Yon 'are apt to think your favorite dishtie have det6riorated ln qua. Ity be- cause yon yourolf aie oppreuued by' the. heat. But, yonr meals may b. mde patable and InvitUng even in midoummer If the proper mater"al are noed. The kind tbat we keep are alwaym pure and fresh. Ouf'.-meats are absolutely the boat« and you wlIl be wlseto buy frorpday to day at our J.eIELI TRIOGUS5 LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and (IROCERY A. liUSS. .UDErTyvnÀ£ x x x WOis fNow is the time to be think- ing about I FALL RATS We carry a complete Une of Kingsburyj King Wallace Chicago Leader Kingvi Ne end WagIIkI Mats ln the latest styles, stiff Ï'and soft from 50c to $3.00 Come Mid $Se ULs Mkort YomD#y, Smith& ý81Dyis TEA AND. COFFES LEADERS Odra. F. P. Dyisîond tiis week eold hier farea nortbweet ef towe to aroed ler. ire. Sarah Nason andi Mii. Elle have hee. ln attendance at DeoPlalue.camp meeting. C. A. Bemwlck said famlly are ipendlug a week with relatives ln Madison, Jaces- ville sad Beloit. mi". Bamile Wrght, ni Pottedlamn, N. y., a cousin 01 G sud C. P. Wrght, le vlmtlng et thevrit bot"e Tihe atera Star wlll hold a pcien a t Baridla park onuFrlday of tUs week. The day will hoe@petlateulng to mnuie nad fetatlug. Lietville turumd ot w*ll loi tise Myste Wokerepicele Tuoesdy i ail. fot4zleavig tie town totaieslu bilas inia roker, of Austin, who lise iesu vstng% Use .Croker familles returued home Tusmday. Rer brother, Arthur Croker, le making a ihort viei litre. A crsswd af Waurkeffl Young ins have forased a *Bull Prog lub." A pin or ring moented vith a gUrain trou in worn by eaeh member. Oulythame who cu ltalle hop@" are ellaible. . The vau is:ngPleut boing Instaliesi by à. »1Tri3 s aMarly complets and inaUser w .Fll me It il u ll apération. ThiepleutJe the ouly one othe kindîla due part of tUse ouatry ont af tîteJarger Dr. Goldng and W. C. Trs drave ta Poi Laie la the formWem ToTuday muorepettiulwse>ilu'de jebreak- "Toenapin" Use hast wlhitle 'ronl leuned la the laie aet thpisanoa. A ve pretsy no" leveat watt held at tir E.;. obyhomemamt atnrday lait wbée a -adien iwjucl "W»aeveu at 1 'clock lu houaiofai Me A Mauc- (juffat. ter the unueheon thse gardon blouwssd lsaukeriefs" lu houai of bride-to-be. Tieerraweddiug of Carl Pick and Nlmge ~uhae bemesiannonuoed. Tbi. uaes wWlltake plaireet ansuarl?1 date. ath Young people are we 1 knowu sud popular hei. Mr. Fek bai tisnuworklag la Weukegu for nmre Urne belug hi Use employ of theAnierica steel 4t Wnecomlng. Sinon, the tearing dowu of the fonce ln front of Use Cookr propei thUe place lian rnîîcb tire % aperaco a public parit andnmie v enslutown have taken ad vantage of Use gramansd ehad. Thse 00w sidewslk le a great Improvernu and thia witb the parkilike elfect iO.' ads materially ta the attiactivenees af nf tise towu. A grest usay 1 ibertyville poopl# have recetly taken asivatage of pictureeque Lake Bluff for holding picukes. Lent week several picnle parties srpent the day et Ust plaie golemt via tise elotrie. Waukegau snd Lake Short peope bave hotu gettlng jta the habit ai holding piue nCapelaed'a grove aud aise Fred (rsîbe Je doubling tise eapacity of thse Abana spring ln order to acmi modate bism growiug trsde ile s prini Wster. 