Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Aug 1906, p. 1

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* ,, i add' WAUIEI 4WEKIuY SUN VOL~A XIV. NO. 48.1 LIBX]tTYVILLE,, LAKE COUNTY, ML 1FRIDAY, AUG!JST 3el, 1906,8 Pag"u $1. 30; %PER YEA1"IN ÂDVANCE. ,NEXT Wedneudy, September 5. 2-30 IraI . . ..........$300 3:00 trotI....................... 300 2:16 Par-e.- ----..-.---.--------300 3~mile rienleg and rapeet ...150 Thurada>'. September 0.. 2:24 trot ...................... $300 Frea-for-sil pace .. .............. 400 2: 36 Pace . ....................300 %mlle dasi. rueelbg ........... 150 Friday, Septemeber 7. 2:25 bace--------------------....$300 Fr-se-for-ail trot. ................ 400 2:40 trot.- ----..---......-:.....-'ÏO 1 mle lasi. running............ 150 sSpeciai Fealures. - Wei esday. Tharsday aund Fride>' I cttrnoaes a lady halloonlat viii mcire ancensigng eand spectecalar par- achute drups. A higi vire vglker 1% a. ulve .,rtnrmnnrn aCIi. .'t'4"5 A ladies' resu uubuinguus. - ir- '. g - .'-rlo ..... ,- - -"a ng macr. checkt raisi ansi ixr-c- refft before lb. grand'stand.ý rom bas bee)n erectasi. Il Id sîluatesi Bas5e BuIl ln Mcrnlng. se tiat frein te firty foot ver-enda In Haretofor-.'thb.'hail ganes have or- effar-desi a vlev of the.trar-tc edan- rrasi as lie races ver-e an andsicrh groansis.'i coalit bas realted. This yeer the. A file neaudinleg bail bas jnsh bae gace vîli ha ln tie cornlcg af eacb camplelesi andi sieep andi horpesde>,beglnîleg t 1:301. It Inbelievesi îulit on the nevi>' ecqured lansi. h lus yl b.'mtici nmor-e setîstactar>' ta doabtfalIif hors. ed catlle bares - sud tboi.r a-ha viai b se.' ohliraces and stails viii ha built le lme for auiS hall gaiesca cn do so. tIs- yaar's fair. vhlcb opens Tuenda1 A Clean Midway. next Tie. fair officers have asseîu.d tuis Mariy Enlries for Races. jleis' r- sta la al 0beailt jeei'u'ifu Tii.'speasi prograni promises t la e i.eatuîre on the nîliva> ansi bava fiýrnleii ant.'rteinientehsncb as bas îroised ad Iegambiing viilhae ex- uevar beau vitiéssed on. a bal-mile4ldd as weli ns the sala of llqaar. cour-se. Secratar>' Morse bas ail IThie gond o!flbhe fair deasanda thie ha lInds of entrilez for lie iar-bas avents doue aed the. fair oîicers vili be se- ands sys evar>'clainsviilbe falli taver-el>' censar.d If tii.'>' ail la mlo as <vrfiovîng. The. pragramn: tic'>'hai-e cgr-ced. rLettes toi People Front Preuld è.t Millter'. PPLz or LAItE oDUsTt M-1 i'~u U S.hiyea oe P-rmU*ddoWy' àbt gwU- officers have be workiag hardanll faltbfully ta insuare the comieg fair peeg aacrees..verytbing passaible thit eould lie done han bee car.'falhy sud paiîîeteLingly carrled out. Tihe Assoi&tion eau bas plenty of lad. New buildings will le' nuira A eew dîieg hall aud a slparioas ret rooa4lor tired inothers wiii go fur ta malle the day *pett aet the. fair ej)atell.and above ail the.'Assj.'iatiue tus pronme leMidway. Tuera wjll b.'ppissively nalilfor old lia the 'groibnde.% ý.W.'eu im téialle tlis Fair the.'greatest je the istory ofthtic uîîty and hlieve ' w ilsace.'d. Ver' traly 70 rs. W. F. MILL Ii, Pi'. 