rWA U' 1 ,-r -I NY~?KY SUN VOL XIV. No. 47. ~J~ETYU1L, LKEOOUNT'y, ILkIS, FMIDYI AUGU8T 24, 190-8 Paes, 81.50 PER YIKAR IN ÂDVASNCXE. Pa'e.tIeaDiNvuas Usi8ugs"4It la CiaIm.* DUm Moasy @PRAXI NO ENGLIS« Elited fer Meh, lion CitY now lua a taftebodo ne on ris"l frengy er th. appeirance. of e mw prophete.. un heele, Miese .ohil~, wh, mnable te 111k more thonaaf wrb nlagliM, hm asaffees ag romeekhieours. Holdingý nightly proyer mletings, te drme Jundrmds t. er and thielso end thie malmed fleok ln her fot. th1e lea àspare, middiea'Som i vman with a oothlne voie.andi cama ho America te 1.1.1er up ff. doctrine of dIvi»e heailopip th. Z8011 ehareb zion City la aroused andi exciled over the appearance o! s ,cv propliet' eale enti ealer and there la every In- dication that tbe dactrlbe of divine healing viii .01 01117 b. kept in the Volivan churci, but actUIIlY I trenglhened i. spite of the f sel that Dovi. bas made absolutalY no pue- tension ta bealing paver.saine is depoation. a tact that bas not eacaped tbe notice of lhe People. Tbat be bas saad abaolutely ilotia- in shbot hle heailges rengli and f eats ince tbe crisas hile before Ibis mater vas is favorite taplc. bas created comment that threateneti for a ime ta uproot tb. cburcb. until the propbetegs carne. anti nOv ail la peace. Denish Weman HOMOs SIok. Th oew s«e@ea l iss JohpSon.a D= li oman. vho bhm teen lii Anrica exaCil>Ivo veekil. SbeIo aes ai lb.thebome of 1. W. alpes, Ilil kie avumu% a"Mo (tv Mdlate nlti> rsylumeast botb Voliva aud Dovie mlgt ens.' Sbe la an atibrent of tbe Vlivan branci of tbe ciiurcb sud Io sai 10I -beal" iln the inimitably Impresaive anti nover ta b. forgotten grand ms,- ner of tbe first apotie, Johin Alex- andeor Dovie. a i.ei bet days. Tbe methoti othle prophetesi to boit nightly prayor meeingsa tavblcb tb. veil and tic alc are Invted ta corne. Ail join i. singlng and prsylng for bours et a lime andi ai lhe climax of tb. meeting, as by the Dovie methodthe b.lame, the. hait and lie blind are invitedto thle front ta teel lic mage loucb of lie bandi o! the oracle anti the masgic influence of ber prayera. 91 Meetings Remarlcable Sigit. As le the tisys vben Dovie liveti lie simple Ilite. Miss Johnson la drav- Ing the crovt i1k a magnet. of metiumn ieight, s"art, simple lu droas, hornel>' but honesîl>' attractive sud piepossesslug of countenauce. about 45 yeara oh., Miss Jobuson bas ail lie personsi magnettism ai Doit lu hilsprimeit lais sd. Cen Not Spaak Englieh. Miss Johnson la, jual learning ta speak the, Englisi lanlguage anti t lu vii t ifficully liat aie gels along amous lie people of the community. Si. bas. bavever. over anti over. anti vistevertleuIa- guage, residenlsasert tint aie bas vis% tbeir .Ideitt bbe eeuoet outil, tbey are sure liat lb. nev pro>- ect viilb. a succese. »Wbetber tWq im' pro)jeet vould be a .suceee or »ot seema ta b. an un-ý certaiuty go far as tbose vbo have expreesed ticir vieya on the. mater are cooeendA number etfgber. me iu Aurora bave expremed the opinion tbat the, project ought tu bN auceeeeatl sud tial theies,4.o canains the. German carp la a pro ticai one, witue Ibere are cthers Who Mya> tbatlb.he."of tartngs .mdman Industry la tbe beisht of folly. Tie@ for those vbo have ezpreased an opinion on the matter are me. vbo bave bien ftible on the baoks of the roi river for mauY yeara. andi ail volce.the opinion that tbe slream vould b. mucb beaMefltd If the un- velcomne Bah vere talo..frrat the river. Tb.