Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Sep 1906, p. 6

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ee.eleee.lep i Mt*lai To an officaither aMme the telograààli %-fljf 11VI1 We *11,rt.& M i outilng staton.. *Btatoi% ~*5ss.Ifusa byisU cashmue .. 'masterbas tileti. Shah I -bury himlî ~5 Ofl Wlsfl fliO. Bu»% The rsply vas sent: "Yen. bury sta-1 FoiftNr13 7dU-a mssfoe but pIssa.make sure ho POUSET-oua atib.aon Mii- la noily 4.54 before you do sa." lu, sei. Avenue. $10 per month. J-8- duesi"e bc came t"e message. GkUi*Y, lbeityviln. 52 t ~Rave burled station rmter. Matis sure ho vas deati by itting hilm twice fTl TO tIUlTERS-Thera tît u tI heti àta flshpat&" Theroi peruitteti on nîy tara.- was perfect assurance tha.t thera 1.4' beau no prematurt huril. TYPEwRiTrINo-i will tail t,îe'writ- Pros »vellings. fg Woî to do atboule.'<RAF A t i--sa The practice of providlng free ubsetyvle. 5-l dwellings fou worktlîgmen and their MA« WANTEfamilles, le quité common ln usttria.. 0IN WNE-oînmewhere near Wneeti a oetb ae r Waakegan f0ta &siat us n showing andti sthiloe bte, donc t wage ae 5 "Mllg propertiw .NO experlence nett.".v btter e ecdt Aasy, if willing to [et us teacla you tha- eaviug for the laborer. rtei etate buiness. Slery $410 aI iiioSth to bonest man. willing ta tievote i ew Burgiar Gun. ftrt of hie tinse to tht bhupiness. C,- 1 Operatlve lAnmi Co.. Autirue llldg.. i a5arecent liurgiary lu Lodou the xiunealioli. Mila. robbers ualed a nnw weapo--aua m-, moUla pistol. The pistol vas loadeti ,FOR SALE--Goat ou@esantilot. Eest I vith about hait an ounce of au=É"Iia aide o Lbertyville. 00(id 1location. 1 anti va distharged inl the face of.t te p. . Outrris.51-tfi landiord of the bouàe that was en-, WflR ALg-.0t staiantrsr ii tereti. badly ijuriug lis eyea. usew. iLake Zuri-h. Pri-e $700. More- land if desired. E. FSIANK. LakeaZurich' III. 51-tf TO EXCHANGE-My homie. a 7 rooI bouse, with hoth, lhot anti cold water.I House ln goocs ondisioîî. Lot :t73jx125 éest. Want from 35 to 40 acre lurm n, Laie caunty well ,improva-t. Wi 1 1psy duiflrence. A. J. P'ta; v.2S~24 tîA sin Ave., Elyde $tation, 111. 52_4 OR SALE-2 full blood Berkshire boar. Price rea*onable. Rafter tarmn Ruser LAwEEitzEoà. Mgr. 52-If PARM FOR RENT-Haït wav litween Miliburu anti Wadsworth, 105 sures.t Inquire this office. 49-tf PARU FOR RENT-Nese Ivanboe. 50 9 gens. Eaw. Boime, Liberty'vills. 49t* PrOfi SAIE-80 acre fart in Warn 10*sblp. 1Weil improveci. Atitirose X. Y. Z. I DPENSSUN? 50-4 1I TINWANTE-By anexpen- 4esesthem hasti(maxrlefflAttie oe sond0 Laoraig, Ili., 51-2 =.T FOIR RENT-In Kaiser block.] j= over ' afs'nhe store. -O E -Houas ntilot on. Division yiuL pt to 9. Betows,. 48tf. FMU AFOR RENT-2 miles froni Libli- ~ery.llle.i 145 acres. Inquire thil office.à 47-ti. FOR SAE-Builing eille at $15 per lm lufet. J. . 13HetaTltl, Prairie View, IMALL FARM-For gale tsar Liberty.I vill 60 aceres, dune improveunente. abunti. aies of water vlntimil rçod i.Price xemmsonable W. $BUTE, Lbe tyv . WÇQUSE FOR SALE-On Park place, bben4 eboîce lots. Inquire Firmt Nat'l Baak Ubertyville. 44-tf. FOUN -A w om -'s wite jacket vas Wbi ln the lidies rest rQoon at the (airi T"od.nOv m-&yhave by laiming. temese bertyvUle, II O issU nlenoriloft vanhoe. 74 Hain omîs. 11718S. Spa lag,ý -FOR SALE-242 acre stock and dairy fus. , %a'tile stheat of Wauconti, 1*1. eouty li. improveti sita new hotu, barn andi vel andimatif and uoesar ont builings, ordhardt tmber and âne f reeh valuar pond. vlose to laland lee. Muet lu solti at once tc, doms an astate. maie offer. 