Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Sep 1906, p. 5

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veV Fruit ini I~ônùhii Jrs au fur tlio m agmsawtorgpmeervim, )WB@t o se td. gThWise wim dlbug !coma oug seundq fffinlMime. 43BT WISI3 Pslc ked U, tMW* aud a m day. wltibeii Butler faiDly. <hans.Ausin aibd Frack Kern ]1me on er Veunteuatr trip on atufda iIIt Mr.a"d MUn. Frack Smth, of Cbicago, ame o3siâg the. week at the. Wadimc Bukby home.. Didjon o vrnbel i 1k tihe outer liaI. wbbedw»boy lid tsPPed, uPon hlm Who e .vas.u u. C. ]r. WrËBI Md famly nturnnd tii -laut Of the. wok tfra ontb's ontlng at Lake Koobkonoag, Win.. The Lakeoilouty T.ipbone coPauY bua ui mnla M £nW linenorthwest froni Wauconds to lthe Mceury county lice, Little ilium inuie GntY vho hl been gost ing for smin tirevitb Mr@. F. Protine returned tu ber borne in Chicago this veek. Archibald Young, father of E. C. Young, of Waiuington, la., ln at the YIoung home. Re vill mate bi@ borne ber. for a tirne. fMondai va Labor Day everYwliere but lu Lîbertyville. Tb@ only place of business tI observe tbe holiday in the- village vas tihe pont coice. The town ball la behbg Painted On tige e moutide and tbis alter baving been thorongbly izone over wtbin gives it a very creditable appearance. Mies Mary Yager, of McHenrY, bua. en staying th@e pat week. witb the M. a. Carroll family. 8h. returned Monday wlth ber sster, Mien Amny Yager, who vinited a day ber.. On Monday the. annual Labor Dai bicyrie race wai run over theLibertyville- Watkegau course. The. race thîs year was the.grande@$ Size yet, escli year ot late out pointing tbe ret in 'that respect. Fred Grabbe, Dow lia. the Abana e pring remodeled. There in rnucb mnore etorage e »"cetua. fortnerly and vitb tii. addition of a ga.oline engin. for washing porpoum h. ins-in ehape to bandie mucb nior, business thau fornierly. A speciai train wili Weave lie uew depot t Libertyville t 7:31 a. m. on Sept. 20 and 21 for Elkhoru. Win., :10 the Elkborn county fair. Round tripî rate,,!2.375. Train arrive@ t grounds 10oî.r.k .,eningtrain l laves t dau Mr. Fr to aile tr hav a anw foro frthe'FP air e Get a bat. Our bats are the kind that the "dressed Up"9 people Mr wear; they wear them 'because theyj are the uught knd.un ten di hLa Wear our hats and gour Iriends wilI be pleased to see goU. You M wiII look good to them.' NlOTE TIIESE VALUES: Kiîîgevil le Chicago Leader Rouelyn -Full Value -King. stiff and soft Kiîîksbury - 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 3.00 SMITHI & DAVIS TEA AND COFFÈEELEADERS 4- Posteonslait bulletin gave. formcat ë R S S of dlstuibane tu crois continent Au- zgt 96 10 30, vm an.v,-. th to 29tb, cool v,.28tb bSeptember 1. Next dîsturbence vill reach Paçlflc cmut I44*E*44~about August 29, cross vest of Rockles oountty by clos e of 3tti. UmIs.Aleim D.l.. of1icnos, ls spendiug a f.w day. vitI relative& ber.. Mr. aMd Mlir F.P. Dimond are pesd- lus a 1mw days te Mlwaukee. Geooim Lyncirla this yoar conductfg tle Imndamauattietown bail. Bery McIaJn,0c loyanton, vb.i i anSIG l Mn» COmasr, laiThuraday. Çb1mQOI le Moaug a bad hand the. teaulI. dl guàtw 1110 trouble 