Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Jul 1906, p. 10

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________________________________________________________________________ - iý4«auj o te general tafeflA u M -Bnied Fniday. Satui-day the URAID- WM6ils e.terod oubils necv Pl *at»e sperlnteadent of the lb misein Joulet Monday. phar ve.90 marriage liceeBes la- a t lir couty clerWcs offie dur-K ~taie nanti ai May. This 1lu an of' thmlrq a day. iny omieSg in the couety et the nal report of, the. villa! M UtGlaty, deceiie, vas ap- FRED Wl .cd sud the executor Aischanged. OF] tM business vas deealun. Rom. QuaYle appeareii ai lite Plit Warnedr Mytluchircii lunday moru- and not ta C id. preachai on-t»e toPlc -'The aspeged -pai d 8aaîtt.n" The sermon vas Wasington CStd o»and siiade a favorable lm- H. A. Doolt iu» for thc damisie. police court ltundai eveetus on the, Southbasue hy Justice1 b. . LCummngs sud CompaiY At the. sai ja showv sud irevoria dlsplay, a vas impose 0 Marne lme sehisg several lota in. erai times i a 'Wauian igulanda. The ram- gamblin, I' ga le qltve and progressive. Six vere lie fanersi of the late B. Liera, the gambilul ro, Miwàua laà vhoas agiven locklav vhilcimoai !,theprenature explosion of. a pltal, ALBERT in =#ofthle langeai iMat Kenosba IILO El w 'tu.ssed. Lma Iva8 a cbmIl' CRAilLEM thc Lsiaronts ai Waukegaa. age. 28. 11w, Misses Caritu Bureett, EdYthe RD KERS gàe, Lva Wilbun, labeile Parier, aiof iORGE dinag, Lulu, Nelson, aote De- age ý35. »Ma Mohl Wsnii aidHelen Gar- -. i,ebw» chi-scii ia M -0. B-sOtt Tue dens ~ Is. Vnani James., lae te atur- ie, couds, i forannti t Drucea Laie. s S h t UansegPts lu ticcea' M 9.Ib osn but t, M» d je" linuiX , lithewau,& ~ te the j.sirn,.n vi ir ut"ilegresa ad MM Qrta vWIM iuiiov for 0 1e Led lu the" circu1,itnta .oa 00t»e ladau. Tue Chargle la Tue bal X"tm& nerndkI UlWk ias . l*aie Chuy« "d iam fa n ou tbac r-av ies- liSe mii t »%R Lb ogam Niella her hu imes ý g 15e iii po sbor icaetD e ," Olv sd msbav e le>ia la Déltruit, Mi44.,yàmteda T'he f5mi t., mCcilest nov Ihe ture im ait vit 'W ~ ti th% tlanal efature of Day #lWrc may hi a til g *uiiê ln WestlEd balil »0* teaternsoof Augut 1. It la tw0tu ha thler. ar enougiia"u *vMu hanses te i.tty to a se the evout 0eue o! ltoreal Ilm . ev car sciiedule of ten mis- Uta service ailaven Waukegsu taiied ta o Ito ffect Sunday as vas lu- toudel, baum ofiii. uaJDiepard- am 4hfflmvet aidebrauch of the. «lset4o e I, ati of Washingon Ville'lie lt iattery was paMilg -41-eaiWauiegan an theln vay te aelne ycutOrday mormilug consldera- --'blé emittsexittvas taused by one o the sautersansd hl$ arsee Illlug. N~ *. er. hurt. 1rnaIl PaxS«re .Ovor. Tue Wauiegau Pet hanse, a mon- ýa*ftta V aukegans tierce amali pa s9is. viiisoon b.vacant sud star- 18* ita lite laie vltii gaunt eyej, l -l'>eta ibelng crovded vlth sick Ilegday morntug the. patients vie hav« eehieslated vere al dis- ehs4eii vith le exception di Hoaai- Moel;sMd lMr. aid-lira. Ny.. one o wVffl lama Uttiiai the.other la r.