When the Frost is~ Ion ý the Pumpkinf The appetite getis frlaky and the ques- tion of eatlng la one which demande attention. -.1 5yulr foodatulfa are bougit at the TRIGOS MARKIT the inner want le appeased wlth the most 'wholeuome and noiirishlng of foode. J.ELI TRI9 PRoPRIEOR ýGs LBRTYVILLE MARKET and OROCERY ASewing Machine Is a hojisehold necessity, We seii thte NEW ROYAL bail bearing four and six drawer machines. We also haiîdle tQUÉ!N manufactured« y the New Royal Company. Our prices on al machines are RIGUIT and range f rom $ 14.75 up. Let us sbow you whist inducements we cau off er. i SM ITH & DAVIS TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS item" off lmeret .Ubertp Picked Up Jt#ee aid Tbea Reeders --- - ------ -BUV RÎGI-T.... Buy Yours -of... ANDREW 1iUSS LJBERTYVILLE, ILL. II 0 Lowney'9sý Candies Are the Best NAM£ ON KVKRY PIEC?.. E eyhn L owOF." Is the Best ChccaieBonbon&. a l'nIsa a Tasty Eail Styles AI Cnh.riissavemndstbeirappearanco Willim Tuppen h bai en quit. sick mn on th local marI, but in dohug ale.y. nu Dr. L. E. Hackley who bas. tse quite Born 10 lMr. sud liré. M.artin Nelson, kl il ie momewhat improved. fSept. 29, a daughtés.d Mnr. Milton Freelsan bh» been viiting Borni, Wedoe5day, Oct. :1, tu Mr. and o aI the bome. of lier parents. lire. John W. Lynich, a son. p Carl Vos. of eIA" Institîste. opent Mm. Bot. of MeriliIN' is., le viitiug1 Sundap aI l;,e Millet borne. at lb. R. a. Prit chomhOe..fi Mrm. L. B. Ray bas return..d froin a J. D. Moore basnbu for the paiet week . visit with relatives lu Nebraseka. vlstlug relatives lu icigan. s0 Mmr. J. B. Alanaou lits pending a Mir. -James Young returned Sunday! couple o! weeks in Austin visiting friends. front a visit wllh relatives lu Michigan. wi J. J. Porteona has commeuced tb. C. P. FiSher bas lxs.n under the building of a bouse wbieb he yull occupy weatber for the pust fi-w days but ine o soon. btter nov, P Mmr. R. James, of Ravenswood, bas All1ie Ginear, of Miulwaiikee. bas heen been vietiug ber wister, Mmr. LDanliLe.. vlsîting hie arst, lir. 4'. %Iiwerm the. for the pâau veek. pamt few daYs. The tate fuir la on thia vek et lira A. B. Cook viii riturn un Liberty-. Springfield-wtb a numberof Iihertyville ville tbe ast of thb. veel. alter mliending1 peuple lu attendauce. thes umuier in New Hampshire. , 0 J. 4l Martin i. removing witb hie Wilami Cays, coachmau for thél Heclt fanilytsiHllîwod ber h isintr-fan Le i the proud father of a fine eted in a iquor bous.. da-trbn utFiiyngt Mmr. 0. E. Churchill l ,a bock f romi a 1).D. Herrick le building a iiew bonse v isit of a wesk at the home of ber father, en itiret sreot and wviiii suve tu Liber- R. H. Sheruma f Mclienry. tYville. He beasnceutlY sodi@ tabisfn. Charles Grlswold and farnly of Prairie Fred Lesfletîhis wel'?r Bridgewatç I View, -bave rnoved into thb. bers h. bas secur.ed a lucrativeA rettly7 vocated by Dr. M<atun. posiat;ition and wiii make bisi future home. tu Mir. sud '4m. John Croker drove tu Bswick examizié s es fn-e, telle you Carey StatîÔn. Mcilenry ecounty, Lb. "bat glassee wiit do for yssu and Msl iraI of tihe wesk for a short vieit., Ihein puder that guarauree ur înoney iR. D. Young. lefi Wednudap for bie lmsCide vili b. aItii.