0f Iste hie bottliegg inu hn giown %a sacb au extent that bi has been tuouble t10 ied torage 10011 euough sud bhs two men at work exca, vatiug sud laying crent. Tise Abatte water in fast makiug for itself a reputa, dion se one of tise very best waters or tise markiet. Tht Libertyville scbool board boa boer armuging for these choni yea sud hisiiig teacsers. MiasestGreen san Stewart bave heen blred for tihe comin season sud Prof. Keru, if je underittood will le bacis thonglà se yet no contrt bashbeeusiged.Therewill Isthmoe. teacheis, iai Lois Webb, of Wankegan mija Clara Bakter, of outs Chicago, anf Mies Bird suas laut year taugst Ji Chicgonecioolis. Nia. Sherwond, M" DisBoissud NiienMane Batterson aP tise teacliere wba wjll flot tisis Yeu, restitue tiir doties. Mina latterai intends taking s year i collegp. Tise Sght for tise possession of tl prnpoity of the Sprenges- bakery betwees Goodkind the purcliebr aitise etoek lit tise Libertyville creditors of the vanisis. NMr. Spreuger eemo ta bave quiete down. Bintishe day tisat s couplei mon aclaimiug tisemeelvesi representi tivea of Goodklnd, one as an agent au theser a defotive, triei to gai poseiof itise gonds tisiugi blu ile aenot beels mmo r board frai Deputy Sherriff Denis Limberry wi lu charge a tise goado. Thse tw;o mi attempted to force an entrancre bi LimIers-y,ase usul, refusai fa woike<j, sud aiug their bluff fe deaisted. George Hoag went swiînming lit wlî le knoewn smoeg tise boy@ an. "sI. baniks" Issu lftusday afternoon snd li s very narrow escape front beit drowned. It eeiuethat lie Jleà5l1i wayss fron beiug an expert swinm %t tiseriver hile frieuds coaclied hlm tise uethode employed and youug Hot alter iuasteriug tise theory atteîiipted put if juta practice. Thé isatar wl, e ae a trial was about ton feet de sud he inîuediatly saut. Affor gol dowa the third ie lho was resied1 WiII Barbour sud bie. brother, Ste Hong, wiso were with hlm. eIl made uphIls md that ho will learu swini befote le goeg muar rte %%lit agalu. D. C. Boumne, fatiser of Mis. M. Colby diosi Sueday nt the Colhy ]lome@ Cooks Ave., tisereout ofait ac cisis several sisys auo togetiser with1 adivancedi ugo. Mr. Bons-ne -wlso seveety.nlne yease01fage feuisosn t pa-h tpso bsdargtor'd reslider se week injsi YbuItf severely. wam thougt e was' recoving f romt- et fte acident when evjdence In-Iteral Iirjmere discovosed. 0w ta bis advaneed age and phi4cal cou tias bis cobttution, was unable stand Use bock mndhlie ureulbi The body was sent tao lit, Kai. former home, for hlai, Mr. ud'Ïi Ç%:Ub s ebmCy1u therenaihif. * villeliut a couple=1, a#Wgoua boem tesperrd bii d.with1 Mrs. A. P. Wbeler lseetrtaining Mui Annig Keller, ai Chcago. Barn. Budtmînuc July 22, tai Ms. and ir. tt Bldwiu, a daugistor. IL D. YOUugF, oel11d1i015l, la, i vletlulist theline 0o him son, Jame Yaug. Thee canidaties for-county offies are Ubmsty tilele consdeiable atn- Ethel sud Eo 0e Wlsenetetajed th*lroaum, Ii- ansd Johu Nelson, a1 Autfac.ho at i EaIphIJhISp o (urni es, candidate for sbwc, p*fU taux uWedneday ell- lng upOs lb watrs- Mmre.Bat*is boi sud sou of Chcago, ae eçeulg "bweek wih L;;eouuio- Nun. Tiss.Corlott sud lire. . Mm. W. J. Truw, andi daugiser, Mmr.1 L Z. Proti etaidmou Freddle*peut tIse1 put wweiwth Use formre'»s ilter at9 àdligoIII. This evenlsg (Thursday) accu.thet aunual mdims-e danSa ai Use Q et Q1 lub at RaO D.. A great msuy ira, bore are pasalKto attend. Jobn Auti nd ank susE. Wns wil le,. 8etuiiilmp eeulug a#th, an seur- Mlon party tb isiwll ,lajt the Square Ds],'a propefty at Prisca, Cola. A moonlghsli ansd hayrack ride ta Gages Laioeb plaened by tht yomnug people ofIb thtisit chumrcl udeffe abhers, The event wililarcur seif Tueiday July31. Rrrrptnmm loft thse teack wltli the Grattan hormsfor tise Wetern clfult u Wedueedmiy of tiiwsmk. Tht hares woe ehlpj*d 4hot ta K"alasoo, Midià. four Ylr oung lUbertlvNe Mmm DheSiiandi Winnfelf WTu lire eeps Bweei athe IdlMior club hu iWICId I bere.W.