ayn 4 %tiàO at h' tuaiwithrulalvee lekIIly. wokitIg i n Chlago sono. F.tiWme ye vitfmnl ete-Mr@. Michapl leher in .ntertainiflg ler p.a0,Mteti ruMd 1 a S mater- ilters, thie Miieiioulm ansd Mggle tatB.o pYBnrcamd. carnes.e 8. r i bu,-hap .lai i.ti.A iarîae crawd attendedthet .danS 'kt Mii. f6" wSloC:Gpz"e Inke «.aI.udgWed.wnrtlî Mondby xigt *aed ail oine tua. wtb Werdangbter Mr@. Chamrport&ane 41w.. viste igeanre.Mi" ary igine v miai"Mi Mey ainien aml vitm lvsLizi.Ryan lait kguuday. Nle ad. Y vittdreat The Mill Cveke ciexp@ecta to givea bo Fi lre .d Mii ale Detipline ti 5t fAugnt. It le fot lArFmnCýakmdMieffl D eti et lg.w tiii b. lild. inprwuemarristi la Un.. lat .Wd- Aunorbe 1 youn bhofrou is nedY« oiI..inaattende Ga, one.at Antiacli The. MiuiRelia T6xel and Cri agt Shoa have retuvn.d tW Wankegan. 1Mr. Jame Tucter wai a WaUkega&n Mr%. John Heg.lrty. and dauglîtere viîor lait SBturd&Y eveuibig., , Clara and Bell. are apeudlng moine time Mi" R. F. g an le etertalniiig coin- in Chicago. pauy fri. Chlcago. CANDIDAT! je L SWAY!R. J. L. SWAYER. candidate for County Clark, le meeting with cordial support, particularly in the country districts. He wili defeal Albert L. Monde. si the primaries,ta great hjority of Republan votera feeling tht M. Mende. who huas for 4vventy yeurs aerved in county office and now vrants four more. i asking more than hie l enttled to. Mr. Swa- yen i thoroughly competnt. a splendîd icholar, and flot a derogatory word huai been snid aginst hlm in the present campaign. ii record i sooclea thun. i naught M. Mondes or hiii aupporters cen find as an ar- gument againit hlm. ITHE FOUTAUNIO! TASTY BEVERAGES Buy Where rvergtineis Clenand Whoesoune, Absolutelg Pure>nd Teste Like More. We, aiways Lui-s we miade guuîd iodawater anduiuîve always Iuownu lai a pcure. Ahiana, mater ix the .oui>' rater nied in .îuv foutaiu. We bail a iretty goatid opinion ai aur ice creaa, fto. But rben me see tlie uantinuuiiin-av , n the amnount aI the-e go0d tiings ne seil1ne ana inclittii . think tiiet llier folks tbink thein dood aIe. Wlîen buyiug te.. ireeml or sodes bny at Lai-cls anul gel the hist for vour mona". Try it, you'Il aee. Pifeainber Loi-ellFe! LOVELL'S DRUG STORE. 4! Imported Percheron Stalion VELO Registered Noé~ (24655) 44784 VELO i. coal black, with - - large star. leit ind foot white welging 1925 Io, Fae May, loi 1899& brué by Mous' ,, Lucas, departanent of Sarthe. France. H wuasiared by one of the greateut sires in France, Bessigue (t906) by Brâiin in11116 (2919). by Fenon, 2682 (38) .by Brilliaatt 1899f (756) hi' Coco Il (714). by, Vieux Chauila (713). by Coco .