a~WAIfO4AWEKYSUNf 'VOL. XIV. NO. 46. L]I»ERTyVILLiç, LAK.E COUNTy, U.j4NOIS, FRIDÂY, AUGUST 17, 1906-10 Pages ÇJ.50 PER YEAR IN ADVÂNCE. Wlsh fathet' te theuglit In 'iust te bu fer Miler" Cry. Oarueeratlc1 nomme. delareî after roadlng tîssueof fabrication ln lSaturdaye Gaztte: "if gMr. Swayer wlli conenstte run I wil withlraw my nasse."1 Miller niever mae stamenta credilad ta hlm and ohaiengles Gazette te nome Demoratie dlegata il weuid 'hava publie belleve uasnt& ta lie lylng Invention. GAZETT 1E, ItENOES OFFI<IÂL wlietirer J. L. Swayor vili consent to ORGAN, SEES THING8-SPIilTH bis name appeariug on the ballot noxt JUMPS AT CONCLUSIONS November. Mr. fivayer. and blis adi- S AND 18 WRONG AS visera vho nild after the Libertyvilie UBUAL.. convention tirèy wouid avait the pub- swayr Ma, PepleWith14imand lic'a furtirer decialon before anuounc- Swayr i-as Popl Wlt Hlmand a îg iei candidtacy for tbe oilice ire vas Alows Use of Nams WII ll uraly Win by popuiar e oce oelecteti for, are slImply overwbslmed vifir demands Tbe dosperation reignigln h tir at ho make tiere un. This kinti of Hendee roui s refiectad lunSagurday talla la net aloone contined te Wauke- uight'm Gazette. vhicli for pitruomenlgon, but It, 119the saineienlucountry of mlslemdlng ardent Bvayer support. districta. ors. ho are demanding Ibat las go Admit Law la Fauity. beote tire jXpIe lu November, de- That tire legiaîture will I ai eil clares tire SUN sud its weekly Witt session no antendth ie nov la* as to support W. C. Miller, remocr:atic nom. deoaway vitir telegale .conventions Inee for cotsnty clerk. To cincliIl»tansd asow tire direct, primary vote te lying Invention tire Hendein organ docide mllts ls s foregone conclu- quotes Wl. Miller as syiug lie '* m on, but tirat only sggrsvates tire been promimei tire support of .lust's iremout situation. as itisan admis- lîslrers." î sien Mr. Svayer vas f rieketi out of Hon l exactly virat Mr. Mller thre nomination by an Imperfect aud saiti w'ieu sirowutire Gazettes arti- unsalsfactory law wviicr il1 tele cle: "i la a lie front top ter bottom. 1 ameudeti alter tire damago le doue. neyer matie asisngle stement attri- Neopapers ail over tire state (tire but cd te me. Smith's tactics are des- Gazette Of Wsukegau exceptoti) are picaile sud t wîîî eay te you rîgit loud luntienmandig. s direct primar-y nov that If Swayer vill run 1 viii ameudmeut 1e tire law, viricir *Itidraw My nme. 1 accepteil th iroyl show of votera. neltielegate con. Democrafic nomination for county ventions. uamiug candidates. clent oniy lteirlp niake ofp s comploeoLoague Watciring Deveiopments. ticket aud If 5gr. Swayer tioes nlt rn Tire Law aud Ortier League. tirrougi tire boit 1 hope for l's complimen- Ifs&secretsny, Rev. Quakie. le vatch- tary vote ftim my owu lowu. 1 do net Iug thre polilical situation witir Inter- vaut fe gel Intç this Swayer-Hendee est Asked Iif tire League wotîltile- figit. but il ia tacitscasuciras the sne furtirer ueconsmendalIons sud on- Irreaponsible Gazette edilor resorfa te doreemenla In Noveruber, 'Mr- Quayle tirat la every day forcing menon hOtuid, 'TiraI vlf depend aliogetirer on neutrai grounmd ltire Swsyor