&Jw ryouatdasm Ë 9 . mm1~ re opt lbry Dl iWblch W.. Lent Week Ststed 0. U.d.t Way la Cloed and PlAns Completed. WILL IHAVE fliES? OOM7 AMD MOVE C MANKCX. The plane of tise Lake County, Agri- cultural amiocation are coming alaiig ulcml sud as e itad lait week lu this paper, the.grouade will b. materlally auamrUed Uiesmelon. Beelde. à the pibiserly hought of ObarlosAppui thse dei for thse purchave oi a almilar tract af Edw. Bores wu eclamed tUsa wsek sud Usree-aces wlll b. added tu thse west snd of the graunda. Tht parchaolng pries of thie land w»i $750 mskilg a total expeudture 0i 82,250 for landi aloue.' Be"sidUse amioclaton now intlmaes ai thé cattie sa sud stalle willl lisauvaid 10 a poit machi usarer Use utranceh at pient, lu the peut th"sa hde have liaiu at Use far easteru end oai fb grousidansd many have hoon unable ta reaclithe exhîbîts owjng ta the distance. "INlHave Rist Rase,. Besldmi ailthejipravesente ttie acqulsliIau af Use OBaYestract Willî etable th ise eocstlan ta erect a rut roasu for wouen n a aite whlcls wil av.roomthet euground. A raom of this kind liselong lisa.canuuPlate ami thea ambition of Use pot fir mangmetale now about 10 b. reaisesi. t El Otto Kttow Wb a ouday for Tacoma, ;j Wasli., vIsonlb ben sposition wlUs a vim big llmeilq 1onceru. Mr. Kittuer Un bas been Ianrmial usantha englnesr ait ti thse macaroaj ietory ansi bas uanyj frienda bore,. ;Ulm Mm. C. C. Bulkley epent liset Sunda" Wl ln Waukegau wtb lier mois, Attos-neyam ArtUsur Blkley. Mir. Bulkley*ss son si recontiy tlfr11iorn s stali exreméacon and brokahlil collas-lion@. He in getting along naly.1 Tr. A. Siipoon, caisdidaste otashie office Li ai county Superlnteiideut ai oecoole%, tin was luintowvte i .ek saiiug bandesMN witli bis friensis. Mir. Simpson an Conti- Mi dent of mucis migtls upon tise day afinl the primaries Pr F. B. Loveil thi-.watt hasi a uew aigu w. put an bis wiud.w by Sîster, tise expert in Chicago ni 'wrter 'wbich le a flue 1epecimon iorkmaushlp. Ms. Sîstor l as beom doius< a great deil of work in, lb i his village durîîîg tise pai tee dsys. eh Nmis.3. S. i-idey in not gaiuiîsg as oh as fantiaselier i rieudsshave bopai for li sinct her reeent nperatiou in Chicago. Mr. Gridley repors that ber condition bas remaiutd îiîui the saune for tise peitt i everal sisys wxitis very litile iluprove- li ment. St Mro. E. J. ieues- tant week sold ber a Çnewsa papes- l'ute sud eews stand ta T P. J. iocislemri % vba imrnodiateîy toakTi charge remnviîig thse stand tu bis barberor bhop. Lexu Flssgg viii cotinue tu .ars-y magaznes sa i@ishop sud mitainestise0 cigs- usiess wiicis bas bhen =sialishuded. A Bohemian lares- by tise nauine of1 rNike Toby was stu-nety an englue a at Rondant NMonday evenieg sudw brouglita Liliertyvllle far repais-s. It was ond tîsaf bhie sd was badly *biuises, lie leg aud bact wrenched and s couple of rilsi broken. ]lie was taker) t are of Iy a Iysicla ansd sent fa Chicago ta a nauital. Ib Tiseglmwell i i hecounty fas-n is le k- mneariug completion. hle la fteen leet ilu i dlabster aud tîventyfivt feti deep. INineteentu îouusi brick are netdsi f tu brick t np. Tise work ls beiisg dou 1.undes- coats-etly Walter Achen. tFras 69 the botton of tii big Weil a bore uilI ho in tunk ta wbatev.r depthin l necessary tot it get a pleutiful 8111-PIY of wates-. Je il Cai. and Mrë' naok of the Voîunueersi af Amine, vith beauquastersilis Wsn J ,~kegan, gave fl.ityville a etreet conues- ktait Irons tise -"lpetl wagon a mt STlursday. Quit.