Telephoiecentral i th home of lMr. and Mmlir.Wli Johlitaqv' 4,UIIUMoU Clalagothe iand fMMlY tuist Saturbi>'. Shs bst Snda. iss Nettije M.s 'a los lteci>ai aediberlira. I. . Maavs WttaLiUbertyville us!d ethe gain. vs'tdu brhoebr. nSattrbay. on tbo. le . sMd Mm .s.M. = 14s, of Chicago, Azn Lockheed, bof Chicago, vlited S childien *peut Snndey Le 01 UCh la s C stOY see o et Mcied lre. 0. N. NMaxwell. 'M . t BDakee 1ofl ago àw the.Milie itieithsia, of Long 89Grove, 1i. . . A. aMd Columba camps oguasi ctMr. ain lira. B. Green adse b s aya wltb ber cousin , JenuleMe qauglai fr the trat tAm.ehI isa .te »ujeie, Sotue ad Xearf subabylira,.B.H. Mason wan a Libertyville ».mB . Ma-man ad M. WtMr. ad lMra E. Green and grand. calleor monda>'. *Mmaaceb business tu the cty danghter, Ebia attended the wedding Jeî Kdiro!hca.lapîdg Z, sAaBttrllo Bliee ntwo weso@with ber parente, lMr. aid T. Gibet raimnd te( C~g<Thurada>'. -lra. . S. EKiedier. imdrlio aothersurgical Mr. aid Mr@.. J. J. Bocb and 'liotiThcoer inbyteNtwse L. soi Plahhlpson , o Chicago, vislted att h.e h ocr ie bteNrhetr "~ iou sem thosa fine Wauconda bogi arM. and lira. J. N. Freund aendn a dcdd ncs arpetai Card a hicolora atthie fa-fil 'the fit ei thé, week. i nanial as Weil au oîlaarwlae. #téré? Bev. and ira. W. I. Perce and faml>'lyCi;rae@ourdidaugbers aubr of cil>' people spaît of Chicago have reied the former Chcg, naenîga e e swltb teFourtb ln 0cr village realdeice oý ira. J. D. IcCebe and wlll the former'@ iter, Mira.- A. C. 1icarde ~IU1y. * ake their sntamer homnein our midait. sid fîmil>'. e B. T. Graham speit Tueeday et BashaâlI on the local grounds Sunday .lira S. E. Knedler visited at Northfleld t bue o! ber mother, Mira. C. aternoon, Jua 8, Waucoîda lest week aud took la the Bunda>' achoolani Miau. a Gass' LkeWeuoid Reulaa ~convention beld et the Unitedad Id. A. Prie, of rit. Pout, Miii.. la Round Lake. Games caiiad et 1:30 amid vnela brh h din- the week with Waucoida 8:30 respectivel>'. Mr. and lir A. C. Richards 'aid Ch iZs Md friands. Ms s.l rc bsrtre rmdugbter M>rtie aid guesta lira.Conrad iadefseted Round Lake lut North Chicago. whera ahe cîoMeÎ berreaiesdet gbtfel pîtMonahienb *silaoeoon on the latter'@ grouis, chool ater a ver>' aucceStul year. WV eatvse obild *0leamn tuat abe hie aceeptad 'n- N t e u Toit, jeagai sea-tgOl8o Pil"a TM -4 ean ou0 rn tere boit bd]. spi- eik there nethet feu.o sidI the w.ek et tlie borne of ber brother Yeu more posOion ff e. O o f a, iChiago la apuding I Rmer t Geîeva II., from whevce ah. morulng thai cau ho expelleltram Muet r~ itehome afM r. anid ira. procaeded to Arkansas wbere abe vill the ayÏiem lu any oaller gayi.,Pifr reilà F. ooke aid "Dily. raini forai etenbsd vîsit wth ber ales dissolve (lie Impuritles, lqiite Mr B,.ut, ôt Rutisy, vl5ted et stater, lira. P, J. Cbnitie>'. thiekidneya. leans te bladi er. .AhI ëfl lie"e pain ail do away> WMtbback- f iw 7ache îp5dhl>x plOmnlU> perme-D1 0, Fak Wood aidZIeph.wldiin ntIT. UBol b>' WUIlHleoler, Iàb- aoyleit for NorthaCaolnaTuaa. et'hl~adGauaaPamd. H XisLiais Honnhtoi eitartalied a the_____a_ $owâtlatwuIdâg- es gute.aifriand Oturda>' aid Buiday. 