-ldea of tb. new indutry la ta ea. theiRbhdanend thern ta lhe eatere statea. vbere Illinois carp la la great demand. It la underatoad thaIt the new cannlng factary, tula oPfNiffG DATE. £5 ANNOUNCED Çhicagq & Milwaukee Eloctric In FormaIfj Open Racine Extension on September i. The Chicago & Milwaukee Electrlc Rallroad Campa.y announes lthe opening of the extension oflils mal. fine for tftsfi beween Kenoba and Racine on September 1. On and alter Beptember 1 Irougi electrlc trains viii be ru. beveen Evanston, Ili., andi Racine, Wia., every tiirty min- utes. The running Urne la tu b. one bour andi forty minutes. An Imprové- mut-n thle Wamksn.5,aeson serv- le vii aiso f0 eaugurate& .Trains viiiru eacb va> every itteen min- utes. Tbe lime viii b.e duce t taone boer. Nono of Unusuai Value Have Doon Discovered Yet Many Have Been Found-Three ini 26 Sheila. The Deflainea river la iýelng Up clam sheila in which are tresb vater pearîs af considerable value. Smsli boys bave recently tiken numerous specinena tram muasels galberai tramn lie santi bars of tie river vhich lhey procure by vatilus lu the atream .>d gathering b>' baud. eh-ii aler pearla are beiug rec- rognlzed eoamercially anti lu parts of the country ome of great value bave ,teu founti. lu the Foxi Mver ont peari founti vithin ltepaîtt ev days moiti for $200 anti man>' have hotu taken b>' Elgin anti Dundet parties vihici could ho disposai of aIt, roni te, to lifleen dollar. Tht pearîs are fount ilnIbetided ln lie fiesi of thiecdam near tht "binge" vhlcb boldos lie shelli logelier anti affords tlie dam meanao! locomotion. Sa far the pearîs found in tht Des Plaines have hotu amalilunsize and ratier Irregular bence no discoverles of unuscnil values have hotu reporteti. Ont man discovereti tha-te pearla lu tvouty-five, clame galbored on a bar lu lie DesPlaints takiug them ahome as souvenirs sud refnaing ta oeil healeti ti em,.makiug orne rtmark- Ilntelea e ofth. n s aile bealinga. Sue belongedti 10tht Volvan anti Doitp clurchea lu Denmark anti carne ber. especlal>' ta holaler up the ttlering doctrine o! divine heal- Iug for i'.a chuaci. Il is a tact tint Voliva la lukovarrn tovard tht doc-1 ta-me antiddos not advoctt Il ta-arng-1 ly or constantl>' altiaugiho assrîs1 ils belle! sudhils atitude tintthle doctrine siaulti romain an Integmal part of tie cbua-ci.j To Can Cea-p. Promatora o! lie nov prject 10 gotart an ludutry vierehy ltheGe- man camp vilc Iiniait the Fox river Io la l be canneti veretulaAurora several day. ega faoniChicago, Iooklng over tie location o! lie nev plant, but Iheir mission vfas ovioentl> a secr-el ont, ns lie>' kept their paesonco lu tint dty quiet unlil atter titir de- parture. Tht roason foa-ýthe sodc>'c la Ibougt tua h tnthle promolr. have a stt lu vley vbici tboy me>' la evitiont tint lb.>' eller iii 1n ae- cure s certain plae ofo propert ' for lie location o! titir i4ant or tiey consitierabît Canning ls reqiiedti 1 dmd them uton optulng tht sheli. Mates ho Llbertyviile Pair. Tic Chicago Milwauko & St. Peu relani ili tii, yoar gireanrate o! a tare anti athird for lb. round ta-ipirons ail pointa vitiu seventy.five miles ta iLiberty'ville an eccount o! tht Lake Count>' taa- ta b. elti tht lirai vsk le Siptenbe-. I ticket. wilil i. nsale SePt. 3 tri7 inclusive, tht final returu being gooti until Sept. 8 Tht train a-ny- ing at Libsrtyville tram tht e tat e 12:06 viii stop at ail stations icîvtee Jantaville anti Lihertyvilît an tht.. date. 46-3t Colonao. ML tri pla the pacifieCtoast le 0i ittil a detlighl, but i! il incluties,4 visit 10 Colorado, tiantdeuio! cloutilees sky, o! rare cinatsud accnery, lileisanjaurne>' nover -to liet orgotten. lu