b7w - I ffllamb sa , August 5, ander tiie dWit!on ddis,0thes.wfdsoqts tas. lait of the. extrar , irducers. Kiri$y *& with a score of 18 f0 8. The.Britton. ."ýTCu wiio <31.1» ýle et* Mia. boys are paying a good a.iodramse, musicaai u filied witii live aIgw 4i mmowi. qoutud.y. Tiei. olies ane brlgist.ri - loakins *adicoorw~. -?1» sceu.ry la *tur*.auesdtie.al1hatO1U b. TWantr.-What ie caliesiti othe dM' roit. ' .hre ae mOenriginai s.-W uwlàw, atrctve klad of a theatrica ia nloueib a brullilamt chorus of WM 4be . ti. LaiB. Parker lay rtygrl niti.prMmnc .frt o 4eOwiv V wîhcoL. i ,$8,,oe 1d dcditya F0TII E IEMOCRATIC VOtERS VOTE FOR PERV L.ý PENSONS 09OR COIJNTY JhIDGE. Perry L. Persous, candidatefor Lise 4epssbJIcan nomination for cousty Juitge, la a native of LaIe Coun ardi needs uo Introduction fte Repuis. lilan votera. especiaily ai Waaicegsn. sisere ie bas been oiected tisree lmes by tisea. He ls nosaervlng bis sec-, onit terran as City Attorney, shicis of- fice iie bas Ihiiesi stb crodit au« j siere be bas madae a splendid recordj as a clean anit able officiai. His sIda experlouce, not ouiy as City Attornuey, b ut la private practice, isas quallieit bmt? MI, the oilice of County Judge, If lecteit. si la bilty. ansithtie lu- creasiug sentiment luhils tUer pre iBLse4 that b. vili b. a strong cansdi. date tantise cojulng primarles.' Hi4 candldacy i. meeting sîtis strois; suip- port tu ait sectione oi tise CouutV a64. Inasmucli as maay 01 til vOtiem 1560 that a change lu Lbe office a!of naty Juge la to b. made isis year, LissyT ttnr that b. la Lise rlgiit man eton ls Iplace. Me belng the youngest e<f th r I f~our candidt.. £or County Jutm. i aun Ie-ouager mon .«Decially are 9miIsant- '~for r.i.ta tiste 4fth goeral asbem- anetteainis aupisot. siih. bosever. W by anit viii appreciate your support at ln nat limitai tea ayparticular el*se t b.eoushaqg Dmoworac pnlam "te b. of totumRbs. Mishie saiprIvSts 1Hie, bela Augt 4 frm am. st àp. m. aswon #à ig u<blite, le above i- DENIS . GBBOS.pro",c 'Or oet1elm, i.h boxs ls ____________________ah No& 41S Giiend avenu.e. Wiaa . M. Personsasen a natunal aveesion ta m Pm WHICK FLMAItm -kainga permenasupdiort la teqmas ais. s FloorPaia, sîchle lareadeneit impo"fblto ni.te ia»nby dis daLlesof bWaprac ? ~ 4 Uéé, bût # atefot ta ohlemfamny Iaa i.,1108Iii 1<>tilale for lia, support aad assiance hg 'laàrecelwtnqassé wlredit"e lu L4btb.r~vl.. Mois thé . coulty lSt tJ0 s uisamlsu Stri t ________&mot_ O4 1906, fbm? a.m. Lo 6p.ns 1.DR. J. L..TAYLO. orsi.. osa tuons a r&ywu,@i. ow t.7 W1» a. uM. 2 La 4 Msait 6 Su onoaBroadsay. opposte Park. Uàbirtyvile, Illinols. DL. C. IL G4'LLOVIAY,' gram eOV» LOVIZLL'5 1>51 iTUm. The pontn asst anmbor. or tb. ldttoititle u aivt. b. pule to tise survi eo Aug. 5. Tise snisjt for tii. surmnlaWhmorlng wil b. "Miracles" snd la tii. .v.ongr "Demi Recboing". The Epsorthis fle etopic will Le "1Fath by B*srtng". LZIOum Moqu-imorn1ita 3 sai tu1 8 p. m. Mmr. E. Faulkner