L.saBSecond aletu 14M ICAMKAKME RBESfNTS #iISRpRffSENtAI . e8iÀaoeo Iepublican la up iu are the, onus apon wbom tba weigbt WiSSato grogs minrepresenta' falia. Thoy réad of tii1no alleved te ~~tIona e ta ite asylun' bhappecla . t 1he upind *iiare * .I would.appear there l laioi iareld b -ho.Ms> f tgbte scandale ln promues.et tiree weelcs te Inyqtgate ce.. t etV The Repub- dlîîoue for tiiomalves. -la that va>' tii.>' ind the utter meadacit>' of th. eveWod. ye.ow pmmseand sgobern te.~11ehluthebigeu lai-o!But thefe are hutldreds Whoeacu net epit*à--agraed eperoAb mie omu-etewnrngI ra 'DA= mnchauaen i o g h uo!r ror cen e trtà W,=S "fer ils loualcorrespondent, iqbalaere the. bar i. ceuIng êked-ilen by the. people ef Kan- in. e s continuons vaudeville. 'loIjurious te every luterest. It » do no bar, boere.-da ge Kankakee. People look lapon bea thë Ainerican cornes. wii Knkakee as a second Rome, almost. go ta ceverlug the. front page- under the rule of a wild Nero. It tare boa Galore "et, ankakee Asy- everybody lu Kankakee witii a ver>' -he people sa-e Iinled tn laugh darlt-hued stick. W Imagb The tontes are 8o pr@-- 'Naturally, there tg Indignation lu roue. Yt the. American ouI>' the cii>' et the meudactt> of the Chii- its atonles trom the Tribune and cago newspaper reportera and tbe billboud on theuwv loge]liera- who back Ibert np. When t b te langh' merely, that thorne the people thiuk of!itis view of the 1 bou, 0 ti. acs ae lpeled uuckrsklng epîsode now on lu Kan- ~*ia~ d~wj &e uite. i .» i4bey lanbip ua. tuolave elaM~. ibeeoI.iuesed witb lignieQua luaotg' THE SENATORSHIP. mtw CuIllm h.bas ..o.oed tuea sentatives ln the senate for the lest - H. bas not been e véIlminous eighty-elgbt yeara. twenty-five- differ- xolnt speaker; but e boai been ent men havlug set for ber, lu that ~ taa idelblemark ou lhe jias be eleeted the. fourtii urne. 0qua Êorit o i.l quarter 'Thot inuit îaean somnetbing. Nobody 1 hf . ad ot been a cau viiistie ae tact hue tiiet out ot f Mors than nuuaigmeit hoe ight. It viii uean a great deal tu ,'uevr ihave served four full ti. histortab of the state. Let us bc tg the Unted Stiesonate. curetât about depreriatlng the record tp 1111 state lu the. Union. Tcofo a public servant Me t iis and of loàsI le, an achieyeîuent viiich belttllng the. iipors and glory of the. fIaSt terW" tien tirty men conimonweaiuh. soniethîng wvicii w ealeti id t lo the.entire -.m euspeunal.ambition or tiie grati- Îý of our hutory unuder tiie Oication o! an>' spite eau matI y.- Ù* lilinos :bias hait repre- jCuampaiga Gazette. WI4AT THRY TI4INK 0F US. ba Beranan vo, Speck-Stura- Pan>' the opening'ot a new land wIth, ýýoqau ambassdor te tthe gret materlel. reourcesav be o 1éS*ftu. âelered the cmuna a-lete fathom'tii. real menilu and purpose et thmos energies wiilci eMead4"ern t the 'Unversity' are activella theAserican peuple. WeduedY. - The remaria «'Ointe. su rut garrivai tn your ~dWIlaUUI$b$ snd brue mueo4ry 1 bave kuown ubat Amnereasj a raet Un .IAâinter. spIritla ideallatie aud'tisat tbe CVT-1 as Dletii the aile ltedviduaf Amenicau la controlled -or .ur. p eophLo. '1.b>'Idelte impoies. Thos. seho Vert. er dontraditnme con uot ba"e ý»»4Mu tIufum* teouaded the, deptbs oethue philosepli> 210I lhgasiloai reoeived te ot Ralph Waldo ffmorson or tudled 1tW §xlý traveleva tht the the. lite. and rend the speeches of la hi* deepetnature la a Abaham fLinaeolu d conaldered theïr srv fur