naturel hennI>' Ibis region a0 pictîîreaquo mounitains and Canyons offors even more Vvarled pleesure tua, Switzerlaui; s aa beiti -mort it is unourpsed, 0 Wien planning yaua trip vest yqur ticket -ahoii drend, vie tht Ch'cg jdilwaukee & St. Paul rally. $80,50 rfrom I¶lbertyville 10 Denver, Colorado 8pnlngsorPeblo and return, an>' day tiis summer. DECIDED la Interview 8078 di Have Coucbmded tas Go Befasse th. People, la Nevember ROWEVEM R"PUS»8TO sMAKU ANNOUNCBURNT Aiked If b. bad yet defieitely de- cideti viether ar not be vouid con- tinue a candidate for county clork. Mer Svayer doclareti Tuesday: -1 do nat knov but It vould ber as veli for yau ta assure the miny Inquirera tIbsI1I-bave conclutiod tu go betore 1h. people le November, but there la stili pienty of lime for a deflelte an- nouncement, , i. ave. aacrlaiaied Ihere Io'flot a question *but nmi'nmrn con appear on the ticket and bave Investigateti aud carefufly consitioreti .pveri'»bae ai the proposition. itle1 -.7 ip>orters la say I slf run ai $all! Inue lime lue a satement ta Ibat effect, explaining My position tully at tbsI lime." No Attenipt te "Fix-Up," Mer. Svayer boit heard of lb. ru- moribtat "everylig bati heen 'fixeti up' adseti e ad agreeti t a tay. ont ofthle race," He saad: "'There la no grounti vbstever for sncb a ru- mor. 1 do ual knov vhal la meant by 'ixing up thinga,' but lie Inference la plain anti I viii gay 1 bave ngt been approacheti by any one aI any lime wilb s proposition ta ta>' ouI of lie content for a consitieratIon. eter po- lilical or otherviso, anti cortaini>' voulti nol consider Il If 1 bati," Doubtiesa Mr. Svayor'esaeemlng In- doclalon gave ris. tu the rurnor ln question, -sntiwhilc more than any- Iing else lntincot bis staternent of Intention»'as above. Nothîng MHaad. cf Full Ticket. Tiee.Io 1111e or no talk ofsafuoi independent couty ticket andi no Naeoffotebelieve case la te be iaiupi o96. Nominees b>' popular ebolce o Republcan votera et the counl>' bave little fear of tb. intiependent move- ment, anti are of lie opinion Ibero la nothlng ta it. Mller WIII Wthdrsw. Supervimor Miller, of Uibertyville,t Democratic nommne. tor'county clerk, sill mainlains bis villingnesa 10 vith- trav bis name If Mr. Svayer viii ru,. Miller vasinlcenseti b>'misrep- resentation of hia attitude as appear- lng lu the Gazelte vhen b.ctieciareti1 ho voniti "vithdrav If Svayer aruns."1 but upon attertbought anti refloction e. ean not changeti bis mnd. Dam Wil 800. Be Complets. 1 Accorting ta contreet lb. nev Fox river dam at McHenry muaI be com- plletid by Tueada>'. If lhe construc- tion vorkle tanol compltai b>' tint tîme Ihere vilI be a dally forfeturo of $50 by the contractora to the F'ax Uakea Navigable Association 'Ator- ney CarIes H. Fluber relurnet i.i day tram th. sceneofaitle acivities anti reporta thalt tceJob vill probably ho finibheti according to the contract. Uarge forces 0f men are aIt ýork day anti uigbt on lh ighlgmprove- ment. Povea-ful arc lampa turunlgbl lnb day anti a force of forty masons aaid laborere ttel uring the. long nigbl houri tn an effort to finish lb. vonk an tîme. B>' mitinigit Moutiay l la expecteti the lent piece of mnsonry work viii be completeti. Monoy Raleed by Subscription. To tht property ovners of landi sur- rounding Pistakee, Fox, Channel,1 Grass andtihle Innumerable laites o! Lake count>', the Improvement yl prove invaluable, By lie raialng of tht valer levol lu lhe laites value of landti ylinca-as. anti the iodles of vater as plaure rmors viii be- conit more attractive. Tht greal Wall aerons lteriver