rans.ircurmala." or lu other vords 1di alenge the Gazette ter publlab the virether or net tire Democratic court- ne of tire leurocrat vire quotes me ty ticket renasins lu theefield sud ar- as sssertlng or insluuating tire SUNS fordlng a ciroice iretween candidates, support iras been promisedte10me." u psufyvrtie r. ,Swayer la The. SUNB Pesition. a candidate for tire clerksbil. Tire SUN wiii rgit bore make its Whlo Leagu. Offiens Are. position clear, once sud, for al. Rov. Quayle. replytug 1 tirte many Mir. Swayer Ila tire ciroce of tire Re- querlos as teviro consfitute tire Law pirbllcan party of Lake coîty for tire andi Ortier League salid f0 a SUN re- ,oîîufy lerksblp. Ho received a tua- porter today: -Wiry vonover made jority of 190 votes over Mr. Hendee a secret of tie namnes of League meur-j at tire prinraries, anti vas tefeafed lu bers or officers. Our stafonery con- convention by Mr. liendee ouîy iry an tains" nattes of ôffiers andi directors. accident, resulting prîmarily from fin-anti vo are preud of tire ciraracter andi ltical delogate divisions andi Zon calibre of tire Leagrie directos. Cîf y's apportloumienf of thiirty-six dele.,Tire names as furnisireti hy %fi gafes lu tire convention, vimc dele- i Quayle follow: gales representeti fever voteos thonan officers. singie aîkegan yard. !Presient-F. rD. Everett. M r. Swayer owes iltef0 irîiself. iis Vice Presîieuf f. P. Rîinisey. party andi costuents fo, stand irý Secretary-A. 0. -.acksonr. tire decision of tire Repuilican votera. Teaurer-E. A. Rusasell. Tire SUN vilI support uni, lu event General Secrefsry-T. R. Quas le. ire ducs net rîu. virichIo Is mprobable. UiBrd ofDirectors. 'tire SUN andi ifs weekly wîlî fnt ad-, F. D. Everef t, Higirlandi Park. vocale tire election of tire Dernocratic H. M. Bacon, Higirlandi Park. ciotuee as againat Mr. tientice. R. W. Patton, Highrlandi Park. Bwayer Can Win. H. S. V'all, Higilandi Park. Just as sure as Mr. Svayer goea E. H. Brown, Highrlandi Park. hifore tire people ln Novemier, Juit 8s! E. P. Setigvick. Highlandi Park. sture wili ire be electeti. At tlrat tîme T. R. Quayle. lire îeavy cority vole viii ire cast. A. O. Jackson, Lake Forest. Tire unfairaress of tire irole proposi- I. P. Rutnsey, Lake For-est. flou, viricir ias arousedth ie Ire of Calvin Duranti, Lake Forest. irundretia of Republicaus toc, busy lu R. G. Watson, Lake Forest. lire iarveat fSlda fo gelto10thre polilsJ. J. Halsey, Lake Forest. un Augual, vili give te NMr. Svayer an J. V. Farvoîl, Jr., Lake Forest. overvirelnilng majority lu Novembier. E. A. Russell, Lake For-est. So Intense taotire feeling among G. R. Fndlay, Lake Forest. fanmera tiat Mr. Swayer iras ireen finie aud again varneti ie vilIlosce, tirir gond i vli altogetirer If ire folle SIU RTLEF to bc a Candidate ln November. Rep- resentatives froni about overy- tovu- C VjY Biip bave beeu 10 hlm vif iipera-GI O S tidemanda tiat ire run. 1 Plsdge $Ioeoln Fiteen Minutes. Oly Friday a group of mieu repre- i Firsî Tvo Are Chnosn at Repub- senflug ix difforout townshrips. thilk- lican Seustorlul Convention ung Mr. Svayer's indecision nîlgirtire -Latter Reprenant@ due te iis Iuablily t10 afford