JL. You are4at-btblthnk yonr tavprltO dIlhol hire tooted laqua.Ity be- cAflUS you yti~~êf.are oppMOuued by 1h. b"out Irour meuh î»»Y b. miade pulatble eid.aud iVting s eeuU maidoumaîer '!if the, proper tSal - aiways pure and freuh. 'Our m"ul are abuely th bot aud jOti *l11 be vimto bey fr(>lli<y boday at Our store. j.eLITRIQUiS Buy Iôùrg of « . ANDILEW IIUSSf LIBE-RTYVILLE, ILL. Tea an Cofflee Week Al AT zmw- SMITH & DAVIS. From August. 4 to 12 COrroEES. Ariricles'Arora CoSCO.............................. 4 'ercchoie Rio Cofice ........................14, Ise extra ciiie-Rio ..................................?..13. Smithi & Davis 20ec Gioice Mixture ...............1t Srinit & Davla 23e Cholce Mixture....4............. 2e 25e Extra Ciroice Mixture ..................... ....... e 28i. Coffee.......................................5....... eq 310C Java anS Mcha ....................... .......V 33e Java anS Mocha.............................. _0 38c Java and Nifocra ................................. 35e TEAS. 25r' Jaîrrn Tea................................. .........20 3t................................................ 2 5C 40c.... .. ......................................... 5 45 1- ........... .......................................0 500.... ........................................... 5 5-. .....:.... . .......................so .......................................5 40e Oolong Tea ....................................... agi c................... .................so ........................... ........ 5 50e lllitr>ii Tea... ...... ........................ .....4 43c 60 "......... .........1L.1......~............ B e Our' Teas and Coffees are tiret cchu. Once tried olwge ied. Give ue atrial. , Frorn ime togm11e wearegefg to give bar' gain, tgnOur' aitonmes. Mofeg rekudedta a0% uaitèctory piirdse. Com eearly and g. lote fine. DLAVBIS ., I L Ola ERAND, B. J. Werner la Furobaseof of Nex gardi l th dr 0 tile Àý;ýiýWbone kndlng oo. WilKnowv Perm S.uth MIse Oive Wells spet sevaeral da. . and tamily returned- relestlet ACroer laa g a s iit vit relativeMILLIONAINX PLAN~SR N limewltksi~l's a.arid give immdate avOcnd.and-eon train. The sale o the Westerfild place aboNni Sele b1>veans*D, candidate for au foot mil enoti, of Libertyville l oelatue, Vo in rpo" ie brun vbilbcomprises et *0 alomet nipon two hundred and sevon acues, boas l. Srb liWswure roe Wgbas a position vitir beafor soue tino the property of. Dsullem odai rlt *% t a« ud îs workiog In ths AuStinCléenti. some ton dars ai tbe coup mk olpbamisenlyadei a bsi udr a lire. ' &l. Stevene q besu vlutlng bywiclnE. .-.Warner, of Laie Forost, id,%*ohbae besn viilut the borne of bierpret@, a momber of thé irn pralgne, Warner of Ed. Lynchthé i et cèoupenclinau.. U 0 adire. lot. Richardseatnt .s o.1vi ceu Ilt. the owiissbp of About thrty couplas froue titi village Yor.Pari :l lokduns n attended the danm given lut TiusdaY l Mre* . .8. fIriIr'yreturned to ber theflat lcth la l rood ,n as oeb nigt ai Hall Day lin al', 'apavillon boueisdal eo>niug. Sb la nov as uti elbobo l hc by tbe-q et Q. A mont enjoyable liane rapdly tscovaulng front ber recent lé, a located. Pwas bUA by ail. 14 operation. Ililaséald to le te plan of Mr. Wariisi L« (Marv bas esvered bis econueclion Do Dot lorget têi old mndal coateet to mata a fine country estate of tbe n Sltb te Libortlville botai snd ltanâs at tlb. Unon ebur!h this i(Tbursday pus> enfurtantueO téP Y gonntbllesfor bhîniseifsintng eveulug. Tises