110W TO BEAT THE FAKIRS TRY TItIS'NMETIOD AT FAIR~ Ei.'i.y y'ir id tiie'fair Iert-are laiki@ i oaeaun etoua Ther.' îs 311sfouf np;».nty waiting .and hetclung with: vey to Wieneand tIiom'Whounedersiand eagi.' eyp for thiuîoney yoa bav-e earned i the.' ethods of tiie'fakirs clivaym wiv lly the.' sweet ot yuur boyand r-.ady té)a he ii' methoîd.' h la sminipl. in tilt ine" 701to play their gamules. A ýextrenj.' audaias takea maceh easy cuonej glaî-e aet their boards wiii show yua moneev froin their liaedm. Tryi it at til filet the tadll are ail rours. You ae. fair. It is suo.'xceediegiy .'asy ta ander got to vie f yoa bair stay wîtl t ue tuand tiet twa wurds wil expila ii The wordél arée 'dont îley."Thisi gaim."the.' liatiee's given arîe so great in' alwiolately t -ait,nir cwcn nthodo yoar favor. ieating ili.' akîî. H.' wns the geai,. GAME LAWS B!ING Alto li Libertyville. The Deaiîialnes et Lbertyville bal ______ been sainad Ile ii. jst. A mat OfFesesAreNumrou inVarouswiiase name Is keown togetiier-viti OffesesAreNumrau n er-ouathree boys drew a sein and took flot Places About County-Bangs Lakt*eabout 'a year aga ana: it ls keavu tha Sened-Ri ver Dynamited. he bas alne.'dYnamited thé. streai Raceetly several flagrant violations Bath these acte are r-e4lcally agains of gae. lavas have heen reported len the law. rar-bas parts of Laite coaety. Daring Shol Protected Bird.. tbhe past faw veeks gae.' sii have It la also known tiiet garie liîr been taken by seleig Bangs Lake by were idbat betweei the.' boars of 3 ai, Waacoeda parties via have been 5 lnei. early mornlng on the. Geoig, aidaid le one or twa cases by resart. Morris terini. The.' alawtal shootini eis fr-ont Chicago.1 resalted Ilithe.' kiling of two bîrds ou Tiié naies of the mec are said to a evey3. The.'lew lrovildes a li ha le the bande of the.'proper authori- 1erai fine In case o acdi rd. tien aed the only reason thay -have ineI tht, case tiiere were tva hant not hean prosecuted la that strangar men and eacii lsale. Fraie appeli evîdeece la Boaillt ta malle cartaie of acces there fla Plenty of work for caevctle vhe hey re Sauyap-good 1v.' varden le bath these sai prahended. Tie isii takaen have beec jtlous as it la cederstood the. partie shlpped ta Chcago le soitecasas and! caccercad seeci feerless ar erreat an ar er -oA. have also been sais i qalt about Waaconda ta parties haiS le confli- dence b>' the poaciiers. Basa andsi citerel have been taken le qacatit>' ans ibs aer-unts for the falling off le flshlng ett ual resait Foar or i-e yoing men are Impicaee andi Il la saisi they have poaciesi ech 5est for e number cf swnmers. Tii. mnalter has heen brongit ho hihe notice of lhe vardan ans iti laprobable ho ilîl aet. Pay at Tise pi4r. The LAKE COUNTY IP4OEPEN. DENT and WAUKEGAN WFEKL*d SUN will have headquarters at tii ccming fair et Libertyville. Thd newbpapr tant îwiII b. NEAR THE MAIN ENTRANCE cf thé grounds Our circulator %will b. ln charge ani i'sady to recfive subscrlptions oc right any mistakes which may havq ffcurred. Ae-AT UIAND ECverytblnu la la TIp.lOp Shape fer BlIg Event liANT 0008) FEATURS pIiOUI&B CLEAN PIKB Preperatians for- the.'aePîIei Laite