Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Oct 1906, p. 5

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Tieo yecr ago a fariner kuovu to bomle ot Our readersi mamked a une dollarbill andi thgn @peut it for aua@ atet n.ot bIs home hardware stores. Soute weeks later be sold a buuch of hogi to a neibOTi and to Ille surprise e recelved the mmemrarkedbill in part paynient. He paît! it out that day for som.e groceprles in i homé town . Later ha received it &gain trou a tarmer wo whom be oold a beiler, the. gromer bd bien there buylng potatotes Six tîmpis that year the saute dollar bllI turned up. About a year &go b. sent it to Montgomery, Ward & Co. for a cap and Le lies never seen it since. Oeéal with your home merchanta and ese what you buy and Wet ful value for yoiir money. CoaeMWd5«eUs tligley & Carfild Dept. Store GRAYSLM. JiNis IUSEZ W, are. heving esutiful fWl eather 4&ten after the rmuch neeed mial01 ut i vsek. Femrîces are busy -'th co r utting, ps.,.5tiiWngEand plôtWbfg. Mesrs Sott,' BoweReeves iaudi liilvWetmtd TuMeê nlgt for Sonth (Mktâ tOlao for lace. M. j. R. Corrie vîited ber brother and wile at Wnthrop Harbor Tuesday. Mr,. L. MILBuinersoid Mis.- A. C. Crtis were lu Wauktegei TUedaY. Will Mellie bas- a sa i- lwlttî-he ex pecta scounto ave 1t tihiîew bhule On t4 Iving faim. Aiez MMunie and vite acenoîved lu Russell. ' labt r&M É m. J. . ReevishaIt, i. .î littie. Barbare Chi equite Il. vanNs Young je wnvalesciito Tt, maay frWnedof Mar - 'rlas% w'11 be plseed ta know aise le home froîmi the bospital. Mml. pitt Sîver and family visited! in Konosba the lut Of the week. lois. L. Md. Sonner wa. a Ch-ago vigitor Wednsesday. Mr,. j. 1. Murray in visiting et Rkbmond. Mm. Hunter visit.d at J. i. Murray Sundair. w The Mount Rtet Cemestery socletycl meet with Mm». Allen Dixon Wednesday S kt. 10._____ ___ NOTICE. publie notice la bereby given tliat the Board et Lecl tmiprovemnite ot the Village of Lbertyville, CountY of Lake and State orIlîlinois, bas ftleS in the CauntY Court of Lakte CoutY, Illnois, a certificate that tht. tolloc- lng improvemeut bas been com~ pleted and that it contormac ublltali tially to tie requlremeutc 0t the or- iginal ordinaunce tom the consltructIon Of the sanie. to-wt: The consttric- tiou of a connectedS ystem of caut tron vater supply pipes together vltb fir hydrats, chut o)ff valves and ail other necesarY adjunctc and cpeclal castings laid lu. alOug aud under Mil yankee avenue and Other streetaanmd avenues lu tbe village of Lîberty-ville, Lakte CoutY, Illinois, under and ln pursuance to au ordînauce ot saii village duly pasced anS approved on the. 24tb day of July. A. D. 1906. helul LibertYvîlle Special Aafessmelit of said court, docet number 1. Aud tutber notice le hcreby gven that application bac been made t> satd court to consîder anS determimi' wbether or not the. tacts stated 11 salut certîficate are true. That i hearlug viil e had upoîi saidi aPPII catton ou Monday, the 15tb day o1 october. A. D. 1906, Et the Iboum ni ten oclock lu the toenoon o! sait day at the court bouse lu Waukegar lu said Lakte Couty, Illinuois. objections may be IlIed tu saidiais plîcation ou or before the boum ut tes o'clock lu the fou«enoon of saisi day. PAUL MacGUFFIN. CHA&RLES BOTES, CHARtLES R. GALLOWAY Board of Local Improvemelts of thi villaga ut Lihertyville. D)ated at Lfhertyvilllt, Illinois, Sel tember 25, 1906.3 Wa tcb tht. YELLOW