XXXX Pii. d Sugae. wlb......' I................... 1 pou" slfl «à25wBdgpwd. ..... ~mo ....Ahe 8 6 boffl .W .......................... . 2 ~g ~ ~'............................ CiwwUsaSowp« ck .................. 1----,'* 0 lit.......s...... Dv.. GluwnmSSbC vu........ 07 ItigIbe & Carlel Det. 0to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 8W + MATTRESSES- w, n.Rgh ôo nzgt <piem eill ib» . lt tbe -ud lk goodtu e bea d ook , our ,tock. * G. E. STRANG14 Prop. f.(rayalake -Ilnl .Tbswouth- JIm Wat bred.Stallon ,S f Ten Breeck - Fanrny Ellh A noted sire of huntersanmd hlgh-clam utility hors. WiU .gtg»d until further notice at 110W ABOUT IOAL EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO. EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r LIEERTYVU.LE. "mmn 47 67 r ~ wF, J. ORUCE, Editor -Phi- 0 1fting S 1 én nd Heard PerWainug to ÇFtiyslitkr, and g~LqN tiS ii i:u e Rcnhu ON &.sc&iiu ---- . st. P. 1h.. Table. Lms?. (biaaO Arive Orayalake ON LK 7:45a. tu. Ex Sunday 8:48 a. mi 8:07 à. ni. Sunday Onty fq:80 a. i M'.Jh nYrP v-affi.g 201 P. ni. Dally :3:55 P. fi éiti Monday. 4:00 p. ni. Ex Bunday 5:01 p. tel %Wili Snyder and wii.' ,and dauglter 5:10 P. rM. Ex Suaday 6:11 P. 'lu vialted uit Mr@. P. (0'Boyl&' %toudayý 6.:05 P. ni. lay 7:12 P. ni 1:25 p. mi. Baturdayonly 2:37 p. mi Mi Ernia Htiunba 1-81 ii visting ber m.ouain, Mi@@ Kate Clsvelaîij- £î~su *~..*..,.,.~ IThe baillgaie at Orabaii'> tva. qut. business ber. Mlongay.!J.W lner 0Chug@pt Mis Anna %aiîlvolm of ChanneI Làk aie j*W. an8nT, th(iengostnt ffntunday ut boisu. StuBonne.naiaite tnt Geo.lKey, tif W aukgau, cafleil uold îld trieîîds bere Saturday. 1 MisMande Iliot bon I..". a1inding Leui Feno., iof Guru.., volted frIendil a few deys Chicago $lii.w.k. arîd.relatîc.'. b.'n S unday. Mre. Shubert visllait a f.'o the. Mi@ Enusua irsJîbei of Ivanhoe, in tigîe 5kI. - gueat of Misi. TIwo Smtb: Severodl Ihkcago poli8îndayed et Mr. and Mr@. Mclacksa oeinl iundig E. 1Cleveland'». ab tîteir eottage lit Gag.ea Lake. Jhnm Gage, 1f Chicagoi. Nw.. a vlitor j ltan MLacklan, of Chicago, Apent at j. IB. Couvere'a 1the fi rt of the.week. g6àtiir-ley and Synday et Gaga. Lake. Mi" Marysand Vprni' Unlîraîa anî George Stanford wamb allser ber. brother, Malb, ipent Sunsdiy ai Libearty Monday. 1. ville. - Wor'u of Jlv Mates.. lflw.. Arthuîr Whiiiile, Of <tai Park 111 To &il pointe wthiî 27-11)milesthe file' >u'st o! lier ult.'r Mre. Johnî Waah. Chieugo MhIWaukee é St. l'ktul rsllwa~y lparu. . * willloeil round tri tk kgt* for oin@ and CWleît Wiltrore wilsjend the 4111 onê-tbird lir.. Tik:et. i le JUly l if .lulv with hie ounterand brother st sud 5, lliitedl for ralurli i. lfi.E HBa'.eojek. Wis. 3w-2 Mr..l,, 1r w*n takieuti thetI. improvlniq sieI.V. i Evârt Wuthir and hie molirer tf fiau- Mia. Mary RaUght of! Ejiiîi peit un. k.'ga"%Vere guembao!f F. C. Wilbuc and dey et bone faîlîlîS' Weduesday. M ellis@ An. Millar was a Waucondâ <e tSAiev-A fr81,1 of good pounle elcle ud hritxik.ii theg ridasu drie. Ch i ui> Mia. Kittie DowahI of'i%%'-et Frenont If you aile kokhig for.a big finie soi] a #'Peut SundAy lu' Volà. plae 0touiat Jour old fri'lnda conne MBr. andt