Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Sep 1906, p. 5

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j fYou'e Particular If yon alwaya insist on haviitg the. very best of everything dellvered to you clean and 'whoiesome; If you appreciate up-to-date methods and eare lu band- llng what YOD have to eat, thon you shouid bny at the store where the proper pains Io taken. J.1LI TRIGOS PRoPRIETOR LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and GROCERY.. ....... ............ A Sewing-Machine Io a hoasehold necessity.; We oeil the NIEW ROYAL ball beariug four and six drawer machines. We aloo handie the QUÉ!N manufactured by the New Royal Company. Our prices on al machines are RIGIIT and range from $ 14.75 uP. Let us sllow you wlîat indneenwiîtts we eau offer. SMITH &DAVIS TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS Llbcrtyv lie, IM... Pkked l Menmd lisee Scbool bas commeneed again. Mrs. E. L. Du Bois As teaching sebool at Lake. Bluff ibis year. J. 9. Morse la now offclatlng in the J. Bil Triag market and grocery. Dick McMahon was in towu over Sunday loo&lng alter bs intereste bers. lirs. Fred.Palmer, oS Wankegan, spent ,a es dais lust wsek at the home of 0O. 1. Lacs. D. A. Young vas taken sick witi appndiiti and "ed poisoning Monday and le quit. A10. Horace Buter vili attend the Deerfleld township blgh echool ai Highland Park this coming year. Mr. and Mu@. Frank Chambers and I uother, of Chicago, spent Suaday witb 1 the Croker families ber.. Mrs. James Swan, of Autioch, r.turned home Tueeday alter opendlng a wcek witb ber parente, Mr. and Mr@..0. A. Wrght. iAey Penniman i@ back froni Calgar. 'Canada. and purebaSed no land wblle tiiere tbough b. thougbt sersously of buying. Eilward and Henry leimtein and Mr@. J. Liwoun of Chicagou vislted their parents, Mr. anîd trs. P. R. tileistein recently.1 Edwisî R. Diedericlu, citjy wax nspector of chîcago and brother of Dr. W. W. Diedericla, speut Frlday n Liiiertyville and attended the fair. 1 The. council met lu regular sesion Ist -Monday nifibt but oucceded n on very litte business beides îassing the regular array of nontlly bill. A number of Libertyville perlons are ntereted in the Catauqua held this week n Waukegan and the attendauce froui thAs village us qaîte liberal. M$es. CLyde "ay, of Lune"ig, MAh., and MsAbble Moore and Mes. Lkna Ragr, oS tibarlotti, Mch., spent a part of Aas week wltb J. A. Mfoore and family et- tendlng the fir wbile ber.. Asaac Jaunes la very sick et hie home n this village and s not expected tw lve. Re le 83 yearm old and suferd a etroke of paralysie a fety day. ago froua wbicb t vilii h.impossible to recover. The. town bail bas Just been vired for eiectricity. This will implove the bal much for futur. occasions b'her. ligta are needed the nid kerosene lampe uned lu the lant heing far front satusfîictory. z"' Mrs. Minule lisikIe, of Chicago, la vlaftlng At the W. A. Skinner home. te fire ettbe eseking a locationl. la Mine, Rettke, Ob ChicagAo t ied nu a., bu. beu p ng a few daye visitlng hi Tom BSw% of <Lake Forest, formerly of tbb vidl hbe orne a benedici , takha untq a lea ea A tra"aiseotbe 8. -Pope ftamIrest in of fownu apuse.'Inathe tmanseis tus di we.k. Coaidraion $17,000. ai Ulam Brdis Dankin, of Washington,. qý a Who hau been eplulldlng a few days with MWe. éms Young leS t for ber home Monday. Tbe Eastern Star will rmeinelte imeetings thie evenlti Thursdy)with w 1aun'olà tine social aller a @@"son of!Y inaetivity. in Mies Isabel Clark &rave a kitchen sbower at ber home We*dneeday alter- noonain honor of IMijisLvdia Smitb wbo ie soon tui wed. Nickell Grattan wae shipped inunedi- li atel ' after hi. exhibitin, mi:e at theM fair in 2:14 to SyrascueS. Y. where he e im entered An the races. Miss Marne Batterson bas bee> spend- se ing aweek boe.prior tt takeing up a rcourse in literature at 1 eIl-1Hlîois State se U;niversity At Urbana. I W. L. Hackgy speut Wednesday An i Rockfoed in attsndan,-e at a meeting of tct tihe Squar Deal Compnpy. President Wire was'Ilo at the meeting. Mr. and Mm. Hugh Reid, of Wasbing. ton 1). C., Who bave telen vimîting ber inother, Mms. L. EL. Whuitney for a few wsekm returned home 'rhnreday. SE Mr.. and Mms. William Thom, ofSi Milibure, werewlib tis village tbe flret of n the week lokin, for a dreidecs. Tbey si bvsoldthirfanuand wioh tui locate ber. e Claytoon C. Dea la baving a flp flop IC machine mande aitithe Laycock Machine nx worke. B@ hope. to bave lit completed D in ihe seoir futurs and will at once enter v Ltbe enterW.nunot business. k àR. C. Me rli. Iralmaeter for the, C. Id. &St. P1 .Mms.Merrl and Mm. ri rHerman Graves, aioS Foreet Gien, Il 0pet latit Tbursday at the Alleman Si hom.e abd atteuded the fair.a L'yle And PanA Morris are both mi an li i C,' vi Il in to ci su ex fi DIE Yi kel w si M.and Mm. Angut Meleon are enter. gan a bookkeepers. Tb@v secured tbeir h taining nt theirtborne, Mr. and tire P. positions througb the Muýnson Business Laronut o Nundp, vho viii nake thein college whlcb they itteiided the past 5< an extended vieit. Aieo Willian Sinye. yeur. lai oif Cicaguî. ia viitung ut the Nelsoni tfes. Thomas Vncent whîo bas beeli Le buoulue. sendig a veek witI lier tailter, Mes. foi Cark A. Bevick wiii open a photo.- 1I Ppe, returned tu ber borne in Tr lgae.l gaJIiry lu Waukfgan at an early Marelus, Mlcb , tast Monifay. fsévas Mi date ocating on Nortbh(lenesbestruset. accompaulesi by lier ather Henrv i He will iouduct bus Lbertyville gailery Cater. Br. at the carnle tAm. leaving t in the charge Mi@» Stella Sinson a Chbristian Stileuce nSf Miss irene Triggi turing bis absence. ractioaler wAiA b. amut Ae home of tirs. HuiltAri, ovnîed by J. E. Trigg 1ofc. .terimer, icLîî ve Every Tuesl-li Libertyvilke. tooL Surtb money ar the day, Friday and Saturday Sforenoions. fair in tube 2:37) pas... aqittiug hermeîf Anyouu. vlsbiog , ueniber ill te witb honore couîidering t iras ber tiret kindly u-eeived. - . 49-3 wl ailpearance îun a race. Hill Girl gives A speclal train wili leave the nuewiro prois s5 eig a"cuuer an iA deLiot at Libertyville st 7:31 a. nM. ou M practioe bas nmade the ilii 2:15. Sept. 20 and 21 Sr Elkhorn. Wie.,1 to ai TAhe noon train frorn tAe est wiîî tAie Elkhorn eîîuiîty fair. Rund trip sitop at ail stations during tAie ramesthe rate 82,35, Train arrives ai grounde sainie mat tube fair snd miA upck Up 10o'clock. llerurîiing train leeves at cu paseegr. The Deerfeld ospecuatlîich 550 LndrP.rgr.det.t49-2 tri atobrlmsgoel no fuither titan tiat D.0,111eIe At dnibt Oh,-f place viii ton tbrougb to'Libertýyville over postofRc-e, lilertyville. Pho)ne '>i. C] u those day. bringing passengi-re ta the ,o__ ______ >-tf ofi Cleve Price la viitingaut thie homte Rort0fheCnlln0 bis mother for tbe tiret tume lun early TAie Lake G, ountY National Bank. at Liber. SA itl e luths tte0EIllinos, t the. close onSna tvo yeare. fBe baslbeen spending lunuchi bin.... septemir à. lem Fi oS lis lime in Canada siluce ýeing lu assouacm. ai LÀbertyviile at. Whitie ber. be viii Leb" andi Discounts ............10210 4X th attend th vedding of bis brother Oilrafà.e ured e ured .... 