Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Aug 1906, p. 4

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E.Lui .O"Cosi jlerai at 2=0P4%. = 1708UeitvW, i. 1s m ur0 % R M itce r I 55 S acLY * a nI C as M I er " No 14 LIbrIivllO Eebang. E5wn ou APWMCATIOH. YRIDA&YI AUGUST 10, 1906. * THU PEROPLES CHOICE. The. Msajrtty vote a the primaitas chance in the convention where dele- ftqr4ay wau for J. U. Swayer for gates would be' frac tovote thsir ln- ~Oui7 clrk.It was decldedlY la hl% dividual convictions. Now tbeyar tn~nv.presumahly bolind for at leait one bal- lie H la tihe peoples choics. lot by Instructions froin thaîr ra- Who âbould have the offce' spective preclacts and that means1 -ovias ta primary district poltical EKr. Hendea wllt have Just 12 more tiffl.6as M. dee, wth 197 votes delegate vtsta r wyr lais thân hisý-oppohent lhan 12 more though the latter had 197 more Votes duagtes. Mr. Swayer la tie peoples than MJ. Hendae at the primarie. choies,.1Mr. Hendee the daiegute Mr. Henda's 129 delegates rapra- éboira. sent 1795 votera. whle Mr. Swayer's It laaacUy the saine proposition as 117 delegates represent 1.992 votera. under the old law, ouly worse. 0f 15 not Mr. Swayer etltled by evcry yore Mfr. S'wayer wouid have had a riglit to the nomination? CIGAR LITES. P Funat Green ras a Young min 'nWho1 lived laSt.L ,ouIs. Ha ngs the oalyg son of a tond and dotlng moiber. The1 only accompishinent Frank learned1 ras ta, rend dîme noveus anS to sîin-1 qteobis Intellect for ibis sort of fate. b. fed bis brain nill cigarettes.1 ThMuiada>' bis mother. reprlmanded1 bite for some trivial offense, nben lieq attactad ber rui a razor. She tani tiuglithe bouse abutting lhe Soota "bld, ber and screnmlag. until sha -atrced the attention of ira police-1 < msjea. Tliey'iterceptaS Young Gr-ean,à viiereupan lie turneS upon ibemn nlth1 the strength of a madman. A drîîg clark passtng came 10 their assistance andSI it bot ail irea o! themin tocap- taraeilie yoang min anS loa i bu mb the pairol wagon, la tic struggie, tic fûrniturs aofilie tîtchen vas compllete- ly detroyed anS the i-air parcli total- 1>' demotlshed. Green la non la the city hoapitai. bat ha la a liopelesa ama- nise and Ithe daciorisay lie ealive but a short Uime. This la anoiliar ex- ample o! thosa talilsli mothers rlio ahon uder boys toa ainalcecgarettes a»A,. it Il rallier a mini>' scaom- pilaliment thoan ollierwise. BENEEN LOSES GRIP. Tic resait a! laI Satnrdaya pri- mai"lasIl place the contraiol fthe apuilican a"te convention whloly la *a i. t'u f s entar Calain.and -ra he taChkaga pi-s anmd Richard Tatas hava 'sean lit taoei l te"fed- esul rord." ThisanIl nt massa wret deai. tutiertan taetact tht -tii. state convention nIl cadorsc Bmator Vullb or ft t-eleciion. and .tt' la tse rasait of the stralgbt vote *os tAe sssatarhip Le Uta prmarlea. It te a signiflont fat, borever, Liai tha pressai gevernor nid ha unabla te bave nucl o a voce la tic dalili- stations ai the convention. This l8aa condition nhlcbha forceS b>' bis sup- port of Yaies. Charlea S. Deneen ia accrediied nitihing a greai organ- iser anS a claver politiclas. anS yet tna yearsa star bis nomination for governar. testate organisation bas lipped trou bis castrai. The meut' bcrated John R. Tanner contrattai Uts slte organisation Suring bis adminls- tration aSdso long as Richard Tatas ras goîernor ha couplaetl Somit. ai tae tate committea. Governor