- slel Dquarntine. @UlasMent, t» original anan vox Muqi.elaeii bts vaIlaj.pspc tai-day aterunm s u asfreeii t-eth le hamgeorfCuabodau Castel Connei-s, of lie veut aide, via has eBuP$slnl a lent baide the. peut beaufer o- eeis. Union Causes Trouble. Libarn uion& sud dosbStractos ba a tIt on lie building of a house a - 1 aMigton. treet tbat vas kr iasoday. cvprytbng ,vent veil -iti the Oo rnitli atundsy, wheu the labli- & Usis ta shirt van tho>' 1usd it the latli had bain hauled by a I11ola driver sud refusai ta use I. Bea»W nfenes wn er. heuled1 s ludm dalerwasasked ta ia.u iÈth liti and rehaul Ih vith im drIvera.Me refuiod ta do so.1 tWOs hiyle cotractai- ta keep1 ge VUl lie union sotga a&m 4 tsM morslug hauled baci lie1 go veuld loaidtle wagon and taie $pjh lir enfroua West Wasiilni iw*t the hunier yrTiirehi na t lbouf adlis i ïoz;ïlàatliu elai o u t.f hv h me arb MW Oai O f re taie Wekb ifor- l t i dmtram kbPt quiet change." lits, hit gaineil, alome mon] vîti lie leader foi put Public the, gamb issued orq verai dei davu aand on lb. captatu vigllaitb on the tri and viii i hia InBtru 'OKER- gem aA"eA..e HIevy Fluns. B LCEI, Â?4 OLI> PYUNDER, AGAIN UP ýrepeatediy ta close at il aliov thé. openation af ai oer gaine lu bls salran ou s treet, Suuday 'luornîng 4Ittie vwu hauled It theii - and Suned 1200 sud couts WillimnP. Weiss. ame lime the. lame penalty id upon Fned' Woich, sov- befor. fine for conducting "lub ni>ams" sud games. asi-otai as lumates aI the, êom aid-juned $5 sud caes spsu. Tueur uns areý: rLER, colored. sged 31. RLUND. mulandern sge2. S8 YEANTEJI, Fnsi LTE», Flulair, sUe 21. DWASIN4GTON, colar.d. Cs.p Clever Dcon. In vici lie gaie lia ceted li te ear of lie bem re mcnawindows ln lie two douro. tram the saloon 0outaidO, are mens ofta- egi-csm. Tuera ln aa lii. ýdrinks aid au electric bell did n flo ri-. nai; Waê-ne o Clos., Ovaubrouab, vies inter- .teniay satedthalt Doo- bai vamediipei-aonsly by viwtiaut lsuben ta close. rgn anwvici Doalîttie vm tiat of keepi opes atter àmellam vet geelsta the tratsrulty. , e la belleved, vg gêom te eladit li lai lUbt, àidlii snot slrai omaIoa 1 iclie0admsi- siarusê b>' ie polile. Ç. Tola ah 2 matai-day mors- 'Oailsin Vaet sand il@ lvaaged dovu n OU e li mai- aid acoaped lulaiehet oleai Pust Wsnnh.1 dwe 'havebecs - vateis raime tins., te ma vio eoeiaeted the vilci* a FW&lnder réeutli Je deali Ista lie ravine on set, ai, hlat Unré h. has etuad lau ite o! varning the. gaine qln lie *'Turf Ex- le said, liasbecs lie ouiy ,openstian n luWanegai for utii, other gamblors quittil departure oai liu-ring )r other pastures. blIc Sentiment Strong. seiftlment la etraeg agil blera and Mayor Bulioci hi lors lu respouse ta the uni nand that the. liii hipked dthat the. chie! ai police ai nVogel, the. capable ai bsti of the nlght farce, ta bh %il af the. crookeand gratten act accordîni ta lie letten i 'tions. i.:.u:gs:::gajg::s:::u:Iiumrnpmiuiiiuppm..i:ag, ai.l git id Ss 01 L.ghtnihtg Play* Cepers. Ligtnlng Weieday eliih b lat- tered lie 'corner ai the saloon buIld- ing lut aauth ai tiie South Genese treet bridge. lounpedran lihe build- lig ta eloctrkln.ilht vires. poxing out a plng,jad baveled ta the Mer- chant