Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Jul 1906, p. 9

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........................ ...... ........................ 2 ~1O1h.,h~b ............ . . 2 oimwpouaIad mW t8kGP0Wad Si........1 swing Se& pw.................... . ........................OS SQM uepo d Comade O rad .............. 7 . . ............. ~od*tjamhIPeyd........ 07 Dt o 4 ............ .. 0 ~SIfllii pe d.............. . . . O Ilgly& Crik1UpStore *MATTgIPSSES mitrse4 l èare-, gellota tt 4'e * Omymlak aIllinois 4 IleW ABOUT EMMO> i El L Tone 47 67 OAL iS-MERCER'LUMBER CO.,- DWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r uIBE1RrYVILLE, ILL DO OU WANT ASRAN W. hava at:ouv Factory et Ubertyvilie a fow emali lots oif fQU and Ends of our MODEL FENdE: Thase are of the saune higli Carbon Spring SteelI as our relar stock, the oniy dil#evenCe belng In the uneven lengha. WMI.Ihgleut go negteks gour pick ,et about Lr , RIGULAR PRICE. !IRST COME, IFIRST *RviD. _ _ _ inquire et !actorg and take Fence Home with g0u- AmaoeoWire fenceCopa rtgjià - s - - LUhoS J r14 RE.die Ph"* -. - -d Thi1uge 8 en and Heard Pertalnng te Q»yIake and, se«»Vieinity Sco0oe meseoflO t. P. lrime Tale. La' cgom Arrive Grayalake &4 a.,Mi. Ex snnday 8:48 a. mi &:05 A. nM. sun.Iay only 9:30a.n .01 P. n.8:617 355P. eni 4.00 p. m. i. B unday 5:01 P. flu 5:10 p. i. Bit Sunday 6:1 p. ni 0:05 P. . Daily 7:12 p. mi 3:25 p. nm. Saturd*y ouly 2:37 P. ni c!LSU1N AT GRAIitJAKE GOOD. Program Carried Out As Planned On Every Partieular.-Day Filled Wth Pleaure.-On.i§Runaway Reaulted. Thp biggeot aId tÎohiu>icd 4îlîof Jnly Dr. and Mu. Wiilwd 01Clleauto -ers elbrtioii ID the. COOnt wathat helit ueta of Dr. Sonserville and faniiy laver atb Orayolake. na. thie merchante 4 i4th. jI îneri in tii. canulval N'ttuifnl», the. Mrn. and lire. Claude Pont apent Thura lire departinent vasont in force and day Ii'iichlagsî. tnainnien and loilgea îoîî a Iîand in liaFrak Davis Jr. hasn returiied fuilIuniioriî. A c.véIrx s.pîîad compospid fi-mi the hMercy bomptal mach linupibved.o!bsan gridui'ri.e vua The lady who %vas bitten biv a mîail eaure, esaflaut vcek va #Intter Of lire Clet Tepormwie t--i u mavr ,imeanduofirso. .mess a ureporteit i. iorn a cri îteuvr fat veek. fiseul. Judge C.J. NeeiY iii viinstan, a Mir$ Kruzeniark entertajurd lier speaker of thedaelu-r- ii,- îiin. brother and @iater from Cheago Sunîîay.. Accident Mare Feîîîvities. Mir. and Mi-. Win Atwell. of Fox LakeIte n*,a.eîdeut maias]etIhle letivities of were the' gueule oi Mi-,. Kirtsingp.r Fri- the. day. Ilen 1111ev aiflBi Hîllov, wacs day. .driviug a a@iirdteai n ,îlAIte shorie Mir. ni lir@. Thomias Walsh wore dive sulen tbehorss l.-aliîi fri-ihtened viaifors at Solon Mill@ Sunday. at tire,- automobiles v. li-i weres stand- Mir. Carrol @peut Sunday wifli friends ing by ttii..roadeide, c-iitl,1..d over the cat Libertyville. rig. lira. Hiller vas i lt,îwtii raînthe rî L...eli-U 5 Clii 11~- cîaîn Mr. Iixier ani] @on and bis- mofler vimited M lituiler in Chcago Suuday. -%&er - -ut vmegai vielied de the Enieiy Adaiîs horne Saturday.. t A. D. Bueili apt Snnday qei honien et Brlingfan.p mies Clava Palmer-. Of Waukegan, jïs VI- ,siting freude afILrayebake. z E -AI. Thomeon and ileif are visitiaut friendâ st Columbus, Wisconsin. lir». Hicks