- houme of Ums home ln lowa alter spendiug a nuniher Parker Park plai, on Seturday aBter- of wesha vitb hieson, Jaume Young. woon, Ôt. 6. and wiii Le pleaed to "t 91 Thrn l a dearth of taean u Iis tb055 deiroum of instruction in china l village at proeet aud ail h. teamtym a ~iting- are over warIred sud turulng down jobs. 1 d Ruhbard bau pàrchame b paper Mis Olve . aChpehe,214Caponroute o9 P, J. Booklman sud in tise Ulmolie 8 Lahaplle 21 Catonfutun vili attend t e h l(elivere. li St., Waukogsu, announces that she viii vies slea aH t organise club. in banjo, guitaîs sud wFl ave. sud on sal he tboudathe niadoluintrcton sd veeldaya. Be promises us ar lir. sud Mm. Fred Wilson, of Chicagwo, careful dellvery. spou tie lit ! 1. vek ud dY . Srvices as the Mtisodiet church next i witb tMr. aud lir. 'Auet Nelsoni et Ruudsg ai the uueboums. New officere t their boms nortbveot of tovu. have-recuty bhele ted in the eegue b ftu@Weh.Fiagg, lhe saon year old son sud 1h.fiuadow subsol and the postr E of tav lFlan, ts critlldy iii at thebas bohu opoalsibdfor-anotber year. T FUMgghone i. f btypboid fever. He lm_ 61v. thin mtise euragensent of pour t boeondeious sud owing t0thie long rn esn f mthe s~-rIl of lb. lever bis ickuesoi causées the The fimt numh.r Of tise Entertainient t grotest auxlety. Course vIHliàuOsiober 29 and sanie ofL Mr@. O. L. Thonipeon, of Franskfort, lb. pOUug pOople v ie..giving pou asut lud.. in epsndlug a loy day. vilb ber 2portuaity t a pcisese sesson tickete. aiter. lin. E. A. Bisop. Mr. Tbounp. Tho prie. for the tioket.. viii ne thes@ame In @pont Sunday at th. Blsbop home as lt pear, $1.50 fSM the entire course but netunnsd th. first of Lte vesk. llhhe is ep frenerving witbout The inlgbhard met Monday .nin e te chas TbsAmsbary Conspay sud paaeed ujion nome of lthe bille wbie Ti.MB.olp eraieca an corne belon Lb.e board rnontbly. TeM .ClyMratl opn Maor liacOnffilu vms abset sud.th'-lispubliasn lu ii.paper a full page meeting vas hrougt toans early close. anOuonmment o! their smie of fail gouds su noveltios. The obp Merstile Mies Emily Bush and Mises Anale cornpany carnie. the. niat comiplete lins Gnerin Ist Tnesday for centrai Illnois 0f ladies furulsbings in cntrali Lkeb sud Springfield viiere thep viii vieil couulp boesides aving well filled lins. in 250 001 625 0 425 00 350 00 10 00 1500 00 00 0 8000 250 00 7489 80 3500 00 20 001 About 800 yards of Bemnanta of tise veil kuovu Hamilton Cablio thbobet calico made C guasteed faut colore un lenghte frosu 2 10o 8ya rds. Tbey cor nl red, gnsy, bine sud, black Ionde in a "t varieîy o h n sprlg 907 pattern&. if yoseed anythb for Ckidnuae Dreses, La=!