ar eighlt contetata to pae enfue Rntns1o b i a namp le roonat Lake Zuich or soins compele. Besidos a musical prograin wealiiy cty-farinets vbo raslde along other favorable place. yull b.rendored. Adrieionisteii conte. PMilwaukee Ave., at ihe prenent tirne. Ar. and -irs. levis B. Haiby, Ars. if you neSd glasses for he1u-ache or The dent, vlnic n ias mt been lossd, John Catfr and daughter, tirage, loft othar 075 troublé yo caitiasare monaeyins morte for thie locallty asulMr. thie veek for the sat viBre thaY vili by having "lithd the job. W. are Warner la mai to b.e întending to - cmii soin. s r. H. J. Barbour. lu buoiflo em rs tu otay and consquent- oui-vie tihe Arror n wfa i agiter of Ars. Hanby, vbo bas broul Iv aur pricosère reasînahie. Exanmina-nuva viitîng hore tilanommor retnmned wibb lion free. eud vor to bave a country borne lbem. Wamn.eu atb bired a bOy froi» North wltbout peer. Nov tbat îity vater cenuheie ecured ln Chicago a MWiai da go butlire oly M.Wamie la a man to vnoni vealth la Dfi perte of tovIl iany yl vwan t O orked ose dal beforè ho wvus rêttdnombt, a&"tu tias e" b.é prchase bave hIt lstallad lu .lbalr borne. 'TIe and lkn e te>that plaue chag wle mad bo 4i icutaod ay to bagin la W ame A. W. vth vahdfg a çWsk. Te @tory I odwl a-&bu-tah vcai lqd M7l±bOetd and Sud out ml about vRasi nu anotbevoloni of this papier. nosd for liselue buildings erscWe by yo nedaa ha I vi catyo. Quite a umialis froîîî Libertyrille wcefaa.5ms i ae M otgup A ptition la b.ing clreuluted tu euare ilub au - flWednesdiay to tatelad 1. liaI e;lo. Tt-sMWai wumade a train tW have -théUnion depot, advanttsg *t aeîity's l'hg day." gbroqfr Job, erimun, ofLaie Forçat, Clilcamo. VI& tirs C.W. & St. P. rafteay Woukefun Day %vas@olebratad by a Ihm;ànî.1, olonulmead Inter la thé . evang ham :35, tbe tins parade &MI binie ail tIre stores sud tie.tast train Ihea e lty ai prisent.laesof business being losed for th 25,0S0._________ Suecb a train vmS sapptocated yd.IrlO CB NT mmyrasdet otbisvfllaa vbo vwam Preiut 'W. E.' Mller of tbsaIAae A NUNE te hava eChicago durlng tbse veDidg. ouj, At!geWouturl association bas Tue CrimSola citsa ilibaIn tlrer Tibelg wellaitihe uouty farm la soucoewdslà htig au orer tou t liguiir veîkly uesting i b. lie ysllc ewvlainyWlaq.one. li latvsnty-flva Chieup go MiS s& St. Peu], ta bave Workça bail ovar Smul &àDavis' store c T td.pauel5bteeiI acrose anStlé 12.«0trinl bon, tiresi I OPPed on Suuday avening ai 7:30. Subject: abonld B ine = to lire top viti thb. Ibm day o! tihecoulng fuir luBoul. ve r- AU sctrcmtor vii IreusMd ordetW an modatee és eiante uP TheiLatalde Csmstory association l ore teavtavr front tb. elita lie thélias. il hold a seclWameting nai tb. boue tank vhieb vWiiitsppi, lis bulidigu Whle 5wlt*bg care lu tiéi. Einlof g0flr: e. McDonalon Fnlday evsnu iii ths proper preneurs, for f0eanerlusebsterkSaturday mttIkooiiAug. a81906. Spelal vork, overybod protection and i"ltbr am. a louS of smore front lb. englue coine. ________ Do Dot forget tb, excursion tW hie obstrutteil *is pucners ovlev aud Il Déllaie of i.Waonsin nexi T-ieoy unabie tom sse ebrakernnssina0t1E ctien Sle. Angusi 7. Thi! a b es xuriustop hi hacheS ie cartlrrougb t b. vaBi hav Lberyvll fo ti eil aesd of thsem@sSand nearly loto the rd r P, oibS r ts G. yetoisveLberyvlleor boUU a Ireot. No great arîrount of damage Clins. Kasr, Lynci Bros.. and D. A. tis train tarta f romt hl.ver Soçot over rsdu oee.Youug vs Hugo fipreuger. lie