Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Aug 1906, p. 3

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-TU- 8,I aKNQCKS l6M That accouats lor its LOVELIS DRUiG STORE@ w: UBERTVIELLE I RCI/G EVM~TS W1TUI $3M50-00 IN PUR$S $50 Purse for Baïf Games BALLOON ASCEN4SION WITII PARAchiUT1 DROP Wednesdwg.Thuredag end fridag The Aqsociation bas purchamed three and a hall acre@ addltional ground and ie ereet- ing ne'* buildings anad providing acco)mmoda- tdons snch au heretofore have been impossible The Best Half Mile Track in Uinoisand Uis çjear wiII be witnessed the., Best events ever started at the track Imported'Percheron Staffion VELO Reistered No.- (24655) 44784 VBLO is coal black with large star. let hind fat white$ weighlng11925 Ibo. Foaled P4fay 10. 18991 rdbyMu Prince. He va ed yon of the tretsires inrmJ ni1 11116(2919). Iy Fno 2682 (38) by Bd"lIst 1899 (756) by Coco Il (714), byl vieux ChaukkMa 3). by Ccc! (712) hW Mdgao (715). by .» Je@wW4eElqc (7.39). 92) (4821) y B" crOr (19129) hy Greda6846 3RS (1q 133) b daMe 1271 (MS), by CossU <à 4) bV1p.mamk -(713). bv <W 112).(79) et the3hm 3 ;biW mi $S20 tqIge.Mmw CARY cas~I u1 qàm wuvas ammsaet mgtal miout a vsyte0mm Mêle Ibmrusus. peesnty . Avaes. iquots" uncan. passS hi sau aroul Brber', vlat Nu ' t! liat wud only advsr- r b tlsobieutter and do nogoolL , m of îour 0bYrIqlie bas nso oeoiýtfu 0 fimr lua tstewhit)ping a asula àécdlp- per Tac*. n au eaosow AsuSUrage by doigIl. The oui>' reanit vould b. tiiet peuplse w old sa>' there ust.b. soumtbbug ln tls accusation, oh.e you SouMdnIt bc Po rmail about IL.Tont bave nia"o aLgood mony, enemlès. yon know, sud tluey wlll take pi.asnre ln repntlung Tandy's accueilons. Ileal- ly, DuneS-u noghet to bave b... mors Siserut. Yeu ongit te bave tai- enua vItusawitlt yen vient you vent te Ibisabousefor consultation. Au ltla, lt financiers [lave ,o fan helieved lu - you IL$ te Éujeet bis sciieie -on your report adiln Tac. of bisaccuation, but Il 45do>ou a mlgiity lot o! dam-à age lit Cansd els.wbere. 1 don't1 itn.ov vlua Iodo.""'1 "i do," angit îred Onilfonul'Duncan ~'- resoiutey. -A leur ago yen and Oben a.. antud 10 mae m ne mayor of titis towiL f eliaiinod bu youtflat 1i vas inelilible tben. fnot iaviug bien long enougb ta. oOliiont o! the aste. I1sat E.troUied as paitu"sUuà hou c0%14 for 1eliguble snow, and 1 &bal innoncs<my- flue grl'. amalesrlni! odai Mas acandidate." a" gently caresseS er or ead, AS a "Wb«atgoo" viil t auer thr or an olderbrbailr migbî bave 1 "h It *)gS"îe ipeople et thectty donsa ebameté lu pasupon My integrity- BtesecepteS tho esi» l tatSPirit teb a>' W'liai ballots wvitle>' ubli sssting>', a" lthon eabeturneS lovarS et mes, aeilacidental>lb îtmey give me lhe bail l or. saylug: an au pofigalt>' to say vbat I titinit "Cooldtlgt!"1 and ku.v et Napper Tandy." But Dunes. vas Dot to b. go bal- j'-1don'i -kuw 5nel'))abut liat sied. HReliai blunderedripouna lise- > Ton elle, peuple dou't aivays exprss lallaion of love-«ma nosI nmen do vb teoir opiuions b>' their votas. 1'bsyt realiy lov"nsd b. did fot lmenS tolet t b.