82 Acre Stock anti dalry fatrni3miles vst of Glenviese, Cook couuty ]ILI, on buoth ides of Idilwveukas Ave. Improveti witit good housesanti barn newly poiti andi nes rotou hnarn. Uood oord sacri&*c for $150 per acre. 120 Acre Farm-Near Bine Iînti 2 milestram Mitlthian station iiproveti vxth gooti hanse, anti heni antifot buildings. (loMoarhard and î t 7 re timnber. anti pagt ire excellent for dîiry Poor Blood, Yoga canutust saniedîcîne tested W0 years 1 Slxty yeura of experience, thlnk of tuuai!1 Experlence wfth Ayer's Sar-, saparilla; the original Sars- parfilae; the strongest Sarsapa.. rill&; the Sarseparîlla îhedoc- tors ettdorse for thîn bleOid Iveàk nervces, geneful debllltyý. sibt -stu . i- m» ndtewe-dnsth'e Stl. ha ii th S lnr zotemtii bonss Ok. -v-. S i i-t *0sbq e - ssiys-iaii IC lneeetY.0 Ail sii, 1,1 ,!-tlSS*slie tise water etige andi consfitiîte eltiser -Homes la Texas. a sjtutiîon sot futtiese oitb pler or 0f 60w,0w acres put- on thénrho h1 ot lr mar%&t by tise stafe of Taxas ln Sep-nrtsathnrisie. temberéThaniemakere ihave already il ta uia-k le locefet aftishe leke fakesaaout 1,000.000 aces, et prices fronti tise Installation ot . e befing r"nlg froni five ta ten fîmes tise tîecis th bath bousees aud of Lune minnium of a dollar an acre. lixed by Park amusueemeni th ie surf teilIlibe thse tafe landi commisesion. takén 111i. Trips to Cassa Sbon. 1ProlifLe 11.1.Tiseftripesait tiseSouths Havensiwtl Oue of thse mot prelificfIsises à@ tht eee for tise seeson betweeua tise tti turbot. Tlh.e, numiser 0f .a 'liTeLysandi'Otis of September. Tisey yl lie epecmeas exajuineti hi à scieutiat goe, oeutly varied frram over l,0,6 . resunisti eriy next seeson, f hý boat more flan 10,00,000. The beavst0f i engaging front tise finie-ofthtise Ss. tIee laecmaps voigsed -'on> I' son endti th ie tinte of tise close of pounds, andthie beliet, la expuet navigatian lu a comineti fruit carry- Ulaf iMe 5 pelmOnsare 04.U fmmt jing anti paseenger business, if taises férule.____ a monti to, ley tise boat xiv for vinter. Paraisé for Girl tudsnts. 2fsxt yeur as titis tise fief rae for Svitzerlaud la the panstilseaof uunm tise MWatkegsn-Cicago ftrip vili be en atudenta et universifies, en far as125 cent s. Tise Cit y of Souths Haven Europe la concerneti. There aie et ir yul malethie excursions. lrsent &bout 6,000 of tisent, îa*fgý Chance for Local Capital. 23.7 per cent. of tho total nuifletOutTisers is a cisance for loc-al capital studetts. tainvesf in su amusement park lie- Vot fer lm, iv een nov andtihie oPening ofthtie Mlies Youg--And ulsi votaid pou next seeson andi malte mansy lInlier- "y, eomixsse Ivoue *0 tel yS Ji t els froni i-e people visa came isere dii't b1>6e14MuCe Wod nus&47rM-1on tise.boite. Ifle estimatedth tia garinAg *e 1-U«qusli 0 f pour I acis excursionit tlesves t et set 80 eiectioai cents itere anti vouitileave nmore vers vSg- oulti say ihat you versi frtow»for a»Y offlnr m ta'tise chance offereti. This e ssthet msr.Goo<-îy.