Conllty pair et LibertYvilie ar-a aIl but tomplet'. Tii. managemnt tta year, parcluased a ittia over Ibre.e cref~ asdilonailandesiacd a part oftlei in- îroYents ls pssibl, bas brcn ec- compilabei. salts tule s ig tîuesle nail 'cans ponder avar the combleatlon of VILLAGiE Iat a p. ,îlain of. Hae JIILcircuatancea vblch def.'ated thefr exagturpase a e lib îertyvîlle conven- TtI#~ATEI I,.of saasthety " s grtion Il la no Wonder the. Gazette le ThREATENED ;~geratail and bs,)-i vtydateracf a sait c o 'WITHI SUIT aalsttlie- ~ l' Ilg.SC1RED.fle - Opta% F IN TROUBLE. Tii.'echae rsocial held o ln Olla rau is u$te 190 lfeward. TreamentAgeant ibety- tteant temedes Itu i On July S. F. L., Mercer, cf tie J'ses eliî lleea ru ak e laeoai 1 tiai nki f as i iet Ssmee acf Emmcns Mercer Lumber cempenv, ville'.s Chief of Police iieard le JustIc 8' court Moeday TrytuegtaB xpluin Thinga Lbertyville. IM., lost a suit a suilîcase - -attreon.uha Fhe aiChcag -mari.d« "F. C. M." scmeiere alan 8h. resd betwsofiChicsgo VICTI àICLAINtISTO ciiarged lber h nid vlth tbreats ta SUITU98SEXPL4NATION Pit hln Vroond e w au GoseJ HAVEB EN CIIOMBI) tae.'ier flue,. r as fieed $6an NEBDS EXPLAININO A r.ward cf I0100 wili b. psitt he conte and pot boeds'of $200 ta _____ kaepthapeac. Prt, ieturnlng th. e 0a" il$ con- James Lhbrtyvita.eIs rs. Mr. Hendees or-gan. the Gazette. te to he person glvieg informeation tamt s Ill c iofLnibervilb. le 8 Mr.Striolnis ininiirtall by . hre a fit lit v.eiand ail hacase leai e rcov:ry of cae and con- tiireatening sait for $10.000 agatlt Opte Read ln aiie o bis noveis. J. L. Swayer ls being "forced ta r-an tenta wiIl receive ,'svard. Ntitify F. that village conjoitly with the LIb-egalest lMr. Heedee by tiie SUN. t Ch'RER 99WOhrodA*,c ertyvîlbe chiaf or police. Officar ADO TO FARMERS' LINE. Th.Chicaagerosmanîe dorc E MUONS MERCER Hetges. ciiargieg taise arr-est and le- Tii. latent millien ta the fermera' Mr. Swayar. fi telle hlm iie iilinjue. e.1hmi 7 LbiEvl birman trentineet on the. part of the telepbone inele-fi lice ftanAlIibch hiimelfIt f ie "ruas agalnst AI," and, wtnt ietvle1pi. I poîlcegan. tu Laite Villa a»4' a branchikipaaJ -....;t nat -"for hilseue s. salesccami kia.t IerTlePi' - ~- ',under -arreat ad an tfrd U6wconrss"idUa>the.'threas ofaIthe SUN." etc. Then Cii siwate& on the i.., t sent arc John Mr. Heedee's arase reprimanda Sa- irairaed ysear live a fte ote locked ap le the village Jeil Satir-diyHaghe's, Chas. llariaagb. i1- M. îîer-vlsor Miller. tie Democratlc nom,-! foe. and a third for the. round tri p froin night on the.'cierge of dr-unkeeness Haghies, J. R. Cribi. IRichard "Illlon. ee for- coant>' clark.. becs-ase of ieck Iai lillis ittim enty-ave miles ta ami dîsarderi>' cacdict.- . John Cribh, . J. il b.haî, F. Hawkins, ut layally ta bis party. He shoîîld haaletrii.u cîDalit of the. Lakes î The.'arreet vas the. outgrawth of iP. Richards.-iiratik Hiît.'r. .). DaJziel, e god Deniacrat. sta>' ln the race anîd Coîant~Y fait. tu la hehl the. firet week le feeling eneauder.'d betweaii the tvoaned .'tiir Wlt*. t.Central la nt An- fyrther AIS lutereas ti ereby. tpuil r. I i'iisleSp.