Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Sep 1906, p. 2

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to the tsbooks. Mie Lofa Sowloa returued te Wanke- ~'IulaCook wlie bai héen eerioualy am londay aveolng alter astwe weeka br Ua*0 pat twe woekp je r.ported on vcation opent t lber hbenebere. rotunedfror ajDr. Thoe@. . tandy and F. H , 6uw ô at i, ir oue n h to Waucoxida inDr. Saady'a ner Buteiebie aitFrldsy te lnapoct tholr Urnu, sd lira. J. W. Cook lait = Ntarn .I oree aeccmpanied tbomn 'wWaitd mong a baby girL en thoîr trip. kW» sud Im .H T. Grahtam spnt Muae. E. W. Brooks, J. Golding, dèyaStA.heroe of theojtterasi C. L. Pratt and . E. ian attendod um C. taufl t i beaanual meeting etftthe atackboldera Hutchni o th'e i.Wauconida Xiniuig Cempany t MM Mr s ia n.Block, oet bicageChicage lait Friday. 't Sunday witb lecal relativesaned B. C. Barrie bai diapeaed er hda ma.Minute Golding returned tn the peorty on norti Main St. Ueo. M. igwth thain fr s week'm viit. ý.epon being the purcbaaar. ?Tom Eadmend. tarnerly of Eveett h, J. Boiter md son J obnand Meus. -4 pe.' bartnder at thé Lýakamide. Jung sud Hand, ot Cbicago, enjoyed tbe. Mir. and lira Cha. Wcke., oflbiohg hre Saturday and Snnday. »»Plaines, were guet.e t the home et; Word rmiehe us te tbe effect that IL Maman and tamlly Saturday end G. C. Roberts lormerly eut drugit bai .aaday.been compelled by iII eltb te reign Mra. J. J. Buch and infant ;on Jos. et' bis poition ai manager ot thé Scbreeder Chcgara eu)eyiug .a viîît et thé Drug Ce-, at Raton, N. Mdelico. endm ,'Iote io rmer's parents., M r. and lourDe> te Denver, Colo., te neuve1 Vie. Joa. N. Freund. treatment et a satiftanluni. Bis family Houer oek, gr., et W&ukffln, viîited'remainie t Raton. *iîb reltives ad fianfds tbers Sundey. 1Mr. snd Mm. Barry Dunning. et agent ti etChecagok, Mr. snd Mmr. Grant Luak.: nd 1 Hcksbasretrae frm atwoSnnday. Mmr. Smith rernining for a F~a Hcka ai rturnd trm a week'svibit. .el.' viit witb Libertyville relatives, )ie Nettie Miurray retuied Frlday The Mièmoainzel and Sullivan and trern a ,nnti'a tour et thé weit. S~. ulivan, oetIrvng Park, liere gal thle home eoflMr. and lMra he Sdepartuents ot our acito*l i>srwlBrewn- sud tamily thée Bret, of fu1r thée aitterinMonday witb the eek e t-eigtsi Fepupila enrolled. Our moth abueed beneèdcts *re dewvu l. . Fowler, et Chicago. general agent laodda agaie t Long Lake lat t tbe Aetns Lite inaurance compn Scad, the scre béing 9to . Wai, a business caller the drtIretotb Omi. Ra a&aireturned lrom Ontario e, k ~td.'where hée bai hésen erployed For thé tiret thrne in' ite itory Our théepu ai .Hobai prclîa, lllaZe faceau'ceamine. AMthouglt a' m vemin tbelocal rot teloa ehoe wr âedooei ,bb.brothar. Wii,an théy willi add twe full capacty lait alnter the prolonned ,,Oth tirsmore jrsey'@atuteir stock tu esien et oitremiely hot weathér U1ai ustthé demande et théir ateadily predued. sub an unpr edted -.wseug Baet fpatrons. demand for thé hat antidoZe:ai te Jo.. Sejueld@, ot, Irvingr Park, la cenaumo the entire aupplysud aik for t» eekwit loal rieds. more. Local iode leunteini bave bean ~ qlngti. wek ft lo.. trend. npohy te u und operations, ý 9A nwUmbret thé membera et the localo-efforsily et leespendin h eî uO. W. . C. ttiuded thotertte havesté prudue rut ;ý.omnisa at thé unveillng et theo 1 trop.s nve heiabbogt bon u r i «aantsulai Barrngten Sunday. plPie cuîaimeua iu their doiiien I.L4Oraatbam affterei]the miifertune tliet ihis coudltiun et affaira inuit net - 09IDWa a inlablae railait Suudey.