--Bfrmy toie.. ý$700 wa spent lu Waukegan betwesen i andi 3 today sud thaf mare wotalf à& ns. t Akla. bave licen epent hadth ie Indîscements A Johaa-eaurg correspoudeut'been offereti. sentes as foliova ef tle chiass The Excursions a Succees. preatllng lu that South s Alic e tp: Nat nieny pele uvfa r "Me wvhlte'seOrkers lu the mines camepiir7 ha r revolvers; the police an, armieith!Cochrane, of tise SouthIl-Haven lins. bail cartrlige anti bayonet. campai liegan tise excursions under greaf dis- pondr e Auckland park le a Mobile cauragement ant i dsativantage, anti coumu-of mounteti mon, ready te thet oniy by pemeverauce anti mon- MO"e ags0t anaueOet & amomeutt'b aglng aility have tbey succeetisu. notice; tac ooutrp folk ou the othef' Weuiegan bieng an unkuovu factor Meof tls avsiling riseme carmedtejInho xusinbsnssutltl tise teetl andi livt- 0f lht lubari ieecrIo îsne utI iî cadeti and foritfled bouses" yesr. a Surmsnsauii Machine Completed. Boat Lins Plans for Next Sesson. Tisa automobWle summersaulffng nia- TisaSaufth Ha ve-n Line wil uni chine lultenteti by Ciaytan Deaus. of idaly ecurion beteênWaueg lvanisoe. la nov complets anti giyexuso nextliefweeu moe t ean eaîiy for taeopeniug of tise neign of anti hfan King Corn aM Peila non. trIpllng Its preseuf blwsekiy tripse A bag of santi placet i n tise cau,- isere, tise 'visita fiyer" City of Souith! plefeti apparatus. visicb vas t urneti Haven maîug tise fripe. Ouf he taLaycock Machine Coni- The cmpanywillboom auk pan RY Of Libenfyville. matie a succese- Tis copan viI bom aukgaufui trip anti !Wi <Iandell, u ad.- ta tise limit as a smmcm reiort. erect- 1etru on a.vlna~ts log a sumnier amusement park uske actuel tripe ai the Peonia corn palace. tiseeaf Ottawa ,Bche anti otiser Dea-ne bas a contracf for n many of pointsa et is avu epenge tu catch tise bis reak auto car cuammersaults. l money of teexcursionlses. -mThe l ba aereofthei tisesusi Tise development of tisa above tva tacts le tise resuit of an insîie inter- Boy Loses a Lsg. view obtainet by the SUN ibis ntom Johunie DIxon, son or John Dixon. a witis a representetive of tise boot lina. laborer of Laie Zurich, triedtu ta hp Buinese -tseen Great. au Elgin, Joliet & Bastera railroati The reasnu for tise Improvenients train Monday affernoon anti fell un- dem tise vieele, losing a leg. 1fo come le tise great business tise coni- Amputation bas telten place anti flany bas enloyeti betvean Waukegan fise fvalve yeasn 01 boy vili. recovar.. tarin $100 per acre-,a. ncg uistepe esn Have severai gouti tarmis teh wuîltnheu It rau experimental tripe twlce besouti cleap far el. Atitre-es estfe a kel. o1 JouN B. OscastIsEs. 118.Al-shaut1 Bd. Chicago. 5,O-ti Begnlgvts:O asuesof --- of Chicago. tise boat nov carnies tram FARM FR SALEPl8n-1,400 fa 2,504) an every tr-i. Begin-, John auerlaru. tlacres, goal build.Iti- t eno wlv u f a * ns nouthwetcorner utfExe-ont.lnvibtnorfeveuftWat- Muut lie soi ti tonce-. Addra.(Wo i.gan. if nov carrnes at least 1.5(j svsxy BaUas, Waucontie. -44-t .'ftrip. ý1As tise cren- bas faulie kept anyvay i-OUSE FOR SALE-Moda-rn imîîrîve- for tisa Sauth Haven tripe, tise cmi mente, iniLibertyville, al0to -îlots. mksmnyofteWue» .WASSEN qiq"NII .44tf panyîsts aeoffieWugnI mn-antid îI Iexploit Iftau tise-lit. FOR REN T-Bouse anal lot ou tari Hence tise amusement parki andtihie i Are-nue. Psa. I-ctitAiI,'FIN, Libertyvilia-. îally trips naît isar. 24lt vtiere WRitHave Park. FOR ENT-;i, ronitla. Iqui- o Tva sitea arctaîketi of for tise J. . A stTE. 31ft amnusement pemi<. FOR SALE-liantme andl lot ouniromsi. 1. It may b locae etetiser attise pres- VFAY, Liliartyrvitýle.lsi. luquiuîv PAUL ent Electrie Park. as mnuioneti In fhe * MMius-ix. 5.tlSUN some tme aga, or at tise lake ~ front. MOi-EY TO LOAN-On araprorei real Tisemnagement of Biecfrlc Park fwit§Mé«urint.v Hi:. .H.MIiu. x.Liber- fyyilletgls.f praposedt f0turu aven tise renmf ta ~ tise boat lins at fhe beglnning of tise FOR SALE-Eletator aisil '-ual biwinieiiuseason, if le salai. but the bot officiass cheasu on eaout ot ohi aine. Hl axr vere buay vitis tise tevelopmeut of Star. Lake Zurich. 