was a Ciago cati..r Lubestyville. fDunois. thant athvpceak dyso tant week with Florensce Northrop. PAUJL MAC GUFF1K Mr@. Egbert lad l*ietu eutertaialsag ATTORNE Y AT LAW. cousins .froma Michigai. Lîhetyvile, îîîniî.Lyna andi John Nelson, of Antiocli, LlbetyiRe Ilinos. have heesi vistiug tlseir cousin Mis. rawru U.Geling. ________________ Tiser. silh be a daince nithse wae.. w ortb hall Weduesday eveuing Ang. 8. DRL . FL KSMIM S tverybôdy i. cordially lnitedsitu corne PENTIST. ait havesa goosi in>.. osaovES tLISE axUiSnr 5151K UmiiNorthrop ie viniting ltvs.m lowms.-o to 12 a. m.adlto ôP. mchicago. _________ DAILY. Lhbrtyrlu.. lDunos.IW OR ýD& GOLDING ûENTIST Heurs 81012 Usi.-1 ta 5 pa.Ui Kaiser Blok Lbrtyvi., lIlinols- DR. 0. F. EUTTERPELD, VETERINARY SUEGEON. AM5TA1T t"AT* VEtEISASAàN. bIeDeRICII. OF". D. Oitom.strlst and Optîciau>--à EYESPECIALIST Eye 1I'rubles rstll' o.: At the 'office of iDr,.Golding on Lriduym anit Saturdaye. Li.r3ville, Mi. LYNCH DROTHER Livery la Coumcciion thon, 337 . Liburtyville. 111. VIL A. HATCK Nt D. Physician andt Surgeon Fox Lake Stock Farm Ingleside. ii 'Ptsone 832 W. G. RAABE M~ D.C. Veterlnary Surgeon and Dentiat oidetic, Hall t)sy P. 0. Prabie View [Ilinois 'Tison. bertyville 186 LAWYER 23 Wusamgom Stret IPhOai 2761 . Baby Bum bas iieeu very "la but le improviia. Dr. Young, of Rumeli, I. attenitiug hua. Steve Cuddiby bas retu ruai from Iowa, Mis rnany fieudo are glati 10 se bite back. Ona. day lest seek suile LouislKrebbel iiad genseSabeg;atrs brokeoui mn astras at" backof uisbanu. Tiese taaw sas n te; a 1on 4 but orepmu sho isappeitd Lt"i psiug kept tho larîse. from tihe bufidi.After Puttiag. ouL thetire rafceshr,nrt.sire ordieresanuitaj.slly old timo wa' liai iy ail. Mfr. aind Mr#.. i.Heydecksraditn.. E. J. Hevdet-ker viaitesi relatiiraLs la Wadwortls osaday luetseek. Mn@. (Irai-...' cospauyrprturuiasita bIilsauk.' last 'louday alter apeuding spVéral waeks wtibi. 1fr. Grav-ýi..epnt a iiuy itii relistiv.'e et Bristol Wis. let w-e. Mfr. atsd Mrw. ,otin .. Shes 5t<' enter- talning relatives trruensase. Thse silIlibe a labisaocial t thie houin@.of Lt. 'ts.. W.daý,day ei-ealug., Augiret 1. given by ilhe Stnrt Set of Roseersine. 00e0. Yosssîg is esjoyîng ai sew buggy. tSersman Spontserg, lot Woodéle<k, le1 iisitiug nrelatives n uthii.visiity. 11 MIr@. Ray' Kelly andi thse bisés. iolly Penssers andt Anasle Hngerty ire at Dyne Lak.. for a two "~ka outing. D MissaItyai. of Warreîîtou, ivili tpacis osir @Chan i ttuing year. Mfr. ad muitr. WinsLe.. ausidaugiiter, llnae, have gon.' te biebiganufor a twa seeba viit.