M'l.. W Diîllonî net mon Grayalake the 4tb of JUIl. Artmur were Chiago vigltoce S.fturday. Harili Wilaon hait the ,niafîrtune tou i.Fa~Reu tlîuî a fal f rom the. rallung ne"rKuebiear 1s.Mien a acé ÀdugoIod u homLe. Saturday and hurt in"al quitl badly. "etdna n dna tbue Mia Mldrd Delly ,of Dowuer. uGrova, Mma George Wallon i. vioiting re. wvhb a een apendilu asverai daye e la' ativea in Chicago. retuised to lier borne Mondai mî'ruiug. Momie Peteri' Myç.' ail W. M. Frost NormnaCuomba, of Darb,initbweuc eat Lon l ake Bundaï aefteruuon. collage, Hanover, N. H. returned to hig. Mrs. (M. . marnat and daugbter ruSm uia imuer boni. at Gagnes Lake Gertrude of Wawooada calilîl t Geo ~Fi ay.Hiioa' on' uday ail.ruo'în. Mia. Francle chiaprnnw îîî <, o a ~ Mrm..JiniKerwa tevliting 'relatives drem, uaktng a.tablilhmeus et VR. B.nd lfriands lu Witeoain. Godfrey thia week Thursday. Ail work Mr. snd Mca. (dm llehardon and guarauitégd. . atnlly ot Round Lake were Volo caliers B. il. Uodfrey viaa i Chkicao on Suaday. buin... éWedoWaay. Mi~e. le Wallonu and Hellen Ray- Geore Dlzel, f Fi Lketrasaceilmond.w..' recout Mllency vioitors. buiesbore aîzeilefFxLa rna cted g. eoaiThiseo Fremout sud Rav. businesshmv WedeedaCh». TiIJ.. l of WÏug call.'d at John Mmcm raBlith, of Fort Bill, vanfted Rosie'. I'ebday cailantwek. frienda ber Fridai îa . t ceery vialtqd Emmua Gerlacli wa a Chcaoviator ie flis.eii otter amvqW Iru-<a,. laye lleek !! Mr. sud Mr. Merrili, of Raa.tolpb, -Il -Cb,îaiaiand Franc elu" o -N. Y., aregueAu ofte Waabburui'& liauery gv.uu Vol., uallei'5 Monday. Mc. John Wlcks l etertshlig ber Saut. 'gVr R TO Howardd igley. of Lhrtyvîlla, now paseuse.sau automobile. 1Mr. and ita. BM Buandt are enter Barry Hianage, of Dartmofuth Collega taifllug rmi""lvre lrîiChicago. Esuover, N. H., le the guget of Norman Min Ama lictiriitt. of W*ukegan, i Coombei at Gages 1Lake. vistttg witb ber msun, lireé.J .Otto Jouggnon haa conplet.d the fine llemmam. cernent walk lie liase been laying around Savrailifoni .-he sitended th thte BWnk bloi-. Tbe cenient walk wae g!'adeuilon erei'e t Gurnee baIl la continued ou. puât Dr. E. V .nIlve, lFrlay aveulng. buie Lutothe 'Timn.priutlig ofie. Mca. T. Ruddin i. .î.rtaiulng ber èate .ludge Fiteh and ile w.tîil niove Kim Diuan. o! Lait.' orest. luto the Madden blolck recently purchamed Mise Mary Tî,r,,n, of Waukegeu and r.'modeled hîy George, Thoiison setti'patw0l tiI..week , J. Ryau sud fain i ly. Thie cunnier ievain has bhegi too iwin UmnMamie li..Iyvisiteti friend ni) andîl ny airauge face. are gseen on Ilr ecêuiy. y our etreets laily. et@ __________t_ lîrcin Niarbel wa a Chicago Yki.îor FoIIowicIg the FIag. Monday.' When our soldiîis went to Cab lit..l'et Sulivan anîd danyhber are sud the Phlllp)jineî.s bealtb '.5 th vi.itiug t Watertowin. Win. mont important eîuîlsderatlon. wi bi " it $rnem wlo waw bitten îIy a Ils T. Morgan,. ccirîed Comnhlspt -rd ct laet wek wue taken S. the Sergeaut U. S. A, 4 Rural Route Pîtfur luuiit. lit aturday for Concord. N. H,'is " ias t' exumnStiin.yeuc, lu Cuba and tico years lu tt -d iippint.s, nm'"-." tGertrude i' icard*on attenîded the tweut.v.llftb aunivecsacy ut hi, parents hIset Frîda>' eveiîîg near Aitioeh. Mr. andi Mc,.. C. K. Wat. ut Katim.aui SCity. ,vited fieiids iuand relatives lun thi, Svieiiity lut week. Mrmi.. Ed Wagnier ile 'liting reativelu Oui Park. I t Mr,. Frank Feuderson ilio as. e.n s uffeiug fruuîî appendicitis sas Sreniovet tu behebomne at Channel Lake Tueaday sud i@. doing under thue m'is ai Dc. . F. Shaffer. ui .