SENTENCED' FOR BIGAMY. AItmon Abel, et Oue Tiale Pator of Autioch ,M. B. Churcb, la Scandai. BAID TO HAVE LIVED A DOUBLE LIBE. Once flic 1as0r ot varions Metho« dist Episcopi churelies lu Chicago realMeted by thei îninlstry and tlic laity and regsrded as Onie of the col" log chefs of Uthe churcli. Almon lai euce Àhel, formîner inînist"r at Aîtioci last wee1( was senieîîcedl to the penu tentlary foi ail indeterminate terni or 71Rcharge o! bigafli y To bis seçoind'wife Abel w55 1(0w, as Clair Clayton. lie was arresied oi t'onifflailit etf ler inlother. Muonse crec) was observed tiY court attachies and ail effort was nmade in auppres! the facts concerning tbc case. Afte .ludge Siilh proniinced sentence ti fôrufer jýastor raid: Makes Hlsf Confession. "Thîe ri lccii imlotle. My lier sonal sîrrow nier broken law and tIi, .ljur 'y and pain 1 have iîflleted ni others is so licycîji expression that eau only bow loi head ilefore ni judgesansd weicone an opportonhlt for expiation." lie thon Ws talen u the coulit j a1it wbeiý,e,;ba Will awit rcuova t ibé e'îîeîtntiary 0111 two of the assistant states a, tornes filil) o ,lciîninal court wci aware' cf' theproceedings. Onie( Ibent entered the court while the cas wass Ieig tboard.le aîîîeared s prised wheîi ho Ioohed ait Abel, ai asked: "Whal aie yoîî dolog wth nsy ia tor"' He was iold of thie 1roceedhîîgs, ai later said that Abiel bled oficiafedj bis niarriage Oive yeàrs ago. The mînisters first matrînoîul ventuîre occurred February 2é, 189 'when lie uarrled Miss Katie Stoen of Racine, M'Is. Soon aler Aiel wi mode pator of the Hamlu avent Methodist Elulcopal cliorch ansu to two years ago llved wlf bils wil near the church. Tliey separatE when Abel' bealth liecame Impaire and he was compeled to abandon h churcb. * iLàter Abel oltalued work as bookkeeper. and bis wife lvad wil friends. Efforts, wiceh were Etil wera made liy lier t10 discovc-"it * wbera-abouts of ber husliaîd. Ear ln August, 1905, Abel went lb t * home o!fTtr. Belle Austin, 2336 Miel gan avenue, where lie eugaged a roc and lved thera for several weaks.1 bacame euamored of Miss -Aseul B. Austin, daigter of the landla ad Septembey 30, 1905, they want Jolet whara tliay were marrie Abèl giclas tbe nama of Clair Cli ton,nar whicbhali wsa known teboarding bouse. Later tliey1 turaad tu thie home in Mchigani nuna. Miss Austin la 19 years o The ceremony was performed by Re J. Herbert Danis. Recently Abiel was arrested on warrant obtaiaed from Justice WVoi by Mrs. Austin. his motber-ln-law. Mrs. Abel. the mlnlter's flrst wl la now said to lia lu a saaiitarium.1 sartion by lier husluund anid bis si saquent arret. lit le said. bave worked on beri'tbast e lasuferi from acute nervous prostration. Paxtor nt Antloch '<cars Ago. About thirteen years ago Rev. CI ence Aille was Iastor of the M. churcb at Antioch, remaiîiiîg tin two ycars. M'hile ilière lie was lit ly rèéiîected as a lastor and was popular mn witii the wlîole c munity. His actionîs thoen were ab( raproach and hIt s wtli difficulty tl bis old frieîîds et that place coild Ilave the charges againt