llowesand far-reching offeet upen ,Americau, coerSnfort; that fth. people. Boy çould It b. thrviée bbtfille la tu Pile UP the that a pcopeevWho have produced auch ~Ia.POWpe Who ap eaimn asuIEmerson and Lncolu, abould teune0 blInOte evrYMtngne ethonnslflah, belptul and' enthusi- u beiov the 8aurfc. TbeY aaftic for Mdeat values; tiiet they, bave atudied f1ten'illeaend 0110u111 n1t ho followers lu the. patiia ù! your Industrial contea-of thelrt frftierg and b. conserva- Mn veueoJet*d te read Or M: tt v.? Sucob a peuplé it vlalwara ho t4lb f1 oAzacterof the. Amer?- movod te aCtUoUmore eusly by test- ý* orw*omaàL Tii.>'seem te Inga than b>' clentations, b>' etotton- en. wortd.red b>'thorneouter ai inspration -'thb by sehsDrac- $" oeoanl'accotn- tcal xpetatieni. "I1v wimh (0 anoouuse (bat we have Cieued oor .Wud (btwe am-e mow reodU te p romptlg fil ail orders The hast mmd poret mteriuis-are used for B0REÀLD CAlS PIES Maeonmiîuwn'p g.. Wabiiga.fil. W P Yomanfi 1 te Bd- U'IYeiel ~blé; .....u........48 4-4u 2M4a lt S.utis.t hareb Wi..e pavr ae4 sers ItaSa.o le wtutasgead ... ... 12 ce CbfaÇ Tmit & TroustCo to 1P B anu t X&bit 10 beg Hlphleod > .ed"*' .. . ..... 810 0 LOI 0 hW êla t"sbllo e6" deMasiae 4.4...... 00, O -e se j MI- NeUfs»D Corglugy te Catber- lus M Pomffstur h luin.eJ% sue 89 Saut Aa;lueh tvp wd..................., ..... 10 Jobueun t 7 bik 15 Woh- - br. Spriugs vd.. .......... 400 G0 J fi Mbderwp iL tcty of Wauk«gu * 25 ft Roder- *Ollt züb Waukegea vd.. 1 00 E 0l Dolitile DoolittleTaiy- lors Lakeeqab Into 60 ltu .... subdivision E C Poteroy &wf to ct of Wankegau lbt manked "*a-- serve" one nen.o! Lansinga oubWàukfgsa qe........ .......i00 ýElizabeuli Grant to A C Froat Its 161 164 sud o.% 1t 161) Piolu t& W Mooe .tract - land 4316 by'500 fi et Wiu- throp BHarbon deéd ... ....10000 00 'JIC Eder & wto T EJoyce 40 se.rs lu uw % sec 21) Deer. field twp wd............. 4250 ý0< E M Loomis & wf to Oliver Hook It 28 blk 10 Gray&- la" vd ....................... 5b 0 John Garnit>' & wf to Msage Johnson Ih 2 £van u b - HSgbu!Ôod qe_....î...... 10 John Anstin & w! to Chas E Austin lu 21) (uzcept w 400 fret) counut>' lerkasusb Lii. ertyville rd ..................... C E Austin te Mary J1 Austinî it 29* (exeept w 400 fet) county edons seuh LieIWtty- vile wd ...................... 50 C $ Ritbarde & wt to Victor Bora part un5 ec 36 veut Atochtwp wd ......... .1500 0 E M Favoett & vi te J M Faweett It 4 bik 2 Tbomp- sons aid te aukegau wd. 1 00 H T Bincb &A lto 90 HW -Wuavur Part If "A", Birchm sub Hkqhiand Park wd.....6272 40 w ýP yeoana& w!tu Heen A Scoville fia 25 and !M bIbiY Ysoman & Donlaeaa b Weukegan wd... ............ SS 00 àic,à%litè, 'TrésCo te W 0Jakomli 0blk 15 1%egaiblad dmd. 310 00 ýAmrSn (taI~wirec Waubegaa Rlgbleuds vd... 3M1838 CEflaler & vite John Mrlake & ut lu 10 bib '8 *Wukmabge Hglenda vd- . 400 00 CR Cutn & wl tu Ada D ,&dam't2 8 and 4 blkl70 North Obleoge qe.......... 100 P A Rebb" e~& wvtoteJosephi Turner Ite i snd Y and land adjinlng Robinson»saub Oayalae. . .d................16 il J Devâts &Awlue ilte M MeCan lit 1Devlu aub and a It adjolnlng lunsuc 14 Grant twp qe.... ...............i1 00 W H Nu rphy te Emil and -AmobiaDeren lt27aud 28 bib 42. WahiinrnPark 4e........................... 175 OU MineraI Point Zinc (11> te J R Kahn Ïract of land at Dirth Chicago wd ....é... 150 00 6 G 8 BR<>wn to Michael Opium It 64 Wahington Park Waul'ffau vd... ............ 