~e' (712) by Mignon (715). by, Dat Rgoete(41821) by Boule d'-Or (19129) 'hi Grewin 6646 (6892) hi Lraga306 (1334). by BelMont 1271 (755). h'y Ediiant1899 (5) yCocoM71174). hi' VkmCW, lin (713). by Cocoe (712)h 171> ly " mJe(9) VHLO3*ma. hà P" i2otbmwiN.m pp mba zladforeu ttl. "Wat la it ataou-Da on 1come te me for Ad- vice. or iymbiatily, or consoietloni" do ~For Mm e. llards kuew of Dunnan'a By vistanad rifli a ihrewd woau'i ~t GEORGEafi le guessedl that Barba'ai diiturbaDe C ap t i GORGEorfmnd ras lu iome way conuected *CARY rIdtilat event.M un J~*~b~ EGGLI.STON .'N,," answered thle girl. "I dudn't corne te o ount You.e ait ot 1tilk 1 n ddn't. If le on1y filet eometiling h«ai91 happened, and I reut to teel you about 4 CipmtK 4, br là . e& @@ma ac Ce.. Iteii u m aBLvi. .w Tb *V«yweli, dear. Go on."0 _J: "b, ia uotiiugvery important. Ouly filet Mr. Gnliford -Duncan bai. aesked me te go ritih io tefthe pary i CHÂPTUR XXII. géfi.lRue la too woomily, tfi ne, tat week." oea UILFORD .DXJNCAN rled cesi. tofocUiale, for filt 1 @hall i'efl, 9g o-u Iee Othing Itrenge lu fl bl prpoeai MU agein 'UT Bon. filough, nov tilat ln tfiLet." houilt. vIda good des] Iet fi fb rItl. ile forgot toeaxme te *"Why, don't you nndetitand? fl tact IeRiegan by calling. do io. Noveir mmnd. l'il manefueturo Mr. Duncan, and hiehabas ked me." o Dot ponBarara bu upn treeoraomieeie-eli.by jove, 1ihle . W "I i.. uothlng -yet tW vou«er aet." touothe p on are, u upoen thre e g'Te CoterWin ilt) gve e fancy dri.. calinly replied ber frlend. lindeed, If Il ilad neyer doue ilefore. Hi thougit i dac a week firorn toniglit. 1111 Invite »Bemste, be qute naturai. I have unu-I thIo -ny f0 moiee alcilupon Bar ber iWigo. I Wondeîr if îiie v sederitood Mn. Duncan fe be a gentle- I lire, wben If uhould conme, au inicon- Cept. I hope 00, tlit even ltRae doem't maen of nncommouly good taite. If boise spieous vent in is srprie, i te Invitation viii cire me ample ex- ha. made opuis hiemnd te attend taie0 iutrce iumv ite'ira i surpre, b'usefrcl g 'I oI oor dance, wny alouldn't il, choee forbhlame outrne tain of nfoteiaolethe cr eeat nCiOfo tllig iid I OOti partner taie beat, the durent, thie monel iomothing of i BgtterinuonhetCityo.OfvCour» men folk.,especilliy the marrled wo- Wilen Dflcan ' l Pan Barbara enharelng grll ti ta fcofe men wro aldmarrlageable dengliters taie neit eveanig andiasked ber Wte t- "y reno. fu orsg1?" . o I or Whbo rere uîatelinuaekingiy inlereited tend taie dauce uxd'r bii eOoart ber asi-laseo, but lie urged me fu pofiflone a t iu tiler Young women nat tbelr daugli- tonlelimentrai în:înilest ln spîte of ters; for Guiford Duncan, the moment lier liest erAMvor, to coneealiti. She0 lie wa thuiglt îof ati e social factor boit neyer WOie beîn invitcd ta snch and a matîrimonial possîîîîîît>yw>is seen a function, &Dd s-h lied not dreained to lie the *t) 4t al! > rit c itieelyof thîs. Thoat, 1wever, ras flot ber the- mort des«Iralle youîîg ton lu the greateet occasioan le>- .nrprlse. Ilulberi tov . He wàs young and d-stlnctiy flodesty sho bai î,<e.'thouglit of bier- banlsonie. lie was a man of educa- self asin 0an>' wait th felow or equal!U flou. cgaâgtZý nd superior 4 telligence. afi the otai girl. ii >town, wlio were His> naff easy. pollisbed andl eagerly Invite tu, attend everytliug! verY wlnnlug. Egptecill lie treated ln the way of eutl-rtaintnenti. If auy>' women rith a certain .