îconte upion ni again and it la practically S bolpriaa thé animaitiie day certain that another large ico bouma will çtbaddriîuil to Elgl asd back b.eoreted litore Dot wlnter'a crop la bbh oBmm. s»d died. ready tebarvot ~L NiEXTI WW(; !IVt DAY'9S RA(I .MEffTAT'LlIBFRtV VILLE- #ust wesk, Toseday to Saturday, Lovera et harneffl races alîl trarel §qt. 18 te 22, Lhétyvillelbe éthé msuy hundreda et iim i l@omo- ce Wus aenseoftbthé inst harnoma races te me toe aes. Théy aili héereSed. Wd la the. 'st thi amoain. Thé ngly gued sud Laite connty Pepl opwn. relarge. ome $27,000 il aveaisu epportunnty tu ec me e oku fatireansd ne btter herss anions thé country ever meet lu cern- hmota Amenlc teday tien ulîl hé men petitbou ton puries largo enougi senobh M,là çaiw trait. jthéy .'ll ail hé driven tobin. ____________________________________________ i At lte 'iew Pavillon L4KE ZUROICh Chicago Orchestra WM.'C. ÉWCKNASf, Prop. !rgbodglWelcoou LONGGRZ3 Bei. U. Buente. of North Northfield. made several, vastoral calte bars tait Frnday. idaleg= n,cand ber cousin visited et & keele acnpleeofdays lait week. Willie Biere. hâd the. mintertuno to tip ovor last Sunday mornlng, while try te race with on.e of theuiilk teams, sonding bis milk cane te the ground, and aie landig himasîf ena teather bed. Botter try your tuait et the. fair Doit year Mille. Horman iCrueger and fâmily enter- tainod guest! Sunday. Several of the farinera troin herehauled, atones froin Arlington HeightaSaturday for the new churab et Prairie View.nq Mm. CI. C. Mieyr and childr Palatine, valited witb ber mothe M. Bans, Sunday atternoon. Ben Wannegarand Iemily, et1lP were Long rove viatera Sunday lira. Christ Scbaffer retnrned berne in the city alter speudiug th mer witit Agut Moyer sud farni Mat Umdeqsteck wai a P'alatin or loit Sstunlay. John Mlllrand George Krneir. e trip te Lake Zurich Saturday1 on their bic-yces. Henry Corde@ traneacted busi Palatine lait Thuriday. lire. Niklebi Sr. lei reported qu lils Cra Ofat ia ou the ickIM i Ciharle Cerdee, et Lakes Corner ed et home recently. Charlei Berachierger tSr. bed 1 reSbingled on bis tarin recently. C. Hejia and hi@ vwo nelco oenj pleasnt ride te Lake Zurich St eveniug. A great uumber (rom Longr attended the Lihértyvillo tair lasi Cern cutting la the ondierfthti present.__________ BARRINTON. Frauk Piey Tueàday. sppemed te chinne.1 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o aoc,±R I ERJL bwm , tMlr andMms. 'ranit Hull, ef Ur. sud MmraC. B. Eailouieited lun Qicit aim AC> rtp 8, an aiglt ponnd dangb- Chlcaglo oer Snnday. the. tain at I U na h w ilîl lhérememhéred by ML. and lir.