0 uo** tacé;u« oomd l.sam Warren aid famil> are a * tUt<irc uooleadadthe visit of nephews, of H= L oûmj ai Park. M-, w;i¶,L . ?l akn atw B Pick, H. Steil aid . Lajtlemai, o!f PEUt aM ia.OjoiîsVer Lakes Zurich, wer ean lu our village The w.dà;fiulias UryFreund, ot Opi laaG.Wn B. Lyon & Sons, o! Weuii aremont Contre, whlch vai 'aslsbraed lueDm Somof Wnkeg are:VIn wekoW.bnalday' waeonaiftr of! h, d Tcm &igfe divei.lut*u'O i erees aid impor te the mai>'l 0$1o vlaspluchaesve of $1 or over. romihnt (Germen femills of theo l 1 rae u.apsto t h r m Ka ereKulgand lcslhim wbthra sseYb ng.eulev end toetboisa.fauil>, of Danond Lake elted ai Thaemarulaga cremon'îop~aa bas a poshtloi eteteaMi. aid lire. taowed lanthoeveàing bahae Wh(y 5 kams ie sturw bc of oir paieDa. ILaMd. wu oung l paces it 9 ,oo àbW11141111;Misa Ema , MIissAvis p a bandeanad iscsptîiet Amena Brou.v. no ita amad aarapraaated ai: he 1* mdoewig G.ei B. ë.,ý Ly4«n&sSons. of Waukai are Aller tuasmaner o! the fàberlaid the M â.* to fie ba dmwy. - lu Mvm ntuis vleiiy ocolalne otdfola aau.I .*4!aaI>'btraiUVor$ over. At t tve la1le bride vas attendedlber b wr iséer, fl te &Fiisnd mil l ýw7-, = apiaMd FatluFrin @ Jeas VaPavotIllos.Wis..' la do nk Ammia o .im ae d - -~ r - Iv ier dithilva. i aPiusas t mna. ohn Fr u adJohn ila sa itgrae*aio us l ntiaaalk wm beer. a *"$à àk 4busineset IUiIIUISo ,aid la how ThéW, i po l iilite ai lhe homa eu oaiolà'yfisu lgt»Mai utng Co. ast aot illon tobis bous. -ta ~aa elilad o br acvsy Mlr. J. RL Cow, a large dealer lu u f: illà 'chamrisa uWho marchandise at Aima, III., roder dite G~ S LR bM ver>' i th PatuO--" ar aof Mauch 10, 103, wviles, "Ib bAdaveey i fiad ~~a"Z>id~drn tambeen Itindig Be-Go aid Hart@' liVI about Gagas Lake enjoyed a quiet a ie usaeo!d-Moisa emma uiHoîsy aid Horelouil about oie ear aocewvs=Yni4on the lavu o! the home Su Mmte use fMi m aid have fouI tlem ta b sellera. flir. »d Ui. Stepbai Young aatThun. !Moy havegve the boat stifadUin day. There was ne occasion for tuis ~ FloennaVaiPivte th Ie traite. I hava, but bal one nom- getherhng, lit dld 'hot neeb oie. Liti istbg villa ber oncle, Reqry plaint aid have bal mii>' ipeak hlgh- praparalion vas made sid no - program V "d v ifmlly. l of both preparations. I usé Be- vis given. The folk@ajoiat came; warmad ti 'rIas Tasoa>'. The liGnd Toite Laxative Syrut> aid Hart' uncaintaucee, taliked aid dld what te fakasas lad bfofs1h.> ~ louey al Horabuis it ta a cor- îheyli"ed. sang sns lydae i taindure"fr cola, coterac.ou took in th.,beautifual sveulmg. The>' re- t Ira J.. Roy a former "entdofit bisain thre o t ils og dîsetopa ndReG frebed lhe lainercmaiMad vent horn.o i = won vasbrotght hem rnta il tLaativeud yrung lathe hasteusgo-thosprest wgeseo dellbteii vlth ite ia falvtaor burin Tueeday of th,.TueLxtv yspl h otmd event that lira. George Ktapple visbed teut ellk- - . line ln exstence for the positive cure have la repeated et bar home Thuvada>' iter get iter thosCnada thlstias for constipation, Indigeston, aice aenii5Jtl> 6. To Ibiasaotree ever>'-e Mci ae aIl la blosaom before theb anlUib and bllouanees. Tu>' It for body 1i&atkooa anybody elea !