LABEL. sfc We have a bigger ai than evethi& par. choice.. The Gragsle w. F. BEH * Unle Third' of +* 1»,.gpet in bd + able e wa e + oeat quel &MY L SfaitsFi 'VOLO GROCfRYI MucUI BURGLARZED Thifves Prove ta hbVc t Po Burg- -~lana-AitTbaytek. i awd;r ii Shoigun Oartridges-MystsrV in. Pie"lar Acta-Town an Watch- out. Harry T. Fuller» store lisbien bkeitothrteetiuesin thelait rontb and twies itOl the pait vesk. Tht. culprits appear to ha very poor burglar a& mii fer utbing otfrmach velue bsbe token and the third time they mode tiheirentrance theyv ers semn.Thome wer& two Meo ud àthey UMMdienug noüies tii aken a vomie living inIe btuilding AIli) roms ndgnd %&W &vle 0t thent as thev ied. T%« robberles bave bien carried 01o n mà mo.t peculiar mannr and tihe motive@ arpn ,t umdertoô5d ai the mme coulil .'a.îlvlc 1marscmrrld off imilchv&luaimie I.o wn e.. the sescond nothing nîaee o er as M. Vlier le ahi. ta escertain. The third timi tiuy tapPed a coupie of boxes of shot gim cartridi removiug the povder. Wht tbey vamted or the. explosive le uot knovn unu isesIl astoblow open the cale. Volo in on its nerves and il the rubberm ar, caught -lu anothar attempt the chgance are that tbey vill Lc iuted oùt sulden ijustce an Mr. Fuller hmi came. luly reloaded bis shelis sud bas supplied buckshat. F. J. DRUCE, Edîtom' Phffl Central-t - Thinge S ent and Heard Pertanlng k (rrayalake andi lie. Nieo»a White pesesilavay et Ç'C . .& St. P. Tissa Tale. ber borne near Rtound Lake ou Thurs- jLouve (ihimain Arrive Grarslake day lest mi tter u liuiso! a yiar or .4; a. m. Exs uuday 8:48 a. m or more. '$ho vas about Siîty years 0f'l 8oZ a. m. uMd4iv only 9:30 e. m age sud an early settier. TbL funeral 12:01 P. M. Dally 8:55 P. rm vas sturday an 10 t'lock from hemr1:00 p. mn. Es Simuda y 5:01 p. mu laie home. a:10 P. M. Ex Suîday 6:11 P. m Chicago Milvaukei- Eleterit. R. mDe605p. 1 aiv 7:12 p. mu ticketsj for salie t tht. Ronkefeler pot 1-25 p. DL flfur'iay tuuly 2;87 P.M Chicago Milwaukee EéRiec R. B. : A ihnRiod tickets for ais at tht. Ruckefeller pot Fsig eod office. i Not satilled i t h heakug tht. mc. Mr. sud Mms. 'auce moveti fram tht.or Druee lake for Ss.hlng a, they 515 Borge cottage to C. C. Morses bouej a tee culks ago, iast Suuday Frank lest week. D ruce, of Grm' ilake, J. C. Kalîcon eud J. Gara ood anti family muveti into A. C. Koblbreuil, o! Chicago. anS thoin home ou Maple Ave., Monday anti Chartes Stet-uils, of Grayelake. Mr. Melbournh sud feuiîy moveti fnom Baru thi urviu eor u e tht. morne ors Brandstttei'a saloon to seterpevo ecdanst the lticItion hanse ceutly occupied Ly a uev ane tam above If. M. G(lavodt'a family. lb the onu day'e fishiug tbey caugbt E. . Adams sud family viii uove lne tceuty-sii base anS pickerel euSdflie the Lonte Wlcks housesusai the St. l'sui string ceigbid ltfty-foum ponuds. One depot the fimotof the vit.k. o! tht. baa wt'lghed 3% pounde. Minh Eflie Hendet. cho is veil known They latenil to try theîr inck agoa hoem vas marmiet taMn. Keiser, Oif next Sundmy ln tht. hopes o! Leating Atioch lait veek. thîs record. Aïthtu reception helti for Dr. anti M r. Old Drt55 lai.' bas certanly &aXek Somerville last RSatunday eveniug they eueS and accu, ding to Oruce 1it la vwer. preweuteti cith a handsorme dock thîs vay. 'In the. sommer season, you andl solîi sterling souvenir spoon. They ieft for their borne lii Chicago Manday cctitt drap a l1t.e lu that laite' cîthout mornîng. itting a boat and tht. laitareilmiven Mm.