De- sean bus balS tihe staecoittea ln an Iran graap lai- the peut ira yeasi bt ha has lait is gihp. ITH-E.GAZETTE'S ENDORSEMENTrS. Yas. thc Gazette dld 'endorme Mr.1 anothar over nîght for puraly selfialia SauSse. and ha res overwhatmlngly1 remsons as dIS Editor Smnih. TheA hantait la Wankegan. Great la tile la- calumny ha beaped upon Mfr. Handec biiamca ai the Gazette. lu preclactalcarly la the-camnpalga conld not be *Ire tic GzettaSos not crculata ýraconeled wlth is lavish and laugli- Mi-. Rendes non out; titi Editor! able pralsea aler h. nas placed la SthAill have It tlisi le and hies charge of 1Mr. Hendce's piper. poper really.haS somaetiug tado nitAi As tauia ira ailier andorsemanis. tbes peope'. decision. te atte held off untîl mt befote Ythe SUN caiorsed ona candidaLte, the ls fte api ad thea. Mr. e. L. Sayer and ha non thougli nhea hi ras eoacfeddon ail asdes It vau duc more to Mr. Swayar. is Judga Jones and Fred Amaes ronid seognisai efficieacy and splendid wna Edîtor Smithi gai loto their aanudia Inla Lka coanty thaunta the aign. Thora ras a donbt as ta eft. aioftaeSUN. Neaspapera have! Simpson and Grima nand the Gazette. «u Influence nliea bonestly and &lu- 1thoagl Inlathe andorslng business. asrely conducted. They tome Ih bnea earad tu express its prafarence for 0d1tors aniteli from onc candidate ta achool superiatandent and slieriff. * V LAW ON INSTR.UCTIONS. Mg oaly provision la the aar pri- bias a plurality of 477 over Lewis0 m ary nnrelative ta ýdelegte la- Rinaker. ibougli the latter has the I 5U te a sfln:mot delegatea. la this coanection Mr. Brayer te .Section SQ. if, upon the compla- halas urgeS tu mata a figlt la the tien of tiec cavais of sacli rturas. It convention. Havlng received the appeara thcrapon tirt aay candidan poputar vote, h la argued ha slionld of ayparty for the nomination for any I h the nommnes, but whether or natt ntte. dongrcssloal or sentarial of-1 an effort wil l e made by, menas of! &»esm receveil a plurallty of ail tlie delegation conteste at the convention votes casi for candidates for nomna- ea Dot ha deilitee -stntad. Attor- tion for sucl igoce la any delegate neya ara la consultatioanlwth the district snch candidate shalh hava csst Brayer managers, but thelr decision la Sur- him thc votas at ail the. delegtes jwtbhbld. Delegatloni la precincta frin sncb dlegate district tu the whlie large numbera of Demort cSeactloa before which lis le a ea-lare knowa tu have voteS ilie Repub- didate,- for ut leut thea. tiret ballot. 11 ilcan primary ballot may ha con-1 gamnations ahal bh a mde liv ia- ttesteS.- jorty vote o ail o! the delegaflas The 31 Mona deti-gates. rapreaenting elected ta escli convention." the theocratie pariy of Dowles fouad- That la the law for tate. teglalative lng are flot by any meass Republi- a"S congressionat candidates, but Il cana. Tliay have as mach rigltin l the hnppens that na Ion hlndî ithe connlY Denocratic conîvention as la the Re- dategates. Tlicy go an tlicy please. publican, and yet they liold the bal- li la haIS by s<,ný. onever. <at the ancre of puni-r. detagates are rnoialty intructed b)y The iaconsletency and unfairness of the vote ln theit- districts Jusi as the the situation Is icter realzcd nliea stnta. senatoriat anS congressionai Itlel coneldered that Zion Cty. with daiegatea are tcgatiy Instructed. tees than 2001< ilîocratie voies, lias an ln the Cook couiy convention