ïr 90111esuad theur prejudl f oeava> vititout. hiea saen. bave a pay. sud you kuov yon havo *'Dolt ay Gond nlglut yet,' ite mado a gondl man>' enemiez. Thon, pleaded, again paçoiug bis atm aroului again, viat gond viiilb do you tu tell fi bhm valat "Tell Me trot, la lb Y« Or lte publie viat yen think e! Tandy? i ne? Wii You b. nMr ifoT', ' 1riat von'I envincea iiviug 8ou11viio0 The. giri turneS sud facets im. 1Thler. lan'î couvineed aiready. Tho roat yUl u vas titat lu ber eyea icit be basuev- I ny you anm atural>' very augry vith t or @«»n there before. sud vbiceIllhe lte man v= tenuisyou out-the man coulis net interpret. At last ber lips trom.vituan yen unanceseaatnîy trieS lu t partsd, sud mn abs: extort a blbe. 1 cannot teillyet. TOnUinuet vaitt- ..Tou as there ver, nuovîbtness Il And viti tbst esle alipped thosoit prssnt vben your interview vitit Tan- c lbstedor. lsviug umnon recoiffa. but dy oceurrel. Thut vas a capital mis- tc te take bhua bave vîthont otiier formai-faie on eur part 'heu, ton. you o it>' hain lhe cluaiug o!f te front gate. vent to big bouse for tlir baines. i aud peuple wili aY that tuat. ton, lonaks 0 CHÂPTER XIX. baiL Vou bave deatroyed tlïe invita- L T HL lext morint. ver>' early. ion e sent ye, andse5 you ave noth- H eut-for- he kept one nov- bouse, aaslho.says you dld. vithout Lu- t brouilt biman snote troua Bar- vitation la order to exiont a bribe. Ira q' bans. Il rend lu thua vise: a batd ml.up. but for you teo9go mb i I Salait yuould taue your menin et politica would oui>' nakeit. i ovas.. We the hotei for s few day.. or a week or inuet fid anotier wa> out Keep pen- tye-OuliYnnu har froni meaaain. fSctiyuatîlandl Mauve lte atter to nie. J There wus no address wrltten ett he PUilplan aau4ieblng." Tien anilden>'s à top of bte abeet and no signature At thoughb -falibed halte Captain Wili Hai- the bottoan. Tiere vas notiug t*t autsmnd. cuuid aiTard .ven.a gi-ound fton je- *'By Jo.-.! I've got lt, 1 bellev,. Go butaiel eplanelion. Tiers wes nothiug Sovu te our -bank sudesk thlie cashier tittcould eau for a neply. Feriaps nCtRfrbyinu'aaev a IC thee ai ottln btaIcoidwaran eontro lnl the X Nattoual-Tandy's R srepiy ot- excuselia Impertinence. hanit. Re'@ president you know." JNeverthelesa Guulford Dues seul b>' Wituout nt ail] understauding Captain te banda of bis néfno senvibor au an- Hailean's purpose. Duncan veut upon aver to bte atrenge note,.luIl t ehe s mission, relumng preaentiy vitt viote: tho information tintt unie vay sud 1 bava telS l'on eofoy love. 1 tell yon suother thelIailani banitcontrolied ta giwitbail of enuphasîs Iuuat I bet uleothe teling. 1Ihbes aied yen torty-eoght eares o! the X Nabloal's bu b. m niy vI. I sItatain wibh &Ustock, an tirce saates leu titan a ana- e! earneahiuea. and suncenity. with ail of Iorlty o! lte wbole. He brongit aise $application. that Ienu put lutt heaIl-t-hlb.message frein StaffonrdbtaI as Tanl- lns, Out. Berbers,Yu eau never kuov or dresin or remubely Imaginaev owmmch S>' iiuelf (ontrolied lte remalning lb... thins mean to e andeu te my lre. ffty-tvu allures h vwoui. pnobaiiy b. & halltaile mulaetetithe ttel-or Impossible ut preasut te buy an>' moret net at aIl-unthil on iS mescornte to en1I Son't kin5o wliabout ltaI. for niy snever. s nild Huilant rolisclveiy. 