\Sm ni K ct baie Tiinraday. bWuumwOos lu thiI. lOCBhty ai retnrned te tbeir bomte la Chicago. Mm'. George UboPai Heachergn.Mr. Tiiernien £itd tanily apett unday sud daugi Mr. u r. mWII inaaar, et Vsientino bu Wackogan. oere. *M'IW dangiter ere geule f Win C. B. Clark ie spending is vacation in ThY.P gu asd tambl mvdedys reently. Indianla. field ts neg Tuenda.v evi WM KIM atmde th po@mastrle R. M. Vent and tamily oterteined "-Atrica- aBD toumtm Wdne lu i .g... . relatives ftrom Colorado dnnlng the woek. Ali Boeb MIs Lottis Mefiidé lbai again takeni Gerge lly and tamily haie meîed ln town SUt up ber .'ork ai teacher at thé Palatine I hek tu Chiffaito.Mie Lydl aide ehdbl -Publie sebeôl o 1aedMouday .'itb an frein a ladc Dr. Smith otertained ieinther a few attendance otfity nthé upper oin Dr ndM dasthé put .'eek. in otylor lut.îowrro m i#Dr sude M Rosl Daw'sou our former téachér bai 1ev. and Mmr. Corey, et Kansas,. are Mmtrondat limn stgga tetocb héLarangs dig the liosit itb M. and Mmlira sîiting 'et 4mool tae cornlng year. e. Mn. sud Mm Mimea delaide Pott@ bas let for Ne.' Deenieîd waia s i awiell representéd . Led Tarit. at thé Lake county fair. ercàme MisaGertio Bapkeo as retnrnod front1 Thé Preabytenian Sabbath sebool willatternOn. :extetded iit witb relatives lu thet observe RalIy Day. Sept. 30. A flal Thé uve ety. atteadance la desired. Soidiersa s lewis LitchSield and tau.ily frontI LufoTo i n iObter visitod tieud aluirernoou Wsuit.gan @peut sevenal deym hére wlt ber na.monument tiendeansd relatives recently. Mmn. Muhîke and daugiter Lsuraand conpeasd Hercbel Bock bai héen a ity visiter. i lra. Milieu, et Highland Park, spent M r. inly1 Sehool hogan titis week wth Arthur Tueeday witb lir. Vant. ofthie woe Wlmiiîgton, et Piugree Groeo, ai Tbe Mieees Charlotte and Edyth Pettia cerpa,wblle rlacpal and Mie. laud Wlîeeler, etf! rturned horne Sundey roin a twe Mayor o Làeryvleprmaytoalier. 1 week*a viit in Harvard, 111. Souienr pi li ra.Fank Knggebai héen quite fil . * irs. George Vetter, et Cicage, la Munsud 4 I Mm,. Blarnian and dauglîter bave îtsiting withli er mother, li. Andre.' cupbe ai mared ute WiII Kniggea reidence, ,Snyder. Mcet fermerly eupied by Mir. and lirelira. A. H. bMubîke iî in Somoneuit, juitly preud Dawson. witb ber daugbter, Mmr. N. B. Fritsh TteCeait Dr. Scbseier and frende, et Grayalake, Wbo '0 ilIwitb an attnk et appeudicitis. .iîh taoit su ante trp tunday and called ou i Tho Arity Club met witb thé Missmes Set. 18-28 Mr. Helcomb ind tamily boer. Dekinger Tuesday eîening. tAke itree. issEmmRtia Kiggoe enoyed ber j Mr, Clapper and femif bave uîed te building ani v acation et home F~air week accoin-1 Shermervîl le. cents for an nmn yMisa Clara Witlîug, oif 1 lir. Brewn la viitiug ber daugliter In aternOoni ' Mu6 arî"cblldetrtiedtoOhio. ticket inay1 Vin aryLitcfied etertine tw Don't lerget that ail the iteres close Prof. C. S lady redi SuDdey eternoon. every Tue8day sud Tiiurday eveniug et caller hure P lira J. H. Crenkîite and lira. W. Rtîcj seven o'clack. Mr. sud sn*yed a car ride te Waukeg'an Mie.e Francee Biedratedt and Helen outortabaed Satnday. Curric are agin studylng music et thé Buitday. Jao Witt and Pous, ef Ela. rafild on Chiago Muaia colle. Moneda he ou their way te the ________ E Z LiortFville Fair. W'ben two strong moun cerne to Athur BerFbhem no-p rnote bhs lowa, oven Ift uey are welî matchel, OF. J. Coi iletées in the tt. Sunday ater a tour it la net a pleasant sight. but if th, operater ai issLuey Dii, o e M & Sttts .chHze Slele <usa etMises imas ad laneKuiglookt btter and beel btter tu short a nîé.t exoe Saturdasy sud uday. ordor. Besure you get D.Witts. triend e lo *Leîdail Kili.a affin aile te le Gotfor evenytblug a salve la uied tien teuîî,r aonud alter a le.' iuek'a ilîneeo. rfer, încludiug piles. tIold by al ding- Mn. and lira.Milea Lamey, oft Berinug-glati. too, topp.'d et the Cntral Tburaday ot lise liefiide familles entirtalued lir. TeWre Vaaflon sd iesfjrceotPaltiTe M witb Coinetery aonàeiBtieDwfll and"W e- &Mon ad Mse râc, o Paatiemen iugMmeBattie Bey Wedneasday M»adM Houghten, ci Wauconda, Sp. Aima . Rase, soc. WeeIt wM S t fthéir danghter, lira. J. A. 10 &aIgsd fariy eue day lait .'eek. WANTED-Seceu d gwtbpatre. 50 W b. I k,' Aid .'liI meutt ext tous tain qnlie 9;ay sud tra.'fta '«;*al der Sept. 19, at the. home et pony fatan.RoekqbelWr. Omo. H. suMP- Om jý illuesec, 110 LafiloBC., Cirago. a 1 ame .'aia chicago tternooa a bIais uta if Bd Rhoe'@ ros hé bfreina sipari Ir The OIre alarma lia mpany eafl d dth yput ont hy the quie M. tuinhér trei hérea [Ahrtyville Wodnesd t mon., thoe wre alatinh y.. rr took as»M« mer~~ .-....î Lltua lambéth MLisU o e ii. llae Hall Day, Illine Inn w'as erely bIit nlu the tace by ae deg reostly. Tlephono Cntrai Tbvsfl :U gd idautelr SBai ___________,. it1 an s rsudt O000. A"&n n d Maywr st Linolu ark lmtiunday. ayla. Roi. Ziegler spot Biznday l in M age. Mm A C.Ri ,ébads ad dnglier, W. regret to report George 11.8ko on MyrtIa valbsd Inu hego for twe days the " flot Vll .C an' luit woak. O aYofVllB.CPyns B. H. lmanbas a large centreet of a.sstl i.cersy painting ait Ever'tt. Misa PeaSi lth epoosd ber achool et lira. H. 'Elrdubr and son, Marshal tilinor thlu Weok. called on ber-motiior Mr». Voe T.. ay C. M. Frek@t entrtbin.d bhis tathor Mr. -nd ýr». . 1.and, Mr. Daniel 01 Psae lir aa .ra.M.W. Knodlor and tino lait wek. family and mether, lira. Outtler 5pOft aoVnPeeWbtn liBt Soudai st Highland Park. Ivan'îe V&Oitre,0 Subday.,waa Mm B . S. Staugor and littie son are 1 anmevutror rdy etaying wit# lber aiter, Mire. S. E. fora Mortimer Fook.»t and ReY Chanberlaîn week. are attondlng Muoon a renmmercial Offl Amnn 'basrentd te Pàabecellege et Waukegau. fam outila01 ai ayfretertieof1,011e M r..Orpba Hardîng. and ebidren yearîsub. atDy o ai fIv returti to their boee t Sioux Cty, la. Mrs. B. 0. Friteli and Claree Gale of lait Seturday. Hghland Park aPeut Monday iitb lMr.,Mlre. Sade Crampton, of Chicao wa,9 M W. Kaedler. theuet ofber sîster, lilsMIti Siuîp ReatQ Yore, et ChicagoIms be:en vot- @on fit week. ng ber consin, Mra. E. H. Miaion and lIre. Viekerman a former nuldent et t m.111tins placo, but wbo rnoved te Liberty- ) Mr. and'Mlra. Wlukleman, ef Chicago, ville lait îprlng, wai brenaht boere for ) bited witb Mina Sprague Sunday. burial Tburaday of laot woek. r liro. Erneit, Énydor wiwecalled to The Ivanbee sebool openod Monday et ) Highland Park by the serions ilînua eofthtbf week witbOscar lunch, et Plymouth, r ber.mother, Mra. Gruel. lad., aiteocber. Mmr. H. Stellng lise bben eonhlned te ___________ liber lied fer soveral day lit week. Dr. HALF DAY Tracy attendod ber. à Dr. Tracy epoent Monday in C hcago. Septembor activitien bave reiurnod ai thé