@-Walter Godfry s pnding the Soya nt tilt. voots. Nov the bosto veek wlth ber S-etem, Mmg. eorge are. cl off the. laie mnS tht. flsb are ou MueNamarsaet Rusell. top, just layiug theme anS looling et Rer. Curtis, of Dakota,spet Saturday you' anti Suaday vith Bey. Witou and family. Mr. anti Mm. W. B. lgiey attended r the meeting sud banquet of tbe Knlgbts e ?VT "~ 1 Templars et Wmkegau Weduesdy D u111I I alternoou. J 4 tI >V I Chcago W.duesdy. E. Wald hba ccpteSe posItion in Mr. Bollln'c store st Laire Villa. Mir. and Mm%. Boot retarmd Tbursday ta their home at Glardner aller spendin severel ilmys vith thair son Claude mmd hie vite. Mm..z Louis. Wigitrnau bau gone ta tht. Lake Geneva Saterium In bopes of lrnproving ber heath. Claude foot vas iu fobuth Bend,luit, on busines Wednisday and Tbureday, Dn. John Turner returnedin e sesboOl SA Chicago thie eesk. Atty. Churchilîl hpmoved into is nev bomerne uthe Wicki subdivision. Arthur Rich sud bride bave returneil trom their vedding trip and vilI soon ha housekeeping in their nev borne. u- aafffv ý t'&-.-'b. Mr@ EYENING Thene wêil bs a grand DUAN GElI Ai VADSWORTH. EoireurnefWedudayta thetr home Thet. maholy deye are test et treator "ltr spmding the veek vith approaching sdce mnt ailbiti adieu Mm. Wilmlngtou. to the gond olil sommer time. John Atvell alter a libree veeks visit Mri. Wmn. Rut mmd sou. George iiteti vitît bis pareutaieft Wednesday morniug f rieude lu liondout ladit Saturday. for LosAuigies, Cal. Be ciii stop ovin a Mr. mmd Mn... R. Kelly cpent Suuday at tee dayc in Chicago anti will renOmn by Fox Lake. the southem'b route .tapping in New W. T. Waddeills cuutemplating a trip Orleans mmd ElPaso. tii the West »oon. Mr. sud Mm. Milton lioyd sud family, T. Riordan and mother expet mov. o Mcigan, are guesté of Eu>ory Adams iug loto our village tn the bouse lormely and tau>ily. occupied by the Chicago boys. Mme. Hovard Higiey, ut Lihertyvilie, Martin Lui aie E. V. Lui attendet victeti frieude horm tiret of the week. . lb.. cam baké et the Flectmîc Park 01t M. sud Mm@. Wn. Wilson, of ZndaL Bnnday lait. arrivet hems Saturday. M. Wilson re- Mms John Shea vîto bas boeet qutie ilI turning Suuday eveningand Mm. Wilson le able te Le out aan remainiug the. vesk vith bier mother 1 LouisSchatier sud fsrnily speut suauîay r.Wiead1 ln Waukt.gan. R. B. Godfrey is about ne utake a bonci. hi Miss Alice Lui visiteti with relatives in ne.. transaction vbereby Le vililisos Chicago rectly. ofbsdy odutorehart.. Mr.0iGfmy di Mies Rysu @peut Sunday at home. bas many frientis and cntornem vhoa At enoha atudayoccmmel te ilI regret to have hi, retire tramn busi- 1 it Kenoba Satrday c aiîdtye ne@@ tn Grayelake. Wbat lhe vili do in ho deth of Michael (Yilsme Of this "iy not yet understood but bie viii firmI take Mr, O'Hare is a eliter of John (ialiaghem' a mucb needed and deeerveti vacation sud welI kuowu bere. Tht. tuerai vas speuuiiug a greafer part ut hle time beld Mondai' at Keuosha. abrosti, mostly in England. Mr. anti Mm.Win. Erchire Lave r..DnRiyo ietvil a h tumueti to waukegaiu alter epeuding gl)tof lteil. ai LieryJ.iC. e vas t àsometime heme. guesd t ie brthr, . . el c Dr. Young i. s f reiuent caller neour Mei. uy Sih netidbrcc f v llae te8eday. ýnumprous girl f riendc te au infernoon On account oifluhe rein lest t ritlay tea Wtdnedayatteruoon inu bonor of berB nigt tht. dance was postpoliit.touitil