'veinau- o Tbeu. vitit resolule sud seif con- gdl ytnet e odmYb traiteS utînl, Guliford Duncan selti- agpoible n>'tinte lte.get a gnot an>' hic self te vont, Ile prepared is report firme bellever lu Ibe Impossile." Tien nf upon the. proposeS raliroad extension, sudleul>' ho turne bu Dunasdkin epndemning Il aitd givIng adequate fired a question aI bian: pli rnsona for itia candeninablon. -"Have yen s friend. anywiere vion oi He vas atilliIndignant that Napper yon enutrust--one uaniet kovulu cs TanS>' abould bave offered bhlm a bribe, Caîro?"pl and lu fte dirai draft o! bis report bi. "Te . el* ue bals made. a statement o! that fact au au "Yon are suire Yeu can trust hin " tii addlbionau reagnfor is a.veracJudg-, "Te,abseitîuoiy.,* Ce meut; but, nijon refieetout. lb rewrote "Ton vouldtit besltat, 10 put a ple th lhe report. oniltting ail mention o! the of mone>' mt iiits banda vithont a o!: bribe offer. Tien lue vnote te Tend>'arpo np' eso ha uemuof --a gievons mistate-teling liltat vas yonrs, luit r'the ietenda sent lnuan adverse report and q- wonld tritli hlm as absolutel> as ab, titat ie liedanuitteS ta mention Tandy's 1 vouuid trust yiii on you une." th. offer lulabi. '"l ih.vh ab i This gave Tandy the oplsartnnity hb. 'DrigiTe. theliii la b.?" a, wanted, and Guilford Duncan was ont Di uitept'(e. tenntgegîel î long ln diseovenlng thitact . A veeit llganSpeniu-îîdii-t" . tit ee iâter Captutin Wili llian saiS to hlm: conte dontiithte eveulug train. Tell ai, "So ou'v lieut inarelin vi i hm tf0 a> othing about itnoving yen san Napper TanS'?" or ne. btit iii .iwe 1, yonr noomq tutu atm "Yen," nan-ereui Demcure. -He o!- e0 in.ii c iolen. foreS te bribe nie te unnie a taise rene- ung-unl'Il seeni apaS0f elegra il parI lu tue najiroani extenioatn atter." blunaunS a im.'ell H baS sfeel>' bl "Wh>- Sldn't you tell me about lb?" begnt te wr!ti.' tien Heliant stopped daý *'Oh, 1 ldiu't vaut taehbter you vîti hlm. lav a whiing. I nejecteli tue bribe, o! "'Neser de liit!" i. exclaimeS. pet course, and loiSinet wbst 1 thougut o! "6Neyer write et mesaage un a pand, bilm, end tuaI steene me nOenongh." especial>' vîtlitl pènclu." "Weil, lb wasn't. Ton ougltt to hava "But vi> ' t bolS ne. Tirai ve could have madls "Seet"' e-reti Halianu, t'earaîg oui.D. hlm put bia offer mbt writing or malke tue bianit un .vicb Duncan bail begun Hi lb [n nu>'presence. As lbl s gol >'.i te viitoeand durecttng attention to tue t viter. tue Unin la uneomnion> short." bleittlia la>' beneetit. "rThe mmprea- "00fw do you meanu' -cion mail. b>'lien peuteil on thender -m "*Wby, b. bas vnItten tthe lit.lan- aheet la as legible ai thé. writing alhove. clera telling tueni that as soneas thoy It vouid b. awitvard If TanS>' siouid employed yen, yo enet to iiPnau4 m ick Ëup bliat tpansd Sud oui viai dmulded a psyuent et *10000 as as. yen badts iegrapied. AI*tysls t lie l tu4neomuit tau, .mm10 a RvoWCM11o top bleuitoff the pea a Myla811;l oet aspesi; fat b. r@OMWs Md 111111t e- lie duitbefore ron vrite ou le go" .. biMW»halri, b.îs ..