-blvail defer- other young mari ln lbru had askefi once tht pleesed tliem cieu mo rte lie h.ii pirtior on Ilils occasiona tien tlicy kuew. Ceptaîn Wil Hal-' lie would have --garded tlie occur- lam'î wife. rlio ras the social leader rence as a surpiin~g unue. To lie si- et theielty. îald ta hlm one day:, ed by <ilîfond I lln-an ras more ai-.*b "Tou u8nt b careful rliat you do lu fonlstrlng.thaeail. liewerthe ilai taie -as of payîng atteonte oung place lieiedal orr hlaiseif lJiro WolineD. Arr tl tetonou hek r fil wtaI lie was everyrbere i- 7our part la apt te men a great deal garded as eltogctlier tlic superlor of beG a e ioiapmraet te a girl-and .1111 more toeiber main- ail thei. ofaual;bU men Iteliéectaiiy,jWel00o.1a iil saf nc niL" ioraliy, uoialan d iu al othir rays.t "iBut rhy îhonid If?" eeked Dune" Bbc regardait 1dm as an latoret fnldcso iitmro vnn. lu uufelgned aitonimbment. ...by E1 ain on i, Mian wio liad alwaji ibId thouO lait f ouid blieleai and tilat ahIid ordinary soiai courfey on my aloof froni the soriety around liii am taie dele>' nlubt niaki uni mi" a Part metn moite ijin thé amne taing, If if wren quilte uaworfaiy of his attela- Chance te engage mie otaier gIrl, butd nicani lu the ce.of LOy otiier Young i flan. ile limd omans instinct enougilie.. I nou talego rida bu; a JuIf mian?" to. te kiionbon greatly liouored aW bneas1 ouied f0 ie i It ui pom 111 do't kuow taiLt I eau tell Yeu., otiler girl l licthe iii r ould fui If le orI 11Wiro vn i aie -avrd "At leoit I ont kuon hfoesyigafinal no.' Bomeior Yeu i thafi ecau make you undertand." fact filatfboiad asked lber luefead 0 lpioar onia r.Dnat 'Il &ereiY nlîb you rould try. I mie otaier pnzied lier aimnt to bel- vants Yeu te do. you kuor." certalulb' do Dot vaut te,,_- e e ilomi- ldermenf. i "Mr. Gulford Donc» a mrilang tep- teled and diii net complete theB. - AtÂf rit ailegavehlm na ansner. 8he I,i aniy estimation.", aumrneBar- teuce. . ai obviolialy tblnking. aud, Duncan ha re' rend. ..,havea u enod tbat 1 "i', Ianor ail titat. I kuor what let ber tiiniton. îefinh lelo-aeiamno o des udg 1 you meaon, becaume Ifl>l rat 1 m&n.cd exceedingiy pretty wnbule tbinklng.> taite. Obviousylieb.doigerve litile u 1* tell you tilat Ir Yeu pay more titan He obiervedl a alirlit pucltcriug of ber' repute.. our 'no' inuit be*'yim,1 Bail." Just a littie aigd e very Calouel ettie- forebcad et tbe finie. rlicb aoemed tei"Oh, but tbatis Imposibler' tien t0e ny girl. thie girl and ore in to add lntoett tlier face. Aer'1 1 dont ae, fL." tili. aU ber elderl>' fentele relafives CalTitie ailo iald: "Wily, Yeu mon i cau't efford as Rire lîkeIY We iiaontrue your mgtve&. "Tbauk yoa, Mr. Duncan, for your' gownD." Yuare ln serions danger of brnikng invitation. I soi mare pleased nîfit If ..,ai,,dou't aoc It.Irte f0b. ia tan-i nSome en e erti and w igfor titan Ican say Btnt fiuklImutak'cy &CIea ffair, 1 believe?" yourmeif thle reputafion of belug tiit >'on o excuse tuue. I think I can't POi* "Yen, ot cour.."'0 mont deteatabie fiig-a maie fllt" ibiy gottii,th ance." _Thi oueu ngo lu