Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Jun 1906, p. 8

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o1qtta f lte scItool caonss ho- PESBITT1TO OUND , Nl'. Dite vie -Ises von fiI.ti lD tIe AN MbAL WIY. noot eut'recordiers offce yosteriai'. Arbur . Datif ls backi trom 211 Waukegun Physiclan la Now On 'rneh University for the aummer. Art Wetern Trip ln.Search of Spot Wslgbt le expecteti back from lt Where lie Oun Deveiop "Mental 4i1bor mon. Culture." Tbtre rmains of the laeslira. Mary Pulmer viii arrive lu WauteganFil' Doea Dr. R. H. Nbbtt intend whilo "yaiu 8: 50 anti intermént will afho la say from Waukogan on a eues tata place lu1the 1Fox Lutecem- boalth tour, 10 visil noveraI proposed ee'. locations for bihiiel dliy vibbthe St le feureti thut lira. j. Lu Aayor. purpose of onndlng itI f uni'of thet 'w fo Imelime hbus beau setionsly sites are suitable? SIwIiravel untiergo an bperatlon Thot Ibis la the maul purpose la re-1 la the near future if as l 10 regain liabli' stated anti althougb lbhetoctort ber bealtu. roally neetisthie rosI for bis bouIlli, .GWe orFendicli ban resigneti bis otili bis other work, 1ha1 of ounting pont as irural mail carrier No,. 1. on be model Cit', la tb eol objedt af routa No. 1,,.ant Io45succeedet by theottip. Hamihlt.on Rcer, vbo vili haveaus a Dr. and Mft. Noablt are aI the head aubstitule Herbert Broatihoar. 1o! a " Mental Science" donominatlon AU te aseows' ooks exeptand one of thé11eaos-of 1the cuit lo ta Ail Iteassssos bots exeplfounti a model Citi' 'tmder théir ovu thoe of the tbwn anidiy of Waune- Iticas Uln, have been turneti iita.' Counti' 'rssurer Price. Tho"e of Deerfielti 8ome lIme ugo the doctoir vas vomt- a*idSIteId wee trnoi ~Ing on thie cty anti gaineti mudi pub-1 licty. Ho necelvoti muni'offorsforj h Is Cib' ho Iodlte but accopteti noue. 1 - ~ (lOt' ~ ~.~be'beg -beM- faim-bis mune, wva àjuiget Iinsane sud &us r ll'tiive Itd il nva tab o ElBgla for trealment. Mrs. tbought bi' aime thalt taoy hadi Uporer u' b een insane since thie droppot IL But nov vlth the tioctor's 'blobI bf ber lsaec1ild, a yesr ugo. -tiparture Inaloot ut aeveral sites It Jowett Balrtov bhm réturneti trom con be sean that ho bas quletlli'asdi atlendunce a etle econvention 01 lu theoway ho het Iliteti.beau vorkli lte Mystic Wortons oetIlie World. li ng teadili' tovurd his end.1 wu thre iîhe iter t itue Wou- Severel sites yllho vialhed hi' the-1 vue thee tee d ilreta ful e-doCtor. 1I a d. They include one lu pur e te estSetig.Alabama ne a. ewOrleans, andi geaIaI Ite lu Nov Metico. la bo udrof yIonled11 vodeatoai While ha la gene 1the doctors placa lut&anmbrolduflnd mdal nula10 o 11104 hi' Dr. F. MarlOn Bar- tfglaon tesW" t 1,8Wom' Temps-r-11er. ho bas Ju-t retumne tfom a tva goeq Union buba tld. according t tansd one.balf years's stay lu Europe. lite. A. ]IL Carman. national superin' tendet, Features of Ideal Ciy. Brt Mr. sud lire. Bon Blovney, The foulures o! Ideal City'sas gatb. etCie*land, a daushter lait ight, l o rotrah1e pamphlet Issued hi' tlea acoos'ing te, a teiegram received by societi'> ben the Ie rlbtco Justie Weia Thç infant bas beau lu the mmd of the Waukegan-isavanl, ~mmed MNW t atherine Blowney sud are about as follovs: moesdin Eta tbe jutice ltere wu o-operation. gresi reliefhen il va s ee that te The Ieaching and practical applica- 111e lft remembloti ber mother. ion or!ohie. Section tbreeof lte oltiPriCe.bulit- Al viii farm. im lsItisetucorner o! ,out oMat» i-yWile ail1v1iifarm ail vili hava Iss steet. 