à Stabe of!Ilinois, County o! Lake.a: Circuit Court o! Laite County,,, Oc- tber Teni A.. D. 1906. RaymonS H. Siierwood va. George Parkter. Ceigne Parkter.,nuunn beirs o! John Parker, Seceased," "unituovu heirs ,or Sevîsees orc George Parker, Seceaseoi." 'un- kutowu heirs or Sevisees o! Celana Pariter, Seceased' "1'nitovîtheira o! Horatio Stevens, Seceased' 'n- ituowu heira' or devlscea of Daniel Head. deceased." anS -unituov owuers o! anS persans Interested lu the real estate descnibed lu the ill of Compliunt.*' ,lu Chance>' No. 3002. Setlsfactnry affidavit tiat the Se- <tSants 'unkuovu heirs o! Hoaaio Stevens, deveaseS." "unituovu beira ) John Pariter, Seceaaed," "unitnown oins or devlaees o! Daniel Head, Se- raseS, "n"nknowtt beira or devisees rf George Parkter, deceased." "un- nwn teiru or devIseca o! Celana Panker. deceased ' utuitovut ownerg ) anS hersons interested lnluthe real utate deserîbed lu the bill of con.- alut,' arc unkuowu sud on diligent nquirY cannat li. ascertained and that ce defendants. George Parker and elana Parker are not residents of e State of Illliois, an that proccun fnal lie serveStpon ticun or eltier o hem. tiaving been fileS litticetoffitce ifthc Clerk of Raid Court, notice le hercforc berctîy glven to tbc saIS o0ve tîantcd anuîdnkiuowiî efendants bat tite'abovi nanîid ('îîntpiauî- t Iîel*pttfoîî(- ilcil bis 1Bill ,f ontfflait i lu Raid Court, i the chneery aide ibureof, oi ltat a Rumnons tiernipon le- ueS oîut iofRaid Court agalunathle bove nanted defondants. rettîrnabie ,n te tirait<lay o! bbc ternt of bhe !rcllit Court of 1Lake Cqunby, tu bu ild ai tthe Court Houa., lu Wauitegan ri aud Lakte County, ou the final Mon- ay a! Octoier A. D. 1906. as ls by 1w required, tstti whlch suit la sîhili ending. LEWIS 0. IIHOCKWAY. Wtaukeguiî, Illinuois, Atiguat 27tb. 'A. 1906. [sona & Miller, Conîîîiainnts Souci-. torsiAt Pay et This Vir. The LAKEI COUNTY INDEPEN- DENT and.%YAUKEOAN WEEKLY $UN wll bave holsadquartes .ai i" PMs met ln Ducas rooma. EHami gtomputly10k possession- by requésr- ku Doum esto"go sway .omwboe viii. 1 explalu matters te T*MplsY Whou Doncan hb aituhWbiouve Rafla.pluageilBt O oons bth*. huart «Duean toelae me you'r. his trivad- MOs Who vIi stand by imi." "X am ail hbat, you mal b. ur. Osehlm HBoum.» .11VU7 #0usd.MOv«a la t ns t. t show yoorsitsueh. Downsbus o« 'IlssK lob. sniaiag es ixh(1UI hl viédansrmo My:2 tu et hbmobsgshl >taton, le tk -em. Tou ma" 1eau gave h1u- 'WnId geu mimd teiint me tie su- sut dtutio.? ot that I rssjtemw It tea ru ta do autbg you MM. »uM b. heiptui; but it 1 fuily unies et&" iie.matis, Ia"au kbmw bibis, vit e eluam»Y Ilttleemergmuey liat av cocus about.1 (To Be Couî nuedi State of llinois' County. of Lake, as: Circuit Court of Lake County. tic- tober Term A. D. 1906. Frances J. Sweeney va. James F. Sweeney. ln Cbancery' No. 2996. Satistactorf ailidavit, that tihe place of reaidence of the defendant Jams F. Bveeney la unknown. and tbat uPon diligent Inquiry bie place of r..- idence cannot be aacertained. no that Procesa cannot be aerved upon hum. baving been fiied ln the. office of the clerk of said court. No .tice la tiiere fore hereby given to the saiS James F. Sweeney, defendant as aforesaid, that tbé above nmmed com- plainant lieretofore filed her billof. complaint lun sid Court, on the chat.