eny ecaraceter "But realIî, Mrs. Eaiiam." lterrupt- "Mai I ask wby net'? Do >Oi yonYe like. You've your drab gray driim, ed the perpexed youug man, "X mo't care for dancing and society 7" and t'i ai freili as uew. l'Il go over underitaud. I bave net calied more "Oh, I Care very mucil, or. rather." tèa your honie sud alter lt for Yeu. fthon tnice upen au>' oue irInsd"- ele added n ib icrupuloui fiàelity f0 Thon,' nîta a raille cape of blilop't "Wcil, don't. Tlat'a ail I've got We truth. 641 ablit cars vry mucli ta at- levu aud a whitfcacp aud apron. reU "Y.,.tend thil partyI1 lould enjo>' If mareclieeu ot no taie mont cairmlng Tifile Ducnm et wy." ed IRbd tilan enytling, but- Quaker miadeu Imagnable. Thie char- unca e t evaora ued.ue hd "Wîîî you iiink me Impertinent," acter in ustuit m Yteu11becaum euo u tedo luW b. very ier d d - D uncan as it ae e l e tu ms topped nut. IL. Thot natt r La ittled. Go cumipct ludais 1atter Be iidtl- lu taie middle of ber afeuteucw"rIl home nov sud go ftelied, sud You tcuded by calinir once or trice. UPOI you tilnk me Imprtinenit If I aik 70yen muaî'l dreani of enyfailng but 'yu?.' eacli of everai yauîîg ramenteW de- rit corne. aller that wrd 'but?' ',ho theleood roman fended off prive taie càiim lie Intcudcd t0 maie "Oh, I1llink >'ou mustn't aIt me fliuki and eutthfie happy girlilomne upou Barbare of any look of algulfi- filet. At lenut 1 tiink 1 mutut an. rîlIt au euhanced sen»e of ile vaine of cance..aud nov before lie bed even swer io.' ifriendsblp. bogun te cultivate acquainfale ibO nIlVery reli, replidtbe Young mon,I Barbara b. found fis amail prepare- pieaied vida the girl'@ manner tun ito CHAPTER XII'. toçy callunge flie ubject of cnt'loiti of i dîappolulmeul over ber bliu4 Trmabu u Ii ia Ol sudgoaip.tien. "May 1Imirae a iuggcmtto r Iford Duncan mnaeged te nmaea Ho rai reioived net ftelic balked of you lied impiy eehd 'DO' f0 in7Invite- Inon enciny and ou. more Ponir- him purpome, borever. Be ian no rea- flou, of course 1 iiiould net daînk of 1 fui te vork hlm haro upou oea- on te permit filet. He nould go tilat urglug If upl Yeu. But rliat y'oUleion than ail the reif nhom lio iad et- vcry eveuîng te ueo Barbara. aud ie bave Raid uiows me filet iou nould fineudt wauid repent the veil: freiminiete fa elcoeIn If ifflare nore uatlnmrn- Napoleon Tend>'. proaldeuf of the X turneountil e fulier acquaintauce iFfth tinîg la thc way. Perbape yau eau tic girl sauhti cure hlm of bhlmfascina- overcomne tic difficuty. Wîîî Ton Dot (To Be Cont nued)i flou. Acquaintance mont do tlt. htry? wîîî you not tako a litflo finie t1 ttea lnisCun>tîLaeîa va.peruadd. fiink and penlaps tW conunt rida Jour In the Count>' Caurt of Laite Barbara Verne ram fnt accusfomed friouds?",Cuny te reccive visite trainYoung mou. Sb@ "I chiubu like f0, ibut tiat rould lieCuny ram aimomt toc Young, for one taIng, or I.nnalr ta you. it miglif deprive >ou of In the malter of taie guardianshlp eiTt aliili atibecu eaimett oung'.iitu anopporluulty to ack nmone necsc. 