gioceru s-tase iout SindIng a place ta grausd.' Tur. lie boit 1usd lst end, IsU>P- log ta vires ,i-og.whicligazse:s eraieiifrtr =spntravelo ta flgt the stoasd gpcUn'tohle vire. Tue gas vWu Igelteiisudse t ie ta thie caotg.luhe dagae haveve vas slit sd lie, I. deplat maie, aqule? rua $W f#uemmenoP liat auldanger vss 4b-wmd. oScer O'NeaI uav lie ilsaini00eim log ille imia hla ite rondesuld turned ln the sIU.' "Saivatla te re'tU i lice wens tu lie »pI aiet the bar. Tue mim Pa04ed lilui.1 1 ioi dol;, ebuiige,"ho 5514."but, 1 dont bhoer noiedIl,1IVie YXISt a ltit t. ....-1-117- Hia bonor rtuIM Do ansirn ui tiiere ira s aers sêt t t. i i ai "ReligIons cerernopi"oent hi pi-a tectei, Andy.- h lIe reei"andl Ivien s mai bMtt, la u ,'aVolutee loy test, be muai"taie louaté- Iqueuceu. It wvii ceaiou nso fun- [çy for itarrptini c o ,a TiiesAnàdrela NOISOU.or EaMINc tie au extensive sauteru aiu gDa.0 tilp.1 Meciisnts selllng thie anme kind of Misn Allen la one ai thie belles et gooda may bc asied lu smre lu- nanth idsuociety aid s memben af stances ta get np Buste, wville iliers "Tue Breaiersl ilh Misa 1 Guones, via desîre may get up displays of1 snaunemeut of vhase ramlsg mai-- tliu- anad offen lhem erthet .en- Tlage aPpeara abate.. le. s agi-a- tertalumeut commlttee. aie eStbe WaIregau higli achool, Au attempt wil hi maie ta get thie Mr. Le. la a praupenans Chicaga American Stel sud Wire Compauy business mau. and thie Corn Praincts Refiulug Cam- paitat make np fiante ior the spec- tace.. Sun Sont Ta G.rmiany. Ciairin Fowier. of the entertalu- Coplos. ai the Wauiegsu SUN and mn amte s oe aue tueChîagaTriunevii cac~lie tsi-tiern sd viiiasi the, peuple o! al neui teamner for ermaiy viete abatons ln the national autherm enter- Wsuiegan manu mallei liem te paît tainmnut to, loin tentthe singing of the puhlaher of, a noted Germn Amelea. uavspaper au the. Amertcen point o! Al ai the. tiousaids of peuple ex. viw -tu the receut he sud pure ifod pecei on tih.gioueds viii aima laie thvet4galo 6aid moasureb y cou- lntis hl yme ta the maicirlous country A WaneganGerme of mmln«i, Wstorlcal "Show on Tapis. recelved a letter about.àa irka - Membena of the Laie Cauuty Hia- ming hlm ta MAIU coplnea o! Amen- tories1 Society bave talked t»e mat- eau papers vith standard sceouta , t ter ven aid inatesêl cf s boath irli The pici tt eer' lau ies ti-y te arrange a tent tlit viii contain Tiieirrier i li leton a a Au «xIilbtof relies aud nevapapera Tue ai va rcetve tii letof Sfty yens saga, incluiiug a copy of The m irb rweIéd te 1 lttelis *paper ai flfty yeuirs av Auguet 1. ounme thlieconclusIon" A.tadnsao.ta vii Tribue uMd SUN s =tulIn.r t»e bngeii ta aii t»e oeietY ln lis mosi t elliabir hbleiehi.4 vtlih pi nie phi ô tioexhibt planned ilviii of<Dthli cf ~~ qw voialue d n ta eveny cittiesof Laie me ~ -I ~~. 