eight.enth irthtay. She received uusuy furtter îttce. uo ad boys. hope you hantisome prepeuts showing thae etesu> have better luuk neit time. in vhich b shbe l e by hem trieude. o1 *W. M. Niurmay was seen ini Wautkegan Tite Of)ftring last Thumaday u ne day thisweek. suit Frday vas a financiai cuccess in ti Mrm. Elmer Curry ha goune to tht. spite u t tîte Lsd eather, over $90 vms ft McAllister iîoeiital vluere sh ee jttst 0 eie . Muh redit i., due the ladiesd undergo au operation. utf tht. cbunch vho worketl so bard to Weil! Weill -'Won again. The M e the. Sfair a sucees sud many Watswortb J r's.. veut f0 Warrentou thauke aree ended ntt.farmere sud lit Suuday :and playt.d the. Warreuton others n-ho so kiutlly douated the nine sud est themu bY s score of 24 ti>oteing. 1.R.Cuddiky, pitcher. i. doiug int.e al fob uRiiver View, 'vas .eeuluin vor fo a ewbegfinuer. Ne't Suuda3'Gasak îna the Worthwprh Jlrns. wili play tbe Ruussell- nint. et Ruciell. Mies Enms erlach visited, in Chicago IC § ~Thumdayy aud Fritiay.t Lou Frank va. it Chicago ubusinessa Tom d:y. suad wife movedtijta tîteir1 hon.e outheake front Monday. 1 pMm. (ie rlach sud daughter Emma @peut1 ) V E S sversi days ot tht. week visiting relatives un Chicago. nd botter, lune 0f Stoves .. M. sud Nrs. Eti Pay-ofutvaubot., Jomeý in eary and get firet visiteti C. O. Snith Tuesday. Thotwomen2ýa u . iiiite- fiptL meeting st Mrà. E. Adams' NMontiay SeH rw r o eveing. The net meeting viliL e heiS hardw re Co . oaiMrs. MarshaIl Atwt.ll'a neit Moîîday HBEIN, Prap. eveuing. Tht.ladies sre taking up the Bay Viev course in English himtomy thîs .EIS* ~ year. Mr. mmd Mr@. C. P. llamtOw, Of Wheton sudftiaughter Helen visited hers the lest ut the veek. W. vish ta extenti our heurt tet > thanke to aur raylake friende, ont Tb.u ~their kiuduess aud cyrpathy ta tea Wbi ot avea co for. 4 during the ickhuei sud hereavemet 1of luwhe nothae cmfra ur beioved vife aud motiler. JOlnft N0 e m4na»XcoLAs WaRrs 10oabelW prloiê at Ms mE AFD» ur Ms. Preuk Fsiidhmou and, dAugimis urnIur~ Store *. lmm, nitereurned frtrmChanldI Towi to lwrborne attloundLTAke- Feoires as- harp of the Rl-ms.:*s a "lrPort.s a nm- ýmann Bros. Hall Round Lake, MI. The. next ons wjillhi an Mms. Turner, of Antloch, bas heen vlsitlng lier îîîotber, Mm., Gillingse t Warmatou aud alo ber Jieter, Mis. VajAlotine. Henry Bater, of Waukegan, called on relatives and iriende lait Wedaeeday. Ward Bain, of Racine, traniiacted business hee Thursday of luet week. Mm. Bumphery, of St. Paul, Minn., returned hqme Friday froni the. = O.:ewhere @le has visiting the Mm. Spaford went leut Tuffeday to visit ber daughter, Mme. Wxn. Mitchell, of Waukegau, for a few dayR. Mm.. Wilcox, of Chiago, arriveit Weduesday for a visit of a few dayi<ait the jobli Trotter homie. Ir. and Mmo. J. NIi. Strang were Chilcago viitor.. lut Tbursday. Mm. R. L. Straug sud Mr@. IW.,J. White were Chicago viitors Friday. Did you get enough rm? Mrs. SaBford and Mise Foots weut to Chicago.Friday returuiug Monday. Mm. (iso. Gerrty viîited a few daye witb ber parente in Chicago' the luist of the week. Raymond DeSwarte, ot Chicago, a nephew ot Mm. A. B. Stewart ha. arrived for an indefinitevisit inamn endearor to regaln..lis beal. ,M.m. Bater, Mie@ Uannahi Smith, Mr Safford, Mr. and Mri. A. H. Stewart and Mr. Chope atteuded the h)arveet testal at Grayla e']riday. Clarence Bonner wue a Millburn caller Baittow ut Wheaton, viited JWi Bnnet Frnday. Gordon Sonner and Ueo. Eilhanger attendedl the State Fair at Springfield this week. Wednesday of, Jlut week watt Paot Miasters nght of the Masonic ord9t --t Milburn. Wauk.igba, Autioch and other lodges were Invîtedl. A fine Alpper wae enjoyed by ail. Tua al aternoon of this week a bumbr ofWankganmoriners of the Mustera Star vilethe Mlllburn Lodge. Mms. Morgan,.