1 11V uubti ~l . ie ltyh anesd transportation themelo. "M- We sion it& v*y 10 tha comUonCooking lu a oîmon kit. Valt ureq ste.'Ph cone ba ancen tvlu icommon dang iuom. .'*. ustv ad pu aweesrance sud wvilRule hi' menunsof a prosideul, victi bava, vtil wdtk la belo on the pro- *drrda, ae eton a îolocï, the W. C.O. . Wil ihodaam hi nervtce t1bIe conieteri' anti docorato thea, guyoGide is« overe former- Si' membera of tihe organisation, Mnle Ragea Diver vii l adthe lt srie. Aul rentis are lovingl i nvitedte al ar ttelpae. If lte day la nupleasant tise serviceeviii ho held i aITemperance ~ The Nort1à ida Tennis Club bue leaseti landi on Gilltte avenue, on tuei Smiths prbperli, ant ill n uo Il as a tonnlecour th1e maemeinhers ceaini tue landi Saturday. T#are are lgiâtIyoung eodieti' people sea ,Iecuteeusivl The.o atton le a fine'on. A tournament la planneti Former Jutige George W. Bono DapgO Ocounti', vol) tuovu 10 the lise canal' bar. dIoti t 9:50 o'cloct Mondai' nigai thte BTigge bouse,Chi- Cage, aller au ]linons of ten days. Ris teath wvascaused bhi'a complica- tIon a! diseuses, whicb began w1tb tonsilitis. Dphthenia devlopeti. antid ta Wis vas added a sovere attack o!f kldney trouble tram which the jutige lidlong sufferoti. WORK ON HA~RBOR. Naît veek vili osee tue tort o!f1the govamument vart t the barbor. The big Improvements that arý 10 aart thon yul ho ushot I al sunmoer and wIll prohabli' ho flishet noît. fou. A large frce of men, a dredge and Ivo plae drivers wil1 arrive net voot to etarl 1the vort.V A hoardlng bouse for the men le #o0 1e rectei onlbtheach north o!f1the north pler anti tue bior ili 8soon hiavuelte business rush o! last year. TIte vont viliiprobabli' atarI vitu the'repailng oÏt tua'outb in. A .4 new pile pier vilI ho pIuced lu pnt-~ ' Unec. I lalein. b. piles becaue it la 11e bet anti longent vearing pier tuaI. eu e hobult. F' ollovingthte soulb pIon the nortu plt *iii ho lied an&-hbuch other vont aa1o t bdoue. INO e mrt, viii ean the employ. ~' ment 09 muY axi . TIte eant; aide tise barbon vwU probubli' ho---n fer Mwe anti altai' machier' as lent <tbé foituteé yack- lrge piles of Its tre vog~wng sudnt il iIprohabli' ail 10 tieore OuOipgounti hen lte Th mrk en te nonu- pler la te, n- psoes th cM rotten tructure tuaI e t" frsu tiseangle out tb tue as-MNia Th« on a »lM eils pIeona musfokt* . the Dow Postim at elandi. lu tu t , ýnot 10 be * rebuil l t.a ts-alt liniu n ov ,t,"Wp0", emplsuulisbata =Itn soi", ....... . vm thee orn e 19. or th. presidént and board.1 each *111 hale a parfectly suitable1 and congenlal occupation.1 Common capital.9 Ethics wlll be tailght to ail abovec 21. No close distinction whatever. 