- a cs-?w gatheredita,ý ig hear the Captais. tait sud limte t. tis g utile bausîs sonige an&i testisîsonials. r. ey proinmise thi village anofler visif lu in tise na usa-tuse-e id<aie of ushicliswill lho g9 auuounced.later. k)> Liber tyvilîs- wiiI have a slow aIl heut te wesk. ih will b, a tout show aud N% iii DP oceupy the Peusîiman propes-t y al tIse g9 cssierôfILak*e iaiiMilwaukee avenuîes. )Y The Illinois (u.lswy compau3' wiul u- 'e main in tonvls six nights begiuing lous.î li dayJly 30. Ti. company praunlees us a1 blget clam@ M'l,îed vaudeviUe wuitfs 's- change aof1.s-grain igbily. aes--é proal tot s ah'., elaînses. Ladies xiii 1.b dmittesi fr'... on Mandai nighîf. in Admittanc*i ten'îss leî Au automosb.ile frigistoeed a lias-setic- 1 k18 lauging ta Pati si acOufinans iîvoîsby1 19 to Titus TusiaY eveiug tle aunumali tuie lugaus isî,wiî iea mmthe rig lue inlurlnisim <uit.' severely. Witls Miss1 ItLauraegs young Titus vasds-vingonu heMlwauksee avene Md whtn near the 61 Appley tas-m met tlsoacline vhiluswas af cmn tSspeesi tuicli ýmt te fais b loe y tise vIllage osdinanee'. toTht hort ciai sudduply crmping thse b bug. Ttus taisiv navismes at- i:tmptesi ta holsithe animalans i lu-is "effoletet do so feu>lou the rlg. Tbe te- horse itarteindta botIt u m iitis ~ uoprimmouceofaimini md Use relue licsd sévent a suna*op. Tise hauffens WnuasudTe ake FonMt Mdmid d20 Sud molse by.Justice Répkley under Use bris ýohnDose-%mmmrofoustat W »Me2Pl . IF lmiroth Ineludmi 0.-ove. The tact pureéapd lndeo .a e çgos whlch vmiifairm a nucleno tuaa rpr grave vilcs llaiop.dfr at mmne usure ay theseofcii ttg tat tI vuI moite plantinge. Trown te Vacate Streeot. A seoluion wll le brauglit bitar se seit meeting of Use LIhertyvile llage board askingthat tis estrset i rom se premeut outranceof tUe faim ranSi zmthse*West irie oaithe sew purcas rcatasi by the village thua enabling, àe assocation fa move ite gâtés ta lai; pot. lam cauncil le- mupposesi to he sauimouily lu favo-of niaything whlcli wili work ta the, hetterment of tht smoiatîou un opposition to the plan le MO WE-BMACOUFIN. Probably the pietiest wedding tIsai ibertyville lise witesed for a long me was that at tise home af Bey. .1. B. laefiuffi, ou Brajuerd Court, wlisu liai Ada Laulai MacOuffin was unitesi su mas-nage ta Mr. Lewis M. R9we, a rmieent ynung bueiness man orcamp Grave, Ille. In aillavers buuds-td guese were preseet at tise oererny represent. ig tweuty differeet places of realdence. Tise bride le tise dangîtor of 11ev. sud lire. MacOufflu, 1Bey. Mac-Ouffin former1, beiug sonr ni tise Libortyville M. E hurch. Reutly, howeve-, outil a hort time ago, tise family home bas bete at Sheridan, tisMsâte, tise forme- home of thtgiroons. The ceremouy aceurTed nt 3:30 o'cînck the fathèr of the bride officis*ing. Tise bi-demald wss Mima Marne Wilson of St. Chiarles wile Paul MacQuffle actai am, heui mass. Little Mise Jeanette' Taylor, dangister of Dr. sud lir. J. L. Taylor, was, llnwer girl sud Moter Williamis ia-ne, Ù1 Chicago. ring learer. Tise guetet were evesi under the trees of the lawu aud afte-wa-d lis. and Mis. - Elowe lelt loi s short weddlng trip after wehl iey '.111 lieat home ai Camp Grove. Thte eteem with whlch thfe ougpeople are htld by their friend@ sih shnw y tise