gumrner vbaters havi goDe back te Albert Reckenbacb ba. returnod fronit teir daily porsuita. Virgnia vry manch pleased with the Àudtingtboard nmet Inet Tnedav-im. countri, and expacte o tWrmeve there portant mattera were ated upon the witbh i. tamily in Novenber having ionil extending-laie llto the evening. purchaaed a tarin 0t 1,40 aceoo near eWpilîingten. . lire, Spellbrink, ot 8t. Louia, alte-r Bov. Quakyle, 0tLiberty ville. proacltedl poutding a l'a eeks witlh the Hertel hett morifl sudoîenng t tb bala .mily rturuM td 4ier homie lait week. r tho aboenceofe the regular pesxter oni J. .Beiger. ot Kaukakee, mpent a few 1Suudas lait., days witl. hie daughter, lin. will. Tliewal oe drcli#4 eneLrinigl&bciuler. t- cempbtion and the. work will wooOf be in Chcago elituna lait week were: lire the. bandé eofttie carpeuters. The edifice Heinian Pegluw, MMr. Chai. tGerbert and la i t e bocemPlOtod b, Tbantsgilving. daugbter, J. Hiertel and tamily. PITI1NE r businffaa at Wiukeicanuone daty lant ineos at 1>1lait week. 'Borm, teur. sud lir@. Fred Haleté a The dbs4play oft ireirnermp in the ýut i, daugbter rocentiy. wood e be abouti. inidicate. g oil hunt- Rorm, te lMr. and lire. Mee@. in Pela. 'iug but ne gain.- Bt tino, e sou; aiea te Mr. and Mra. Weiii- Botore baviug your niason work doue n, viit- mnu, ai Plomb tirove a deughter, con@ult our inuit capable rnasi)n q(-on. "e\. 2. Congratulations; extended. tractore Pgelw lire.. hi barn Mialutda Dfekman, oCry8tai Lake, S. T. Foute le .et as energetie and i@ sipendiug s lime wltb bier yelatiios bu pregreeiiveae over havisig ernbarked in à ijydathia vcfnty at prerent. ne.' indntry, building cernent' aide jotrye B iwPlt» d.dySet alko, front wbicb soupe of our -pr atudey Marbo luPaltin WdnedaySep. eneed workmen mlgbt get valuable 5 Miea Anusidmassdaughter et M. sud sggaten G-roe lira. Iess et Plomb Greate Fred getin t @k Porep torrnerly et Palatin.e Théy will Our cemmunity wae well reprernnte-d behé omne te"r friande !Ï théir ne.' st thé couittY tain ail chose atteuding <ay et homo torinerly knawn a@iThuraten place mfrnitg teîorably Impreaaed ai ih thé ilu the near fututre. exbibit and ontertaîning festoies. Appsreutly ail heded thé tîuxi'îî- lir. umrnt bai , cbanged bis z"T'samiiu T ettefkr "dene an wil nowbe fund n th le te let bis gaine aloue;'l s. ne on. o vIIter 10wer flat of the euln<i.e place. oeens tu makie known hil@ indulgence. atdontMnsd ia sdMr.Lboase C~.,Sebreeder re'urnes hie medIcai irt..onCha. Ttas atw»nded the Laite couuty studlen t tbe Physictane and Surgeonia Otanrt antIir sud vsited Zien Cty lait wiek. sebool niedical deartuwntof tbe LUnier- soi-,t Boe la Mir. sud lira. Frank Bickuaie, îity et Illineis. He net >ly returna ai ch blasma ofliaywaed, formerly ot tii place a a atudent but officiatea bu tise apa.-ity litk.' oit dangitur. ot assistant i surgirai lia i, hing u e Ii. peuing eofrny mlfllerytore .'jiletithé honora fr clama standing Ial lis Sept I& a cerdial invitation tu ail t.o upon rt two yearsaet col loge. cerne te mos' styles la extended, i neerpolratien et thé Village isa qs É 5. U...