hlm. was duriîîg lus biay ulere tIsat was united ini îarriage bu miss Xi Stosie, at Racinîe. \is. Ever il hie departure froin tle village lie1 been locatedin ii b'iicago or(,lie tif suhîirbs, an(]î lias keut In conts toîcl i i h tepLîoffile, sjîîiidin g vacationîs ilere anîd otteti sîeak o! the ciiiireîionii sîlecial occasion!i lis wife lias made lier boulîe m friejîdr iu Antiorli for about a yi but teit duiiîg th rie part of wnter. FUJ I J ~.Ju W!.u~~ IYIVN Y TIlt*t%4ài7t nnuelleirarenc' m 1fIVý "l - INTO A DIltt. FARM S o!the"Otingregatioa:l churches of Ib.N.La e roe If A IS Wukegn an Lak coutY wll l e rilait, t comimence wltb h. irsi Alderman Turner and City ClerkT The officers are: INTERESTING. Take our a= i ikyofMihlyaukee, have Mihap VA C*T DEACON DUDDLES. Modrator. READ UT. -Council Man Sheds Dignity and MRS. C. J. JUST. Secrltr.' r Reverts la Vouth. A Conditionuof Thinge Neqver -Thse program las as foîîows: -eoeKonNwEit Monlng Session. Adjudcatiou Notice. Befre now No Exsta 9:30-Prayar and Sonsg Service. C. T. l'eydecker & Son Ai.tornefa lai Laite Cotant'!. liVords o!f Welcome. Rev. Win. 1 At Law. . tîî b 1 ln o A lig tourlng car. liearuig aiu au-~ H. Zitr vno.Pbi etsl elaynta h ln o toinbll patyent ive th en of10:0-Mesags font ilechuche. 1Suhnairiber Eissutor nr tii. test wili ad a sînsîl bridge and loto a ditch a OWNER~S EEe< TO n00~esgsfosIi lies. lotsannu of Jhn Brzlus deceess.d ili Rockefeller, 'Mr. Payue. atteint th- CouSiti Court nf Lakeu. t3îu t ashort distaunce snîth of Gsg's corners DISCO VER CAUSE. GraYslake, Mis. HIIgiey. a fera hreol 1telba hodena~hilriocourt yesterday- sorîîlng aud the cousbined - Waukegan, Hon. C. 'A. Part. Fasse Waukel n Persd Onunt, on fle ëfforta of the'uîsen coîoniosiîsg the harty, i Irs Monadat, of Auguet neaz i suce aan sd a telli cf bouses, a faî'mtr and aone or A condition of thlîugs neyer liefore rîga hore ait person anslvIna3ulo ule ainas ld towitîicsses wcî'e rounîd necassry liucwu Is prevalent lu Lake county. Miîîbtttn, Miss NelIie McDouigall. Etitate ae" notiied sud requeilted toeressait (oge Ie îgInto cr nc mrePrlshî tîry ara s'uoe, Mr. Gen. Braîtuard. tesinteaionn SassauJr.. ýEaisutor. toge te i mlo, a ocemoePrbalytiry arsare vacant asud 10:>3 Appolulment of comittees. Waukefan al yU5. teaS,5.3 Thc party was untder the gîtidanca wholîy or psrtîally unworketl thsîs Music. Ajdcto oie npo t, ! Adeinsai Tirîer o!Mîlatîees 500510r. onîe man, s realdeuît of Fre. 10:40-Address, "Systeusatie Giîîg,' dtdvtluNtc. djIpE i. foiurth ward. wlio was acnonspanied muont townsbhp for manv yeas, made Je.A .Sfod îîtr. PbI oial irb ls îtlt n) li > Clu)Ck ink le and W. B. the statetieut rceiletly that lie knewt îcslî jec ~ us e testassent or ete Fl t ilead will Doyé, ? Iatcletlg-,ég malina olivi o tweity-seven farinaIliaTlîcnlîîsOli, kegan. ait tisaheConuuyCourt nf Lake Couaty. it Doyê, f haï Ciy,à ptil of11: 15-Address, "foN, o Protnate a a traithoeratelabu.hol ae i te Court n1 SIIIIIIUoer% 111e nuit S titSmth, o? Ch.mlii lîeli lsd no occupîants.Rvv"le . f5 Depesi, aWuýraum~aidi lu1ntY.natlie ~ ugl utacil<iuue , Laud owuers arc eta I n ii eia e.A .pt' t Ms basf ho Ont a t i l adi,'lN reason grtansdut arllquiesîonlugReckefller.where ait iiargosil l îa'inili s its aid At s fur iliuus', iere the team esnfrthssdae qetoigEstalu'suanIti uilr,'iuuu.