207 <0 Jouae C Rogers & bua to Edward Lan i ,blk 2 Rogers add, Waeke$an ,wd.2..............................750 (0 Adjuicatle Iot4ce. P.ie x0sictIa i. b.sbT 01Ma thaitihe Snbm0* ýo Adunluitrotor lhe«hMeeof ydaKulat deemaad ail "athe unty' te et Laie Céunir. a '"Z rktbuîte Cufanainé=, au ie d warail pensons.bs-tin« etsieasls2Fs sre dotiled lad ruaït tedoni lb. etme te sMid ceuni r adjsdmîasM askug andÏ,i Jase .15gw. Lardilerlt o "A uo.i .. .&juetlo Ntie Pu tle e la hev vats 90 quao au wWia4 piset ams .s4isllui mdludesite ar o & 9Û. tnnNnl a . a, a a , 6,4 * s tdona-H. Willant. brother et Mr$,. E. H. tlison, cet PVoalie View, Write.i About Hts Adopied Statu. Iear ,ir:. A tew lie" froni Virgl,ii1y n citisit of che oct of bitit: 1 wam forgneIT a ciuia..n of Cook coennur. fils, and a readen of your interenting liarnand sut et lI-esemit. reediag isc-îmuns every weuek. The lanaing interauu4 bere are contin- CaeImnproving 'sud le-Oi,ip steadil>' çonting Su. <in aut buv a hmne fur burmsei for very iiîWulemre flân a bat renu ~ ~ ~ W easiiLiclat.W.are pot lu tiie nidst et the wbest hanv-t wblc givesa s ood yilid ne ever>' terinithatini weil tilled. Cnltvatod grassesgnou lux- urioul> on the. rleb soilp wlerever the>' are kopt up ai' ube>' sionld tue. Alaita and closer grov ver>'- readiiy lu somas places uwitiioat Inoculation. Fermer@ Aftending tu buy ahould se. tâthaiy tii eas sersmon.>' b>' puîrnhs. lig noie. Lad ions eau elili bu bougiit et troni two aied a hait dollars per acre op accordmg teulimprovemneîansd Ibe. tien, Iiut aut tat. prilou are s greet deal stilfertien Itir ' ve .tire. yua go w han I Caine dui>m in. Tiiraisîng of cettle, honaslamid hep eu ho made te pr u s flur. ie gond market for thon'. Aud aeo thinif oe>'fimbe.in abuiaeIttI>' ppl ihiud Mta p$ at aer and ili.easmy-4t salg pur Bldase &bat scl a ave be swasàug Thiq n Il efflnti'fur Iuoriý le«MIR loldMf&r>'sud fer eaaig > ;;aiteIe. Rhdelovme&iug pleibg mllland tht e &uietuing oh biiâ for wbich tiiers fa jood I ea>'fort a Part ef lierindustrIel lM.eand 1 eau alo MMd tirat it lu a minerai conntry w t q-une go dP eut W, have quit. aunie, tluunt bore of noriiea ponl ad oie social gathur- inge would mai. sein. of yon bel quit. et oas. haro lu Virginia. The. atin. p hue drigeneral surrouadiaga are con- ducivu tei maklng a Ktrangon bo et home aud the hoopitalît>'orfils people make ht mets so. Sionld auY ut your rendons viah to know mors about the. countr>' tban i bave wittén if tii.>' ul onud me s siaauped onveoe1 illiewenavoeY sud ail questions f0 th.bet of tue pility. B. Willam@, WUllnuo, Vis. Oven Newtona. B>' the, dealhiofow ueu Newton Lake eOunt>' bas fl estofetlie oldest sud mont hlghty rsspected citiseus. The deceased, vus loru et Tuabnldge, Vt., Nov. 22. 1819, removiug te, Laie coulai> ln May 1851 M -bere b. llved until tiie tire of hie detb on àdune 18. 1906. After spending thie earlim"ej~ars of bis l!.e ou the homne tarin lit Vermout lie etarted bt Su the es,-iv mens tof 18.71 tu $soibis fortune in tiie tien "fer ffst,' coinmg b 1 the Grest Lakes. De ing 0 estop aol the boat. at Little Fort, now Wankegaai he vue met by FrdCnverse, aiso a Vonuonter, and 1 hiuni persuauled to lanîd at that place mualeaiOfr pou4ing to Chieago, ulaus te >'aie Lake county the Icone of bis 4te ui.it few mouilis were@peunt prospectiuig viii ieadjuartens iu Warrean townshlp wheru bu met Idlry W. Whtn'ore tu viion he wvasmarried on Nov. 22, 1851. 