a nd sou, Paul, are visifingt at J. C. Mle@. Mi. and Ni-. John lIa-k Pntertained Mrv. andt Mr-.s ilanchard, of Wauke, gan, ni-r Sundav.. lire: eorgta Rois.. wbo bam beau etoppîna vlth Mv. andt Mrs.Caude haut tait Tbuirday for south lheurtlitd., where laie krill taire. a4oui-scin iookkeOp- mng. Lymian Atvell, of Chcago, le @pendiug a tev dey@ vifli hic parente he.i- Mr ainud liu.l.Atwel epent the fourth *aith their perents Mr. and lira. Mai. *alal Atvell. Hirami Withani, of WaukegaU. viated bis mather and father-tu-lav, Lit. Wag- mr. over the. Pouritr. on of the fares oi tihe lianesParty given at tiei. Coonibe gummier- home at oages LaIte upouithe Fourtii vaa a teli- aise touruen~lti. Tii.doubles vere von b.v imsEn&a ackpess and t Gadyts Mouvait and the ingles by MW s lorrell. dits. BS"e Whtehead epent Monday 4nWankegan. Win Relibein vas la Chicago ou bncâI- 4escMonday. Dr. Brown ai Waukegau vas et Grays- laIte Mouitay. Itaipb i lmingfou is vorkiug at Gardiuers liveny. j For a short finie oniy we wii oeeli ail popular umusic ifir 10 cent, a î'opY Irniyalake Pliarnîser. Iei@& aude Turneir vsifed et Wau- Itegan kSaîî.ay. Mi. anuit tr. E. J. Higie> ..utertainied lire. and tirs. Lyman Lewis and l i. anit lr@. Howard J. igley. of Liber- ville over the Fouitii. Mn. and Mirs Floyd Wiiiîur unit Mr. And'?.lriî. Everit Wlbur. utflVîikegaui. vislits-J F. C. Wilbui- aud iamiy ai-ci-the. Foutii. I i,oige Ttîmon uw"asini Mlwaukwe tlouday. Mi-. ud Mi-.. Johin ,tai-ell visited t a I illburu S unîlay. Raipli Effluger hîîd the inmfortuiî,-ta liiea#,~hie arîîî tiaudny eu'nîng iiathe yard et boni. . iiPalmeri wam ealled ita @et the. fraîtur-d îi m lier. P. A. 'Robtinsonandîu fanîi.v returucit fnornithe urbth oiidny and Ict for itcrkely Thure.tay i-tire tbey wili -isit theur dauglî Paul Fiecliar and makt lîi- hane for the imebeing. .% ioint farewell rctecptiati i ns teiidereit fi, Mi.andl tre. Wmn. Hîtuarî aundtIr. lire. P. A. Robinson and famlies Tues- dav evciing. % in. tume was ledl althoagl. nîuI. regret. wei-c expresseit uit lîsing tuvo suciflue familie@ train aur village. Pay Hamîilton ut Chicago speut 'Sun- day e ulae. iuy a popular sang at fthe Onaysake Plîarîîacy tai- only 10e. lire. WiV. Edvarda epent ThuredaY wifîî lier ister lire. Cracker. Mri. and Mlr@. Strang and iaiiy epent Sunidayivith their daugliter FlocOes vii le at the licAliter Hosptal. W. E. Mtiller of Liliertyvilie vae ini touvu ou business lionday. Mise Mry Diethoru apet Suiiiay at Sprlng Qiove. Dr. Whitmore aMdi sou Clemet left fou EacSok, Win., viiere tii. y viii viat thi doctoi-'e brother, Oscar Whitmore aiid chiliren. . ev. M. Sprengling a Gierman Luth- evun minuster iromi Chicaocondnceds services ai t thekillage ball as t Suuday. Services viiicontinue every tva veOki thi-ougliant the enuminer-. Churchet notice. Mr. Ei-çard 1syho lias been nigli t perafai- at Wisconsin Centrai delaîflian r elstion et Orchai-i Place and Mr. = R T hoa@ u takieilhie plade. caught ini the verturiî.-l 'i...ket-althe wag.sw and »eh. vasdrnaa.