'este te of Mary Olive Parcella, minar. nutil about ti fume. Mreover, ilOf "I1iali ask lie oue cime. I alial lt Publie notice la horeliy given Iliaf life won unusuali aecludeti. 8h. e . tedti rm e i nc arn amunder and liy virtue of an aider and vofd al ler imcta er zaclnabau e ndrîv ei f0 ea ilyun iestma decree of sale entered ln the above bldets xettiaf sho attended vi altrorreehgadcoyetitled cause aethle Jouneterni A. D. baldR dufles. enng ndevry1906, of sald court thie nndersîgned. cburcli once oaci Seuldafile rai nov-1 eveuîng ountil you can gi-e me îaur de- guardlan of the estate of Mary Olive 00 or seen lu an> pulieî place or auy- eliion." acle,îanI nTedyfl ~ rereeueauaud 0flie ant' hoa.,Tiere ras il cerfain mesterfulness 711î day of Auguet, A. DI 1906 at taie or thc bouse of ber single frlcnd, Mm' îlnlbis manuel- andi uttorance nhlcit bour of one 'clack in taie afternon Rtichards, e rtrlng matron. rbo nel- tmemd fte»' aýe no chance for furdaor of seid day seli et public vendue ipi' tien recelveti campany nonr veut ouf dicussion. So Barbera simpi>' seltl: cash ta taieliîgiiest and beet bMiier, anyrlicre. Theme fro-tie Young girl, '4Very reli. l'I be roady te anarer et the eaat main entrance or the andth te miidie aged matrn-rore, Yeu fonîorrow evculng. 1 suppose 1 Court Hanse of Lake County. ln lte omeninit mare tien Intimate lu filelr amr rady tue»% but you wii»iflàe f0 City of Weukcgan, ln taie County or affection, but spart framn tIc ogne naît, and if î.i,.Il b. no." Lake and Sf eofIlilinois. taie folow- friend Barbare visiteti noboy>. Tai Duncan burrTetiui oak bis lcaî-e. Per- Ing descrîbei real estef e situatedt I Young romen of the town dii 1But hplephofcr"edttIf blie tayeti longer thie Cit>' of Lake F1orest, ln thîe Coîîîîly tiink of lier, tierefgrc, as one or en - tegirl miglttuko lier "~no*' a final of Lakte and State of Illînalse to-rît: sel-es at ail. Tlicy regerdeti ber ra tieu. OtlîerNvi-' ne haped for a better, Thot part of Lot Ira hundred and ns a chiu ttan as e Younig roman. oufeoéme. b forty-fîve f245) lna the City of Lakte thongl iIf tiey lbnd troublil ed atiluit Whou lie hlli--,ono pon littie Bab saIl Forest, descrlbed as commencittg an abouitflie matter ticy mould bave re-! for a tinoe Il, enildierment. $lieo stili the soutli uine of salod Lot eqlui-distani membercd thalesie rais as oId as smre could not understand rliy sncb a inon between the eouth nest corner nit af ofcillveul as Guilford Dnîcan, nltom everybody thie sautai east corner of saidti .andi Wlin Gilfrd uncn mde it1 regarded aseItle 'coming man" in Cal- running taience norîli parallel to tb- frs1 oeil upon Barbera. therefaro, tat r% lianiti bave cliosen lier lnstead of neat lune of seld lot ta taie îortlicrli young persan ras i-ri greatly Raton. boule otiier isi liu reclieut of bis invi-hune <of selti lot, f hence Wegterly or 1 sioed, but she ras lu no ray cinhar- tal ion. SIte .