'Plai ibIs union wusea plusset oue. ltt.ive yaffl QI happy v.dddliee alîundantly prove.. For-a nuinher ait)serai ho ras .ngaged lu the. oepion aI tern'log. Later itie fam assold sud a psrtorebip vas formsd vitb Ezra Joolyn .'Oji'y dey, meb n th îe dry g gor> tilre AIis ved and bssgdln nter.d l.faaiàg Industr>'. ..ater vith advaue t'h utrd Oiug le Wie gan I ive iedunutioomd vey>ears ehm wIi.vtb Mrs. New tpuho came te 0. a .W t lover et herse.-snd cauh be d et everg gocergtoo ur«l ke oeOfl, or et Our tail stemt34li et opeaed l la rwibte buiWdng ULb-«bg. t"ordem s 11 usdbgWagon or express. pet *zea rofl IWNT-Houm Mad lot tî ~ Mectcrsn',Ubol ONt-dix rout et.'i P«rdoz. l1c0i s,4each- rOR OALrk-- rer' repe.1 20-f mt driver,Ileaald rib90. o FOR SALE-60 acre* tariuser Lib. tVrille fOuest of, lmproem.nts, anIju auce of vater, good solilet reaaonh pries. W. MH. SsrrI, Lubenyviile. Sàt FOR SALÉ-qr sua ed k1,uhriaa inillet ssud. Warrt.ed danud fre. frorn ail foui sae$. E. Il. hlornw, GM.yd. làke, lit. 818.5 'LOTi FOR SLKOn-hlf sMMOneu Mlwauýeç &roeian&hneo rer roed B. Md. i, Libert~y ïls 37-4 FOR SALE OR R£NT-Fam suitabie for sumuler reunt, 60 acres on Diamond Laeke, HE.,çev Kà,,E, Rtockfeller, 111. 117-tf FLOPOLE--5(l feet higi for sale. H. ScuxoOcED, nuit Day. 37_8 'FOR SAi.E-New 7 roomi lons. ou serond iatreet sand Dm'adwajy, mil oeil at a sacrific@ sud on Papy ter».'C AJPIy. E. IMeDouald, Liiertyvile. 11e-tf CE MENT WAL KS-Sidwalks a*Weialty Wug. R. Eue. Prairie Vîew. 111. 36141 LOTS FOR SAlIâ-lu Grinm enw subdivision w»uth of Electnie depot. Inquire of J. B. Gatus. .36-8 FOR SALE-Rubber tirpd runabout almoat nov, at bail prie. Extra iiuàvy tires.linquire 1-4u.EesuiEsv otiCe, 36-tf MAY LAND-For rpnt sorne choie bey land. InquIre Mrs. A. Â. BSTIAexs Guru.., 111. 37-2 FOR SENT-Houa. oh Lake aireet Llbertyvlie. Inquire GiLarar uca. 8744. FOR SALE-Homs.and lot on Bioed' w.' lh.rtyvliea lle. Tuquir. PAra. MONE4 TO LON-On approved rs estate a.cunlty. Bus«. 1, MuIttzn, Ubmr. t7ville, 111. - 8-1* MAN WANTED--To wrork la livor>' bain. CHiAS. Suavu, Lbentyvil, Ill. GIRL WANTF-For general bous. vorn. Jiu. JAsas-aPMEc. 88-tl. L.OST, OR iTOLEN-O)n Sonde>'lest tomai. Ilcoteh Colt dog, about eila old. Sable wvithit.pointea librl reward for return. Mes. J. A. Menxi, Libertyville. FOR SALE--Bille luaodcniin bev'tmbor l 10 0 Md 8618: atOl $ r1,00 est. J. C. lizavut. 1parerewlotwl OUR WANT ADS are still BRINO ING RESULTS., Are th.y bringlng YOU eny? 1 Now HAN,'DL [3 GLASS Andam Remy to hang WAL L PAPER D"A. YOUNGg GEU. TRIGIIE' OLP STAND. MIL WAUKEE AVE. 8013TH OP 1HTEL. ATEL EPI1dNI Duns..hé .westhor $av*& lIme prele@c atiheauome dog Ladies in Profusion CoMs end tMats. 511k Waiates ReMm uesSkirte mmd SuimMer Goode Mrs. f. Protine cars every Fort>' Minutes Farç-bOc. Round Tnp 86c. At Kenosha connoctilon la made with the T. M. E. R. & L. Co. 's car@ for Racine and Milwaukee Faro Kenosba to Racine 1fie, Round trip 25c. Faro Kenosha to Milwaukee 50c., Round tripý8Sc. NE~ 1 . I .- - RÂRNESS --SllO~ .1 wisb te annunetiat 1 bave openeda ewo and up-to-da te %arnesé siiojioser H. B. Eger's hardware store et Liberty. ville and ami nov rend>' te do aIl kinds oh fiue bernees work aud repairlng. A ifrt-elas a brnes. maken i lacharge of thea@hop. I - SOLICII YOUR TRADE AND ÂSE TIUA YOIJ (IVE lE A TRIAL o. i. LUCE SLib.ertyville Qver M. B. Eger's Illinois t -c - ~m .B. a . 1 ý 1 . 1 lm