1h05 o«%tu. A regflater ça lie ldii tie use Ir a * hibiekt ln the boand aflii i> Mtiy t1amdm illàte t»uen -&na-ii i xeted'ta Ultai-v. 1 190agus probabl> hi pi-rnas >Mdquaàt-er. Tic Lyea Ies4rt aors. tio big Pltoe viii ýfronts un the tva -moATraqle Pllaath. i-saboe fWa"t*egSn, çOcn asd - A vstchman's ssgifl Perittet a wasliIUt" onst-aitâ, viîu -,>Opent12eOleai lu, tie grent Nantihloi dyke, lilid aoi- o!tua#osîbuliln d irta schilis Ssgr w- ou have thIr #try 9 i* %entbuidin tostopped, teb ocamw & mios break, theAe d bout Aasat 1. devaittug an entira Province of RaI- t Tht. mmlninia mpreentailv01 a! d.isuii lie maiher KentelMe. lie Bra6drnan IDevatar Company luý- ve <gouvance , apW 'sdý upecbed iul ébUdipi sd vill ii taillie <eid ta go ussctod "until a 1sh*b ig VM haeWYVeiea aouly ae*. - tr tefla a iaiOuIÜY &averhibY Dr. tfqe -»Msensr elev ator -before lie Kna Newr lhacvey.Hair rites: date Ote& d . I'rsdoctors, gave meup te die af Ti eeVbO- ii h fvel, 4t t un 55luiton, 0dauedby a se- Tboeoata-w Uho ete ie rldcibut -)r Minis 1New DWa le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r aiesd iiaaar.£se ca-ysv uay ite.' uusnranteu wuseeet v amt Ss ;w .moa- bM . ..*a ,téà -éet P .e tan.. .ouu le gi-cati>' mer ciatél iyl MARNIUS. . uîklnps4uç&.*ai WiuItega Carrier George V.'Wortii la a 9go4 If anstf WI*gaus mtideaenie secret keeper sud l.aial Industions. have bea eglBas impure mlkInt Sueday ho vas marrled. Mondal ho th*l' custOMena 0ntrary ta the l&W' vasbac voiln atus oatas ailthey are. sure ta réceive svtft reti- wasbacý,wrIng t he ottéà aubuttas le*ia minner tiey Witt sota carrier ail n eo of a!it aiMu gtS obas1orget.I or ionde kmev of he maiage untIl Frlday moainng a saple bottie of! intormed blr outalie soirdU late thisthe ii of aven-y deaier lu tOWA vasU atteniiofl. "sSe.dfirmvagobe and depots bY t Nov tiiey deciare tat ,Ur. Worthi atte. authorftile and the. SampleS shlait uffer tram them for 'iii sucsilver. seot nt WChIlag, *baersthey vii le ieeping his marriage secrt, hio tteii for puity, the. proper Mr. Worth and hi, vite, MM . Alto. auiount o bui« ttet an d mont of ail May Jahuaton Worth, are volt knovui prononce of preeaotlvees.- 1 - tat# iias.otors Hoes. a sud respectaid by thelir manly innda. Fram osi', of Chicago, state food t They ver. marrled yestendayat.tiI. nspectai-. vitii the ep o! iiîe aie, home of Mrg>.Johnston, at 408 licAi- uecured- the mlii, makleg bhe rounds I Inter avenue, by Rév. Boyce, of tiie himseli, aid sent tbem ta Chicago- Northi Chicago Mthadtst, churci. Mr. Heey vas lu Waiegan Bomle -tlme «an d lnspected the. stores for impure io6.d, buttbits Io the i-st timze Sunday lunZMon Cty, tva of the state authorittea have lnspected thie veli keavn and praminent younger mlii spply ltus vway. people of théetcty entored v.dloci1 Rogulgr Stock Taken. vies Eddie Robert Chriatisuson aid Tiie vay the inspection lis made la Minue MbelÈonorix'vere uniîeo 111<. ths. HOOeYand ishie n.arrivedIL lunue Moel oavalitTiinraday sud reglatered et 'the Ha- in mai-ngeva atinvu tel Bciiartil; Pnday mrning tbey many people, although the Jonens watting for the mihimen at 4 o'cloci.9 vas taieu ot ln the coaty cleri's -BEvery vagon, eveny dealier and av, atilebore on the 27th aiJoune, lait ery ilupot vas visted sud a sample veei. 