1il. - 39 -t cfff ugfcsatsefneat r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i nO AE15ar tmnn-rogs-tt ot taie If up. Nov tisey regard eoners Alec-Sri-,i 147 ecrea- 2 mile@ tise proposition as a gooti ans anti eo*Utof Long Omaîve. l'AiL MACU-O -Ii msy considen il serloualy. tàUbsstpville. 24-tf. if le sai tbat tise Bot Haçen Lins j.PM SALE-116i acre tari, 2 miles spent S40,O on Sauganck: harbar s *u t (amea.Biao-it, lenty vwhite noa openny ls needcd tauexploit !rMw, Goo orerd anti lots 0 frit. Waukegau vitI tise exception eof lu- WU U 1 8 acresita buildings or ,:40*ets swibout. A. Beaxais, unue. talliug concessions nom1 laciing., L'Y51-4 The other elfes spoken of are onL' Ceunra Stats isuestre Ce. Lessee Charle A.Taksce, Manager SJJNeAY, SEFTEEE 3Uh À Riot of Fun TheIFOUR NUNTIN#GS -ARE COMIN- ln thie wliirlwind of succese, Harry 1)uli's Oottdy- THE IFOOt IIOUSE Thé totwy ttîrvey musical ceomed - The funniest show of the age P'RICI*4: 25. 35, 50, ô75anad $1040 "sdy, tber 1st FUTZSIMMoNS) 4) his great comesy trama A FUtIT FORLOVE- Sme Fitsimmons lu a seneatlo"a thro-rounti glave contest. Oee Flltesltmons lu a ma velous bag punchfug exhibition. PRIZES !2-,5-"0-71k. setisoe nols et boa$5. UWM bânker at o yankee whoge ai wwV'clb " *5M'Illa 5 i "T*he tngue fathse sete ffom fdreess on 'Mauulctpal Ownerehlp" * ibtis source votld more then counter- the Wisconsin Atate Bankers. O-blneal iegoita cosn. osi sention a'shortUime aga createti 0ail lncdîe i h otraanicpaldoner- mach ýcommàent tbroîîghoîit the con-«byb eie ronmncplon try. was 88esist togive thse principaSj lilan e fl atj- fe-nm relisns wy mulivipl owerahp ciservice if proveti to lie ail 1that reesonitedhyttes laîcipat wîeblp n ite udh,,.,,t, cdaIm for ItL telle. Hie outtisle l. eeai "These andi other relisons whlch 'eilre. iHe eittyc, e hrcnconît ihe adivancedi, -tienstnufe that The uuilpaisy en eithr cu- ram defecte Inherenlum iipla- frai nur aponte a public ,ufîlif ytlnmncia d plan as heeî ;~i trîvee crp.r-jnttratlon, and, Ineradlcable, the Plant as chpàI as :u neyereeltisoracou- flon tîccause If 5îavamore for nia* stclttopeat eelsti-iîl- contt. tet-lalant Iif eSts lest work tram I e re r prt )iiir;tlt employees. Plaîiat!. int as cheaply, nor attord as, effi- 'thé Si ivae- oj. ov ,ingcient service, sthse !livate Corpora- 'l'licprl a. 1 a insfln con. wlthott reti tape," andi havtng thse -_______ utmoet llierty Of action. can aveUl ltselt of condtifions anal opportlint- Auction 5ales. tis, market and ti iferwlse, wblcb 0 f term stacks ant iImplementseta are 'lot open ta the- nttlclpeîlty, andth ie fsrm of Mi. Chsarles Miller. firef fan souts of Blanchard's Scioot cen flan! Procure construction and me- hus v nt n-atmie otsa terlal at e much more favorable prie Waukegan. on Monday. O<'t. 15f, coin.- tisait tise munIcIpelitý. whtcis musti menclng et 1 sharp. fallow Prescrlbed foi-nie. ,dvertIng, 1 heevî-brunt ..,areI uoe, ICoach for bide. vatlng 011 questions of pur-, mare 1 2-year qîdti nus, 1 I yi'ar nid Chas an obervng rovsios o la. 1coIl.1Irosi, 8 milch caws, 2 l-year-ald chae ati hervlg li i'atiois f lc.helters. 4 calves. abot t20lheu. about ail of whtcb coase s l eias. l0.chckens. about 25 dackse, quantlty Tise emîiloysees of 1thelîrivate Cor- of oes, 6% acres of standing Corn, 10 po'retian are %()c iIlesly on tise acres of millet. a qîîaonttty of bey - lu 'barn. I1isay siack, i1ltomber wagon 1 lisses of their fitnes, for 1;he work Cornu cultîvetor. 