-d monte dWi tantce. Tht. îhild wae îîîîijiur< but tii. mothpr bad tu bave it t u~ I ai Base Bail. The base bai the. Grayalaki.Juniors andl the..Allenitale bioy@ veaulted in a victîîry iii-the boule teanilOin 10.A etir.iiiceltr, t-ion wac the. playing iof tiir Alkndale flue and druni corps. lui the peveniug tlieiw wam a daica and iti-e« o.rlig diîpay. PAPUIt DAI LATE. The INDEPENO.ENT anid SIUN tis e ek i*4*,ay laie in being pubuahod as w. wlshed toa a 11w lits emplo a to taIt. advantage of the pire la Hay. lAtgt week on lionday a tire wa@ ini amenieanner etarted in tii, hay on the. J. E. Lane taroi Lt Inglemide while the m-m of the. farci vere iiailiiîg it to the bai-n. The ire vras puît out wifli vet awksaiter soin tw.î toisla hai isen liurned. ýMima Altie te Ctrodie and Mie lp.ra Neleon atteaded a teachera' In- ]so wtue àe velaIWaulîegan. rue St.eiteiia apent Suuday witb bis parents. Mise Ethel McGuire vlsited Frlday and Saturday of last veek with her grandmother, Mrs. LEty. Mir. andi Mmr. Ralph Taylor and @on are vîctîng wlth the latteras parents, Mr. and lire. A. H. fteWart. Ceo. Andercon, of Lakte Fiorest, vas calltug on fri-ende tact SaturdaY. Mes MeCredle vtlted 'Mrs. Doug- lac of Washington street last veek. Rev. A. W. Safford will excliange pulpts vtth the minîter of Roachester Sunday, July 8. Hugli Brooks, of Chicago. came ont Monday ta ctay at John Trotter's for a Urne. The C. E. business meeting wilIl be beld at the home of Mr-. and lira. H. D. Mînto, of L.oon Lake, frtday. JuîY fth. lire. lavor, of Chicago, came Mon- day eveffng na to eil:ît th her moth- er. Mrs. Ralit. Strang. . Dr. Jamileson vas a Chicago vlcl- tor Monday of thîs veek. The C. E. toplc: "Forgivlng.and Fongven. Matt. 6:14-15. Vera Wor- den, leader. Mr. and lins. Marishall Odet left Tuecday ta apend the Paut-h wth fri-ends ln Mlwaukee. C. E. Dennian bas bought the ex- pi-ess business froni Dr. tamleson, fornierly owned by Wm. Chope. ,Ni-. and lira. J.ybui-n Stewart and littie daugliter are expected ta spend the Foui-th wlth the humne foîka. (;u iat vek, Sunlay nîglit. a daugh- ter vaw boru tu Mr. and lirs. Water Lncia. Motiier and ehare dolng well. lianday in Waukegau. W. W. Clark, ai Nev Yoi-ý, i. home on a week14vacation. lir. H. fi. Frinicli, ai Sorionutk. 111, le vimititig vith ber parenit@, Mi-. and 11me. H. H. ituhike-. Mir. and Mmr. Somi kueclt and son Hoyard, oi Ebicago. are gpendlug the. sumimer et the Knoecli home. C. E. topic for July 8, 1,Forgtving aud Being Foi-givr," liatt. 6: 14-15. lir. Hcggie, leader. , bjias ittella Raina, ai Chiciago, viAiteit boes ner Saaday. Mi"e Katie Hale inentuertainlng a couhin irainOhilo. 8. P. Hutchumon a"d famul entertaineit about titr guesta train Waukegan, Chicago, Aurura and it ligan ovei-the. Faurti. Miss (ilsclyic lites, of Chicago, l iifing with ber graudpart,liMr. andt Mmn. M. W. Clark. Public .Lettl.g of ridge Marrlage Licenns. of Rpbav theas Toav ipof SVmusud tJommiltee 'ou buigoas ut thei Fi-unti June 25 ta Juîe :10 I»lusive. Bo~'arof éeervsera ci the couaty 0f Laie Alber G. ibl& 22 Mbie a 'd 8""t'Wliaoe00tetit .da ni J air Allent(I.Iliiul,-22.Male 1 L D MOtirthebuilding ut& steel bridge ChapM an 2 1. lU *dit. TownshipV .ufthe publie b"fi a d Edmund F. Wid-iman :30, Auna L ietiftehl iua ilsud le over liraunb cf Kr-uger 29. " inclaue resk. .4 Frak D Cadm--k26 Alce . Têtas ihemm ins iibe let lir thSe eutt"e fr'rnk D Cliduu k 21, Aie. e b bvpnbe letiingt.the loweet res.ouasibie Sknnr 25j[deai lto ur of 12 ocik ,D. or sad Rtobert E. Lai,,ý 20, Caia . ote- da'vn"aan bo a bu ines etfowus Dur e boom 20. 