a fur- Xinorlty tirer anti long campalgu, îledgeti $1.000 lu fifleon minutes. LAKE COUNTY MIEN Fears Wall Founded. WVERE i'ROMINEINT Tire Gazett's tiesporation anti fear- fulus con eaally ire underatooti asv At Otire Reîrubllcstî senaforial Con- Itiecomes more apparent day by day ventionii n Woodstock Tuestiay E. D>. Mr. Svayer muet accede te tire uni- Siutrlefvas nominateti on tireflIraI versaI demandt iat ire give tire peo- ballot aud F. R. Covey on tire seconrd. pIe an opportunity of agalu anti more Tire iraI ballot du flot.vel prouounetily namiug hlm as thiri chie. Tiree ilI ire no tielegate conven- tion lu November tu reverse tire de- ciplon. Tien tire popular vote vilI avail. (Frotu Wetinestiay'aS$un.) He's luit got to run! Tirat la tire vay sou irSar Il ou ovry aide viren tire Question -of demaustrate Coveys strengtb, but viren irbis name vas Ibaloteti upon lu tire second ire gaI evens vote. B. M. Miller- Chairman. Tire convention vas cailedtu 1 order by D. T. Smiley, anti affor 1teading of fie cal], B. t. Hillor, of Lake, vas nominafeti anti ciosen Ipermanent cirairman vîtir Oeo. W. Fielti, of Woodi- stock, as secrefary. On tlie finit bel- lot tire vote slondi: For Shurtieff. XcHenry County ................. 27 lAke County.................... 28 For Covey. Laite County ,................... 5 Bonne County . r.. ........... 7 For Plerces. Boone County. ............. Upon motion to tia ffeet rurtleff vas declared tire unanimous nimiuee. CCWeY cu.Ail. Upon tire second. ballot al tiree counte, voted selid for Covey. .Iudge Donnelly, of McHenry; E. P. DeWffolf. of fakte, and F. A. Field, of Bonne, wore made a conmlittee on resolutions and the result of tireir de- liberations vere Instructions for leuator Colinotu. 80e mti l a[ ome#t.- - The senatorial coumilttee cirosen le: Z. Ray, Warren Webster and A. W. S*lft, of Boone; 4ohn C. Pope, Paul MacQuffin and Thos. Morton. of Lake; P. T. Srniley. M. Walsh snd J. 8. Peak, McHeury. Demecrats Nominate Gibbons. Dennis E. Gibibons a&relved tire nomination for minorif y ropresenta- tive frot this district to the legisis- tture, on tire lirst'bellot in the Dem- ocratlc souatoriai convention at Har- vard tis afternoon. Tireo aà nover dl doubt but Mr. Gibbons would ire thre cholce and tire convention vas wtbout tire iterest Incîteti by conteste of ever au littie importance. DEATII. IN AUTQ) WRECK Car on Chicago & M4llvaukee Btectric Clalane Victime- Strike. Automaobile PARTY WAS RETUIMNINO FAIR bRAWS NIGII Ever.thilig teMeluic Pose Io jiisie 14ke Conuey Voir 1 Oreste' Thau £ver NBVW DUU.DI-NGS RUING,-HUMBIED UP At tre. LibertyvJlIe fair gropuids ail la actlvlty ln îreparation for the .n ni Latke County Fair, wblch in but a littie over'two weeks off, Sep- t.- r4 a 5 sur Z. The assoctlln receutly purchameri tirree sud à bail acres of land adjoin- ipg and wut et lis grounds. On this letieing but a large new dinin'g hall and a ladie' vent rooni. tire latter building hawit a veianda iifty toott look,. fmm wWch la an nnobstructed view of the track. Lavatory accom- modatius a»d, a retiring root for ruothors are provided in the rest building. New $tWin to be Builif The borse, »d cattle stals and sireep snd bug pens. ai extreme east end ôf the gands, are tu ire razed and nov structure. hut on the land lust purchaaed. This will be accotu- irished before the coinrg fair If pos- sible. The. Speed Program. Foliowing le lire sîîeed prograni whichIr ndmateth,- superior, racing eveuts to tala. place Wodnemday, September 5, 1906. 