la belug constructeti aI the expense of praperty avuers alon tht Fox river anti on tht hanks of Pîstaket aud Fox lakes. A aubscrlpllou lisI cia-cu- lateti nmong property ovuers resulleti lu pletigos nmaîntlug la mare than $5.000. Thetlotal casl ai tht Improve-1 met viii prohail>' ualt xceoti$81.000.J Cangaesoman William R. Lorimer anti Houa-y L. Hertz.' clletor af Internai1 revenue, via avis beautiful ummer homoes aI Pitaket bey, are membersa af tho Fox Lake Navigable Associa- haon, anti vert activt lu puttlug the plan lotoopta-ilion.- Wntr lu lie lakes viii ho rmiseti ta a levol o! 10 Inchea above lihe normal vater mark. Thia viliex- ced he uang, mark during tbe sMm- mer, Taebte Mn have be coin- pelle6 o ta i tr boat% vlth center- boards r0904. Owing ta tbe scarcitY of water, and the Profes of tearn- ors bui beaui iiipeded. The recent raine raised the level of vater Con- Dsiderable. One of*the. DOgt Important adJuncts Liquor Io Wrselv lpmesci ver Bara of Bvefi Nortb %biore for IseaithIe liai of supprossing auci 1013a as seemIngly do not effect the veaith>. Blind plua operated under cover of iveil clubs are just as amen- able ta lie lava as blinti pigs ln the lake reort reglons. The "club de- daugh" la Jusl as reprebensîble as the "drunk-feut" lndulged in by bilarlousi gatheringsinlusaloons nù& vithîn thel ta the dam viii be a large lock. vhich club noue aristorcratlc circlle. The gambling 0on viii permit bota of ail descriptions,- train@ lammredisgraeeful and braie. froaa teamer 10 a ro Paus 1570KM LXAGUBMAY Â thla. possible r libte sgeiicy of gonqule andthie- lakes the river viii îi îeaisou ot thal quiet but persistent er "vinnings" or losses.' As i said- b. a naviiàble"atream -for steamers aiton rbbyhigIsoiiàbefore, lie onir difference existealis anti launchea. The lock viii b. Bf-f aiti on. pshore y h avier s adthe.clais of participants. Wiiy not tee, teet la vldth and sixty feet là recelving atitet I mpetua trom people treal altkle" lenth. Maive floodi gales viii per- vbo scr, ta affilîste- open vlth mt lhe.wvatlarush soutbvard ln LET CONTRACTI. Urnes of leigi ater. manmover nte n pir etib ti il vas snnounced yestertiay 'that getber- a bh.alit iunded determIneti contracta bave- beenle lot lb.te eu- PUASI A PTER THE OFFICE. spirits vboae purpose ln toafseure struction of bridges anti railwsys andi Judge Damiel Pease, of Hlgbvooti, regulation of lbe lîquor trafite at ex- for grading ai tbe nival trsining sta- Democratic Mmule. for County Se- clusive Lake e Foresl'a .Obventea in at North Cbicago, and Ibat pro- perintentient.of Schouls. w»s ilnite Club aud arIstocratiçýHJghIanti Park' s possle for lhe construction of oMeers'. SUN offie lotit, andi Purcbased a Ermoor Country Club and tihe Mo- quartera yull b. receivetietathle bu- county map. Ne explslned: "I amn go- raine otel. "Club" trains an the resu of navigation, Navy Deprtment1 ýq wieiunlil Septenaber *. l i 4pl»npm-I- ibg î t- ion oreri - dpter- , -oAvre.r'- " ~ ~olr ~ -a-,. tbe dullea connected with lb. office. am h ec day gamble tu an e tent[once. If aller careful conslderation i dectieuIl elie by the uninitiated are i can givo hi peole vint lbey vaut,1 1 arn golng aller lie office 'to beal lie band!Th.lils la no Joke viti Me."1 !EDSSHORT9 AND MILI< SCARCE Farinera Under Contract 10 Furnish Cresmesi«. -Stalti Amoolnts GAr. Dol.; Bo8etamLoss. Recent Rains Wiil Hlp. t'armera in sedtions of tie coutry are findues liemselves 'up againil il."