494 là Donald, oS Beloit, wvAilas wion ta b. S.8 '-5musenurecirculaion 2b« 00o ai marrieri ta a Chicago girl ProeUtme OnU . SI. Bonda ..... lexie de. 0 . dui e, W. C. Triggs ho muaebea-ortnug an a gios.fribture £ àxtureu..7W W %Eu9: uite àaksalane... flal, 87 w adept ut lboats-mait isa u iding another PmU-o ajproye relmmisnte -,-s29" se f< bot for hbs airause. t wi11h. ahbunt- k d uh .5m...... 157 351 iug boat, and vitli a cckfpit.ThelI ttle È,.1.-BaoS0ter Nation Bnke.1s 0t( cruS t us now n procees of conctructon sd Gis..........199 98an lu tAe rear roont of the Trigg' sho. eerenboa .V1.245 0 and t«a mdeli1 sveyrespect. t viii urr.p er cent Of imuaiou.. 700 " be called thie "Wiell lOrke' ___ al_ Trotal .... >$86*M10177 The. thu'e fasbtest heats ever tîottedl LIABILIT118. t consecutiveiy on a balS mile tract-veri< Cantai stock paîdtu .a.............. m»00s trotte ai t Friday afternoon by Slon 6 n Sufnd ................... (10 Grattan fil the fre for ail t r<o t tii. Uidad profits, isa exPensea ai. The truck mas in excellent @fap NatInal n.ntes on.tst ain..24M 00 5 fortbe exhibititon oS speed and Sid %îleak Individuel deposits8ubueetto oh@« If1010 41 er who lied the yvork lu -barge deserves DsMaad certinliates or ievosit .e. 2414 muclî credit. The track %vas the test t Savings Deposit .................. t9873 0s huasgie ecr teu. Total...... $iaejU 75 Tbe big semer digging matbins As 1, 0.tP.oSihtî. Csntr ofLte ss.e wahking tup Orchard treet at a guiat usnes batk. o solMmnir swear that ibm clip. t i elwrhwiet e tabuse tatement.te te thetîsbest oSfrny à tesr nis the earth anîd throw it tu each tnnvlmdgre and belletCas-er 'ide as it eut- away at tbe ruai ted. cormet-Attest .WIHT aheîC Seneril lidred fest oS eartb cîsB y. P. DiemsNu, ie- îug mitAi case inia working day. J. fi. Gaina> îrotrs GO À.A.WRIUT ire n Tlue semer is being laid asb rapidiy as (hi- snbaortb.d ad sivorli to bfor. me thta ditcli is dug tue- laying gang ollwing @thi dur'of kSptesi,.r, 150 su> ise ahîui- loset. - En-eai S. auTa.NotarY PublIc.j Ouri i-aiestateien. I)yinid & Austini tate tliat tlîey are receiviug several Report 0f The Conditions 0f leitrmîs îliy Jromi îsrsouîs mlo visb to The first National Saut t lertyvllue. locatler-. roîi thë in,1uiries coul-ru- the statu of llinoli, ai the losenort buiness. imîgilui vila licb have beo -ming Seutember 4, lm;,. lu lately it appears that the growtb (;f aî.ouaCZB. i thue tutu s not to) stop btnt iii continue Loasandi Dissouit .............. $4747 67 n tht.emanie seady Itanner ithu lias ovrdralts, secure d n nsecured.. 3o lm marki-d it in (Ii-pîst. Lib-rtyvill- im a US. Bonds to recoir" irculation. ... cîîa.oua ns. il lugumli deser e. nIltiae As...........onaionds fie-ilagIlld dére ittati onde, sertiep. etc ....a fortiucoming Bankînu bouse, fuîninure htue. 2)5'ýÔ g.1ha eanteonee............140411ý lnring(the iast Si-w laye n iîttibier f Due.fro. apmrovedreserve agrents.. 11341 il meuls lu the iast smie of tbah have guise thllok tanis Othit ciSI lie lis N os other National Banks ..... seMW i dIry. lu Snet a mater famnine im fiable to Feaitional Pper currenay,.nckess resslt lu thi- portion of htie vifAge apsi ents%. .................. 79 j affcteit. The meis have gradually bei-n , Lawioneyitellrve In Bank. viii 4327 ;jô givng utitiq aut mieethebigwei Blldemition Sond iitb U. f. Treau. giviugont, Ate sanlieaith. big meii tuter (lever ofo cîîuîaîonî ...... as vbo are mithoit mater are anxisîns nov Total......:$8436 73 to lhave citjy mater installedinlutlîeir LAIlILI1TtIM. 1 houies and tbougb aume vehîs are to (aPital stock uald ln----------....... 400 40 u be ug deeper t As probiable uîost of Undhvtde profits. lba emueses and "s 4 ten% i a nti> distille. Natonllltnoe ntsendta.- i IndI ro i devosite subilet 10chcko. 2,746 lai The Libertyville achooie oi55ulîd Maon- i onaudcrtlatos oS depolta ... 