- cery aide tiiereof, and titat a suom. Mons tiiereupon iasued -but of said court againat the. above uamed de- féndant. returnable on the. fiat day of the tera of bte Circuit Court of Lake County, tu b. bold at th. Court Hous In Waulcogan luniad LaIro Connty, on th ie IrI ouday of Oetober A. D. 1906. as le by lav required, and wtiich suit la mliii Pouding. LEWS O. BIIOCKWAY, Ciori.' Waukegan, llinois, Anguat 21, A. D.106. P. L. Jorgenson, Coniplainante So- State of Illinois, County of Lake, s: Circuit Court of Lake CountyOc tober bOrin A. D. 1906. y. Oc Pred C. Stuckte] va. Erna Margaret Stuciiel. In Cbancery No. 2997. Satiafactory affidavit tiiat the. ds.i fendant, Bia Margaret Stuciiel, la ' lot a remiSent of the. state o!llinois. no that process cannot b. servefi upon ber liavlng been fti.d luthe iffce of the. Clerk of! saiS Court. >IOUce la therefore bereby given tu the said Erna Margaret Stuekel, lefendant as aloread, titat te above naned Complinant heretofore led hie Bill of Compiaint ln snid Court, on the Chancery aide tiiereof, sud bhat a nummons thereupon iasued ont of saiS Court againat lte above named defendant. returnable on thi. frit day of the term of the Circuit Court of Lake. County, ta be beiS at the Court lousln Waukegan lu saiS Lakte County, on tiie firat Monday o! Oc- tober A. D. 1906. as Io by 1ev re- quired, and which suit Iosatili pend- Ing. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY. Clerk. Waukegaîî. illinots, Auguat 22, A. D. 906. Hane & Miller. Comnplainantas So- 1NOW IiANDLEI G LASSl And am Readgto- Meang Ï WAL L PAPFER D). A. YOUJNG Store end el"oet 0£0. TEIMO' OLD STAND. MiI ýy4uKçuE AVE. M.Of..47 EYE 8p GIAUST Parlors Lutiat ls BonnetR Io 11:30 a.ni4 1,28g:twi No eharge mai& for ezemloWe Lubsitville.ILI LUMBI -ALL KINO- (iood Grades at Piair 1% DOORS WINDOWS, MOIX tNGS, BRICK, LOUE. Au0 PORTLAND CEMENT, MW PIPE. DRAIN TILE. £70, c ta levyvlsii ý.MAFARM 01 alit SCids wlth Thoroughne8È AND Dispatch wILUA M Y0Ocl pauI O FveglDe The Tendsrfo-Tho niai r auIfoe te Testeraoperatie coni.dy tr-uph "The Tenderfooî,Il whieh viilb. si ISehwartza biheareWaukegsu ou Ssluî dey 8eptembert raiiopan mondai QUI FLThère la proiiabiy tnôopser tb beuptIoduceditu Ibis countri te yeaw a ihm a@0n uueb that in char aeiUntialIy Amerlean &as "Tii.Tender loot" te atery bteef Ide. on tOn uoouhwestsrnfrontier, and thie lWall 0gives opprtuntr for tii. introducîtoi of euhpMet eecharacter ansTeia ragr, obys and cowginba 5f easoidiera, aemilnery ginsë, an( lb epie vho migbt b. met inu oomutuit on lte plans. Theuatuue amsili an d d, and on aceount of lth mus deai ds i aof!theii.peoe, lthe cou Pa"yin an extremely large one, numbo, ing nearly seventy people,. Tii. boni feature o! "'The.Tenderfoot," penieps, i the. fact that it nuakes audiences langi Dada sBide Partnsr--Nerry àNazi Tnunibuii, witi thlebhat aupporinS comn ah. bebas @ver hed; ail conit diane wiio enu eing, dance and creatt iaughter, cornes tu the Schwartz hheatre