- it la reporleti, because lnnomre cases lie>' bave madie contracate wilh1 crearnerles ta furnisi certain arnounla of creasa or MUl, as l mn>' hé, dally, ta the concernesvilci take their pro- duct. Ovins othle dry voilier vhich bas predoiinaleinI many sections lie Pature$ ame short anti tarmers are coupeled ta feeti tieW -caIlle 10 keep liee floto milk up ta the re- qiireti aiounns. Thislie>' complain la caualng a boas as )t oste more ta produce lian.tie consumer la pnying. tbem, The ltfew tnys rmine bave sanie- vhal brigitened up lb. palurea anti il ln bopeti conditions viii change. If reina corne plentifuily tb. fa]] feeti viii b. god othervise there viii of neceisit>' be a shortage and dir-e re- nuitss yul foliow. Picture Gag Worked. A gang of men bave be operating lu McHenry count>' of Ite vorklng lie olti cobvebbeti game of enlarging picturea anti separatlag those vbo hile froin lieir money. The enlarçeti pic- turo graft la ont of the oltiest golti brick gamtes known ta tic avîndluz fraternit>'. .Ai Lake connty bas not been vorketi by tbis kinti o! graflers for a year at leat Iheir ealy ativent la looketi for. Spenti your money wlth smre on. you knov anti feel assureti tiat you, wil gel ometiing lu return. DROVE HORSE TOO HARO. Wrn. Gardinier, a Grayalake liver>'- man, vas cnrnpiaiiaiit ln a lav suit hrought against lie Slrobbea- Piano Comnpany hetnre -Justice More o! tint village on Tuesday laI. Gardinier chargeti that n repre- sontative o! the compan>' renleti one of bilshorses andi drove lie animnal go far ani aa bard tint l vas braugit back ta lihe rncompletll>'exinualeti anti was sick for morne tut,. The suit vas deideti lu favar aiflth piano cancern, but viii he appenleti hI lie liveryman. whoi delèea-mlued 10 ecover. WILL YOU ATTEND REUN ION? Are yau goi,,g ta attend lie rtîîoioil aI Grysînke? If you art lnUnhe yoll yull go 10 Grays ilke boli Augnt 20 anti il anti wiil have a goodt ime, as Inclutietiln lhe proposeti crusadte. il vamore s spirit of relallation which promptedth le movemont, but vhlch nov bas bebint Il citizens via earneslly desire a thorougi "dlean- lng up" of lie nortb shore anti re- gartleis o! vbo la effecle t tereby. one on the "Inside" vas Intervieveti Ibis moruluz by lie SUN jusl alter he hati a long consultation viti As- sistant Staleas Attorney Miller. lRe admilledti lire vas ta b. concerteti action along Unes IndIlcateti, bults- serted ti l as not yet lime 1u give publicity la the malter, Mr. Miller, vien approacheti retuseti absolulel>' 10 diseus lb.question. H. voulti netier tieny or af5rm such a mov.- ment vas on fout, but by bis de- meanor the Inférence Is jualiflo t ere la "somehing dolas." OWventças sBas&& ighwood. The SUN'S Informant, viii main- tainins a discrete sience as ta essen- liai points of Informatain voucbaafed thc tollowing opinions ln an enîbusi- stte ecital o! conditions be cdaimi ta kmow exiat aithle fashlonable anti exclusive "clubs," H. sald. "Onvenlala la every bit as bati as igbvooti. The Lav anti Order bague bati beat begfin rigbt et borne. Tbere liquor la dispenseti as freely as over the Higivooti bars, anti 1 bave reason 10 helleve the exclusive Onvenîsia tiebauch la more revoling than lb. Higbvood bîlaruties o! vieh you nevapaper men have se much ta aay. Cabs carry 10 gildeti palaces me. anti vomen vba have mi- bihedtonb treel>' of expenafive vines at lb. clubs. Police perforin Ibat tunc- lion ai Higivooti. At lie latter place lb. sasIeof liquor la at leasI legiti' mate ln Ibat saloon proprietora psy a license for the privilege of aellIng liquors. vhich aristocratie clubs do nol. Il lu lhesanme at the Hîmoor Country Club anti Moraine 1-otel i. Highlandi