apportionnient or 38 Selegatea lu the thora la to be a bitter figlt on thiis convention. Waukegans six pro- ver>' proposition. The nomination of cîncta have bui 71 delegates and ithe CIharles Alling for county Judge wnu Repubican vote was 1,38o or thora- ha demanded. on the ground that lie1 abouts. DÉAL ON-FOR PENNIMAN FARM NORTON SALE FAILS TO CARRV The big saie of the Norton lai-mt AssureS for sanie unforscen reassa tockefe'lier, for lihe- uuritose of bhllS- ibis eat uisa takes a tamble ih le very linga nlargeucho<it. as taIS la ti i prolibble eachoot niti coma ta Lake pavai- sanie nieks ugo. seema tu havi- cotint>'. The coacera la a bg anc. talles thi-ough,. et lbhe vîcinityl>',ll luCorrespondance anS resiSent achoots aU proabhiity not lose the edacational. ntIl bce i-n la conjuactian and It la t nsiliatian aller aul. A neigbborlug,îlaîîaed ta expend a large amoant o! faim. the Rihey Pentinian placi, sltti- moue>' ta mate Ilie Institution a big M" aSmidway hein-en Rocke-fe-ler anS atS practical oaa.' * Ubaa'yviîia. la reporteS ta tic as good The Norton place, h la saiS. rutl 'a sli ta Prof. Sheldan. nba las nork- flot lbe boaght. as the boira vho ara Ing os thc Sel. Inlaiested la tie prapeiiy a n ot lrai. Bieldan sud au agent spent'agree, hence Il la Impossible ta gai tnp dMye la Lihrtyvilîa anS viciait>' I hea ta igu off. The proDerty nilci woesotty andS boteS over lie Peni-a-ithe reporteS alaecotera làaueal' r uMM ste, wflcb la sanIStu ha isesc- cateS anSdlias ma>' aianluges. ana d caoce. Ltar il leated aut that of these hing Iloctlou la regard t ~,faimt' baa solS, the. demi b. I the leciric raitnay, nhicb passs 10 Umtaeed. Ibraugli the tract. mi n i m ftii..deaw«ras s3a-hy. Rt nyrcmii boaeoowem't ha? Taon Quayle sat op ta hear the resutte. Suppoene bagin ta taIât about thea pair. Is pays tha Young MalauhoAines "Iam' a blieiver la luek.'1 J A. L.. Rendes. "Poor Richrd" 11111 continue h$ vacation. -,Grand 015 iMan" Cullomn nil continue ta bca grand. There a lot uf eatisfutîîîmî la rannlng a gonxd ras-e alywa.. Fariner %Weis. uf Newport, nu get that joli agalît. nîsyli. The peoli- ,doi not atways git nbal tbry vote for. &-e t4Oila. Wautonda le stILkwonderîag aijo this man Silitipion i. anyway. However. hit a the delegates wlîo edut aler ail la suaiS anS doua. -What did tihe Law and Order lkague have to do with IL tter ail? Nwport dldn't get excited la thîe leaut, It rani riglt ta steep. The popular vote rouiS have siected JonL. rayer and thea soine. Every inaan bas bie frlends but ne'tan point out a fer ho didn' t have enougi. W@ cas non understand rhy Abert L.. Headea. purcbmed a comîplet@e few st of teth. And stili, soins oi those ne ddnot vote for oma"'bava baS urinues of nhieh ne Wers unanime. John W. Snanabrough stiti bai one ci theafinest records tasa soldier- iade îrlag the. Clvi wr. liseno Siagrie tab. Safated. Tb. mua a ynr rinds rouiS have nia, the saMe reaulta liey ha'trieS. ' Borne oi the candidate. nia> be comforted b>' the thaught ihît tua.