2to 4- day vlth the affects oS the fir partly Saaviî depos ti.................. In 66 morn off. The i gb school which ls (lus Total ...... Sanes70 -year ituatesi in t he maule on the ipper taje of Illinois. Ooutyot M% s: flanc of tAe Schanck block bas ffty-fl ve I.=12. W . or. Cash 0roS aabove- ams ut o emil ses«r that thie pullule tventy.tbree of tbem h.hng freali- &O- atbmqent li. us , wtihe 1.4 of!M Smen. The lgh occoot As btter equipped kuowlend aSbelie . ol oasair Sand bas more room than otmarly the .c .Tyo ulr oty trouble belngteecesv et o j. tt« thequrtere . TA o:Vver yul ni t U ftss hateon.Tii.egded ochool basibmhe oea nuPub..ribe 10bafors me this entr.ol ecoo bilding andi about 200 luth s3,o a 5 r.lme pupls are enrolledsola far. IlF.Lxax oiarr Public. H. Was a Close Observer. À close oberver bas maâe a moet An. Ssinansd inatructAvediécovery. The oemau Ain question stateanthori- tivey tri thia paper tibathe Younag lieu Who Wear whlte shos, aomethlng ey comunon tbis saison, are lu tue bi oS re.ovlng vhatesr dirt miy 1 gtô theu n na mntet olalSablu*. fegirl balances sffelf arsny upon *l-A-lmb and wipes tii. ollesding font refully upon bier eock soinevbsrs 'ove the. top oS the other sho. bs uy not sever ber connections vlith the. t but It len.hurd to se. At nevertbelesé [te thie opration. 3Arla do like to pnt up a good àppear. ee. Wlîy do tbey cali a driver of a huis rgon a ebhofur" vben lie doeon't gAve ou any oho-fu r your lfes at ail if you et bim on tihe blghway? 5h. Was Howlin'. At was bot, awfnl bot. At lenet that the way the ladies expressedl it. The fn oenerally eaid sometbing sine. rowds vere pusluing about the le ram tfunt at tube fair and the uAiters rem hurrying in vain endeavore wo 4ve themu., One couple badl waited @orne time for *vice and counplaiued to a waiteee. le lady in question evideutly vas nat the beat of mood for she cried loudly :the on. bebînd. the wccop. "Tvo eners ber.e. Quickl Cant you bear 'n howlin'.' ANOUNCEUMTS Sermon topic eat theMetiodlitcbnr.b etember 16 A viibe "AnuIdeaiSunday eooaA" andi "A Vision ofFaluli". There rl h. baptis m of infant cildres aititie lwning servce At the seesion or ithe unday echool ibere vill be the annual àdiy Day service vben every pupli la pestied to b. present ta béir reporta )r tbs pear. The Epwortii laague onslders inlaits meeting ai 6:45 «" r ibt In he Cnowledge of GodsaWord". iiors viii ho velcome at ail thes The Christian Scientiste vill hold ibeir gular eekly meeting at tbe Mysie rerhall over Smith and Davis' Itou lînday evening at 7:80. Subjeci The. Lak-eside Cemetery Aosoiation il meer Fridqy Sept. 14 at the home irne o! tir.Ha rrison Brovn. At the meeting of tAie I..aiesAid ;xuety of the Nietliodit cbnrch held, 8t Tueeday atternon t Mrs. James s&s' the folloviug offiers vwere efected or tbee nsouing year: Pr.s. Mm. Francia rripp; Vice-Pris. Mes. Jas. Davis; Sec. re. Fred CroIser; Treasurer Mus. C. 0. "sulon- Mrs. F. R. Jniat and chiidren and tirs.m X, . Davis are ripendingr a week witb ti. Samily of Rev. John Davis. of Piano, [i. An excluange gays that a NËbraaka wouan used canvas shoe cleaner for uge by mistake and now vbenevéi us taAke lier face 8queakm. If she As like mmne wonien w. know At nunt queak mont ail the tiras. The IaicPENiIENT s uirvcSit oSf p o oSteEpic Balla:deoSf(Unceam iomU tbLeuanoS John Bunyan Robinson, rmerly paosor of thej.ibertyvilie M. E. luurcb. This in the Sonrteenth volume al Dir. Robineon's production and js veli 'orth purnemal. M4iss May Quarttell, otiiervise Madame LaVerue. 