1 Assurance of bed and board, edu- cation, pleasure. work; and ail thatj makes lite wortb Ili3ng. Yearly divldends. pr. il. H. T. Nesbitt 1s one ofthe foremnoat physicians Of this citi' ànd a 9tudent of religions, who bas pene- trated far. He la a deep sebolarmitb a more7 thon local rOflutation and basi an extensive followlng In Waukegan that will support bis projeet to tbe extent of is resoul'ces. DRUNK CRAZED MAN AT- TEMPS SUICIDE. Drink crazed and not knowing wbat ho wao doing. Tuesdsy uight, ,ati1 o'clock, lu- bis cou iln the citi' jaîl, i,,renzo Refîîa, lied bis susýibndera 'b' the upper bars of theo "cage" oand wos about ho tie theo susponder ends togetber oround'bis neck ln preparation for lauuching himseif Imb eteruity wben William Murphy. an umbrella vond arreastfor étamtJIw. ea'»- tb man's act and shouted for aid. Night Sergeant Regtreins. Nigbt Desk Seregant Hickis at.once responded to0 tbe lusti' sboute tbat the umbrelia Mender loosed and camne Into tbe laul portion -of 1the Waukegan pQ7 lice station just ln tîme to restrain Refus frofln banglng himseit. Before 'the .borrified eyea of Hicks and th1e drunken umbrella monder the man attempted to draw the. ends of the suspenders tigbt and swing. Police abons Rescue. Sergeant Hicks unlockea. the coul door ln a hum'y andi cul ths man dowa before th1e ba4 a chance te complete bis unconscione net. 1Ho thon clapped handcuifs ontO the Apotrianle wrists and for the rest of the nigbt Refus was dloseI' vatchei. Ho made no second attompt. bow- ever. This morning ho appeared ,hefore police magistritte Hope i a sulleli and moodi' rage aud would not talk ai eail about bis athemPtl 1051 nigbl in th1e 1Wiiet W.@ MIS Reabon? IN o otber reason for thé suspender spisode developeti during the day and A~Yt? theW mon <colhie ýComp anions :iu:I~;pssmCaou nhwhehr hIb"-j!« eer to4 a,,::i:aa. ho taour o'nt, Peter Venter ds*IB ham tonIbeknovledge of the worU the on1l aftignd cause le drink Wau. Wediieedy Morning tu the « yaks ot kegan11orwater andle effects on la th UIMM Neli.4 mIn4ýti ltI ny bafe heen of a moody WTbry eearcb of 1the Waukega caste vW#o.lte mou starhed out 10 s,. flahermen vas edi S cumulate te jag. ;' hoîr long vigile wilth'tho Louis Vart Esake, the South GItý oioto bthe vater. Th* ses treet .'sloon keeper, who balie& lgor', th,, 1t hum out. maya that Ref"ila i genoirelly Fourteee daYe ugo Sunday Venter sober and aivays' lndustrioue. Refusi duappoared froma the ficb senty ai bas a feùmily In Milwaukee. Ho boards vhich iuIlan employa. suad only 4, on Lake stréot andi ie employeti at the neat p~ i udcloîbes vOS 1l<omas Brunanaad Ion ÇgjnPanY founi. The fdoberman 1mew hhat the works, on Harbor place. 1ý_ './m a vs drovunet in taking cave ot : Hie finegof $3 andi coste 1as paiti hi hq bate aud rooOrted the occurrencei the- saloonleeper andi ho vus released, te the polc. j!o violating tbe prece. ut ter a promise nualtt, drink again. dent o!ner.44fot ,seltlino or grappliug Itm Ignto the vatér. The PARTRIOGE HONORED. fIshermen ubong continueti the beart- Edwin H. Buck, receuli' elected leu. search. comniander 'In chifoth te depart- At timon thore w«-* eerions ment of Ilais, G. A, R., aunounce t Ibt Venter bat! h' 4rowu-J""à official staff appointments lbot voOt some