>' nu suie considetable clgar nions>'. Thecreport le that an ubythe name 01 Wels, aifhlaccnns, slept nitb bis baud upon Lihe Newport ballai box. - AnS now the Lan and Ortier Lague cus sttaîkt he bear nagon. nithout living is attention turneS tÛ) politira. E. J. doesnt lit-e the 1ev. Thoma i. an>' baller titan the Raveread lites hMin. Tbat'a conganini ta su>' the toast. The- figure on priuar.v restlta for ever>' precnet eicept Nwport wera lu and made public Bitai-day aight. Thai township reporteSl Moday uotsîng But tien Newpovrt navetr as la mach d a liai-iy. In Mion 160 votes or eo equai 38 delegatea. ta other nords. a citi- zen of ZMon, nbera an oatli la inkea ta support Donce above goverameat. la gond for six ai-dinar>' Amricans. Oauiy 82 Veua 01d. "I au onl>' 82 yeara aiS anSdant gxpeet, aven rhea i gai tea ha cl olS te Ial tat nu>' as long as I ca ga Riectrie Bttera." aya lirs. E. H. Branson, o! Dalia. Ga. Bai-ey tliarss aothlng aIse teeps the olS as yoaag and matres tse aak as straag as thus grand tonte madicine.ý Dyspapsia,-tai-- pid ier, Inflamed kidays or cliranic constipatian are unkaownn Mer taking Etectriu Bitters a reamanable tiare. Guaranteedby F. B. laoveil,- rnggisi. Lihartville. 111. Price 50c. Rompes for relt ln ail parts tif the ie dy.Conîr ina înd get our list, VACANT LOTS-tn ail the sub. divisions. Buy a lot and wi. wiil build yon a bionne aecordini lu your own plans and lt you psy for it la montlîly installinents. BUSINESS LOTS-For sale on blii- waukea avi- t right pries. FARMS FOR SALE-We have- tleui ait aiaes and priese. Let us; knorwlhai you want. We have it. WESTERN LANOS-Wc bave a large liai of western lande ut very l0w prices.. Sec us. Wr cean save you money. MONEY LOANED-We boan money On Improvsd Pioperty or will maire yon a building loa tu ha repWd aaontlily. DgMond aod Austin - D0081we 1 la Se~i 5Zo' WOBtD% »VILS ÂMB C8~?1JIN 1P AS? Young mes 854 rames, baysands girls. ýc 2»aiVt7 hbave tallamlta evii nmYa-hgmtsgoing, curd pi*yisg cigaiet ubmio aunS danet«--oi-- setrliUber Glana voliva sali yestar. day ai a itgOpea air meeting lattaont ufth EatZon suterslty buiiling. lRe proposes ta correct thaîr moi-ma i i- out toua of tfift. The toril nUI ha dIviSaS Inte districts. ecdilancharge of a Scacon. Whoa nu ha responaibta for tsemont nelfare of the Young people lu is district. Persistant back- stidera nill h a nished. The aanm rîli t'ata gîv a cdides- con not more than twenty boys and girls., Anythiag aver that nuinhtt, It us appreliended, wouid give thc church officiaI tocn ici ta do. , i appearatat sin* the factional dîffereacea bagan ta Zion City sevaral -nonilis:aga. culmlnating nith the overthran anSd diabreditef o!hnbaAlex- inder Donc., the yoîîng people of Mion City bave. bean altaned ta do pretty mach as they, plcased. Hava Good Time ai Thoaters. Tliey have aît hacu taken ta task for thaîr talinra ta attend the Sdnday anS neet day ui-vîcai. Tt'ey have ,alssed the euevatisg Influence of the white robaS choir. L'eft ta their on Savces rille tlieir eiders avant aery minuis ofteir lelure ime atteindi meetings devoted ta ilie consideraial of chatch poliles the boys anS girls have beca ssared iy the glaring ta- caSes. bilit i lgbts and bigli kiclier posters of thettrp la Wautegiin and iCenosha. That sne oaithUtaeters ara of the 5-cent atectric varlty doea notliessan the offense. Trolley- parties bava l.ft the pracinets aofZMon City for terri- tory nhare cigarais ara untorbiddet. and rbere the dancing pavillon larks nli lia temptiag masic anS Japan- ese lanterna. The Young mpu la In- stances have so far forgotien thc teachings af their churcli as to ha- coma tempted ta engage la, an occa- alunaI gaine of plîcl. ut 5 Ceants a cor- ner. In the poctets ai ana vatlla box of corit tripped cigarats ras dis- covered lunt veat. ln short the yaath of Zion