îîîuid not etill a certain the northerly uine af said lot ta the rassit. It ras lier nature f0 ment aili iuffcriug about lier heusrt. She ras north nest canner thorcof, taience crcumaftancea and ail eveti fra.ikly faofuor ', anti yet iii. rai ore>' saulli an the reat lino of saiti lot to and te do rida consclontiousttifaiful- gIrloved fliaf slie ut putslde riat taie sonda nest corner, taiereof, and uszrhatsoei-cr site concelvod le0 ho nomed taelier il supreme opportunifi tlienee eant an tile uouth lige of said nor u ewe utdDn"teblhpyfratm.lot ta taie place a! beginnlng. called upon bierie proinptii put aay If van aimays ber va>' rien anî ANNIE BURKE, 106. 1 lier surpaqlseaud raik.d iUt t pr-erotion pleased or troubleil ber te go Gunîna AfIE afURKE, borer ou ba, ut îta D toai eudeai.Bran u. pt di lorht~.. GSato aof ihuaIsuty eof ary e e e n n ýy ýd ýe in lt d y ýn le ,e ýdo Id -Y t 2. lis Nk, Bolb Odoni, Danie IL Ode... cl- dren sud item fr I an of iaId Dl- mira E. Odont, deceaied. Bill t foreciosç. lIeu. No. 2772. Public uotice la borehy given that iy virtue of an onder end decnee en- tered ln taie ebove entitled cause ln said Circuit Court ettaie Marci termi A. D. 1906.,Iliereof laie undeigned Moniter ln Chancery of seld Court. wiii. au Tuesday. Ithe 71li dey of Au- gust, A. D. 1906 et one o'ciack ln the atonoon o! sala day la taie bigliest 4ud beit bîider for eauh, sou et pub- leé auctian et the oeil door of taie Court Houme. ln taie City of Wenke- gan ln malt Count>' ofýLake and State of Illinois tbe foilnning described- real estate ituatoti In the Counly of Lakte andi htatc afIllinois ta-nil: Part of tbe montai st quarter of section treuty-taur (24),tornîilip for- ty-six (46) norti, range fen (10) easet of thc Tid Principal Meridian, bounded as tallons: Commencîng an taie montaiduinoaf saiti quarter section, lu taie conter of file raded idng tram Miliburu Wa Hickory corner: running thenco norfaineitonly aiang the clinter of sald rad tires (3) chaîne; flience east parallel rit Ilie souihlineofa sid section lliree (3) cliaîne and tim- ty-four (24) links; thence soutit easl- erly paraîlel nitil seld roed tilrec (3) chiains fa taie sautai line af îald quar- ter section; thence rest an said line tiree (3) chaîne and thlrty-four (34) links ta the plaëce of begmnning, beinir one i1) acre of land more or leas. Dmted July .3rd A. D. 1906. ELAM L. CLARKE, .-6-t;4 Meleer in ChancerY. ffslatmetory affidlavit 1hât1 nnsduc lnuairy. each of taie defouiataus Amine 8. 4 arpeeter. Amliroae. 8. Cem'pinw. ro nderlck n. Lyman. Sareah W. Lyman, "tTnknvn beins af &Qbna rnaworIil. ileeemA'." Boul. F arnsworf . A. Putlridité. Jean anien. Thoron Parker. *"Uonowu owner Mn ioter oaia note deecrbedFin a martiaireo dated Novemb@r 10. lm. and rded Inl tnoitP aifiiartiagei. page la" and "Uu7konawe avure cf taie r-aiste dqaeribed in lias Bill 'aofCompWant*' cana lie toud so hast preces ertin manuelteb served upon Ilien or *Illior Af tlaci. and niaI the .iefeudauti. Honace B. Pertrtue. aud MarasPart ridu. are uet resudeute of the tal. afI llinois. and dgivtua Iheir reiec. jsi1pt office addrosa havinà beau fled ll. aueofth le. lrk of sis court. 