2:0 4Trot... ........... ....$300 3: 00 Trot................... 300 2:16 Pace................. ..300 %Mlle Ruuning ami relîcat..150 Thursday, September 6. __12:24 Trot . Filou LAME ZURICH 1IFref.r.aii pace. One persxn on asinstastly killilet sud tbree sfera iitjured. une probaily fatally. svieu a Chicago anti Milwaukee electnie tar otruck au automobile at tire Ntyes Street c i-n inluEvîrafrîn- $undtay niglirtTire deati: SLAUGtHTEit. MRIS. ELIZABETH, 1114BHtian lavenue, Evanston. lu mtautlv kilied; brody -taiken to Hobbla- waites uttderfaiing-omotni, 1617«) NIeple avenue.n Tire injîtreti: SLAUGHTEIt. MPIlS. H. B. 1314 Ridige avnue; akul tractureil. jarsanti igit winit îrttkeu. titgersoun rtgirt irunt eeveneti; uttv dire: at Evaîrton Hofîtital. SLAitIHTElI. .tBtIEL t. 1114 Hin- trait avenue, ownuer oft touîilîle, -.hîgiitfiy injureti; hueaati oh 'voitat Lkiled. ItAHL.BIE, Nit.CORtISTINE. S03 Dtavis streef; iliglnfhy irureti. Tire a-. ideit irappwetwhiile tire auto- mtobile party was returniug froun Lake Zurich. Aftirhe Neyes street irossitig of the. eetric roadtitrei- Ireighît *cars iitstnîicted tiheriew, tîM3r. Siaugirten. whio o as operatiuig tire mracine. tirougirt tire vay -u@ clear. A stautir. tounti electnic car etrucl tire aut omo- bile squurety ir tîte rile. NMrm.Eliza- leti SInugiter. seateti irrhind bir hubunt, vas taugirf ietween tire dasit- board of tIre car and tire automobiile, ae was Mrs. H. Bt. Siaugiten. Tire car nain @otîre distrance atter tire collision. çîuel- irîg tire aufuinuble atndltino haulesâ victime 'vithr t. l'aissetgens on tira car andthîe train- rîren mluickhy littedth ie victime ont af tIhe wrneckage. Nîns. H. B. Sîaugirter 'vas tourni to ire aive antI sirevus takeir f0 tire Evatistr'in hispital. Little irope s gîveu fon ranerecovery. Thte body of Sirs. Elizabeth Siaugirten was taken tu Hiîbletirwaite'te undertakiug rootirs. .Nlr.reaugiusry anti Mms.Dairlire. vira irat teen tire guegt ofthtie Slauglitera, 'veno aile to cane for tireirelves. Mn. Ilauigirer saiti tirecas' rvas utoving slarvly vdreu ire approacîredtfe croseiug anuit irelad nu warniiig ofthtie nourng car. wicir 'vs tîaveliug St great speeti. He i- conîrectet i il tirte Sitîplex Rail- vay firppîs Comrpany. Motorman te Arrested. The urotormîtu on the van vas L. 0- Bradway of Higirvooti. te vas arrested anti releasetiuîttir honda i o $5.000t. Nirs. Siaugîrtor, tire deati onmirn, vas 249 yr-ars aId. Si,- vas Iramnîeut ins-iefy airdvas a urenier aftie olti Evauston Coufny Clati. About s§ix irontirs ago siereinel.v escéapet ieing kihiet ini a rruttray. accident. Wiren sire recoveret sirelirer. suadeti ber Ijumbaut to oeil thein hanse anti buy tirenmachrine in 'vîticir@so met ber ieatît. Mn. H. B. Siaugirter la tire vile af a cousin of Gabriel F. j8laughter. Ber irusirautile aamemirer oattire fint uf A. 0. laughtpr & Co. fHe i@ St limenet iu Mobile, Ala. - $300 . 