City' for the firett ne lanteir lives bave beau having rhal tbay oeil a gond hlm. Young Peple *atny From Norne. -The devil lui-ta ,n carda, dancing, smoking and taetheater." saiS T oi- iva. est'nestly. *Oui Young people la thie stresa of Our religions trials. bava torgottan teir teachinga. Tha>' have sftrayed tram home. The>' are becomlng lite thie Young people of other tana. No more ara tbey con- tentai nitb the areai î-epose of saul that comas front a pura anS simple- minded life. But you wiii nat bhai- braS ta persist la your cvii course, Young people. -I propose ta divISa ZMon City Into edIstricts.iphahatlcatiy arrangeS, anS ëcach district nIl lie la charge of sanie sobar-minded deacon nlio shaif ici as thie moaltorof the Young people ln bis district.» The aIder parions. Voliva tboaght, baS long ago sean the fatly of piaylng willi the "Seuls aasusements." Cradiora HaiS Meeting. Voliva anaoaaced a meeting tanîglit af aIliliheinvestori and craditora ai ZIMon City it the collage building wltb tlie abject of deuislag sonm, meibod of m,,eeting ail financinl obligations. Alfred E. Bills, candidate for gen- atal averseer, caled a meeting ai Zian Investori for August 15. Buis' caadldacy le flot takan seriously by follorers of VoliluL A bili sr nus causai ai the tab- ernacle meeting yestarday by the pi-es- encre of Sanmuel PiddSSia a former Zionlie non living ln Chicago. Ha la knoona acetioui>' ln Zion City us -the propliel a! the nesi aide," anS lie dectarad >estai-day that hlia baSre- ceived i message tram GoS nbich ha liaS been tidddcn ta comminnicate ta Dbrie. Ittnus not detîvereS. DOUWE VICTIM OF ACCIDENT Attendant Slips and Ex-Apost'ha Ia Procipitated Oo11A> Stairs-ls Rsn- dered Unconicious for Time Boing John Alexander Donle met niti a serions accident la falllng dora »taira la Shloli Hanse. ZMon City,. Bit- ai-day algbl, anS h lIo reported lie la non )n a eate which excites graveat apprehenslons. News of the acc ident lenteS ouI Yesterday, bat every ai- tempita gain Informaioln abaut il f rom membera o! Dowle's bonsebald yis frultiesa. its saiS tht fane ras halng car- ried fronan apper siorinlabis ai- chair by Ina staunait attendants. whon oaaof hies beatet'p, stumbled anS flhu untrylng tlis Ert apostte ln bis chair wlth hlm. Whon pickad up Davis rai anconscions. The elteanslng, antiseptie and bhum- lesg pm'petiea oi Plassve"kIateI iPrler ta iaMUriy lt Sli t'y WUi .HMckuey, Ubetyilîs&" m aryos- utce PlaeMat7. «O ..u.saaî nmoa ssUtr ae r a ffl ttl54la thei. touW<h lad els., The latter te a v.ry commnon cause, anida" Porion wha tbas be- canne tu rapin my 62 tAe abats cusa rt hae pitausi ta lamm that R50» Toutlaative Bj'tpan barbai com. Pound aMd Pleqst iqlsd .n.cise, la a qulê aMd = ea ut or'alfdis- *asac auoi ty- a t dlori idises- tics. B04» »tier ais ta cure con- stpalâ, Ilsgstiaa. Uillusaess Saur Stouuet', Fltuleua. Huart liura anid DYspsjls. It lautuagies able lNaxatantne for &Ul, and ea P.eialy adapted for ebudren and Soit- eiue roanei. Ue n " $.00 but. tisa soli t'y V . 9,Lavst, L rtY* villa.,anS Grayalace PbarmaeY. EveryTusd&YonthsC. M. & St. P allray bomoseebere tickets wnu j>. soid ta western poola sfor uns fam Pins two dollars.tuinof vont local agent for R&TUq-6 cents per line orech Insertion 1SIX woregeonsllute as«.,Speelal Mte by tbe .nah. Tarins s uaabl lvance. W in mus icsem l.,es mml as isesu n &dasses.ý If sent y mai as ua e yOUÏqo piGS-.20 voung 1>155fur C. 1 nsr Ub Ivlle. 