mauy hosutiful glits oi wbiicis they ues-e tht reciplen ta. Tise booklet ni tise Lake Couuty Fai- lise luit been issuesi by tise LAKtE COLINiT INDEPE'4DENT and cSn sow le liasi pon application. Tise boaklete are tii year utate- aud oves-y family sibaulsi have ont. Write ni set J. B. Marse Libes-ty- ville, If yau wiah a capy. A. W. Lihbtfeld le planning to suovethe tnuWfstasy of bis milk cooler ta Chsi. cago lu tise near futursesîwiug fetise is esatly lecrensesi demand for tbe isiduci. be cooler lias receivai the vers isigist test at Muilwauskee before experts. Mr. Licistielsibashotu recevilsg orders lu large s1uantities andi le ueable to supply tise deîîsand for tIse ues-tar. ANNOUNCBUENTs The. Lakesids. Ceuuetery asbocilsciou usili liseet attse hontse of lire. Farnuun <su Friday July 21. Thi-. will be s îsl nese; mleeing. Tue Christian Scientiste will lî<ld tlîeir regular weekly mueeting a1tIih. Mymtic Workers hall oves' Smith & auils' store OsU 8unday eveuiiug St 7:30. Stîîhje.cf: spirit. Tlîerounty NV. C. T. C~. will lîuid a gold modal cantemt Thureîlîsv tîveuiug .Nugîist 2 mit tise Union elsurîs. Elgisi cîsieoautewiltabepat. fAi admnis- iîui ni ton cenit@ willbelîred TIse Oakdale Cemnetes-y saief.vp will give s lawu social on thse lawe's oftieorge anîd Harrison Sivre-oui Aeust 2. lieereni aud cake will te served andîssi iiii'îIi- progrsm resîderesi. Eves-vbody ile 1invite(]. rTise Lîbertyville cisapter, ormies-ai tise 1Ea8tmu Star, . will not met agalu dur- 1July andi Auginet. Tise next meeting of tle cisapter will beauntise seconîd Thiîr 4day of September Sunday ses-vices aitlise ietsoduet chus-ch fsor .uly 29 usili ho et 10:30 snd 7:180 as usina. Particular attention le calai ta the meeting oi the Epwort h Leagneetai 0:45 snd the session aif the Suuday secool at 12 in. Notice 1I bave puressesitise newspaper eb"'.n maiie.Mm E..J. Rlous- aud ail 'accoote sitarJuly 111*6 on onbscrlp- 0 ions am, due . P. J. Bacisolsimun. 4eti Q~i Just the .T'hing .For NOW EffV erg # d mdery stykla .MN UMI>IW!&RMWitsurner firidsMmgs ?IS hli pWlc-,and lauçg desigo.I.unir Wear MW d @th.wmblmmue omI ieIre*& true .mmr.cures ver bs output b s m Or coosers The famous )««evice. Oveuàk - Josprs Mi SOisto. d"cm«rntbc betu wlort : Comm &omi lM« . et«MraW màbe mSx*' dushn sila "me onou canIuo o aei Sttiormeut mm treasoubleprices ai dii...We uvealot of Noige Shirts phone 29 y. P. Byiscr, Pro&. Oca. A. Wua'r, VWc Prai. 0.1. Vu F. S. Kume,. LAKE C09 NATIONAL BANK( Sanie oau May th"n what yauu ve te too lite ta caunt. N% at dL .Na amouat la tan iaqlgoficaat, if it l il au oamaff"d Fine iEmbrôii AÀNTMLOT 0F THOS E NEEMDIODIY IMi' nant Just receved la the 1907 admet emople ~m 12 lcs ach piae 4 .2 y"mdslong, sud no two dsMht.Cw broidery edgeu m, ketioa Deadlg> AUlOvus am27AAl. Shirtingu in Swtuad Nainsook To the lovers- l.Me mO brolerles these dalaty patterns will prove br«bimtl u " mda they are usureâ a! gettiag exclusive designs on accouat oelI68 short length af the pieces. The oice-eibout ONE.HALF ci their actual value-aught ta prove thet <rtest attractin LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU. THE FAIR LIBERTYVII.LE, ILLINOtS D epte tht preva>esce utn bery, a fow, porns»continuia keeP MOuey abtK tthoir lhem lu thus doiug. they anre ony rsklug ltse lasseta1 moliey, but perhapsi their Nf Are fal running thls titi Would it Dot biesakrendmmb ter t0 briug your uonq this bsnk. Weecarry 1s for buralary and d.j I holdUPU..Q k BflIIONAB AVe r 7 ý ý