'ýherefore maay of -lte yonng of miii ties lun t nm o! of .puit couples friebds ver. m-urprisai te bttie framthe rcggiar stock. lekre of IL ,TeSt4 Are Rlgid. Chistison î a sucoessfiql huai. The campte h placed le a speclal neeaimas lu Zion. He bai a imal mmO carred. hy the. lspectar sud on siapviir. h miuiqeai-a detisapeciaily priateldards are enterai the'lime the apl asa 1nd drilleansd ta dong wrai. He la Pramli viene, foim vimansd nuzuerouls sent.le Zion Cty chir and t. an s&T- olier dealil. 1 dent Volivan. The hotu. of mli la gaIeed and1 Miss Bosworth, le a aloter tu tihe umbcred aid sont ta the. laboratonY1 leader of the. Mtn City .boud and ln Ciicao. ThOien. 1i t l aea d aid1 fonueriy vork$d la tetai ga.raiate reçit Wnitleà en satier qgin tiiee. i* . aiavaiteta I ,_< ith a sumber siallar tai thcone os the» Obela favritein on C-jthe. hotin afttoei1 macety. 2 mus thc ciiemWadonis ot aveu ____________ io vow h n mli' ttlng and Cang sWoddhngs no pàfltlity c o lha hva.1 Mr. nd M lous J.Gome. of Mjny Presseute Brne. 1 * 1f. ai lia. Luis . Gruce cf When the. resalt ta rcte« aed tich *Northi Geî««I.s.treet, afununc e I lsector, ho.looi* up the saine o! yengagement of their daugitsr, Clans thedeale and Informa blm of t»ei-e- Uànduiy Gara..,ta Mr. Eagcae suta. . Isy impurlty la fouu-ar tic a Horgeai Ryciif. 0of Citci..uae of a preservatve ai conti-ary ta r Tiie graomto-b* aprosperow a li, t»e esel'aImmaiatsiy pet lu g busn ess min af Chitcago vho the bande aofUicestate'a attorney aid I han cft.s vistai Waukegau. taie dealer la proeutfid. *~~~~~~~~ 11i ri-alel 'Tii. ininen u la in25. ai t Wiin The ridiý labut »én ho a hoyO aMisure ta sage. the mnst able viollnue Waukegau W....WUM Dangeroug Tinul. a eyer poduced aid hi. r iiM ae We m are luspclgt»eniai nov Ir vit1koit number. lie lua agradeate os accounitaf the varn veaba." a. of te Waakega il gobscian sd bai lad lin. loey, "tit s ut t»erMe attesded Nortivestor Musical Col. dealers viii try ta preeeMcIt. n. loge. "The mot p>m preservatlvo v. te orete dsi tntfteeet lut ci-ci. iyde. lame deaioeelmseIt inowiugiy lit «toa "et ntenât;ln he ire suad others do aioinnaOsnty. Agents é. lu vilcMissaura«e. MoVa. Mdiôla cameo In theman ai Ol tiiem '*iUl an. of lie léadlsg- sprtsltin 'l'h. 8*at, Iliine,'- etc., tellng. liem Breaiers," tioelubai a hatl ogzes they are hormis.anad viii eep thelr ig beastlfland ântetWuinnorti i"e mlii svet. aacety belles. -Mie deaIer iiuys. unies tiem aid Le The veddng ties place te Sep- t»>' ai"e otbing more non legs than Iy tember. farmaldebyde. en la Mr. and liru. W. J. Alen, of 329 For Idustriaq Parada. SCorey avenue, senouecé tii, marriage .Merchantzansd- mutactnrers of ofa their daugiter. Miss Nelile, ta lMr. Waukegan aud Lake cousty are ta be Ray P. Le. ta tie place an the ev- asied ta loin lu au Industrial parade ly eelng oi July 17. ta h be ll tiraugh the, streets oI r .Ater lie ceremony the couple VIII, Wauiegai on Auguet 1, Waukegan Libertgvifle end Lsake Iniproveamt nt dm for Se. 1he Bout Kind et s IN V ESTMEN.T k u i [e %0wauu pISP te heAmmts stl and Wtt.tComplany. No more cigarette smoking i3'9 Owed amoiig the. employeea, tindet Penalty af dlscii*rge. The. grait vire ille have joiued the Bulinulon rallrosd andi otiier gretlw,. àletries of- thie country snd thé. wia as1, la doomed., wheui the Blow pol.