-n.......iiAier ' te br-imte S _________________________________________________the hospital Tuesda>'. John Stanton oif tiie Enterie Paint w~AoeliE~A ~ Co.. viiteti frienda bore s a>. oO u ?WA 'Thea smilthi,atteut'ed tel usca. a Waukegan Tuesday oveutug. finsa W* is, t:olarFAcaitiLlei'îyale SMr@. Claude Root calleti on a few geal lots of Odde aud Ends of our LIibertyvlWi~Tueady. MODEL FENCE: These are of theS arne Mesrs AI Thomson, Wayne HecveO, high Cachou ýpring Ste. I as oucr gutar E. B. Neville sud D. G. White took a trip stock, the outy dfférence beiug lu the to Wadawortb sud Russell Wadne.da>' ln unoenIegts.Ais new machlie. - , UneenlenW. B. Hige aglit1 a plckerel aflew day. ago whl cwlgbed eleven pountis Widie 0th est la.. Maoutake gour peck et about @ o gtandr v<;t cul nf e ulongei KALIRGLRm " P iCf. o rIRST Comte ViRST mb tothe ioat umalt alter it ldbeaun IcîlletibyE B. Sherman who valistti StRVeD.execu tet B ,wt sbammer. Tbe iah la tua cbamplouebip catch for the .eaaou la Oray's laie. Mr.B.a Wuie gTes tt'ededtug Inlquire et rectoru and take. !ence ti e with gjou. Mscled. u W gîTu>'ateni he _____________Tle Grayslake iuarcîed muen playe theii NcHent>' arried inen'. teani lu a gainse o! ball Tuendu with a score o! 33 to 12 Csam.iams ilu avor o! Grayolake. lu tihe 7th lau. The IMeHeu?>' boy. diti not asein to taie Le - - - - limais tbeir niedliite ver>' goond. The> wil . finti that aur iarleti man's teaunli. a swlft ou,. eryLeuiard of Elgin, formeit>' tf Grayléniator cyce uda>'. g hr o W eGRESUu-uS. Ar yle Spaeadyruh e.o. ery foc Coisunmiflimîi. wlulcb keptr in perfect health. And uow, lu N( Harnpgblre, w.' livii t tbe beef n( lecne ln the woîlîl tir coî.ghs, coll Igronchial troublesand ail iuiug i eases. Guacaitei at P. B. Love] druggltt Liberty vjll,'. 111. Price sud $1.00. Trial I)ittle froc. 4th J uIl Celebration M. WA* WICK s GRovr Gregolake a S Ilnl Prera. 10:80 a. i.-Gratid street parade, bande, drum corp, tremas lnunuitocum. hautisone finats. cf eltora anti local campa. 12:30 p. u.-ltuud oncers, Burîiîîgtoti btraaa baud. 1:80 P. M.-Ezercises ai grove, speak' iug, reaing and music. bràtion b>' JUDGE C, 1. NEELY, of Evanston e-00 p. r.-Races sud ocher contesta Prisa" awacded tu nIl. 8i:00 p. nu-Grand mipay o! flreworkmi near the Wisconsin Central depot. Munit by Etwitigton Cornet Ba"d Dance at Opera 11-1@9eeaiternooui andi eveiug. Muit b>' WatkegaiOrcliestra. S.L. Darfielti, uursbal o! the day. Reduced rates on aulP"n., mise Euh> Krluhas retnrned home traým Evarnetcit. T. C. 'Waltera la I l .ocideon hust' lieus. Sevecai attuîled the Kenuisha bigh achool exerciseii. anînng ibern 1tîin. )i, G. A. Tc.iesdell sud Mca. IH. L. Wilson. Their nepheiv. Mc. Kick, %va, .Stioug the gradîîates and Mr. Franil Curtis., t h y oniig riecn are favoculty knowu lun 1ewpoct undl fenton as iceil au iii Keuoeba. I4. 