- cord- dltu commisaloier gete siten.oiA the children. 25c, 50e and 11-00bat- jlii>' elcome. a rid te tuh. vise laesîflclaut or ouglt tlenald b> F. B, LavaI), drngglat i hO ltnvtyville ail Grayalalte Plaaracy. M NTC q DAIWIGTON. Ç -ro , lereçiook lu the celebraloi Herbert P age lait Monda>' moruhlag John agr dfmhyiitdli n v"iai beue . xpe 1 Kra. JolIe>' laesetertahuing ber father, ;weakWedneeday, vitfradlaic emfa,.Mu. Evans, o1 Chicago, H;e>coul>'. Firank Behm was iM-lie NiasseMinaie Reetkeaib Ethel BadaI,Herth m a f 4 Chicago, are vlatig wtb lirsa . G. Dilla3"a entertaiaed relatives fromnHi> h aedy aler. Wn.ikegan Suada>'. Mu. and lir@. Abert Blm speat Son-A. Mu.Grade> an lia. agga ataiedday wth Mmra.Behm's father andhbrother 0 )1»mis Ua Pla adAlei Oeke M. ayuMsGgiatn e t*LLII>'Lake. Marcue Bebman ad Peter i rW m gaua a nd Alho er lte d0 aTa . ntilute lin Waukegan lest Kiasie> gare also et Lily lAke as gell' Wrsitais. Wdnesday evealng, Jue 27 et veek.. M.adMs ag hClnc.vstd rm OdIock. Te'gv atas y MisaRhoda Ove>', 0f Waukegan, 12 vlîh lir@. Lng@ parente, Mr. ted Ml ire M Iu Pae ter o t ridemaid sprid =lnga evda wtbber cough, Fi-edericha recentl>'. Mr Laig, of Wau-t. %7labsbrolae o!thaPmi; t lsLliLab.«.kagan,wvaséouot. a ~ Mulota eam i Tbee ar Wels Nottingham, o! Chicago, la Mise May Campbell and Misa Marty' t~~at atawiiBible =vlsting ith -is aent, JKra. Lake aid of CbS4a, aa9 a e df.l i feuil>'. ith Mr. au lir@. G. M. Trut. Ml.i JoLlOddudla viatlng vitia ber Mit. M lBetaiGoddard et ibe home Grecs Hill aitertaieb Mb.sMargaret Mr. aid lira. . M. Trant madea aIe.- Id A . W. Pressar, of Chcago, a lew baye reeatl>'. ines tvlp te Waukegoa oua day test ,L.4aatWICbo! -~ ~B ~ fQ MC~ Mr aid Mus. John AhatvI isel lat NczwTaeOday lie Bd L W"hetm-Chicgo Waik«gu laa ut ada>'. »W Go&s Wolubaaoa, o! Chiago, la pasumger Nouba>'. .11018 1~tpesCt5 ~ Miss Kt Giana, of Hainesville, pje IA, dudeaia afejeoa, uus1,A lare M*fid Mue. Bor Dovisspan eveal lira. DnaalP wvas le Waukga ieMn-a ai rlaivea il isai pea byaeaetuase laito ibis veek. a' .1 Mr. aid lr.IcaueW t Milotiseu rnad ta bar home lu Mils acvBrown ruturund ta ber twS ek % LaeevdlSbi. Cicg ob> vug o aai lu4agea atuiday allerv ~wl trs. Yaik Bssua0 an LO'esad aid fuil>' a nbain .apseding tuhéea elaa o! alas ebglu. 'au6lubeto!1hicaoioaudr5 Ma. JasWood, o! Chim~g, spent a I &iP twn W W evayasoftuis gaek eitman'IL ***:IS*SI*USZI80SSP lire. adanao! Bulagioni&a, la -----vwstioggber ater, Mma, <Jhe5. Tebpbi» No.s 460mibW. W*0o, o! Chineo, vas 1h. gueei Llibèrtlis*Exchange of MbIF'ranoo Capoaaa veu tae ~~ph&~T0IION*AI* Mr. aid lira. Tanker il dangfte -- IiFitî iAwKsRVea pontl Sd.