45.8 LOST-Betw.en Uburn a-W Gage corners a llgbt Wray cot. Flader ssnd word ta, Sii CA (WNro, Antiocli. iFOR RENtT-House ad lttlu Rocks.- frater. S.. K HLconsaBoekefsler, 42.2- FOR SALE-160 ae at ain 8 miles son thof Ksobansar C. &M.-E. IL R. For fartlier Information. loquira .JON 1WANT&O - st.dy .mployrnentnu f armgood Odiker uand falthfui wurker. Adiss X WnAUXnLq SUN. HOUSeF FOR RENT--Good boum lu Ourseo. C. J. HàwarKIS. 45-2 FOR SALE-17 bsnd of rows and 40 actas of standino cors. 2% miles south of Uàbstvflvile, nu ii1chcaP for cash. fini Dflmr1l ibsrtylle. 45-2 FOR SALE-ýCook tove, co1l aloi and reirigeratur. Ma@&. MARiY NEwToN, LIiertyville. 451;f. WANTED TO RENT-A PoultrY farin aceoumodatlng 500 iaying lis. Give fuit parlesiars or no attention given saine. A. PrTIEE, Antioci, Ith. Box 811. KOU$% FQR SALE-On Park place, akWlefr oie iots. lnqpire Firmt Nat'l r Ba6k. lbertyvrile. 44-tf. fDRESOMAKIN--8trctly up-t4-date Chîicago dresimaker nimbe.d rmraakinD at lier home. Rssldein 1e btock nont of oid depot. M"s. AIlA JOasxsbTo, Llbertyville. 44-7 FOR SALE-flood double work barneas. IloRRT IDow»s, Liberty ville. 44-3l FARM FOR SALE-Place knons JIohn Bauer farin, 81 acres, good buld. Ings, soutiiwest corner of Fremont. Muet ha sold at once. Address GEo. BALTES, Wanconda. 44-tf 9HOUSE FOR SALE-Modern improve. ineute, in Llhartyvllle.aLso two lots. WARREN GuumTar. 44 ti FOR RENT-House and lot on Park Avenus. PAUTL MuGrtipvî, Libertyville. 24-tf FOR RENT-ix roont tiai. Inquire of J. A. McATrgg 8lft FOR SALE-Bouse and loi on New berry Ave. Model improvemeais ln every respect. Gond barsand garden. 26-tf (Ii0. YAarn, Lihertyvils, FOR SALE OR RENT-Farn suitable for enanmer meort, 60 acres on Diamond Luka, HEN,? KANE, Rockefeller, 111. 37-tf LFOR SALE-New 7 rooni bonse on s eond street and Park avewlll sal ai a sacrifice and on easy terme. Apply MceDonald. Libertyville. FOR SALE-House and lot on Bruad- way, Llbertyville, Ille. Inquire PAtiL MONEY TO LOAN-On approvad cmai calais .ccUritY. BEN. H. MIILLEa. Liber- tyville, nie.. 38-tf GIRL WANTEO-For ganerul Ijouse watt. MasK. JADme ls Pi.. 88-tf. FOR RENT-9 moon house on On-bard -etret MUS. M. A. PROTINiE. 89-tf FOR SALE-Elevaiot and coul business clieap on account of oid agp. RERy BEll', Laks Zurich, IIL 801-t WANTED-Masoa work, of ail kîndi. Cament rork a speclulty. Watts and bar-n floors, J. L. Irving, Rasseli, 111. 4". il 1.odil sista 10t 1000 test desep nlth the hast sipain drllng outâluE Lake coaty. Gai aur r nse W. do tii. reut Addrsas JouN Z&Lzx, Birry tiloct, Wautegan, ItI tFOR UALE-USsaceutaron nsasG&Z conbUtIa Alsafaino01lgirs2 sau*o f Long Grava. PAli. MÂcGuvit LibertyYhil.24. igmamIrmLouis . Geao.,14Ue gumff Parker t N U Bora. ý Wue "4ft soatb front ou- Grand Av. nast ai Botilek OtWeukff q e........ .844000 X B agar and ni *O.ItLL Andrews part blk 9 Ner- brrys nidd LlberVY9lllewnd.. 8M00 E L >ais-mad nituLake 2 0osât lcnituad Society Ilts 8 »« 14d ppsys nd Lieryilsw ............ 75000 Edrerd Bayes mani wfta Lakes CoatyAgteItunaSociety esai prt I=12 Appley's nd lhartyvilie n d .............. 88660 Eà Cumimiagsansd nito Edua - Ilimore It 89iiCuanni1 anS Cos North Ave nd Wauiksgan wndS.................. 82 50 H A COnauIlaga and ni to Lea Scot IL 42 Cumînlaga anS Cuos Norili Ave*aSS *Waukegan wnd.S..............-.425 0 L BMorse and wnitou rahi A1 Butlèr et ai It la village 01f Lihartyville wcd--....