1.. W'lonfa" ret'iruîcui rroiu St. Louis. Mr, aud lirs. E. Carrizel, of Harvey. Il., are to move lu the coorniabove the store now occupted by George A. Truesdell. Chaclea Royec aud ebildren. of Oh1o, are vlatlng st the Harbor. Anothoir weddng-Mr. George Wai- lig and Misa Frances Block were mac- rIeti ln Waukeegan saturday. June 23cit. Ail the young People aithte Harbor are gettînt rnarrted. Who )a the uezt? Hati Anderson has gone to Salem,. South Dakota, for s visît uof '. weeks. ImprovemnUtaare beiug umade, at Greenwaod cemeter>'. The oid tence han been torm dowu aud repiaced bYY a new one aud uew cernen, posta, flowsor belle bçtng madé, ae. Mr. and Mca. Herbert Melvilliesud daugtter of Mt. Vernon,. I., bave been vistinu relatives ln Newport aud Benton. TheY nili make their borne lu the near future ut Wbttnug, Ill. A hundrati yeacs ago the. beat Pby. siclan would give you a meilicitue foc If ver. Even to this goold ay cougli aund colt medicin« lnvsably unit the boweis. Tisa 1 wroug. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup wtth Houe>' a d Mar acte ou the bowels-irven ont the cold-,-clears the beait. ralleves. Ail cougil sud cold modiclues luvaria- It bi ndit te.bowehs. Thia la wroug. Bee's Laxative Cough SYrup wiAi in toney suit Tac acte ou thei.bowel&-- Fdriveit ont the coiit-clears the head. n- trelleves ileucougla, ecleausesansd atreugtuus -the mucona membranes of the. tlroat. ceaet, lunga »»d brou- chiai tubea. Soit by Witt Hackîey, Libertyville ait Graysîake PharmacY. gt VMîtîbucu.1 or Dît you hear-the wedlu; belle test ýoweek? Ar. you goiug 10 Grayslake for the eu Fourth? Ralph Spafford sud Mine Hancocit. id 0! Autioeb. wore married Ilat veei. su Accept cougirstulatiouis. Mfrs. Joseplulue Mathews wasa sCi- cago viaito le st Tuesay. lica. A. W. Spafford apeat soveral day.Set Chicagto lut weei. na Fred Doolittie. of Waukegau. and Misa Editil Sel» nere marrted li* qi Sunday lu Michigan. Mr. 'Doolittle MI delivers coif e. andt tes. for Dowe, of Evauson, through liste. Aoehpt cu if gat"ltoia. Fred-.. Miss Eith Vanalatine la attendlug the iaattite lu Waukegan tla weei. R oy Hughes sud Mise Emma Spel' ford nere marltedIn luChicago Sun. day. Mc. Hughesand MineSpafford wr- are bqth of MIliburu. Joy n itt wlsbee attend theni thcought le. 1 elaitca. Dr. Kimbail andt mus. Martin j and Russell, of Oak Pari, are stLOP' fping at John Trotter's. t e - M . R id ite , o f Ç ica o . te tth e net ues ofMr. nd fa.H. B. Tower'a. etMise Brookes snd Mise Weaver of! Chicago. are ai John Trotter'a. er Wîîî fltcsug returned froui northe'l' Wisconsin test week-too much ramn. ýa. Wlsii we couît have acimo rain ber. ces. Wni. McGuire bas bought Mra. El- sie Lawrenco's borne. de, A. K. Bain wss Chicago business taller Manday. Thie Milaouary nionthi>' meeting wlI meet with lire. Robert Stcsng, bu Sr..,W'eduesday ot this week. lhc Mtr. and licu. Smith sud son, of xi Chicago, are vtsltfng Mrs. Sniltb'e ipcv boter. 'David Young, p 1 Mc.. Cors Anderson. o!Katiss,. le two expected this week to apend sortis tie tinue With her mother. Mrs. Ueo. f0 Stcaug. 