«'f WaistaM l)re.eing Sacque. or Confont liningu you viii 6c find varlets of cokirs and patterns enougls 10 sjuit any teste and you can savè frosu I& 10 2% cents a yard beoides, a@ we oeil thisat il ard Seoou ne lnoof LANEÉTTTOW I NG 15 Lii 1E111 YOII isave hjeeueaingalltisse years' Von epeut it sud ol. Wbp dont pa u t pour ova nîouey lu the Bak foryoi self'! Wb ljet th. oth.' ell Bave viat pou mmn? We psy Ibres por cent COM- ,POUND INTERIKST Onruns *"moihte 0F XTlONAL BAN iOF LIBERTYVILLE, ILL I~~ <\ ODPRNTINO,.... Ia necessary element of buaine..su for Job Priatitlgplaoed witk us 'M 1i1 650 oo ,and correotlexembId- Rub ob m Modean &k I teete a.ir. TeJ as siwses 1 insupay pou ît> Joaph eHarden 1In Maud, expect to lie gone for a couple of veshe. etei derusrett pur attention. uden in l village of C. C. Côoeaid'a total ahlprnent o' re. r avy rigbt aI the -big Anlioch wd ............... popcorn lent veek exceeded 150,000 Ot n ii H eîîman & wf to Amy B jnits. Wb.n popped Ibis vouid Riep Psnssmand log vwas a victiiu of - liiman it 8 Woodbine ,urnssbà popcorn enongli te feed a good dog poisoners recently. A numb.r of big Park in dmc Il W Autiach ehzed ctp on tise lnxury for nome lttie chieken dled off suddenly sud a seanch w e................. time. about lise premises resultedl in the find WQ........ . i. Luce receatly made upon speciai ng 01f polsoued meat vhich bad ieen C E Sayler & wf 10 Henry order of Ivo extra fine hausse. One wusron lto tb. Lushesuer the place. DeiOO Ils 21 22 23 24 blk a single bannes. retaiied t $85 and lb. The po".uing of dumb animais i. a 42 Wa»hisuru Park wd ... 4 other a double banes. cost $185.' h.y muet cOwatrdly practce. sud lhe nerpe- L H Lloyd & wf 10 <Jcarn yen hboth sonielhing exeeptional i rtors sbouild bc 'augt sud sent ta Eieson l4ea % Il 5 bit 1 tente sud vorknianehip. imil. vhor tbey belong. Tise offense is a Uaoydseuha Higbwood wd.. 2 W. J. Stoltzinan -ha. 1«:t completed ssrions ou. ou the stitutes. 1 E Bunebei & wf to W F theb bilding of a n.v Iransd milk -NOtba b juet heer-gie th' Paper Hagan Ite 17 sud 18 hlk 2 hou@e. nbsfna nIeBnke oto pres. th., . W. Taylor has Burchelis eouh Righwood qe sud vii imniediateiy commence the e, m w2 hie position as cashier 01 tise Mrgaret8teàftk 10 A A Davi- ion of a $2000 home. A harns vans Frat Natlo>sal ank 10 enabie bu tao n l 0bo l 8 ing dance viillie an event of lise near enter bSiusisovis hie son Roms. At a Ran ia vd.............. future, meeting 01 lb. ireton Wsdnesday aiswd.............2 are x some skeptie wbo douht eveuuug J: 8. Gridley and Carroll Onldley Tabla. Jen-n& w! 10 Gnsa TIsr. s . eected cashier and asistant Walb.rg Il 1 sud 4 Jeu. the @tory of boy the mouâtial bowitzer caehier. The sel...tion 0f tien Weil sens éIib tu blk 5 Ladd & on exhibition the pal few days in tise kuovu busessnmen for th. Important Geolrge add 10 Waukegsu INDEMMNENT windoy vas taken froni pstosisreaosrauemng. wd... ................ Indiana upon lhe vanpathbhy FrankpmetintslinuTaeia ,sr asnteied oale meent.aMr.CTaylle. Austin ou tiseir receEt Cf8 & wf to KTenctiir olr and Chtrlen.Auftin dobt aak then s etalu vb.n hf..will locale. fimtchu & wf It 5 blk 10 DraYers Clrdtr fi obtakte aretains hie intereot in te. huait. euh North Chicago wd. 4 tbey eau telîthe ful tory witbant___________________AnaAAre& ueo coioring.Nancy J Clark track of la nd l>og polsonere bave agasîs made tiseir in sec il v Antineb twp appearasce inLihertyville. Lat; ARSiunu.i at fl dyngttebiooded pointer W" AR lo t16 nd rksec f I heionging 10 Bob Spellmnan and the pet Antob twe rkid . 1 o! tise town va. found dead lb. recut of Ato tp w ........ the vork of the poloonere. Ted vasa tise INTEK AIINMEIIE chas Pearson & 'wf to H tietof natured doge andi a favorite vitb Aniderson & w1 Il 24 lk 1 everpone. He wa. vaiued st $.)0 hy is Cuniminga & Co add Wau. ouvuer wbo nov mays lie viii gins tisI ll . en unsier ris.auspice of the, kgavd...... aruount to Ieare via did tbhe covardip LBlYILy111 CIO Josepîsins (iraff & bue to deed. UETVLEMCtSHO Annie H Saisbury It 17 hlk of course pan viii arrange la attend 2. latette euh Lake lb. entetainnsent to b. given onFoetd.............. Tuesday evening (Jct. 23 under the. aue. Tusay, October 23 GFMRay w.......... pice@ of tise Libertyville Hi h scisooL v MRusi.)acs n & viageran "The Angelus" "Abus" l PM P. tei e fvlaeo Maker" andi otiere representing the AT TIE UNION CiIURCIi tiamond Lake wd ......l vorid*s greateat genie of art viilb. .J B Hohie & y! to Win J vividly porlrayed in 1nie forni. The Wlaels7ad8hk1 stage ini thie particulan part of the No effort willIx- siejared t0 make tis Lake Bluff vd ............ pragram iliil transformeuii nto a one of the moot fas.inatiug sud superhiy JasnoGardo0TissDong- vertiable power of beautity. ThWs utjful allra.-ti.ne of the sema ina Itâ8 sud 9 euh of It 294 together vitis a choie prognam o! music Lake Foreçt vd ........... sud ciaraeter sketches disoii 11fis.n the.--- C E Sayler & Wf to F Maek- bause, oveki Ihs M sud!) it The local W. C. T. U..Lba. just eon. Watei papen for furtfwr sunouncensents 42 Waahbura Park wd. pit-iavry active sud useful pean .W C Uplon & wf 10 A C Frost is aotandpaint of work sud ocliieve- _________________ ract of and lun nbal! sec usent. Meetings iave been helti regularly X) Waukegan twp) also 49 nsonth witisansenihenhipoftwetypaid 1 have pureises..f a P. J. Boviieluiali Waukegan evd ............- andI in goati stansding. Tise tret cannt.v hie paper routes and vWin condîset tie Sarahs A Higgins & buse ta, executive vas leld witb tihs preident. business in thelttr,. Paliers on eaale Harry Cullen wN43.310 ft lu A goid inedal conteet vas sncSesefully aI botb the. Flagg andîlBuekeinushape. :1 lk 10 Exîlsooa ititRgi- heiti au the- Union churci and a social Satiafactory deivery guaansteed. land Park wd ............. the praceeds of wiiis vnt 10 tise En. lic-iluaàsîu. .1 J Weckler & wl ta J W Tempenance hospitai togetiier viti anurue t2 oset u offerîug o! toveis andi pillais-slips. A Spetacles aujd .yegiaam e fitted ofFKreus int anlcidtlansu emani affering vas aiea sent ta tise sorrectly at Beswisl's and aI reneonable o Eage ain a.si. ai SanFrancisco sufferers. At one lime pries.. If yon lave headacsee.npai adjomni-u.............. fourteen market baskets tof flowers vers probahly need lisens anda sorretly ftted Frnuk Kiuk- & w! ta (' E sont to Various charitable institutions pair viii meure a perfec-t cure. Sayrles li 1.1 k 4N Nortis ln Chcago. Lent Tbankegiving tva Chicago qe ................ bô* è othe f foodi vere deuoted ta th Dr. I.L bndexsbeiiter, dentlat. <O<f raîk Deacoues' home ut Lake Bluff vhlch oven poetoffice, Liberiyviile. Phone' j FrnkvîierociQT & %vl to E It Organisation vas aloo tise reciplent of a Westerfleld ftace fronta Clrrlalma. box and ffly paunds of latke q.................... clotlsung. The Voilun of Anierica Mary Ieller ta Mary Sulivan wealeo given an bindned ponnds o!fMr il Sunderline ouh) clotbuug, for distribution. Tom eracM ea d......... àÏÏs; wmr tr v.distributed 217'U C Wskegau t Mtte of rupdlugmalter bhen pae ~ Olos&foMtil Isald~p A l.Lk1,CounàtfaIr Miss Emmert lie Weil knovn optlciahaSwBan Il 2 lk 1 Chienu& the Unie, fun@W a carpet, furniture WU!ee b oeo n nsuhrp Bnead1 nic d. an u l4 J cenut tke Wlais reel erdsy, Oct, 6. Does pur cbld stay Banahs A Biggins & bus ta Il.. pear ou. M « se, omefomln ool vils le= 110 ?Th. Mary Kelly It 4 bhk 14 w» Jot JUd -j**, * cav pin" e àdeetive epes. Il vWi Exrtor àddRgilahk Par'k mi* IL cs'<1Z' cdi oet hlug týàétol$out. vd........... ................ lm -- ----------------- soins. mou .ouid emulate tihe casuel sud drink more water. Water wae not made for tise loue purpose of putting uder bridge. A funnp mn laps vou canaI leurn to jias lu a correspoudence seoolý. One doesn't have to leanboy to kies. It ,oins .snatural as bugging a banque putten Iua hammock. 0pprtuImity l.ernncb kinder than our tend. It kgnocks but Once. Advlce-ia-cboap because the supply je on big sud the demassd so emafi. This la the season wlsen the soda rater business fizzles ont. The ime to work le when pou bave a jo. Wben you get ftred you will bave plenty to reet. 'AM4OUNCRMENTS The W. C. T. 1'. will meet at the home ef Mrs. C. F. Wright on next Tnesday Oct. 9. Thse Lakeside Ce. mteryseoiation will mnt with Mrs. Ed'W;i.son.l.riday Oet. 5. _________ Read This Notice W lth Car. Hunting and ts.asing on my farin in po.tlveip. forbliddn and will ot b. tolsrated except bp permission of owsîer. Ail violations wlll be proffeuted to the fanet eten ofthe lasi. ullee extn J.0f B. WESTEiRPELI). Hall,~y ii Wherea*, in Hie ail vise providence Und bus called to, hie reward our oldeeti usenber.% Maurie B. RoSenthal aud whéreas ln hie deshLIbertyvilie Cbapter, No. 438 o. 9. s. has beL a noble brother and sigter Jeassust îl oeeu a a ovingr isusbaud, beloved for bis kiudly dwiapoo- Lion and sterling worth; Thereflore o t . eeolved-That vs extend to our b&roved sister lu Ibis ber hoir of b.e- roasvement our tendersot sYmpathY sud condoise and recali 10 ber thetiuo"i~ Fallh of Mlartha wh.ii standing besid tbe broken eonam, that ée.mar look b.yond Ithe shore of im, sud kuow tit ber lits conipsuion though 10.11tu morte vision, ie but waltiug: to welcome ber to tbe Eteniasihome sud lie It fnrther, Rssolvéd: That a, copy of thon r«osu tiona hliesont 10 lise wldow sud 10 the Lake Couuty 1 IEMNYDENT for publica- tion. Man. W. E. DAVIS Mns. C. W. TAYLOR EDWARD H.BSUInis Committee. Laéke County TIIe & Trust Co. Abstractso!o Titis. Titles Guaranteed UMsoule Temple Bldg. Waukegau, Ill. Louis J. (itUi<E.B ecy. COATS AND SUITS I New amd IJwoDat Mrse M A Pr UBERTY VILLE; iLL F. P. Dneogtn, Preo.C..Wuwsbe (IBO. A W Ts,Vie.Pros F. S.Km«, A*W. ais LAKE CO. NATIONAL ,BANK Why'I Bank My Mormey Because bauk accountos arted lu a.niall way, witi dded accumuiat.oRI, have alforded opportuni"e for Investment that have miade mont 0f tb.pss" fortunes of to-day in Ladies, Misses and Cldren YTM tu