1 set otftirags;, 1 t stî- tisey arce employedti Iido. Tîte cm- hie plow, 1 D*eriug niowlng machine, ployees of tise muîiicipallty. excepft neariy 115w) . *-iîotato moîltier, -1 civil service rules are entorcei. exs-, horee cultivafor. 2 single, buggies. 1 surrey. 1 set ot surrey bernaes. i1 set chosen lergelY for poltiîcal reasoiîs>ot douîble harnese. .2 setsnait working Civil service miles - tîowever - weli harness, 2sfoves ansi bouse-baH et- aîuîlIeti-are au Inadeqiîete substi-ifeef s, and meus atiser articles fao nu- tute for tise work uf selectiosi doue merous tIn mention f0 lie solti vithaut by tise Individuel niaster. reserve. 1Ternis of Sale: AIl soins titnder feu "The heatis of s citte* administra- dollars, cash; 12 monthe credit tion, ";Its bramas.' cannot lie au approved baukalile notes wit in l- chosen by civil service rules. These tereet et 6 per cent. officiais fmuet be electeti by liaoiîîar CHAS. MILtLER, Prop. vote oi appaointitlivofficere su-tolllnieworfh & Lee, Auctianeers. electeti. Tbe clas or0 men iisuall Y etectedti taedministrative offices ln! fil- unde-rtàignetiwill mali litpulie nuet ion on thie place kuown u e Kohl large muulclPsIlilee is îlot aucliastu f0 arin 1 nuls wesot of Aptehii- aaîanen Inspire Confidence Ili their abilitlea,. -antsRe-liaif niile Dotof Loang tirora ou or thaf of thelr appoi,îtees. fa han-1 Tusstiy Oct. 2 ,Ç, e ounaieneiig lit 12:30> cîciock sharp fthe foliaw-ig laraat dle in the best mariner, enterpriseslIenv ts i t: -1i -hoicp Coire. fi aark suvolving thse disisreent ot large lihon... 1300 anti 1404) Ris, 12 sats. stie ýof mouey anti requlrlug thse ex- il youug soir fu pig in <k-tbler, 100 chici-ens., top buggy ruliber tiresc. truck ercises of liront business skili. ,wagan8, wagon box. milk wagon nearly a.Conceding tn these officeres adis- Inew, etstingle wi)rk liarnies, et f6v position tu select thse most compefeuf nets, s@et hsorse" double w,înk harnssé, tix-ConmJck grain binder, men. tfledesire tan vits dlfficulty lie! Badger needr, lieasitàg stpe, crac-ks anti fulfilleti; Pot otily becasîse the psy of- jars. lounge. dining tale. kitehen fable. fereti Sa usualsa Inade-quete tfor ithe 1 coweni-haire. Bradley six-sisovel sulky service biut visere a re-asonaisie Con- . ulsivator. bandi cultivuator, steel tragile !leer rarg. dis, harioas, greve.1 plankm. penat Ion le providel. the great me-' liay.rack, bey rake. wvaiking li.i jorlty of men beet qualifiedti f suc- -Jontî vertical muver. ;air bob oletis. cesefully manage a large public isc 't'h tiako, bey ksàife. uutilureork. utl-ahainx, 2iiikcane. straifer, m acres If y Plant are averse f0 enferlng tiuln ori in check rote. 7 acres ot tatialer an emtployament visere the tenure le as ýciarft. ook tstiave neenly ne-a, iielrsîed tilcertain s that of polîictal office. faîîîite eswing machine, irais bahdseails. "Agan-icoelpetncyor fllue o ulettriemses. chinua ie. auigi.gx-indaar "Agel-incoi'peency r talure 1f i g Six 12. Uswuel termea. dut y lu thse employaes of thse prIvafe W. B. APPLEY. .Aller. corporation le met vitit prompt dia iw.aWir!e Clerk. Eni. Ni -r-cEl. Pii,. charge. Thte public officiel. electedti taof- Hesviîîg solt i ay iîîy teri auni] blai- lice. tisoug Is lconlpetent 0o'f ueglecf- emiflislsop 1 ill il sietpublice actiass fui. leutil tise endi of bis terni prac- o01 my preiluisem et %Wursrensatfiaon tlcally- bevond danger of removel t rani ça Thnredîv Oct. 11. 