81iesie oilcited b.sed on th.ilSe Lemaa Chai-les Anises 24, Eva Paulina s1ecfi ilous And mur lie add=e eta1 lia. Crait 19. - ean AppetonChainea ,U Mu.Ite. I, Theiaht t relecf aur or aIl bld. la s. Georgie F. Hoî-ii Icigei. 27, Nelie M. Serve. . ch bld uni-fhlieta.c niunLed Wstib Ruliy 24. îe-iiled ch-ehrli. u.tiaM a tel . tTlic David lMantred Si inu1 -r)n :37, Cuis Gene- APPletoi'. CbaliiieiiniteBrlb o- vieve Grthn 21.miase. the il dele Iib. a bteel ntrde ofi F. DudlIey NeN% .11 23, Maude Agites fret. fouidation tu hitJoliet dîiension Shia 20. lilmutone.. Eddie lRobert tli i tiansoiî 27. Miite isukjet-8an t lmstanaor10 inclier Mable Bosworthi 22. !.W,1. Elias F. Wiidt,.4 1. Eva Odeil 35. THouis APPLICTON S4 lierman C. :1,-lI 3ida Broeky 24. W. F. Ui.isDnpr Wr lieriti L. 23--ai2.Eus (Conueil -4 M. J. GBaSs Pleti-oseijte 22. J. (;. htooaa Nichoiasa Luitgi'. - Marin, ha tllia2:1. john H. WiIlkcr .12, Lai-a W. H,,11- Publie Lettlng of Bridge ueffiaey 21. commret. Hierbet C. I.î-k 24, Famille ieue Notice td hrebialvauthat tpropuosais nl li-yant 24. lie reuiived by thec nuderslgn.-d. Lomii- .ondre at Bush ays cf tbe Townsbhip of WViliam Hleiîîy .- kinn31 .diu Veruon sud uhitatite on Bridgea cf th. MIai-ion Lellay 44. Bîi5id of Aniirvîsors of the Cohnty of Lake, SainRy~ll 2. Xii Lginki î. ~ sttecf Iliniois,1 ou tie ilb dur 0f Jul Squire lav Is G,:iëiO sa A. iM. ltlaiud- iîiat.-d in SlitTownshipu on.fltnhule hiet ford 291. net lunacution Thîrf y uver IBuffalo 4treek. .Xuiîa J Si~ui-t:2.Jeni. M Stud! Tiat tb.-saine wil lie la% hi contraet bl .Iugi@tJ. Sevi-t:U Jnni M. t:r h ltItinîs 1 the. lowest iesonelhle 27. tiidd..r, c tbe boni-of il oclookA l. tli Jolhn Zegers 23. 'i i Y I. Gallowvav 24. i daY. a' . mieet1iliate b. hletaiLonune rve. Alliet Urtîîîaîî 2. us Weier ýi Bd. r oliîedlae a b uiiowlfl loeicCloiaionand t nay lie addreaued &a ChieriesL. Stieiil i 31, Fainie Dufty )lie lyoutintuu. Uaîrman0of (Coni- He3. iuCi-k 2 1.- Alidite Holden 19. The rglit te, rejef or ail bilde le Gea. Il. Hiilli.i-35:, Joe.Heri-naii 1Iof e t leuith uorauanali 4 fet ide. 28. 1 Widtb nii iadwî, cghteeu fest; Rounds- "e . lWorth .Alice JhJ ohnsltus m Io. .Joliet dimeiitiaon limataus. Fletur Ueo.i. ,ait ail 'cfthe baut white Cii fbree taches. t la i- f out 34. nase aid feulnchas sida. Eaub bld ni c ________ bun ai îsit iS s .ierttfled une tir or 510Psa abte t neiclu Runtlaoeton Chair. Important Notice. inmu0f lird il Iointee. If tlie 100.00()-liai-es of the Square D1tedaiaif Day ti i uit day of JuIy DealA. Disem. IeiMiing & Ilri-lopmenf compauy ILBmSiOefuvtiti piaced an ftle uiiirl.-t at 10 vents pei- ». T. L.xux > ruuuervisorse share la ot takten it Auguef 1 the 1)ie a. C. W. lzas vii li e raied an that date. Thetonfu nY q as Sh cent stock mîîy îîîîîlaut tvro veeke . frtua $omaao tWitb oui- aipm..iit ni orai, proven proie ______._______________________ ert, d-riopeît uuirk dore, four uew buidngs i'oppieted and aquippet etc., EVERY OTI4ER etc., Oui- stock is foo l0W. We are a iaua inuer; are appîl ing for 25 paeft. S Stckl élin n i-trri. ear he S turuay N lght î tfavorite property au I1 eompany in camp. Stock fuliy paid; liai-veine $1, noîî- Thor* voti be a grand asceccsibla. Act îjii-k, or psy more fr ,rstock. i. s miueapoliaad Retara $7.70. On