'vlU à nuom 00 UmissBoumu Jobnnon wbo buhamhe .pesidluga vo 10 Chicago ian retuneid to Ibsville.. CaSupy No. 1, b viOnou bavea ay local Items@o!intereut. That e tihé IsoîpEte ntttv s number. Jack Darr,Obrotbei- of Ed Banr, hm been viitlng et OnBmlair bonte south of tovu the pait evdays, Mis. Edwin Austin il 1Party bave r.turned from* Waucorla wbere tbey @peut a few day. camping. J. R. and «Peter Allerîjan. of Cicao, visîted stt h. borne of tlîeir brothpr, Fred Alleman ovor Surtday. The ûcouncil meeting lailemi to drav a quorum at its meeting lait Mondfay niglit aud tood adjourned. Thecltated communint ou of Liberty. ville lodge, number 492, A. F-. & A. M. vili b. next Saturday night Sept. é4. Miss Katherino Howard timve ilovu from Fox Lake FM&dy retîiug Satur- day. Sbe topped et the- Triggs home ,wblle-ber.. James A. Willl n le atiig inum elas. witb The Broncho He pi-ked np a nail in bis foot the ot1iir day aud duc. bai heen waiking Iilbt on one sidë. -Mr. and Mis. .-. W. 1'uiler, of Irving Paîrk, and 3. M. Fuller and cbildren, of Wauconda. spest Sundlay vitli Ilîir parent@, lMr. and lire. W. J. Fuller. The bsemt for the Lake County National baik addition le dug and actuel vork on the contructin of the env portion of tihe aut vwiii oon lie bffun. Mm.- L. E. Bey anîd Mr@. Sehuyler A pley left Tuoday nî,,,fr, u a vlit ýWihttpamate lu Neraska. lMre. Appley viii join ber brother ther. and tauke a trip tufDenver anîd thernountalus. gnoat central valieys 31.1' to Septum- ber 2, 'satern tates. September S. Warns wavo .111 cross vo0f Bock- tes about Augiist 29, great central valey 31et; enteru staes Sep4B-ý ber 3. Cool wavu about Uoptemnhmr 1. great cintral valloys M.dsaea This vnIib. hy far, the mont fin- portant disturhance ofthtei monti. It vl hoegin foebly on the. Pacifiec uape and viiionot ho noticeable until about Soptuipher 1, vben fitla expected ho reach-the groat central valeys. About Septemiber 1 or 2 It vl suddenliyle- crean. on dimensions and force and wiii continue in be a furions starm tili September 5 or 6, viien It viii bu out on thé Nortb Atantic steamsiip route tu Europe.* Thé cold wv,.foliowing Ibis storun wilI carry fronts unusually far south for the season and viii probabiy do nom. darnage to late corn in northern states.1 Tlhe second distumbance of Septem- bem wIii reaci the Pacifiec oast about September .3. cross the Rocki s coua- try by close of 4hb great central' val- leys 5th to 7th. easterp states 8tli. Warm wave *111 cross vent of Rock- tes about Sd. great: central valleyn 5th. eastern lstes 7th. Cool vave wiii cross vest of Rockies about 6th, great central valicys 8th, eastern states lObli. This viii cause furions stormi on the Pacifit clope, partlcularly, iu nortibru California, Oregon and Washington. Bad Urne to be on the waters off onr ventern CoMet. About September 1 and 2 1 expect damgerous, gale. along the nortivesteru Pacifie steemnblp route. The cool wv, of this dIsturbance viii he never. vent of Rackies. Pi-st hlaf of September viii aver- BUV IGIO T @o Býuy Yours of..... ANQREW IiUSS LMIERTYVILLE, ILL. Meats OGroceries .,Dry G Ch4hing ~jje Phone 29 fIlinois F. P., Prm.,C. J