% The biov -tellMondai vien nie ot employeea viiosmoked any for*i Dt tobsoco anêl parttcularly cigarettes l the groundir vere taies down by. 'sachjean, prenumably ta bon a tu te; beau OiRers for tii. revlev of upierintoidept Waldeck. The practice af tire men bas be tprepare their dope sticks dufInç roring houri and at dinner and luchi rne, lafllein a score or mere- and deposttng lit euxlna place iiandy ft teachlng et qultttng time. Tiien, viien the, 6 o'cioci viitstic 1lev. al] vald maite a dive for the ga and no sooner vauld the end of the buiding ho, reached tban avey man pulled a matacii tram bdhtnd hi ear or tram, a vent pocket and lit up. Yeateuday Ifwenty-Three Day., Yesterday ail followed theiim ie procesa, but at the rilroad seatez. a block vîthin the. yards they vere met by a vatchmanand politely requfated te "duci the cigarette." wvile at the aime t(me a three-foot sign forbiddtng smoking Ln the. graunds vas potnted out. Tii.ene at tiie man, vha ietused to throq avay bis dope vas labosfor repartinbL H)td Mafter to Enter. In viev ai the tact that tiie grenter number et the employees at the vire alt are farelguers and snoke ettea ai naturaliy as they driniX ieer, it la tiiougiit that the. rut. viii be a bard one ta enforc, but the. effort ta te ho mode. Net th. OnIy Chainie. This la not tiie only change tu tthe management ef the locl mlIi. Tiie clerical department has under- po a ojrt ai revalUtian and tht. ta th. day ef meteoric ruses. The cenilUcal position ln the. vire miliie nd to hi amethlng ta look down upon and to gel avày tram sa scoi spossible. 'whie. rate« ot vagonamareun- ciiauged from th ' a v sca la ie-la former yearu the. houri and tii. mufti- fartous dtes bave ban. lesseed witle chances for promotion have ln- croeaaee Mien are nav kuowu ta got ta the. milla In lafenlor pons, îiov ez eutve ablltty andi get promotion miter pro- motIon nathey rachtiie top of tiie ladder aud are transierred ta otiier The. sal ieniaisip'la nov mach aought atter viiere lormerly sbunned. WhoneSupply of CleI" The greater number of the . dons coae from tiie ranis of Waui.gan young men and tram the griduated lista oi tiie Chicago busileus colletai. The compsny alvaya bas au appli- cation ln for doeris lu every collage te the eait ani there la a constant sup- piy aofn ekbanda ai that a man, no matter boy valuable, may b. repiaced vtth tva cheap bandsaia any time. Waukegsn Day Picnlc. At a joint meeting af the. executive board oi thie Commercial Association and the. board ot directars of the. Re- tait Merchante' Association It vas dectded taeiiold the, Waultegan Day i'Mentc ou thie lot af Auguat. The. organisation ta supervise thie plcnlc vas perfected sud thie main boudy viii-consiste ofthtei.executîve board a! the Commercial Association aud the. board oi dîrectors oi the Rle- tait Merciiantq' Associatian. Mr. R. W. Cran vas elected chair- man afittus body, Bede Armstrong «secfttary and Theodore Durst ires- urer. The tollowlng finance ý.commlttee vas eiected: L. A. Dayton, F. R. Eddy, Cial)ye C. Edwards. The taildwlng committees. witii their chairmen, vere appoint<t. Tii. chairman. being gîven power ta select 3the. balance of bis commîtte.: F Concassions sud, Grounds-?F. W. Buck,' Publlcity.