~ t men for an elleg.'d "beatleg uai' et a tioch. AsiBlly sys t. incluisive., the.' uialrtare boieg1 Ronl of Jeu>' aol the nîgit reviotis. ~lit aie iaregr-apb Edîtor BiliY 1 xod anii .4lpt. 8 The.'traie arriv. Youîng Jelly charges tint the 'police- DOWI! ! ISSmsih el'ivesBîhmeelf le bi sntali iirngt Libirt'.rille franu thé.' WesIt a man slrack hlm witi e «biîly.' Wth grotesque Engltsh tis vis.': 12;10M vili stop et cil stations ii.tweeC 5sever-al boys h liedl been davn the M R CL. Svayer- viiikilt imhusef fur iJaic'evzll.' and Iiwrtyvilet on tiese str-eet and vas retir-eiig ta the.'huai-' k ood If haeeters the. race for coaety dates. -8.i cees portion of lhe village on.'ofethli Praduces Your« toan Said To Have clark on thIindepeciient ticket. HeI sboys playieg a moti orgeri. white' Been "i.iei.ancd Shows Hlm bas man), trlenda iîaw and elvays bas WIIOLE PLACE 1S tib oliers ver.' stnglng. r, t.t ~~ GdMsNo lied them. bat ipeople dont like ail inam. oaeing *y o Ms o fîer. espacially vien i te goee foinBEING CIIANGED e What 'They Cam. ie sknMi.acampeige vith the distinct ander- Ti. osrbreha ete t tanding that the. delegate system iaE Wre trt xesv tackedthae. trikine oo.' viti bis John Al.'xmdUb'riI)i i bas per- la raiep." Tien Biliy adds:, "Thiita- » E. J. arna tarî Extensiv flot. îîslcg hise 'illy' freely iporr>n- ormad anotiier -"niir-a-lu- ai Zion i-or-ar-yof boltlng fraie thii proflias- iprvmet.a ew Purchallad otier and ktckiiig a thbrd. Tii'he C tametn;a huuihus'lion leaamethieg beyoed lb.' conîpeil- il Farm-Will Have Country (stat. t r-ae.'d ram 6 la18 o 19 Yeeea i CtysAu ametnga- mo bu eatsmtng iinb'ai r-e-i .J.W-ir. ieoer fte rage fronIlt 18a o9 earns.f, iday. Dr. Doute jrodiîrid 'J W. astion of local politiciens." Bih>'! 5'agiin i li iciiiorhod~ 85Lavrence,.29 6'nidofd. GII.'ad. peesettan." It vîli ciiever ta guesa "%westerSeld farin.' M It bas long Mib. hocuntdZai 'i!letati.beau kiiua-i about fonr toiles soath oail Thematerwaireored ta hie 1 ya.»~ i ii-o ve-sA c"otialibertyvllle. la iasing no tume'le sta,-t- k ratertiryoîîî Jliyen Searda> istanding. uho Ia#Jiabulle ta tir-av If tiere vas eny aiid.rstaiidiîig be- ctiinlrvlethapousda taitertic nig flyandeg tha aaay hils cruti*ibe.fier the.'-tirest alis- for-a tia primerlesfit vas that amier nigt, he igh folowng he lleedtie" bcad prayedliter iiim. the.'nev lau the people' vaald bave a ooa h ese atae h attack apae lb.' boys. Jel>' met the D.houle- at~u~ a veakened coe- chanîca. The>' vere ta registar their boas.' la et the preneet m lim itner- ollicer and laid hlm viat b h ht dilian. bua m ged ta, preside ver cholce and It vs preamad the con- goieg a complete metamnorphoisls and of hlm leIn nistakeable termes. Jelly a Jhi~-" e madein et- venllon vas.bal ta ralif y their deci. aimait as if by magica the entîreSp I dtubv odtebg- flqÇhUe 'W 'ton. Mr. fivayer la sdeuItteilly the. jpearance ot the -place tu belng hai il ta wuv. fold i f is luolesta ~ ta lr s aebadbnpapalar ecinnee. by rigit ai hevleg, chang.'d. lyset ie li leke oandbIsesa aie fcstinig for thre a d e a sed. 190 mars volas tien Mr. Hejpdee. Bat 1Carpeniters. cactrectars. leborersm