% Inuit 86ia isitei relatives iin Kenoisa laut eet. BVEMET. MWs Dodo TYom andi Belle Ca rolan are eajoylug hum rvacation. rd@ AsCumyte a, peug ga few weeke .e frinst ler.. Mm. P. Bte i. leeaisrtlaing finonda irai.nEieffo thii.we.k. M" Bfalpb le vistiag Mam. Tom Min. Braitley is viltlag relatives bere... 1 il i. çandldt foi' County Tn.aiurer.,;, solgiçIfsyour supppr t attise 'Rouliai Ptlmarttes Atlgstt4.'"go6. olisopen trous 7 a. mi. tu05 P.am. To Lthe Iepublk*s Voteré of Lake Couaty: AftLer eupportc an4 contnlbutimtfig1 theo neof Ô# the licafl pant'&sr *epi. sttnyrl ý and neveq isbv1ni held a conue y offie,!bl 1au consiat' estly mek the Repuilicaa votere for lhier support of My 'îli,,vfr th. offfce of CouatvJudge1 Fittee emY*. J:-' i-. preWeattse Lake county s1 8i,'1,1.1 to twwUvo tisat thse iutieg of sue sîllee o f tise *Unw Jusige " reie us e'IretLimet-ef b t I '~ i c' Your support tb<p>cad Repmblican Prifapri.. Auguet 4th 1906. Pullis Open from Ta. me ta 5 p. m. BXEI»IIRNCIt, ABILITY ANI) 1NlTEGR1TY. The people deoIr.. tlwA qualiiivaion'. in the uîff1ce of cl ounty Juidgp. Judgs Jon.a s sThem. Jusige IéWittiL. .l.se m. wlto 'a opromaineutrît tlidats. for the ERepubîkat nomination for.Ct)unty Judgi', i. vntof thse influential suai ryong men» in tihe fflty fa Lake conntYý He i. a nmtive.of Warren towsbip' where b. work.d on r4farui durlng bis boyhoed days, andi trous shore h.e enli.tted -tu tise araiy, as a pr1'rate, disrlu *e war et tise reelisou, in Comanry 0., 146. lit. l. Folfowlig tise war he taught achool and farnsed until 1876, slsen b. e ~th study of law lu Waukegsu. ait vas adiuttoidto the bar lus 187K. The. cbooý al bard vork andi economy and bard servi.sia4he war oft tii rehellion, throsigk la. bupasso in lbis .arly y.au..pecnliawi.y tted hinlo< the. public Ilil nwhlc $.-ha-tmua-prelenet part Ila ie conty, dnrtîsg the, lait tvonty-0lv ~~" ~ l He vas suates attorney f an t"cDi6ibpr 1987 tel Doimber I188lae d vi 1 L a k s e o u n ty .i, b s ll u t o n m coIt 'and tii.boat latettustaeofthti.peupleofi.tbsa.ur saefces.e-. i..psasi b.lyBll awsu -yousu4drIslIb. .ost tlsaahfly uait shi. ubuity. tIhe ditlrynt @y .*iirv taminstrations hait 1.11 odOne M. Di urlog tia. tlsne lie bu@ tu-Idlit-sI*.fflti. .4 Ouiaty Juige, Ib.ebus developssd EDWA19D J- HEYI>EVKER. 1inuti an ahi. inrist; 4.' ustuds bigl, s.. am jusige. net only la Lakeo coaste, but la da h ug t,ION.WIIROhe 11, BIf C ok cont,,and in twise isnet .ougitsea #4 nortiora Illinois, villera frai. lies Ê'Mi elU b. opusfroua 7 oclock a& a. tu Liae, lm ha.s bren eli..d uutsu lb. pn"id. lHs vus alectuiVie Pr.slds.sîlit to 5 P. M. tise Oomty and Probaste initae amaseiatlan of Illinoi s t Il. suido la Spriagil in May Lant, le Lit aty. in tis e pit lDi erias, tii. dutls..of tii. e0outy Amusuammuient. mit. I .haveh . very great. and theb.acnt of bain..,l iais court sa nvera tbankbng sny snay Moiee ho ba, tiu ua. Igr thm antitin aMost countieof 0thebpopulation 01 Lake o oty. for slgu.d peiions saking mo to bectoin. a tberaaion tbat the r.' Po liany variait amd Important litersite le this coatyi candidate for ti.e. 1111e o ossty tde; Mc fwoefuf» ý-w #.i b opyjde oO h fiebry andt fuliy aupruelating the. cnie. icic ioeisu'.,cue uceii oayjag.T I ieoa ari theshubota i my quatifietioao for thse acceptebly tu the. public. reqaîresi a i ian ofabilty