1906 eommencin g 1 o'clotck sharp tise following office.iescribeti propertv tu vif: 5pirecee "Thse employe- appolnteîi untier puinlor set. 1 exte-nsion table,' White civil service mulet ean safely indulge sewiug machinie, drîp lat kitchen table. lu~~~~~~ a eti i(utkitchen cabinet. 1-2 <losen vooden ln acertin inouit0f remissneas chaire, 2 hetiging lampe. 2 waotien lieds, of duty. nof eufficlently susceptible of 32 yards Bruisele carpe.t. L rug carpefs. Parout. f0 liring about hie dîscisarge ,-ook gtov., coul or wsoti. wooti heaflng unde th rues.altiaug~ tsatre-stove. gasolins store 3i humrer. i Jersy unde theruls, athouh,1thatre-bull 2 peurs, 2 gnn, 1roll teoven luire suif vaulti follow if lie vere eni- réuni 20 rode, 80> tence poste, 1 new Pipe playeti by s prîvate corporation. tereucli, enfer table. 16 yti Re ni 8 aras. ots ail e4pningere. 2ho, "For these reaslons tise emplayeces0 2 single barnees. 1 2-smedt carniage, e muncipalty îlî nt asa cls ingle top buggy, rati! wagoan, 1 waSgon, a muiciplitywillnotI .I blackaînuth helise, a lot of blaci- equal tbose ot a privafe corporation~ smuth suappies, 1 dieîîîond toots Cultiva- eltiser lu shulit v or tise emount of tor, 9 tons timothy bey in borna -4 acres vonk performei. of corn in ahocka 1 tiozeu mili pans, 1 I 1churu, 3 cane seateti chaire. 1 clatIes more quickly tisen tise mutlclpilfhY wrlnger. 2 wootien vash tubs, 11 miii lu meeting tise constantly recurlng de- cana almont new. 21 ytie vool ingrain mande ofthtie puablic for increasei anti canpet anti mat y other articles ton, truquerous ta menftion. (Jsual terme. 1better service. Fissi W. ScHiiL. l'eop. "By tise tivate corporation tise ait- R. B. Ereaa, Aux-f. nation l met w tiste alert business senne of mien prompt ta recognize the Tieuudersignet i wll sli t publia- opportunlt3y for Increasei business. eiictio>5 ail the perminai prîîperty of IH. fa mke isegais. isiis ucbF. Tanne, deceeoe, on the place kuoten eager t iietegis h uhet tise Wni. Skinner tfurianti osnei by business britîge. sud vits capital elle- W. E. I)avisl. situat-a two andi une liait Ily commandeti vienaver a fair re- mliles ntarth.ees8t of Lake zuricpu firm upon i it-etmtle meesonably anti two andîlone-hlli miles nortlîwest, of Long Urove. We-dnesdàay Oct. 10 apparent. 19w<, commencing et 10 'cluick sharp 1 'M«hen the rnuucipallty ts called tsefoillowitig propertx f0to it: 6 heatip tipon lt)a&t. tise speeti abtaineti b aof hontes: mare in huai il1 yrm old ti 1300. iRouiimre ii.yrs cil( wt 120<1, 2 tise stimuîlus of privateisineresf 1a geltiage 7 yrs olt w-t 1800. yearling waufing. Tise slow action of tbe pu- colt, 9ekiug colt, 2.) ýiil-h-wo Roule litial bdie folowin prsçriedvif l caves !)y tiseir sites, mante ilfîel bdie foiovig prsçrletisprig-à, 4 blid ceia-ep tlis epring. 3 anti limiteti courses te suisetîfutetilfar lheiters. 1 bul fIas pring, 2 y.r old Bold. the unisemîercai action of a boardi fof eein ball, 35 Siag# epring ferraw. 4 full directors. Silooti Victory hîoarm. spring terrow, grain anti crop«: 30 acersl corn in échock ~Polical coiaitieralon anti jealasîs5- icoand ti ts binder, 20 acio fead î-oru les af localitica tielay anti samef imes bound witli biider, abut 45 saeres tim-. entmely deteat needeti action. Lacis atly bey ianan. 