account oi thi.e ncaupmeiit ai the Grand Ariîîy of the Rtepublie at hunne- spolie, ttinn., round tàp ticket ta that oit viii b. but $770. Thas ticket@ wilefoi-saie A uguet il ta 18 inclusive and limitait for refui-n until Auguet 81. by Mosqultoe. use Crane's Mo$quito Repellent An atnjeolute &guaiîante.. witb every bottie Grogslake Pharmecg y GregsMeke * hihis 1Ice - 'Cream THE GRAYSI.AKE ICE CREAM 00.1 manufacturer* of, Ices and Pare Ice Cream Special Flavers Putup on Short Notice L. A. FRANK. Manager DR E A C1N 1o)ii a. fi. 12 Ili.. 1:31) roî5 p. fi. Ereiîiîg iY Ajipoiliileut B.ih 1i au lîilîliîg. tioýond l. iii Grayolak..;Illinois. DENTIST and Oral Surgeon.. As Uvs.lakbe"Où >uulày, 12 acm. and 1 to 6 p. nii. DO YOU NEED A WELL DRILLE O Prompt Servi ce and Business Strictly attended to. JOHN 0. LAKE Berry 1Biock Waukegan --IliBnois FIS] et a&H CIGARS'and 'CAN DIES: LAUNDRY OFFICE Phone No. 19. 'miss EMMA GERLACH, Prop. 14Y NEW Smm N Dj 110w oni exiiio TVI GUAT5I' WM. JAÏINS, lTHE-TAILOR f. W. F1ARY TonsorilAwist, Children'a l4air Cuttdng a Specialtru BIM DUILODING Oppostt. Orîg Store Qraestake lfiI SCREENS SCRÉENS- Fo4- Yogi- Doeie- ForYour Poric& Leave. orders with Dymond a A"imha libertv Sm*e a &DM C.ý NO IMIE« We bave slrerytbiiig tp~ make the. Pliîhermn -bàai;y. HoQgkt, Li. Polos, t»bbei., .inkouw, etc., Cozn ini and look over our-sapply. ww~'q Dangers of Defective Plumbing- Defective plumbing pmine c ena-caca lto the hom- of sewe Sasbcsng germaot ctsgiue discase t hc ichmnc Sever gùise ntneemissy mmc ithe lever, but le tkcquently c ud m a ib h l. ing systemi wiibidShe hme and mm tir If iu daubt, commIt u crudlngUiping -9buw< Porcecin EnsmcidWoe. acknowiedcas Uic besta mavsryeqpnnt We Make a Specla lty of Doingt the Best Work and, arc Sûre to Please. Libertyville Iieatlng & Plumblng Coq- SAL. LIC1ITFELD Libertyville - - - - mnt Our Sp* is is CLOQ$ The Breckenridge (OMO.) Bulletin o Jung 80 cays: "A riuy rr& of fortyA n5.S forgosane eeteruiined Lt square Aann Bros. riait Deairs nev hoaritinu houge.Satni-day- ntgbt of last week. At mdiduigit lunch Round Lake, 111. vas serveil and al P eat expresseit thimeuivee as liavilit@peut an nnueuaily pleasant evening. Tb@ Square Deel The next on* will b. on- =onay eiaiuiîa to bave the muet modma up ta hlits Compan boatd u Y ' " tgbouge l ic he-unty, Whle iii..Y 7 9 9 0 1Precident andt S,-rtary vers West veently fhey purc-liised two-thîvds of a Car ioad of furitai.., bedding, staves sud generisi equipiîutî-ôr the samue.- FLOOR COMMITTE 1'htel.Ntic Grayelake; Petar Stadtfelâ', Vola: Jot. j on-are heraliy nuatifed tu have vour Schaewer Mcflenry; T. E. (Grahiam, thisttes cut liefare Jiii.v10i.asi shab j cee auLake; Port Paîtdoek, Foi-tHilt; that the lav to entarceit. Joas t Bur ai Fre Hapke Libertyville; Jo. Naît, xxc, Thiti. Camiiaorer town of Ela. Jobnoburg; Frank Prisdericks, Fremnt' COPPYIGHT U« 3 942 sud J. LarItin Ingleelde. NU 14. " N ma iHANS - liens flne ahoas, iv.e"-as st Fioreheim mnike. o' W q* vr shoeg, $2.00 to ".0,4n. Mes and liye' Negligee MM w"i shbirts. ovevaile à" 1It1. mon'@ ispring t ites u4ecaJieaim '50v arrivIng dly. WMon In want of Any Goods l0 Lino Cali on , 'S E. W. PAR 20th Centuryl ~1 -I ~'u 4 j 4 - q - i l DR. EL A. CRANE 1

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