositionl. Sîîrveynrs have becit sent oht b>' tic ceutîtanYtglutmalie a lirelimiuany trtip ocer lthe tUneanuit ttla expecleti bat lthe repuorîtiof ltheconîluan>' uti îa mîadte stîtuina faîr tiys. Vilte lie Keutîtanîî'rchanasti are iteen aurita the-butiling af thee hue the, farniers iil te uiighiturheoti bava beenît anntrk seprng tht' conscant o! lthe itrelrl>' nuers for a rtght et nay ad tît utta raimedti Iat mutiio f the riatht tif iray has beeu sereti. W'lile- the Chirago & Milwcauktee itailn'ay Compîaany le pîtatîing isUnes outol lwnauktet' a telegrain fnîtatRa- cihie states Ihal niuîntibas noir teen stanlet ot a sten- stance>'for ait etec- trie ratinway btctiîtKenîteha anti Racinec andtihe sîîveyîns of lte cons- liant are uîon at n-aknti uthe sîarrey aI a pitIive nattes norîta of Keno- PreatideîîlFroslta sexpactedtu atgo tii Keciosha ounIîtîtta>' nexb fon a rau- tereuce nith Mayor Gorînan andtihtt meutiens ofthlbe'spectal rallia>'con utitîce, anti I lais eypected th4tbe null tatie up ait site Issutes at teat lite ut la expectedt liaIttce Kenosh.a ,coun- cil null aite soute action on te rail ns>' urtuuîances 'a1t Monta>' evcîtng, as the aldermena arc auxtous la gel tlîe malter ontt o!flthe nia>. Thae o!- tintais oethlie Chicago, Kenosha and ,Milnwaukece cenapani> are aIea exted 10 aîîîîeen iefoeelthe contitîee aIlthe saintite, Struck ity Ligitting Nlonda>' a. ni. btena 6 andt o'dlocti, turing tite sevene etecînical 1foi-ni lthaI rîsite thlie notunt>', Mni Cudtinîi, livling ounthe oIt Franil Lotieýky foai, 1% nuites nies o1 Guruce, nias ebnrk btw nubulte0a ltgîtlltihtansui tlii a serions coudi lîrs. Cuti nortit nas niorkig ug i sîtucktihie bougse anti bath tait Mn' Cuaduorlth. Stewus taund. b>' tac;soi anti doctores ummoneti. Site te a wg5iaiabout 50 yeane aid. LABOJR ASJTS' MA B.Cpn Su~ ' Dianorofi amp, ig iab U Asmanit Augainet Natte.. MeAN BOUND OVER UNE 1,500 BOU114 John î lieDonalt, a taoe ne;t 'îe entplo ofethIe Citicago Telcistiee ,Company nitti a construction ga»%-al- Diamntt Lake.,nias on Saturder baîîîd aven ln the sut o! $1,500 be- fore Jîusttce WIII Hactile>', of LttertW-. ville, fon a crime agatuat nature. llcDcuîattipleati guilty tuan au s sattleut tue pensen ai ltark A. Lise,' oni the shores of lte lette Friday b uit retus lamatie a slatement, go1 s'is braîîgblta o aukegan Saturday afll'ruoii lit Costble Lîmber;>'. Lies nias at Dtsmonti i Lahze *,wt tii>aty-sibeys fret River Fonee uttd« tihe cînîrnîaîd a! Lieut. TtidmaréIb.. The bo$8 ar 'ie lyîg soldier inà a canal on tht' shtoreo!flte laits. LIenias aIt tceniater etige catek- tng froga niheit lie sani McDioàat'. pasa tanaaitoat. fenias astet Iif he- wnitetia s nue andtiauswenctithal hO -" gjelting mb lte boat. Helate h11- tecu >cars nid. In titi lake te maWe actions aotusecti bna and, ai shore bS Irledti t gel ani>. Me nias ordevect niIb Itrealtuba lte boat airainen ~d- clatuais lte assault leok pace on t* laitislunlte boat. This wan at 7*36' asat night. Depiily Sherlt H entîges, of Ub.rtt'.' ville. anee e Donald i l friday aiglal a i te Dîsmonti Lae H otet,, routing it out uf ted, BOARD Of RIEVOEW APPOIýNTS Grahamu of Granand mué iIml Wasskegau. Named. Former Wili serve and Lutter May. BOTH GOOD MEN IROBIASON 18 CHAIIRMAI itis appointmnente for tbe 1906 boar et revîcu. nitch la ty tani campoed oli lte citairman of lte board of1 ; suaîenvsors anti oua Diiacrat aaý. anc Reptubican ta tac appointeul 1>1ýi thte county>'juatge. Johnu Hall, euperntîcndent of! 1hê nQtting ucil aI the Ameican 8tel unit WIrc Contpeiy's plant nias *p-, poluteti ty Jutige Joues as lte Re'. itubitan niember anti SuperviOr Titos. E. Grattant. of 'Grant Town-~ ship, as thie Democrattul. bii;. Halitas' nat slgnifiei bis Int-~ tention ai acccptng as yet. thôW>,b. Mn. Grahaa Io understaodti 10have, sait ha uoutd, Mn. Hall lsa apoputan tan amang aiR classes andti îaticutarl>'ilfuentWin-la Sniedteb cincles. Be wnul, t! he &CI- ceitîs, niake a splendid officiei. Sutiervisor Grahtam, ttc repreqentî- tire fran thbbcocuntry 'dilstrict#, mer te detiendeti tpai to ta trl>'and li- Itarbiali>' atiuisler the dtles Ilaý nunthent upan hlm, tHe te a mmnetc sounti itîtgment aud dceîltriatolm Judtge Joues bas Iu titis Instance. as tîstîs, selenteti mcan filte ImporlàmC titositiona et the igitt calibre anti ube rare lunlte public mînti capable »s fi lnbcntnounfidenear enposeti. A CAPTAIN IN THE -RANK begÎ"in utitis euumber of t1tOe PENDENT and SUN. Oo,4 negieci 10 commence with thltefir<- citapter. Voit wil indthelite" INYERESTING. Taike our *dvkiQýý GIRL'SUICID. .m- Mayar Gibbs, of Migitwood Ases* Bowerî Girl Nover Drank kg*WI Cants. Mayor Gibbs. o!fiigitho&ad sea d cvoticd tce ilcenieS is oIte ffgbiqi dsaloankeepers Devine, flaiaatga eHart, nito are siiegedto tUhVe liquar ta >ellng men and. woDmaM minora, wnu i gnied ln lte lac leatiing la lite deatit t>' carboicg. 7 of Geargiana Baie;, of Lake I tl insleati ltee saolillerSft t. picati guilt>' 10 lie chage Of k above anti have been flaqil M )f costsecact. if Mayor Gibbs made th. l- Tuesda>' that lte aUgido- Georgiaula Bewers, hliai a5Wr ce known 10 touch a dPOp f MY Io c tng liquor and lthaît M tW I sa questioni, aCCOrdlin4ate b 9. ora wlio had *flltetaifla ma revolers, lte qgjrt hmél ffl ei% ale 10 drink., Titis ta s reyelallon. 1 1 àa.daL