4001 2:35 Pace-------------------- 300 %Mile Dasir. tuinî ..----------50 Frlday, Seplomber 7. 2:25 Pace..................... $300 Free-for-sll Trt......... ........ 400 2:40 Trot ...................... ?In 1 Mlle Dasir, Ritnîing-----------.351j - Special Attractions. j Tire fain manangement bas fon sey oral tisys bte.n negofiatutrg 'vîtira Chicago party ro make fligits 'ith au ainsip tirree nfternoons durnug tire fair, irut tireid, i iras heen abandotîcti anti a lady hall.,iriat eîtgaged lusteati. viro vîlI make air ascont oaci day anrd a parachrute dr,, $5,000 ia Premiums. Tire reviseil i, eniluni tIat provîiesi $5.000 lu preninirs.juduclously tilviti- eti amoîîg thre mnyr classes. Thinsin- sures more ail latter exhibitions In sîl classes. 'E-; cialîy does tiremari- agemettant, I fr a fine airowiîng of irorses ad atît ainils ean. Wealtiry LaIte Foresten ,,liane ireen lîterestet i anti sanie ielI nTurnouts vihI coin- pote for iraiii in nutire "prade" on Frlday murnitng. More stalls lmine ieon etîgageti at su eanly a ti-r i before fhe fair tItis year tiran ever b. fore Ant I ndicat ions are for a recrdîlreaklng eufry lut ut borsea andl cati DOWIE TO GET DECREE IFaîte. Apoatle toi Seek Legai Separallon Prom Wif. Wbosn ùe Belteves t10lie Valse ZION'S RECEl VER SOON TO BE OUT ZMon sa n a fervon as a resuit of a rumor tfila ssaîd to Save lutilonifa- tive beginning saying'that Dowie la te sue for divorce f nom hlmà wife, Jane Dotele. What ground ire wilil make agnînst hem are flot known,' but the eal meaton ls saîdto 1o b. cause ire a angry eI her for r, part luhils downfill aud la tireti of he. Dowie Due lu Minco. Tire suit. If it nnatealizes, vîillie a sensational aore anti la sure f0 ire full of Interesting, statemeufs and chrarges. Dovies persarnal attendant tateti yeatertiay tirat Donîie vas i0nturn t0 Mexico, virereire voulti itay for sonne lime rîntilhils iroalhireturnof o irs lIgit matie t necessary for hlm b ire present. - Tire stant vîI ire matie as soQu as Dovle le able to stand tire tnIp. .9a0lvor .. Go Sooti. Thore wiil be no recalver. IriZion City wlthin ixty deys. Tisl la the prediction of a man tileroughiy ln toucir wlhMZon affaita. Nes atatea that conditions ln the city ars of such standing at prenant tirat adjustment wlll corne speediiy andi thre ,eclver dlcitarged. as the peeple are conilng up te fthe required mark nobly. Thea same authority predîcîs 1h11 ZZion wil aonentb ie enicymant of th. greatemt period of pro@gresa and Two Louna Will Clear. Thore vili te two lbans to save Zlion City. LAKE COUNTY PEOPL[ - EFFCTEDBY fAIL LAKE FOREST LAWYER. MAS PARTNER 0F ASSCONDIN-G BANKERS SON-GURNEE .rSE@CTION BOSS VICTIM Chicago Papers Tell Ptiful Slory of Long Walk cf Gurnee Womn-In- quiry Pilla le Locste Mer. F. Iferman Gade, ntayor of Lakte Forent anti consul for Norvay lu Cil- cago. arriveti lu Chicago Frlday af- ter an absence of tvo montra lu Nor- -is in tue proposition tuat VOiiJ5va . virwere ire attentiat the ceremon-i laid before tire counceli of tire largeat ZiQD stock boîtiers Montiay evenlng anti as congratulations anti messages giviug moral support bave comte frotu aIl over tire United States anti Europe aud t-sen front Jerusaletu lu Palestine andtihie Golt Coas th ie acireme la llkeiy to carry. Ont Loan for $4,000fOO. One boan wilI bU for $4000,000 anti villInlcludea al lire stocks. back bank deposits datlng fronitirhe tne lire Zion battit vas reorganîzeti, andi Dovle's.