~ llasMary QoSmtin, Batternmnu'sblock' tin fta@i unk doep bute 0111f rien, the impr.epentet-duca.en --aiauap1 eStiefeboeter, Frankt Plagge ors, lira. Henry Miller sud . M. S. of théel86s"s chrei tulanrnotly meeting loft 'onfng. Thé solbjet liai rI thé attendance liai geed. hmer, et Whlinlg, laiae n mday. dia Sedt bai been aufforing i elfl sud @oeatbroat. ra. Richiardsoan are entortaln- frein Cbléago. I arIe Noyer, et Capron, le tthé home ot ber parenta, u. Henry Landlior. ka Aid Soclety ot St. Ann's b itb idra. T. Delan Tueedsy eillng sud dedicetfon etftthe ad "llera' lieuumentgunday .'ai a notable event. Thé liai nnveildb y the Relief dedicteted by thé G. A. R. FBawley aIse gave a sketch Drk et the Barringten Relief apeekera Roi. 4ibhérten sud id ai excellent addresaes. ogrms î rnlahe by thé Barringtou 4 quartet. Thé monument t elevated position in Rien- ery sud Barri ngtou eau el id ot its ne.' posaesaion. kCennty Chautaoqua aiiebly beld et Barnbngton frein e. A tout .'bllbe pltebed on et near the public acheel adan admission ettwenty.llre " îrigsd a dirne fer an uillhebrs or a eaien héb purebaa t oeedollar. 8. Hern, ot Chicago, liai a Sonday. ,d Mm. Henry lageoculto. dmeveral gusts frein Elgin cor an. wbe bai been nlbt st Evorett for tho puat overal a éen appelnted ant et a on Ihé Evaniton divisbon et iP. reilread. The pooltien le ollont eu@sud Mr. CorP-oran'a ) at it aa e doaervbng promo. M. Couaty Independet Igi Su% With (the Mdima Uy Cons and trlend vlaited the misse Bickumais unday eîoulng. Mr. Grinleyla an sd undor the dactars. are. lira. Gris baiseon thé aick last ber daugiter la carlng fer ihéin. PRIZE WALTZ llertel's Park Pavillon tIALIFDAY, -ILL. Saiflihi toiD. 159 O Muc bg Ilertel'iOrchestra t GOLD MEDAL wiII be sawarded to best* ladg and geodemnn waltzer. à FYv Accomunodetieo OVENTINS CORNER Quite a tew f romibore teck u the tain and ail reporefnte ue he though there wui lotiet duat and it a-ai vory warm. Mn. and Mm. ekeit and Miesa Leu for thée riag generetien by fntroducinq a twe roorned sebool muema to hé s quesioneaof the piat. Thé deficieucy les la thé lsck et agçitation, the aronilug et the peuple frein théin proeunt lnmbreua îtate ofmiud. Agitate thé quesion fer hétter sebeefa until it hecomea o.for genaral discussion sud sometbiagwill hé aecoatpllabed. Why adiere tu thé oh! ayîtem etfaiiàlldistrict sooli. Muci hétter te reftoct the progrema et our oaiteru sud aeitet.u atates b y ostabli- liahlug eue central townshbp sebool and E!ce pare yeur cbildren et homo for thé fgher Institutions et luaning. Starvlng to D.ith. Becanie ber Utemaeb waa so weak- ened hy usoléa drugglng that ah.e ceuld net eat. Mra. Mary H. Waltera, ef St. Clair St., Columbua, O., waa lit- erally atarvlng te death. She wrltes: "M~fy stomacb was se wcak frei n ue- lésa druga tbaj'I ceuld uet sleep; and net hefere I1lias given up te die wa. 1 f nduced te try Electnlc Bittera; .'ltb the liendertul réîult that lippreve. ment began et once. and a cempleto cure tolloeéd/' Boit bealtb Tonlc on eartb. 