>' vitlt W . LC=ai i id C N tfO Andrev Allas of Chicago is spaidig yTeO etof Te" qc bavcainailt*Wlo hm. ~.d 8bIp~aIng Trsdb M#OTgLS ANDO RETAILIRS -iUPPLIEO. W£ OgLIVER TO MAJAENT TOWN a ï&n te Mue. aid lire. John Couv>a- ah>' girl., :ý W.Muad us.John Blorban *pont a ivF du$q ibisa sk vith JohanCarolan. ~Lai~I&u¶~ Zta anbbthel? -ai,. rtel's (~lLL A G.od Thue Assured tverg Açaoumodathoà J ULY 7,I VOLO Alvin Smith, ut Elgin wes e recéent Volo calier. Md. Front of Kenosha la vlitlng fiends ai, FDAY- le glaviota foarth h§leu anad gaie vaw nov .look fouvard to lheLiber. 'bu; Wbeeler Luttreilla e paung a v "ys allie aummer home. us. Wm. Scbwaer vas "visllîg la i or a dayso, abs raiuuue Hettal'a evep mie aveu a..ving ree ram Evarit lmou he t vlla hme hme for Onealo theeau ta of te u.ra oîlataro ra4ughie lghl aniaaic lo W&#avod"w ttad pissest ul occden coma. - d The. Rocin,ýWe i cmlieb ve ili iHerte@rkue. 4 Perlolt, cft&W.p riCat. *6% K. mê r-y ver a nlaa h Ha ks J)ey. ret dMîa. Chs.Gaudbt hoameltsd*th. syefr eu-eil'aggndy Ire, vle au WhoP.' id a mmph t bDaanoad Lts vr. gon, iaon10 hecome hadeisdforateplIo ksoro nazI mont>Po imt lIaitw Mmr. Socbemmdt, amCigl a viii r, dategr, lira. Haa61n peglo Ulm ahaptor vaidHerel -leaOend Ar vake"lai vs nselubd em lt atb il lTeviheed he u &oia stii glaia.voi$ e e tvpd D. cebredr istlapaibn bis akaliontobeau Rider bra on" be l«ora ortpalnce in hedees ha inkull andiae a nia ad Ad atkel l onfiaI ta hiebedvii 8cffdiea grave kn it u - Poar>'d has. Halier, ho!testhce lor efoeyu spadigterictin teli radPoate ne u i ie h Pee OnbCa.llirf hcg John Frdigeikr el as ihumtla Warren Macklenberg scbvreiai, Germai>' Ieb. 1, 1830. HRe ai bishi. idence, Raif Day, MI., June 29. St 1:30 P. M: iaving reacbed the ripa old âeaof 76 years 4 monthe nd 29 days. Haecime ta America la 1855 and>saltled la the village of Hiai! De'. Ha removed ta Chicago in 1874 and kept lte botel knoav as the Waukegai fRous uiil 1878. lu tb&t yeau ha purcbaed lte veaideaca lu Hall Day vltem e hem sluae lved e quiet aid uetired lftunttIlbis beanlu lest P.rldey. Mu. Martalb*sagea a'erl a nd Mlx chlIen; Or. Louis, MHrtel, o! Chilcago, Pred aid lins. Dora Badobu, oU lefferson Park, EuaebStaliusanad lira. Francis Foote, of Bait Day. Ths-eldren vers ail bomia HBal DaY aid receved thb. alhtfflas aorded by the public scbaola vlth the exception of Dr. Hertel vbo bid ae scleue edîca tion aid la a gmaes01pbma>', gretoual cbuach alad tltaîl f eogbributed liherml C.a lvn bs Usa"s tu vrw0= 4p -1tn M4ai chartes. Be vis a gai9gLibuilisn Lodi o. 81A.F. 4. M h"beumau ib Vaikeraof Cou- ubadar' %. 12 Apuhi8, 1.4 iei teithS v i htered lu 'VomnIas Vlbtuliu lodgeM.i!0Ium1 téâs h.ld la teHO Bl!Day eouaslu cis aIS ~ ~ Ir pmRvMMbort, c! Jefuson eek l. ffigiaegsLatgu qattte 01 Chlcou> nrttio tuas muiss The floral t~ romuash Commaidery ,Vltrlvliyo 1>0*, tro hla feui>' aid friands e lemutf l an ad voue marks o! astetq61Oou dspebried tetbsi, brocher and ol Ufiind. Ma>' h. usatinlapeace. - - Oiit F TkAiu. lIra. Domra atai *8. a9ith hte i. rlUeutk e rtesl wW aikS«UilVot e7 Whaeling for 1ibii'-fbb and Vola Monda>'.