1 Notice la fliorefone bereby oriven ta taie aiti AmIne b8. oamnto, Ambicie .1 Cirtienter. lasdonick W BLp aSrahw. Lytman, "Unkcno hn tilen..pann- vertu. deeemuid "ISnté@ B. raivaif h. X, 3. PavirdaiJean Briai, Teeof Park"r. '1tnnovn owuer sud hoMme-or a nota douMi bied lu Uook Pot EOiflgii. « .e ti"lld "Unkewoooaié alailia tsata deiarlbed ln Bth io pelt ocePateiogi su utile waivle th Ie aboe .nemed oamlmnull~ bill o I»ogOepimInt la i~icouon lthe thereupoi l iiZout of imdourt ma"i 1h., abore peait d efendant, retornanle ou tflilrat der of theTeniof lbe Olreull0Oourt ni Lake Oi'uatv. to e libuld tcourt Manie, la nenkeesu lu MMIdL4k.oUnti on the Or*& Mondar of OctotrA. D 11i0e.aeil b, law roqitnred and ubili - unt la 111h waukegaiL Ju l i. 19114 Lzwils O. BLocawv. Cli. PAU& Macouryta. * Coiplalnet' ssolicitor. OUR wAýNTA^Ds are ifill, DRING ING RÉSULTS. ane the>' bringlni YOU euy? RIBTUIISoi THE ILLINOIS COMEDY COMPANY ON1111S2111 Annual -Tour -New and Novel- Vaudevifl Acs' Laiesfroee làm.u»y DIgNe Wek or Jubg 3Oth Admittance a 0cemi. SOARTI IHIIIR[ Central State Ileatre Ce. Lesese Charles A.Tac kacs, Manage SUNDAY, JULY 28th, 1906Q. matînec end nlght Il..lH. FRAME THE 010 FUN SOW Ullele SNIERS sc Unde Josh et dS. Coumtgfio WATCI FOR;% tg rIamU OF T IUTDm MAllES PM Ch ldren [Se, AàIU"Cnte. Nlghi Prie"e .»S~. 4, untai Pubic notic, la e egl aeianutLeBuperv -lmo' gr reviâian nof aisemineit unil -vAtt 1906. Ail Ihoso liaving complaints ta m viii fil. saane belone abore date, n wliich noue vii li e conoidereti. 42-3l W. F.Wr.ii, Cler.- Loy Rate. To Bt. Pauli minneapolî G0. A. R. 1 1 zn mpmet. $7.70 tu et Paul or Minneapohls a returuviafthe Chicago, Milwaukee A&St. Panl Rallay accouai Anumal Eneàmp. meut Grand Arniy of tii. hepebie àt Minneapolis. Auguet 18 to 16. Tik4 w iii lieon sale Agutl ta 18. inehuiWe Final return lumit Angust 81, 1M Lîberel extension KMautad o a i. of utoieli exteusion ;:o.,fortug*I information regarding rat«i, roue os, train Bserrice, osoe areet ticket id thie Chicago, bil akes & et. Pu oz>- nay, or Write ta day to F. A. M»iM*,ý (ipuerel Pamsenger Agent, Oblog.,. LUMBI3Ià -ALL KINDS- (Good Grades at Fair Prie*-. 000935, WINDOWS, MOUt. INOS,- BRICK, Ll-Mf. ALPHA PORTLAND CIMENT, SPVM" PIPE, DRAINTlILE, ETC. - G. 11- SCIUANM B0W SEBASTL4, The rnaiBnl e~jbrid taflIa 2:08. 461bo ~ll2l~~M of 47ln 2:30; by zbeetto dam Ugafne (aliter of :5e- maihU%:1T)hî Hauliriao 2.2»1< WIII maie, the.so$mo 1lm ait010 At Wmuegee, 1Mui -For Further PmnarveAidvei JAMES DUGAK 38'8 B. WIMT BT. wA1undAN l - ARM MACH IN of ail Kinds REPAIREU with Thurough ness AND Dispatch WILLIAM ILAYCOCKI-b OPPOSIte et. PatiNp-oet D" Marb le s&W Gr ' monunoi~ Cemoetery Work of Eve 1Description Correspondence o lkIc 126 Geneflsi Waukegan McKINL!Y RNlm~ AND SPAVIN CtPW Samp lielp ring fanesand Sparlue but ne cure theux. Tii. treatment me gi>'. làaa thorougli eut iaeting cure. Yan dont liave fa Iay by the baise. A trial nul convince you Iiat ne hlie Rot vbÏIyou liai-e been lookine foi. 'w --*IN qý LOU