sud qzpiaiemc. Juige Joue position: tiserefor, e, sivy annOuiia 1b sm Abowya huteil fto h lie well U o tsa ileposiion. anitbas l grasp upon lias dilllresat btr.uehssof tii.' iswtrat art- preanteit te hi. in tii. practics la bis court Bat Jaitge Jo... [#a.sisowo huauseilpoculiarly valuable to tise conaty ma probate judgaa. He lins keeniyl b.eon ubllty plaoe upon hlm in earefalîji looklng latter the estates la bis court. mmd the Internats of tbe. lovs aid orpisan. sho amu la a vay the.vands of the proeata court. Tise bigla idél, propiriy demnatit 1>y tho peuple froan the pirson oceupylog that position, ina bud lI Jndge joleus, mand ais usilàau une h. in reeogniuditanit respocteit andi beiia.d in hy tii euet. cp f thse bar, who pras.tlee la bis Court. No bhigier prainse ea b.gitteu 10 a juitge i. lookiag aller .otates tiin n l en tu Judge Joes. un tue oennty, and I 1. b vrranted by tihe ixperlence tise public have hmiai wlbilua. H. ta amasembler of tthe Namonie Order. being pr6oiient Kasgiit Templar, and i. aise»a nember of ti. Wakgm&n Fost. Namaher 374, 0. A. R H1 iseaany freni, in Wmnkega, adl al parts of Laie couaty led confident tiiatton ccount of bisi record b. yl lie tnaominmted by tise Repubimpca party tu siescceit iimaelffi. tiie reepoasubie andihoniorable position Lat lie nov Bilte witli so mach creiit. * myiilf caaidMte for thei, stion of Constr ludno sabkjet a the sili of the ripub §uicn any at tibomlag electiais Au"uat4. I ek yoorsupport et sucli election promise yon aIH, if'-eleitd the bst servie if la possible for me t give. C. T. filEva.,ctzs 41-tf Waukfgaa, NI., July il, 1906. Moettet Climr Metn Carry the Mosl conviction.. Wléen Maxam, tise famoss gn la- veator. placed bis gun before a coin- mlttee of judges. h. tatedIt Is carry- lng poser te b. mucii beios siaf iso toit suce tise gun weulit accansplis The resuit or Lhe trial sas tiierefore- a great surprise, Insteait of dlsap- point. It la Lise sainie iti tise menu- facturera of Ciasberias Colle, Ciiolera anuitDlarrisoea Remeity. 1 They do not publiîly Iot of alilthia remedy vili aecomplis., but proes-r te' lot tise usera malte tIhe stateruents.j WbaLtishey do clain. i.lthat It wili l)ositivoiy cure diarnisoea. itysentery. peine ln tise stomtach suit hosels sud hsas uever»beeu linosu Le fait. For .sale by F. B. Lavell, Libertyvllle andt Grayolàke Piiarmacy. Tise ciean sing, autiseptie and hleal. Ina praperties of Plumeaive mate t superior te aiily salves. Salit by Witt Ractley. Ubertyvilie ait GraMs lako Phaxtnacy. Mn. J. R. Cios, a iarge dealer tu Inerchisei at Ama, Ill, uniter date of Mancis10, 1903, viLes, -1 ba»e been isanditu&eo ., anditHartw Hauey andt Moreiieusi about ane year ad bave touai t Il u tab. seos. Tiiey bave siven the but. sat4lfstion te the traite. 