î.!d ep'> tiaseclirl. Ile men of tielic prty themacîlves lpon thc desî'sbiliItY of Dstslnoîuîi i .iacthéi..saine te Poili hurt for tsîîu,îiml " ~ îiaic he îet c tujîgs havetiug tîseir Iuvestnînts. lu thîs couîîty, iNsd . Mito6M.3uîrî.. ' SOHaukHOlT.ExaY Maileth45-Quîthng, aresHouir. Frank MW. Molv 5~ 5i"al a ss 'tIse farinl ritohf eggsansd malîîug la suilpose tfo lie as valîîable aîsd fer- 1:5Qi cnerrrt ifiiuuais asliom l e as-ln ny artof thec cuntr' N10 N-A~'aîîlîeguiiiI AjdiaInNoie. îiltarnil, the amal druum cf tIc,1Choîce ramsahave nover liadt go - djou roulienti. Ajdcto oie linfant sou ofithttefaunier cosîln g liton, glgfoîr tirchasers ausd the higli-1 feri Ss(ýsl uli ,ertb.r ,llatatri'îr i l i Ille rntlui ing uic 1115 cil ) it' îsiîclesof îrîcea are ofteii lpahl. FarnIýi ,..,, ongSersl LI)Qirs î laid i l ast'ýudtit"o at W:îiu Lydia i, if t."' sd ihiatterdih" iu EO nîsi a itdssuic'i fonlusbr and sdahaie commanded .excellent' Reading ofmiutues of C(ontfer-;î'elîru 'tLal,,uimu ,'îty. ut a s ilrmid EO 111,11 aune aii1cfro,,il tie. 'ara n lu,. -il,'O athisCourt Roi l it h ilikeg exass of ldr un hoîontu. Af wges snd fuor scierai yeara hiave eC . isîsi ACg;l, ýNr.Iîonti.] C oIi fi li w>: wc' of a colue tfliours thé e iieîu t a î>u'cil.Geiral îpros' *Jst liut et 110,whtuitt sel, i îîury îssansîgulunî,ceed. f-'ily lias, beîîi cousidiîcutherile. Reporta of tri u"îltt'- h,l sd u,î-W 'l oun t it[________ h esy i îeefristaaiatïî'drcset:i'gu Msuuuu, su"t ai oi:trauiî, NVhat is thé 'cause for tiîlso)okd' Rev. Iallls \. \ i;ltnîî.l, Grays-;b'«liliiW.J5115 Notice. for conditions of tîîîsa iiiîerto m.en-. PîbYAdt1iu au an AImssatero -y Iliglîîs',,,,M1 [l.. . iiî' Je. 190f;~. iii'3îuîtosv luLake colity's lus- Discussion cpiieel i1), MrS. Lîtia Kl'Iadril iI.a [O 011 nuiîLatir îlac c ldaiée1 %0111 lut i'idîoricireAs 351 îuo;conclusiv e l Berha S s ir('l. Bu4-1i11, rueiuuibîe loi dilts ioliteA~l 3i'n' Ads'wer ]sas 1tuèen _,; ... , ;ý- 14&cs. s * - djudicatluinflil t ~ ~ ~ ] iuu..jIn ut>rested iu th&:Tic'o fais i7 str'3-our* îtfl N IlceIs1cr'h lv'sUat e _______________ 'Anîd suither phase îof the subject 10 Animal Seru:î:î i lit-s-. F1,Li*) ubsuîriber Ex--,'i or r iliie, ter i Itutu oit ' * h thiPtri Tuauuitmsut tWiill a uîu Ca5iil il Ista in ft jiefarirs are liiile-îulas i~ ~ attendîthîe Cousty tcu rtI ou Lai. L'eli t e N\'hsc îî slil'd ud civereil witls u ii dem uid sudi >iiui.hi tii iiia tara i tliu.raItl ,.'h(Aditi &a S. l caillous; foinsrly m n uîucî CmigegatIind'ii l- r- loit (Ilî liîuraave gelsliie ainîîc iiî'rdcpîesîyîeîrîî cl ag?~Uns ild W5i5kO«5UlausaId Caur ct l id tIci'. Bùst fou' biris,lriises, hos. I p tha ctherural îpopîulation Islamov- 11: 45-COrmuîîlion. clrl' ail uI'u"lissl ialais isgsluîst saii reas.skiîs diseases. etc. SoIt lý' Iusg Intt he chties? This quiestlison la AdJournîu-ii.Estatiare na:,tll il l ruuusuî'.t.n hopresultl- lalWiII Ph-lanke). Il ay Ii-nutGry- sîs aed .A farrder of thirty' vears*th Cseu si .'o ["ReANZIGHT. 