le>'asîe u 'blI>' ad l.' againe i en bie callcdl for testimoniaes. aloeg camas the ZIon City' deleation and isinters ha evtiir ver-k outlîles gîin heaclways carries hie voaid set-iyoang Lawrence got ap and told boy wltii trebie tha privîheges le hi.' con- frte V c iyArealbs'e tat.'mleont.'po.ha came-ta Zioîî City a crippia. tiet vention thonnbil any otiier cin- 1tervrostns r anr Father- Choked b>' Chiet? b)hl o enal owl ihu uiy e erstngny20pii At thîs janctîî lalealleged - Hant- b'cde o ho apltavl ihatmnt',ytrpranigony20pr'itservrns a a c r. Wtaernler.1 ce lzdtemn lcdhmo-rauches for ti-eu years aîîd tiiet Dr. mary voter-s. ced gives ta Mr. Bande.'1Woplnclag întysteafr ges ha ali plcedblean-Davie bcd prayell for him.vîi ticth the convention nomination. Tii.'Hall- lhe style efthle Engilai manors. lis drasznd cod t.Tepi-rlatta ewsai betuak ien argen Insista that tils la Repah- pnlulng tii.'work gL._Qd.4ls gaminer crer arras tnted chked îl. Ti.'pri-rea tlini'da ganai. 0 faiceaîin. Daubtiess It la ti'ir- kted.*1v1sec the aid tarin duellfigea rmaid-c aa romva s leas if lekap ad He mov.'d ar-î,îiîd îti case'. Bîîîy saeys Pla beyaed ils "compai1en III d rbutnai hyrene- vaspraise bI raea ifh.'woad 'This la e sign." salit Dr. Dowla. scaîî",tiiet ail Repablicana shoals ls n rial ustlti" îearc pl~gaily. Otharvîse It vas given ".that Ood bas noi forsaken nie and not svallov lie dose. boIlle and aii. ogeIzbie.,hdIIw hlm ta ander-stand ieha oaid remain te i o i ida aelcnWl.Biynyrvsiî.h~Tii.'neebortdenvllheti. ave Sanday l te liockap. Jet],liy mntsobi n1hv ee el il eerwsme n"o-fer-m ie located la nov practclty set- pled »ltysain li dd u olytopictarel." iîensatlon." te ) hcg pris il h O paedgeity.sayngb.'dldso niyta At a meetinîg if the Voiiva faction. Whichin Belter Aepubllcan? le > îiaolate. I al. sacare bils ralease. He deeles that hae tie genaral iîv'rseer cenotinced Ibat Mr. Svae.r la e candidate. catilfhlm rFlîti avenaue of Lake coanty and here vas druek. Denial Bryantliie siaccon flicierge iîidapene.nt If yoa vîli.andi b>' aI- le c.'cr-ed the country Intercste of Ilpon hia retiease b.'Immediately aoflb.' South Af ican field, viiuihas frege <if Repablicalia of Lake coaîîty.* ninîl' ia eseleitain $25.000 homoe. soaght aL-Ihysldan and ihed bis tbroat IbeaunlZoîîCtyîvfor- ouie yacks, The lnconsist.'ncy of raversing te lb.csada slnîîly for the.'pleasar.' liaI èxamined. Dr. F. H. Mtartic. vie et- vould bh. sent lii Europe leea v.'ek primer>' or people d.'clsioe by con- t h.>'sacceed le gttuieg out oYtie.. Steeded the mec. sîtad tiet apon ex. reconsîruet thetio-Zîn orgenizta to vantiîîe or dlagate cholce. la con- i__________ 'amînationli.' faaed the.'mac's tbre elrgecIle, i ia1av 1idcmncd b>' ai-r-y Rapublican tievsa-£saîsSR1 the arg citesas tegehavede-par liitii.' stete and i etils tiret session 3WAJII IR I badi>'lnglamcd and front epîîearenes cllnedad nd br-uk,-îae>'f romntihe ar- lia legllatare viii b.' campellid tauI !I A GI li.' th' e n vas le muci pain. lie baoiant charch duîriig iei. roetr-overîsu be- rectlfy tiet mastunejaat and ridictu- Id difficalty le sallovleg and bis i'yes t we rival