'tbe victin, oS the baloon acident at the fair le. doing nicely at the Frank Miller home and was lent nlght able to get up andltselber aufp pr wvi'tb te family for the tiuet tAm. Br ankie re in plater caes but this in oaly ta eable ber to movre about ta, a certain- eteut vithout pain. However. abe will bave to romnain at the Mler home for perhaps two veeks yet. Mise lsiarttell ie tboroughly game and stated In a reporter thé day Solowinq the aecideat thnt oe. ould go np gu na mons abceh.basil rcovered.Thbealoon witb wbich the. accident occurred vas a atrange on. to ber, ber regular haloon beiug burnesi during the night provlnus au thie accident where At landed Inl the Appley pasture the cause oS tlhefie not being tnowa. Thie baloon she usai bas tieî triei three timesandîî every atteuiîpt las ended lu Sailure. CouancAl Report. Euiienditures andl bille@lîasmed loy Llbertyville coiuacid. JULI BILLO. Nl Poster,rembate un vaut ............s 8S9 J S.nauiard.elork of electioni........ 509 M Pester.rempatrinig............ 00l ire Triago, uaboe ......... .......53 41 F J Alieman. rebat. ou vaut ..... .. . se8 aïo Docker rebat. on vaut .......... 6 nu Standlard 011Co., sgoliue ........ ..n21 2 Wm Fuller. labore.............i0 Cd Quentin, labor........ ..65 25 John Croker, meais 10 puloner i... 121 11ertb fShors Sieutihe o., lisAit...... el77 t0 Kiepper. labor .......... ......... lon iv Rentue, vages aud extraas....... .N)l US mExpressCou.. express ............m B F B Lovellu expeesso. ................ 2.1 t0 A Wright. inds ofelection . i...5s' Sarahi JAction. rebat. on vait e..... ce0 W Laicootou C.. rePaulrlng .-ý.......... 3138 iJo Ayers. wvqrkon vel.............. lm 04 <0 00 Cl O'ai. grveS .............. ..14é LMiUn i, ' "'ate on visit........ .... 691 LakeCon. Telephone (Co.. t,-leuooung lé14 1 m Burt-. r.bate on vait m 40 Mr'. Moorp. robate on Wfiii14 Joh» Wnolrldue, rebuteon vaît.i.. 2se ELý Davis. rebste on vaît... ... ,... 12 30 M remiman. labor ............ ... 8 4 RB £âerIdse....................I21i9 Rairnond Leado. iead rApe..... IM454 National fieter V'o, meteis...... ....ita4,1 uatAunni teaun Sflalti o.rtSpîîr..1 Emmont-MoeerLunber0o, unse .. 71I BVOUST 0LLN. Cd Quientin, labar.................... 70 f5 E OYna ae..........1 so 0 IG;dlev...............l 23 ..... 840 .n....................lsi 7 iramers ................ 5s le h.......................ui1 Ijae 1 a? = fo. r lng....2m e-1 1tna G. Bse........ 270 M r sreat o eai 2 Meats Groceres D ry Goods .CIotbilng Skoes Phone 29 Illinois' Lizetyvile F. P. Dvmiuo', Prea C.F. WatouCadAil, GO A. WPÀUo, Vice Pr«s. F. S.Kii, Amn illmir LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANK PROM9S~4~5fOO WHIO DEPOSITS VOUR MONEY. Sooner or later it gets into tihe Aank wheïher you plut At there or not. Il you bave a bauk account andl cave, At le delfoeited hy yýu. Af you spend At ail, Borne on. elffe deposits your monoy. O UR Fait Lins of Outing Flannels adFlannel. better than ever bef ore. W. carrM a big Une of~ the famous Amoskeag Outing Flannels in light and dark checks, stripes and plaids, plain bluei and pinka A S AIful ie of tîîbleaclied(Ou tinge ut Oc, 7%~c, S&W. 1Oeand lZW~ Neweetdesigus lu ARNOLOS and MANCHESTER 36 inch Flannel. eues o, r nji-ra u mn.,an hl"' ) inla1 and lugbt culors. LIBERTY VILLE. ILLINQIS YOu WiIIlaVO e bmgfgs lo alter ifs A. on the orst dayr of Otober 1<JOA, you reeolve to open an aSuoat witb ibis hank, and regularly depoits portion of yonrincomowthus. The vapidlty wth whicb At WU~ RUJR -grow wAll he both a surpriss and dellgbt to you. Our - TuIE FIRST NATIONAL BM' i Buy Yours of...... ANDREW HUSS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.

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