3 s4tâo mnixei tim- of fntissud nabiity a exeeti othy bey; fan nmichiiner~'fr-t: 2 se--tiers of fndsandInaillt toexced ueeérly Inew, lilvaerizor, mulk x-o<i'ing aoinstitufloal tiebt lirit, otten pre- tank., îîîilk wagont vifl, 3 sat.,, bob vente tise meking of Improvements by seigli, hey fox-k ropeo and ptilleys. hbuggy fIsniunicpelty inil ongattr pis- ole. roati wagon, single top buggy, the iinetpitt ouil ongaffer ub-single eiieptç. corn planter. 2 ritiiug lic tiemanti therefore basnisecome Ini- cultivatore, nitiing cuitivebor tii, rote peiative. uew. 2 one bore cltit-ators.0eaiTiw "Notwltissianding ail efforts af ne- 3 walking plows nev, 2 set rungit. lusuher wagon, . 2 ite tire- truck tari, if vîll lie a long finie. if es'sr, wagons. Pianai bintier neariy new, before "amffa. lo entirely ellinateti MeCormick uiower, bey rek. ray nîke, fron th adintaraton f muicial sets doble liara-sa, wetering frouli, tra tie emiustatlu 0 muicialabout 25 milk cans. Lia-ltiield Yiitlik -affaire. Tise opportutaity for the, ax- Cîoler, elioveling boardi. 2 bcorme ercise of tisis fanm of lndustry voulti blankeus, single savel taiaw, anti othàe bie greatly muitIplieti by tise lucrease articles ton, numerous ta nmention. Fre U bertgville Ilinis The Fooi Mous. that insrry inusica coNîedyt iutruiducing Anueritau .leading con.adiana. the iîîutàclese Pour i uat tnoe, will lie the attraction at kHchwait Tbealni.Waukegan, Sunday, hSep. SM1 The pièce ha. boom îv-wittte i"is uom new dlwou.nwsngnvdns n.w.stuatins ae lmnad dsed-a Image chorus engaged adnti nv seau and elect" alequirwsec .eAcured a&M a buad »Wshow wIlIl be »Pu. 1ev Huri*gs aa-rolbatk dant.eare mre slutricat. lIai leverand im I. ollis Huntinp4aaoe.sIl new. Johnt Hunting bas Improvsd lai comsdy andi Toray Heanting 14 mors laugbable than eet. W. W. DUEDERUCII Optometrist and Opticien *EYE SPECIALIST Parfont fnilHeat h Bloci Fritiay-%andi Seturdayo Hour 10 touil1:30 a. Ini., 12:4) t4) 1) P. ni. No c-harge maâre for examuination Lilaert.yrille. fil. DXLRFIEEIRKFL. ARTIN Ollce 2ud Floor 1Kahn Elock. Milvaulee Avenue. ROUus:Il to12 & m. 1tu 3andi 7 to SP. M. Llbertyrlle.Illinois DE. J. L TAYLOR. OPFICE OV39U 5 it *TAYLOR's. Robent Fitzsimmons in ",4 Figlaf for @ moe-7tW 10a. ni. 2 tu 4 andtiet Love-, tehie-is cou"estaue- sebvanrts P. M Theatre ot Waukegan ou M!eonatay Beitence on Broadway, opposite Park. Oe.n slt Roble-rt FitzaitunSins. the Llietyriiie. Illinois. liualosto1r is open ifin e-tale (if e re--- wieicutygntleman ant i s seul fIef Bob has tievelopsîl irto au et tor ait con- DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. iisrablemsenit. Tue new ieaygies bitiOFFJCE avEIs LOVKLL'@ lite @ TORE. ample s.o5 f to iietuiy bite alelufs. ln sut aone bhoshiesasa lions., au-t fwo givfa-s BOUE& -tom to 8flanti 6 to 8 p. ni. a sientiflx-exhîibitiaon oset«tuugpne ning Libertyville. lio andi lu sut tour epars threp rounds wthl lioe the viliien ot the îplay, wa-hiis reiwîrta-d- f0 he uet eucedingiy ciaviar boxe-r. The A H>AJJJ ILJM. D. support ingcoipanycontains tisa nsie <if »nie aot the beef inaîsn li-alie in the- PiYsician anud Surgson i-roiSeeon anti an ortisîli- perfruinuc Fox Lake 'Stock Fammn !s assureil. lIgleside, . Everett-Oli boys! ikxye!limace up 'Phone 332 anti play bail. Sncb vas the wvii iesd ____________ troni the ibroat of svetry "natve" of Everett but not ->Aithstauding u t e-ha-ti PAUL. MAC GUFFIN Ru "eni the Everett nines 500k fthe Rusle is>t camup ftiste liginial tiaja- ATTORNEY AT LAW. af 14-13. Everett Rloyeti a very pour Lbertyvills. Illinois. gan te ota sambut muni hfiiith nnng braSd., up anal if n- e ian unly 355 3. a matter oi course" for fthé