- persona] notes. If villlite secureti iy bonds nedeemable lu fif. taon yoasa itir six per cent Intarest If earned an& noilg If flot oarueti anti tvent--five per coul of tire grogs Income vIlI ire sel sslde as a sinI- lng fundti la mot tire bondasviren due. Tire ofirer Issue vIlI ire for 1.,000,- 000 anti la ho clear tire remalnlug pîtr- cirasea ou tire original Zonr]and, ha- lng secuneti by tirst mortgagea on tire fanm lands onîy. Tire city landti vii tie left dlean. Tire cash boan la for tire suisah outstandlug deits, aucir as tire final paymentsansd tire coat of tire recelversip. BOYS riNI?.BODY .UN DRUCE LAKE Tire Remains of Cirarles Caikins. Drowned test Week white Swim- Ming la Gîven up by Waves. Tvo emaîl boys otît rovlng an Druce Lake et , 6:30 Fritiay foundth ie lifelesnemaîna of Charles Caîkitîs. of 4635 Michigan avenue, Chicago, viro vas drovuedth ie pre-1 cedlng Wodtneatiay.i At tire inqueat aI Grays- laire. Coroîner Taylor anti a juryi renderodth ie verdict fiat Caîkins came 10 iris dea i i r iovnlng virile lu bathig. Because of tire fart liraI Caikins attompteti suicide a year anti a iralf ago by aeuding a bulet tirrougir iris lîîîg tirere la an eheurent of mys- tery lu tire case. Calils 'vas 23 veanrl d nd as stoppiurg at tIre Park Hotel. opnposite whicir tie re ownrhîg touk hplace. Hhs irotirer vas vitir lie St. Albans choir anti Cakins vent ln batirg viti a psrly of about forty. tHe 'vas nof miaseti anti It la assertedti fat ire left tis psrty esnly t0 go tîy hinseif. Solon gis Gela Factory. 'Theehîople of Soloni Milîs led jubil- aut over tire facftinht a paier uit has ieeîr accrîretifor fiat hpace. TIre Mootiy hiiolerty, hrntiurg nit lrace anti 'ater igit. iras ireen tiongif iy Chicagoliantiles 'via haveareedti f estabhisi a hpalier inihh 5ft fiat iaiuP. Tire îrrtierty iras been boîrghtiinrder conîract, fhe people of Solon agreeiirg f0 gîve tie parties a cerft auna of nroîrey as sooti as tire plant la estair- hIsieti anti hapen la sippet f ronttire nîlli. 130ARD Of REVIre 13 G1ETTIiMG eus', Examine Books and Notifies Asssors To Appear te Answem Questions- Some Aasessments have been Lowered, Tire Lake Coîîrty Boardi of Revio'v la gottuîrg tiavu fareal vonk sard nov tint a 'tiorougir examinatiori of al aseasora' books iras beeti coui- pheteti anti discrepancies noteti. lhe asseasors frnt ail townshrips lu tire nounty have inoon notfiledti fa apear before fie lioardt on dilterent dtes ta aus'ver surct quenles as mas ire prit upit tî ten. It gernis hiat by courparîson tire boarti iras discovonoti many assessonoutire 1905 brooks do not uppear on tire 1906 books, andti iat lu several Instances lu various tovusipa asessments have beon matertalty loveneti. Tire board vanta f0 lanov viry. les ofthtie coronation of King Haakon VIL Consul Go. evio