Park, The only ditinlction lu the evils la thet of clasa, and wby discrimInate? AIl Look Alike to Us. These esîhete Lake'Forestera woulcl close tie augar retinery at Wankegan because it offentisIbela- notions ot excluaiveneaa. Tht>' objedl 10 High- wooti saloons on the sanie grountis and vaut rigiti enforcemeut cf lb. liquor lava ln the laits region of lie anme restrictions appliedti latle clubs, Ther.e eist aillie 0,11. vhich follov in lie vake of otier lquor dispensalts In tie count>'. liaugi lotieti lu tie "respectahulit>'" vhilcivealti affords. The>' al lok alike ta us, anti ville lie Lavanti Ordea- League ide bus>' vli aoffenders of ont cîas. vwe are just as tpergetlc- aIl iy et *rk gnthering Information, vhIci vie, given publiclty vilI con- vinco lie public tioro can rigily>' h no distinction Iu Ibis retorin crusade." Why Not Work Togther? Tht uevspnpe ane.suggestd Il voulti h.welvtetasolicit co-oîtmatiou tint ls lie kind i f a lime tha int ab1- of lie Lv anti Ordor League. The Iug planneti for al via attend,. anaver: "Weil, aome o!f lis havei The fineal anti boit camp fia-lth le Ibougit af tint, but lion tht per- hislomv af tht soItidiers'anti tallors sonnel ai lie Lepgue dots nel ln- reuniaon la 1ranstd ant' i viiibe a spire confitience lu a sincero cua-nati tenture o! tht occasion. If yan want iuvalviug tht aristocratic clubs, Thia ta met eyur oid fralnds or lialeli 10 Longue la fathereti by aici men ana lie tare. of lhc aid veteana, bc sure oua- hue o! Investigation m->' prove la b hltae. emFnrsing te poverful and vealti> Titre viii bt gond music, gooti neighors anti frîtudi a! certain speakers anti everytbing ese tlista League membera If il cornes uno gooi. 'Il yull pe>' you ta b. titre. dloser ta thein. Tht Leagu lia set TtIfRGcOSPU.WAS THIÉ WRONGBRAND Young Mon Lacked Proper, Crodeg- liais andi Thair Oaaeer 131[ghted whlle Yel in the Bud-Stern Justice Impose% 85 and Costa. Lihertyvilie Ireals lb. Salvation Army or the Volunleers o! Amerita vili tie keeneat respect. Liberty- ville valcit, over the. velfare of those organizationa 'ili lie keeneal zeal, But Libertyvîlle mueI ses th% credentials anti knov that lbey are correct before lie armies of good are aliovedtu 10 olti songfesla upon the atreel corners of ber PrettYly 1111 village. Llbertyville la noteti for litepurity of vaters. UbertyviUe salobai sta- tions vbere lie essence o! lie hep con b. obtalneti10in excigefor tbe nichle of commerce, Libertyvlle brev laIlikevise lntoxlcationg. L Thureay evenins four rail- roati construclionfats vere loitering about 1h. village green. Captai. Cook, o! lie Volunteers. vs groving eloquent upon tbe corner viero the Lake Count>' National Bank swings vide litadors. The young me, carofully vstcbed andtio thIbir BraI lemmon In lie spreading of the gospel. They ba i li- biheti plenleously of mirth-giving watera. They again ver. liniatQra. At th. clos. of the captain's ors- tion n feeling caine over tbem 10 go anti do Ilkewise, But the captaIn hati gone viti ils "gospel wagon." A searcb about lie village streets loti ta a dscovery, "Hi" Luska tirs>' wagon vas stand- ing alone anti uncareti for. The gond bay hors. vas betveen lb.he ti. àlouullng the seat, one. of lie number tii-ove ta the gospel corner. "Hi" tiuîcoveredti lem a fev mIn nIes Iter anti sougit ta talc. poses- sion, but the meeting vas not 1u be broken up. He vais given lie reins 'but impresseti inta the gospel Cam- paigu. Prom corner tu corner he vas compellei ta drive until vay inta the nigil bis imitation gospel wagon bear- lng the four. FInally the