-........... 10 Aleander Robaitson and wi lu Jolis Nelson souib 50 fi a-est '210 il h15 bik 70 Highland Park n d-----------... 1 1)0 Alexander Robertson aind wi ta ASoipb Neison norîl ;-) fi ni-et 20f> fti h i5 bitT70 Highland Park n-S-----------t. 16(01 Adoiph Neison and ni to Alexanlêe R tbartâon Ih ln village of uke,f.ld w dil---------t100> C E Savier and nila oJusa an Aun Prsegrocki It 40.blk :37 North Chkt-go n d.,----------, ',ooo0 John Solti and wf tua c E S'Jayl.-r It 3U bi 14 Dreyer'. tub Northil eîao wni S -...2200 W H Andermôn anS ni u, Morrgis B Wllilams Ite 16 and 17 bit 63 Northi Chcago nS--------------------............180000 C E Suyler and ni ta S Mm-nusgpkt it 16 bît 14 lits piub NIortli Clcago Il ----------------------..........22500 Lena M Howard and bus et SI ta Emali Radon t fln North -Cicago qc .....-..-..........-..-500 C W Haiu n d ni tu, Oea Bal"a et aiI h 7 Howard Hei his lanef 3 Grant twr'j n ............................... 47,000 P A Rabinson and wf ta E B Shbermn n ouili 8rds ns % ne 5 es34 A'otwp w -.... 00 Emma H Ceshinore anSdhuion 0 W Matia it 12 blk 2 Lyonilalc Waukegan nci d-...1500 1 Anna Mlagon et aI ta C H Albre-ht 2 acre h at Hall Day wnd.......................... 10 Fredeiet Prueve ta C H Alliret-ht 1 acre il aiHall Dayqc---------..........--------500 Edrard Vois anS ni ta Chas stahli t tPrairie Vis-n lwp of Vesinon deed .................12-Y0 Joue 0Graullis tuG h and Larna Joaies pari Il2190 Lake Forelt w dS.................-....-M o00 A D Rihtia nS wi Lu C EFiWait . IinviliageotHainesville wd 11100 6 C E Sayler anS n ta John 501h. and ni ils 30 andM:î bit 37 Wamhbua Park w d.. 1550 00 F J Geagbty and ni ta A C Frait paritweai of C & N W raiinuy sec 15 Wuk- gin tnp Seed ..................4250 <00 F P Craudon anS *1 tu John L'mek It 3 bIt 16 Wasliban Sprlngu wn d...................... 45000 J I (irabani ta F 8 Estman and w itsî1and 2 lk 2 Buea aPark lInec :11 W,-et Antiocliw dn.S................... 700 Sasa P Billilags tu J B Muir It 3019 Lake Foiraot w d -....1000 Malluda ciril 10 C E sayler 1h 6 bit 7 Lenox sali Northi Chicago q e ...................... 250 Fred'k Itymer aad ni ta J Hl Banks parite@c.17 sud .20 Eaut Aatloch tnp w d ...-..6500 K Bai-h Al-lggias anSdlah u t E A Warren ils 19 and 19 bit 6 Exinoor add Highland Park w d----------------.........10000( Charlotte Sehoenbnck (wi on> to Chiristian Seboaabr ,- aereslinsm w qariter se 25 Vernonî tnp wndS................185 <(K Emma Wick unS bimts u Ide. Sikeltl,2 anSd«110 il It ,4 Jao Wlckts 2nd subdivision tlrayslake wnd.................. 90 V( Phi-anda A Robinson anS ni to Lawrnem J and labilel Ni Wlrts part ni-% si-i :4 Avoni twpqc--------------------........... Phrîînda A Roinisoni unS ni ta Emnia WL-lis part ai-h anlý-84 Avun twi> (j-t%.....------.10<- Chal Phillipm andS svi to Wni B SînilI I113 Higliwouil q c. 250 0 Chmarles li 'etzeI undt nf ta Erna, toliririana Ite 5, m anS 21 Weirel's sali Wauke- Rant (j--..-.......................... Emma Mobi-manat (wldow) tu wiai H MauimaDn h 5 Wetzelt's saliWauakegan n d.. 2500 00) Caloraao. A t-rip ta the PacIia eCoastais ofai usd1a dselt u IlftILlacindesea visit ta, C. b.'ml,Utbut land ai landicas sky, ai tare clmats and scenar>', 1Il a a matas>' navertota h fargttea. la naturai hanutYth% bl ergln afpicturesqus mbountains and canyons offérs sten anars vasisipisastre than Snltenand; as a bhs reori Lt la unsurpassd. Wlien lannIng your trip neet jour ka i rednd, via the. Cha itrauas St Paul ralîna>. 