la tir erati ofth lr av Oirn of Gade, Steusianti & Waage. vas sirockodte tlearn of tire failuro of tire Milwaukee Avenue 9State Bank andtihie lligbt of Psul O. Stelalani. Tireotiore Sterralani. vice prealieut 0 f tire vrecked bauk anti son; of tire efugitive bauk irresidtieleisConard eGadea lav partuer. More titan $2.000 1of tire firmes funtis are tieti up lunlire irank. a tieposîl of $500 belng matie > liraI Saturiay. i - learnei of tire cloaing of tire irbank andtihie fligit of Stensîanti on imy arriva] lu New York anti yon can Imagine virat a aiock tire nova vas fe me," said 1n. Gatie. "I knev tire bauker veil anti alvays consîdereti hlm an hoait man." Gurnee Section Boss Anetiler. Frank Ewing, section boas for tire C.ý M. & fit P. railroati aI Gurnee, rati $470 on doposit ln tire tefuntuc bank. Ho rriedtief0Chicago rîpon Informa- us saî<infahave vaîketi tire otire 4la, tance to Ciicago lu hope. of goMtlag irer deposit of $250 lu tire leoted a Sire reaciredti be Institution ybo,' day aflernoon anti at tire banla doo0 eucountereti Receiver Felser, vll,* vipeti iis el-es as tire vomai told bu' story. Tien ire accompanleti ber le a restaurant. -l just got bore," lire voman niad 4A Mn. Fetzer. "1Irbeard about tire fail- ure of tire bauk anti no t came ou, bu« il vas slov vork." - -Tne réeover looxeti askance at bier. -My namne ln Maggle Moore sud 1 live near Gurnee. That les ifty mile.- avay. Vve ireëu sendlng meuey' tu ibis bauk anti kecplng s savlugs 5.- count. "I tiroughir t would ire a fine thiâ>. 10 hsve a cbeeklug sceount, seoi1seat lu some miore money Isst Safrrrday. .Wltir $250 in, my crédif I thouabt I voulti te fixeti. My last mon". came lu Satîtrtay. Monday 1 hea,. abouît tire falître. 1 didu't. bavb' onougir furîde for car fare so-L 7ailaedf- lu. i1iraveu'f hati anything 10 estI". Wom Bank Uook Shewn. A vorn bsuk book vas lu tire vo. man's bauds. tus oyes illeti villi toars. Reeelver... etzer iooked il tirrougir anti thon onferedth ie benl a 1 vorlfyfif. "Comne andi est vitirme," ire BàI Io tire voman.. **l tiink v cantake careof you- tire moat of your mone5'. Ton ifat go bacla homo anti watf0 iear frmn mne or cIao you go la som ote]o ansd taire tien of tire failtre. but of course r;- tin car;. ceiveti little satisfaction. Tire amounti "A Sad Game"'-Petzer. reprosonts al of Ewlngs bard.-1 The woman was led away to, a ruést' earned savings. 'log place by othor women wiro v.z* Pîtiful Stery of Murs. Moore. watciring tire doveloptuenta lu thre bai& Chricago papers tell boy Mrs. Mag- scandaI.A gie Moutre's pitiful story nmoved Re-- .lt'a a sad Lame ta rob the .por- celver Fetzer te tears. MM. Moore tirose viro trust lu you," muid Mr. fft. lives betwoen Ourneo and RPussel sud er. Rate& to Libertyvtlle Fair. GAGES LAK(rIrff . The Cbiico Milwauke & St. Psui rauîroati will tin ypar Vive a rate of aj KUIrC g~,1 faire and a third fur tire round tri pfrco i ail points withmn ,aven ty-fi-e mailestO OdCakHesta1oi u e Libertyvilie on accoui of tire Lake -Evan Clark om.tne, Presat fees' County fair to irehelti the Murat week In '-EBu -Larnegs.n enur ,ri,-ket@ wvil i e r)a sale Sept. 3 ta 7 inîclusive, tire final returu ireing Tihe olti andi veil kuowu Clark gîntîl unfil Sept. S The train irrrir- iomesteati. comprising fifty-sevêe îtrg ntfLibsrtyvile fron ttie West etaceofcoefrmlusttd 12:08 viii stop trail atitotng lîtwtenaceofhietritlntute Ja".