waîus, Ciéla ers thc Oso. A. Waiu.sT, Vice Pr... F. S. Kaxe, "t. CaMhu )06-07. LAKJE COi NATIONAL BANU< hCAPiAL torr ONILY ON!E SURE WAY TO HIAVE MON".O 3try tony Saveit. Only on. sure Way to cave it-intrust it to the keeping o! aie. eponuble bank, no that it caun fot bum lioles i ynur pocket. Absolute aecrj. b ty bs the policy of this bank. ce 16 InE $ ery tsto We just elosed out 28 Ladles white-anm le WWïs ete Thy ae rnused and sorne are soilld, but they an_' ce made frorn the finest sjxeerest lawns, with embi-cid- chanck ered frontB, lace yokes and combination inaeoo. pt. 8 to à@ about and tucked fronts. Tney corne with long and .shar Pritn. aleeves. They are worth frorn 1. 00 to $2.50 yon twith can take your choise. Tiere TheT 75 cenits sorne- des for tlUe Of N. B. Just received a dozen pair oflIong white tidrelisilk Gloves. indition tietions TH LIBERTY VILLE, iile to 7 tu 21 -via tbe riwa STRICTLY COMMIE custoaienhmave1 - I M ALI JEITgG 4 :50 P. Mn. 49-2 Libertyville la tu, bave a new deutist.a Dr. B. Lindeubeegr, oi Chicago, je 1h15 viii average cooler titan usual v Mr. and Mr@. Harry CromsSeld and veot <uyenjg a Offie.-in the Heath meridian 90!, about normal c. augitk râ, Myrt!e and Gracevisited vitb block directiy- over the 1post office. Be that fine. Ligit' fronts lu tori I.Crosfisd'a cousin. Mr*. McDonald ijernovîng bis lamilyliere sund vii Ocupy idav and Satrîrday vbile ou their way tbe pinkertoi, bouse or, Fîr8t stroet. September 3 and 4, killing fronti )their borne iun Vort Atkinmon, Wis.. t 6h analo etme [r sîîendiug two weeke lin Michigan. William Cater and Ti Fr '- are baek t ft.Rifi fSpene fromt their trip ta lalzearmr. tlbrts normal north or Ohio aud Mi The- Hudson Tout show lin u Liberty- province, Canada, . m. iter pnrchaaed rivera, soutivestemu Texas and h.l for the secondwtinie t'W fseas9n. a hall section ol land adjciuing that of die Atlantic states; elsevicre, i. lent i. beiug ero dcd escb mvenngS. S. Wielerr tusîjourgbis confidence ausuai and the acta are rec.iviug rnucb in the future of th.. regioui. Riley normal. planse. The show i. sîireiy a gco Penni.rnile stilr in 1h- n cet witb Messrs e for the rnoney and always attracts. Newton and Wbseler nunîber of uew av-te are bepilîg given1 ihB olCure )r he- retnrn Pngaggmuent. Contractor Gru-.n. c-iran active work l Sh iCore Itatle cri,~ ,iî hm itl tc- aîieupon the propueci cewor Tncnday of The Libertyvill- Higli scbool off tt- he anreoldfai wit th »n iilis veek upoig tiait day startîig aifoiiowiîg r-ourses cf ntudy for 1 Il 'ced peoptitklîiii iah sights tli&t gang of men anli erîgincers ta work Coliege Prcpamatory Course a'e taken tlî,-rîî s00 rnauY tîîiesbefore, iaying fine. fronit 1Il. eceptit tank couth YFIE5TRAI. âbertyville le going in a body, as uouai, to orchard sire-? Mr. Gireene bas Fit-ct Semnestar SecondS. n. aentertaininglils Ont Oi t0wu rela- confidence iliat hi, wt-rI ij ho dot, in suIhad Phi Loy n4nat es vhile tbey go tbc camne ai i bas tbnee moiitis uuî.e@be ' ets wtili Aigebra Algeb- lwaye donc in the past. Thd faim liège unforneen diffi,-ltt-c. Tume vork ut-ilh.bel Blologi Bilos stomy repeatisieil contiîuuaily. don. almost cuîirý.