le'aders. lotts portion aoflb.' nav 1ev. but le vn er.' balglng tram bis iaad, er-car-dlîg __the_____lb'Lake coact>' clarkehip ctest tha er-ec fleWtr ac at beta the.'physiclin. *.,*,damae la don.',fbanc.' the demen e rtrno h atr ucmsi "I'. advlsed hlm as ta treulcent' LIJUU BIDS ARE tiat Mr. Svcyer-, agale present bits Ar-t cf Sport sman-Weighod fl9 sal"d Dr. Martin, 'andsias h. lcft my NOW IN; direct ta lia voter-s. The>' vili Poands and Measared 41 Inches in office i fcarad lie wonid feint" decide in Navember wiiich la tic bat- Length. r- When asked If Ihera vas danger-- ter- Repalilcan. lb.' mare varlir nom- et Jal> receîvîng serInas raaîits fr-arn Oriental Fiaver-. Distinctive la Grass Inca, as lie>' did le Augast. Thîs cryi'~~.grett r-r-iolin ai 01 te afair th phyicin sad, akeForme a Field of Blossami of "baltlcg" la bat ta daprive thc pao- 1 cas talieii fraie Rouind Lak~e Frides jI l.' lfaî. te pb-sl-laessl. 'Ye akepie ofailnopportieity of voticg Ihair 1i ivnlî 'nît.uis Renidait, a Chicago thera lis great danger. t hava keavc -li Similar ta Lqti cf Ancient choir-.. il raflects tic fear- thet le - of ucasas viera lic tiroat ber-aie Egyuptiacc. fait iilitiheBanda.' camp vie lb.'1disclile if it'er-îd andulr-ual wiîu saisi- porlie hy sîmiier-r-ases andi ln Ipe î.ople bei-e a chance-. polilîlel na- 1 mers cicr-y et Ibet lake, took a oneacasaeviiicb cama limnder ci>' notice IThe.'lotus un'.f Grass Lakare 1'1ulait loelch le tvcnty yaar-s ha, j'munster 1914j iotilld fisi. Rendavas as daath vas th.' rasult." nov aithlaitz-iiil ansi Mails-ly iii'i5 aillad so mur-h for Mr. l-lcîde l d iinliasoelcnendteap n Jeu>' la nat Ellarge mac and clairon af baul>' ar-e iîî.îing ulgrinîages 10 not si-e hlm nt theic PrIeur-le, hra ingliasii -io e i. tiei h'offeres eno sow ai r-.'lsleuîce, s.'.'ti.m. Diîriîg their blooni îthons- tic voîcre nul.'. iîor viii Il ai tic icr-- tara vas a iuast excitiîsg anc. the big in ene iechr-.'agane ta flr-r. anda fraie Ciir-cinnd lsewviere Sec -liais. liait îîastlieg hllefoar andi n hall et Consuited s Lawyer. tieni ever>'y yar- aîd ta thti chrbrin SUN as With.the People. tu-et af vater. Immadiatel>' atter bis eleneeb. la added the îiiîîciieiese of lie pictîr-c The SUN esivocates Mr-. siayu-r'SI Reiidau. havever. being n veter-an consait.'d e lewy.'r and made arrange- vhich lthe),' calieas tic> are cr-ti- fartiier ceîîdidacy hacanse baie lic the Ichrîian,î.remnined itii routroi af 11 manta la paab the. cas.'. Tii. villag cal>' unknowc aîî>viuer-e on tus r-an- r-lghlfîîl Repîîhicau uioiclucu' forle I coînti-cakvtvîl h as ati' siluiatlauu 'and lifter Hoie Io ander-staad ta b.'fiable for- lic acta tillent .'xcept iliiiheana spot in Lakle ' of Rapa woldbces vb b oei'iCnaee al b'mn of ts policeman. In tact, a csejcoanty wvier-.'ticy tliveanad fuis tmaietl oereasls h eltrýt h soe hr I a ,ls egeinat the village of LIber-lyvilie for The GrasLai.' tatas li sfeld to b- uiijr noiy i-at.'fhava do no. hatirae frta the boievbrc a ud a ooigaat ca t year Btldver>' sîmiier ta lie f'*tsaof ha on.' ti i:tîorn le sud t o she 01W dr-ggdFort-n arvcher n. g.' for $460. At fiat lte'a