0101M iram Lihartyville ta Denver, Cloa Sp.rhnaporPusbhoansaretnrn, amydu>' thi »ruinemer. etLb Chelc Suinas... ..........ti FsayloSait*............. ..8 fln>.e 011M cIbo,...... ..2S M M.a'à ia,..... ........1.. ..22a Boutoni Meehauand lava ............ 25 a" no CaSfs an Barth L herty Coe Iea, Ppound..SOC Pér Lb. Chalce S. 0. japai, Worthli0 ..c. sec Fancy 8. 0. jap%% 6NOcgrade.... abc C4yion .and Incit, a spechàl et-...S.5c B*eat Enghili Breakfast .......... .Soc Yepang fysasi an Guspowden ....c0 Formosa Ocosif ai0ii-sqaity .-.50e W. Use sbs= i1, reammanlhiaTas Maso.n Fuit, JaS Pinta, per Sos--------------- Extra caps. par Soz ....................2;5 Rubbenr#ingsPar dos.-..t.i...oand lue Fruit Jan Filst, Eaeli.............. 5c Paraffine Wa PonScakes - l......Ise A perfect pre~rvatlve for jalîlie N. Y. PULL CREAU CHEESE . lie Isc>'- Calloios Prunes, per lb-..... o Cihole Eviparatad Apicote, pet ib..i.lSe ExtramEvàpon&ted Peaclice per lb-..tic Galion ta Table Svnap----------........Sic Quart cia Table Syrnp .......------..10c QuatnasN. Q. Moinases---------......lot Oroqleded Raiins und pkg-.î Thaivlng ieill rrant. plgi. Shnsdded 0oeosaui, pet pound-........2 PoettimCarsa, Nrsaeuta. 2 pig................. batlns Breakfat Pood. potpkg. .ize BrsonSeakfast Food -e pkg.14e DAKEWS COO=A 1-2 ib. can . . 20c çPà ' ead lias 31Io.............. c o. vy Beaperh ..........----......s ShelSi Pop Cota per 4 .. '.........h Boit RolUsd liai.7 Ibo............... ic > Oranlated Telion Cors Isai per lb .. Atm & Hammat goda, t<)c pkg Sc 0 Sardinesin oilt c------- c lImporteS Sardinespst as h Mueàtand I " l.."...... 1lbcmea Ewon Pînt Botue Cataup--------------......... so ManzaniOlih1ves punrbaIlle-...i... o Prepuad Muitmnred ,- l .....--..0S Monaîvi Coudens" Mut uver ean -...0to Yacht.Ctnh AsortedS oup pert-au..10e 2 l can Eurly JUDOPa", ..............10e 2 lb conSwBesi Coi-n-------------........10c 311 lb maBateS Reins------------........ SO a ilb cas Pumpin---------------......... to 3 ilb cau P4ggPlamas-------------......... IO 31lb cnExtra Tomutued ...............le Package Fias Table Sait----------0......eS 10 Bars Lax lloap------------........33c 10 " Cream Landry Souap-.....89c 10> M&ieCi>' Soap----------.. .....4e ti hure Wool Boap--------------.........lic 10 heniAnierlcan Feami>' Soui,-.... Ae Beet Lump Starcl (in blit>.per il).Sc l'oand package liomSaitan-h-.........7c Perfection Lys pen cran..-----------.....9c Extra airong Aaîîonia pi-r lioltia-....IO Perfection Biglienrboille-........eO Il Ibo Wamhing &oda.....------c &oai-ine, petrî-ake----------------**"..Sc BnAmipir cake-------S Rilîg Sun Suive I'iilisiî-----------......0S Ashefftos Muta. eech-------------......... 5 îlozeîi Cluthes Pins--------------.........Se Tîîngisioot Stick>' Fi>- Puper. :3 double eeis for.. ....... ....S E. E. ELLSWORTHI LiberWqiile, Il. ,OUR WANT ADS ara 5h11l BRING ING RESUL.TS. Are they bringlng YOU auy? SCREENSý SCRÉENS For Your Windows ScRr!FNS ýSCR!!NS For Vaut Doors For Your Porch -Lsavs orders nilli Dymond & Austin. LUbeçtqville Sesh & Door Co. J. UIAYMAN. Mgr. Libertgvile --IlIRois A TELEPIIONEý' D.fis1he neathar -Save* lime. Proacta Ihe home A few cents the dayp Lake Countu Téléphones Connecl wih Chicaga Alio your molnde LIb ~îrgvihè atm s,

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