<of Lake Vomit. Worthy Matron of Chapter 209. Mr. and Mms. Gorba.m, Mie. Russelîl, Mm. Albrct and severai otbers vere present. Mm. Dr. 'Kimball, Mr. Kimball'. mother, iss Wlcox, Mm. Wilcox, Mise Brooks and Hugli Brooks r9tarned to Ppilgosaurday. Mm. H. B. Tower gave a dinner laut Tbumaday covers wers laid for twelve tu bonor ofthte followlng ladies froui Wauksgan: Mm. Morga, Mrs. NMmv, Mim. solds. Mm. Hawks, Mys. Bouedlct Mms Seidel, Mises Green and Mis Shmdd. Aller dinner they attended the a EMtrn Star Lodge and rmtirned to Mm. Tovers for supper before lemvinr for W4ukegan. A good tirnereportedbyall. Dled, lest Saturday the six weeke old cbild ot Mr. and Mme. Neubaner. Mr. Nenhauer livs en the Harris larm. Interment was Monday in Millburn cemetery.___________ GAGES LAXE 6lge Lake AId Socety wil met ai tberihome of Mme. Freernan Clow on Wedneead.y fomnoon, Oct. 10. Vlslibre welcome. MUs. NIKHOLÂe, Sec. LONG _LARKE The Allen mmd Cartllilge familles have ciosed their cottages on the uorth @har. and the famille, an tht. Idiewilde shore _______________________bave ail retiurned to CJhicago. SAU ,&T (XWrn. Walllsis lanskiug eitier et bi* eider mill ou Urnb hilI. Miss larian Edic e ou theaic lit. Mr. md Mm. Chas. Linthieame and eîk daugbter mmd Mm. Mary Graham.. af Miss Vema Shermnan in again at home. Ravenivuood came ont tc, attend Mis. N. C. Mameh. of Evanetun, i. visitiug White'@ lutterai Saturdsy. s sou E. E. Xfamh. The duck shooting lias not bien gaad Mm. IR. E. Thomnas i. epeuding a tt.w sofair au tte veather in not colS enough. lave an Loîmbardi. Mr. and Mm., Merle, Mr. mmd Mm. Miss Matige Doqier bas returuedtu ner Dovus sud Messers Lamb and Sbubert tot i Kauksa. W ,aillof Chicago came ont ta attend the )fltt. t~unerai of Mm. Nick WhiteSardy Tht.Nt. Naurliahin Lcs. Mr. anti Mm. John Gay, net. Attaý The ew Nturizaton Lws. Converse spent Suudav witb ber parents [ýast week the natumalîzation lavs emr. Mn. (laye@ muther vbo ha. beep tuangeti andthiei giviug of net-ý spending a few day. at tht. Couvent ailization papeme vas taken front tht. home eturitei to Chii'ago with them county rotait and given lu tht. circuit Mondav. ourt. Mr@. 'Mary Wbite iq risitiun lier court. daughtpr. Mm@. Jolia Power Mngm.. Accordiuuclv. jeter, Circuit Clemk Veiour, @ou sud daugbter are living ini lrockway recelved the. books and hemrlbottestuningliter stîseuse. papers go%-'mniug tht. naturallzatiou Mm. Bell White' vite of Nicluolas o tht. forelgners. White dieci at ber home an Grayelake Tht. iaw tuas changeS luIn any par- Tluursday Sept. 27 miter s long ilines. tculars. lu nue cnets $7, viiere Le- Mr- suid Mm. Whuite bani slways bail are it cost $L There le a certain alwsyc lireti in tOie ricinity untîll the. tesmt fewv years wheu they ioved ta Isi' vite they corne loto court anS Grayalake tntlire vith tlîer daught.r, are exanulud luetead o! any day they Mms. Sid Carlielti. Mms. White vas uboase. .w as betoved Ly laIl vha knev ber anS Their applcations eben matie are tht. sorrtiiug rlatives have tige sincers not brouigit betome tht. court outil its sympat!