50c. Guaranteod by F. B. Loy- ehl. Mmr. Berce I. on the îick luit. 1 aMi= neHekemeye pent Monday and T nèdy uChicage. Mie Mille Abigrie, lot t Tneday fr a few dayi iboît wîtb ber brother Will AI. grlm in Chieago. Frank Meyer and lady tnîend vislted triendo bere tbe paat week. John Meyer lia, returned te Chicago alter viiitiug friendm hore the paîit week. Mr. and lira.3. Diekeon epent their vacation bu chicago. L il ne hiae aet.'daym pBemember h a.. audr h viitât the home et J. sud D. Sturmn. Spebr teLake Sidark; nigt 15 a Laeoie PrkVenelle Born, te Mn..and lira. Willbam Smith Bros. Miusic. a Young son. Seméet oui nution men are again ailei Lonie Kaaele, tîhe ren merchent, te .'ork alter hoiug laid up witb @ore alipp.d a cerload et old ren and rage hands te the central miarket rellittly. Fred Godînef., w be bas3 worked ou the W. aie eerny te report D. Hans. Bnr. lautsectiton overal yearm bas lotft the eut- tailiag boaltb. pIoy ot Mr. Laitons, A inmbr of Chicago telephone me Mise Minnie Hokemayer bai reAigned are ont on titi lino tbrough bere puttiug ber position ai dlent ln Moyen estore and the lin io t shape. .1 1 ber sister Lydia bas ne.' tekenlibeplace. William Pebiman sud temily entai-lise. Rose Seboiz et Lake Forest,visbted tained a nunthér et ChkMag guesto aend lier paete bore Baturdar and Sunday. relativas lait 'eek. Dr. Hudson ot the Illinois Comidy aud lamas Freornan. e1 Plum Grovi, ailed Concert Company willi hé et Oak park, on tnendasi thé cernera lait Saturday. Laite Zurich eue week commencbue lin- WilIamBauanet hapes ernraday September 11. LadiesetreMondey WUlýmBaman o Sapes oreruight. Admissioen 10 centa. - an aid sottier et this viloluty, wai a veeselcoller hore atad nsnoed inany eld M--. Bd. Grete sud son, ot Jefferson fflnsltuaahîbpa. park, vlated liraB. Sehofer lait .etit. lai A Bonds Lor Sale 'Lake F'orest, Libo rty ville Hilghland, Park, Maywood and ýOak Park Speciaf Assessment Bonds for Sale Ueorge Anderson LAKE FORES T, ILLINOIS SI3E US ABOUT Sulky and Gang Plows - GaasoinÈe Engines Ensilage cutters Corn tiarvesters FARM AND TEAMINO WAGONS A complete line of farm machiney at close prices. SCH-ANCK BROS., Best Evee Sulky and QaIng Plows Neyer m"ce.the Moime Flowe C*mpsnyr lmed ami Introsd the fimeu hé hel plow. bua. te been so mu&h enthuaiaam aoemg the fbena sd deaien a'ay toot am atteds the DEST There AreReasons, TMe ploa are.1Ibeautiful deuigni. sem ple, have-abondnt atnngth am do the wos'k wfth mone eue thman ay other ploie. Thebgest grade of Materle aused. The plo'w5care of the double bail style wlth direct beara hitch. Whemn raled by the ot the fiwemm utà tcal leee This la a fature cnever belote - umaftsly aoeomplaedo a boot luft ploie. Cal aa3"aee. Ho-B EQYER ILLINOIS K114G 0F TRIE S(NOW PATII And winpar a!fdiamond modal fan tratter$. SOLON uGRATTAN *lac OF miSSSOOs:,.nct taOOe-ONE OF nIaSiiFll OALS. Trfing Race Reord 2:11 1-4 Soen or ratta2:-s. dam Zilcate (dami aie norbnhia rattan 2it1%). br ZiIîsadi (iduatb etet; second dam Dolarea. by Goa. Knox 1 O. Bea =Oen tac two ooaion nain ou ti. c@Dsow vath. iluperb nldu.bltîaIofrt and at. Oneo othe 11.1 gltod trotters a uhe worid, and almeadytIbosireoeta grand lot ut calta. Addreis SEASO ,N 1906, $25.J N HOMPSON STOCK FARM -2 JONR. TIIOMP8ON., Prop., LIBERTYVILLE Addnass J. W. MURRiAY, SuPt. FRED jOCtiEM Telephone No. 46 Libertyville Exchange SPECIAL A«TENTION BAK ER and CONI'ECTIONER T ut o Tow'Orders Libertjvile illibs 1 . al j ____j &11- . 1 1 e le d IF lie

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