Wankegen on Sunday Repteniber 2 lu ber new farce.eomedy -"t>ad'aS 815 Pannue" dsscrubed an a reveiation luthê meal up-to-date cornedy , lin.. For Labor Oay-Tomniy Swift,a Yong Chicagoan, traveiluif abrced, i@ the. ieding coniedy rois in lthe new Rowland a alibis dpbs, Thornse an UrauweBiooma"w kwhs.ihiil et tii 3i"awrt Tatu. on ;Mday Labor Dayv September il mati..S ad t Swift inaon. of haseueouios uptel chape lia Iinfus"s a rippleofjoly fu. hrouichout the. Play, and the audience doe. not car. bow long b. boldaolthe centre of tii. stagle, as bis s@parking vit And opportune appsnuicst lb. uigbl iane ws always n.frssiug sud enter- talning. Another Geood Finish. Tii. Bamblers won tai gasams vitit Rumsel Sguadoy in heisnntb Innng.It looked for moot UMe as -theoughe lb.d Chticago White xunfrewora b! lb. lUsasitboys would caMry bom to vletory. Tii. aorae was 7 t. Slatie i.anth wuhhtrevo n ont. Silàtilad. Thon tii. pitcea vake irevouansd the. vo -basse vers fuli. Jai, Boy.. bit a .Tsxan bgur sud the. gains va for tii. ilatbises by the. mort 8 tu, 0. 'Warr.nton TheVWartentoua lust Sun- ,das detatudtii. NorthCiceago Wile %imondeaet Varenten viti a score of 10 tu 8. Ouber, the. piteber fun lb. Warr.entous, @truck ont 17 men. Bat- teries: Ouber, W. Rover, Warrenton and Roitzie, Cummings, Whiite Diamonda. Bail et ths Fair-The Pair Assocition hme announced the nsciiduls of lte basa hail gane to b. played duringti lair. Tii. pposngani sseoa by lot and viii pielaInthtiifoiloving order- WtEONEMEDAY t.iONiNui10:00 A. aM. Liierty-ille Itenibléesva iibe blaroonèf, Righvood. WEDNEODAY APTERNOOS. Lo)ng Lakes vs VaUkegen Cube. XTitt'4gDAY iaNINe, 10:00 A. it. Norti Chicago vs Ruaseil,. TODIRtAY APTERNtJON. The, two winuers of WednesdayeÉ Games. 1RauoAy APTENNUOIX. Ta-a vinnena of Tbursday's Gemes. The pur@. of $150 sud entranceeles@ intt b. diviSeS belweeu the. tvo vinuers and snime good gamin ama looked frvard to. AilIlb. teamoeutersd bare beenpi ar ing linat clanbail Ibis sea.on and tb ans should lie out in force. tient Sunday-On nez Suday tii. Lihertyvîille Semblera viii play tiie Round Lake@ at Lubertyvilie Semblero It Uhorlyviie fair grond. Lakes Villa-Tii. Lake Vilia base bail usi deleteul tiieAntiochs est Sunde>' etLakteVlla b y a seore of 12 toS5in a ratiier on.-sled gaue. Not unît) the. alt inniug 5d ii.theAutiocii boys gsitat bunebing tbein bits and thon il vas toc, lst the raly being alter the gaine vas won bY tii. iome laain. Tiele th acand delset 0f lb.asson for Autioeb. The Lee Vilia boys are plog gresl bail thbie bing tir ssventh conasctive vIctr and ail b>'anueasy margla. sext uuday tii.> will pilay lhe Crescente and the. gaine aboulS ho a good ne. A ATC9 14 D. Physicien and Surgeon Fox Laks Stock Farmn Ingletide, 111. .m Cenetery Work el B" D.sCrlptl.u C.Prredindnc. 5bond 126 Geaesèe Waukegan MCKlNL»Y Rw4G AND SPAVIN Cà- mo.elp ring bouse Md .81:=n but vs cure thon. Tho treett sove fisa thorougb sud la~ u"O., Yon don't bave ta la.>' h te bora.. A trwi viii covlns o liai vs bave gui vbat you iiave bemu. ooking for. Pmma riIew Omtaflloi Vý f*

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