marshal ofthle place, Chiot Henîgea, scatteroti the crovd, sending Iheui 10 their restlng places anti Ister servei varrante upon them for dislnrblngth lispec. The mon gave their nomes ai Bort Smilth, John Aunderson, Pele Johnson anti Gus Raymond,. aIl of Highvooti. Tiey vero assossoti 85 anti coesa ch after contcsslug tiaI Ihelr gospel vas nat ote correct branti. Mr. Luak vas serveti vith a warrant charget i vîitt bcbng a co-conispiralor, but pleatis liaI he vas an uuvillllng gus? upon ifs awu gospel cart, OROVE INTO TELEPHONE WIRES. Rtoy Van Wormr ofo Antioci, met wllb an accident recenîl>' ni Sigitus corners wiicb mlghl bave culminileti aet-lusl>. Tic vire. o! lhe long dis- tance tiepiane compin>' feli acroas tht vires o! tht Farmer's lino at lie Intersection of the ronds, Young Van Wormer drovo unaus- pectingl>' 1,10 ltevireslli e tia-k andtie liohrse teame bmdi>'entang- loti. Tht animal fell ant In1,ls freuz>' entirely dtemohisiedthelb.buggy sud bamness. Van M'armer himsoll ftaIl>'succeedeti l. gettIins out of lie vreck vithoul being ijurei. Scheel and Elut Sone 11.000 uventa COUR NEIT SpEitIOI j The great Sheldon sccol ta o ta be estg)ilabed tu Lake Osi«Ybu- tiveen Ll»ertylv1le and aRoieusilat 4ý vbat la nav tarin land, viii b. a0s stitution in accomuiodate titres iiu', 1 droti resident students andi na« thousands of correeponding studeuf-.Iï) The sWb"o la emfl eti ti-i. ýý Scbool" and aima te teacb the scàq> of lucceo*ful slmanahslp aMd tb science of butines, lis pressai q" ters are at 295 -State sreetiieme1, wbere Ils leases40 cet expire mc nome lime ta corne. lloever te tyvîlle probaful> next sprlng. Hoas Puuchied Muai, Land The. SUN- is i. recelpt of oitv Information thal the Sheldo. p~0pie have matie ton great puarchais. pnt landi. One. a tarin oftwto huntissi acres,, Mr. Sheition mIel.. viii oused for à bom.e for bimueel!mgi bW famlly. The other tract, for ttt.., school adrnittedly, constaeila SU acres. 4 la à Correspondance Seheil. Baya Mr. fibeldon: "Ours ln prinarily, a correspfflebot, scbool, about four years nid sai -bas norene eventeen Ibmmdan tuifls î scattered tbronsbout the vorli." The sehool management viiietet a building le meet tb. prenant sesiV and tlatke a lmiteti nuniber of r* Mtent studenta. Ufe aithte achool viii ct h do voted laa-gely le physicl carsho- viii bave au equu Mm 09 tbuh, mental Mimovl m Mae Tmm. "boaile cet part .et a tels, ls promoters edaim, bo 0.17 origtuinali.a liue. Woodmen te Have Day. Baturday viii b. a gala àa» for tý Woodmee of Lake county&Masi z craft vii lur.11f 11.845 oWi0 JK - the èffort ta gel a gond i lde àWeýI glve one 10 many hundretis t ff»sUa and new membera. Tbirty strcng membtgrs 0< w wooti çamp will tome hbmre hointW1 sud induet ittu, te myteIm o ý0f order 100 husky Waukegalta, menilers of the, local camp. haro. persuatie tu aMon. Enzleoodoïl!iiib. niet ai the tUe vith lb. uniteti strengM cfet oW' Woodmen, ieade4. by a brau ~ The aggregalon wili parade UNs4lsm Genese, anti Waaito neNe bý l th. hall snd therae ie orn vi»b* with Ira.ioe, Norti OMesagg. :ýd Forest, HWigland> Park, .'ornée, LI» Bluff, lbertyvllle and 0e 6Js;v . camps as onlookers andieIt~u A banquet sud apffeeeeh mio .. folov, the great speakars >1% Meuars. Wieeler andtieMrris. of,~ cago, sud Reeman and EntlstigsMr <et Elgin. Tii. evening la confdenti>eay ' ed ta b. the largest 4 an cetp»"- ureable one Ibat the Niera 111009- men of America have ever oIUN*,» anti executed ln Waukegan. outiltl wiii drililbah gb Our pri-leaswgb4*. ' drill velle tu0 'IWO h1e ti Pt&. JOHING .4 e ) S-- il