-F. A. Lord. Sports aiad Entertainmeuta.-Fraek T. Pavier. ' Muaie sud Dancleg.-0. P. Bîdinger. Trnsuportation.-S. Schwartz. Labor Intersa-F. R. Eddy. Làunces-LJ J. Yager. rIce 'Crea n d, Soft Drinks-Frank Reomian, a Base BaIlL A. Dayton.. OSioet--Jobu Suherland. Program.-Dr. .J. F. Roomner. Invltatfon.-R W. Cran. The managemnt la goleg te ait part. 0f the proflt-beanlng teatures nofer ta thé OutdaoiLeue for théum r t maagead keep tiie profita. , The. plcnt lc vii hrue for no par- tiewla stbut vini hi for ail or Wauieân and surraundlsteri-iRo-y It vl ie hm a uevery respect. H i s Greenb.rg. a Conatable L LAvy vas Tueuiay ar- re*t.ii on a warrant p'rocureii by the. 0 i-mx of Gnady & Duriefor Illeged embiaement 'ofefnds tbat belong ta, the Sim for vhlcii Levy bas bdbn coliectint. Lovy vas some tîme ago arrested for dsondenly conduet sandisi lad a SOLON GRMAýTAN 0i5i ot a,**rno oe:28, aset omiSeng " f erU .avro e.« ===Tratihng iRa faorf:11 1-41 nI-OMPBON STOCK FAIM SEAONiç., 35JOHN a. T»PAP# O.o p., LISERTYVILLE Addgam J. W. Mtg*MY. tuei Solid bsy, blaci k bi tetwhits. 16 hande 3% lu- chies blgb. velgba 12w srougflot boue, beavy maie and tait, gond bock, g eautIlul tapering neci. vol set ln iigl-mautei ia.the iead oi a saudle bonea and as 4uirrel esi-. a under botter, woudertul style Lu bornesa. -Wien four years clii he vas shovuIourtesm Ies sud vore thîrteen blue ribions. sud that tle i ahi, of KCentucky, viiere b. hou ta go agalnet W nlr 't He lea ssaddle horse vu to iedsttUfait IUne acting radier; goa lun runntug vai qk t bas q ulce,. o10v pade lai- a ladies, gaMit; baiu uiCantor-; la very positive le hiu trot, bath udule aud, luthe harneus; bau mrent bu.. action.-~ ubat gueat ail- si-ound action vhlcb la requlre Asup-b-dite sire aI iaraes toi- eltiier sadioe or barnn4 or for bath. * aIteredln Amorica S&aQ ernse Regiater. Slred by Diglty Dame. na. 1982. Val . 5, A. S. H. R.; he by Chester Dore, 10, N. 0. H. RL, ho by BlackSqut"el 48, ho hy Back Bague 74, be b>' King William 67, b. by Washiton Deumri 64, he by "sqes Desmani 71, he by the aid four- mlWe-nce-hra. Deumari, F, behoby imported Hedgetand. FIrat dam b>' On "iae. ob>' Stonevall Jackson, Or.; a Sampter Donaik; Foui-tiidam b>' Blaok 1; Ifli d=mby, Oliver, bo by Wamoer; ImparfoliMessngen, as i-t dami, liante Mont, by Welciinant, ho b11 . e hoi i b>' Bysêlleir Rambletanitic. e1,04lite ciamplos saiiuie mare a! lie vorhl, no * ThunfliW. -Lavs, oi Bouton. la a liai!- PnÔehsc la of rayai blondi. To e trouce Pi-ospect, lievery loir tai or Tveny-flve Dalla- m vihi ahargeii ta insae a living, doit tht.sBut seam Toe rsasaealie. A iettet or 'phioneo il *W 1bring cItm ta yaur hpmo if irlbhiu reasoiule distance. HOecas b6 amen eathte *stbles of Busîci Brou.. 206 Gud- eau Avenue, StauCty, DluaIs. GEORGE ANDfRON' Lake Forest II '5*5 I~ ~ -J;- -'i

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