Door to rmu th n # hel Va l t~ .st..f.tswu pot. .1 w.. sud over. an Expr@5s Office TRULV THitS SMOLE la TME HOM 'OF TS SHIRT WAIST FOR' TIOI SECTION OF ThE ZîWAYS DP ExT-RAoRtDINARYVALOUE ANO. FOR Telle 09LEERATION SALK WIL HAVE' eS)cccLEOD 81 suppLYIIIO. veN SETTERf THAN USUAL VALUES, AND THAT laSSURE BOING-O 851 'l MMIIýui Lngerie and Lava Waiata, -short. long and ffhaiaeevé, trtmedé withValncieneslace and enUire lace yole, 83.00 ialue,.8pwei t............................... u..... Fo hsCeI.braUion Biale v.e a efertuf a seat fihirt Walt z osCoto Mdrs.ioth$1 e ....................29e au ever mou et the prie«TeWlt athsbtieue vaines me lgh Mu 82.60. but they go et..................... Fur the a Colobration Blale we are offertng aupeki'b whte China 51W uIl wtth ftne Vaenctennea lace shot or long beeves, $ 9 beautts, voth 14 a , ....t ............. ...*«* *"" The Peter PaiknWW a t--king a bt« hlt'for titis CuIebration 1..98 alw.are offerlng beautiua et ............................ ChIlIdm.Wedur"ab 5Min , Oavéta.odmaltaI. mil MW* du n mn il aimée weith 15%,e apli é ~164 Su~ = ATONSALEL aARÇ OFFERINO 1TH& MOST oo. N IRV SHIRT wAUST suiTS Tiwir Tse B T00L&Tta RANDIN BNO4R 0FP7THE OCCAKON EU AS* OR itLOWER TItAN T14RY oieOUm.o *a 0 - 1 S ERLALLV AuouST «SELLUNO AT 7545 1407NoirMONTU. COMUIN AND *IL THEM ouRt MOSt coNvimeNîNO LUN O GMENT. ju &ad nd M& 51 h14 Waw Suite. ex ý*utgic ant d beantiul modela, for "ebratol BleCh ............. .,- ztLremey handace whte lAvaIrt» t suit. tulmune vitillah m i tnutO 8 ýd*è 60009ýworU-".but a leader., AtIaft Hea mhit *we*iat M, th a sita ami %i Mi Lie vaWattrimned wth on- lor vorth $34Q0 and .014 for Liat- lu Laa hrt Walet utt, ttmm 4é aMi uerfisexilta ftu au. san mie ile ula "Omsnuale ta se. e Ime tlha ot T$3.98 SA 55.or ~rtmnLava ShIrtWait 1S, tltUE4Bd wtulembroiery IB os f *t».nuIt creaione evera pt. $10.00, for tist Suklt#or 1» $4.8 i whP» n«U bed EUt W l Ouéa fur 0 dN8 i ~w0Wtrieé Spi Chldonl* extra funé<y t.A tUüdren'a a"d MIoaeawhite Iditaâ 110.4M9Or Sgite, aaes np to 14, *h $2. lB -for tis Celebratton'Bale et -......&U ;me extremeIy handsomle whitl *tmâta s ea Sailor Buitafor Miasea and Chitren, vonth $300. for tht. Ceiehratom BIle Lie RÎO Iencluded et....... j87 »cuie sd £atlreIy, Diferet Nveltlieuin Smut Whte Amd not congunaite, u 1e tyle or clodot, elti- r, for I t t s hovtng 09 White 1Uneus. Plin, Repp, Union and Naturel alnen duit& aret tO b bond th LeBolero, Igtou. PonY. Beani-fittOd an oei stylesIt- Jaclete. mauyr 0fthé jachets me plainly jtallre',Ville eQuuite lac m Mdem- wroldery tuiÊmRnnga lace medalnllepnea, l1W ,rta, etc.. appoar Inu great varlety. They rang, lapvice front $36i up, but w. mention thoee.e mom pnloed ones saleadere rnr p3.98 v. - or -a hekutifil white Itou Suit loraffect, a decidedly .ttraO8 oauIO Nobby 34-tnch* COAt Butta, fend cllatuailicuUS shirt plain white or tnimmed. vàfleM that "Y.- Mie vilI agree are ;OrtA 17.60, but for tilla O:Mlobrtlon SBalethey are Of te"-> et ... .............. d -i CelehraglomSale Wash Sklrt BQUALLY ATTfRACTIVE IN PRIOL AND *UAUTY AS WEL.L. AS MAGNIFICENT VARICTY 18 OUR OFIPRNIN4i 0F wHiTL WASH SKIRT8 FOR 7THIS CELESIRATION S4ALE. AN EXTRA 'WAHSI CIT ORt TWO WILL PRêVE A SOURCE 0F INFINUTE COMFOIIT TO THE WOMAN WHO 18 BOUNPIO 0 $OOK COOL. AND SWEET, HOT THOUGH ;THE WLATrHER BD Mie white Iniias head Wahlkng Sktra, some tritmmai vith eupbrodery and anme 'wthstro,,State .tree-t, bartalia aet 12, for thila Clebraton Sale at -..698C Swell white Indian bad Sirts.,la twenty differeuis atieu. gol.? tn Chicagofor #1. -9 for tua Clebration Sale at. ....... .... -u jinett white WaLlklngtrts, Pone made up 'lutiure liMS"da nomein