îy oaf i in tht. lus$ut theil next terni anS their applications areloeia. placed lit a roncplcuolus Place for R U A nluety daý s vheme the public maY set. theut anti abject ta any ne they Tht. well for the Iiotiiing factory il cee, If they have cause.- nearly campieted. All aruîlcatiQus filed nov viii not 'Mm. Jauge eutertaiiiei ber itiother t ha exanuluieti for titree monthe. su no couîple of daysdast week. more tar"iguems vil! ha admltted to quite s uumber trup here attende the citizuiuhiP of the Uniteti States Mm.. Niek Wiuite's tunurtîl a Fox Lak utIl afttr electlou. Fmiduay attenuon. ________________Sam Tarraut sud fmiemud elent Sondae, Tht. INDEPENDENT Job muants are at the. Rosing hou('. complete. We da ail kInds of prînt- Mm. Fred Converse whuî lues leenu tuit -n.Stattmei'Oiy. peclafty. -If you, aick - a ro'itlýwy.. vant ritiutlug dous est us. Tut uMeadl anit friemuti elut SondaY fi _______________tîte Rosiug luome astI Tout bail thtii Wt.diuuistationemy' dont.atite fotun o full onf t 1a fret. utind usri INDEPEN DENT offce lis correct. bms taukle. Chais. Dvku s i.îeeut uouir etre.! _______________________Sunday test. - g~IAtU Rcsatutins-Ournee Cazdp~ 414 NO X. ALL PAINTS Wb.res, flue angel o!fcheatti lias aga! entered îîur vamiup and taken f rontus oî esteenid eigbbor Titeodore Vanaistin _______________therefor be it resoiveti, that we as paint lth as atrong camîp exteuti our luesrtfelt sylupathy 1 1 A aili Wih aeBtrOg athe bereaved faimiily, anS our c.harter1 giaratitees back of it as any drapeti for a perioti of thirti' day. a. token of respect. anti lut hv urtht A paint that cosuYOU lee reeolved, that a cupy 0f1tltt.e resolutia: ho sent tu, tht. fanulr. aIs.. a coPY r molley. eprumilupon tie records otftthe campas tributs t)bi ioenerto a nty ppr eApaint that does, the work at snt for publicaetionmy andua cpyler 1 .W. W. Am'PLEYAiI 0 GragSIaiW PhF" flEg L. B. MILLsER G.*c aSa nblU OISCommîttue Mm. lauras, wartz is vlctlng br parents heme. Mm. Frank line bas purchased the bouse sud lot ot Annia Petemot in the Jolionotte addition. 1, Clarley Walker visited relatives heme Saturday sud Sunîlay. Mr@. Eva Ilaruetabl.. sud laby are Pick at Iresent writing. Fanny [leînick is <otnfted to the bouse witil a ...iglt illuesm. Mms . N Nattax, ut Clidago. is visiting ber brother andi sistere ar this ploÀ. Chicago Nlilwaukee, Eleetrie R. R tickets for ale St tht. Rockef.'ller pstt office. Mr. leideuracis in C(hicago essistiflg lu a drug store. Lee Middendurl je vitfuug hue itareuts hem., 1 VOLOI Friday. Mies Auna Miller i.% on the. sik i. Mr. Joitn Roaing made a business trip to Chicago W..dnesday. John Scbriener attended the ltu eraI of ls cousin at Johnsburg Monday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond spent- Tueeday lun Lihertyville. Hary T. Fîîller ot Waucuuda, as lu Volq Sunday. Mr. ad Mr. Boyer, off vanhoe, ver. Volo caflems Sunday. Mr. and Mms. Everett iltone, ut Wau- couda opent Sunday at Chas. Potters. Mr. and Mr. Wn. Heronimes ad Mise Lucy Dunnili vere Wanconda callers Sunday.' Mesdames Albert and Ârnbro@e Rangbt ere (Iraylake visitos Monday. Tht. Smart Set vilI iniet at the home ot Mies Msrtha [Sable Saturday evenlug Oct. 6. Fred NcGur. vas t home over Sun- day. EImer Faulkner mmd famlly spent Sun- dey lu Warren viiting relatives. Brooks Egbert in ettedlng echool in Gurnee. Mr. J. Murry ad grmndpa