-Ibyracbinemy. Oun- Latin SCN ZR Latin ig distanice record for atleudanr-caBt saine lime. Thic i-m being repaired sud Alrchra Geomet he Lake connty fair. For the pat st ~reiat tht itiett-he papier gopos b cie T irED Tiesa. 18 rtyv-onie yeam be busaslîoi t ised a press-lu tht-cc tIl'four weeks anotiter Latin Latin lgis faim. Be crnme t) Lake counny machine ecili go tcto te job sud the 1111ehilr Gennme jt alter the.van, lu the yeîim 1>465, aid tvo tiîl make th,- work go fast. Onie Modemrninton' Modemn Bis amt the sommer he first set foot litichemacinsevan di front 500 t10 0 leet cf rOUaTH TZAR Conty lias een tu every fair m. 1 aie.orditci in a cingle îhîy. Considerabie taik LatinuLatin wo faire ver. beld in Waukcgan aud a bbau eimade 'le t> vbat viilbe donc iton ]Confie >u up ont lieaotd grouids ta tii. West wbeu th. maiitiine strikes the service Âmemiaan fiston (c vices ftic connty forin but )ie ba@ alwayn pipe. vbicb are u--d for ga@ and water. - Englhsh-Geman Course. cii in attendance. Last winter b., Contractor Greenie etates that thetoe ull MET VAIL peut bis tirne lu Califomnia but w-s bah ibve t ho.ettsuad wbeu the machine la îii-et Seniester Second S r. for the Warrn weatbcr. hy vili b. covie,.îed op agalu Bt fls Bus. Nethods litArllh. Booke fexpense. Peopîle a ill ho notified l in te lgea niiei On 8unday August 26 the hoine a of o laI ley wil suifer practicaliy no AisebrgAigbiOI r. and Mme. John O'Herun-as the scene incouvenieuce. Tisfi e hsoluld c"eeti SECOND TZAR. ou. of the bappiesl lamiy teunions n-bois systern l uomking order The Germait Geri ver rid lu Lake Couuty. Witb charat- s@ptie tank i. neariy don.. Coutrator jengliienoub istit iogpitality Mm. and Mr@. 'Rern Barbol, Who le dcigig the ioh,*as caused Aaaienî ilistomi Anttent a cluded many fnieude net relatives on much trouble witît îînickeaud and vater ruaio),tsi. iW occasion. Prom ien lu the rnoring bis men mîiking eprings. The lounda- Grngilreli utîl eveuing mugic, games, rotminis- lion for the tank linu 10 be set tii-een t Geomnetr Geoni nces arnd leasting ver. the caler cf lb. beiow vbat the imeciffcatlone cllet! for Modern Histoni modem m FOURTS TBaB. ly and table. loademi withle istati in corder ta rnakie t substanliai. hysal e Ph» Rvi Wite ve. pregad unrder the trees m ____________p______Oorpr ite iho orchard. Guestwrepntfot Enaitsh Eni uicago, Libertyville, Hiighýlaud Park. â menlmtan istoni clvi LaGrange sud froru Michigan and lova. fVU1IIII Iuili hoin r my office lit te E in ail ther. ver. seventy-tive Who lM D fUÔIII building Satumday 1:301 p. ru. Se njoyed thefoions bompitaiity of Mr. R~' lLl> ee those wiîo wi3b ht ensuit ni mnir. O'icrut. Bu ç r nalprs tir-ir vci-k. J. W. KERN, A station cf the lamtonsTabard Inn of tbe city-. 