acceptedth 1e llieory that Ihe hat as3 folows: Assistant Ad jutant Genrai andi mn awuy uUtit Iis morning when lte Quartermaler Genral-Churles A. lake gave up lie grisly burden. Partritige, Waukegah. . The Elaie Nell vas onlite vuy ont Judge Advoate-W. J. Franklin, to the nets as lte Kopperman bot, Macomb. f*OraCe Darling, vus.on Is vway ln. II; Chit Musloriug Officer-Henry S. vas ai 6:30 Ibis moruing. Goodepeeti. Dauvîlle., The Non ceul a vide swath lunithe .Chiot of Staff-William éleudenin, wator and luthie vake bobinti ber . Mole. hobbIes hegan t la ie,9t'O esur- face andi soonKopperman eav 1the - ' '~~' deati face of IhioCi frienti Venter DIES IN CHICAGO. Friday ut 12: ti the romains of peering out o! the vaste of valoÎÏns'i John Cannon, formnerli' o! Waukegan the vuke with uusèeing eyeo. voro brought bore sud talion from the Ho put a ropo arounti the corpse's train ho the cemeteri', wbere theai'nocl, the body' being far gone, andi were interred. toweti It te shore, vhen the Larson- Cannon, a relative of the GrudYs Corude dead vwgou took il tuthie bore, die t h bs bhrne tn Chicago of morgue. locomotor ataîla, the rallroad ma's The body' came up tventi'fteoff mont provalent diseuse. 1 tue 'Western Coal and Dock Company' Hoevsu &bout 50 years olti and vau corner lu the Waukeian harbor slip. bora In Waukegan. Ho lived bore up tu, tventi yearseg, vben ho accepteti ARREST SRASS 'n4EVES. a position villi the Michigan Centrai Assistant Ciief Tyrroîl andi Officer andi move t 10Cbicago. IlIebasIliveti Hicks on Mondai' madie two Im- teora ever since, portant arrese tu the persona of Ivo 3 Ho leavesi no famlly but an ageti ellogod mombers of the gang ot pro- mother vilh vbom ho llved. fessloual brase thieveu Ibat busnlii- 3._______ festeti Waukegun anti viciit'. Continue Liquor Caes. The tvoaurresea4 are: Monday le the counti court, the SIGMUND JUDELL. cases of tbe -Highwoad aloonkeepere ALBERT NAVAL. for keping, gambling andti tppllng Both are North Chîcagouns. .ludeli bouses ver. conlinueti. The case of J. is 16 anti Naval la 15. Bolb are la *Liskey. for keeping a tlPpling boune the cihi' juil and taire their arrdite topen on Sundai' bas a motion for a with the greàleet sang faid aus though enew trial pendIng. it vare, an every-duy occurrence. The case of the Watievorth How- Thei' are cbarged vlt 1the tbeft 0f landi company vs. John Alexander brassesefrom theo ruluet plant of 1the rDowie. for a daiam, usa set for trial Rayon Mlnling Company' ut North Ci- iJune 19, t 2S oeluk. caga. -. - a. a t? A. A A. A, - e tEau duof Od ,O-are our fai u, lige shirts, cool, 1h. - .1 . ther egar, b a sumnier neok- ~w, hosiery, O*ldtds, travv'W Ïdaerhdgr. But corne in; we can show you more cool thingsi n i ve n>snutes thd.n w, oashtel You abont in an1 liour. Our price. all ong the lin. 'will prove pleasing. I i i I I -I i :1 i Libertgville ,-GQencoe a nd Lake ImprveientB«deléor sale. The Seut Kln oie. a GEORGE, ANDERSON Lake Forest = = ~IFni OuRllvDMX BRIMtG RESULM. [Prspct, No. 20 87j V01l.5- A. S.