-u.vill.. ani Lits-rtyv-ille *on tbe» ait Gage'a corners, vas sali tFrlday date. -441.t by Frank E. Clark, of Waukegau, ta 0. A. M. Arrang~ements. Evan Lawrence, viro bas occuplett Arraugemîîe.nts have Iten trial.-wlth tire place for tire past yoar. Tliit.nam it.uit, ronrîrnder nof l'est Tire consîderation is given se N-. a t Civr.ao aini excellenît oratoir $6.0)t0.Tire farani laIdeally locatod t..nr avt . principal sl.pak..r tnt tire flrsym- 1ake sridi.-rs r.-uiijrî. tien, J. H. itiisaantis . itre of tire beoth lire4m1l« ill beul tie th il war. fatssluncentral lake county. PRIS NERSStabbed by Pitcla York PR S Nf R A Young niait trouaChicago vas ESCAPf seriourdvîtîjured bbine:tauied b Thre injureti man, who irearm tire nom Fiern into Crosfd and Onard of tlablquiosfn gave Poltîont.s 6so11. Feara to 8hoont-Bacape di rrct lou about tire work tr&ing ire ba4 Waa Weil Planned receis-ed ach orders irom tite foremn,. - Poblontz accutidhlm of 'iruttiug lut" THINK WVOMEN @aYing tirat ire iusied hitnseif villa wb*ti AIDE IN FLIHTvas tDonse aihis business. AIURD IN FIOR? Each màn bil aapitch forla lu hi@ bend andth ie two came to blop,. lu the Charles F. Paynre aud VA. East- mixup D)abîquiat vas stabbedt th ~b mni, soîdiers awalflîrg courruartiai tirefot. Bis wound was = 1r7set foi' desert ion, escalied front Foit Sirer- Dr. Martin, of Libertyvilie. Itla sot ldan esteray triter tire.tought that ti0 ouud la the resutIt of Mariyeatrds uircr lre.irteutional stabbng and proirably »a Tire prisorrers were lit charge of @fep@ will ireitalien fa prume1ola. Private C. H. Moore, of CoinpairY H, suîd were wcrklîrg near tire souir gaie, atviricir passeugers of tire C hi-Ie s cagir & Milwaukee ele tric litre aligit. Tire two mren evidently liraditlanneti W tire escape. for itiat as tire Car stoppeti thne>*urade a rsh for 'If. Ownlus tire crovîl about fie car. Griard Moore crrtîti trflIre uîîon tire leeing prison- ers 'vitirort itanger at kiltlîrg saine passoitger. Tire sigit tif tire g:îarti irirrg juta ther air anti tire inra aIfie prisaoa- eia crealeti a îraicarnrorg tIre 'vauera lia seugora. Tire mon got on tire ofhr'ride of tIre car anti before tIre gnianî cotlti îass tire bannier tire priqouera veno 2,10 yards lu tire heati, Moore firafi elght sirota after thrîr, buît as fan as la knovn rnoue of tire brilts took et- fect. . 1 Tire counîtry 'vas scotîreti by sol- tiers, but ino trace of tire- meu us foundt. If la beilevedti lat tiroy vere provideti vitir clofiing vricir vas caciret by vomon of Higirvooti. anti. tiressedt u civilian garir, tiraItireyhad littIe dilliulty un reicinlg-Ciîcago. We bave eas jtltO dlate steatuveil dî1iIlag .utf itir d"Moud, drill sttacbmcuta hat will tdrill tirroilgira" deptb of quiekusnul, Ounrpri-e. ale etWe guaxeatte beîatation 4See ýus Betore you eontfflt for tîrtît veil.. W. l mave YOtI money. WIn drill volts troMI0ù o ~ 1000 etaindPtit. -ADORE»S-a- -r .1 1 .JFX.à Il JL e