1crue lu aud 5geoeu wud u-anaiia tht-amy ie scon ta bc etarted iu Liberty- oui-flotI. Naoi tiat oud noyha reefitdi lie. About (>ctobem 1 effort@ vii 1ei al tt oudmo oref made te oblain cnugli rnibemchimn VACANT LOTS-Iii ail the sut-j ls aiways that ponnibllty of s io establii a irelam issnsd Weil thoseii divisions. Brry a lot sud c-e wili builmi1 toc, murcb vnd tint makes s c ibamy lt thie village. The si7k cf the ynu a bouse tii-i iding te your awn an afraid te go unprovldcd. hrary irietailed vili depeumi entimcly plans aund let yiîîî pîy for it luincrîtlîly îîîhnkîng man, whose stornach apou th lm rber of îriernbemciips oold. installncts. times gees hack on hlm, provil %1ih ten truimrlp a tiventy-tive is stomachbhy keeplng a ho, bock libi-amy wili b. given the village. BUSYNESS LOTS-Fo- male )m Mil- Kodel Foi- Dyspepsia vithît ncnleuy-llve tîîentlrslipm viii muitctity -wankee ave tirig)ît pi-iceo. Kodol dlgest&-what yen cat a boks auml ilfty rrieiimb.-mliips onie stores Ibm- stornaci te tic cc tinudremi. To becorni- s member vut to ropcrly pet-foi-ni ils fuiî bave lbit ta put-cbuse a bock fum the mair FARMS FOR SALE-Wc bave thimn OSuld by ail d-uiggistg. of 1.50. -Tic boek le their youtre sudiail sies and Let i~. ine know w ta ou m-an kcep itîcorever tir exebange it at yorr vaut. NNv lit. Low Rates tae ikhorr ny Tabarud Inn Lilmmamy station iitiche cuntry fori another for tire umondai frut of Urcal' medui-ed rates wjll la-j r.v cenits. In this libramy ter- are ro FOR SALE 3.000,000 ACRES- fEIkmrn aud rî-turîîSr-ptrinber 1 fnes for overkecpiiîg a book. Tire boo<k Canada Paifli- Iitilway Wlicat landeslun -conrut Wiilwoi-th îcunty lai- in)onm posoeesicnii syorouwu. To gelsunny souirerri hlei-ta. Let umShab<w Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paulii anew book yen bave btintaoretumu the- yen au invcstiia tthat vilI rnske you fTickets vii lie4ou salelteirt ne von boldsand icet inotbem.iie it arlay lOOpercentiniî\ imontis. Wmsuc-I for-reuliru outil SE i- a year tuat yîîu have ficld it. The von uic. open pra i re ]and at $89.0<>an 100 For lui-ther ifrilmat Tabard n bok ariowiedb c. 83.00 dowîiimnd halanuce lu it ic 1rîrct ticket agent ofmir@ie .M 00,000 people sud the orgarilzation Wn anomal payrngeris. irterest aI <6 per cent. rvn.W lien the organizer agpears This land viii sel1 :i t $12 ho 815 aacir.e ahcensstesi setbr.c or four veeks mtriotlm ti 5Vhijan. 1 01.W iI pc oui de., witb a ernile aud the pi-uco!fome.ker aties te Alberta andtihle pores of refuiS.. A bath mi - abrhip. Il isjernoeîbing Liberty- retors. Arrangei-luto w itb ns on tue better fellovnbip sud cltizeuni ville ne.dc. * uxt excursion. only siaului lie onînida. of tic Lo ae et a otwn ---tieanscd, but octanional use o ow et. WstmmdNotbvat The Texas Pan Hiandle is the garden ative or ctaitieCtoens tic Dailyountil Octoier 81.83.50 ho spot of tbc soutiveet for nomth.rui and. cl«e ltaesyshem. 0f uE points lu Califorula and 10 u>orthPacitc fermer. We bave for @Meo 150,000 a ci- e. Bout for tus arc DeWiIt' ,oat pointe. Greatiy Irsducod rates lu large or small qunts t 85.00 ta Early Rizers. Pîcaent l1111e pi madie tu, many -ot]We pointe voSt snd 810.00 an acre. Caîl on or vnlte us. do mot -gripe or aiciten. Sold ortbv.sgit via tii hce Milvaobse _______drgglets. là rit.Paul riiv ________b___ évrs baiý o *»& " n aowd Austin MTaniqothC..g UhinrtyquilM1. ranwal n ns Mtickets viii sâl*ki .Oem In > tu, voilempolpes for one fare-p ~ub7amqn , ollr. vo of jour local s, sud r

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