Madiom division asdait6:.10 lu lii duhwee. Notice le b.reby gciven tIrai bv vrtue moruing lasad of at théeuraly hour It la notiomuble that tire two lioiese t>o! executo neeuani by W. L. rfacîicy, nocasary foriuerly visa ptoing via lhe vin the fanis ttkp races ai Detroit Esquire and George H. Wiener, Esquiro, Miwauke division of lb. rondt. tts vesi boli ver,' in training tiel justies of the pouce of 1 lke couuty, ln * Tihe tout shov le4 attracting gonid ennalUetiil n iet btO favor of Fred Croker, North Shorfta crowds îigly ami la putting up & n oeyl h eove i i.G maiKleLnb re' n mesof performances far superior tu i' tblspn » )AYugaS gii b o d n viat mig.., pbopenly ie expected for lie isnn ne oreSisuy h hue !Hg pegraSbme rnoney. Oaly tan cente la chargeS for vstae eei ie,.Ssnbdgoisdcalet.i . ,mgenerai adamittance andS fi! ssuforF.P reServed smats. Tii. prograni consiste Oe uWnia hyaeuxosy 1gseoe otsoe als . o! fain vaudeville vont and fl. good. 0f1okn o u'cranby codn u oiata his rnn course tire unualipahent aiedcine ls solS, to l.recewkonte ae misltDw oryo mth ousus aeeleuomne h rd,2 ictue fue, I boon an praices] ycomploted. Tire tests have inailgeahbi' go. Wholine felov is 1 o11 cant ail kitchen supplies, 1 box aiP io n iirii'cmlhono ievqoi ilr ie<uetion vhich is apples, 7%cmns (gai) York NiaIs applesé, vork on Scinool street tus vweok ihe lixereing liat city juggi nov. it je 4 gai jar jelly, roll top) vrlting desir, mais ae il n.Agnt ran ae nv uggeted tlit ieh may have a girl bu salait wriiing désir, 1 contre table, 1 hall foe rat in.eAsericesan veyn o n rpeely Lbrtvle res, 1 couell, alarte dock, 2 rockiug askingfuthseve an eyso iau osbyi ietvl. chairs, 1 Sesk chair, 8 commuon chairs. ibis village vilii ie supplieS viti ciiy About lwelnty of Llheriyvilios yvoung 1 iron lired, pring sud maîtres., bureau vater. Tire uev Weil la provlrng fuily pope arie 111)a 1moooiiýght pileic v, itin glues, ilarge shovwceao, 83s*mail adequte 10 sulpîr nougb water for pal oiriis Lako Tuesday evenîll4. shov causes, 2 ta lme, 5 choir@, Il basketse W a lb.ciiteu nSCommiesiolier Youuç la p:per a.servent ai Van't Woud a (deivery), 6 big iread irayé, 9 balcle il. Doubl,to uneai that the-oWei lav»wiE. gSminer re@ort ihe rfresirmonts being (JIl paper bags,B cake tras, 1ironbe d do] An eubago ays >'iredelnqiantfuiniioli y Mo .you»g ladies of tire eprlng anS matîrees,1 i sde boardaid 10 subsciber i. a vampire. He iras km ~party. Afitrnioonliglnt bout ides on tiunni,1 bat, 1 lannp, loy old shirts, 2 aslî sonlthitn a corporation, more gaîî thau the lake tiie' iarty returue on)rori. A itroub.d.. 2 springe, 2 mattresses, 2 -ce a Igan bark sud coul gio Atim o vphall by ail viro chair, 1 trou lied. *sprin; sd matîrm ,s pointers on tIre art o! îying. H. la a ll= L b .2 salait child's ciaire. 1 office chair, versatile viii excuse@osa. a boariSing- <apiain Cn k anud hi@ baud of Volun- 1 atari» c ant mail îbracet. 1 lamp, bouses landiady. and if Irutren promise teers. <o! !rlre, ill viiive Liliertyvîlle 3 roié Boor matiii, i roil filor palier, are admiesabie evidenco on tine day visa anolIror ontlool meeting toirigini 4 cenriai» pote@, 1d4igng apodle, suow tihe ebeep aud thre goatts-corne tu the Il uaaîlfron liegoepel vagong. obovel. 