Oliver are yriiing in Richmuond. Florence Northurop pet Studmy mmd Suaday vith Hmnmb Pateh. . WLm a Thoen vasaCiaovsitor i@a .1 uidy stanford Bras. entertaind relatives fro. the clty the pait vesk. Mr. mmd Mm Jisse Graves, of Hains- ville, are moving to the Cloverdale arm, Mr. aud Mrs. John lenen speat a daY in Chicago recntly. Mm.e C. E. Combe vlaited relatives la Waukegan the peat eek. D. V. Wait, Ia home trou> Chicago, callsd bere by the ilîluei of his daughter Oeorglanna, vho in sick ith typhald lever. Te tuneral of Mr. Nicholas Wite f Grayalakre, was helti at the Fort ü11l cburch, gmturdmy. Bürial in the Fai teks Cemetébty. i tii m. Both lia»' IIlu bot b iuel Mor«s T!'se îiiseasces titrive on tuuso.. Fat i4ilte betit men 'îvec~oiiî thnu;cod lK, mtikes the beelt and heet fit andi SCOTTI EMULSIà i e eraifflt and motet effM foi-fil of cod liver oUl. flwg nautîral oruler of thinga' t .4c~swliv Scott's Emuniki of si, iuel; value in al Cam svrofila tandilconisumption, .1 fat, mrnîe weight, more nouý mîenît, thaît's vhy. .'i*nd for free sampk. *COI-T& EOWNECbeu 09-4fPearl Slnd, Nev Y Mr. mmd MUs. Li* wv~ parentsi. Mr. mmd Mm. William K*biM Montana, vlsited at Charles TU Thureday mmd Vriday. MliesEditheWlason spent Sturdsj Sunday la Waukegmm. Mir. mmd Mms. Leo Glbert visa pW calbre In tlie ii ty Snndey. Tiers cubho alecture a" s Inîf at Grange Hall. Frlday eveng.Oq Eveiybody corne. Ladies pisses.1 cake@. DE EL. A. CRM DENTIST Boums 9 a. m., 12 m., 180 la S Eveningle b7 appointment Office lu Bank building. seooI Orcyslake, IMinois. 'ccc, and Oral Surg< Oharnylal Dildam k I mmd 1 taO6 p. ni. Dye 0811~THE ORAYSLAKE IECEM goumesfor reut ii aulprtsu 0f t Ccty. Corne lun md et kes anid Pure lce Ci $25 SPECIAL. HOMESEEKERS ex- cursions ta the fer aorthweit.' Front Specioal Flavora Put up oSh ot Chicçomd returu 825. L .FAK Fnclmat, rich black loan lands, lu a boit ot future wealth. We have land lsted f ro m $ 1 i3 e r acre u p i l, b o th- - - - - rr g sd m d u n ir rig a te d trrito ry . BS - - - - - - - - - us for inforation.KyNWSU AD VACANT LOTS-lunaIl the sb.- NI dvisios. Buy a lot aud we yul build Sumum rSamIphi m you a bouse according ne yonr owvu wonehao panud let you psy for it in mutbly insalaent.. BUSINESS LOTS-For sale on Mil- waukes ave at right prie«. FARMS FOR SALE-We have them TEc ail ietu aud priee. Let us knov what you at. We have it.amc FOR SALE ,000,000 ACRES- a GM - Canada Paific Railwal Wheat lande lu suuuy southeru Aberta. [St us show W.JAJINS. HIlET ïou an invetrnent that vilI make you-- 1 00 pet cent lu six monthe. We can s el bele- - - - eyou nie open prairie land at $9.00 an racre. $3.00 dovu sud baiauce iu five annuel payments, intemeet at 6i per t'eut. This land iii ol at $12 to $15 an acre < .s3 s sL a t il Jan. 1,1907. Wi imalle special 5 'j 'i IHonieseekers rate. to Albertsansdad returu. Arrange to go witilî uéou thean lnext excursion. R sa ro Thte Texsal'an HautIle lathe. garden: etua aspot of the. soutbweet for northern farte. e bv o sl 5,00ceiMels and Lombes Si $1000 an acre. CalI aoru writ. us. Ia i e r Dyjmond and Austin'CGR n AI te Lihertyville, li111.I T VF O ~- Real lEstate.Loans. lnsurance1 MISS EMMA GERLACM. P to be Have you sen the new wear proof rubber aoe, a for mon that has corne to town; its a dandy. let and se t. It will make your feet glad. Mi hi ____ ae 0 1'. 1 .1 1.11 ROSFMtANS

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