Iusselisf0- -to__ foliote. -Olti War Bores' Tojay Kîig n-se on becond bug for Evereft. Iu DR. L. HL SMIIH. sixthi inighe madie a beautitul catchDETIT of a ditleiuif 51v battes] by H. ilIuaa. orr-ici vis L"E oOUic eANC. John Yore led the batting,o<ne of bise 012a i bits beitag aifoir se lasses. Itu1ues"'8 tuO2 a. M.andti 5 ip. m. "ratcsl out tau get if eîî ant idt it fon> DAILY. utiltIit itjnuing fthon tiaea- biankmis UbeirtyvIie,Ilîlinois. sncca-sisiî. Breaka- nhovas jitciig tock a vali ouft t tf il-d anti McNt.iuara essayedtu fsetob theelaugliter. DR. GOLDMN 'Tvaa then ouiy by gondti on vwitis [ENTIST stick that Everor maxi tise- winnilag rut Haurs mto f012 .M.-1 ta 5 p.m. ocras. in their hlaitof nintis one mon KIe lc oaiy being ouf. Nexf Suutiuy Evereti We le anti Russe-l aif <mme. 'Twill no doulit Libertyville, Illinois be a baffle royal anti vail woif eeiug. A Double Meader-Tiuad<swomtii DR. O. F. DUTTERFILD. Jr., base hall teailS got their datas inixeti VITERINARY SURBON. anti lid tva> gaies ou tiseir banda Bunday anti playeti bof h. i-irmf game1 MAUTAAsLETM ETISNIAN. Iîbumru nine vif lu' <rle or )yle catchem U 'bertyvilejlinois. anti Ed Cutdihy pitcer tar Watiswoeth, LN îBOH score "fl- u fvor of Wadgwomth. Second game Wanreutoîa uRne vitis Beul.NHDOHR Sebiosser piteher anal Oeo. Dosyle catcher tor Watievortis, score 18&7 in favor of Wadsssortb. Tise maies tour victoria-s. fan Seticosr Oîtut ofirle gaies this; LiverY la Consection seasosa. Fraul, Luxi aiso muade a fiue play gstopping a voulîl le- home- mun and I Phone 887 Libetyvilse. fil. puffinis the runer oaut. Ne-if Sund<Iy 1__________________ Wadeeworth Jme.ï aidWarreifis iimplaiy!, G AA . .C Vetsninary Surgeon and DoniWut ChamIfir DuetRideuce, Hait l>ey A Plig nevapaper publishedth Ue P. O. Prairie viete tollovlng as ta court foshins ettise Ilinois Chinaeeimperli palace tis vlwhsnt 'îjoteLibemt-vrille 186 "Ermiae robes wve r ftivora tfl »ssonlu isCthepalace on tle S23d Inst. A- XC S ARNS Bquirrel ekins are thse Dnon outhse 1liatY I. be foloweti hi fox. andi iatly sable LWE at te nw yer.-213 Washington street ot tse nv iWaukegan 'Phouc 2761 TOO LAT! TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT- 140) acre tari 2% nilies @oîtissvet of Rockefteller k-non-n as flic Rari farta. Adltrees F. H. BiesuiHý. Michigan City. lut. 52-1 APPLES WANTEO-Barrel wintsr eating opjîles. Stafe pries tielivemeti in Wauiegan. Atitrese..0. L St',, O-e-cEg Waukegeu. FOR SALE-Farui 112 acre-s ricis prairie loani, gondibaem, tences and orctisrd na-ar cars, creamery, graded schaol, stoire anti ciireis. Pnie$65 an acre. J.S. C. SMITH, Waukegau. 111. 52.2 BEAUTIFUL FARMS-i have 2Ô larmns ner Spencer ant i Mlitorti, Ioa. Tisay are the creani of tise state. Nathing luner outtoor.; tuot m wtet foot of lanti andi the moi] caunof li e st. Cen show Su the fitest erape. Prlese 50, 55 anti dôlions per acre. You cannot heat taem on tise pi No agent%, mme anti se tbsm vitbona tlay tor theay vii brimg $100 per acre lu oua per fron t4>day. Pieus A. PAmias9, Spenosr. la -52-4 DR, EDWARD v, sMITH Otlire- anti Resitence opposite Aýynoeayýà store Rockefuller. Illinois l'loeaaeLaubertyville <644 Lâke Countq Indepedident end Waukegagb Weeklg Sun. with the Weekly InteraOcen, ,,Oun vm for s1les 't - lias,.recelved its Fai Stock ot Negllgee Shirts and (lents Furnishlngs- Fail Styles of Men's Derby.and Soft liats; Men's and Boy's Caps E. W. PARKIIURST s Schanck Block lit . 1

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