apcallf- ir-ent aigyptiaiis. l'hobelledaof lue wblci saissivai>' bava te esheleIr>OeIce o ýgficar siat a man te a salooe, The' of- iOriental floyer r-osirr ame fart>' acres raie vîjthoat a question ns la rîgît ic ahe nimasueeasforly'<ie I1cerbs ut vas cýarg.'d, vas mander tic ansila on.' contlinuîonîsbloom ofcrram euîd vrong oafic11muotter. Inlui.ngtb andsinellîudately alter île Influence af drink at htite. colared heada llifiedap vîthi itîa- Ber-eus.' Zin CiIty bad a legîîl rigitj ar-rival et lise stimeuler resort set for The Boy& Bide of If. ule grae.'fronitiihe pasisand r-sies l-l oe epealttnt taR'Its pîcture, Goairge Reuichen, the.'Man Ti.Iby lac iba ii' hoie tr oaheand th i.'sgit ta rer-kaneds ie ori ~publîcan convention, Mr. -leiideu ar-dn nnuh omiti Th osaetehegiles ail Repablcans ahouilsib.',folieI >'bsdu oîîchtialte ts a ahall gaule et wvilbHentgas asthe grandeat îvlîci nature offers. lied, neyer mmnd the.'Jasteesa th te- Ilîu- isl iutRoundiil akqet e high r- ampira. According ta tiem ai , T U 1,0 OE. sitîuation. Tiot Mr. fivayer recel-e a n iîdard. uiletiiig viti1h.' camer-e. e shovad a bar-k of kcovledga of litheIL 1,00MTL 190 moe votes tbon Mr. Hendeea r Tlîc boitl isied liti îakîeg tlîe big r-- geme and thie yoang menr.'tased ta AI a meeting iut the shockholdcrs cakes no difference ta the Gazette. r-air-h vas par-k rIîd, vhlch beit sons, as ple'ay nili a nev umpîra vas suslti-. of th.' Columebia Club at Fax Lake, sa long as Heuide.' gelstheb. nomina- bield on- Starday. il vas decîdasi ta tion. Il la ail rlgbt. gond RelîîîbllC.'îî- mîtihe cost siicccaîfiil fieher-cian fieit Lnd taled. Becansa of this lie>' say-lha bud a îventy-î'iglt races hotel anid lseand if yen dont k.' 1h yoa are a 1lias qnelties ver-y actlclng ln 1h.' becamte "soreed.d" and basnb le idorsitar> viti accoimodationse for- "boitai" dlekls Bibi>'. iliger finitsur-h ns tIi.'>are asperlal- le for-thoaeever Ince.. 100 fguents. Tic building vIli bc aon 'Cencere as te Miller. t'aiia ecpue HaveBer-m. Nisane. -the. site of lic oui.' laI vas bîîr-îsed Mur. Hendees colnceta as ho Miller,_________ ôfficer Henîges daclae a dozei some lime ago, andita calculated hi tthe Democralir- nocinea. I la agbeble. - PEAE TT EOT boys aboat the. village' have ber-aie coat $10.000. I il vlib ha bIt aofr-an-H.' tilnks Miller la dolng an InjastIce PE RSST ERPO , sur-l e naisance that strict measares craIe bloc-ks. Tii.'Managemenit ex- ta the Democralir- Par-yt>la vlhhdrewý Cotint>' Suîperiiuitciîet oif Schools are nçe-ssar>', anSdvii.' h.' dSnal pect t haeatic uldlng eomiletcd hies nae.. Fiin>' viat an Intereat li Gaggln la prapar-Ing tbeaennuel re- eo strike yoang JeIl iehadid abaka ap an- Ibis fat]. thie Deier-allc iiluation lie fear thiit port ta lte stte board ansd vl bave E other boy vin hacame abusive et lime s Miller vilI witbdrav croates le Mr-.lit reasi>'lt a fev deys. Tii. report a.ha ordered thie gang la cese, aklng Make your frienda lbleyau. Look Hendees brasi. The ubolearIcle neoatattec-rg1o e'fr dno mach noise. Ha says 1h la csti . g cd ta them. Have Fiaçg t nlght's Gazette porti vr- bth ml'aSfml erhr a cusrm asr fix yeur- hair