'ulu exaériencearlua ce. t.' a day or se To Whom il May Concern, Exeistuir, id - ~~~~~ago tIsaI he Iever lu ail is tinie 'hl Is latunouil e ub lie that îonî $51W55,Alru.. it A CAPTAIN IN.TH-E RANKS suellion a forinthat accu so viflY Alril 3d., s? V.t iiuioui.s atI - _________________._M sibegins lu Iis number ofîbe INDE- va luahle placesaca suad also ré.lsîrîgtto suuii.ii.b . duictoioIe P4, nDe NTpied SUN. Dnt 0550but ara occîl- fer to tse mnufuiiniiu of-aliHIarts' I'ubicIls ol ia tu-nutha i tus "'nglect ta commence wlb bbe Fia leivrbcgtîariaywo'cî ssaýritî.r Adulalatratrîx re! ths ,'stll ut lichapter. '<ou wiliUfind the sîarY owing to tlof tufarot help and that Hl-tsn 'antI Hou(-î'iîîîîîîulasd Re GsJoity our et ai l ke taraihe SINTERESTING. Take dur adylce. ftlcos iii îc isl1 eut. Toute La.xative Sýî up. saites. "I liavet lereuf ta blehilu li th Court fleal,'li ne READ T. Is sorte cases the uîîrented farina hatîdicdHarts' fle niHre Wsungm'ofla ul fol nte. ti tu. ls au sue being workeo lîî part by 'ieigîbors hounut aud Re-Goi 'TouteicLaxative Sy-whu'ra ait persol stîmioàg diaIms agalust fe hit a nîtînler are giîung gro 1h(0 t sldeltt art Llîfa st re.uîulte edTeVery BstRemcdy for Bowel Ioxîurlus ilcrîof weds sud îairal rois foronue year and hativu.'fouriîhiîn iadîudl'îthesaieI adCutfr cd Tr!be.growth. To the city Isataux]ousth est sellera 1I lias,' cIrad. My a FassuiEsZass.Adlltrtî ils Mi'. M. F. Borroogîs. sut oid sud nilve lto the country somee iuual sales average' twîî lozetu a week ot Wauke«autIl]i. Joint, . lem. 36.4 wciI-known réietut uft on, mnd.. iolîportinîties arc sure te resultt. i. Pieuse dulilicate niu rtcor î a ys: " egr- Ca1sralsColine'wogroas ..e lRi-Glo si nt 1 Homemeekers Excurmions. LU1 regar'uenîlav litntiti' R'. aI. one I ti Choiera suit Diarrhoea' Reosedy a etbFH ocjwIarts' Honey sud Ilîîrehouuuîî." Wleu rail us'u',slîuîec'onrathiktse i s IjCj je, he srs lst emct forbowc neer fltow aninjuîry dresset withlu îînccd of a mu'uii'iiifor (Couis tuafi iestlîpinîts îfor uîîîî'are pii i> the truble. 1 make (hie statemeut sftcrliiîîctslc'ArîinaSalve. Ita antiachu- Colts. Croupi or îLa Grîlip.'.ouir read illutrs. Inijuibre iof vîîr cciii ugîtil Iuîr K ,y liavlug uîed the rernedy lus ny fain- 1tic sud ienling îrnîirties îres'eîst crs wiIl do weilitoii îîyHarts' Iloiev')'fîrlîr auh'uîu' lie Iiy for several yeara. 1aIllnneb blood poiscn. g Clias Oswalad. mer-I sui Horchoind, us lu is a tiedielîsu' ,h wtbout Il." This remcdy ta almoat chant.,o Reoaselaersivbîîe, N. y 'of îuîîuîaual mernt. Re-Go Tonie basa- onm aura to le needet iefore the atimuler sirites: "t1uîcds t uci !(I beSmj aa uîîgte for Est onue cir Ringa Dyspîepsla Tub- Ha la oiver. Why net boy 1h nuw sud lic place, of thc ugliest sore on hias eck ' Constiation, Indîgetlon, Billouanes Iles afuier etach mun ula nidyot iIh tOi preîîared foiRasul su u'mergetny? 1 ever Basw. Cures Cuts, W'ouîsts, SInk eadaclse and' Dyspetisia. Large tot suifer wltl i îdgestionu. Stîlul Il dy, Fo aeb .B oel let-IBuc-eýfnd Sorea. 