leut gradelTranch popîîn, vorti BO.l le, for'It s elébration SIlO..j Ladies, whtte BrUIlîntne Sirts, an endilesasvartu5q% rtnh 84 te 85; for thls Celebration Bal. aiý. ......................... Mtaaewwhte mâin baud Sldrts, aeveralstyi, s speoW .1for thIs aColelil lie st ................... .........» At $s vo uqetoal iv"Lis I6",g ahrt $vr19» ThielIdes ikU black aMi grpPana=a Shiru s arta lu bWak non'oOu eIllasTles. are valusu veet .we 0, be*for Lie.l*brsttOhBale Lier' oBt .................... Another spleadidit lot consiate of 200 black Brtllitbi*tý hait and hllzed Pan5Ib la O it. p values, but 4 they ame Includid lu\tt. elbt'tion Bale at.- Puc taI ilOlrS l Ltgelbato ae l Oné toti ChIrne oatp. 4 woo~ee, box stylo, bual, woh upt, %0me te 14 opqela ......... . ...... F ------- rI on ,ius s S ~ liant <h ~i~~49 >41 'ut ut ut ut ut entertalurnenta for wlthout trepauing npo4l treasury and wtth the ni al ndlng ln thi.e gtobllàbrut manent degree etao5, lb. baye oogaluaedB 040 s SRégumr w.aklydeM iS hit a" fit lePraoead 4to d.v*s t acciatlon as81 sa empY# aU*M the, wrk orLMe lodge 1ePw The. order lu n it oamo subordinate Iodg. rn.ibeeii M SThere ae fS, encOuoM niUt ç~ and 000 mmbon t 90f * *eI Ilte botter to »M»nre 4si Stew good niembem a. .14*4'N ( s amy i and attend eS large nùmber of *ose w» W sh.ow any tuteree or wtfl 4" c gether. SAny past M" anhti o04 ataS lie encamlmeftt, abtlB behah Iodze cau ii h lte soverelu grand loâte. Edwin M. Bloozi. grand mu the order ln ilueouri. who died ly.,lic4 beld the office thirtY-et* flamd ha.? been re-elected tï year. SThe oLielal namn, of th* u»W1 Manhattan, Ko aU4ltebote~ E'ellowV homo, SThe. reporta, 0f the Maaaadau bekah Iodes for tii. eaer M a membersblp 0f 2R= babaum o f 881 for the. y.BN under'OM Ster Fuller's admluietM8ttm. UNI galu for the. pant adg yUa mhen du 1yen ame you bu certificats at? Whom hIs l Ste'? iany caeshaveocr Schanges ought to have bée. m w ero neglected oand have " bl. atter the member' dU&41h saonce, B mernbue'awtt. 41U neglects te nam. aobor T" .giMnd lods. ha, degpi at Iaw la ordar te DV'd take l fi% and .ocn.tux8isei have Io admest the mittet menther bailattendd lto 1hs hua lfetime thia voulê l Loch up yonr carttflit lu tt it tla ail rigtu sMd t Sclazy lethei.proper tm4 î1M IX41 lit properly chu*ai wwtboe Guardilan The. Pgmyi$anlS jurtwoe the year 1000 vitia mm* " er 10400.1 Good ap b made each meutiL Thle grand wrocg ffl Itonor or Wamhlugom b" m 1 3three montha tu aueOMIM n'-t tore*bt St Uieue on 701 bavea Bdolt 10 enlIe leano better way twM buse benenclaiy certificats. The Nebraka lut mlet 4160 M ere, NGrTS OF PyTMIA vetteausp0ema llhom ~3 b.. The, M. of Y. abouS" w iii absent dellnqnntu &M"$ ell' /~'xr.,#"ahi' rait reldent on& t VO ~ vbrothera- fro5 n te ttbUU Iuuts, ,9i.etn~P.~ laiithélensuaddesre. te rMWO l e, ban~ 4t~but oft the habit 0f golnh ta 104 *41~~~~~a .4r1f4a Ot aelffa &bout heepli dueand arefn lall mtoe ai ~.mIrn srie,~ ithe. manifestation ofr It ~ hi' their brothers Wonîldu*M st me fumaagant11beÇo i . a ev " mmd f t larder a good inember. vit 'a ver 560 par Cent 0f f i 8 ~ lodgea tUnrcnghut the aupléS4 s , f~'~jbave au eidowmeýnt tamk Met» oay f thegrand 104geu bl,« ;-,.à ofl k&' p thte anwet of PythIla a iii V ~ ana? byir *oltl*'Otothowlw Tiu l 'Il0#- ' given tige great niovenl"ftM I -The. net reaorce.l-1bat le a resourcea of the. enwont le and above lia lablUM-MO« *~ ~ , ~Chancollor limiter 0f lmw1 Io . Oul 1ýigantoed roéetS! a"i!aB Iat1 of candidate mured. b 10US.. - ,~:/ \\ ~RED MEN. tot ffl er huia nibuo a WSbQdit beromp. a tr ~ibe la auM ",ne e siruet eeh The fo m *~<'~ bavathMa e un o . w. um 14 m..,.w4%owowe Awwý %MVII,