-fR- . ioi ebakpitbn etwil 5bns3/ n soe t I ighani', blac l deIn t he b nd o f aq. 5anda 3'bolu- cu hen touri. yehs .200bpouns srol fa oue.euvti'meand vro thinteen bine ibbons. andti ha1 in bis native state of ** Kentucky, where ho hai te go againot vont bostens. * Ho la a saddle horne vitb five distinct galls; foot line * acting rocker; goot lu runuiug voik anti fox-tnot; bas, a nice. slow pace foi' a ladies' gait; lias o nice. smoolh couler, la vomi' positive lu bis trot, buth under the sattie sud ln the hanness; lhan greut kbee action. Ie bus Iliat great ail- around action whlch la requiroil for on iîp-to-dote sire of harnses for ettlien satdile or iarnnes. ,on for both. Regîsteret lu Amenican Satdile Hanse Registen. * PEMIaRVEE * SîncO hi' Dîgniti' Donc. No, 1982. Vol. 5. A. S. tI .; lhli y hiClester Haro. 10. N. 8. fi. R., lie hi'Black ilqulrnel 48. lic hi' Black Hagle 74, lic hi'King William 67, ho by Washingtofi o Denmank 64, hohi' Gainies Dcnmank 71.,lie by thc 010 four- * * mile-nace-lioqqe Dcnuiark, F'. S., lie lii'Inponteil Hatgefont. OFirst dà% bhi On Titn, ie, lii' Stonevail Jackson,.Srn * Second dam hy Joe Abdallahi, ho by Abdiallahi Glcncac; Thid doa by Fauk Stimler Denmark; Fourtli dam hi' Black E> 1awk (Morgan); Fifili dam lii Oliver, lic hy Wagouem, * Sixîli dam hi' Imîxrtcd Messongen. Digulti' Dare's Isobdam. Lizzic Mont.,lii'Welclimout, liec by i' 'llam WlcIa, lie hi' Ri'dick's Hamnbîctonian. af Gypse>' Queeu, bhe champion saddle marc of thc wnilt î nov oecd b>' Thomas W. Lawson, of Boston, lea ohbal!- 8atebo la Dîguibi'Dore, FEE* To lubroduce Prospect.,bthe vomi' 10w tee of Tweomti' ive Dollars vilIlibe chamged 10 masure a livinîg colt this final A etro poecl iil rin::,lmtInyaur home If con Avenue, Zion C2606Illnoid lî U ADORC$b i BSICK BRO@TUERS 1, HighleIs $fid4l 4 i-Huness Horiss 2M faid*a&Ve. PhosU 200 V«hr,1I1LU WKERE 'YOU CÂN PÂT. Someplaces whera, you çan psy fort. LAKE COUNTry IN4DPENDEWr are %Ivan beiow. Tuoe are Our Authonized agenciez and wlll forward t h. mei o1 th* central office where a rocelpt.viii b. promptly: maNed you.1 Dafy :un offce ................................waiaIe O ekt pharmacy .................................... se~ . .-............... .0.. ...4....... ... . . and the sizzling days of labt îveek will convince the most okeptidal tha.t we are booked for some of tbe real thing, Thoughts tuTU Vacationwiard, We are leading vacation outfitters in the line cf al aocessories pertaining to man's attire, fron hîs shirts, collars and ties te the suit case i whioh he carrnes them. In making your vacation plane 'onLwil do well te take us into consideration il you want te get away ini good shape. Th4t Light Weight Suit should be uppermost i our mffid, for on !it will depend much cf your plea8ureo Notbiuig could ex- ceed the comfort. good taste and good lochs cf the suits We are offeritg, and this StocK Reducing Si1e is Fortunate FOR YOU We' MUST reduce 'oui- enoîmotus stock one- hall. prepuratory to coinpletng the change in our business:- - This doeu net ineau that we shahlot our splendid Unes deteriorate. but At means that every lino wlil be reduped tothe minimum. Therefore these Bé tais on IHot Weathker Subis OWWOW%^Oýi~ i CI ,

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