25e at F. B. Loy- littIes 25c, Sic sud $1.00. Sold îy Wil Hsckley. Liuurlyvil lesud tGrays- ta ville, sud Graylake Pharmany. ell'srug store, Libertyvîlie. i . H. Lovli.Lilsertyvilc. laka Pbammany. L4 UelLyville lay- at e- av- ffld. tev. os De- mb- 30 rng lar- E. ara gh- )Ove bhat lie- alhe ne bas fits ant lisa kinîg s'. wltb cear, the FOR BOTH- .One digease of thiîîîess in chidren las srottîhi; in atduilte, cousunîption. Both hlave poor llood ; both îie'd more' fat. Thoeo uiseases thrive ont lean- iietsA. Fat is tlhe best mlenus of îv'co ilwg tiie il îdliver oil mllkes the best and healthiest fat 1l1iii SCOTT'S EMULSI ON la thîe ensiet and inost effective borin of cod liv'er oil. lere's a jittural order of tlîiiigs that tihowm %vhy Scott's Emulsion la f lit mucit value in ail cases of aurfîîlu and coneumption. More fat, moîre weigbt, more nouri8h- ment, that'àî why. Send for free sample. SODT & 3OWM hbeu 4O*,s ud àa,4 r" kvY . * M w a e .a àb à à à ' à àA 1 à &À£à i SA'R, LAI ~9to WE OFFER TIO WEEK I SPECIALW NOT JUST SO -CALLED BARGAINS, BUT -THE REAL THING To seil Is net the first and ireatest objectinii conducting our business. To satisfy 18 the principal object. That means satisfled _____________________________________customers and larier sales THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS ARE REAL LIVE BARGAINS $2.15 Foir \oic $350 TALu Oxfcîdsý $1.59 For Women's $2.50 Lace or Buttun Oxfords $1.00 For Woien's satopla Oxfords and Sllppers, blacku only $1.50 For Wonen's sanijle Oxfords lu patent leather and vîcI kid. 98C For Misses' aud Chlhdenas $1.60 Tan Oxfords, blucher style. 79c For Chludrens $1.00 Shocs, ses 4 to 8. White CanVas Oxfords for WVomen, Misses sud Clilîdren at apacial prices thîs week. CtSILDIEW'S OSIZIT 12 1-2c For Girls sud Boys, Stoclings double kuce lu tan ard block., lot For Chldren'a 15e lalud, brolken sas. $3.98 For womenla 1&00 Whit.e Sut» $1.48 For' Woiuîcis $2.50 Wite Skirts $1.00 Foi, Ni omen s $200 Petticoats, ail colora 98C For Wiomeis s $1.50 White Luîwvî Waîsta $1.48 ForGI]' $250 White Lawn Dresses .8C F'or Wmu1Vet witli or WîthOut Short Sloceve 25c Fer Women'a Union Suts, lace trimmccl and tn'a'docr'-. A samnple -lot of Pillow Sbams, Dresser Scartsansd Cexter Places 25c 39c 49C Globe Department StoreI 119_121 WASHINGTON STRET 17191211 $2.48 For Womeîi s $5.0(0 Embî-oidîýied lias $3.98 For Women's $700 Patteun lias. $2.98 For Women a $6.00 Patter n Itats. $1.25 For Girls' $2.00 Faney Straw liats. 15C Per bunch o! six alk and and velvat Roses loc For Lace aud Embroldered Collarsansd Turnovers. 9C For Women'a White Duck Belts, embroidered. loc For two liuckîa Bustar lBrown Belta. 5C" Foi, lu¶snts' 10e BIbe, lacs trimmeO. Par yârd for Baby 71 bbon. ail colora. A A-A £ A £ A a * A A lligbtaod Libertyjville and ovement, Bonds for Sale. rhe Best lKind of en F S" est iE~ ANDERSON - = Illinois i ive on hand i ful i ne'of Surreys, Spring Wagons RACJNE9" LJNE ' Everywhere For Quality 1. B. EGER YJUNIE 15ý Lake Bluffýl- . m Illinois BARGAINS à k à à À à A à 1 st