0v- The C.' E. society '.111 gîve s Iawn me' social Thuruday eveuîug of tis weelt ý;ew at the borne of Mri. Mary Bater. et- There ls tsi be, a purty tonlght ds. (Tuesduy) for Mliss Elisie Stepheufi. dis. ut hec born octheast of ta'.. els' Geo. Gerrity. Freida aud Bert Win- toc ecle utteuded commencement exer- duses ut Gurnee lest Fcidsy. Freida cecelved.ber dilloma for blgb scbool. Thece Ail 1 b a speeial train to the ueil.. of Wiecansiu ou June 29 for a tare ot 82-50 for tha trip ineluding a boat ride. ExcursIon via the C. M. & st. Paul railcoati. For partlculas uppl>' to the local agent. 19VERY OTHER Saturday Nlght Thor.*'iii ýbe a grand Amann Brosl. Hal Round Lake, 111. l'ho usaI one wîili b. on JULY 7o1906 VLOOR COMMITTEE Bill Clevelauti, HalneerutlejDc. liuiveY, (iraysie; Peter Stadtield Vloo Jo.', bMHeury; T. lE. tcabitni. Long Lake; Bert PaWddock, Fart Hi; Fr. Hapke, Libert.Nviile; Jo. ' Nutt, Jabn@burg; Frank Fredericha, Frentiont aud J. Larklu, uinglemimte. W .. liîuv . . a iII] .II s% p ly nof tire wcu î k , includiii.' k-y rî,.k.'î a nid ther lacrge p i '.. d îiîv [I tii t h e. miîall ti re' ra î k ece. Ail . ,f . î.u k i andl ail gool GragSlake Pharmacy, Gragsiake - lligwis Ice Cream' TH1E GRAYSLAKE ICE CREAM CO. Manufacturera of Ices and Pure [ce Cream LA.FRANK. Manager DR. E. A. CRANE IiENTItT H o u ra 19 a . mt.. 12 si.. 1:3 0> tii ù, p . m. Eceulug o i.y sîpoiitn eut .1 (>61<. lu Banik building. Se'cod flior (ira.vlake, Illinois-_ DR. C. C. flllMOR~ ..DEN11ST and Oral Surgeon. lanipîBtu Building, Bt~1e ~ Madîson Stret&s, Chiffgo. sud 1 to68p. im. 00 OU NEED A WELL. DRILLED Prompt Servic. ad Buinons SrictlY teusded 10. JOHN 0. LAKE Becry Stock Vàukegan --lnI Restaurant Meais end Lumchesi Served aal ISheurs CIGARS and CANDIES Phone No. 19. MISS EMMA GERLACHI, Prop. ffl i7 ffl :liil----- ------ MY NEW SPR1NG AN4D 0ow on exhibition THKE GREATWS lint cve iilplayd ini GRYKlAK WM. JAIINS, THE TAILOil F. W. F1ARY Toasm"alArst Children'e Itair Cùtting a Speclaty Iesafsd in 5DW 8WLub4G Madison 1 SCR"NS. For Vota i Oet' For Vota.'DOW*., Leave ~ Fo eieswi Y ~of PeAebf ~gv1U5*Do«r C. W. bave everytlllug to MU)Mo Fi&lsBpnia hapty. flooka, Polos. bobber,,uIakn, etc. Iand leove our supply. Dangers of Defecive Plumbing.' De&hetve phmnubngpermt, disentrante into tIhe of Sowei gS bang " cet cou r ff so us i t 1ato which the hu m*a m.- uni redily suiccunih. Sewcr ga s mno ucemya, 1 -yguli thw .wer, but is htqusutly crened u in hepw*a- ngsysteuswiîdi."home ad ua t*0 spmnu h gudécve ixtiw. If in dodxb, cousaIt us cegrding tue pipig' sud replacing defective fuxtures with iobn" PorcejinKnuule Wrc acknowledged asthebuet sannary eqqftpnint. COUl "d Let u ous iewi hYeU We Make a SpeclaltY et Dolng the IBest WOran are Sure to Please. Liber7tyville Iieatilng & PIlumb1neCo. AL. LIC1ITFELD Libertyville I- - linois CL(C Meus flue ehqen. aer end Flotebdlima"., "ýâea'aWçuir s§boee, 02.00 to08500. MesW@ sud boys' Nsgllg @Mudwork shirts, Ovemalla -Md jdaee, , Meus@ spritib atsanticapse M ,Duow arrivlug tialiy. Wlisu lu want of &auj o"$d5II%>Iw Lino CalS uop Schanck Btock SCREMS ScRë ëm