27 ling flour, 2 liage lour lu patlg o! le ays, ho iii lnd 5nuTieptairivas hgly pleasd vth blasiixingx blck, 18 bread cooling boxe, -aY ae-red np afiainsi hlm lIrai tan réception a coupla of veeo ago and 20 pounde pnîveriued sugar, 50 Ibo ihousad augets witt uni lie able 10 dig hfo5 tu havi' en, ta langcc rov Ia ra»agn 5 oneifs n ii»ot of tire infernal reions a1ý re. The meeting viii tari t 7:30 Y* bb eait, 15 place" épices sud canner1 ililioli year." o'eloct. A colloction viii lie taken for truit@, 40 lbo cocorirut, 15 lbo lino viIe At a epeeial tnig of tIre village lb. bougeâh t ire volunteore. eugarj8]lbiee drver, 2 mixiug gour, 1 board tst Monday aig tirhe subjeet of J»îou>kevsle p» de as etve bbl cottoiene oit, % ton contiuîng 10givo rRates n cornnt n alkb ovar -r.d6.H. c..7 vatar pal@, 3 woonthorties, voatitsvdicu iediite reba, uoionet 4bytounitein iaEwad.e t'am» bolier, 2000 6 Ilblinge, 100 wale ws imesed wth hemeutanS Mises Mary Marteli, both of North bireme pane, 37 pie plates, 10 mund tIratinlail probability alter Angut 15 Ch.icao. The vouug couple virose go. plae ar cls, 8 cake pans, 2 lIre vii n iogerb. iven A ev are22 ud (1 rspeievly econizd lread shoveis, ;-)cake pane, 1 round ordinanco governing tIre construction of, tire atano04 Lîbertyville as a ck pan, 1 uval lin parl, 7 @taiti cake vait vit b drflet b tie vtlas Oeina and came bare W hbave the knot pans. 1 fuméae sirovel, 2 egg irnalers, attoruey sud wviii ire paseedal an arly le.Wtli tiie'electrie lnoihandy Liber- 1 hnoom 1 siovel. Imnsr,10lr meeting. Oniv tiromse aviug valke 'Ilviieiay sueod lu eapturnug iauy of naits ariU pik.s, 15 lbo rrovu sugar, unden vay or completed at h tirime tire tleeWeddiiigo in iRe futurevncnIviieps o sale ut public uew ordinauce ié pasmed wiii lie alood he1wi xpsfo the rebattes. If you auticipale laking We sor'lilli's gel a uittle bit pii ilîos vendue ah tthe Heathi block, ln the'Town aniantgeof ir reutesytoi you igt bore in Iibertyvilte and the other of Lihertyvilie, lu eaid courîtY ouni ivili have tu et busy at once. MResleofIifeisil)t entlroîy foiIgn tuluis. 111h day of Angit, 19061 ah 10 ociock counceil also d irpeti h maroliai tu Tuesday nighi a o4mal boy vus Iboard a.n. M-.t hie iigiet iidder for canin collect ail dog tmx lmmedlatety anS la pleading with i@i fatier for a ligne IRaititbreefrn. case pahmient '%'asetued io shoot lire hoe migît go t b. tant -show. TRhe!i)ated thue Rîsi îiay of Jnly A. 1).It19091. doge. futier rouglilv turneS the' boy abiout IEtiNNIs lanhrrEiltv, Constabile. lutine ratter o! tire attachmaiet guits anil ii i 0ihli i» ug rm bulino t by tl>e creditore of tIre absent sd iytuer.. The chiid 1lodîled lBotter lira» coul. cheaper tlîan gage. Mr.TC H. Sprenfer by theo severai nien sobiblugdîîîi tiere et anî the fither Nothiîrg t» biotirer you. Ceot our wonrd vir tot atili iunedioy altfilis vitiout si îîrîîasaglaueut th>' dis'- ut id b satisfient. Erux-EI depuntnire whibcalme up bofore Justice consuleuttedfigurevalf'i-imntuaie o Hackiey on Tuesday rnorniug hie 8211001non idi lie reapenfcu»' judgenients voee sustained and a sale o!tilme. No inu ris ent b.e drawn, tiiey hslNoie tire goute attacheS vili foiiow ta taie are 100 evidilîA. >N Te shb ie Nt ie. r.fi0 place ou Auat 9. Itleisevîneni IRaI 1lirte » lîîr)v of tire Lake Ci>ty Nicaierfegiownsluiprfiberta.til' 4ioodkind, tire Chicago purcliaéer of tire National irrîrk im an .oilflasiineii 'flint mivi oon a nîf e terrptu! leiinty store, bia giventrp il efforts tu soeurs lock pistol in ineR le i a plaard tirir districts, liglrvya raiînorila, tire goode vieR hoe clairire tr bave teliig thaIt vas u@ed by Aarn rr l fnarins anrd lots o! Canada tiisties heoire * boughi. tiooiind's agents wvin »bore inIistduel %vitîr AlexanderlHamîitoni » irohy girtuo ffld as 1I cuil sethat tii,' su nateS iRaI ho iraS purchaso thtie linsyear 18<)I. Soinsof us vere iur.ini'rl îav le fîlly îîîservent. * stock o! MNarktolin, .jlproerier igt W 1w ekeptiinl uat irtiars tIrte tritir »Emam sLmîiv banid mari and héif brother, wino hal] a ofthtie inègcrîltiôn -but our doubls e ve'Canada Tbîlstle Co«imuiiiler oftheRi B bill of sale 10 show as pirottIrai be quictl dime1riled viren vo Icannel tirai Town ti! libertyvibie, Lute Countv. 111. baed ougit tire trict or rather lIratI h here vair nul a manin lulie hant but 4> R n s»turneSovon tolim for vagee. vas vwilliti,'vont auxious, ho evear tri Harnî L. Burnbut iroweverisdelermmneS tins aîtiretcitr o! tho tatemo(ne ove» Notice >to mate a ilgir unle@s e hogels vinai b. tuthe exteiof admiting that hosav iirave purcinsed tire nevpaller consider bis rigite. It lobeema iaithebotr01ilril. WitIr sucir gtovhig business o! Mre. E. J. Herier and ail 61009 viii tRe SprengOr g00de ePMe backiug hon' oul thie pliglol Ieexpected acounts afler J1l119 06 on SUImrcip' pt article* virici r M. Hunibut daims&as to refusei l shoot Hamnilton? lions une dire me. hie bvn'n ers attachent, Ho nov seka .J okln . 4- tW recover theeanSd ira@ retained T Colorado for P J.hectli'îrrli 43 Attorney Stearnis, of Wautegain, t i h hcg, iwue t oic oTmPyr rspnoeent lii. M. $tearne vas l i ioCicginhvrte'&S. NICU1 a aea gr-- lova Tuesay ralllug upon 'boe Paul vaY.tis Public notice la hsteb.lven tirat tire Interested l nths suit and Loton 9estt Wly not tako a trip t Coalo tBoruoba £ I owl seeule enunnbiY u en und enoy lieecrirate anS bue Count ~SofieivInovtlu tis miteramicbil. ceur of ir» ocityMonnana> TIe ssion la t e supervlnoao la ml .ai soioues Te apa onIht r tesfudtraesiic, MoruntesTheday1906.liois o! is is atiheu muai.F. r. ILLR, ionraipasougr Aent Ai lise avlg cmplint tamat ~IQREUC IN, ALL~ SUMMER'GOQ20 In order to dean'up our stock of summe goOd Bo au to make room for our flu stock whIch Ï8 10w beinnig tb arrive we are' majking big re- dudtions in aail summer suitîngs, dreus goodo, lawns, white waistu and summer notions. ' Ladies' $2.00o white waists Ladies' $1.00 wrappers LadieasiS, 50'wrapprs La«dies' 25e eubonneta Ladies' 25e lace and fancy houle Ladies' 60e black seuhboita Men,@ SOc-mcled unÜlerwear Mon'. *1.00 sgtraw bats- >teaYu 50 ebrw bAts $1-39 79C- 89C 17C 23Ç 39C '79'- '39'- olosing out at ridieulouuly loy prices. Just the thing for threshing lime. LiberIjYtile Phone 29 llnl P. viaoRDroera. CWV .A. WEIGUT, vice Pros F 8KMwuýÀA t.% LAKE CO. NATIONAL BN A SUBSTAIALPART 0 i.vrdswalhblnot oe ,ae M. oifrtbeand ludpendut;but theMre 't oe yo i air tati.ii gvlg value rocelved lu honet, persistent effort. M$,a tis. it will suroly corne to you. Tbe neit question ls, how am you goW keep 1V? Tiiere is, dgain, only on. vay and that le to make a rMes W "e a p frto your Income regulariy and put it vhere it viii be sa l um-ulatitngintereot. Au unusual bargalu in uuch utaple tmerohandb as ladies Hose; 20 dozen samples of the. LawreN SMfg CJo. in 50 gguge, double sole fast black -i jtan Bose, excellent 15e values at only Oc a P4 L.IBERTYVILLEL ILLINOIO prtt lai ibeir bai viil b.treated oa This ws do moat and vo alsoais their intsffuts lu namuer. Thé mi ba"e wltb a Im atqualntod youn ficars and the tbey viii be tel * yu If de.ervfug. eii neit tinsý banklng buslufl cila am TH-E NATIONAL. e m