1 bave bot had oae coin- pilat andithave hU ait asmr teak biis. îY of bots propuratloas 1 ure Be- Goe Tonte LaxattIve Syrup aid Harts' HoneY andsitMrlbit das * iluàa r- tain cure. irdtols.0010i, croup mi ail throat as azi ug iieamma.E..e Toute laxative Synai llâ bu ot m«i. tocne la existsnet'or Ibo positive cure for constipation,. lniiono. Blet hustnssaMlaaeoA *w u. Tny IL for the. eodilr.u s. Uc sft ait hIoqbot. ies muW bu ]ri S. Iowai.ds'gst. IdbesWvIUe aid Grtaiake Pbarscy. MAI Round Trip to te ELILS u.-f the' WISICONSIN Tuesday, August 7t4 $peia trinbav. ubetyill lew =pt a :80 a. an.Join Lii!@ excursion assit njoy aday atti.fI- Iseunit pcueqerMort lu America. special Chicago, WMilwauket & St. -Paul Railway theý nenresit ugiat for detald information a bout train service. .A.MILLR, CGeneral Pusem er Agent. ÇhicAgo. vNOTICE IlYuWaiit Dîvisieudalu huri dais@ a lot of opresiosgle.an; tofeel rici for aslow weeki sud ttiss corne tu. If you waut the eartis, fenesi aud drained for $1; if Von vaut 1 toasmt on pnoales,glîttening goneralîties ansi tc Me.. notil)g ofthtii "lucide" andi s report but once lu a year. Theri buy.other Mining$tock if Ydu Wn A l"fairanda a "equitabl. demI"; a report full and complet.sLise truti Mmd aetbfag but the. tratis rffavdlag thse proposition; dividende siien eaMnby tii. prodnc6insnii »ei.mine,; If You sralit tejoins il proposition sisiitefstakliig lasme tise propint, ot.n;a proposition! that le standing upon IL. meinI and, a proposiion thaLles SUU 1 l' WIN 'ai -WIN BIG, t#la .brsakleq mii deilisisi. records.; tise bêt 4VALU" aid mont duslrabls -Sur, on tise markot.1 , l THE BUT BQUAXE ORAL STOCK AT 10 CENTS. Par tala. S 1 fully ls.iî and no - a .sn bi. b purl N. B. Oaly am00sai *pW et 10 cout@ pur*ban.. Me.. w1 ' Ilmsoil ing dG.ov g mPrce About Aq#st1 st o«r e of, ms fit. Prce5ç $1.O E. W.- PARK1iURST Schanck Block ILake* rfo rest llig jkct~tvifle. -Glencoe and -Y -1 U M-lie INY IMaad Pawek LakeBuf r a. SN T Lake !orest s - lful KIM or 1 M ffSPMOWPATII And wsinnir of diampai midlal for trottera. SOLON GATN Troting Rac. Record 2:11 l-4.--- Oralan as, am »Iosl.(dm l a Brott bl~.bZîad go eod a oors iOa-,s 4 0. r e atenbut1 s"àraisins on the. Obiciso snow patls. Sneindivtdni.ha on front OO, 0f te te. Wied.dtrottera ia the world si ead Ise sire of a gadlotof colt. dro SEASON g,$5 THOMPSON STOCK FAUN 1906, JOHN R. THOMPEO#N.. Prop., LIUERTYVILLE Aditreas J. W. MURRAY. Surit. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? -W. have aC.our Factory etai Lb"tyi.a fuwsamall Iots of COMs and Ends of aur MODEL FENCE: Thma are of thei sea. - higis Carbon SpriCg Steel as our regula# stock, the only ifférence being ln th. unevmn lengths. - WIile d"eg asi ou mag take geur pick aitabout IIALF REIGULAR PRICE. FURST COM!. 1'IRST Inquwre ai !actoi' d take IFence Home with gou. Amierican Wire lence-Compang Libertyvi lie - s, - Ulliqiols Il' -IJURITVILLE TO fWeniJSI cars Bvery Fo'rtyMiue Fare-50CY Round Tnp 85e. At Iteno"haconnectlott la mado 'wth theT. Y. E. IR.& L. Co. fs cartýfoi Racine *and Miwaukoo Fate Konýo.bqto iqpu ). » Rbwid trip 2 t aeKmmoha to MUilwaukee 60e., Round tilp ec.