fer the 1tai. I plalnly the consternation this Svayer maendfiletchr hn ea ary for the boys ta ba>' a casa of béer Four chaire running ail the week snenticene I. r-aîg l hHn d been b gher tien fol'ierly durleg lie ansi atter consamlng_ lia contente a wMhave la vail. ollovlng. gSaondalncd priset pont year andsile abowsa aflourisis' * thoir deaire lobe smart and tIaaki re- th.' grawleg rellentment as Repîuhlb- lug condition le the achanis. i -~ PASSES Faim Baud POrgeaName.ofie&Ç'. Copelandti wlI..Libert*. ville .erchauat. JONSA»BMWOBKI [ N OB&Tâ 55 DOLLAR,%. Forgerles of the signature "of'~u wealthy farmner aof LhhertysW.ý came ta, igbt wben checkts wes uffered at the Laits Couaty National Bani< In the naine of C. C. Copesand lest Saturday. The loues of LIh.rty'. rile merchants la as follows: MAX KOHMeR. 0W - ALBERT KILCEMÂ-N 829. Filrm Hand Proves Foxy. A montb ago. C. C. 'Copeland. a. wealthy and eccenric bacholor rs& lng soatheast of llbertyvllle, eegagedn, a arie band who hais worked on thei, Copeland place- ever silece. 1'rlday the tarin band. the. ordi- uray type etý the offecoarlegs oftheii great citles. came ta Llbertyvlle sMd etered the clothing store of B. W. Parithurst. wherý eb. fferin.dle e.. aurn for parchases.a checkt foi $0. tiowever, dollars vere flot, apeilt*e on the. check and ln spite of the $4r%&,*' ture Parkharst finally turned It dow. Victimizet a Morchaiit. The man, who escapbil ans tain- lng the. trick, edd w boue naine le nOt teawn. then entered the store, of oeMaxiltoler andl ffeft a checkt for 426 bers. The. cheeon uf' liade out ta bearer ahid titerefore the alleged forger dld flot baye toA u$gt l Tii ierchant acepjtée L Silèttffle mornien lt as pronouncel wortblea et the Lake Coaety Nationaliu. Cet@ of ssoit Kaspa. The. tarin baed tien weet tu the. Ilbertyvîlle Hatli bar, viiere b,- dranit and.-raeeleg out, of re*dy sinajl change apparently ogere.d' checkt for 129. The hartender, a eew man. rf"e it, bat the proprietor Albert Klch, man, came ie and prompty accepted ItL with the resait tiat he ton vas badly bîtten ta the. tane of $29. This vas îlot a bearar checkt but was made out ta one."John loe." whlch the resort keeper thougbt ta be the hlred iand's naine. Wbea lbe asked the man to'sgn he was told h.' coald flot write and hâd the Chicagounattacb hie mark. Foreman Reveale Trick. The.' treman o! the. Copeiand ranci heard of tbe chieckts amd It was be who atter an examîination proý noacced the. signatares ranit forgera les. POPULATION 0F CITIES. - The following are the. lateat figures on the wîuatun of six lIllinois citis Peorla....................... 61*8? Qalncy ...................... ill East St. Loals ý............... 37,842 Springfield. ................. 37,4U Rocittord ....................3&3,91 Joliet....................... .26 WeIIs 11.'bave anau 'pb dlate steautwell dduling oiatit vitb dlamogb wili drill througis my, dépîth of quiciissnd. t>ar priela rlbLW%, garantu ss ataclon. for' that Wel, W. w @av@ 7011 in0R9. W* drill voila frolulOOt 1000 fret le depth. -AORE"*- JOIING ~Sevy MI" Wookeffl*

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