-.. àlb. Basae Duanel id vlifiagt Prôphettovi. Ill. .I Frank Itowell, of Round Lake. spat Sunudi>' wlth friands la Volo. Mb. Fabune Tover, of Chicaga,> is vislting -friands aid relatives in Vola aid vicinit>'. lit. aid lira. d Frosland son Bd& villa6M. aid mus. jack Frost recetl>'. Mre.iuyyoud dauhbter Olive. of Ch1ngoaeiiThreday aid Frida>' mm .janaCosmeman aid daghtstr Mii, o! llnaâ,'"U m._Floreae Y---oac, 05 'frU Y- àgioe .G oa4deughter ,Mariow Saveral d&7* !aet wak. aud miauAiawig, of Iowa were lh Volo sonday. ises aud and BIai Walton and Boe4iond were Oraysake ca1le0% oucm da7 but we. .- Tb@ ladfflof the Vola M. E th. h o. o o!M, asd lr a e a w aso, oi e me at of VQo, on-ida6d7 evý '.JUL I. Every o rdly ie.Coweand haesa<oditis. Por b»&atug. beloblue. gour stom- ach, bad breth. maluahipO&90U ai m tool. and .ai ey m t iiàofiwhgalOui. Rln<5Dysppsha Tablota rs gpmpt a"idicetcofouW o Sby Wli ll Holev. ibetyvillead G7rayalakePliammo>'. LZZZZZZZIJ laya Ci. lashon.Rf .Miit est lia. B. E. Marah la isllîig relative. na Bueaston. ie. H. P. Knox aid lira. John Foi tare et MilIburn a couple of beys resait- ly wltthMer relatives, theaSpaouda. Mrvand lira@PilIlebrille o! Chicaga were Suide>' guesla of theîr sîster lira. Joba Fry'. The claaang, antlaePtlc aid bail- lng properties o! Piaesalvi mike Il suitarlor to familly sal.ves. "d11b>' WiII Hackîey, Lhbaityvilleanad Grays- laIe Phatiaita>. Marvied, et the home of the bride an Palatine, Joie 27, Mies lUai SeflaOn, 01i1 daogbhter oi Mr. ond Mua. A. C. Sefton to Mr. By Barris, of Arlicgtoi Higlet»,itev Geo. Young per!ovmed the eetellianY. They will he et homeien Arlington agte altgr Oclober 1. Silos Nordmeyer lied the niefortune to step onaa board villa a ruet>' naîl in it e fev baysa goand Tan thë ceil almoalt through bis foot. Robera Baxter bas au fer recoered froua bis receil severe illîee. ta be amoong bis friands aroond tawn agalu. The nev monument tu the unknown deiatwill b. aaaveiled Sonda>' Jul>' MThe atone la of oîpolisbed rep granite and la six feel hlgb. d 1' their guele ovar Sonda>' 1r. and lira Mine., of Eveaiston alto Louis fioltae, o! Chicago. M. Richmond vas calling on aid friaide i Palatine Saturda>' aid Sunda>'. - la Valeabte Prop.rtv. Thebetlication, Minas e"d Mnlng, puhilsbad ta Denver, Coo, hInlse Jous lue,îat out, speakig o!f te Squae DW Cio' s" Fraik R. Wire, of Uhavrtivhilin"& is, aid&reaidanî o!' tbealquale Osai Mland gepvelopmsnb 00mai>, *gbauepropaullu an bt Frisé, S Mitauit t in>, ilaabts. gih oSe, iai Rackord, Igitiole, vis tIae etil'uet geak on bit va>' home ater vÏitngthe Frîscopropertles i.M. Wlre la ai teeadW fcaeatrogconienT snd lb la pahtg on lte àaili Foin l acmmndeble mamuer. & ug mo! gvsetrg>' a ebiller îcaadadainacl»Cng hlm aeompay &"( lsably, putag *1on s ttt, M ingalmute aproetleeantd Dow bas tuas nterprige on aauaeia wovklnt basi, ild'tehposet o! e lag'i' rduyeil pVtabmine a ai e aa M . Wreadopte lhe and viter tei soie>'la is vealel. Thora la no hldlug th.eIlgItt aider e buabel, au beating the devil &round a stump. Tbeyveauen ou.and ha con-i vincad. M. tiu,. basgreaiotf danca in the posalbihileaa!fis "ntiugveftut5a. Be la in a .good distict aid«vlt iundicins ainesilofir developmtett d*t equhief , utai rete bould sontraik aunoig 1h. bualIo un elicouat'. PrIscala e gro-viigý aMSp adetlprotalpeuti comp«nlu LWIb Doal p«T $40 f a t itM W o0we0 701* c ms bosy "i bis Ju6s le kt.w 13& S I r*# libm ~0" 'f« Uv vu" ud--do18mbaWt b, wbut tt sm b. boq.fL ByPrm,. M eQE l-uvi-Bi IUoois& IT'S LIKE TI~hS es a,- ~e W. eau eil you a Staver or Studébker Bugm or Surreg at about the pries YODi wotAId'psy for ne that you know noth- ing about. Wold it psy to take th- chance! You are sure of wbat la u»uder- the paint on these make. Corne în and Talk litOver Faicy eoloved Fl>' Net», ragaalr duri« Ibis«Wl.white the>' lest, puîmlse.50, nov ......... ' .00 yunfor .................... 1 Hay ail isatber ail alvand black lep Dieteie............. SOC ta i 28 Nets, ou>'...................73 Reglai 88.)oHammock Dow... . 200 Poey 5 bar 190 lali round hlack "Crown"'ProieWuoW ICroquet sala, ver>' hat net made. emch... 00 8 ineb mellt aid short baidle, Summer Lep Robes, real band .par balll est............... 150 work, fancy design, wortbl$1.50, Yeu cant boat it for 02.00 anywhara. We carry ail Klnds «tBase BaIls and Bats. Corne in and see usat Ivan hoe. Boyer Bros. Ivaphoe ON YEEK ANB CASH ONY 22 ls g auuatè.Sig O.........a..e $100w ....................... 2 X. Y. fu erean' cheese, per lb .l...rge....pcage malt breakae packag'e . . 10 fý3 ood......... -........... os Clenedcuranolb paekage hO»... 1 Randoph brard weet corn, N n u mince meat, 3 packags 25 caafor ............. 30 Spckgesfo..... .2Foce prpackage.i ............ 0 b........ 1 iredded whole. wheat, per Postum cereal, large pcpa ckage ackage.......ý :...... 10 Navybeaea b.. . . . . . . . Dr. Pie od a akg . 10 Oune lb package iirin-.. .........O0S Cresu bet,2 acags. 2 0r ptbad e aporated cream Uneeda biscuite, 8 packge. 1 8 uas for ....................... ta Plut jar Telmo fruit bitr... O 2lb ari greeatie e08.....S8 lb cm thulldcoo rcn 06 a lb caoý Botonbked beana,*â 8 lb ei au iôriaapicte 1 Cano.... ......"*........ 28asGalonlan Blae, au 2 8 ilb canaeumkl,8 cana for.. 28 Pound lokags KoIo" es 8 lb caes tomatoas, 8 cania for.. 2 est Ifaim &Bd mgcsa,2pg cul çgtes a............. au Pound p g Osokngtol*cco 20 tar beet oc luncolored .Tpa te 8 '. . obe, 8 1.eOtilis 2 9 bars Sl Pride soap ..........un plg tmebac, fOpu 9l b a m IL e o x so ap .. . . . . ...... l p g o n e t u o e n 0 12 bars Noxal soap ...4...... a85c packages Bed Ba tobes....10 12 bors Caumet sosp............... 25Banan epr dos .......1.10, and 3au 12 bar@ Victor soit> ............. 2as 6 lbo rice.................... «.. ..... 2 deb pa.;7Jbin ahn Wabbui Golcr Medal iloir, 49 pIodsr................ ..a... ......... 14lbgardm' Brs owsed Oreata flou; 49 lb caçk ........... 11 Io Cariato=lZr Ocpr cen 8 forU 3 7 ckee2cu11d'....-.. 4ceau QueenlIye ..... .......... a ilk .................. . ... tu1 Reduoed Pie « o i D Goods Every IMorpin fré , belibert#vIfre fl1romd Ticket* or tine Northwestsruo st. Pouo le"nCentrid for leluere' Illinois